HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-9, Page 6E , Da( tunas g, Ula
Purity! Purity!Purity!
The one dominating note that runs
all through the making of Sunlight
Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar-
antee you get with every single bar
is not a mere advertisement. It
marks a standard set for the buyers
who select the choice Sunlight Soap
materials—for the soap boiler—for
the expert chemists—for the girls,
even, who wrap and pack Sunlight.
All are mindful of the Guarantee
—it is a source of gratification to
all the Sunlight workers.
Su.� i
a i
- 4
Recruiting fee Now Huron floatation
Discussed—Arrsvaftes ,f 1914
Taxes Capt. John McDonald'•
Request for Grant Voted to Him in
191 1 —Other Matters Oa fore air.
Count tl at Its Regular Meeting.
boat the matter was sew bereave alai
about/ se be • oemmiMte and they
�a� to thet Bases
Oeteusillor Wilma moved
is uummibieseespiesset that the temiliw he
ailier While thought
Kwee a dmattar ter twit yeeee anew
ea M Mal with. Cie to a the anteminsot R
res •esus that It wee a lot e!t}allk furor
eweommeediae t The Somme a' .0 bar at
..oswsW be pail sad nkat f�a+mmbbe paid
os the Ills great .t the petals library
}, 1 . God. bele Mfg. Co.. rregrheiastt--
ing that the emsocid •py°lot valu.tem
'Wien the plant and reported that they W
frond It wasyet complete aged reeminiarded toot
the appointing of valuators be left
over until the o•mp•ay seines the
council that its plant le comfrl.te aced
as operstioa and that the mealtimes
of the bylaw have hew complied with.
The ieport wee adopted.
Oowaeilk'e McClinton istroduc.d the
matter el doting vomMbiee definite
with reseed to amassing recruiting in
the new Huron Battalion. Other
members of the council took part In
the disee.sioa and it appeared that an
unfavorable impression was abroad as
to the recruiting officer ha appointed.
it was rumoured tile[ he
tion of going forward foe active see-
ervice. Some of the councillors were of
the opinion that Pte. Geo. Thompson
should have been giros the position of
reeruitio oMcer. the
t•noKr Wigle introduced
matter of finding empiormeet for
reterned.aoldiers. While the need fcr
employment was not immediate. the
Mayor shared the opinion that the
ratter should be looked into and the
council bold itself prepared to meet
any need which might arise. The
nutter was sent to the special COM -
The regular meeting of the town
.pem.i1 was b.ld os Friday *realm.
With the e=r.ptioo of Lieut Proud
foot all the ..embers were present.
Reports from the trea,uter, the street
Inspector. the cemetery sexton aad the
tau collector were protested and v.ri-
°wily dealt with
Mayer Heid stated be was in receipt
of a large amount of eorre.posdese•
from the Reeves of the various m ral-
cipalities of Huron county relating to
the formation of tsew Huroa Bat-
lalion. the irl and
any councillor
or other Dorso e at
it at behove.
liberty peewee
A request from the Heti T.hpboas
CO- for p.romMaios to erect five poles
os SO tiewge s Crescentw reals
as. on
motion, granted, the poke
at the pleasure of the council.
Mr. John Newcombe applied for
permission to store &btog nets in the
town freight sheds at the harbor. Be
was willing to pay for t. a privilege.
The matter w.. sent to the barba
committee with power to act.
A tender from Mr P. R. Elliott of
$15 for rectal of ware town lots near
Victoria school was the subject of
much discussion and the cause of a
division in the council. Councillors mitten to report.
le wanted ma•
Moser and 1'altridge were of the spin- Councillor R
int pat fir* to roan& awry
erased 1914 Moa. O-Btatar Clamp -
WI w• ppages �ytst�.the eatt end said the anger'
a few
alspaw Maar) lid take stop be
payment. L...ow NOM to be
paid M the Whin lid Orme fus&
mita mush time es the dMwtsren ase
sold was earned.
Maya Maid pea Med a peewee
from O.pt. lobo Melds Old fora great
d UM whisk was voted him is 1911
be the purchase el .04th.e beet. he
tiaviag lost W r Lake Berea. The
minute boot woe marebed and It wee
& we that web a great was nether -
Mai to be used is f1MM peeroleass
esb000.r. 1t.ev that O&M. Me -
Donald has F.ar.8 a Sables boat
sad some of !.►m eoandllere were sot
sew that the provisions of the dame
ones lag the grant had been mot. Tis
whettet was seat to the leases com-
mittee to report.
Bylaw No 1d, to borrow WOW by
the isms of anteater,. far the Caia-
diss patriotic food .ad the Sickish
Bed Ores 1wsd. wee gives the serer
ssry somber e l r sdiw9s and firmed.
lis council thea adjoin -std.
Write for Particular"
Registrar. Mas. Bac. IDcnelml ?riscipst.
[iddress:_354-6 Dundas St.,
London, Ont.
Anyone who wishes to pia ea idea
of the expenses which the Red CMOs
baa t0 meet sbosld commit the leas-
ase,era' report of any hospital.
A first -clam modern hospital respires
elaborate ssisetISc apparatus of all
kinds. In all its •ppoiuttneota it seeds
the beet that mosey can buy or elm
its wort is • failure. The fret that
the new general hospital in Toronto.
with accowtnodati,n fora few thour
•ad patients, cost is the neighborhood
of ild.M000 will sire some idea of tbe
task of the Canadian Red Cross, which
has to provide fur tens of tboosanda of
Perhaps a Loge put of the general
public is of the Impression that Rad
Craws work is only hurried relief work.
requiting is the way of equipment
only a few yards of handsome, a parcel
of *pilots, a few stretchers, bearers
and motor ambulances. The equip•
shoot of firs ' .id is. it is true, note tabor-
ets., but it .Mould be remembered that
eo.veyiog the wounded trout the firing
line is costly for beginning of Red Cross
The wounded .+Wier has to be
nursed hack to health His iojuri,
are such as to need lbs utmost polo
.ible pnfeetion of surgery. Toe Red
Cross ^aoDot provide proper medical
attestiJD except with all the apparat-
us of s perfectly appointed bo.pital.
YOU cannot cur. wounded .gluier•
any q..re .ibespiy than you On .cure
say other chi.' of men. False medical
economy means thousands of avoid-
able deaths. -
In the rear of the coloesel armlet
sow locked in terrible combat, thous-
andsof hospitals are oseded, each with
M pet fret equipment. The expenseof
the is enormous, bat it is certain.
.l..rre an thing., that the wounded
needier has is mom Aerie mese, meow
form of tuitional or individual wealth.
The Red Crus must bre supported
and m.untainrd in the greatest, polo
sitiie.tate of efficiency. Ln eveys.e
alto is disposed to make n low anti -
mate of its financial needs make seems
.aquiries as to the coat of tunnies am
bospital, and then multiply that seem
by 10,000 or more.
H. will then have a striking sritb-
reeti l pros of. the gigantic financial
burden of the Rd Otosapoeiety.
Th. Train Oe Lux. of Canada
-- ..,,.,-._....••t•••-••••••••C•••••••••••t•••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Chants of Liberty
• IV
• This book sells at :ents a copy. It is offered free of charge to
• all Signal subscribers whr jay their subscription for 1916 in advance.
• Subscribers remitting for 1916 will kindly state which they
• want- National Songs or the Calendar.
• The Signal is the same price as heretofore—$lino a year when
• paid in advance. Let us have your subscription early and
• make' sure of on�ee of the premiums which we offer this year.
•• •
• In remitting subsce :rs will please not send bank cheques, •
• •
• • but either money c rs or postal notes.•
PnntmgCo:'ted•1 The Sal•
The Signal
offers readers a neatly -bound. musical folio of sixteen pages
entitled "National Songs of the Allies," giving the words and
music of the British, French, Russian, Belgian, Serbian and
Japanese national songs, in addition to the Canadian patriotic
songs, "The Maple Leaf" and "0 Canada."
The National Songs of the Allies are all set to piano music,
with the words both in the original language and in English,
making a, very desirable collection.
If the subscriber prefers, he (or she) may instead of National
Songs have a pretty 1916 Calendar.
The Grand Trunk's ioternatbnal
Limited, the premier trsio of Canada.
is endorsed by everybody who has ever
had the experience of riding on it . It
leaves Toronto .1 O.W p. m. .very day
the year, Arriving at London tt.Sa
• m I
p.m., Detroit ria Eft p.m. and Chicago
!t.ID a.m. following morning. Best
electric li jhted rquipsoeni, including
Pullman t Nervation library and Puli-
man desiring -room compartment
,leeping cars and high-grade cloches
to Chicago, diniaq-car Tenant•. to Lon-
don and parlor library car Toronto to
Morning train leaves Tiwoot>, AOl
a M. daily. arrives London 1l.ttfi
Detroit 1 45 p.m. aid Obiea90 11 10
p.m. Parlor cote ear and first-c1•as
oacbee on this train.
Ar additional Vesture in confection
with the expellent service offered by
the Oracd Trunk Railway is the last
train out of Toronto in the everting at
11.1• p.m.. &slitting Detroit a.3) a m
and Chicago 3.90 p.m. dilly, assuring
important connections with principal
trains for Western States. Slectric-
lighted Pullman bleeping ears V• De
twit and Chicago. Double track all
the way.
Berth reerrvatinns and full informa-
tion ea application to (bead Trask
ticket *Deets.
Aching Hearts.
- .M1 seems gayety at a ball. Yet I
suppose many a lady who is dancing
bete tonight has • heart that is aeh-
Tos. or • couple of earns. —Louis -
vis OourierJnuraal.
The dietinguiwbed-look in* lady step-
ped from the train, and was Making
for the station exit whoa a polite
pewter rushed after 8... touched hie
.spy and 'relabeled : -Hansa., Miss rt
•'Tee. very' .b. netek-witd.dl7 ,
OWL as she yawed as with • thea
taflla smile.
sir OOIsrit
Lea Ikaaert .as i�e 011811. WI Moe
Mar liviaa
Sampala at Pim" beasera
a _— bows all the eieflpad•tlp mesas.
war bee ttal Armeatl-s land wady
asoesS oat at wk- bawls. sea fen bare
a wax ,1lwfttl heti/ t
ldlrwiw tame- M timed M
W- tlMa barmier "bei ren -Dawe•
btl■Isww Ott twatlawai leap a hirer 8.
awes law Isom as •sues as *a
pYew„ b,, *.ren ase boweb 1a P ant
ma a ro
h Irr .e.. tor a slime ba.
11 . of -c taf.rel. Orme el PM.- wblab
eilishiess 1 baberto
of • Nam ma Sit areampaaa
Each day since opening day of the sale the
store has been crowded with customers who
have taken loads of Hardware which they
needed. By looking ahead they have saved
themselves many dollars.
There are hundreds of dollars worth of the
beat Hardware not touched yet, but of course
the very thing you want may go at any minute.
We advise you "NOT TO DELAY." The time in
which we want to close up is getting short and
Christmas is near, so come along.
This IsYOU R Opportunity
Marvellous Prices
6 assorted Snaps ... 5c
15C-lii,9jg T9 -...e.,4,4 ra ... ;r
6Sc Dog Collars .
$lo.00 Scythe Grinder,with scythe carrier, and two
emery stones +.. . • - -
Grindstones, worth &oc to goc • - 25c
arc Blectric-light Bulbs. • . ..,tae-... .-• .10c
5t: Mouse Traps, 2 for ' Sc
6 lbs. Cut Nails IOc
3 -pint Granite lea Pot. 18c
4 -blade. buck -hone. brass -lined Pocket Knives ....35c
$2.00 Snowshoe'
$..00 •. ..
._ .i
.... , .52.59
Beat [sake, Wine sad outer
1 only Cistern Pump
65c Ladies Mirror.... ........ • •.•
4oc Window Screen
job Potato Sprayers
Smokeless Powder. per lb.
Sc Window Locks
1 Express Wagon, regular 53.00
35c Shaving Brushes
5oc Spirit Stoves
1 Detroit, 2 -burner, Vapor Stove.... 56.00
i,po lbs. Binder Twine :13.00
We have eight excellent values in second-hand Stoves
i -ton Scale 519.00
CIA.* Root Fork
14 -inch Horse Rasp, English make
Si oo Brick Trowels..... .
52.50 dozen Table Knives
5oc child's Knife, Fork and Spoon
20C Nut -Cr ickers 15c
6oc package Weatherstrip.... ... 42c
All -white Nevada Teaspoons, dozen
... . "38c
3 2c
5oc Sponges 35C
6 Granite Tea Kettles, extra good valueiIt-$4.5o.89c
Sale price
S5.00 Clothes Wringers........
Dog Muzzles, each
3 95c large galvanized -iron Snow Shovels
6 lbs. Paris White, for whitewashing
6 lbs. Copperas tor
(this is.teelisat for dieiafseti0D)
We have several lines of good Barn Door Hangers
and Track, at bargain prices. Also T and Strap
Hinges, Buttc, Screws, Bolts, Nails,etc. Paints,
Varnishes, Finishing Material, Wall Finishes,
etc. All at cut prices.
Look ahead and buy your spring requirements
now and save money.
Remember we have given notice to the owner
of the premises that we Intend vacating
December 31st. 1913.
Sale continues in full swing each evening.
liowell hardware
'Plume 57