The Signal, 1915-11-25, Page 81 • lssaeat. NoPKr- * tfli A LIFEBUOY ,H EAL rti y IILSOAP The every -purpose -seep when health is a prime es ori ieratioo For the toilet and the bath Lifebuoy Soaple unexcelled Ite velvety lather mother and cleanses while 11. mild carbolic solution is • wonder- ful bealtb-preserving agent The slight carbolic odor vanishes quickly atter use. ALL N e10ocu. Wig !'HE SIGNAL OODERICH : ONTA RIO P. L Denumme, of Zurich, bas chased fifty aeras of lead at from Beery Howard. Harvey Pope and Mies Lacy Dosch, of Lroduo. both formerly d Hosea. wen serried recently at London. The electors of the village of Zurich will vote ow • Hydro.ekctoec Dylan at the municipal ghettoes to January. A claw ut fifteen were confirmed by the Bisbop of Huns at the Amateur tributes. Hayfield, oo Monday, Novem- ber lith. Lily, the keen -year-old daughter a Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich, d the Dodson lioe, Hay, pared away on November 11th after • few weeks UI- ner. . The Huron township council has de Med to appoint a township comma* for the purpose of enforcing the local Ioption byte's. The salary will be 11125 per year. Wm. 1. Wiley, • readmit of Varma, died at Loudon oa November lith after undergoing an *mention. The interment took plat. at a., field oe the 15th Inst. Mir Levine McIntyre,f Lobo township, and intoes Tuckey, of Lon- don township, were trawled at Climes on November Toth by Raw. l D. Powell. The groom tea • brother of THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1916 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75 The Signal and Daily. Mail and Empire3.75 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and W Star x.85 The Signal andWeekly Sun (Toronto) 1.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.8o The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.8o The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire p r.6o The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.3 The Signal and Farm and Dairy 1.8 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.3 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1.60 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.50 Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85 The Signal and World Wide 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian 2.25 The Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register New 1.7o Renewal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.40 The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.5o The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly , 2.00 The Signal and Canadian Countryman 11. The, Signal and Canadian Textile Journal2.25 The Signal and Toronto Star Weekly. 2.75 These prices are k •r addressee in Canada or Great Britain The Signal and T 'he Country Gesltleman `" 2.75 The Signal and % yoman's Home Companion (New York) . The Signal and 1 'he Saturday Evening Post 2.2.75 The Signal and 'l 'be Ladies' Home Journal, 2.75 The Signal and ;fhe Youth's Companion (Boston)... The Si furl and 'The Scottish American kirYock) The i•gnal and Cosmopolitan Magazine... Thq gpsl and ;McClure's Magazine 5 5 8dtng palette. to Canadian suttecribets. 3.25 3.25 2.85 2.15 The .,hove pul ]lications may be obtained by Sig- naJ subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $1.00 representing thr. price of The Signal. For instance : Tag signal end The Family Herald and Weekly Star........_ ... $toSS The Fer.rt. Advocate ($a.351•.;1.00► tom -making the price of the three papers The ski eel and The Weakly Son The Tee 0ato Daily Star i$3.tb lees $i.osi -the three papers for $3.55• if the pul.lication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well -know Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) byto THE SIGNAL Goderich PRINTING CO., LIMITED Ontario ,, !' Mrs. P. "mT 'e P,i4W , of the Lake Shoo rued,Wesley,rebated the Montague form oo eon line now occur Pir henna as titmice rho • w M amelia. daughter of Mr. ad Mrs. Itrecksandee, of the let euuaeaelew .d tiny, died at Fent me hoepttal ole November t3tb, aged mareuteen years. Mrs. Thos. Murray, a n.Nse of tine Uhl* cooaMeioo of McKillop, who removed lath her husband to Dublin • few y.sse ago, peeped away recently at het home there. Solomon Morita petaeed away at bfs hems on the a.brio, lisle flay. o0 Noeastbee 112th. He was in hie sgb4y- eevssth year. He bad resided Is Hay to „whip oleo* left;. The engagement Is snuouoc d of Jeanie, rummest daughter of Jacob Latta, 01 Tuchersesith, to John H. Ooeb.•sA of Hay township, the ar- rte(re to finkts Make mace chis month. vf1111sa ashop, posimseter at Ko- amosa. Mowersx comedy, formerly of IMO Nish a0mewaou of Dewy township. did _direly white at won k on Nov-, ember tltb. He was seventy-eight years old. Word has beats received of the death at Mt. Peal, Minn.. of Mrs. David Baird. The decease 1 was a native of being the daughter of r. Andrew Smith, Mho was sixty- Hite,ert years old. Mrs. W.. Moir palmed away at her home at M.se.11 on November lttb atter a abort illness. tibio was a native of Usborse sad had resided in the viability of Henson all ber life. Her husband red two daughters eau -vies. Mr. aad Mrs. J. J. MoEat and daugh- ter. LdI1,.. d the Base lime, Turnberry, ataesrded the funeral at Biobrook tie Mrs. Moffat's mother, Mrs. F. McBride, who died there reeestl7 Mrs. Karo. of WresNst. also lea daughter of the deceased. A doubts wedding toot plaice at the house d (les. Squires at Whalen on Neenah," 17th, wises bis daughter Lotus was married to Albert Scott sad hie daughter Verde became the beide of Clarence Gunning. Rev, W. A. Mislay omciated Mutdo.b McDonald died at bighorn. is Huron township on November 13th. He was here eighty-five year. ago in Smile/id mod bad hoed in ()anode fur the palm ditty -tone yeses. He is sur- vived by throe pose sod one daughter, tbs latter twine Mrs. Norman Mc Doe - MI of Dederick. Mr. James Boothron, an •Red resi- dent of Hessll, passed away Novem- 1.er 13th In hie seventy-f,.Kth year. Ne was one of the pioneers. of the township of Hey end retired from his faros a few year. ago. For tbiry- throe year* be had hero sectotsry of the Magmatic Lodge. Mrs. Margaret McKeeo passed sway at bee boos on the 3rd eorloeeston of Stanley o• November 13th. She was bore ie 'Scotland ninety years ago and ammo to Basad. in 18.14. Four years Meer she 'wanted and removed to tkanbytowsehip. Oho Is survived by bur pass and two daughters, Percy °kudos Moorohouse awn at the home of hie motheer Bay, on November I1th after a long Illness. He had rodded at Pinconn- tog, Mich., fora number of years and returned to Hayfield with the bops of retraining his health. He was fifty years old sad is *arylved by bis wife, two daugiden and two sons. His ,.other, two brothers and four easten also survive. EXETKR. lire store of Mears- Bryant A May was hroken into recently and 1115.40 taken from the till, as well as a sum. her of utter articles. Mies Edna Dow, of Exeter. who 1s a nurse with the Toronto University Corps, has been transferred to the Dardanelles. Mee. James Willis"has gone to Luck - now to vat ber brother. Although living but a few miles apart they had not met for thirty years. Successfui anniversary services were held at Main street Methodist church oo November 14th, when Rev. It. (1. Powell, of Clinton, . former pastor, wdas the 11MU.preacher. The offerings total - le Philemon Blake. who had been ern- pluysd as hostler at the Commercial hotel. died on November 13th. He was in his fifty-tblyd year and is survived Icy his wife sod one nos. The village council hem decided not to provide so additional lighting sys- tem on Mels street as aeked fot in s petition by the bu.ln... men, but will place 1st -watt lamps oo the pole* nM ready erected. LUCK NOW. 'Retentive improvements have been reeeotly trade at the Methodist par. mesons. Mew Wiwi* Mardian has returned home atter assootk's visit with friends at Tomato. Day Bros. Minstrel* bad a very poor horse Mer. They say they will have be out Lacksow out of their circuit. Mies Jori Mullin bag Nought the Wm. Rasktagbam propeft y an Atauf- ler Meaty sed wit! .north- remove hen with her smother from Hrlrast. Do►, A. Miehard.on, who bad been reeler orf the £nglte.n rhumb here for the pest tit yeas, peeacbed hl* len- wsi scrams em Nuv.mher 14th. He Bees toss`megs 1• Knot county. iR A. ►lebysrrt. formerly of Losiiaeh, hes opened a four nen feed hssiesss la kis brier building at the esrssw of Cs.pbdll and knew *Deena He hashed the Remises thoroughly Vire egos altos of I.ucknow Pres• byterist- h has igain voted agalmu$ oMN °sten. Th. balbtting was ae &flews For nobs, fit t agshst, WI. The result is .boat Use came as as the prevbue vote. Davy Mills. the elx-peavoid eon ed Mr. sad Mn. D. Male, teal into the water at that Bout mill dam who rwtmraine from .cbo.l one day reeeat- ly. He managed to hold biased in as eprigbt positing white his sister ran fee help, but whim assistance arrived Ids bead was below water After being rescued dost aid was applied sud tate lad was sows hub little the worse for his szperietroa Pte. Oliver brown, whose eerie Mme wee in Luckoow, was a visitor last week at the imam of his aunt, Mrs, Fred McDonald. He has re. Mined from the battle front io Flan. dews, where he wag wou•ded nod pWwuoed by gen. Hie father, It. N. wa, was for a number of years o teacher be Asbeeld. W IND H AM. The new (1. T. R. bridge recently erected has been tried out and large esogul engines may now he awed on the Wicehouse- KIomsedtoe run. The Bishop of Huron 000dtwwd e elms of fourteen candidates at the Aaglitas Murch here on Mooday eveaiug, November 15th. WIII Hln.ehtte, bugler of the 71st ltattsltoo, stationed et Stratford, tell and broke his left arm below the elbow. He is at his home here on sick turloug h Jobs Kerr, formerly of Wingham, who has been engaged in the grocery budges* et London, has male an si- lt a ascot for the benefit. of hiscred- The furniture company has decided, to bate the under for shell -boxes, re- medy received, filled at its Wiarto° factory. The factory here .111 he operand during the winter and (fire employment to a number of turn. Herbert Colter, of Wingbarn, and Mies Helena Horne, of Belgrave, were married se the home of trio bridei e slater, Mrs. A. Price, at Belgr•ve on November lith by Bev. H.B. Parneby. The tyoung couple w111 reside at %Vlog- CLINTON.= Miss McLeod, a returned missionary from Japan, ie Melting her friend Misr Sybil Courtier. Miss Sporty, who has but recently returned to Canada. from London, England, is the guest of Mrs. Bristow. The Knitting Co. is installing • pow- er plant at its factory, as the contract whereby the town has supplied power, light and brat expiree next month. Miss Bessie Porter has returned to Clinton after spending a year In 13rit. ain. She was a passenger nn the ateamet Arabic, which was sunk by a torpedo. Mee. John P. Joy, formerly of Clin- ton, died recently at Ontario, Califon cis. She was in her seventieth year and leaves a family of three dangling and three sons. The omcial board of the Ontario street Methodist church has extended a call to Hey. J. A. Agnew, of Mount Bridges. to become pastor at the gtntslog of the ora Conference year. -Bob" Brewer, a former Clinton LI/NC TROUBLE Was eared by doing the stomach. The two organs are net connected. It they were, food swal- lowed would choke you. for long and bronchial troubles you must breathe the cure, sad yeu can't breathe cough syrups. teaks and syrupy compounds! Peps pruvlde the rational treatment for coughs, colds, broachtUs and lung tnubles. Pepe are tablets made up of Pins extracts and medicinal emenua, which when put into the moutb turn into healing vapors. These aro breathed down direct to the lungs, throat and bronchial tubes --not swallowed down to the stomach, which is not ailing. On the face of It, now, does this not sound more reasonable than drugging the stomach ! Try one box of Pepe. A trial will cost you only 60c., and the good you will reap -well, health cannot be ex- pressed in money terms. Be sure of the article when ordertng frost druggist ar store. Just toter lettere boy who went to the front will the first Canadian contingent, has beets promoted from the ranku to a lime - tenancy as a reward for "signal tray- ery. Fred Chant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chant, of Clinuw, hu Bern appointed assistant welfare manager of the Drts. oral Elertrieal Co. of Pitt►I.urft, Pa. The Couipany has 'LIMO employees and Mr. Chord?* duties will be similar to those of a Y. M. C. A. secretary. Mrs. James Doig posited away at bee house herr on November 21st atter • long and painful diner. In the days of ber health she woe prominent in temperance and missionary work. Be- sides hnr husband, ber parents, three brothers and one sister survive. The interment was made et Pros est ceme- tery, West Toronto. SEAFORTH, Isaiah Holman, a former resident of Neefurt4, died at Berlin on November 14th, aged sixty -due year.. Oliver J. S. Little has passed the fall exnneioateons at the College of Pbysi' tient, slid Surgeons of Ontario, and is wow qualified to practise as a medical doctor. The Ogilvie mill*, the Bell ought* works, the oatmeal mill and the lut- etium tastory soak lame trued peso - pacts of ruonaug full tiara all winter. 8uaday, December loth, Ie the date sainted foe the Addis( 0001 mielvereary service* in the /fret Preebyteelen church. 1tev. M. B. Davidson, M. A - of Dalt, will ba the epsol•1 speaker. Mrs. P. 8. Lemma. a native of thea forth, died at Calgary on November lith. She was the daughter of the bite Thomas Kidd. The tumoral took place w mem,. ilk oesnmery on the 19th Mise Aside Mae Courtney. daugh- ter of Mr. mod Mn, P. Courtney, ul Kincardine, was married at Brandies. Men.. receoUy, to Wet. Hoary Mc- Bweu, B. A., of K.giva. Seek. The bride resided ben for • number of years and wooded the Collegiate In- stitute previous to gotag Wast. BKUSSKL8. Mr. and Mrs. H.1 L Jarksoo hate returned from • live week: trip 10 California. The Kxoebior knitting factory Is re- ceiving an •bundenee of orders and an increase 1n the staff is expected. Frank Derry wad Eimer Swan en- listed at Stratford In the Perth county battalion now being formed there. W. W. Harris' butter facture baa had a ruoreesful oemeuo and will con- nate to operate throughout the win- ter. The proceeds from the fowl supper and c ncert, gives by lbs 31mbudist church on Novenber 140, amounted to fib. Mies Fairy kohl, of Brussels, has been •ppdu ed upraise soloed of the Queen street Bioptic( church, 8t. Catb- arenes. T. W. F. Norton, a Brus,els ••old boy," was receetly appointed mane/ter of the British Columbia brunch of the Canada Life Insuresee 0o,, with head. By reaon of the changing shape when in motion this tire cleans itself of all thud and slime. grouters at Vana.uver. Mlle Olive Bailey has gone to Ed- monton 10 practise her mastodon N a (8014. son speeding several menthe at ler bogie hers. Hard Luck. The pile iter threw the magazines across his Belt in disgust and cursed eloquently. •'N obit but mintiest:e l stories," be growled, "w' 1'. to le hump nest 1Leeday."-Obkeagn Herald. Now is that/ate to get a hot water bottle. We have* sloe mow mock a[ the all rubber hied. K. H. Wtel.m, e ruggist. Oodetich.` Get"More Money" tor year Mleskrst. Itsoowt. Fot«.Wwtow... sad other For loom sollsctod n yews eaedair II •rTAWS VMS rMLCM s- etsuarlIbrolle newel k .• Niiliselee. e • tostouumefennel. AND 11 O/ ADc {RC " a ttw oats reliable, rumor. astebse areae are Web. tea Is -NOW -4e. Dolt A. B. SHUBERT, bac. =mar.' ,, If'J Th. group of experts'ontsids stock TH8 Ontario Department of Agri- culture bas been operating a couple of demonstration cars over the C. P. R. tines 1n Ontario. The results following the instruction of two years ago. and the appreciation shown by the farmers, Inspired tie fDepart.eat to hold evening meetings at mast places, with moving picture: as a leading feature. The work began on October 41t and continued until November lith d'Ytrt,aeven planes were visited, a rrhole day befog 'pest at each point for the Inspection of the can. Not only the farmers, bet toe women and ehtldres found much of Interest In the exhibits and literature distributed. The train included a live stock womb conWning animals exhlblting dealt table cbaracterletIcs, of beary horses. beef and dairy cattle. poultry. swig. sad sheep. To add interest arrange - acetate were made to hare some Hoc': Mlooldue to tie farmers In various localities breath( to the thio to be eesspered with that furnished by the Department. Another comb was dr meted to exhibits Illustrating seed eeleetion and improvement. Meet In eatloc of wsda, testing of seed, dratn s(re, soil moisture, growing alfalfa earn, Insert pests, protection from iflantnl$g, dairying, poultry rala;ng. WO. Capable sad ex0er1eaced men arrorr pasted the trot* for explaining and ice srtag purposes' and to demonstrate the bidgleg of live stook. fiee the inasgorstton of the "twat-, tie %irmlai Special" three years ago. tae sawed lee had extensive devotee,- Net evote,-Net mil' the people et Ontario, iDrural districts lbretubout lire omloote. have benefited Theid OoveremMta, with the •pa( the Aertenitnral Cellosesaid the Term College as a ammo 11 sdaolIs fa rsme ' its wife end midline to bleb standards of terming, and have r-ith considerable sucrese. The farming" methods demonstrated by professors who were oe the ores w listened to wit► groat Iste.eest, tad t questsnss seated by the farmer turtle" 1v14eacs Oast the .left d 'Ammar 'ism *tag login imine bitarlar of Ora* Tao s=ports as the train were drawl frees the Agrleaiteral College at Guelph, ore of the most etp.odae 1s the 'nary As tebroetamg Meant occ..rred during tl. test. A t bred Plreysblreew. give Nrtb t• • eta board the troll. W the emotive e M to whoit b•bstsd 10. wletbah nnLi . i1 'elle sr till Darwinism st Agrkeitero .b0nld b ,. the the Artilvmeellssa.tsaK}ai d tosoft e:w Ncoeds a - f.v.w -•...+ 124.4 ,., 1