The Signal, 1915-11-25, Page 101111 Ili„
Another Week Salt of
Note Paper
and Envelopes
Nicely basted. suitable forObrisL-
Nae OW%. Maly. Roes. mad
Poiarssta Decoration., 8pee-
isl durtag gale, 111..
A splendid amortises' of Writ.
iag l'rdt, awned or plain, reg.
alale le foto dSpecial uring
1 S
Severalfilumired P
Envelope., reg. Ik pre m:€
Special during Selo, $
for 1 Se
¶.bountain Pens
rogue's Perfect Footlights Pero
e•peoielly suitable for Obeist-
mar Gine. solid gold point.
fitted with ()lip Oap, reg.
effie. •pedal 111.00. Oa
size, fitted with ()lip O pa
The Celosisl Beet Store
A riot Water
is quite a necessity
in the home. Yon
cannot afford to be
without one
Our two-year guar-
anteed bottle is just
what you are look-
ing for.
I) RU(l(i18T AND UHRM18T
Dupessing ear Specialty
The uttdersigued is prepared
to pay the highest market
price for all grades of Fall
and Winter Apples. Do not
sell before seeing me.
'PHONE 173
The Ideal Cathartic,
does not cause pain
or gripping. Take
one at bedtitne, next
day you feel fine.
For men, women anti
Jas. A. Campbell
Corner North St, sod Square
tine. to 'PHONES Res.:sxi
Brantford Roofing
Suitable for all kinds of build
lugs ; houses, barns Or %hells.
Crystal (in red orgrecn),t3.r,1i
per .quare.
No.:( Asphalt Roofing, $3.L()
per vinare
No. 2 Asphalt Roofing, $3.00
per square.
No. 1 Asphalt:Roofing, $2.2.)
per !wluare
Mohawk iRonfing, $1.745 per
Mese 111 B•emetah *emit
, here
w"'` ' S' afbeesorresstirrwitirs
eistrak. Kay s 1M , d Kim
Mr. wad Yet P. Oaartati d itAty-
•ipa. 01. to Me. William Bts•e Ma.
llllrea, a•sit. Os aim d
MSEww. Bif eiwea. U. D .seed leets,
was eels mad gee. R. SCharleeteestie. Wille
1i1, ends �possenee o s pw►
nary Kr. t M. AAmilia wain. si IwYa .
of what' els 1i 4. sat r sook dais direr*
t.•eti on the arse et Dr. fl, /►. KIM -
Mwho ave her la
eek was bewati>full
wttb fess aid potted planes sod a
peetwter et white chry-- -- e.
fns beide wee attired is • ltasiaatr
military travelling suit of cavy bias
wbi lavisidy trimmed with
bl�rsawbaed. sad a besesei.g Gage hai
carded silkywitheshade ia room off � saw
@bade ewoireliag tb. eww.. Her mew
age bouquet waw of American Beauty
roma sod ale oleo wore the gift of the
feoose, a gold pin studded with srss-
1brete and whole pearls. Utile Klass
who acted as flowerlima Fltapatrickr od girls, were dain-
tily gowned alike in Freech baiiete
over plat silk with smart .ache. of
plait silk, and carried basket. of litheand pink larnationa tied with piaktrollsstreamers. Their gifts trolls the gmsmallroo
were small bat pins of gold. .et with
pearls. During the litigable of e
redder. Mr. E. A. Hne
oceiton.s snag
j "Until."
Among t be out-of-town guests wage
Miss Jean Chisholm of Wlnoipeg, Me.
B. Hogarth, of Regina, Bask., sod
Lieut. Cameron, of (:amp Hughes
Immediate!, after the ceremony Mr.
and Mn. McKwen left for points east
to return dtheir tbey will honeymoon.their
'eke N
up their re
tenor in Regina, where they will be at
home to their seamy friends after the
middle of November
Although lately residing in Regina.
the bride is very popular and well
known in this city, baring teen cou-
aecte¢ with the Park school staff a
few years ago. For the past two
weeks .be Gas been the eueat of Mrs.
C. A. Fitzpatrick, of Sixteenth street.
-Brandon Tiimes,
The bride attended ecbool for a few
months in Goderieh and later was the
teacher in S. 8. No. 3, Colborne town-
ship, and wee vety highly esteemed in
the community.
What Cures Eczema ?
We have hod to+many enquiries
lately regarding eczema and other
skin diseases that we are glad to make
our answer public. After a careful
investigation we have found that a
simple wash of oil of wintergreen, ea
compounded in D. D. D. Prescription.
can be relied upon. R e would not
make this statement to our patron.,
friends aid neighbors unless we were n
• rug swarm:
Sos 500 w1 a Y5 ssvcstiairs-
trenttssa n
ser are s.r ~
see c▪ raWritstieww� .oh...��..
Mary inset
eserte am=
tge.w tie
useleseseisi la wares imam
I bier a•ep•m aur.
• stz - t�ratyaleeailea sat uatwW•M�etrt�.a�e.,mttrraaedisease
it7 )DIIR1e11, tlsdsM U .i.- M'w
(Alas sed ii aials es Sar mels. tine L 1�
tag the heaviest deer this tall, 240 lbs
Mr. Joseph Lowest delivered is,
Mr. J. Arthur to Ouon-Langlois.
Clinton. oa Thursday of last week •
load of live poultry containing 3,300
The Red Cross concert no Friday
was well attended, the hall being
packed to the doors. All speak of the
progreni as One ofibe test yet. The
premeds were $71.
Malcolm Dobie, of Portland, Oregon,
dropped in b surprise to see his
brother, Mr, Win. Doone, on Saturday.
He left here fifty-one years ago, when
this county was newlyretard, and
can see a great change rom the hush
to the prevent prosperous condition. of
the farms and village.
Mrs. James Johnston passed away at
her home in this village, as recorded
o last week'. 8ignal. oo Tuesday,
November id. The deceeeed whoee
maiden Game Will Sarah reagw. was
born seventy-two years ago in the
township of Colborne, a daughter of
he late James Feagan. Alien quite
oung she moved with the family to
he :ird concession of West Wawa -
cosh, and on her marriage to
sure of it -end although there are any J
so -caned eczewa remedies bold. we h
noel..s unbesitatiogly recommend
D. ve D. D. Prescription, Alt draggiste
haD.D.D.. Esc and il,
Drop into our store today, just to
talk over the merit, of this wonderful
Prescription. Ask also abort D.D.D.
DD. D. O. is in
Canada. ch.
WtDNRnDAY. Nov. 24.
BRiOgH -A troupe oI entertainers
calling themselves "Canadian Singers"
.truck our burg Monday evening and
are giving concerts every night this
week in the Orange Hall Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Alton, Lane., were the
guest.. of Mr. and Mn. Graham on
Sunday Mrs. Root. Wilton, of
Utderich, is visiting her parent,. Mr.
and Mrs. D. Sproul Bert Rivers,
of London camp, was bone over Sun•
day Mise Stella Kirke, who is
teaching et Whitechurch, was home
the last of the weetr J R. Mc-
Nabb is one of our busiest men. He
snakes lugs shipments of fowl every
TtttrtatxttsNT.-Rev. R.J. McCormick,
of Hohaesville, preached two excellent
sermons in the Methodist church last
Huoday. The church was 1111ed both
morning and evening to the limit of
its seating capacity, notwithstanding
the inclement weather. The annivers-
ary services on Sunday, with the
fowl supper and entertainment on
Monday evening, are always regarded
here as one of our mom popular oc-
casions, end this year's event was hekl
eith no less degree of enthusiasm.
Mond.- '•ening'+ entertainment was
moot factor]. Everything adver-
tise, '„rt i.d out to the letter, and
the ' applause that came again
and i. from the large midi -rice was
sullies. ...widener that all were highly
entertained. Tho+e echo heard Jessie
Alexander, Canada's greatest
Iinniat, have had a rare treat in elocu-
tion seldom heard in rural districts
Mears. Lightfoot and Bradshaw, of
stratiord, and Mira 11c('orMid, , of
Holwesville, anloiate, were highly ap-
preciated and frequently applauded.
Rev. 1 Mel( elvey, pastor of the
church, occupied the chair in a very
ahlo manner. As an evidence of the
Targe attendance, the reeeipta were
IVIONIreittNY. Nov. 24.
Mr. Robert Morrison continues on
the sick lint.
Mr. Hoary Wagner is recovering/ It ass
after being confined to his room the onus
past three Werke. requite.,
Mr (lin. Beadle hair ompleted
tbresei .g for this season, finishing his
crop on Tuesday forenoon.
C. A. Howson and tier. Beadle each
'aid a nervy boas. to Mr Allen, of
town ,i. livered 1t this week.
1 T1 .•,ow of the season is with
R • .• not enough for gond
rM, although sone have the
Ati en of the Rehhath srboole
ash pica ion Saturday afternoons for
ibe Uhrfetwas entertainment to be
head Denea,Mr st{n,f
Mt, and Mrs. Minimi (`ex arrived
home from their Western trip Thera.
day might, looking better for their
visit the prairie it is
Me. Geo. F. Ynne/4mt has arrivod Ihinl
bold. from hie hooting trip in Parry eat►. Tho
1lasad, etabatmR the honor of easter- place to
ohnaton she made her boots with
am only • short distance away in the
same eonceesion. Hese they lived un-
til their retirement from the farm ten
years ago, since which time they bad
resided in this village. Mrs. John -
sten is survived by her tusband and
three sore: Marshal! 0., of Wiani.
peg Samuel H. oo the old homestead,
acid Jame" H.,� of Dungannon, man-
ager of the (ioderich Rural Telephone
Co. The funeral took place to Dun-
gannon eearetery on Tnuriday, atter
service in St. Mark's church conducted
by Rev. W. Hawkins. The pallbearers
were two sops of the decreased, Samuel
sad James, two brothers, Joseph and
Anirew Feagan• Geo. Hamilton and
Austin Church. The deceased was
one of our moat highly respected
+fens and hes departure from fife's
activities b sincerely regretted.
TusaDAT, Nov. 23.
DLSTow-PRwTLA.ND.-A very pleas-
ing event, the marriage o1 two of
Nile's most popular young
took place on Wednesay, Novenieer
17, at "The Pines," the home of Mr.
J. H. Pentland, when his daughter,
Bertha Gladys, was united to Mr.
Clarence Dustow. At 5 o'clock in the
afternoon, to the strains of the Lohen-
grin Bridal Chorus, played by Miss
kla Girton. the bridal party entered
the parlor and took their places under
ao artistic arch of autumn leaves,
banked with palms. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. J. Hedley, in
Use presence of about eighty guests.
The bride looked charming in a hand-
some gown of cream silk embroidered
net over cream peaude-,Die, trimmed
with brocaded satin and treed
with veil and orange blossom�a d
carrying • bouquet of roses and maid-
enbair fern. After the congratula-
tions were ieceived, a bountiful wed-
ding feast was served in the specious
diningroom, which area tastefully dec-
orated with festi,00s of green, with
gold bor.e.bore. In the evening's
program of niusie, recitations end
aidresses, reference was mode by
several of the speakers to the fact that
the event had the added romance of
heir!' the evolver*wry of t(se•vtrsrriaew
of the groom'* parents. The promote
were auriferous and very
�r beautiful.
gold watch h angift
fob; to he ode Mas a
gold crescent, set with pearls. .The
young couple will reside on the groom's i
fArm near Nils, where they are at- 1
tended by the bast wisher and the
"bon voyag." of a host of friends.
Sus steward, $toe
The raider■ of this paper will be Messed to
Wats Mit them 4 et Moet ase dreaded dle-
_n obis to (sine is all
,a bud Cwt 1, coulomb, catarrh aerie
r lanoserm b o.a.tItetlonal osadItlaa.
saga Uareeal ttentlle al use/sleet .rH• it (•,,
Ms bead on Ma moos. Wwnall .myth
rthrMondoutfarass (tb, tdia
sow, dastroe the /er ine r for es
nD oke rewiisitttuslos eat ermine h herniae
Salol Ito wed. reit aoA soloists natters 1.
&SA to Ilse rifle IVO plan,.Haler as Wray%
Care MKtyy `., p. s hM er aft. tli '
any ea.e 7t "'a ktlw►M MbY.
tw.aia.,a, to m i. rand tar Not et
AdArea.• S. t'. gTaa.Tomer. Oho
Sold h •114818088a tis,
Mr. Otway Hayden ie tekleg a
hours at the C7aatra1 Ri,.lam (White.
The Port Albert 11r.ehrterian cosi_
gregatton voted as follow. os March
union : For, M , .Mast, ll.
use that toe Beate msad to
ahnet pates far Obristaroep.e.
ga Ha mbey Unite 18 Ube
1$0111! --ilia IMtrm
sm yvigdNag W he Mato a1 lir.
Ambers. imbed at d. P est mad'. N
5a Soy kms. ea .Gate las theme
rt o • au the herr hem this handy leek
eeemeert a* r~aa�t��doeided
ch is
tuasees ... Yea Yedl ake of•U mi
baa maned M bee home after speed -
tag owe time with m.
,Iss. hammiest. who wee dote shad re-
�asI W neeoseed hoes a to n -
a. ..U.der Paltry Union iimesat
Moon will hold • Noisome teem mid
,sneert at the .cbool horse ea Thera
its y. Wag pr A good program
7eJoimerore--Wools Ncrrta►us.-A
et DI ry pretty
'acclock 0000 os MausoWito lea
November nth. at Moons Pieneant
Farm. the home of Mn. John Willie,
whim her youngest daughter.
Hattie, was joined in obi • t-
riage to John A. JobmePebwm,�ee•-
� G�rraof thIis sue anelty, Only
immediate sloths, of the coutraettpg
Porta@ were present. Rev. 0. tetania,
of Dnsgaamo°, performed the owe -
sorsa The beide, who looked bosom_
toogg h bar travelling suit of navy bin.
Rabsedlnt, sur-trimfned, wee given
ewe Mot
by her brother-in-law, r. Mt,
!. oI Uodesteh, and . carried a
bouquet of bridal rose and lily of the
esiliey Tbe presents were numerous
and costly. After congratulations had
been extended and dinner served the
happy couple were driven to Uodericb
to take the 2.40 train for London,
Chicago and other poiotit. On their
mere they will reside on the tp s
model farm, where they will be et
bone to their friends after December
15th. We wish Air. and Nn. John-
ston much bappioese in their wedded
A Valuable l lediclne
for Little Ones.
lits. G. Morgan, Huntsville, Ont.,
writes: "I with every mother and
especially young mothers to know the
value of Hefty's Own Tablets They
bare certainly worked wonders with
our baby. 8be was troubled with oulic
and constipation and cried all the
time, but the Tablets soon put her
right and she is now a floe healthy
child." The Tablets are told by medi-
cine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a
brut from the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
The municipal council of the towu-
ship of Colborne met in the township
hall November 9th. Members al
presort except Councillor Hill. Min-
utes of last meeting read, silo minutes
of special meeting, and on motion of
Hetherington and Snyder were
adopted. The. following accounts were
passed and orders drawn oo the trese-
urer for same: Joseph Hetherington,
inepeeting on north boundary, Si;
Thor. McPhee, closely* ditches, Shaa
non's bill, *12: Alex. Kirkpatrick, re
pairing culvert, Burns' sideline, $2;
Mr,. Jas. Lnog, for Red Oros8ociety,
Benmiller, $45: Mr. R. M. Young, for
Red Cross Society, Carlow, $45; Geo.
McNaU,ravelling north boundary,
/G'1, grading on boundary at Nile, 119,
at Hardy'. hid. $P; G. Horn,
loads gravel on earth bout.dary,
*15.601 Mr. Hanna, Proviociai Treas-
urer. tar Brit tat Red Cries, $5110: John
Bsrkea plank. $3 50, stringer's, $1,
fixing culvert, fE4.50, ploughing and
treading, 0.75 - $17.76 ; Joseph
Thompson. grading. $11.25, tile culvert
eel eon. 14 *25.50. work. $1-$38,75.
Mrs. James Fesaaggaaoo' Mrs. James LoopthudsYrs. Levi tldsr and Ms John
Treble asked aid is behalf of ib. Red
Cross Society of Benmilier. Moved
by Young and Hetheriogton that the
council grant them $15 per month for
betas°. of the year, ennaaenrirg
October 1st. Carried. Meeting ad-
journed to meet on December Kith at
10 o'clock. R. MciLWAIY, Clerk,
Minutes of council meeting held on
November lath. Members all present.
Minutes of last meeting read and ap-
proved. R. C. McGowan was present
and requested the council to take pro-
ceeding. to bare the surface water
from the N. H. lot 36, coo. 2, diverted
from flowing on his property, claiming
the same was doing bim an injury.
The council refused to take any action
on Mr. McGowan's complaint, as they
considered that an awed on this same
matter, made some years ago, was
auflleient to meet the sitoatioo. By-
law No, 11, 1915, appointing place of
n omination, places of election, deputy
returning officers and Poll clerk*, was
read and passed. "rhe following ac-
counts were paid: Wm. Patterson,
gravelling on Kinlo.s and East Wa-
waaoeb boundary, $22.06; John Gil-
lampie, inepectIng same, $1; We..
Kehue, drawing plank and repairing
Potter's bridge, $Z00: Janes Tenney.
gravelling on cons. 4 and 5, $12.00;
Howson t Lawson, bridge plonk,
0.43; Austin Campbell, repairing ap-
proach river rb riddgMe, con. 9, $1.00:
Leaculverts on
sidelines *1 mid 31, con. 11. 50 orate;
James Young, putting In drain oppos-
ite lot 34, Don. 12. $7.50 The rouweil
n adjourned to meet again accord-
ing to statute on Wednesday.
ber Kith, at 10 o'clock a.m. A. PoaTgn-
t-Ittt.D. Clerk.
Oonacil metNovember gob as par of Heprmbwr
ben all pre.enr, Reeve Mommy pr,l
siding. Minutes of last regular meet-
ing aid subsequent emergent meet-
ings fwd and tern5rrnord, nn motion by
Councillor. Mallongh and John sto.
Miranda! statement reed by Treasurer
Tanmpeew, showing a balance on
hand of $1,306.20. This report filed,
on mo(ioe by Naylor end Pardon.
Oorreepondencs. read from Cee dlen
wad• .hrW G' sthasbroe
@gs wed ~v . West Wawa.
awn. Pirblw wtlehor'w Itewderet se.
wow vibe* tea been tared bv en
.M@Cw stile pssee, t. $111.10: d.iwad
amt's atl4Mas'. meow* le $111910.
Metiira a.d iitrab.. that
ss .Fs$t ~Oatthaws Assam& be uma Mid Asa
re•i ed tremble 2111012 ial $me. re-
• w,*
�11111b1�11�jtjf1b11f11111111[Ib1`Ib1M11111r1�11%1i11�I1b1bIb1Y11t11tllilblM .
35 Trimmea'
A Special Clearance
At $2.95
These Hats are aU new and correct shapes, most are velvet, the
trimmings those most in favor this season. All have been specially
trimmed for Saturday selling. Extra efforts have been made to produce t
Hats of a value to surpass anything we have ever offered at anything •
near the price. Regular values up to $5.0o and over. Choice of 35
Saturday, at each only
I!1ilMtirq'u1WIPluluI j1TIVI P fu. !1!!h IVVIt!P0Mv iftq fulifil
Buy Furs Now
Prices of raw Furs hews gone up by leap, and
hounds the last month or two and are still going.
Our stock of manufactured Pun was contracted
fat when prices were at the lowest point tbey
have touched for yeses. and as long aa present
stocks last we eon give you Furs of quality and
et yle at prices that are very remonabl.. U.
thing we want to 'mores upon you is the fact
Unit we handle poly Furs of quality. those that
we ran back unreservedly with our unqualified
guarantee. You can depend oo any Furs you get
Tromp us.
Long-haired Black Pur Muffs
Black Siberian Wolf Muffs,
Black Canadian Wolf Muffs,
$13.50 to $1s.00.
Black Fox Muffs and Neck-
pieces, $33.0o to $45.00,
Black Persian Lamb Muffs,
512.50 to 540.0o.
Black Persian Lamb Neck-
pieces, $7.5o to $9o.00.
Children's Grey Lamb Muffs
and Collars, each $5.00.
These are a few of the many gond Fury we are
showing and in aU the fashionable and papular
skins we have a splendid assortment of good
sty/se at moderate prices.
Black Wolf Set $25
This is a special. Neck -piece is extra
quality genuine Canadian Wolf in a very
see le. The Muff large and thickly
e _reed, t mmed with bead and tail. Set
complete foe only -
Muskrat Coats $45.00 and $6o.00
Them Oats are good value, botb them.
Buy either and you get your money's worth. Tb.
$15.00 nose in made from choice Tex.a Retains and
the 180.110 one from the choicest northern Can-
adian Rat. Both are closely marked, thickly
furred and cut in one of the beet styles produced
tbie treason. Bob lined throughout with heavy
furrier; satin Splendid Coats at popular prise.
1145.00 and 1140.00.
Introductory Sale of Bats Continued
Our greet introductory sale of Ats aimio Oot.
ton Bats continues for another week. These are
the beat Bata, the cleanest, the nicest Bats we
have ever sold. Do not tail to get a supply while
the introductory pricer IaeL a for Sae and S
for 558.
Exclusive Style Coats at $16.30
perroe value
of our ladies' Coate o atn816.50themThe cloths
are good, tbo colors are rood, the et ylew are
good. the workmanship I. good and the
value exceptionallyood f
.ty-lw, wt 1110.50. g Al
sir..., cruor
Other floats lower in price and higher
in price if you cannot find just what you
want in our big range at $18.50.
Tailored Suits at $12.75 and $17.75
Tese are tailored Suits, tbis seasoo'x styles,
made from the popular and fashionable materials
and A I ,tyle Tb. last we have. and 1t L our
policy never to carry them from one season to
11112.711 at
d� $18.50 to $21.00. Now selling
"Jay Bee" White Flannelette 15c
Heavonly, 36 incquality
hes wideE
. Could not he ngsh Flannelette,
t white
to veil at near the price. Per yard only 111o.
English Striped Flannelettes 124c
Right oe ten good patterns in English Flan-
nelette. seat and attractive pattern• A soft floish
cloth of extra quality, (' are fast and the
price per yard at Daly 12 1.40.
Cashfpere Hose That Are Excellent
Cashmere Ho.. won't be as cheap again line
manunbeay and many * table sal better t Our valise* Dry
places. you will find is massy
Ladies' Coabson+ Hoer, plain or fibbed, Spa,
405, 50e and 750 the pair. Mott pore -wool
Stockings with.eamsane* Leet, that anet telt be
give .att drictio.,
Cbildren'a Cashmere Hate titin, See !tad
S0e. titock legs amide from good eagle
yarns of superior quality, Mads exam aeon' at
knees, heels and toes where the root weer caress.
Black, In all sines ; white and colors, is tbe sinidler
New Art Sateens
geese really hesoNfnl patterns in Frstteh Art
8steeae just to hand. Extra floe finish, fast
colors, per yard $50.
Ladies' Vests 4oc
Pine ribbed, soft finish. A splendia Vest for
fall end early winter wear. Hach only Opp,
Ladies' Street Gloves $t.00
Good quality leather Gloves, las pnly, P.S.
.ewn. All tette., per pair *1.00.
"Fownes" English Walking Glove
. $1.23
This is a bigh-cLss (Hove that wean. Perfect
in fit, made from auperi,r quality leather, out
teams, per pair $1.55.
Hodgens Bros.
Direct Importers -- Goderich, Ont.
Now isthe dUphtimto geed
Upholstering done. W.
do it end do it well.
Dewed from engineer wbo 1. working
on Young'• creek drain. Mr Medd,
Dungannon, waited oo council with
the object 0t having what be consid-
ered an unjust a.sessmeet rectified.
A. no appeal was made to the court
of revision on assessment roll in this
tam oouocil was powertesa Ls set
at present time. Aeeounts amotnoting
to $I19.t(tt foe work and material done
in municipality ware greased and paid,
nn motion by Mallough and Naylor.
Council adjourned to inset December
16 at 10 a.m. as per Natttte. W . A.
Witaoi, Clerk.
111.1111s I _ TONI
L..... aMIIMew
Week I eht ter le e measy
izihrtp.4.1mor vim steer.
leas up lie
B. u Ded.F, Drefrglreoli r
Extraordinary Offerings of Art Needlework
Special Redactions
Hated embroidered in silk, oblong and square shapes, bet floral,
conventional and croon -stitch designs, Complete with
fors. $h 00, for ..
Embroidered In colored silt, on linen, oatmeal cloth and
lap, $5.50, for ... ...
-Winch brown linen and oatmeal Centres, embroidered in
colored silk, floral and conventional, $10,00, forSem
$6 -inch red poppy Centre, embroidered in miff, $16,00, for $ •
Embroidered Night Gowns, Boudoir Caps, Towels, etc.
Iiverything in Christmas Novelties to work.
Harry apt Christmas will soon be bene, �v.