HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-12-2, Page 1Ten Pages
Ten Pages
.fETTJ>EYIi.t17 ri & Ns Ila OODIRIQge ONTARIO THURSDAYDia MA : 1915 1111YM•1. PRINTING al. LOUTBD, costa_,
Storm Sash and Storm Doors
Made any Sure or Style. Order Now.
Shingles, Cement and all Planing Mill Products
always in stock.
'nand it A. P.U. nos IS.
l Rhyme )OS POR W. R. MACARA .
arra . ISM Med Pate to hewste in Ilia Pres-
asses! Ibis ire Maris,
N.gde1 ear the ,oats noir well
sesr es r.Yar. D.esnhhbs, t7t1.1a the asset
brha. K f kiwi r ., ills. wpsrt of tae
last ►rear'. ly k s.11 + L. a p' 01, h. p•ka.
mwserdWlllevtl.•i tl.•pM■pdw etp ,
IL t W.Is.sil►e...ey
areogietearranet tee the
eae , d be ..• 11. the L
Cherie game at L. L ENOX. Yews Gleet
th. e•eY et the esrporylea DI the eeaaty
Rasewthe NEW
vss0s i chamber, he
sewn of east. a1 thhee hoar et 1 eTimemilair.te lest
w, LANL Clerk.
BuMd Nara >l11.7w1.
11eb.e s s , a pssgdwr M to do all etable
Olt Mb err ommablerre.
egegoo shompees*••ee rl.arb . hheeemhe rob whet
ss4.raogg aromm. siOMN Y g s tf
mow et admen ONO
ham pe Mp. mI.a.a.
rioter bee.
T. the Farmers of tlursn Comm'
We we poem we to sr mad essay ale per
Mrw enar7,► beet srb4*raet eio timet 0 se to
air` teems .h do mat
(e 1. rw.th Mae appdd r
gym{ sm :eV
t. sr Immit r
heekb hsmR lg us ewie/ta.m* -sip
ot!,ma alae 1* M .e mom int. mam_a M*i•
em ler. • base msnleer. 4ssid mrs mr . WtWemae
Iiiik;ii Mg" a .rel ser ums bad 1tear Ther sena Me
b= 4stat
lb- end are
. is a J oto the berme
lior AL Ir••+w deities. Alw.ro
IV. (1. Pham Y.
Clrlw. Nor. M. *111
Ns s. (hMse ; reemndelmem pssoottoe.cresol
..1 tee, to mks., sag mes.aser. Jeassry bd.YO<AOg Hl/ttlON. 71s>1. rQ.lww(s► art
TON Baal operators. wearer., rime / e-
tere, wieder...peed.r er dabber taedsre W.
Mare whale famltlta Ap0y BRI1TSH
PWTMENT moue. to W.41*n fes
Abet Toronto. Os soot
remorse A.p 4py w- ACa N a: 801(.
T R 'rIRRA'i K with unser..emvea-
essoeti tet water headed. throe bada.5ms and
batbl Vt+catta. parlor. MaineMomwhiter ad
esmmer Webb.. tr.o.re.t soder
=sit sub Isa.ers tato rime. Cam tartaass 11 It rs-
b. 1'• 14e sessie. eon YesNd oral1
elshed- JOBYPH C. GRIFFIN, Gamilw. 7441
w. c. ?ATLAS,
berth stra.1. Owleeleb. P.O. tum tat
Hlebest teilla radal. la tows.
Tealto la
teat. .elai.w
s week anenbe t
eedenlp.d tare mita Is. sad
ye old e: ebeeers heightt here.y Ap.{l et
hat w
oSMiewsr JO114 Alfa t:
t Tr A4 AAL (Isear rma sve UM pw is
ad t,
At this time of year there are
maay •aeo0nwweete of Christ-
mas eate,talrmsel.. Mims
posters for thea are priet.d d
this Mar tee seranneems..t 0111
be pubiished Is The Sig.•1 with-
out extra °barge. Otherwise
there t*i5 be a °harp of M ens
and opera ie M gen lesesUsa,
sesordl.g lio 4esdniserh of the
damsons gape of the slag`
am appear at Vignette
Emperors. the lest bum for wary
awl Eshere bow; i 1lientesI*rt .
seme.r, kw be
est Peidiss.
A s.teewer to Judge H. A. Robber
se public • uilIltiee .otesissiomer toe
the Proviso'. says The Winnipeg Free
Prov. will be appointed .4 as early
date, as the revises of such an MIMS'
am sweatily required, and. while sev-
eral mases have been suggested and
seasYsssi by the °overmseat, W. K.
regiarer 1a the lead title
oflee, 1i, accoediog to talk on the
stoat, likely to be sleeted.
The position was vacated by Judge
Roberta last sonar on aroma of kis
decision to stew the service of the
Colon Beak M general counsel, and
shoos them bee been running aloes
under the oomsi.siom official, who
were from time to time advised by
J0dsa Rohner.
The post M a may impataat one.
meiefes • sea with bW teuiI i is
••sada ep._s_ial ,:scours •balky. !c is
=eseogoized Unit Mr. Maar pompoms*
qualifications qualifcat ions and the appoint-
ment M Daly waiting his tee.se1 wo-
Akbemgh the posit/es i. worth 510,-
090 a year, It is doubtful if Mr. Mawta
will be willing to give up his prewmt
as the lead titles deportment has
dsvebped 1ae11ely feeder his
. a,...I. os sod he is greedy inter-
ested h its work.
Mr. Masses 1* a (Ist0Nch old boy, a
sea at Yrs. Macara d town.
Belling Hewett Hardware block.
Mr. M. W. Howell has decided so de-
vote bis time sad attention to bb
taenutactutiog interests is eoepection
with time Miswer Mfg. Co . and to this
and will dispose et 11. hardware bust -
new. parts s of The Signal t
week L % nsorsetmost •greaee.t
some- out ef-bme:0.. see, ami stows
_WM whit besilaa tuts af d•
eattenerdlnery sHMeet
Christina. &Sting Dards.
The Rige•1 Is. • beautiful Ilse of
private Ubristaa grestl.s earls
'hese bard.. with she sender's owe
seine printed on them, rake an *li-
ssome holiday remembrance. Qat end
gee thew.
The Farmer.
There I.. ramose etre le YT
11 h to1.ke his EK
Aid r rotors wet► kis 11
And tblek of what be CC.
He hen the ckautr d lb* JJ,
V thq 'orb el,..' TT,
Aad es ;kat oboe • tree DK E
It nab. •• bone es. BB.
A yoke of hone he will U U
With womb hews end 00.
Ad tOMr mbmkes le win 1Q(
WMa plewlae toe lel. PP.
Re little bel.. bet nosh be ma1M,
Aad. (1rete.e. Mile 00.
Ad wise. be bees ha soh lel .poo.
H. ales .gib W brae -
Dan. log ciao Ttnoday evening at
Blacks tone'..
Why not give Nether a ,misty razor?
Wtot.x the druggist sell. them.
"I'S ringing of the Forest City
Male Quartette was a delight." -Loo -
dna Echo. Thi. Quartette will be at
Victoria street church on Thursday
ermine, December 9.
Out ►sift. -made candies cnntiin the
choittsat not., cream end Shutter we
neo procure. Try oe of our several
verietim'kpd b.0oneineed. RDWAh011e
We have pips In all sizes a.d
shape., with or without eases. Come
in and let us show you our line. B.
R. Wlot-s, druggist, Gode,ids. Ont.
Mr. Douglas 11. Work, well known
to the theatrical mad eosin world as
an up-to-dat* prof -revs m•o•ger,
was In the eity yesterday and closed s
contract with C. Mortimer Bras toe
a series of demesne orations to be de-
livered throughout Canada and the
United Mats -Berlin Daily Tale -
Mr. Bissau 1s • former well-
nows resident of Oodericb.
The Memory Cult
The new system of memory tanning
was being taught in • village ocher
reser Bristol, end the testier wee be -
aiming enthusiastic.
"Well, for humans." said the
Webs. "supposing you want to rib
n eone er the name of a poet, Bobby
Darns. Fix in your mines eye •
ters of B. Beres." i. Samos lin
w, l sea" said the bright pupil.
"let hoer Is one M snow that k dew
=sprang* wm`" 1" -*
Secedes oke I dew the (bol. .
dayy, eat of nurse harmed ehe some order mir that
el ;the Ocrsd *bleb ease te them.
Ateiefis dukes in hie t .ed
b wOw ewwrt enenpltsm I Ilwt+selels(pliM mma to
"Weil i MOW, to the i e Erfuisst-
halts a a *ea and
Mg. abalm M NMa' •j
t F
Send d Tile Sigma!
to the abet* ageing d fief:
rash or to the d scent jr{itlM
Makin rise will be se sash
appreciated. It is like a
weekly letter from home.
To Nsw Salwaisrs Iran New
b 1st January, 1017, . $1
"TOUR tagamoRs rhIthe amuse o1 W 01 . who -woo MI.,.R, D. CAMRROWS ADDRR1S.
• taw. Inkster a 1. the Modest
Rat) Lecture lin Baptist Church Hard
with Interest by • large Audience
--The Lecturer Poi nus Man
Morals with an Appropriate Tar.
• large •udi see withered at the Ba p-
tlst church is 11oed. 'setae to bear
Mr. Thos. Mcallliauddy, of Toronto,
give his Immure on "Your Neighbors."
Ms proceedings
opened with a
chorus by the church ebofr, and alta
an i.voeedion by theme's, Rev. O. M.
Horses, the Baptist georgette ren-
dered 'The Little Brows Obureb is
the WUdwood " Sheriff Reynolds.
who pomaded, Introdtwed his friend
"Toni" to the undies.
in a brief reminiscent address in which
he recoiled come of Mr. McGillicuddy's
work while,* resident of Ooderick.
Mr. ' McGillicuddy in cosowsi-;
bk lecture maid that a he looked upon
many tamiltar feces In the endless
flood. of memory came over him sod
be felt like the little darker who
bad fallen into a hogshead of syrup
and upe.n being rescued started to
lick blw,.'If and was beard to murmur.
"0 for • hoodred longues, end time."
The speaker said he bed but as
tongue. but ell the thus. be seeded.
Cosies to the subject of his torture
he rid, Who is our neighbor ? 1s it
the nation to the south of use a nodes
of splendid people who speak the
erne tongue and spa ing from the sees
stock % It wee not of thew he wished
to speak. but "palsied be the Sedated
may the tongue forever cleave to the
root of the mouth of the tea who
would ever attempt to .rake strife
between that Dation and ours." The
Amer loan to sometime* soeaewbt
boastful mod one such was ooe day
asking an Irishman to name a plea
where the foot ot an American arises
had not trod, and the Irishman isolated
upwards and amid, "I bogie my douhfa"
The ward neighbor ie well tsunami
in the brood dialect et sane of the
English .bireme, when it is pro-
n ouuced "nigb•byer." Man is • gre-
Rsiatsanistset, ausd 4e Mod of deur
pay (althouga be notledtlsome young
people prefer to to in pairs). Because
a his desire for eocep•aio.drip the
pioneer wbo erne and settled is the
/viitiate bower and hewed out a hem.
ldmrtM 0115 `s$Bil;rf iet1..a i
quirky chenget to a town and thea
tea city. 1u the divine rooms" God
tire w
e the igbbor next to Himself.
Tb. ouog man who •eke who is my
neighbor was wasting to know who
was going to do his ssod, sod Cbr( t
told that imitomparabltestory of the
Good Samaritan and pointed oat the
n eighbor to whom be was to do gond.
In the old days when mission collec-
tors went hos door to door .olkiUog
feeds one farmer refused to give a
000tribution to foreign misious on
the ground that he believed in helping
his nstebhor only. The solicitor en-
quired the she of his estate and &eked
how deep down bis property went.
The man canoe to the conclusion it
would go halfway through and that
he had • neighbor on the other aide of
the world. If we remember the world
k • globe, beltway through will bring
us all to the centre and thus every
matt is neighbor to his fellow.
if, said the speaker, the lecture
seems to be directed personally to any
of you remember it is • rady-made
tap and if it fits you may wear it.
An old Kentuckian once staid. "You
can't judge • nae0'a piety by the
length of his face, for the longest.
faced mule in dad's stable had kicked
off five dashboards "
The speaker first introduced the
sociable neighbor. There are 504,85
people mo unsociable that, they remind
you of an Egyptian mummyall
wrapped up in lbenerelvea anyou
would bend • crowbar trying to pry
your way into their bseiL There are
also the over -sociable, those who are
found in their neighbors' Motes at any
time of the day or night without invi-
tation. The are somewhat Tike t
[[Gobineau who
o received an account
from hia doctor for oven dollen. two
for medicine and five for •1.ita. He
decided to pay for the m.dicire sad
return the visit..
Th..arst is tbeaberp-t••gued swig&
bor, the one who is never happy entre
he is taking the skin off you, and who
hes become so expert that be dor it
so exquisitely that one does not ted
tbe hurt until be ens the blood. They
remind one of the lady who in making
• tall was remarking that one halt a
the people did not koow bow the ocher
belf lived. "Never mind, dear." re-
plied the boluses. 'it's not your holt
if they don't."
Then there is the fault-findingneigb-
bor. the one who toes around with a
magnifying glade. He es all the
little faults but cmnsot ere the big
virtues. Some peeps ate eoostita-
tionally that wmy. ills most peculiar
thing *bout them people is that they
will est detsn is one the echos they
will approve in another. are
like the old Reoteb lady who lived at
the crossroad.. The ebureh she at -
h nee
tended ors • shat d
direction, and the share! .1 spa«
log testis, wee em equal dig 1.
the other dlrort.io.. O. one Sosdey
the mi.istse wet* • little late and as
she saw the minieter of the ether
=kedrtvin rapidly .he eselalond,
n , drivl.g the pole
her .wi
mi.tet hi0
CI i hM m. t:
,r Inls ie, one her
anion. This poser rerselehi aeslf in
hie swpietooe of Me neighbors. lit
w trust mare. aprek lova rued love
miff re•sehs. dp$k bet* .ad hate
will mama to yes. • Thew sumin1ons
pimple are Ills* tM B+atlessa.
who attended • of the
Z say. The prwfeaSr 1• charge leek ed
seethes and "lull
did daeke..eked if
amid"lull • them X tar if •
heti been ablekee." He
tell with them
Mr chicken erne
b11m T A It a frontier tows
who bed (Ns filo 171.17 suddenly
Messer sad thought that
•mase mimes { Male, w b west to
Memos sal beellsoded ►fas4K in aad
steed as gonad with • r.veiver. •11 at
ease he raw the GMm viRhimoter few
is abeg dmbl/ at band while •
. Ind tall et
him 1s hie hefty the bodes Bred
Stat and whew the bet.1keeper
...beistbebei tel.e festes
to some. A 11tib truet 1• people
sib aisle lite a kit pirsealks.
There Is mho the
And eople p0* ars einemese '
. They
are Ube the bellow boot ogbugbt ld
potstc.- bug l the d • .f/akpin
a.d fastened it eri coat lapel w I kat
when he net his they would
$a y to brush the oQ and g01 the
laugh. One sea w the joke and
Whim wilted seedl• by the ower, of
for bog wing ibssgbs of it re.
• that It was Sleeet ting albs
farmer wee lsat o ear wen.
epy of
Pleks eon
whim asked whsl bm thought of it
as 4, '•11•t feller r ail ngbt ; be
bee some et me Yee."
Amster mal kbw is the ael•tive
n eighbor, the ars wbo puts tut leie
gttiretime is the negative Ices : You
bait know tis bale. do you P You
haven't got. mustehi have your You
didn't .es my w*, didon ? and .o
Someon. Soe may base doubts.
Some may posh- their doubts, but
I went no peeoeber to mesh his
doubts to me. TM. i. an age of wire.
lees ed 1. men. l(las
le rri 04s44et the boy who wrote an
OoaatatW an pugs 10.
- ' 11.t,''.1C. SWTEOTAIIiI.
S.si•1 Gathering Y M►a Newly Descend
A ptossa.t
wept was Opghee
Club on Moaiey".v
h undred pwlsoar, membtns.1 the Club
e nd tbeIrtriend., were preset. The
Club hes recently bad uta rooms re-
decorated. the (root room with a beim
sills; and all the rooms with p.n.Uwi
wells. The effect is very handsome
end pleasing and it was Login. /fiends
of the members en opportunity of vee-
ing the rooms in their renovated state
that the affair was arracged. Visitors
who have seen the rooms declare that
nowhere outside the large cities are
e ach handsome club quarter■ to be
The first part of the evening was
devoted to cards, which was followed
by lunch. A presentation then took
place to Q. M.-Hergt. Walter J.
Buchanan, of the 71st Battalion, who
up to the time of his donning the
khaki we. secretary of the Club and •
zealous promoter of its ibtere.t.. The
uI social
euchre en
*ag oh s Mit R. 11. CAMERON. el Lawisow,
Over one who uses his glib as a
the benefit of many worthy hycaic for
"Ckriseis• Liberality" the Theme is
Kabir Ch.reh Seeds, Evai.g.
A gold congregation was present at
Woos church tlund.y evening. *bee
111x. R D. Cameron, . f Lar kna.w, was
the speaker. Mr. Cemetos1 to eoovener
01 the laymen's roesteittes of the
Maitland Prsbytet y, and the subject
of his address wee "l.:01 reties Liberal-
ity." Rev. (hen. R. Roes, pastor of Knott
eburch, oendttcted the devotional ex-
ercises and the service of praise who
well suerained by • full choir with
Miss Little as .n1•tisr . Mr. Cameros
read from the 10th chapter of Romans,
but he took no telt. He is • rapid
and funs speaker and was elven the
bat of attention. The followiog k
but • brief cutlioe of his addrees
Some yt are ago it was my privilege
as •tenant of the G .vernmeot to .d.
dregs gin audience in Godrnch on the
scatter of saving money and laving by
somet hiss for your old age. tonight
Y s eer.a•t of the King of King. I
ease with* higher t lame, that of .err-
ing we. This is the supreme work
of the Christian church. Before the
year 1lr)7 the suission•t y work of the
shuns was largely carried ou by the
women. but duce then the nun have
bees •wakened. In the chapter reed
we get • ghurpp•.ae of the mor Id's need
and the wwrld's call and tatt.igbt I
would ask yoa to think of the world
that now ie acrd the world that i. b
be. Canada i• a greet net ion. tube
former secretary of the Meuesetueg Canoe
Club, honored by bis fellow members of
the Club on Monday evening.
president of the Club in • few words
told of the swissen and effertiom in
*hath the former secretary was held
by his fellow -members and of the pride
they felt 1a him as see of thele repre-
sentatives to the army of Ganda. A
mUrtery abet -watch was then placed
on be rade by Ilia Maid. Armour
.midst the spplatw of the gut serlug.
Mr. Ysshasa., although quite taken
by esrprisa. Misted the members for
their gift im suitor. forme, •ad the
singing et "10.'. • Jolly Good PIlow"
M rinsing bear aoneluded this ►star
feting peel of the proceedings.
Damen"with ower fur-
n ished by the autos orebemtr.,
a.d wee ee.the wrath well on 1a the
small bows et the morning.
The 11ens.•.t .g Osseo (1.h was
never i more ilmerl*Nwg eseditlem.
la milt. of easy Isms* be lbs member-
ship theneg41 Iwssvale hem bows sal
the e"Betweet ler war .revise of •
the idminime rs esethethiefnnw nnwMse
the total up to the tlesUsd silt__
M greet materially, but withnntChrist
she ea.not to what we world have leer
ler. Irl the y are preceding 190U there
were about 15 (1)0 immigrants a year
coming to our shores, but in the last
four years before the war broke out
the immigrants were pouring into this
country at the rate of • thousand a
day, and after the war is over it is ex-
pected that fryer the sodden, blood-
soaked, over -taxed countries of Europe
there will be s still greater influx of
people who will wish to make • home
in a land of peace and plenty. 'The
time will conte when the balance ot
the population will be west of the
Great Lakes. We cannot afford to
neglect these people. We must edu-
cate them both secularly end relig-
iously. The teacher and the preacher
are two of the greatest factors in the
civilization of any country. %Ve must
remember thet these people who are
corning to us from the countries of
Eutnpe are not like the Pilgrim
Fathers --;het- are coming for material
gain, and the least we can do for them
is to live the life of • true man ar.d a
true woman and so let our influence
radiate that it will he felt in the lives
of these immigt.ntr. Our boys today
ere fighting in the trenches on our be-
half and the thing that sustains them
and gices them the courage to fight on,
sure of uliot.ste victory, is the fact
that behind them are' the reserves and
behind theta again is public opinion
which tells them a hey are lighting for
progress and truth. in the grew work
ut miseions we have our men in the
forefront of the fray, in New Ontario,
In the Northwest end in the Yukon,
where towns and villages are spring-
ing up and men and women are living
without the influences of the (impel.
Here the n.irrion•ty must go and the
Ward we can no i. to .unafn him by
living true. The foreign field is
another woo k which tolls for our hest
thought. When the laymen's mis-
slorar movement as launched it
took forTw
its motto "The world for
Christ in this generation." it is the
only generation we can reach. The
past is gone. the future is not sun.
We do not meas by that that every man
wi1) he converted. but (hat every men
ebould have the opportunity to bear
the Gospel in hie own tongue. There
are about 695,000,000 people who have
;sot yet beard the Gospel and to
reach th.se the present miwtonary
staff most be multiplied by four. To
mem the needs of three missionaries
every one of the 91s1,O(n Presbyterians
In Canada Afield give Ave dollen •
year. TDI. would mean •pout len
ent. • week. The serlotur•al method
of a weekly atlleriag M theri At way
d giving, se the duplex envekmp rye -
tem bee bees adop'bed. Some shay
think fleet the •so$nt k too Inter,
bet lls.*da's drink bill per year le
twenty-three time* es Iawge. The
•mount yes give to the Master M vary
smell eospared with what He hoe
greet you. Throw hes hese • laces in -
mew in mi.eioaery giving dolteg the
1st few years, doe to the fad that
more Isttoettatios has bees igloos and
beater method. of $nose have bees
Mil. Orly SfhAe p., sent. et the
.+.pt:+ Presbies . bung* es ham "wb i
Pte. Thomas Pritchard, of the Prin-
rigtees Patricia',, has landed at 8t. John,
74. B" on Ida way home from the war.
and his brother, Mr. Ernest Pritchard,
expecte biro to arrive at Gude. fah
within the next few days Pte.
Pritchard is a forgoer resident ot ()ode -
rich, although be was working in the
States when be beard the call of Brit-
ain. He was ens of the first to res-
pond •tad he has roe some hard ser-
vice at the hoot and le now incapac-
itated for further fighting.
Lieut. A. G. Nisbet left on Saturday
to join the 710. B.ttaUoa at Gall
Mr. and Mrs George Morrow have
received word that their goo Harry
has enlisted with the 79th Cameron
Highlanders and is now in training at
Minto Barracks, Winnipeg, Man.
Capt. R. Rundle has rewired auth-
ority from Col. Shannon, D. 0. C.,
London, to proceed with recruiting
for the wow Huron overseas battalion.
An office for this purpose has been
opened at the town hell, in the oouocil
cbantber, and young men •re in-
vited to call there sed interview Cap,.
Pte. J• Bros n returned to town lest
week boor Berlin and will remain
here for the winter. He is already
much improved from the condition iu
which be retro mod to Canada.
Parcels of Christmas cheer have
been sent, on behalf of the congrega-
tion of N.,r,b street Methodist church,
to the soldiery overseas who are con-
nected with the'000gregation.
A lies- YIJL EFFORT. -Despite
the threatening clouds end dark evens
ing, a large crowd was In attendance
at the sple.did entertainment given
by 8. 8.' No. 8, Colborne, la.t Friday
evening. Mr. C. Robertson tilled the
chair and during the program showed
himself to be "the right man in the
right piece." "Pumpkin Ridge" was
put oa by the young people of the
50.0.pit7 and 'hey reserve- coedit
tae she esesM.tManner in which they
pertrrsed their pmts. A A.g drill,
•1'b. Yyeb of the *11...," was given
by the of tire section and
others t of the program
eoosistsd of sales. secitstie. , die.
issues. Meste, -meq Seise meso
dewed bpwemow4..m other cotnarun-t
Itis. M Messrs. Tyadaf and Fisher, of
Carlow, .ted Robertson, of Auburn. A
reading by Mies Florence Young, of
Widtob, .leo was mush apprsefar.d.
The premeds esounted to one $28,
whic will ill be contributed to the Red
Cres Society. Tb.s auoxes.fulentertain-
ment baa proved to ns that, with an
energetic teacher, even the smallest
✓ ebook should be ahle to do good
work for the benefit of the Iced Cross
and other patriotic societies, there be-
ing only fourteen pupils in attendance
at this school. Mies (:lady. Levy is
the teacher.
The following shows the ataoding of
the pope, of 8. 8. No. 1, Colborne, for
the nineths of 0,.tober and.November
V. -Hazel Young, Evalen• Brinlay
8r. IV. -Vesta Fisher, Emma Snell,
Charlotte Potter. Jr. IV. - Frank
Clark, Nancy Gilden, Jests McCabe,
Verne McCabe. Jr. 111. -Isabel Clark.
Jr. II. -Ella McCabe, Pearl Wilson.
Mildred Fisher, Clifford Brinley. Jr.
Part 11. -Roy Ashton. 8r. Part 1. -
Johnny Table, Percy McBride. Jr.
Pait 1 -Ethel Tebh, Once Gilden.,
Hazel Brink y. Part L- Johnny Red-
mond, Georgie Ashton. it C. Woos,
The Rebekeb Lodge put on a cud
party nod dance at Oddfellow.' HAS
on Thursday evening last which
proved very successful, and • pleasant
time was spent. The winners at the
card gamer were Mn. Harry Martin,
lady's prize, and Mr. Harold Curry,
gentleman's prize. Blackstone'. Or-
chestra provided the music for the
The Ladies' ♦1d of Knox church will
hold a tea Thursday afternoon, Decent -
her 9th, from 1 to !i o'clock, in the
basement of the church. Admission
15 cents'.
Fresh oysters. Black.tobe'r, phone
240. Orden delivered.
Leve your safety razor blade at.
W toL&'s to be sharpened.
give. good reason for a hopeful future,
as there M • great useultivted Meld
to work upon.
The er then gave copious quot-
atiaee the Presbyter inn blue
book. by, 'licit he showed the greet
advance • in missionary giving by
throe churches which had adopted the
hadgwt system, arid pointed out the
amounts allocated to the varices
shoreb .. for the ensuing year. He
spoke of the g trwwt. need in China,
where he doutbter le laboring se a
mbelete ry, and said that Increased
O wings to eniseipns did not Irian the
siring to the legal work, "as the light
that rhinos t•rt11*et afield also shines
be*Ittest, as home." H. closed his ad.
dMrs with an eppeal to throe who
were too bid t• h psreoe as mile-
5nearies and h.d been bleed
with h fair d this world's goods
to look ups themselves as stewards
et Monk -
ts their ww ek b wisely•drnlc•
A bele seat from. Gederr► as No-
vember 21 estainod 11 doses absorb
est pada, 12x16; k doses •berbemt
lite; 7 dose. ab.orbsot pads,
7.6; lli gra epegea 22 doses gauze
Won , (1 doses cheesecloth hand -
eTh. following am- ounts have been
received minor the last publication and
are ackbowlydgd with thanks : Mr.
Reward Hood, $6 ; Mrs. Aitken. Mise
Hutchison, Mars Fannie Hutcleisoo, 52
• bale shipped os November I cos -
Weed 712 hospital sigbwiru, 11 dozen
shirts, 1 bed jacket. 6 wits mists, 1
hospital suit, 19 pillowslips. 24'sheets,
6 pairs tacks. 6 dressing gowns, 1 pair
blankets. 14 hospital ninbteblrts, the
total value being $1118 73.
A demotion d fift- een pillows from
Mrs. John 'risen and Mer:' Wel. Vroo-
man re acknowledged with thanks.
The Societythankfully ackoowi-
edgee the toieg contributions of
woollen comfurts fur our boys across
the water : 8ethauy LadiesSociety,
12 pain socks; Mie. Montgomery, 11
pain ; Mn. Robert Youag, 5 per ;
Mn. Will Carey, Mrs. Geo. Williams,
4 pain each ; are. D. Pergsous, Mrs.
U. Hay, Mrs. Jas. Dickens, Mrs. W. L.
Holton, 8 pair. each; Mn. M. McKay.
Mies M. Clark, 2 pairs each ; MIDI 8
Dark Mie E. Hartel, Moo. Tyr. Mier
Tye, Miss Snider, Mia Violet McDos-
agb (Be•itaobis branch), Mn. Walter
Sharman, Ms Emily McArthur (Brit-
annia branch,. Mrs nbarurab, Mw F.
Neftel, Mr.. Tenant, Miss Taylor,
Mrs. Althea. Mrs WIigbt, Mies It.
Althrn, Mrs. Jane McMaio, Mies Mar -
jury Aitken, Mn. elwsAleld, Mrs.
Hager, Mrs. W. 14. Kelly, Mrs. Jenk-
ins, Moes Cooper, Mies Mclatosh, Mrs.
Ntebul.on, Mrs. W. Watson, 1
each ; MissBur-ritt, Mem M. A. lir
riu, 1 cep each ; Mrs. Hager, 1 pair
wristrrs ; Mn. Barrio. I seat I.
The hale sent ow November 30th
contained 144 pairs socks, 2 caps, 1
Goods shipped by Red Cron Deeem-
ber let : Thirty-8ve btopit0 sight -
shirt., d• day shirts, 11 bed *hate, 8
suns o' p.jatur, 311 pairs bud awfk..
6 husp.t.l aim, It *beets, 111 plllcse.. .'
11 peers of oouvleeernt sippers, 7
dressing gowns, 1 dues towel., 12
nuns' aprons, :i dressing gowns, 3
hospital suits. 2 hospital t.bins.
The thanks of the agree ish brsoc'b
et the Rod those Seetetg "Ake Mattered
the following e..ctibstere io Weisel*
w ret December 1-t : I/to. 0 weadolias
Colborne, 2 dressing gowns ; Mrs Mo
t'berson, 5 pairs itad wets ; Woman's
Guild. Chitin 'berth, Port Albert
(Mesdames Ii. Hawking, Gray, Me
Whinney, Foster. J. Hayden, Doh-
erty, R, Foster, Miss Hayden); Mes-
dames Heileman, Curie, Ford, Platt.
Hick, Cou[thurst, H. Blackstone, H. J.
A. Mo,Ewao, Pb•leo, Mllebell, Cart,
Youngblut, 9uwch.o,, Hager, Sturdy,
Tom, Vrooman (9heppardton)• Mar -
shell. Mises. Ridder, Dunlop, E.
Res. G. M. Holmes will preach next
Sunday in flee Baptist church. Moro-
ing sul ject: "The Prophet Habakkuk."
Evening subject : "Christ's fast Cty
from the Cross." A cordial welcome
to •11.
Rey. Ju. Alien, M. A.. of Toronto,
Recent secretaryof mission& of the
Methodist churc, will preach at both
services at North street church next
Sunday. This is Sunday school anni-
versary Sunday and the children will
sing at the moi eerie service.
In Knox chnorh the s.rrament of
the Lord's Supper will be de.penred at
the Weill jibe bete ice n.xt Sehb.th. A
Inrge attendance of rhe• membership
is expected. 'rids (Fill las) evening
the poepattoot y service •(' It he held et
8 o'clock, *heti new members will be
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Luotey, of
Collingwood, announce the engage-
ment of their oily daughter, Vera
!laud, to Mr. Joshua Henry Johnston,
of Gi.dericb. The marriage will take
place the latter part of this mouth.
toe cream ,ricks for minim. Just
whet yon like. Or have It in hulk.
Omenn d.Kee*od. Idle,k.totr-., phone
W.'T90N- MAAKLLL-Oa Wedeed.l. De-
eember I.t. at St. Game'. elm esse Rev.
J R Yetrl".bLome, an., O.I,. tss, datab se
at eta Award Maahell. Cetbene. sad
Edward 1 Mme. W.te.. w .f Mr ilea
Era C R. W•r..n. Oederieb.
blet.*Olt. la rr1My N..mber
MM. Au McLeod. Mee4 d.15Ltsr et the
late lt.bs.t Metas.
rarer. Doe red. -embers .ale .f abet hi
MM of mark mews wad mad calk.
.1 Oso. Skii.tosnikto be weld .t w lmt4. 3
Aooan. 001Y1/00414 at 1 .'dues shop
earraoar. (lea Stk. -Auction male of attest
a Wad .f eaule, IaNau.. gma halrm., 'eters
mad rales : property of Mr. J A. l,a.ea m
he mart at the Cosiawr W bowl stables. mrY.
TNus..ev. D.. a. -Ossein, suedsm male ef
A head at persbr.d deal pare••+
wale, popery st Joe,, BARN, *0.0,4.100.010*
(t sam soMk,sw. hetet. Myth. ot 1
MM..vw m.etba' eight` num
Celts Iasi Jahn O'N.bl. Ehg bm4.
Asses' HeaMe -- tles.ara Msdebe1111 1110
coral aa.Nmi Bassi
Reber Cabbies ase perm-1bg1euele ,
.Cbstr newels fit)wsb 1111141;
Cheese ..
ahrl*mr es. -w, a Rteslme ...„......
Reader -Koos Ohanh bfiMSIL.44...1e
Naw er 1.m.ee/.--1a L Rasa .... ,.