HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-2, Page 4ROYAL; -
• Tettaa.AT. D.c.M.uat 2. NID
The Last Month
The fait el al the Tsar
December is going to be a
big month at this store. COW
weather just starting in, there
will be a big demand for
Swirlier Gab
Heavy Sacks
Chiron Mc-
We have a big stock in every
line, most of which was
bought at old prices. If you
are out for good goods at
money -saving prices—this is
your store. Dress up well
and aarm in some of our good
W. C. Pridham
Sole Agent. for
Society Bread Clothing
Robert Wilson
Stoves Stoves
Now is the time to look
up your Range for the
winter. We have some-
thing new in this line.
From ti to 6o horsepower
Windmill Pumps
and Windmill!
Water Systems installed
We have just a few Buggies
left at cut prices. Also a
line of Harness, Horse
Blankets and Robes, Wash-
ing Machines. Churns and
Cream Separators.
Massey= Narris Shop
Halsiltm St , Godertcb
Even the confirmed gambler hesi-
tates to bet on the men who is a1 -
ways dead sure he is right.
Tusher. Noe. IM.
News Norma—Mr, T. Rind, wbo
stational seas gime ago. wee in tie
wmmesity last seek to say essay*
to his friends here, as he swots t.
Imes Landon trinities say bin sr.
lung • • ...Mrs. Enamelt[a. 4soa
vlst:ed her paresis. Mr. and Mee
Lamest foe £et w days lest week
Mr. and Mr.. W. U. Haid visited the
tonna s perenta os Bunchy Mr.
and Mrs. lily Altos. Mr. and lira Y.
W. Lwasd family ,,sit et tae home
of Nr. F. Cuaabgliam of Min Alberti
ea 'Sunday Yaw M. Cunaeiafrbam.
at Port Anent, has Ness vwhimg
Meads here for a cuspis of friss e...,
Mr. ,V. t) Hot cut seas w 50,
Mr. W. ISddwiu last week ...•
number from bete atteadwi the eaat-
veesary services at Dieganaoa haat
timidity Mr. WaryMullin se still
threshing : we woods- f eves winter
will stop him.
TuaDAT. Nov. 31.1.
CHC Rt'H tJt1u Y,—The Opts on
eburcb union to the Presbyteriaa
church we/announced today, with Usti
ttelkewlog result : Communicants -
111 against, 91 for : adbeeeote-13
agates'. 11 for : elders -1 against. 8
fur, showing a maj -ray against of 11
\t'aUDI u. --A very pretty wedding
Isi.k place at the home of Mrs. Jas.
Blass M Wednesday. November .'lith,
when her sister, Mies Ella (irabaw, of
Stanley. was united in the holy bonds
of ttiajtriwony to Mr James Albert
Btoadfoot, of Tuclersmttb. this ears-
Wmy bei rat perforwe l by Rev. W. D.
ruiner. The bride wort* lovely drew
of white silk and carried a bouquet of
bridal rose* and msilenhair fern. The
atroow'a gilt to the Mida was a sun-
burst of dism.inds. After pat taking
of a bounteous tepaet Ihehappy couple
drove to the Kruuai.'• beautiful farm -
with the telt wisbes .1 their usury
(t lends.
PlO re/YAL AND liC!r.RAL.—A num-
her from hete are in att•-ad.n.. at the
Guelph fat stock show at (iuelpd this
week and more will t;o next week.
Those from bete who have ex-
hibits .re Mester.. Wm. and J. ()ray,
L U. ('harleiworth and John Barr
Mr+. (aro. Jewitt was in London
nderi;uiug a alight operation, which
was successful. and her von, Major
Jewitt, returned borne with her
Capt. Sloan. of the :Clad Battalion at
London. spent a couple of days with
bis psrmts here this week. Whsle byre
h• trade farewell to them and to his
numerous friends. a+ he figures that
this will be his last visit home before
be grew arras the ocean to tight for
Ins country .... Mr. Isaac Brown was
in L- ndum the past week undergoing
*slight operatkin no the bone of hes
nose Anigbet cola spell struck
hese. nn Tuesday, accompanied by
snow. awl not enough to make sleigh-
ing A few people had their cutters
out. but it was more to say they were
mut than for any pleteure ties could
get oat of it Mr. Meeniton. of
Tnrott-. ncenpied the ' of St.
, Ands . tbuack on 'Sunday evging.
and those who beard him were well
pleated witb hi. addreatd. Although
it was not supposed to he a patriotic
sermon. he gave great praise to our
gallant Canadian soldiery and it is a
wonder that it would sot raise the I
enthu-iasm of some of our young men.
Blyth is one of the most poorly tepees!
rentedplan . in Ontario in this
resew• t and yet (bene are lots of young
ma Isere who could just as well go as
not. They do rot mem' to realise the
great importance of their presence _in
the tiring line or the fact that by in-
creasing the number of 'nen at the
front they would hasten the end of
the war Mrs. Jas. M•:Moretti* is
raking in the baths at Preston ...
Private Andy HOhkirk visited with
hie 'many friend• herr on Sunday and
bade them all goodbye. al be expect.
_,.__...e_ I'�t the .
t Z 1 e.�� tuft as $andsoi 4 i e=
lea iyM Mw BMW Iw Dattrdl
Mono (loses. this.. —1 re
ask dem I+e.+ anisn is
the wee ande
kkeensa o. til. week, .t .
mostian ad o1 . vt. smu sI.d. Isala
are tate t1(tw are. widish initials the ale -
ter eusgrestattsa of Bethany:
Fee Armies(
lidera 0 7
M. masa IY 116
Adage:sts 19 10
omen s
A womaa s ,.p,od.cdee
orsaas ars in abs mom in-
tense and eo.ti.sew .yms-
p.thy with Isar kidney..
The dight est disorder o the
l utters brings abort a
currespondtag drone is
the reproductive armee
Dodd'. Katie k► ly►
noisier the kidiPalasysto tbeir
p+cl condition. prevent
and cure those leaded dis-
orders peculiar to arena.
Pale young girtso wars -est
rr..ahers, twtferkug wives
and .,,men entorzit upon
the Change of, your
best (mod is
soon to leave Lindon for the firing
line Mr. Rd. McMillan, who has
been sp-n ting the past three months
in the \Nester° Provinces, returned
home last week. lie states there are
still vast quantit es of grain still in
the stook on &orcin-.; of the rhort.ae
of threshing outfits, and the grain will
likely remain there all winter before
it can tee threabed, which will delay
eroding operations in the *tering
Mr. John Pens lett on Saturday for
Niagara Valk, where be has been
lucky in securing a winter's job at
carpentering . Mr. R. M. McKay
was at Torous ) last week nu a business.
trip Mrs. .1. Hettron spent a few
davit of the past week with relit,
at Mussels Mrs. A. M. Cartbew,
who was visiting with relatives at
Owen Sound the past week. has re-
turned home. ..Mr. Weaver, of
London, is forming* music class herr.
TczunAT, Noy. V.
steres —Mr. H. Y. Cox spent Sun-
day with his sister, Mrs Wolters, in
Colborne Mrs. lie°tge \Heston
spent a ter day" at John C.,1's last
week... . Charles Rode, of Uode-
rich. and Nesbitt %Hood-. of Bay-
field, spent Sunday .t John Hlair.e,
Bethel Sunday school has de-
cided to hold its Christmas tree enter-
t.inmeut on Toursday evening. De-
eewher 23rd. ' A prominent number
on the program will be a matrimonial
murk tial, wbleb promises to be very
tt' yttwwa r, Dec. 1.
Xeres. ';beater and Anderson, of
the Sterling Bank, spent Sunday in
Mi.. Verna McLeod, who has been
home foe the past week. returned to
(ioderieh on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomson. of linage -
Ion. who have been the guests of Libel'.
brother, Reeve Thomason, for the
vast week, left on Monday for their
Both the Anglican and Presbyterian
voting people are busy preparing fur
their Christmas entertainments. The
date of the Presbyterian concert bas
been set for Decenther'2.ird. while the
Anglican will take place the following
Wgongn.—A quiet wedding took
place on Thursday evening of Ia.t
week at the home of Mr. and Mer.
John Tippet. when their youngest
I l L
Striking Values in all Lines
We are showing an unusually large stork of Jewrir), Watches, Silverware, Cut Glass,
Clocks, Elxrny Goods, Umbrellas, Canes and numerous other articles, any one piece
being most acceptable as a Christmas Gift. both from its utility and artistic design.
Our Watch Display
Your every Watch desire can to satisfied here.
In our large stock is contained every style from
ordinary, sizes in both men's and women's
Watches to the daintiest Wrist -Watch.
We have just received a large shipment of the latest designs in
Silverware. including Casuerole Bake Dishes, Casserole Pie Plates,
Cream and Sugar Sets, also a bcadtifnl range of Knives, Forks.
Spoons. Berry Spoons. Cold Meat Forks and Pie Knives. all of
the very hest quality.
()ur unqualified guarantee is behind every purchase. We have exceptional values in
all lines. Call and inspect our stock before purchasing --it will pay yon.
See mer Bargain Table,
ea this table ever $1.1N. Wald .IIT window employs.
Jeweler and Optician'
Agent for Columbia Graphophaxs North Stde Square. Goderlch
Total es lel
Majority .gone', 114.
�wen se Deasees�se me Invert to
�I.ki t+ia.ewu e.Y.d Y Magmay MMI
s. wsIs�iet Moro
emek. etiMma be
▪ an
Trusnite. Nov. 1).
A number of Dwepnaoe people
took b the ��ry1s= ea &aux ceutcb,
G tarn VIN. odes teh, lay mouse . 'Ahoy
all report a pleasant tame.
The mediae) tromp lett on Wednes-
ednesday fur Ambetiry. Trey gave severs
eatertala.rsats m Our burg. watch
were fairly well attended.
Hay. E. G. Puwall, tempeaance field
eireretary at intron county, edi pemech
neat tiuoday morning in Igrrkine
church mad ie the aftrreoon at Port
A1be, t.
Mr. Joao Medd, V. S., who -wanted
here for the peat twenty years, has
purchased a teem near fibra, sed
moved bis cantly and effects there
last Wednesday. tYe all wish Mr.
Medd and family the test of luck in
their mew enleryriee.
Mr. Thos. Young, of 'bin place, wbo
had been ill for rinse lime, passed
away un Moodily morning. TOs re-
mains were takeu to McGee( station
on Wedreeday morning to be burred
in Toronto. lie saves a wife and ogle
5011, Julio B., to mourn his foss.
Pt'Ruc L'ItII0OL HgtoRT.-1he (ol-
Inwtng report ebbe. Lbw auuding of
pupili in Uuugauourypublic scbuul for
the month of Nuveielr-r. 1'ne 'lum-
busifdicate tae average pee centage
of four ezaa.iinatiou,, bend uunng Sue
month: Sr. V.—L Ernugtou (lel. W.
Fitz,trrald 00, 1. Carr 514, M. ('ulbsrt
(abs.) Jr. V.—W. Brown 73. C. Dur-
gin 7:$, H. Augustine 141 E. Shackle -
IOU 57. U. D.aber 53, A. McKenzie 5U.
Errtogtoo iii. 1. Carr 73, M.
Omer 75, 1. McKelvey 72, F. Llurnin
71, J. Licher 00, M. Peottand 00, A.
Galdweil 00, N. Gomm 57, F. thoup-
son 30. Sr. III.—A. Etuott 164, L.
Salaams Kb, e, Elliott 7:1, H. Carr 70,
Jr. 111.—N. Vuibert 72. O. Ryas (17,
It. Brown 61. F. Roby,, Principal.
Sr. iI. (total 400)—Leslie Gomm
St4, Tommy Johanson 27S, Maurice
Ivets 272, Harry E liott las, Cecil
cheer 240'. Edam. Fowler 133Y. Willie
Slotbers 1105. Jr. 11. ''anal 14101-113
Brown 33 . Maty Nol- 2154, LaVerne
Pentland fat !Bary ',Essington iter,
Ciordaue fulmars 13b'. Gordon Snitch
1:18', James Fuwier fie, Lily Walken.,
Willie Walters*. Mr. Pt. iI. toast
3W)—Georgia Allis 2118, Margaret Mc-
e-Nab 2)4, Cora Emagtoo 110', Pearl
Caldwell 100', Wieser McClure 150►.
Jr. Pr. 11. Hotel 1W►=Benson Peat -
land Mkt Canaan Anderson 310, Har-
vey Errlogton 2189, Gordon Aoderaon
254, Jack Cousin 205. Sr. 1. (total
'1)91 — Everett Elliott 179, Albert
Herne 1118. Jr. I. Isocal 2101—Harold
Smith 1141. Margate' Smith 16.1. Nor-
man Gown 158. Milfjred Moore 145,
Stanley User 1110. Laurette Mc('lure
1(10. John Fowler 97. Eva Errington
tS3'. Primary ' A —Matirl Brown,
Jack McNab, Benny Mole, Hutt.
Smith. Primary "B' —Frank Prot•
land. Mary Medd. Blanche Calwell.
N ilhe Calwell. D. RYAN. Teacher.
TUasDAr, Nov. :11
Mr. J. C. C'Iatk had the misfortune
to Leer a good heifer on Sunday.
Mn. John %V■idt*, is improving in
health after a very severe illness.
Pte. Roy Munro came up from
S:ral(urd and spent Sunday with .his
sunt her.
Messrs. Alex. Manning. Murray
Kingland and Oliver Lawson have at-
tired home from tbeir Western har-
vest trip
Mr. lobo Medd, of Dungannon, is
)nading a ref to take his household
.if -cis to his farm recently purchased
nearUuelph, whets he ihtends resid-
Mr. R. P. Mu, finch occupied the
pulpit of Knox chords last Sabbath
and delivered a splendid address in be-
half ..f mis-ions. He presented to the
crngiegatioo the need of uipre interest
and more liberal support to enal.le the
mission board to keep men in the new
Fon CHt'Rt11 UNPIN. —The rote in
Knox church, Auburn, on the q.eetioo
of church union wan as follows: Elden
fns. 5; against, none. Communicant.
for, tt4: against, 22. Adherents for, 31.
agaibst. 8. Total for, 119: against,
:iS--. majority for union of 110. Smith's
Hill ouagaspatigo also voted for manna,
as follows : Elden for, 2 : against, 2.
Communicants for, Ai: agatn.t 15.
Adherents for. >4: against, 14 Total
for, 7': against. 31 Majority for an-
ion, 11 The grand total in the two
eongrrgetione ih faunr of union, 191:
against, ill—a majority of 1:11 for
`sets of IM(o. Cur of Tslsae.
Lure Tonal,. ••
Frswk J. Classy awakeseat& that bsenior
lie senr
parer or Ow lbw .1 I. J. Illsorry It e'e A.
Ise be -trier M tea roti' er iat.eq Male and
iiia. afar. mirk red ire wild glum will am Pi3*
.mei of ONK Nit P4DRAD DOLLARS tar nark
and eery mos st last
omen bp AA
the um of ALL'S t A MIit RK
Avera to before mei .mbrribea le env
rrea•sre. IW O& as of theseA. her. A, 0, I
I"ean �l '/many tab*,
liaa'- t starrb luno is to tatwedy ora
art, through tasesennel en t rwee.n molars.
of J CIter .v— ---lTr _ -- hem
O&M.tr�1�MM tri ail Ar.ei.tn ilia
It�b'. Ferny PYh ter ew-tlpslkus
NA as Dodd es They Might Be
—Have any references Y' in.
gutted the lady of the house.
—111s, wows. lots et thins." answered
the prespeetive maid.
"labsn why did you tot Ming some
of them with you r
Neil. Swum. to tell the treat,
they're jest Mike aa. eih.tner.phe.
None of "him don't ve
do e justice.—
Ladiee. tides Joanna'.
The Holiday of Holidays
L Fut Approaching
Only Nineteen Days More to do Your didu Shopping
HRISTMAS BUYING may be delayed, but remember there is
a difference between a full spread and the crumbs from which to
select. You may find something at the last moment perhaps, but
that something may not be choice ; it will be leavings. It is a
pleasure to shop now. Wisdom and economy both combine in the af-
fairs of early buying. Avoid the tush.
Read all of our List -but we can name only a few things from our big stock
A big shipment Just lo for the Cbristetlas buyers
io black, brown. tan, Copes and navy, 36 libellee
wide, good to wear and will not cut, $1 and $1.25.
Corded Velvet.., 27 inches wide, colors navy in
two shades. Crown in two shades, eatdlnal two
shades, cream, all Mo a yard Navy, purple and
fawn, • much better quality. $1.35, for 51.25. In
plain velvets the largest variety of shades ever
offered, also cream and bl.k.
A few ends still left, S yards each, $2.75 for 51.75
• yard. and three colors in blanket cloth grteo
and brown check. 5'2'1), for 51 Z.
Kid Gloves
Selling at 51 nit and 51.Z. black. white and tan, all
guaranteed,. Lynton English walking glover. i0
tan, $1.W.
Il., you want one to make the boles Monk snore
cheerful thews long wittier eveabgt ? A pink from
our lot will 1..• found right in every way .ed the
cost ooly trifling
Our stock was never so large and covers every-
thing from 2 for 5e to 11 oat each. Child's fancy
2 for S'. fathers 5c Barb, colored bode.., ie; white
embroidered 5- and up to 10e. 15•. 2N, "Jae, :Ilk,
:t3 , 90s:tk, 1/)e, 75c. 83e. $1 00. %Ve will t11 you
more about them next week.
Ladled ' Collars
Our stock of Collars and sets of Collars and Cuff..
I ought el rr..ly for the Christmas tnde, is
larger and hearer than over Iefore. Prises 'from
2.'c to 51.110 for collars, :I) • 10 $1.011 for eery
Everything in collars, the latest having been
wade in the last two weeks.
Yuletide Suggestions
DON'T leave your gift buying till the last mo=ent. Make this store the ',ase of
your gift Luying. We have the goods you need and lots of them, too, in useful
articles and inexpensive as well. Boudoir Caps 2Sc and :Lac. Aprons 5(Sc. Tray
Cloths, pure linen. 1Oc. Centre -pieces, Dresser Scarfs, Table Covers, Battenburg and
Embroidery designs. Table Napkins from $1.25 to $1.:,0 a dozen and hundreds of
other useful articles fur yanr Christmas buying.
New Afternoon Train, Tbrpeto to
Ottawa, Via C. P. R.
Cal:taa at abbe prat. nasi Inks Ontuie
OY.r. Wee. Including Keeeptes.
t'tstodat" equipment. toelsdlng Bailer.
Lhbrary&ib•etvatlon Parlor tar. with
hreiler. ice vier.
larva. Trento - Llsp.a
.'nava. tins• 1.1.W mum
IDsiy except 8.1.4..1
Coosettieg urs Mara Godetki :.'u ass.
Arrive. lmentm 1:.:: pia.
Comaeesiair rd1y. 'Nova - Wier' 1.• re -
tura by tee Venn. the' new alt.,.an
traIs ries Ottawa to Toronto. mane
mace. some equipment.
Partrularr fovea JOi . Cf1�Dtpp C. P. R.
AgemPar egt . or write
ato Phone Yale atm
t tetortled tram err. .r*
Equipment tbe finer on all
whiter tears tickets now es sate. Lew fare+,
Choice of rostra. S•op over privileges allowed.
Full particular sad berth res... at i•. an
=ties to F. F. 1.A A-RLNC ). k suSie.
TDgnDAT, Nor. M1,
Tisa LATS Jona T. Ni'tre's. —(hie of
the leading residents nt this parish bee
been removed by the death of Mr. John
T. Griffin. which lamented event took
plate on Wednesday. November 17th,
of apoplexy, after • short Moen. The
late Mr Usimn was both in tide
parish about sixty-eight yearn ago,-
go;when this part of the country was al-
most solid hush, and be experienced is
bis youth all the baid.hips and priva-
tions et the early pioneers. By his in
dtstry and energy, however, he made
his way tp sweets. He war foremost
In any miles prise for the advaocernent'
of tb. r•o.yeauaity. Of a genial, kind-
ly nature• be was alwaysat band tel
fist whenever trouble b
pp ser any rO or . c frees
VMited the treigbh irbnod He was
well known in Arbfield and the neigh-
boring townships ad a cattle doles-,
areal Ste acquired quite a numbs, of
farms which be used In bis bus) m.
Rubber Pnce List
Mtn's Rubbers, sizes 51; to 12, $1,10, $1.00, 75c
I to 5, .90, .80, 60c
11 to 13, .73, .65, 50c
2% to 8, .85, .75. 5Sc
11 to 2, •60, 45c
3 to 105, .50,' Q .45, .35c
Boys' -"
Youths "
«'e have a large assortment of Overshoes, heavy
lumberman's Rubber of alh kinds, Rubber. Boots and
everything in the shape of Rubber Footwear at the
lowest possible prices for first-class goods.
Wm. Sharman
'Phone 15$ Goderich, Ont.
Don't Wait=Phone Robert Tait
- AN D
• All wiring done by thelatest
Hy'dro•Electric rule.
▪ All work guaranteed.
• Electric repairing of all kinds
promptly attended to, at rea-
-onable prices.
• We carry a complete and up-
to-date line of Electric Fixtures
and Supplies at all times.
Elect r7ieiaa
Office —JUST PHONE—House 193
Ba was 10 robust health until; a short (pariah : Patrick. Mn. J. Myna and
time before bie death. BP.ldee his mol- Mr.. (Mansell. of Rank ate. Marie:
wife, he haves to mown tbe;r Michael, lire- Cashes esd MK
i ;tamey Tedot , Item, Prank. sans mei n mas of Ishpeming. Ills 11- The la semi
Mace on Ratwrdal 111th fist . is 11t.
t and Pearl, of Dineen : Mrs. Me. I Jnmeples rhwrah, IL anal In
t Satyr. and Mn. ?. J. Lansaw. ofd this spite of etnvmy weather was very
One ; Mrs. NfKit.tson, of Parkhill t I hugely *needed. After the obsequies
Miss Hnmeoie, &needing t:odetieb ensduMtd by Rev. FatherMeOott.nga,
Collegiate ie.tisste, and Wise 'del dilai that gloss metal of Jobs T -r'IAw
home. Thine bmtbeve and haw ewoe oeld pnefgwto lie Mist :worn pMre
tare also owlet : Juno, of that ie St . Jouph's cemetery. ,