The Signal, 1915-11-25, Page 6S lr u -'. /Nam f► 11111 THE SIGNAL GODERION, ONTARIO Now is the Um to keep your feet dry mad wens. The only way to do that is to have good meekest& Rubbers. Our pi torn this seams ars se follows Idea's plebe Rubbers, aura 6 Boys' plaio Rubber., sisals I to s. orttbef plain "'abbot...Mem II to .mit's omens plate Croquet. Rubbers, Misepre plain Croquet Rubbers, ObildrEtt's plain Croquet Rub -- her, shoes 3 to 101, at rsc. itec, sec lAfebuoy Heavy Rubbers ar• the heat and the palm most Geo. MacVicar North side of Square OODERICH KILLED IN ACTION. Pis. J. H. Lewis • Ihrithardmiew of Mr MI Symonds. The'llrantford Espositor of the 17th ism& had the follow's.. whisk will be of especial interest hese from the fact that Mr. firma& la • tomer Bode - rich seen : The moue of Pte. James Mearry Loma late ol 60 Duke Meet. In tilm latset to be loscribed apes the WM* roll or Brant sonaly's OM& word was received Mkt atomism hem Ottawa the4 be had been killed cm the Mold of battle oft Ocitober W. while The late Pte. James fold mammy la the Mb No. 661611. was employed at at the those that Major Nerwenan's sem- patty was organised. he having basa Bora, Hamilton. though his borne ad 60 Duke 'meet was MiU hie week-ond headquarters. Ile enlisted with thot company. and left with the 19th Bat- talion last spring for England, going over to France about two months ago. His lather, on his departure, removed to live with bis daughter. Mrs. Eli Itiymonds, 70 Chatham street, wod it was bete that the news was received this morning. Mrs. Simonds was gteatly stricken by tbe sad news of her leother's death. The late Pte. James Lome Wks • Brauiford troy, living here the greater part of his lire. He learned his trade as • cigartnaker with T. J. Fakir and Company, of this city. iie wa4 a single man, • member of Ow Liberal Club, Harmony Lodge, I. 0.0. F., and the First Septet% chords. His father and wham. residing at 76 Chatham street. are the only surviv• ins :datives. They feel the loss very keenly, as Lowe. was • splendid type of young manhood around the home. NEW6ATE STREET LIVERY Having put chased the livery business of Wm. Kilos, I arn improving the equipment and in- tend to provele Good Horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigs All orders will reoeive prompt and careful at- TKI.K1.110NR No. 173 for • good turnout. is the work that we are interested in. FURNACES repaired by us are as good new. A good stock of supplies hand. Fred Hunt as on TOOK THE ADVICE OF KIS FRIEND Ts* Papers' 'troubles la Forel, Lamle Are Warty , We hove to pay a lot for tobacco, but. at slay rate. It is of the best. That Is more than can be said for Frame. There tobacco is • GiOraffilflat nuompoly. and a very profitable ore. The State hey* two pounds of tobacee for 36 mats. and tarns tt into fifty packets of cigarettes. White are wbrdesdilp tor $6.76. The Preach Government also whim • monopoly of matches. It mils MOS milikins a year, and mikes a cool tea *Hilton dollars profit. They Ere very bad matches. too. Ask anyone team the front, and he will tell you all &host Betting at races pays the French poor rate. All betting is done by the part mutuel, and a percentage is held by the State. Again. • lax onatheatre Uckets pays for all the hospitals, Both France and Belgium lev-f a tax on posters and advertising sign- boards. la Belgium the tax is. or was, one cent a month for a poster 24) Mit- es by 13 inciters and is collected in the form of a stamp. which must be displayed oa the poster. Hand organs in France pay $20 • year, while pianos also pay • tax. $2 for an upright piano, and $4 for a A woman may not wear men's cloth. ins in public in England. In France she may, 11 she ts prepared to pay for the privilege. The license to do so costs 110. Two years ago the United States put a tax on bachelors. Unmarried men of over thirty have to pay a larger income tax than the Benedict'. About the same time the French Budget Committee also decided in favor of a sur -tax of twenty per cent. on bachelors over thirty years of age. In Roumania there is a tax on mar- riage, and one on divorces, graduated according to the husband*- fortune. All bicycles are also taxed in Rou- mania. the fee being $4 yearly. The tax which in America is higher than ln any other country hi the world is that on saloons. These licenses are very high. In Great Britain they vary from $72, up to 8300 a year. In Massachusetts you cannot itell liquor unless you pay at least 81.600 a year. Down in Louisiana, it is $3400, and there are places where It rises to 810.000. Japan in 1909 pi a tax on foreign- ers living in the country. and then found treat difficulty in cc:Meeting it. But Japan is at present one of the nose heavily taxed countries on earth. light -wheeled chairs aged s..) much for travelling --pays $2.60 a month for his license. and seldom' makes more than $15 in that time. If we ever had any doubt about Germany's intentions. her war tax of 1913 ought to bare put an end to them. She raised a nee per cent. lery on the income of people with $2.000 a year or less, and twenty-tIve on any Income over 87.600. The Krupp* alone veld • contribution of 82.200,000. Ger- many is, we believe, the oily country where cats are taxed. In Munich and • few other towns each cat owner must 'pay 91.26 a year. RHEUMATISM WEATHER THIS. But Dedts Kidney Pills Always Help 22.—(Speciall —In these days of sud- den changes of temperature known to so many suffering people as rheuma• tient weather the experience of Mr. Peter P. Pattereon, well known here. is of widesept rad interest. He is cured end he knows the cure. It was Dodd's Kidney Pills. '•My trouble came through a cold and strain," Mr. Pattern:in atates. "1 had hsadache, backache and rheuma- tism. My sleep was broken and unre- freshing. I had a bitter taste in my mouth in the morning, and 1 petspired freely with the slightest exertion. I was often dizzy. 1 was troubled with heart flutterings. I was nervous and my skin tithed aod burned at night. After using ttodd's Kidney Pills I recommend them to everyone who wants to be cured. Ain seventy-oue rears of age." 1111PtillOil Street Phone 136 1 RAM IS TURNING GRAY, USE SAGE TEA Don't look old' Try Grandmother's recipe to darkeu and beautify faded, lifeless hair. RED CROSS NOTES. The following bulletin is issued from the Canadian Red Cross headquarters : It is • diMcult matter to keep the troops at the frost constantly supplied with recent Canadian news- It has been impossible to devise any moment for the official distributioe of Canadian papers on a large *cals. Tbe following letter, however, from Lady Mabelle who is in "TIM OtIlles Shop,' Egerton, siegitter of Lord Rummy. Hese Douche attOti,Fwance, indicate.* that the seeding of Canadian papers to points where Canadian troops are pamiog through would be one way out of the difEcultY• • Lady Egerton says : "I receive • large 11U111 twr of Canadian papers each week which are very much appreci- ated by the men who pass through this coffee shop. Some of them have Diver seen Canadian papers elsewhere. It would be • convenience if Pacb bundle wars marked pato the area the papers come from. The Ottawa papers are mai ked outride, but not the other.. I get comparatively few Ontario pipers and the men from Ontario are much disappoieted. Froin British Columbia I get a meat many. Sometimes when I have beard of a large Canadian con- tingent going through the junction outride- here I have sent papers out to meet them." The best way to ensure that the Canadian soldier gets his home papers is for relatives or ftiends to send in- dividual packets through the mall. Fail ing that, it might be a good idea to' each, community to appoint is news- paper committee to look after its men in this respect. Thi. is a small matter which if propetly attended to would greatly thereat/4e the soldier's comfort. Bundles of newspapers sent to the Red Crow' along %till other literature go to the hospital. and do trot reach the men in the field. The prevision of newspapers feer the troop* in the field is beyond the proper scope of Ned There is a radical distinction in the method of welch essing mail to tbe sick and wounded and those on active tier; Addreesea fe.r sick anti wounded, AIN) for men on active servi-e. Adders** for sick and wounded : Itar.k Name No Battalion cireedifte.. (litre Information lirpartment, Cansdirin Red Cross, 14-16 Cocksper Street, Address for men on active service : to) RegitnentAl number Id) Company, Squadron listtety or other unit. FirstIkerr ft/condi Canadian eon - 111 Brig* tingenti 110 littlish Expeditions, y Form. Army Poet Office, London. England. That beautiful, ma Movie cif Aar*, stoney hair ma only he had to mewing • voltam of Sem Tim and Sulphur. Year hair your sham 11 makes or mars taw face. When it fades. twill gray. sertakiell and looks dry, wispy and ocritaty, joist an applinatioa or two of Begs sad (telpher enhances its appear -- sass a hundredfold Dm% bother to prepare the Male . yea esa pt from any dreg Mont • 60 oat IMOD 61 "Wyrea's Sage mad Sulphur (impound: ready to ufee. This ran always he depended upon to bring bask lie natural color, thielowes sad Ileatre se yew hair mei moose &admit,' Aar ma* Bahama sad falling hair. NO "may airbstila lell it hes or soft wl ft and draw the hair, tatrieg OOP Man 811.4.111 •• • tine; morning the gray beautifulfy dark MR. L. LAIIRIlt Mt Champlain St., Monboal. "I have been restored to health by taking 'Eruit-a-tives'. For two years, I was a miserable sufferer irons Rises - avail six and Stomach Trouble. I became very weak, hail frequent dizzy spells and alien I took food, felt wretched and sleepy. I suffered from Rheuma- tism dreadfully, mita ferias in my data axd POWs sod may heads matins. A friend 'advised me to try 'Frult-a- tires' and from the outset, they did me good. After I had started the second box, I felt I was getting well aod I persevered in the treatment. I can truthfully say that 'Frult-a-tives'is the only medicine that helped me. LOUIS LABRIE. "FRITIT•A-TIVES" is the famous soedicire made from frail juices. At all dealers or sent on receipt of pried by Fruit-btives Limited, Ottawa. This is an incident witnes-ed only the day before the laid great attack in France by an officer who uow lies wounded in London. - A board was hoisted in the German trencher, bearing the lORCI iption— "THE ENGLISH ARE POOLS." No one wasted • bullet on such poor abuse. The board went down and reappeared with the addition — "TH E FRENCH ARE FOOLS." It was Ignored by the Bliti.h. Then the boatd came up again with A third line— "WE ARE FOOLS A lively intermt was mow awakened in the hoard. -On ifs hist appearance it Frore the ineoription— Worn Worried Women. Her Many Duties Affect Her Health and Often 5he Breaks Down it II little wonder that there are merry time in a womair'e life when she heels in despair. There is no nine - hour day tor the buoy housewife. Thete are a hundred things about the home to keep tor busy from the time she aziees until it is again bed -time. What is the result ? Often her nerves tiadw•y. her good looks suffer. her become" thin. her digestion is dt.turbed and her aystern threatened with e complete breskdown. Every woman should do all possible to pro- tect her health •nd goud look., and these is one way in which she min do this, and that is by taking Dr. Wit. ham' Pink These actually make 'sew, rich hiood, strengthen every nerve and evety organ, bring the glow of health to the cheeks and brightness to the eye. These pills have done more to make the lives of thous- ands of women sunahiny than any- thing else in the world. Mrs. Daniel very much run down, my blood was then and widely and I would faint at the lease excitement . 1 suffered from headaches and dizziness and often it 'weaned though there were clouds before my eves. Finally I was forced to go to bid with weediness. I doc- tored for six weeks while in bed with- out receivies soy benefit- Finally I was induced to tette Dr. \Valium Pink Pills, and when I had teken ten oever felt better in my life. I con• winced that whet, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me they will do for oth- ers. and I warmly recommend them to ell week wernen.- You can get Dr. Willierns' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by snail at Cal cents a bolt or six Nix,* for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont orl Sho THE MAN tenet i Quick Sale of Hour by Telephone! inland Facts Finland an area of 144.249 square mile,. of which creleireventh is eater on account of the Innumerable lakes in the interior At Om end ot 1914 its pomilstion arnoeanted to 1.106, 700. divided among eight Lana. or Governments Of the population of ofilnono of moeboiro too. 14 boody to. Orand Duchy. Wel OMR ono -sixth cow obey saw. ts. smog on robe Ilve la the cities. of which throe ars otornech. liver sad bowels Is prompt oaly fifteen heaving more than LIM M- bahataets Heleingtors. the WWI pa, Me • popflallos of 164001 Twenty-five more thorping day be- fore Christmas. Doeit wait until the last day. Leek Motherl If tongue Is *MIA cleanse tittle bOwtila with "Cali- fornia Syrup of Flee." Mothers ean rest easy after Pr*, "California Syrup of Flga." bereanne la a tow home all the etompadom waste. Dont bile aad termentlaig feed patty moves out of the bowels. siad yea barn a well. playtel AIM spats. Rick eltiltirea neadal be emoted to take this harmless -trio wisku...- and sere Ask Your droggist for a Newt hob costal*. directions for babies, children a an wpm sad tor grown us* WORLD WIDE ON THE WAR. A hat box of strong cardboard and some red. White and green water -color paints are recuired to make this doll's house. A view of it is given in the picture above, also a picture of the roof and of the front and one side. The roof and chimneys are to.be made separately. Two large, square openings are cut out at the front and above them an oblong is cut on three sides. Bent outward thls forms an awning that is painted in red and white 'tripes. A door is cut In the side and panels and doorknobs painted on it Openings are cut in the roof to hold the chtm- neys and it is painted in green squares to simulate shingles The house and chimneys are !mint- ed red lined with white to eimulate bricks. White paper pasted over the windows will look like a shade. After the parts are made they a -c fab tened together with paper fasteners. This opiendid weekly publication is perfot m mit an unusually important service to Canada during this greateat of rill international wars of the world's history. "World Wide" selects and mamma to Its readers every Saturday the ablest articles by the ablest we i ter s in Itrita'n and America on the war situation and its consequence& It thus reflects the current thought of both hemispheres in those critical times Eminent men and women all over the country acknowledge its great worth. Who can afford to be without ••Altncist every article in almost every illetle you feel you mould like to pot •way among your treasures, or send to some ft iend.' Subscription rate $1.60 per annum, or on trial for three months for nnly 26 centa. Mend to JOHN DOUG&LL & SON, publishers, "Witness" IflacEcuan Estate Exclusiv.e agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any pmetity best all Maple Mahe% Wood, Hemlock and Ladling Mader or Pimp.) TalAPH UN BS, dice ell rwordeore TS Of Easily Made Animal Toys tt A DEALER called the Belgian Relief Com- mission by Long Distance Telephone and in five minutes sold 2.000 barrels of flour for delivery to a relief ship about to sail. There is no agency that can put the business man in a position to 'etre the opportunity like the Long Distance Telephone. By its aid he often can make his own Apply the telephone to ode business ; study ways and means of reducins expense with the help of Lcng Distance! Beery Bell Telephone ts a 1.01t0 Distance Blot Ion The Bell Telephone Co. OF CANi6A. a a 4 PAILT [nine awniam Of raga So agbig Itbm• Ma bee leapt. width nesse sot weed dems. vied leer se Impt dem bet Irlialh Is very aortal Is galtkaiika has= to be empty till 1 rem elm • bop petbeee letitmellatma Med 1st walalti. Ile tole t Ma pas eel atve. 1111111111111 tie ems& fist //: bled immelpt limdt bee eon magi Is dm guraipm amimbey to the Maw el weetwest. Me 41mmt, mai I MI as gag is Om 111gb la t aelitlateL '1101 pee op pm Ong tbla leo viable Als °Witbla OW I NW Veal ale mem 1 'VW le nifty emu •I eta Nal year to dot dist will mem tax aim I elm et lie leaves Deltd bp. That mem vie rai Plea IN tomow*a at Mimi Mkt irgra• vast thme-eall WI be em an Mb Wasik= b• mg Warm Jum mgookt Ulm It ust• yos Wei le OM, amee to wadi ba Ns ma 1111F * soma Ike tbo weak tbmt mem *Os a bow& eel • peat ate lee abaft MI dim MEISIMMIldIst Vein the frt." begins time yoe wl e age mem beam mietber me well as Illealbbamow • magemba to tit malleme, bet lie ei la be WO 211. Web gate Ilio lale I NM Nat mem am me mmg1 et Mew Ogmlgal Ulla At esimPlellgat et est It Malt boa labia wal the ow 1 wasted to mot geleser mei 0'01 "Whim 111 be 1111w. sow mom bre IP flea • Wm 21 sal I'm So MAI pen Mr Po au ear IL DO ito Ilb Apt pa at Oa Wins 1 au =a Womb lbei Om RPM =ma Ila MI I ems at lierve 11%, aemilar a Owe la at es mg al wavy le bar alm deft wa tie tom atm aid Viol pal Not ball o'llobest mill le le pas meet DO IT NOW! Don't Wait-Pbone Robert Tait AND HAVE YOUR HOtiSE WIRED BEFORE THE WINTER RUSH BEGINS, AND MOM Obib THE RUSH 111111111= All wiriag does by tbs- boost 41 All work guaranteed. 'I Electric repairing of all kinds promptly attended to, at rea- .onable prices. r We carry a complete and up- to-date line of Electric Fixtures and Supplies at all times. Animals. that please the little ones. are made of canton flannel or plush. and stuffed with sawdust. Pins with black heads. beads, or regulation arti- ficial eyes are used. and bits of lamb's wool or fur provide the re- quired hair. A dog and pony are pic- tured here, made of white canton flan- nel, also outlines of patterns for cut- ting them. Each animal is made of three pieces: the two sides ar.d a piece to be sewed underneath. This last aas a slit In it for turtling the figure right -side out after the pleces aro machine stitched together. After it if stuffed this opening is sewed ner Altnost any animal may be made in this way. Bungalow Made of Cardboard iluagalows aad other toy houses are made of heavy cardboard hoses. The picture whom the roof. chisthery, treat mit co4 side of the Mininlaw Warn that •te put together, atm the fla- Wired hems. The wisdom are cut out sad pieta white writiag paper pasted dm the opeelsgs on the insider The wflidloW gaper sad lathes are painted no this. boo -I are ein on three skim and pliaa• knobs painted on then. Doorsteps. whitlow home and flowerer shiners. etc- are all panted cm UM Sat surface. The Miami M made *overstay, matted rod. and Itasl with whites 1/4 ROBERT TAIT Electrician ELECTRIC' RAYGES and 11E.47ERS .4 SPECIALTY Office 82—JUST PHONE—House 193 Prepare for Winter Here are some values you will do well to act quickly and receive. These special prices are good Eight Days ally, from November lgtli to November 276 Regnlar 11.50 line of Unlined Gloves. Sale Price — The Regular 40c line unlined split back Mitts. sale Price 32e Six Ottawa Chief Ax‘. as- sorted weights and 6ndled etlithOlete. Regular 11 25. Sale One Art Countess Basehurner Heater. Extra value at $32.54 Four Wood Stores. Brand - One 6 -hole Steel Range with warming closet. Extra value Two Belle Oak Heaters, with feeders. 14 -inch pot. This is an extra good heater. Spec- ially priced at -- 81.7s For a range, it will always pay you to buy a "PAlsMORA." LonOst service, easy to operate, most ple4sing results. Cow Chains, Stable Forks and Shovels a nd full lint of Fall requirements. Howell Hardware Co., Limited MIR Ina 011!A