HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-11-25, Page 9•t Ar Il is for you. Madam! 'WHAT is LUX'. Itis a soap of unusual purity made into the thinnest of flakes that readily dissolve in hot water. It makes a creamy, foamy lather that cannot injure the dauatiest fabric or the LUX is a wonderful life lengthener of all woolkn and flannel garments. It absolutely prevents them from matting, thickening or shrinking in the wash. will Toe let es semi you • .asps., free? Aidreas LUX Dept,,,t Lever $,others Lighted, Toronto. ,; LU 10C. 11 • THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING ?RE NIGYAT. : GODERIOR ONTARIO .•sus,- rel CANADA. Cleat' awed friss Ips 0. .aortia and roti whit we coal& M make Wap regular. "Dravot gives oat that blur awl tae were Godo and sass ot dletaader amt past grand masters In the curt sad was come to mane Ea•ebtee a ear tai whsle every man abeeid eat 11 pis and drink In quiet and .peefa24 obey es. Then the chiefs came rowed to shake hands. and they was so baby sod white and fair it wee jest slaking bands with old friends. We gam theas earners according as ttt4l7 ware Iia men we bad known In 1Dd1a-Billy Fisk Holly DLwortb. Mktg Koreas that was bazaar master when 1 tram at Whew. sad w on. and too on. 'The most amazing miracle was at lodge out night Otto of the old priests was watching os cootiaoolm sad 1 felt mussy. for 11tiew we'd base to fudge the ritual. sad 1 didn't know what ted men know. The old priest was a stranger come In from beyond the village of BaahkaL He tetcnes a whoop and a bowl and tiles to oven turn the stone that Drawl was sitting en. 'It's all op now: 1 gals. That comes of meddling with the craft wltb- out warrant." Dravot Pour winked an eye. bot when tee privets took end tilted over the greed masters cbalr- whieh was to say the stone of Imbra. The priest b.glen rubbing the bottom end of it to clear away the black dirt. and presently be shows all the Mime priests tbe masts matt, same as wu oe Draeot's apron. c -it into the stone. Not .ren the priests of the temple of Imbra koew It was there. The old chap falls fiat on his face .t Duvet's feet Ind kisses 'em. 'Lock again.' ways 1)ra- tot across the lodge to me: 'they say It's the missing mart that Do OM could onderstabd the why of. We're more Ulan safe now.' After that Peacbe7 and Dracut raised such as was worthy -high priests and chiefs of faroff v14 leges. Dor Mum School Shoes 1 We are he lquerters tchool hoes 0 1• 11 Our stock contains a large assortment of Solid and Sub- stantial Shoes for boys 2nd Kirk uilt for service. with due regard to comfort and appearance as well. No- where will you find a better ,election or better values. Bring the Scholars Here! Wm. Sharman corner East Str. et and Square Goderich. D Regulate Kidneys AND Relieve O.MstIp thea Gla Pill. are •,a.a..e�wrl1e•dg�sar.�d to tee Liget els d ee -� h dna to their ia Camelia -ea e� _!}M, .ad slsdd.r n s.•rk.ble eines Y • a+asww•esr remedy. Out users of Ota Pills have �dYsa'auddt the' isvelrbis reined, oho nteartic The endesce of hundreds d tetters t wt ham se received telablriea the serf toal tieel factthat is and Was op101 & nays sdiag anent certain .pr the other .fpr, espeoWly It L iwaptarloat to know, ia tie mute of ca - oersted palie.te, that Ci. NIL de sot act harshly as the bower: tear! L .o gripes,. but • gradual •ad grater reMorstir moll the fuset1a. Try Gin rills ler conetipsHes. la thus merinos the bowels. jus safeguard yaws self against peedble glees, trouble. Ola Pills see 00c. • bee. or 1 hose /or there al ,oar deelsr'. A trial treetase.t will M seat urea request, tos National Dew ue oi Canada, Toronto. 1.,11510d,nto. In s.'1 c...rnt-Ire. Alt for our IYVI:N- TU1: d ADVIIIES,Which w I'.1 h.: sel.t free )LIRION A MAIUON. OM University et.. Montreal. gs7 mem with ms. ab *bey will follow ass. We'll go le Mishima until the Merin Mewl over ' -A little snow bad fallen le the sight a.4 everytbllg wan shit* 'acres the greeny fat rlullds that blew down sail down from the earth. Duvet mens. ,wt* 11111h Ids crnwe .r. bla bead. sw.ugb.g We onus an.1 'tamping by fr.•l nod l.a.kluit n..ne pleased them Pole h -For the last time. drop It. Dan.' aaya 1 In a whlat.rr. '111117 Fish here says there will he • row.'. -'A ruw among u17 peppier says DM•eut. 'Not we b Peeehey. yoe'rs a fool mot to get a wife too. Where's the girl? says Ile with • voice as Iced as the braying of a Jackass. 'Call ep all the chiefs and priests and let the emperor see If bis wife sults him.' -There was no need to call any o0a They were all there leaping on their guns and spears ronod the clearing In the center of the pimp wood. A depu- tation of priests went down to the ftp els empire to bring up the girt, and the burns blew tip fit to wake lbs dead. Billy Fish saunters round and gets es close to Daniel as be could..nd behind him stood his twenty men with match- locks, out a man of them under six feet. l was next to Dravot, and be- blod the was twenty men of the regu- lar army. Up comes lbs girl, and ■ strapping wench she was. covered with silver and turquoises, but white as death and looking back every minute at the priests. "'She'11 du.' said Dan. looking her over. '1\'bal'• to be afraid of, lase? Come and kiss me.' He puts big arm round ber. She shuts ber eyes, gives • bit of a sgneak, and down goes ber face In the side lit Dan's flaming red beard. -'The girl's bitten mer says he clapping his band to his neck. and sure euongh his band was red with blood. Billy fish and two of his matchlock men catches hold of Dan by the shoulders and drags blip Into the PART 01. ' as Dan histo Si pot It before the CAN'T tell all we did for the i council and there was no answer 1111 Desi en months, bSC*OSS Billy Fish said that he'd better ask Dravot did • lot I couldn't the girls. Dravot d -d them all round. we the hang of. and he learn- ed their lingo In a way I never could. "They were afraid of me and the army, but they loved Dan. He was the. beet of tripods with the priests and the chiefs, but. any one could come serene the hill. with • complaint. and Dravot would hear itim out fair and tall four priests together and say what was to be dope. Thai sant tele with forty men and twenty Maw anti duty til•a carrying tnasd.K ran the Gborbeed country to buy thus handmade Martini rifles that come eat et the anuses workshops at Keine, "+t or tipowasssstr sents that would have told the vele teeth Ont of their seoeths foe tut` 1 marriea one of them goolaea. We got more than 100 Mead- I and again a ger made Martinis, 100 good Kobelt JezaUl and Isn't even any mora Besides. you that'll throw to 000 yards, end 40 man- two know the mark cot 1n the stone. loads of very bad ammunition for the X17 tbs gods keow that We tbongbt rides. 4,.0e r ( yogi wen men till yon showed the sign "Dravot was too busy to attend to of the master.' those things. bet the old army that I -1 wished then that we bad ezpWii- we /rat made helped me, sad we tore- ed about the laze of the genuine w- tle fife - ed Ont 500 men thamaidmaiddrill and 200 emu of a master )intoe at that knew bow to hold ars pretty go *IL Det 1 said nothing- All that straight Even those cortscrswed. heed• eight than was a [viewing of borne tb tMde guns was a miracle to thea Drs- a little dark tempi* halfway down the vat talked Wg about powder dope .rad 1111, sad I heard a girt crying 0t to die. One of the priests told es that *De was being prepared to marry the king. The girl's a little bit •rnid.' says the Priest - 'Mae testa .M's gulag to die. and tbey ars a-beartedDg of ber op down in the bowls' 'Herten ber very tender. then,' wan Des•ot. 'or iii beertea you with the belt of a gun so that you'll Dever want to be hsartesed again.' 'What's wrong with me'the abouts. standing by the idol Imbra. 'Am 1 a dog or am I not enough of a man for your weocbesr Ile walked out of the council room, and the others sat still, looking ■t they grouod. "'Billy Fish,' says I to the chief of Bashkal, 'wines the difficulty here? A stralgbt answer to a true friend.' 'You know,' says Billy Fish. 'Dow abould a man tell you who know ev- erything? verytbing? How can daughters of men marry gods or devils? It's not Protxr•' "'A god can do anything.' says L 'It lbs king L food of a girl bell not let her die.' 'Ebo'li' have M' Laid BY17 rah. There are all sorb of gads sod devils in thew mountains, and now rumness. NOIf11I1tees eh NU 'Head-I1.Mhas - Oriel wltheet any mush Nets little whir per an aims the mew. art theses the king knocked dawn the drat W tdW est Med am bine-1104 t .ugh *Id Peachq dead bis Yat enitstye tete the brown et 'ea Tem we' a Mass called 5100 Mb. a ped Merl et es s.1. sad they est W threat, air. thus and the. like a pig: and la kW kicks op the Mos*/ .Mw and sue; 'Wive ked a dubs& Sae rva far set money. whet'e moss nest? cwt Peacbep--reards01 gtipaterte. I tell you. g. la oedemas as betwixt two frleeide-aa lest W head. adz. Ire. he didn't settles. The king goat kis head. w he did. all along ce one elf thews cunning tops bridge Kindly let me` base the paper cutter. qtr. 1t tilted this way. They marched him across that .now to a rope bridge over a ra- vine e'vine with a river at the bottom. You may have seen each. Tbey prodded Dlm behind like an ox. 'D- year e7esr says the king. 'D'7ow suppose I can't die like • gentleman? He tetras to Peacbe7-l'eachsy that was ming tike a cblld. 'I'v. Drottgst you to this. Peacbey.' ways he. 'Brought you out of your happy lire to be killed In Kaf- irtsten. wbere you was latus command- er is chief of tha emperors forces. Bay you forgive me, Peacbey. 'I do, u7s Peacbey. 'Shake hand., Peacbey; says be. 'Vin going sow: Out he goes. looking neither right nor left, and when he was plumb In the middle of those dizzy dancing ropes. '('tit. you beggar*' be shouts. Lad they cut. and old Dan fell, turning round and round and round. 20.000 miles. for be toot batten hour to tall 1111 be street the water, god I could see his body caeIgbt on a ruck with the gold crown close beside. "But do yon know what they did to Pearbey between two pine trees? 'rosy enlr10ed him. sir. as l'eacbey's band W111 show. 'rbey used wooden pep fur his bonds and his feet; and be didn't dielie bung there and scream - Big Drop Ill Prict'S lit U R 5 (A.\ 12 `t 11•M cN sarorawItrw� ri Ise_rsA era esi.Yt Bashkal lot, while the priests bowls in their lingo, 'Neither God nor devil. but a mean!' 1 was all taken aback, for a priest cut at me In front. and the army behind began frlug Into the Bashkal men. "1 tried to give some sort of orders to my men -the men o' lbs regular army -but It was no Ise. w 1 fired Into the brown of 'em with an Engltwh Mar- tini and drilled three beggars 1n a line. The valley was full of shouting, huwl- Iug creatures, and every will was shrieking. 'sot a God ler a devil. but oo4)' a mane Tbe Baabkal troupe stuck to Billy Fish all they were worth. but their matchlocks wean't half as good ■s the Kabul breechloaders, sod four of them dropped. "'We can't stand.' says Billy rise 'Make a run for it down the valley. Tbe wbole place is nealsat es.' Then wasn't more than ale men. not moot- ing Dan, Billy F1sb and use. tbat came down to the bottom of the valley alive. ''017 .w. melee le thee claw beg** to go mad in bis bead from that buar. H• .tared vp end down lite • stuck PIS. Then he was all for walking beet •10pe and killing the prisms with his ,bare bawds, which be maid have dome. 'An emperor ■m 1: says Daniel, and belt year f shall be a kiigbt of the queen.' factories. walking up and down 1n the pine wood when the winter was can' gag os.. "'1 won't make a nation.' ss7s be. T11 make an empire: These sea areal nigger,: they're English! Look at tlp4 *yes, look .t their mouths. Look at the way they stand up. They sit o. chairs 1n their own houses. There most be ■ fair 2,000.000 of 'em 1a theme blue 1 got up very early in they morning The 'Hinges a» full - S.51 e� while Duvet was 'sleep. and 1 saw Two million pglisht Wbeae ted priesU tenting UKetber is wbls- meD-and all Engllgbt else. everythfag is shlpehape 1'11 band ever the crows- Mrs and the chiefs talking togetber, this crown I'm wearing oow-to Queen toosod they booked at me out of the \Victoria on m7 knees. and •he'll •n7, 'Rise ep, Sir Daniel Drsvot' Oh. It's big! it's big. 1 tell you: Bot there's ea much to be dol& In every place -Bash - 0.1 Khawak. She lid everywbete else. lt's n big country, and eomebow 70o can't help me. Pesche7. In the way I wabt to be helped.' "'00 to your blasted priests then" 1 Mid. and 1 was sorry when 1 made that remark. bot It did Mort me soredad Daniel talking 00 U men done whet, I'd drilled all the men be toad ma -"Don't let's quarrel. PeecbeY, says Daniel without coning. 'You're • king. too. and ted half of tb1a kingdom la yours, bot can't you see. Want cleverer men than ern now -three Or four of 'isms that 010 s.r.tter sport for oar depn anoth- er thing. too. The winter's coming and these people won't be giving much trouble sod If tbey•do we can't move shoot 1 wast a wife.' "'For Oord's sake Imre the women eloper 1 157•. 'We're both got all tbs work we can do. though 1 am • fool. Remember tbp euntrack sod keep clear e' woman.' "'Tbe contrark only lasted (111 aur time as we was klpga. sod kluge me have been these moths pest.' say's DPG. vote weighing his crown to his band. 'Yon go get • wife. too. Pearbey.' -'Dont tempt me" 1 says. 'I win nM bars .07 dealings with a woman sot till we area dam' sits more mottled than we ars now Let's 114. totter bit and sea if we can get sod ren. tobacco from Afghan country In some good ligwor. bet an cornea.' The the last time 0t answering I with; sslt Drsvot and be went Iaw*7 threw?'Mothertbs pane trees Moth big red devil. Toronto, Canada "pet fitting t► 1tI Jtlf B eon "atm ... meemeee see wino lseil ...... o. ems P p.... it �rw. aur.. tb� N sMrs�'r'e• w wed pee Wein• .t �i� Tumor to wee e omen wows *fir onowoneees moss le we "arlitTal lamas sl& elm rwr_ M.t • trael tY•lto OW,Meet erns .home's eremes• gem -61 r ierrlr.L lbs Ma/ 1a tuft la tel liege er ell. rheum ,.•a tr sE tsar imiLier els iiibka soca :lime'• f=loft Ms es ellligneb= ain arrre Ar aw.rsr. Wens, a* 0.40..., C0*gis WSW Wit nes O man tie 214 Hallam Bldg Ionisers of their eyes -'What is tip. rear I says to the lhasbkal man. wbo was wrapped up 1n bis furs and 40001nt splendid to bebold. -'i can't rlgbtly sal; says be. 'hot it you can helots the king to drop all this nonsense about marriage you'll he do- ing blot and me and Yourself • greet service.' " That 1 do believe: says I. 'Rut sure, you know. Billy. as well as me, having fought against and for as, that the king end me ere steeled mere. than two of the finest men that God Almighty ever made. Nothing mon. 46-aseure you' "'Tibet may tie.' says Billy Fink. 'and vet t .hnnld he sorry If It wale' He elite 111. heed upon Irl. greet fur cloak for a minute nal thinks. 'King: says be. 'be 704* man or god or devil. 191 ester hr r,.n teulay. 1 hare twenty of &11===i1U1=11110) AfcLEAN BROS. 0 Now is the time to purchase your uWinter Underwear q 6 • ■ Q ed. sod they took him down nest day end said 1t was a miracle that be wasn't dead. They took him down - poor old Peachey, that hadn't done them any harm- tbat hadn't done tbem any" - Ile rocked to ■nd fro and wept bit- terly. wiping his eyes with the back of bis scarred bands and moaning Ilk* a child fur mine ten minutes. 'They was cruel enough to feed him up 1n the teruple. because they said M was inure of god than old Daniel that Was a man. Then they turned him cot on the snow and told bins to gu home. I and Peachey-mine borne In about ■ I year, begging clung the rueds quits i life, for n rar0 WeDrs lel D t be walked • hum Teachey fore and said: 'Come a g 11's a big thing we're dulug.' The monotalns they danced at night, and the mountains tbey tried to fall on Peacbey's bead, but Lan be held up Ib his hand and Peacbe7 came along. wE HAVE all the leading makes and .brands in stock from which you can make your selection. STANFIELD'S TURNBULL'S-PENMAN'S ■ and WOLSEY'S Combinations and taro -piece Suits These well-known brands range in price from the cheapest at .f1.00 1 suit to the best at $6.00. Best all -wool value in Canada at $1.00 a piece 1 Remember we are headquarters for all Gents' Furnishing Goods. Come in and let us show you. McLean Bros. Semi -Ready Tailors 1 The Square, Goderich " _-I hill • === 111 la t. Mess T.s ..d P ortca.etse a'� � homPme es is demCaned.. Because they know we par n e.t prices. pal moll and v.,• -rem charge., charge so comm...lout. and treat our shippers right Iteeolt, we ars the irgeet in our IIM -1 Carlo. Ship W Y baa, W dont *abs 11.11.61. Doerr. �e thlp..et 4.n wanner too hv0 W ronol.l our went.* .tt.atlrs. We .eel (Inns. eines Trate, fuse's ..s. '•+ � (ss sh..rise.�., rise. IW us. lb.nt*to, panne este, a :u'. ' ►.ob.�ar ter"'e troll tial si,a /KM n, Nd sstwee. .t l► Immorags on FRSE H,II.,n .More 'Treanor's Guide' aeries or "otos elams 10.1x.1,4 401 w.w w Memo t..•s and .h• w nano incemer.nt re' til.....: Woo "Trswe e's ped Seertrr.'• Sup -a• Ca:eiee""Rem Per Prete ti.t,' and "Fee Fee Style Book"' c. t gessoes - 302 Halm B.slai.g TORONTO bent double. lie never let go of Dan's band. and be never let go of tan's bead. They gave It to him as a pres- ent In the temple. to remind him not ( to come again, *04 though the crown was pan gold and Pescbey was starv- ing. MTer would l'eacbey sell the same. You koew Right Worshipful Brother Dravot Look at btm now r' He fumbled In the mass of rage "'All right Ian,' flays 1. 'Dot come around his bent waist, brought out a along now while there's time.' black burse4alr beg embroidered with "'It's your fault: says he, for not silver thread and shook therefrom on looking after your alloy better.' I was to my table the dried, withered bead too heartsick to tare, though It was all se Daniel Dravot! The mnrniug son his foolishness that brought lbw swage. "'1'm sorry. Dau,' says I. 'but there's no accounting for ratites. This busi- ness is our Fifty-seven. 'V.ybe well make something out of It yet. when we'v. got to Bashkal.' -'Let's• get to Bashkal then.' says Dan. 'and when l tow* beck bete again I'll sweep lbs valley w then Isn't a bug In a blanket left' -We walked all that day. and en that night Dan was stomping up and down on the .now, chewing this beard ■sd muttering to himself. "'There's no hope u' getting clear; said Billy Flab. The priests will have sent runners to the villages to say that you are only men. Wby didn't Toe stick on as gods till things was more settled? I'm a dead man.' says. 8187 Fish. arid be throws Maisel( Bows oD the snow and be gas to pray to his gads. "Next morning we was In ■ cruel bad country --all op nal /Iowa. no level ground at x11 and no food either. The s11 Bashkal wen looked at Billy Fish hongryelse as 1f they wanted to ad something. bot they mkt never ■ word. At noon we came to ilw top of a fiat saewet*le all covered with snow. and wben we climbed up Into It, behold. there was 30 army to pueltien waltlnr In the middle! - The mmnerw have been Yeti quick; says Billy Fish. with a little bit of a laugh. They are waiting for ns..' ".tV:re done fur.' ears Dan. They are F.ngll'hmen, these people. and ht's my blasted nonsense that has brought you to 1hle (let back. 111117 Pleb. and tate your men away; you've don. what you could. end now cnt for It Come - ham' ways be. 'shake hands with me ando along with 131117.alayb a they won't 0111 yon. I'll go end meet 'em *lone. It's me, the king. that did It" "'ler says 1. '1'm with you ben. Billy Flah. you clear out, and we two w111 meet Ulnae folk.' '"I'm 0 chief.' sal' Billy Filth, gnite (inlet 'I linty with yew. My men can g0.' "The fteshkal fellows, kln't watt foe a second surd. bet re oft. oft. It was cold-nwfol veld. l'e'e A tbet cold 10 the back of my head new There's a temp of It there" Carnelian w's sblv.ring. end 1 fear. ed thin ht4 mind north gel 1 wiped oily fee.. trent • fresh trip of the pita - cowl. mangled hands and said. "What happened eller that',' "What wits you pleased to way?' GI LLETT S LYE EATS DIRT" tw61LLCTT COMpAw Tu01tONT0 tyle'? �� that bad long been paling the lamps struck the red beard and Wind, sunken eyes; struck. too. a heavy driest of gold studded with raw turquoises. that Careehan pieced tenderly un the bet- tered temples. -Ton behold Dow." said Carnelian. "the emperor In bis habit as be lived - the king of KcSristan with bis crown upon tits bead. l'oor.oid IaaJe1, that was • monarch once^ I ■buidered, for. in spits of deface - meets manifold. 1 recognised the bead M the man of Marwar Junction Carne -b.0 rose to go. 1 attempted to stop hint Be was not at to walk abroad- 'Let no take away the wblr ky sod glue me a little money," be gasped "1 was • king once. i'II go to the deputy commissioner and mak to sit In the poorbouse till I get my health No, [Dank you, 1 can't wait tilt you get a carriage for me. I've argent private *Ralrw-In the south." [Ie abambltd out of the once ■od departed in the direction of the deputy commissioner's hoose. That day at noon I bad occasion to go down the t.11nding hot mall, .rad I saw a crooked rnan crawling along the wbIte duet of the roadside, his hat in his head. quavering dolorously nfter the fnshlon of street singers at home. There was not ■ soul 1n sight and he was out of all txnwlbl* earshot of the ho1Hes. And he sang through the nose, turulug his head from right to left - "The son of man goes forth to war. A golden crown to gain. His blood red banner streams afar. Who follows In hI. tralnr 1 wnIted to henr no more, but put the poor wretch Into my cnrrlage and drove him o11 to the nearest mission- ary fur eventual transfer to the asy- lum. Ile repeated the hymn twice while be was with me. whom be did not 1e the lenst recognize..nd I left him ringing 11 t0 the missionary. Two days litter 1 inquired after b1a welfare or the superintendent of the ■s71um. "Ile was admitted suffering from sunstroke. 11e died early yesterday morning." said the superintendent "is It true that be was bait an Door bareheaded in the wan at midday?" "Yes." said I. "but do you happen In know tf Ira had anything open Wm b7 any chance when he eiledr "Not to m7 knowledge." said the an pert ntenden t And then the matter recta Make Preparation 1 FOR WINTER If you want to save money on your coal bills and at the same time have the best results, buy the best„ Range on the market --the HAPPY TFIOUGH". It will do more work on less fuel than any other range on the market. Call and see our display of HAPPY THOUGHTS before purchasing. Also see our large assortment of Heating Stoves. We have a number of secondhand Ranges anti Heaters, it will pay you to call and see these splendid values. We have two goo.' secondhand Hot Air Furnaces. These furnaces are in good repair. The reason we have thein k that we have installed the houses they were in with hot water. CHARCOAL Ito you use Charcoal for lighting your fires? 1f not, you .lo pot know the great convenience you are missing. We have just got in a carload. Try' a sack or two, le' for one or 2 for 25r TO HUNTERS . We have bought a large quantity of Smokeless Shells aol are therefore in a position to let yon have them at 7Sc lx'r box POOFING I so, we can furnish you lhith a one- per square. It is a tough, durable Does your roof lea' ply Felt Rooting It + roofing. In Shelf and Heavy hardware our .tuck w.i4 never WOW complete. Ike' not forget that we are headquarters for Plumbing, Heat. Tinsmithing and Electric Wiring. All work promptly at- tended to and fully guaranteed. COAL I.':ave us your orders for Hard anti Soft Coal. We handle the Scranton White Ash Coal. Chestnut Coal Stove Coal Egg Coal I Cannel Coal Blacksmith Coal Solvay Nut Coke Hard Wood , Soft Wood $8.00 per toil 8.00 per ton 7.75 per t011 8,00 per tort 7.00 per ton 7,Of1 per ton 2.50 per cord 225 per cord hL . C. Lee STORE 22 ---- - M4.51014 -- HOVSL 112 1 Signal from Now to January 1st, 1917, for f 1 It