HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-9, Page 3THE SIGNAL : OODERTOH : i)NTAEtIO Tsowas. One! -- a 11ti I�Ql1ROTfAWA LETTER N.P oao/UTg11.041NM Otiawe, December 0 -The general - �teediet kers is that Mr. W. L.. Hkk- sea, who its. iso to speak. the British rIIYmNErtee *LAof 1[udw tle legate for Cau- 1, V a ar .da. bas show. ►i.rwli ars sable a diplomat la his reotA00iatlw of the Shen pammittee se Mr. D. A. Thomas did bakes bide is bis difficult and deli - eat. test of Indies oma for Lloyd Beton, whyebde tirade la loyal (Mo- edaDeet ttlathee Country tau more than diem mads Is the great amoebae to the south of w. theeots.tey of tail note -writers, :namely, : be United &aces. It fell to Mr. Hkbeos to cam out the operations susereted by Mr. Thomas and evetybJdy agrees that be hes performed hie painful but neem - nary task with great still and dimes - Um). He has aut deep. tut he seems to have removed the rout of the trouble. aad bow be salves the wound With kind words and even with com- pliment. for those whose fruitage might be hurt- For instance, such compliments ea be pays Msj,r-t)eneral Mir Sim Huabee are ...demoted to be BIWAlnit OF MITA- TIONS SOLD ON THS MSMITS Olr useful at the next amoral eketto.. The 1311 0 K I31 N 0 1 N U Ifwud , 11 adages. aMsr.MHeDesA. o!pbor.otd MAGAZMAGAZINES (on it was largely the noWlrIa11). of INES, Major-General Sar Mam nod if it had PERIODICALS and I, gore 00 doing as it did before Mr LIBRARIES i rheum* called a halt it might have beaded the Baden Ooverattseet u bond or repatrod. !straight for destruction sod sir Mam !slung with it. SR(NO is the tenderer=s errttin reem- of 00 l -BATHER OOODB the rnn bars of e nui:tee toward. them - Robert Wilson STOVES Stoves - -- --- Stoves Now is the time to look up your Range for the winter. We have some- thing new in this line. GASOLINE ENGINES Fres ti to eo bersspewsr Windmill Pumps and Windmills Water Systems installed We have just a few Buggies left at cut prices. Also a line of Harness, Horse Blankets and Robes, Wash- ing Machines, Churns and Cream Separators. WIMP P wan= 901..1)l,li'I-r Massev=Harris Shop • Hanoi -um St , Godatch LOwsen punkt!, attendedY sa Waft twee there were the materiels of • twee et TNTC SIGNAL Oedersea. grave l at 6amrutsa y wand.!, which A S. TAYL[1H ena.z>ronn. maw p,utobly forestalled when Mr. •••000.000•00 }lichens took the committee out of Canadian jurisdiction and it -organised__ it •• an Imperial hard answerable i1R. (Eo. )IRILEMANN. ()45TS. 0011 to the Beittah t1'ar Office. a., PATH. spectates in wades+'• sad mu doubt when questions .re • ked in the de.ebdriew•pesauu,'breeks and die- House of Cuwwame touching the wsni- srwssarai der, 4 r mad tarot, itISSt desR limitations of Ibe Shell C..mu.ittee Sir IamasP am �w�k a°mt� Nam will r .e in bis place. as M did aids lea me wok' .. tLe lend*. Data at twsldase.. furs.( Nal-a.e sad rl, AWdtew's when the New Yolk Pau -la -int I;um• MEDICAL o Canada's leading School of Bust Hess re opens for enrolment fo the Winter T. rrn on Monday Jan. 3, 1016. at THE NOR 1'NERN BUSINESS COLLEGE owl\ nut'Klir HST. t:rl.aeelted.auras of iud,. tsa•Ines. raorthmna .n1 TypewrMlne. ('h ie err - alp and Priam-arr. Iailvidwt 1.- .tr leen, A l.rae amasttiea with the br.t bodes« b... -e- watt rap' .r oar st..doato.. Gr.nuate. ,s •1-uroto.lo.. 1• rut per you o Rol ratitte&.r. Eau Is- o wee iww ter.. C. A. FLEMINO. F.C.A, Min ip.l. lie U. it Ld211'4;. - r •.•r sow► At lamellate l[oadar" wadi"day.mitt re 'ries under tire, and say that W ttatertt.trri:ear 'Tease by spitoletasat. 1 the root ganized Mhrll Cumwittee is i�Rt_ tr. J. LYUiteTKR-SYS. BAR.'none of the Canadian Parli /ment'a 11 .en urwat eo1r, M sea, ; infonaut: and ii the Liberal party want s L Tort and arab mformatiue it vas send to Knc1•nd mad'agimmV'I+L' Kyw��.y Ifo, for papers. From the., ri>k+and teKe(�s� igw hp -tile the action of Mt. 'lichens ruts eeg,s Canna. ss 'Lbw Shell Committee off. It is a .w -e e lz►i.1 to t a se., r tel p' a Ila wblcb absent treatment is alwo.t a a• remedy t -- AUCTIONEER. Mr. Thoma{ patting message was thought to be the Iasi word in ••1+fling EAIIiRSHOMAM OUNDRTAI CTWY; 'em down easy." Mil Mr. !lichen: let-HEAvy MEAT is 'ter to Premier Borden is concedrJ to R r, 'r,, it one better. Again are the career era tG. (:ode*tab• Jilt miliMI edea.. br .oat and fair fame of Sir Maw handled not HAVE SLON KIDNEYS lett .t steed eMce wt11 vim+-vur . Wooled to t •-:deans talepana. 111 only with rare delicacy of feeling but .+iter a .br-wd rye to the campaign °literature. For r:emple. it w.+ con- . cran4 that the plesett eat ce►cainsteel 1.1.1. !iA`1 .. vtastulartureraaribe S�LeL•11 benliAJM I.LsS76Mt if you iwd .h1 dui who hand• -al 1 hrm.elve+ out war orderer' Wee Wader trouble -Take tlA1C81n1-lett, it. IJt'ITUP..: MIAMI inn., !!refits ranging Ing. frau Pa .0 5&M1 ler cCC frisr.of Ulla-. Tomato Cattle Market limey choke MOM* .117 90 to N. M Handy rbo4Cs Mien .... 7.66 7.00 l steberi, geed de I.Nttt. do- osmoses Heifers. ehelee do good 7.10 7.66 6.60 7.00 6.76 0.60 7 00 7.60 6.60 7.00 do. medium 0.00 O. M seiebsr cows, choice6.00 6.50 40. good 6 60 6.10 Ido. medium 4.60 6.50 Balla, choice .... 6.00 7.16 i 60" 0.00 6 26 6.60 LEGAL i &.a'.'.1C1Ft►•-=r- Ilett wlb', .ln pelt It', ihlir a'w+'wk- talliee-SterUl•r lick Mort. Manatee /Jwt. sem, lout Mr. Hiehens, who ran ser 1'e.aplssrs ra a ...ny,.na in stone-, hooks in the run Wei 16'ut. Lamas sad fawsssor. stag hr,uks, and ago d in everyt, top, rutty Dirotn.,KILLOKAN a COVKLr if be is given a free hand to mak. It (Mt.er. wugge•ta that the original Shell. naidtl'TNDs, alocacARM A. SorAlflgl►i 4t.. wow •'ev)uoauve tether ! PCIiLiC, gel'. !than administrative" and that eon.e- tliw on tM agaase. wasted door troll& Hao. •goroi ly it w.. natural that it should tare .uret. uad.rkb. - lconlain "an infusion of steel manufac-, rd. -ate Sass. to Ira et leer.: rata+. I l are'-." N'. Pmucoroor. R.C. J. L `n.1.•••• ••(;.locative" the Committee cert+in-, N. J. D. i •sews. . ly waw --It educwted d ar of 1. 6:nglsnd., 16 O. CAbIKtKON, K. C., SARKIS 111 the matter of war prices in lanai*I Tia. ode. sot.:"ubtio. txekY, in a wet' that wain bar hair stere{ on suv.t. Madarteb, turd data tr ' end. "Infusion of inert naar.ufactur- ...,..are. At Clinton ',aur -say of each week i•1 era' it ser t.aiuly had. Info.ion is a .deco or. Albeit Street occupied by Alt. gond wend. and it would lank well Heeler. talus hour. O. a.m. w(tv.ta stuffed but it hardly- covers the ease. 1• t...r ik LLB,. t,....- It was not only an infusion but a sub saU��.. iowe.i r tr do. Giditui do. 4.00 4.76 Feeders, 00� to 1.100 lbs. 6.:5 6.60 do. bulls 6.00 6.70 Stockers. 760 M 000 lbs 6 00 1.60 do med., 650 to 760 5-60 6.0) do. light 4.76 6.60 Cannes 3.23 4.40 Ctiltten• 4.00 4.76 ]Inters, choke, eseb90.00 120.00 do. mediate to good .65.00 40 .0.1 do. common 45.00 W .10 Springers .... f.0.00 120.4: Calves. real. flood 8.60 10 40 do. medium .00 9.00 do. cot.iraoa 1.75 7.00 do. grass 4.06 4.75 Spring Iambs, cwt. 4.6'1 10.00 Cull lambs 6.00 7.60 Sheep. ewes. light 6.00 7. CO Culls 3.00 1.6'/ 'Begs, of . 471 9.5'i 0.40 do. fed and watered. 9. 0.0u do. light aad heavy . 8.7� 0.00 do. f.o.b country8.90 0.00 No man or woman who eats meat regu- larly ran make a mistake by gushing the oe kidneys eaaios•ily, says • well -knows authority. Meat forma uric acid which elutes tie kidneys, they become over- worked from the strain, Ret sluggish and fail to fitter the waste and poi-t•ns from the blood, then we get si_k. Nearly all rheumatism. headaches. liver trouble. aeswessoeaa, dizziness, &her:ceanes. and uritwry disorders come from sluggish kidneys. . Le moment you feel a dull ache in this kidneys or your back hurts or if rim urine is cloudy, offensive, full of see. went. irregular of pasearce or attended b� a sensation of scalding, stop althea mea$ UMW __ sal rear, saNAtut..ta., Oode- fusion and w peofua.n and it crowded and get about to•tr ounces of Jad AwnMug 1 MEAGER. IlylpA�R�HIsTiR. SOL- Vire-Lein OL- i -iter, Howe IhiMse 1•d l'e•vrTaa et. �Irrs-!Dart Howse O.deetca. ► - INSURANCE, LUAUS. lab. ktCII1LI UI' MUTUAL FIRE 1 Lal l U R A N C 9 C 0.-Falwa sad belated t..n protons &neared. userse-J. H. McLsa4 Pre*.. laaf.rti P.O.; , lhodey L hart ,leo-Tt..m. l..IertbessMrti 1. U. Dk.c:bre-U. r Yatlreear. deatertk ; John H.gest .. Winthrop; N ui.a.,Rlaa.Ce.atamer. Jobe Neearwe:.. brod1Mt.a• Jar•ie Scans. DesabMarkle* wved 1ltobert Ferris. Mere!; Mdeolm Me[wsn, kwaraeid. y=te. J. w. Yet Helm.svnle; Ales. l.sr,ab, !Minton : wilIaa Casson most rtk ; IC inniebley. seat rel.. V.1107 kwlasn amp") awes.menu ase get War made . eve.: •. rt J. Motra.b's (kakis( /teat Clinton. It. . 1 Willa Lience'T. •tl..r.t..n arms. U.d.rlot.le J. L Said a lieu nal Wer.-. Barfield. AMAMPRIVATE FUNDS TO tons. Apply se M. R. CAIt. . B..re, ter ltamlltab stress. Ood.ei.1. tV KOHKRT`1Oh L.NaL ltANC[ Auk.\ r. rriaa turolaewrente : Saheb. Caaaalaa and ya Aauiamr• Ilerawas aim areutruns' laa.,i. pR�t t: ,rk.►oe thistesetter Wrie& i eadies. SAM rens tfdeitrie�ul s. U outcome e UMsomsn�•ss::� The U.& Ill at ri saw. a tbir oast Mdse se TI. wads sad K. David's olaeesa. ?Iwo rim KAMAN' WENS= WA1.1'RA ii5C=• Yom. P.. isodunaMN= OF raoo1ang 1.617124111MIL Palma &We+Mr WI. Se uICOCI, Imam MIA sag goad PeewitrteCesesiteer UJ► FM msdsall 'a Wy 1a palest sedge. tagssi wlb. u M paMnt cants, ret- ests £$1.. wed M alt estmtrioe. to it. Ammo &rem. Montreal. mon Ar MArwwWw.. the bottle that held it until it blew out the cot k. however. Mr. Hiebens is not misled by bis own mrtapbnr+. it will be noticed %hal he removed the in- fusion to a 'safer place --made' a new committee for et ..til of does., e. it were, where is woukdn't smell things up. Mr. Hich.q, Alludes to thi• p -o- arse as "rapaudicg the organization." 1 he additional tlomoiittee. Composed of the Shell Committee discards. i. !&.•Ilea a Commis -ion on Haw Materi- a1. and inductee moot d the expert& who did the raw work on the or iginal Shell C,wiolit' e as invented by 214n-Oeoeral Mir Main. The duties of the Raw Natrr:al Coon%oalon are, es 'might be expected, aulet! yadvisory. Mr. Hichen. doe. not believe in let- ting t hese net 10111 Keel man'if.act times any nearer the war root.■eta than that. They t.Are done their .hare. the h ave fellows. and now experience that 11111 feelirg after eating. As a Haw Material Commission their ap petite. will not lee tempted ton often ..nd they will Mire plenty of lime for digestion. Brophe) Bros. The Leman Pateral Widen aad Embalmers I,t i W sigh de: in Mr. Nathan's band,. what slight have been a stumbling block in Mir ti4m's Tint now becomes almost an in- strument of glory and lbs Malnrl:ewer- al iagisas credit for in.ugnra*Log • mass industry employing a hundred thous- and workers whose beneficial reeults will not end with the war. Although these steel plants and thew industrial workers Puked and were busy long hefts Mir Nam laid hand@ on them, 11 IO not the part of strict criticism to differ with Mt. Hlcheo: on this p.iot. Anything lawful, says Hawkish. will I do fora friend and Air Ram is lbs W ad of than that make@ friends. Sven Mr. /lichees cannot regal. his spell. So If gam gets credit for creating what wee already in existence, who says a word against it t The thing to re- memher shoat Mr. H1.heee is what be awe•--eoe whet be says, and the feet remains that he prsetiaally oa lite•rated tar Semis Mie11 Oomm(Utor• imt alio new Shell Oo40lgittete under perial ,Detrol and plesed las mors eeq.Mitive part of the old OsmmiMse at long Maginot from t•r'n. mime of Ilaninoy. Mkt Sam comas out of 100 elt 01 well .. anybody. Re le IM boserary peisidle0-mmout w the bou rery- of the user !!sperm Mealtime Meter- iair Ootamiesiew. He M the Weide N.k. es 11 wars. betweos the prowl s@ smelt eat raw ...betesw Moyers a e- tacMoe tic, ag1 ~iesttd.ht Mr. sl.. a * tmeri e ewe b M talk w ea . '!spades• !sale Rams m* them the mals nurse plums Its Itsses 111.ea peseta Ab e i k 1.1. R. Toronto Grain Markets Menke:15a wheat"--Tra- k. lake porta, immediate sLipment. No. 1 northern. ;1.26; No. 2, 51.2.1; No. 3. 91.19. Manitoba oats -All rail. d:livered. Ontario points. No. 2 C'.\\'., bay ports. track. &4)'t'. American corn-Ncw, No. 3, 7614c. Canadian cot's -No. 2 yelbw, 15c. Ontario w::cat-No. _ .:inter. 1e? car let. 96c to 99e; rltsltly .sprouted and tough, according to sample. 9:e to 56c; sprouted or smutty and tougt. according to sample, 75c to 64:-. Ontario oats -No. 3 white. 37c to ale; commercial oats, 36c to 31c. Peas --No. 2. per car lot. 12.10: sample peas, 11.90 to 51.75. a:cordIng to sample. Barley -Good realtit g barley. art - aide. 67c to GGc; No.: feed. LOc to 55c. Buckwheat -Nominal. 73c la 76c. Rye -No. 2. 1•c to Sat; tough. 6."..c to 85c. according to sample. • Manito:,a Il(.t r -Firer patentn., in jute bag;, ' $G.20:' seconds. 95.70; strong bait:.', 95.50. in jute bags a:ntario Pour -New v. fhtcr 9 .=0 to 64.50. acca:.tag to baL:pie o_r.l or Toronto freights. In bags llillfeed-Carloads. per ton, ttelvcr- ed. Mont -eat. irelghts; 1 -r,' -i. :5' .harts, :44; middling:, %...; € x d i- gair, belt li.l6- WitaLoialti -Produaa Toronto-cin-iate:o ; r.. _3 to ,t'. • 1-se�-- Spe^al tmr.$) mitatialgi -4=toi ,-Earras <seis .32 2.3 No. 1 str'aigh: tftofagd.. 3 No. 2 - .2.; Butter- I'Creaaery print+. fres::. . 7,4 Crc-ar...r c t .: - Dairy prints .1 . Halters Cheese -large. 17'ic; t..na. 1 ;. iioncy-':ouckwh :, harm!: G7yc to -; tins. :c to 8c; clover. 1aa, 10%,,c; ti::_;, Ile; do.. 9 -Ib. tins. 111:-c; c,;:', :tones:. No. 1. ltc .Dean. 522.40: do. J:,.. 2. per db:e3, 42. 1'0:1ary Leve Dreaord (Id fowl. ib 6c Ile 1,.c 1 t Salta from any phsrmacy; take a (1IaO:ca, I1 I. • 1..c Icc tab;eapoor.ful in a Blass of water before Srr.^B t- ::.:_ I_c I.:c 1:.: 1Sc breakfast and in a few days your kidneys 'faraiy3 '1d ' 1J:' 17c •l:".c will art fire. This famous salts is safe from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia end !las been used for p.-rati:ts to flush and stimulate We kidneys. also to centralize the acids is urine en it no ionizer eauses ire itaties, Oral ending bladder wr+kne.a. ,lad `alta is isex,en+ire ant cannot injure; nukes a delightful eferre.cent Lail -water drirk which everyone 'honk' take n,w and then . to keep the kidneys elec. and attire and the blood pore. therely avoiding serious kidney eotnplic.ttosa Brantford Roofing -sllec "MN Suitable for all kind+of huikl- ings : houses, barns or sheds. Crystal ; in red or green),$3.50 per square. No. 3 Asphalt Roofing. $3.50 per square. No. 2 Asphalt Roofing, $3.00 per square. No. 1 Asphalt Roofing. $2.2 per square. Mohawk Roofing. $1.75 per square. ti-wier •W0 W. R. PINDER Pions 155 Hasdlton st r et WilMeetaraeinecontiMMOMPIMMOMMIMIM Dutita:.gs ... '!c ' 1.c i7c 1$c !:ekes ........ J. 9. 114 L2. Torento Fru. :a and Vege'-_':1 Pinrcpyle:•. sass t3,?S ;x54.)0 ()rants. ucw 6.04 do. navel 4.25 Uemcas, case 3.64 Grapes. 24-1b. 1 is 2.:0 do. Malaga. 1 g - ' Graprrnat. Jaata •-a' Pears. tai.. hos 4.51 do. Canadian. l,ox 2.00' Cranberries. lar -e' ......7.00 do. boxes .. Bananas. bunch 1.75 Onions. 75 ib.. 1.39 Cabbage. dozen Celery. tiosea 2.25 Sweet potatoes. 1:zmper 1.40 CENTRAL $TRATiPOitD. ONT. Ont,rio's Meat Business 4.1e110g.. (ser learw1.n see esp.ekdeosL Nees e el Iatl,MW ets.Nesa and geades1r ere l0@a les Mrtmse. WI sae tesds1• . s► - -defame. ~net week atadewie may s ttO a say Moe. Semi air ewe rel aft - • sal see Mk kesrswav pea D. A. Mal.ros6.as. Peewees'. 6.00 4.:,11 4.:. 2 -5 7.50 0.00 0.00 0.0) 8.75 0.00 2.25• 0.00 :60 4.00 0.00 Dressed Meats Toronto wholesale I:ousae are goo' lag to the retail trade as follows: Beef. forequarters ... , I. LJ to 510.60 do. hindquarters .. 13.00 14.00 do. carcases. choice 11.00 11 .7; do. common 9.03 10.00 Veals, common, c*L6.51) 8.&) do. medium 4.50 26.54, do. prime 11.6it 13.60 Meavy hogs 10.50 11.044 Shop hogs 12.60 13.26 Mutton, heart' 5.00 10.00 do. light I0.00 12.00 Spring lambs 14.00 11.00 D. MILIAR uSON The Christmas Store Everything is in readiness for the Christmas season, and this will again be a season of practical and useful (lifts. It was with this end in view that we selected our goods for this season, and we have been well repaid for our fore- thought in placing orders almost a twelvemonth back. Since then many advances have taken place and all debir- able goods are exceedingly scarce. FURS THE REGAL GIF, Our showing of popular -priced Furs is most complete, including : Mink Marmct, Sable, Silver Fox, Op- posum,'Persian Lamb, Wolf, Muskrat, Coon, Civet Cat, Manchurian Dog, Coney and Thibet. -We would draw particular attention to our showing of children's and misses' White Thibet Sets, at $4.50, 35.50. 37.50 to $15.00 Handkerchiefs in Thousands Handkerchiefs in all variety, from the plain hemmed to the most exquisite hand -made, which is so notch admired and prized. Ladies' and gents' Initialed Handkerchiefs, pure Irish Litten. neatly hand -embroidered initial, exceptional value, Inc each. }embroidered Linen Leen Handkerchiefs. neat designs, lttc each.:! for 25c. Lace -edge Handkerchief; are very popular this season. We ate showing a large assort- ntent at 2:tc to .ells. Venice Point Handkerchiefs are exceedingly smart and very dressy, beautiful assortment from 50c to SI. lei each. SWEATER COATS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS, for men, women, boys and girls. UMBRELLAS MAKE MOST ACCEPTABLE RIFTS - Gloves Gloves ({loves Gloves are the nlrst 1 oltilar of all Chi !-t mag Gilts, and you can make no mistake in selecting -your Gloves from us, as we hagtile .only Perrin's celebrated' Gloves, and every pair is guaranteed and t- tit up in fancy boxes. Perrin's Kid Glm•lis. in all colors, at 11.(41, 11.2:), 1.:,0 and 11.7.1 per pair. Christmas Gifts for the do®: /beautiful selection able t00% the home : . Rich Down Quilts Carpet Squa, e. anti Mats Lace Curtain. Catpet Square, of useful presentssuit- Superb Wool Blanket, Portieres - VI'indSor ,Curtains . Vacuum Carpet Sweepers ,Year's Sub;bcjiption to 17cCaIl's Magazine makes a most welcome Gift at a small One. - rvery effciftir1`ii FC ptit''for r:trd-t'crntalte she .+alt -plow. 4Te Store-el:uEinig the busy season. but we would impress the advisability of shopping early. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR STORE t Phone 56 A/Iillars Scotch. tore „Phone 56 1 Chicago Llve Stock Catty --Receipts. 24,000; market weak; beeves. 66.50 to 610:.0; cows and heifers. 52.00 to 61.10; calves, 14.60 to 810.21 Hogs-Recetpta. 00.000, market lower; light. 55.50 to 86.60; mtzed, 16.60 to 56 76; heavy. 56.16 to 5176; rough, 86.1E to 14.30; pigs. 54 to 16.40; talk or Klee. 54.11 to 5186 Sheep - Receipt a. 26.000. market et.edy; native. K to 16.60. lambs. native. 14 00 to it 26. East toffee Cattle Cattle- Receipts. 4.040 heed: slow; good to choice trenchers' realm steady; prime steers. 1071 to 50.11; ebtppag. 11.76 to 0.40; Miami, 10 M to 55.11; beasts, 5550 to 57.11; Bets, to to 16.60: bulbs. 54 to 57; fresh sows aad springers active 504 arm. 1M to 5100 i.a10-Raekipa. 1.000 mad; active awl steady. 54 to 1u. seed May w draw Yonbagta bra sow ballad ea track, Teres 0. 00 the tpaowtag prime: baled hep. 16ta 1, tea 117.00 to 111.00 M. Ms. 1 11.M 14.00 DOA ghee 1•.,'--a 1.00 1.00 Business and Shorthand Westervelt School YMCA Budding London. Ontario College it Session Sept. 1st to Jul Catalegue Free. Enter any lir '+ Westervelt. Prin..pal GRAND TRUNKSYS EM DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO - MONTREAL t . .celled Irtin ..•r• ►.,atpel.eat the neat on all train-. .Printing ? WINTER TOURS CALIFORNIA CND ALL. PACIFIC ('OARIT POINT P. :FLORID t. TEXAP. NSW ORLKAN8. ETC Winter l.wr+ ticket. maw oa Mile. Low fares. hek a of watt-. +tot -ors pri a Magee allowed. Full testicular. mad Melfi rweeralion ea spolkation to F. !' LA.4'REMl/. t I(UXd s= a. THE RiDEAU New Afternoon Train, Toronto to Ottawa, Via C. P. R. ('a41ae sl chid peel• abea ante Ontario IZKth Line. In.hsdl.0 [e�pt.. j 1 swam* 4.50 4.t I Daft 1. * 1aralr t"svvtbe Parlor &vt was Mei Mt tervle.. Leaves roma. 1.4s ►.. arrivesIDaalOttawa m p.mwl! easilet C.•.ernes tram Waw Wilmisa 2.10 a.a Antra' Tomos srt1.00 p �d-- kr ,tb. die Jew ewfwodee R mem sops windesesna !sats+!` Acts M jolt =tier> tae . . Allo Mage 14 4 JOB AND COMMERCIAL the %ignaI Make This a Happy Christmas B., remembering your friends with a pretty and useful gift „ from Smith's Art Stcre. We have the largest variety of dainty artistically flamed pictures. at prices within the range of all purses, and you know there is nothing would give your friends. young or old, such lasting; pleasure as a ni.: picture. r l h -al and square framed pictures in gilt and brown frames at 1:n:. '2-.c. 3:pce 50t'. .•r. up 1..111.00. Good landscapes in French gilt oval frames et:tic.. Ivory frames, suitable for little snaps. at 25c, :t:.c and 50c. Landscapes and marine views. ftamed with gold mats and bright gold or antique gold frames from 1•ic, 11.00. 11.50. 5.2.:0 tip to $15.00. Sepia and brown carbon Photos in circassian walnut and brown oak frames: 25c nptn $7:50. ' ' We put the same high-grade workmanship on the lower- priced frames as on the more expensive ones. Statuary -Busts, I'lacques and Figures from :,l)c up. Clogs -Wedgwood. Coalport. Minton and Royal Doulton at reasonable prices. Leather Gime-Such as Travelling Case'. Manicure Sets. Mili- tary Brushes, Purses, Card Case+, Bead Bag'. etc. Hai and Neck OraamsMs Latest styles in fancy }fair Pins, Bandeaux. Barettes and Back Combs. Beads in pearl. rose and all colors. Bar anti Beauty Pins in cameo, etc. t Clridsiss Care- Calendars, Folders. Tags. Seals. fru4 lc up. Christmas Snow, Tinsel aid Candles for decoratfhg. Fury watt --.Still at special sale prices till Christmas. . This is The Place to proal re a gift to 4tit all your friend at all cost. We cordially invite you to see our attractive:display. Store open every night till Christmas. SMITH'S ART STORE 0 NLXT TOWN MALL PNONN t08