HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-2, Page 10lacy t * t. Det tr>Itw. L 1115 fiol for Christmas THE SIGNAL GODSRICH, ONTARIO This establishment is already In full swing for Christmas buying This is to be • Book Christmas. and you will and oe our sbslves and table. all the new as well as the old Books worth reading. toduding:.es C. Loot, SLIM. "The Oanadlaa (lomawowealtb.` by Aft T. Far Oonatry." by Winston Churches. $1.ss net. "Harding of Allenwood," by Haruki Bindless. $1 Elk "Prelims of the Parsonage,." by Ethel Husstoet. 11.63. "Moonbeams from • logger Lenacy.' by Stephen Leaco.A. il.ss. Lost Prime,- Frames Hodgson �uraett •oses oLike These." Nellie McClung. $1.00. taooai of Calamity," Oweo Wieter, (roc. " ly tsu.day, The Mao .ad Hu Message," 11.00, as drama of other*. her edition, special 53c. Beery mans' Library. feet Children's Books All the way from an *rustic Picture Book at tic, to Boy's Own and Girl's Own Annual at 11.is0. Volland's "Flower Children." "laird Childr, n. mac.. special 90o Child's Own Annual 16c, Prise 500, Obs tterbox Christmas Cards and Calendars The demand for Christmas Cards is greater than ever this year. W• have a full dock, ranging in prim, Christmas Poet Cards, from to to tic each, dainty Christmas Folders, from Se to 35e each. V.. 1* e coloring. ol ri g ajing in prior from l5c trds, plate -wink. o We eacmany of these in band o An (massae stook of peooisoo'+ Christmas '1'ag• �- � closefames, Cards. Tinsel Cord. Holly Ribbon, etc.. mid Pr1"0'. Calendars ••('aleodar of Dinners." •'Calendar "f lb-sr/arta'. "Oalsda' of Salad... and -calendar of Luuchrous," all recipe. glow for this year, menial Other dainty little Calendars frim 15c each to 1l 2:.. y,,,, are .peclally invited sod ere heartily welcome to come and go with abe utmost freedom in this store. THE COLONIAL BOOK STORE Geo. Porter Christmas BEFORE choosing your Christmas pres- ent Don't Fal to see our splendid display of useful articles. &medial for Everyose Bought before, such an advance in cost, our • s. _paceare exceptional.,.. Come early and avoid disap- pointment of getting what you want. C. L COOLTIS, PALS. THE Autsm IPT10!if DRUABttt•T ,. rHora 1N 000ER:CH TOWNSHIP. Mari A OAKS. - The members of the Patriotic Society Intend holding • sale of fruit cake on Saturday, Detour- 1 ber 11th. Ali the members are re- quested to take a eake. Fruit and recipe will be supplied by the Society on application at Mr. C. M. Robeit- eon's grocery store. AN ACKNOW u DOSIstrr.-The mem- bers of the United Patriotic Society of (ioderish tow nettle will have a sewing at the h,me of We. David Rogers. Taylors Corners, on Wednesday, December &b. Man thanks are due to those who w kindly responded to, the call for fruit for the soldiers : 120 genu have been forwarded to the Canadian Iced Croft Ingriety, Toronto. 'ow So/lowing letter . of acknowledge gent was received by the for the shipment of Christmas coas- tforts, shirts, socks, et=. : Dear Madam. -1 beg to aekoowl.) edge receipt of shipment of supplies, wbicb are now in transit to our Loo- t don department for distribution. Od, behalf of the Society 1 desire to tender l our grateful thanks for the excellent work already done, and YOU Coto rest seemed that the artkira sent in will he pmperly. used Yours truly-, ST. AUGUSTiNS . TUMIS AT, PIOv. M. Bastes. -MM J. Bamford. of Oods- rieb. 1s visiting friends V this vieMity this weak Mies Henry M.amm r ie visiting friends at Shakespeare Quits a •usher of yetsag wo from this ridolty attended the duos at Auburn last eePaige, eightasy Whg- Isaas hay emise bay la tiiU vioiahers !~ bties Boyle bas rstaei.d home teem the test look1.g hale and hrerty TM r meeting d the St. Augustine Woasa's Institute will be beds .t the home of Mies Kay Ll.sban, orb sae- ssssios, Wsst Wawasoeb, os Tuesday, Desireshee 7th. at 1110v m. Members will kindly note the oLaap-Tuesday Instead of Wednesday. D_a ldete ! tieWe* Warr wee rejoysd- Wa"efw Va Mete Obrrletiaa 1indeav** member. wee, leveed. wee seam tea •awa•t of lie being Miter • nasty eight The you montes s sad years sen s stores of Westfield shore my boM- I. attb tat w Fiidng ay *vesting out. 'I,.7 so enjoy • limo time �est�tll►*mmttrea Mn*e,l epos/tem have hese limited to address Mess. We are pl,sssd to report the ly soother atack of pereammonla. HOLM eery UVILLI. is ee"aodabsest"tr to ole . is Y..tM"Tismstmet s dalf ♦sostos. IHosskrr R4 b tae fee �y{� Iter rut a►.iwtt b lire dakt. Yaae•k. wa.ti.t r'Tlarot. air. WgolreaoAY, Dee. 1. HocriseviLI.a HArrixIsos. - The Out hoe hes baro fre.ht gravelled in platlet this week. wbicb meetly Ma - proves the roma for traecTh* Methodist Sunday .shoot bas decided to bold its annual Christmas enter- tainment on Thursday, Dse.obr lied. A capable oomeeittee has been appointed and preparations are in full swing for a splendid evening The usefulness of the 'tramline engioe will be tboruugbly demonstrated to the farmers of tbu vieioity on Tbeireday of this week at Mr. H. Oshafdeston's barn ....The Gleaners' Misaien Circle shipped a bots of dolls and Oheiatmae booklets to the Indian children of British Columbia this week. LOTHIAN. Tvttsn*Y. Nov. Ilk [Armee Lot•At.a-Mrs. 0. McKen- .is, et Bent' ek pry. wee the guest of Mr. and Mrs Alex. Md.w • few d.ye Mies Evelyn Weltl.tlies .gent s pew days Hakim g at the hems at bar MOO. Mr. Jack MacNamara. Ll.tea Miss Iona Headmen. was in W1.gbam last week I. charge of an express aid telegraph Dees• • • Mr. George Sandy was le Whib•m hospital for .note time nad.e*sing treatment for bus eyes. THEY CURED ALL ,,OP lits TROUBLES. What Nova Scotia Farmer Says of Dodd's Kidney Pirie. Hillsdale, N.8.,Nov. 3k.h. -i ipeci,l), -"1 can recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to everybody suffering from kia- Dry disease.' These are the woids of Mr. John A. Campbell, a well-known and highly respected farmer livings near here. Mr. Campbell suffered front kidney disease for three months. He used two boxes of Dodd'. Kidney Pills -with the result that be says em- phatically, "Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me of all my troubles." The kidneys are the organs that strain all the impurities out of the blood. When the kidneys are wrong they tail to do their work and the impurities remain In the Mood, the circulation becomes clogged and the net result is lassitude and weakness all over the body. Dodd's Kidney Pills correct all this and give new hie and energy all over the body. •• :1Oif. MARAHALL, (7burmAn 6fecu- 1 to Committee. Brantford Roofing m Suitable for all kinds of build- ings : houses, barns or sheds. Crystal (in red or green),$3.:t0 per square. No. 3 Asphalt Roofing, per square. No. 2 Asphalt Roofing, $3.00 per square. No. 1 Asphalt;,Roofing. $2.27, per square. Mohawk. _Roofing, fit . + .per squats. W. R. FINDER Phone Hamilton Street ateessrasse CARLOW. WEDNYtDAY, Dec. 1. I Mr. Clarence Potter has returned home after spending the summer in 1 the West. Mr. Warner Walter has returned to the West. This winter completes his term of homesteading. Our loal nierch*nta, Meters. Clark & Clayton, are handling a carload of flour, shorts end bran. The vote on church union in Smith's Hill Presbyterian congregation was -:•.! for union And :0 against. Mr. and Mn. Mercer spent the week -end at the home of the lady's parent., Mr. and Sirs. Levi. Mr. Allan Breen has purchased the home farm from hie father, Mr An- drew Green. Mr. Green for some rears past hae been connected with a large bridge c.nstrcting firm at /1 tabu, g. Mr. R. D. Cameron. of Lucknow, preached a very forceful sermon on missions Iasi Sabbath in Smith's H 11 church. He put great emphasis on the advisability of each member's con- tributing to the church Heanor• :i% money Balm strait ly Tlid through the duplex envelope system. The concert given in Nn. R school on Bowery. Kens.-"The Grippe left tee Friday evening by bliss Marlys Levy lea weak,')tervousrun-down condition.and her pupils was a decided success. I was too week toti o my housework end The pr.gram exceeded anything of mould not sleep. After t� dlffereet its kind we hare heard for some time. medicines without benefit root restored We feel sure that the whole section. tayhealth, •treogth and appetite. Vied ARE WE NEARING THE ENO OF THE AGE? "YOUR NEIGHBORS." Mmliai d iron pay 1.) essay ea the spinal column sad wooed up by eayitiet that it was sosarthies up yam back, your bead set oa one sad sad you sat o• the other. One feels like eodor•iag the words of the frith orator who melted his audience to develop their backbone. and Wag it to the (root lbere i, also the dull. literal neigh- bor. He is one who follows Instruc- tions to the letter but cares aothlag for t,he.pirit of teem. He will undo his wort in the vet y doing of it. a jryman w.. once approached. by a lauwyer for the defence of an alleged murderer. sod offered 010 to being in • verdict of murder in the second de- gree. The verdict was brought in all right and the juryman stated bow bard be had worked. All the others were against him. It developed later that the other@ had been for acquittal ' These dull people are like the soldier who batted his company because they were all out of step hut himself. Then there is the dingy neighbor. He is like the homer who would not buy a -ream separator because be thought he auuld skim his milk closer by hand; be skimmed the pail three times for the cream and then turned It upside down to skim off more. When be was appealed to to help keep the wolf from the door of a family who bad lost its breadwinner he .ai be did not believe in the wolf business. there was never any at his door. The reply came that the wolf Would not come near him for fear of being Wooed. The stingy man is like the one who fell into the late and when hauled out by a newsboy handed the lad ten teats. The boy heeded him back five Dents change. remarking g. he did e• tart it Owns all -tire job one To tee Editor of The Sweat. fain Ars,-To net a few amongst as thieseumetio. *fait of..tgoige•risa worth. at this moment. Why is it so There ls also the eheetlial- neighbor. He is the friend out in the country to whom the doctor recommends you to go when you are nervous and run down, for he, like the writer of the Proverbs, knows that "a merry heart is like mediciee." The fact of a man toeing able to see the humorous side of life even when in trouble does much to prolong life. A man once swat - full of meaning P Because prophetic students of all schools. whether hu- totice!, preterist er tuturist, agree that this question will shortly be ful- filled. `shall we enumerate a few of the shadows that indicate its nearness :' (11 t:Videspread unbelief 121 indiffet- ante ; (3) formalism ; (4) wickedness ; (5) eminent men departing from the Isith. Troubtous time. throughout Ohrtetendom are only what, we ought to expect in God's Word. So far Trout making us doubt the truth of Christianity. they help to confirm our faith. Sorrowtul and melancholy as the sight is, it we did not see it we should not think the Bible true. The grand purpose of the present dispense tion is to gather out of the world an elect people, not to convert all man- kind. It sboukt not surprise us to hear that the heathen are not all con - vetted when missionaries preach, and that believers are • little flock in any congregation. it is precisely that suite of things which distinguishes the end - time. This ,is an 'age of election, net universal conversion. We believe it is for the happiness, comfort and safety of ell Christians to expect as little as possible from churches or gov- erowents in this age, to bold them- selves in readioesa for tremendous convulsions and change of things sat- tahliebed, and to expect their good only from Christ's second advent. RkADSN. Laurier. O.tt , Nov..' V. 1015. AFTER GRIPPE An ever, pleasure and profit at pa,ent. as well as pupils. could not Victoria street church next Thursday help feeling proud of their teacher. mewling. Do not miss it. 1 ?mum TO CHEER THE RECIPIENTS • Poi $U, - .t R,stliik, Ivory Toilet Set, Ebony Toilet Set. 1 RIleffig's Chocolates, Manicure Bet, Perfume, 4 etc. i FOR HIM, - • t Kodak, Auto Strop Razor, Gillette Safety li Razor, Military Brush Set, Collar and Cuff Box. Pipe, etc. • Also many other timely Gifts Thermos Bottles. Photograph lrs 3 bums, Photograph 4 •den. Mouth Organ, Box of Cigars, Hot-water ,(ties, Photo Frames, Swan Fountain Pen. la We are pleased to show Goods. fllrnlciYiliiliiY�r>r1Jr>►lftaftlf>tlf>rf>i�NriliNrilifllrilf ' Useful Gift Suggestions IF 1 Jaines A. Campbell PHM B CLIi1TRAL DRVG STORM (brner North (4t and Square. Doderieb 10,0,01WPWWW WWW 14 !n!nTTTPT 4 is • grand every weak. ferrous, rundown woman sbooM take it" -Mrs. Gen. Tneutiy. ills:, der deadens end lever and ism tonYk eharpe+r a blood. a buildide ges- tion. eariehee the �tooa, *rid builds rip mature' strength end energy. Dunlop, Drugglet,(itderich H . C. lowed a fishbone and choked till he was black in the fkce. His wife and his mother-in-law each made a dials for the door at the same time to go for belp and met in collision. which resulted in both taking a seat oc the floor. The lodicrous situation appealed to the mawso that he started to laugh and the lehhone was released. A wife was given a prescription to hare filled for her sick husband. She hurried to the druggist acid asked him to Ell it for her Initnediately. The druggist seeing that a tonic was prescribed in- cited the lady to have •.oda and put the tonic in the drink. When she found whist bad happened she hturied home disgusted and described what had happened to the doctor and ber husband. The sick man saw the ridic- ulous side of the story and laughed so heartily that the doctor declared it was more of a tonic than was the medicine. An old man war celebrating bis one-hundredth birthday and was receiving many congratulations when one pee.ielst remarked that it was not likely he would survive much longer. "Oh, i don't know," replied the centenarian. "I'm • whole lot 'trooper oo my legs then when 1 started the first hundred." The cheet- ful. hopeful man is the one who is go- ing to live longest -barring accident,. Another neighbor is the to al and helpful one. We don't like the man who is alt "Mow," but neither do we like the nee wbo 4- forever running down his town and -saying it ie the wont place on earth. lc tis. for his. A pessimist is Hike • squeaky door, an paying to everyone who is near it. A little oil will remedy th•t door and a little of the oil of kindness, comfort and grace can cure half of the ills that Bath is bels to. A naturalist in San Francisco ones new a big grasshopper lying deed on the said and be stopped, wondering what it was doing away frons vegetation. Suddenly the erase hopper bptan to move and on closer exatninatieso he found tbat two large Mack ants were underneath earryiog It to their fair, but on looking again he demented d two more ante mated on the carr: ear of LM grasshopper and having • hood feed. What sort of as Are some of you girls WESTFIELD. Thiene v, Nov. At News or, Two West -Mr. Thos. Requited has returned from New Ou- twit), where be put in a month's duty on pis farm then .. Mr. and Mn W. 11 Campbell visited • couple of days at the house of tette latter'' mister. Mrs D M. Gordon, Lucknow, lest week Mr. Frank Campbell, who went to Toronto oe Monday morning, returned today with his little daugh- ter, Winoie, who underwent an oper- ation there several weeks ago Mr. John Harrison, of Goderirh visited e eogple of days recently with his degas. Mrs. W. H. Campbell..We are pleessd to report the arrival f • baby boy at the beam of Mr. Morels Me - Dmitri! W. are also pleased to bear that Mr. mad Mfrs. Hardest who en rectly moved from bare to Galt., are the proud parents of another little gi Squaw winter and .west In- dian .career hese some mad goo*. Tis* eeiow!that has some mew le nicely real whiter' .tie Westfield r Liter- ary nes1ty hasplmwsted fee somber eoeeart on the 10th of Pass her !Msec the teat ate was a riaeeasm 11 ie hoped this ons will be Weber 0115.... A week ago (ant Friday stegbt the ant. are , our? eomplainiag to your mothers that she N beginning to look dowdy acid ought to spruce W a Mt, while you are let- ting ber do all the work sad dcMae to soil your Sae heads? The imposter closed kis address with an appeal 'to let hie talk m i the mere aw aulgb 7 end 18:0 lot the Great Master draw music from their lives wind will attract •d not typal whet the chords are .amok. Mn. G. B. Ling meg vary sweetly, "Mother Maebrem" and replied to an swore wits "Bowels Mary of Argyle." Rae. 0. M. licolumeemaked all bone whe bad 'ekes In the promedlage add helped te make the • eimiem Ike. M. Gasman. L (1., moved a vote of N 101 speaker l • Wel Milo` 1 -weededy Wee" 10 otkorostoolosle manner. Tb. /s,ade,diags wWe beam& to d Ham by the stogieg of the hadred AeaMoa. QUALJTY FURS % Coats Muffs Neck -pieces STYLE -quality and fur -quality are combined in our Furs. Both must be right or the garment cannot hnd a place in this stock. Fur prices are lower than for many years and lower than are likely to prevail for some •', ; time to come, as already this season the prices of skins have advanced in many cases 25 per cent. to 5o per cent. Our present stocks were bought when prices were at a low point and we are offering values today that can- not be duplicated later on. We emphasize strongly both the style and the fur - quality of every garment, whether it be a coat or a small article, and sell only Furs that we can guarantee without any reservation. You are safe in doing your Fur - buying here. Large assortments, assortments that are worthy of a store many times the size of this, prices 25 at least less than former, and qualities that are beyond doubt or question, are guaranteed to you in buying Furs from this stock. Muskrat Coats, $43.5o, 145.00, $60.00 and 165.00. Hudson Seal Coats, 1110.00 to 1I25.00. Hudson Coney Coats, 175.00. Persian Lamb Muffs and Neck -pieces, $7.50 to $93.00. Black Wolf Mus and Neck -pieces, 113.50 to 125.00. Black Fox Muffs and Neck -pieces, $30.00 to 145.00. Alaska Sable Muffs and Neck -pieces, 110.00 to 150.00. Grey Lamb Muffs and Neck -pieces, 15.00 to 110.00. White Thibet Sets for children, Muff and Collar, complete, 1500. Black Siberia Wolf Sets, 117.50 to 120.00. Fur Trimmings by the yard, 1-2, inch to any width you want, in all the popular Furs. • All Ready for Christmas The store is rapidly donning its Christmas dram. Holiday stocks have been arriving and as fast as they are received are spread out for your inspection. You will find many serviceable and useful hints if you will visit the store any day from now oo. Never bas the lawful and practical been se much in demand for Christmas giving as is the ase this year acid we are prepared to meet the demand with • dock that will be a pleasure to choose from. Watson's Underwear Watson's utne4Dalled Underwear is here today in practically all lta good qualities. No Under- wear made in Canada i. superior to this. for wearing quality, fineness of texture. perfection .7t Asia' and worknobenhip.. Fmp.m the all-eottpQ to the finest cf wool or silk and wool mixture.. Wei- mut give you maims - tnday Haab oaaaob he - equalled mice we hare to buy again. Watson's Vests and Drawers, white and natural, per garment 25c Watson's unioo Vests and Drawers, t;A�. white and natural, per garment ... .... JVD• Watwo's onion Vests and Drawers, 75c wperior quality, per garment Watson's wool Vests and Drawers, Si0 per garment 1 •vv Watson's floe white wool Vests ci • I 75 and Drawers. pet garment $1.23 11.50. Watson's UDlmncots bin&Jolt Suits, 51.75 $1.26 to Watson's fine wool cowbinatioIl $2.75 Snits, 11.50 to Watson's Underwear for children, ell •ices, several good qualities. SALE OF TRIMMED HATS ON SATURDAY $2.45 Big selling of 7}ismad Male 8ataday. •.j.et- ting-go-lime has come Ir, the Mllti.ery depart - been; stat evwy-Hat-b sash. moral M einaimi. Foe Saturday selling we,Mve peeked 30 nil+ stn- cep`tloaally Madame sad esyliab Meek tfte 555.0415 new and best shapes. with lrimmlege t Saturday takyouurr►ot ice for only to . . iet� Seamus a all fin Nowise SVtits ler Culottes Fancy work Mein Sates. is all the a •.ted Andes tee holiday fancy work new In 'sick. Our awmet- ment 1. exceptionally large and oar vatta de- cidedly good. Heavy Sateen. rich main W. gmr tic yard .. • o Roar.. mai.. • bested *Doth' blacks and calors. per ycad:..... ... Hodgens Bros. Direct Importers - Goderich. Ont. Fullers s 1lpboloure4 New r the Sams Se use Uphsleter4.g d•iac, We M it sad de is mea. 411011.8100.11111111411140.01110111111410.1111.11.1101111114.1111.111111111111111141.111.111111.11. OCDERICH MARKETb. T1u e.ay. Dee 2d. Wheat. per boob .. t 10 to .M t• Sl Mt . .03 Oat.. per boob . 1 Marin per busk .45M u to 1.0 Pear. per bunk - S /look oboes, per beth. :le* t• t. 311 e boar. matin. feet owl 173 te 311 rlsar. West. per overt t/00 1. WO Brun. .per polos .. 11.M ie 1141 NeseBas. per Vee wowpc. lour. MetesMe to tis wood. t lead ... •• 6.1e u 171.w to 1N Dotter. pee A. .sl to .73 Peg., egret. test dos. .... ,N te 1.0 etatesper was Apples. ..rbomb .T'. ... uta CO ta.tu.. Waste.' a riai, ester. we• to 0114 �, IbeteMr'. medium. " atm to lief N.a willed, feet wts so to PH rasa poser% ,toe u leis e",, 7 O to 7.83 .73 to 1.10 01..0 p 01..0.. pen lb.11 to 411 Drab. seed,art�16 to sy b 11 to o 11 t'b .k-, per lb .N to s b Owe. per It11 t. A If Turkeys. fist lb. ..... .r t. en t CREM1 POR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tdie five Te OM lurid Gam Hssd-C*Na f'.'re!MI • itrtla et: tb Te wean,* s( C 12 trot mere Imelda& en Bebeadaelie, dryness. breath at sight; TM ssY!r. Ot•nt• mall UMM of >i'I dad labs. hes yemr dru�sm grew-, '•m551111. .l Mie htlsed. Om. awrorlon Is y air Nr p_ m,p a tsootolls. It thhi heel. maw tea fermel er .esi.s io 1Us mermen ima - semi 1 . °Vitae Ina . Medi 3:1041 milk • nal • 'Mg OM* ma 9m • i Christmas Sueto11s Just what you are looking for No matter how small your allowance is tor the purchasing of Christmas presents, this store affords you a varied assortment of low-priced, much -to -be -desired gift pieces. At this season our stock is particularly large, varied and well selected for Christ- mas giving or for home furnishing. You can select now with the assurance of get- ting satisfactol y designs and reasonable prices. We will not be undersold by any Furni- ture House in Ontario. Agent for Nordheimer Pianos We have Pianos from 3185.00 George Hohmeier 'Phone fit - Tile Furniture Man