HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-9, Page 8a TilptitaYT, Dientes s ti. Wit
By reason of
the changing
shape when in
motion this tire
cleans itself of
all mud
and slime.
Old � lleetdal.
A Qher Oto M Oswecence
Ir sop a at 1M sem d the big Wm
Vin Wit, Men the rteeelen
Heads sliest hese tamest N•
Brkisb Wes WINS al leis they were
brought op and grid t. merest. • area
was is the ..deeremptysouste eii id
hes .with epty reeked ea
Mb hie Nies
barmen He sememasud dearly
bMw 1155 h Premise, who t W
heal Tb. 9•stem.e e.w.0d. het
es be pima be saw with the wooer d
hie eye w e( the Fi..dsa's banns
nodes ewe to his posits. a. he
owns uas amen and tan him lies sett\
end then rushed see. As bs tme .
fond Mann Oinking be had done
wrong • perhaps wthe mane mar
ing.Mad wee bit by a
bullet loft. perhaps S
mldes ib es bee of e1-
ng reseedai dsdroan
li sb
bei : "1 ankle% ban does that :1
ioeln t have none that. It was a
min,' Asn di this time he was ulcers
other Freres, and labia' ' an be
�rgwas Y� Wiese
iarge pulled upM est net de
anything but ito bs:h and erase\ Mr
the erg !Friesian sad end hie tannest
d Med He fold bine a lest with
Ms \ad in hie pocket, in which was
the revolver. Tim be felt •e pens
and Isis Mots ceserneare w slimed.
Willie_({1o.000kkin curiously at tvis-
itor)-••Where did the ben bite you.
Mr. Joan f 1 don't eve my marks
Mr. Jones -"Why. Willie,
i Wii'os
bets bion by ley Mt.
Mamma, didn't yon tell peps
Jots was dreadfully b•pecksd r
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire .. , 3.75
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly_ Star I.85
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto)1.75
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star
The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25
The Sinal and Toronto Daily News ,
The Signal andToltdtatb`W� Ma>t1 and
apice.s 1.60
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EveningEdition 2.90
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The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25
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Theme prices are for addressee in Ganda or Great Britain
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The above publications may be obtained by Sig-
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Tim Feriae Advocate (Eiji ter $a.w) 1.3%
-matting the price of the three papers $3.2o.
Tba Signal ad TM we.kty sea $i.
TM Twat. bay star (Mee less Etna ,.sem
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If the publication you want is not in above list, let
us know. We • an supply almost any well-known
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Send subscriptions through local agent or by
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John Walden
hie home at
la his die
Mee. Imam
ea the lied
t. WM Hunter
flue. Jae
hem le
in Mr ii:
The praise
was de.iiloyed
Tire woo me
Jean Hart
dimmed of the
dined from
Arthur Ostia
Bch Ontario
mend airy as
es ihrrMr fad
has saki ber Mei
B esse.
away et Mr
en Naysneher
es the peep-
he V alemtls e�yGarb* to
L.oa•,d McO..noa. uswe s+ey
,.ed 17.01 the West. bee pewWi
the !era d Meat. McKenzie. s•• mils
Ran fir eensid.
Olen Arnestreare. see d Mr. aid
Mr. Boit. Arattreaft. of the 11th eom-
ee.des of Grey. be pe•:b•s•d • belt
buena* at Tonne.
Owing to an epidemic of mean bi
litbet locality showboats sed .lassies
base Mea closed la an effort to lamp
oat the eoetagiose disease.
R. J. Drydds. of Hsaall. on-
sos.ees the segesseent d Ms iamb -
b -
t, to•W.A. M.'..n.
d eo of sw•IL the monism to ak.
piece ibis awib.
Word he been p.reevvd at the death.
at lit. Loci% of Jbsry Ktt.rbart, form-
erly of Hayfield. He wm & e( the
sato ()bristum ab.rhart and was is bis
✓ ftydosrtb year.
De. Was. Bee. • fora ereddest
the !
latterly a BodeMwdied remedy
in Mental at air seder
going an operation.
A amnia ec rswdests d
' main the femoral at Stratford of
Henry Reny. who died thus. ss No-
vember Mk. The deceased was tem-
eriy a redden d Zurich.
Ethel, mon da.gbter of Mr. en
Mrs. 8. Jambe. of the ,14th •nese►
•so. of Hay. wee married e0 liesembr
let to Grant Dame, aim of Bay town-
ship. Rev. 0. F. Brow. dilei.ted.
1m farm of Join Mcleas'.11tb eoo-
by lDomid.+e Flys.,has been Ed
acres in that township. Mr. McIntosh
intend. rteno.i.s to (lenton to reside.
John Wafters McGatshsos. an
sad reddest e( eo.we..iwt A, Tern -
berry, died at W hoose them oo No-
rower flak. Ha was in bis Media \
ysr. Mrs. Sylvester Fox. of Bruweb,
is a da.sMor•
waning at ermined. els wee sewer
bruised, bet its been erne
Mies Nl.a V. Owing. who is rumen
lag to New York Csty. tees seeds the
mamma of ea •idrws mei a el.►b•g
by the staff d James surest Methodist
Sabbath .shoal. witli while\ eta W
base eo•e•et d se Misery teacher.
!Macbeth Wilma. Mid of the late
CINss a..-... sway .t
▪ bore on November Mb le
her sisbeisbe b year. She bed here
• pride& ef Kean toe way yeses
Aeisoes are the only genie -
• Pole/ awdiiag bras sotem.W at
the home of Mr. said Mrs, R N. Rowe
e• D..senbei 1st. when their daughter
Us Map ores •cited in to
Thos Oi..wl. Ree. W. s. Mea•
ASYsw was the efscailes • minieter.
Mr. and pee. Dbearry will estese to
mid* hem
Abs. Yam' haw hails an oddities
Ile his ado weeks le is mess Net
wide and the fell length of the former
IL B. Walker. who bed ben nee -
agar of the Baak of Oeeewrms here
leer sow years, bee bees transferred to
fib.tbosene. N. 8. Mr. Williams. el
Lesion, sueaeeds him her.
Flee glad bride out in tJe store of
Mime t Hawn, hardware mer -
nano. eN Mltebe 1. destroyed the
bedding .ad .also the brassie of time
4btsl+t diersebee.-- Ilbsdsme n wee..
largely covered by iewramer.
li. IL Andes.... an esteemed red-
den of West Wowaamdh, did re bis
bones os the yak eenceniao 0m No-
vember Mb, aged dzty-two years.
H. W been sewn for some esost\e.
Three das5btw.. 8le mother, two sir
tore sed leer beechen nervi...
Mr. Andrew Currie mend &my at
hems vember 30th, after East woe b ns of
�ILMer mass emir was
Y y ts. she Mint • daeRkter et
Mr. aged Ma Iboa Lied. He beee
bead, see son •ed ors da.pbtst sur-
Chas. Woodward, employe of the
Western Foundry Co.. W tares An-
gers son off his left baron awl on leen
his light hand wean they sae• a
esorpsst with s bite co a machine
seed for edam sheet -1n•.
Geo. W. Boon. f.m.Iy 0( Wiee-
haim. did et Me been at Tomato u0
November Mab. ailed dzty-two year..
Wbi)e a reddest of Wis h .e deceased
was engaged in the hardware as d-
eem. 0te w•e a member a[ Wim,tbam
Lodge. No. iia A. 0. U. W.
John Anday,ene of the beerkaows
eaidNta d faRb.et. pawd away
at his bane here on November rib.
Hs was born 0007 Kiersten in Mk
bet .ended at Magian over fifty
years ago. Foe tawny -on years W
was road aid bridge coaseder seer for
taw comity of Huron He is survived
by bis wife. four sons sad one daugh-
'7q a tui.,...
Irmatt-esselemies:-•'ties tire \am
uses tb••wk Om water seed as Lbw
erpp.y Mak." la story No. s this
mese prim wInaw rees8s the redia,
"It o04 takes two heads t• Brake the
Ore . " Hen. et .erca. we int a sort
el ply ye
ea the bab phrase.
are the any tools reel .end " Later
an a sed.--- el twelve .mese.
0s.dy Aaty 8.s a eery sear body
ter the .leo of w Med, bet I gee be
bee get a swelLtd head with the praise
be hr pet for tuning and thee."
"As 1 bravedied muses the ben
W s mother wiener wrote thati
inspected nies Defactoriseat the
mei cities sad tweens." 4111 Dus
fannies and ben Abe are MatedM
Toso.to cdy-h..n mss b.1.R in all
the Indies elides. -w ahov.
.t was sal/ el.. ter stere 11..
s a Western Ontari
revo bey soy.: 'ries
leadership or the tine le also sheers by
the tread of the an whisk le seen
erased She world.
tend bi 'NM meld" this asatem at
eight have been oo..idsrvd 0. K.
TM ..a. bay 1. writing a dory abase
the two heads unbutde.d himself ef
this amain : •'Fee tweet reeves
years be has acted as ttlialintinall .std'
'seerhad to dye 'i-selfp, ueven
thoss�dthe output d thefactory M
growing larger Par *me ; thee Basely is the bees
team Is the fedoras." Of eosins
Handy Andy be lest a keratin char-
haranter wonted oat from tae two beads
trade mart.
Anther tlmkatehoaa idea relative
to story No. 4 wee. "People wit le year
firs see their seen min just se woes
as the Main dos.'
Mir- Emma Lei11 has sone os a
trip to taddfotai • with a party of
David Cant.bn has goes West a. &
briness trip and will be awes until
Aso. P. Counter. brother of W 01. R.
Comm. of tows, died on November
filth m tyle hone at 8ineo.. He had
the distinction of baring been in busi-
n g. longer than any otter tea• is
'TM luresd Wt. Brawn. rig
Jaek.os sad W. T. O'Neill were
sateen by be ogles see .Melt teen..
ly. A small .eooat of money sad
e ons other articles were take. frau
Rev. George and Mr. McKinley
were caned deo Oravenb ret. wore
chair adopted aa.g.ter is s•rierway W
.t a sanitarian).
Mrs. Mesa. Well.. decaliter of the
Yue Wm. Fowler. of 'Lscktremitb. and
for many years a readmit d 'ieatort8,
died on November 19th at Bdmosds.
B. C.
W. J. McCully.who b. beeted
preaideot of tStretfordn Meted
Board of
f,.de.. a nave of S•atortb, but Yew
resided at Stratford for the past twenty
Mies 0r.r• Waugh. who formerly
resided with bar eiders and brothers
ben. wee married at Berlin on No-
vember 38th to Wes. W. ~.swarf, of
Analbois, Mak.
Wm. Burton is the w.t.t recent
recruit to join ca. army from Brants.
There de now sixteen from here le
the rusks.
Ti'.. Baiesenaa'. Melaka.
Yotmg Mr. Hatay west to week for
• waoiseale commies. and wills sae a
ballast clerk pc•ssesed • rapid -Ore
100000 .ad was for of vides& He
longed to pe 'es the toed" fur Owe
boom. and at Mt was gives the op.
porca•Ity. To Ms great joy be wee
eweesdis_ en Ms fiat trip Is
g • M0ttane r to .order 11M toteia
peas. it estYsly the tastes'. eam-
.w Seeped_ the e ,os. men. •I
seem that seder." be barked.
and berried into lie prints °flee.
. ameieg the door behind him. fester
iv the day his bookkeeper .aM to the
ei 'Loser : ••May I ask, sir. why you
e nd -1y countermanded your artier
for chose toumt•ia pees r • Ts. yoseg
e alseie m.' szpiai.ed the stationer.
"booked ev eider in Mrd pencil."
`Rather absimeinded...wt b r
•$zt set Why. the other
night when he got horse, be 8..w
time was so..tbinp be wanted to dna
but be couldn't renninbee what it was
until be bad est up over an hoer try.
lag to think r
"And did M finally remember kr
"Tee -b. discovered that be mated
to ge to bed early r
�(��..pptr IL M. Meleesth
., of e 7th
Fissi10% who has recent. been • e-
ppdoiast.d main nape of the 142nd 1
Burnside. was formerly on the .tag
ef abase burr. war Oaliegi wits Issarszemd
Compeer mgrs.
A. F. Joh whJno was rece.sty ape
pentad of a new eebod
pe searoto,
is a brother of
Mr. A. 8ee4.y at tows, and. war him-
self • graduate of Union Collegiate
Destitute and Model .shod. He after-
fterwards taught .ebool at Loedeeboni,
Auburn sad Porter'. dim.
Tb. 0. T. R. sections.. have taken
up the rails from the five miles of
stab Me used r ooeo•.tion with the
debaet amend Atwood.'
Miss Lily and Uber4. Cre.s-
fieid, beth of Brussels wan seamed
.t se Jo\.'. dearth 0m December tet
by Bev. R. E. rags After the bOewy•
moos they will min at Brussels.
�•s • reennt visit of Serge stn
Away sen -• Meese Ewan the
►.44 . public seerti.g and
preested the .oilers with en ddr...
. an • wlierwmtd shah. They were
.leo tressetsd at the .ams seestieg
with a signet ring each from tie.
se re&
Fronk Jens, feenerly of Enter,
ler . distance ef tweaty-ry feet frees
the rest d a billy es whish he w
"What is the dead bowl'fen
of 4. y now. He waneowe
way ," .mapped the ..ether. Aad with
bis mild em the lase& ter sew the
father WsS. If it's bis way
why 40s yea let him have it v'
Strike.( Trieste to Dud's Kidney His
mod Dodd'• Dyspepsia Tablets.
R.&5,01l, Mea., Dec. Aub.-(Bp•esali.
-"Both Mrs. Tient and myself haus
eyyterry reason to meth well of M Dodd'.
K idney Pelle • Dodd'+
Tablets,' man Mr. le2iebi
t, •
well -knows resident a this place.
"Mrs. Tient was attacked with sere-
ne dyspep.i'. 8b sew a number of
different doctors and took malty meii-
cioee, het could may pet temptorary
relief, 1111 she used Dodd's ICMssy
Pill., anal Dodd*, Dyspepsia Tablets.
**Foe myeslf I seen not sat mink . 1
could an sleep weal and l was untied
with bed dream. I was utterly di►
wise one of my friends nave
-,a uie took i.11las et Dodd's Kid.
ley Pill. sed Dodd'. Dyspepsia Tab-
bies. After using chess i _could eat
and sleep well. 1 also imbed twelve
poeads la weigbl."
Oe,ti- t t_k?eadd f• d '•
n�deadlpima. Ter sr'
tat' env Mak lis sir pimps et yen
Melt est niter !M yes, one headers
mimeo linite1dorm wbeedmhee
•• eisepelle; ler Mob at alai
41+1 • KeliNbem yo a
zo=lia end apply
'yews me=threegli
imarrargesmis w
yyenw Wan
Lit. hlleMYai.11. Mrs sd srtrrrb,yW A r wtkles an Metes
hgslhar alb dm la ti=
Sims liww to 1106
err For.
1 all i keel is Its b es of shores.
Ipfardried swkirg say t o
46i11It .s build
(warthog a altMen sank-4sem • beast.
• ire. bees sod ass sesames +e
I. p..iis is tar were ase. _
h ahs asaltal Mikes* ea
nesseselea. it las peeved se
nand vales te mere dies MOMpr p..sive Conedr
ies M&
II res been't • .w/ ef itis vain&
bask. seed be mews ewe
Cas.& Ct5alst Ceases Lia-(
and awe • It01fl1111M.
The Drrdop "Famous Pictures'
The Dealer "Fiteow Pictures" con-
orVest is erre end 1lmk•4eh•oa. has
swept }\e bo rda. a .ring first,
snood sed berth On mime,
boweemf, sneer to
TM sot eve wieners were a M-
1. Marryylinet. Abernethy, Beek . ff sAn
2. Ii. ®darmssn. wombs. flack . 1 Sat
9. 8. 91011116. 0sd.eieb, t)K ram
t N. Drew., Arsbyd.L Bask 3.00
i. H. E. Ir nd.s. Memel. Oat 2.00
ions eminne Imp seder Mass ysmuaof .maagge.d to einem
peon. wiry apt roe was ad•
is ~has •.strib.tiws sed is shwa
t8• norrarsing high es a sumo....
Sava. Par iMt.sk.. tits wiser d
the Ma -este-sets heal -in her
!fp i 4 that "the et sense ' V'
1Mbmmso mob Iib• e..•. le
• .-emparigima hes
bens eon Is see feller. hat ..M
was sslp le *very aenaoblis mimeo
lam yaw, M. wane appeared in ewe -
seems SIM the eime.eres. 14 teas
pseely pM.m4.L B. that 'the Moen -
err none well Nr the eberviag
OM yeoman 1a sweetie.
Ci hark Flab 5144 hem AbermMh
la missy No. t ease ser Of this
:-.• Lill• O.nadO'• bran ooh
yse .n 'ark tab to the saw." Ie
"core le a tenhdoal emsA.sthw .es of isle ebetenemta 1s
welds try Nen t.
2deelassd :-"And
wry eitoa wM the ...pie bass
tint. • th•5 are see se era se the
Stag girl iiefleet dWeear ."
$4.00 and up
All above appliances will be kept in repair,
free of charge. ,
5ratrictorroese lablOiner
A complete line of Vacuum C1e...4 Face
Portable Lamps, Cooking Ranges. Domes. to
Tungsten and Nitrogen Lamps.
A New Line of Flashlights and
Batteries on hand. _
Take no chances around your barn with an oil lantern. but use an . Electric Baru
Lamp, which can be carried same as an ordinary lantern -turned off and on
easily. and if knocked over in the barn will not set fare to anything. We
have a full line of theta. t Aim *2.25 each.
.. -