HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-11-25, Page 5EAST. STREET GARAGE
_ - Pis ,ret aoa
' A. M. OLOVER r
Death of Mn. 0. A. Griffin.
The death occurred at Toronto yes-
terday of Mrs. Geor,te A. Griffin, of
Use St. Lwre.ee, Ooderich. She bad
base IU tor some (months. end was In
Toronto for medical treats/tent. The
funeral takes Mime at Guelph, her for-
eleg home, tomorrow.
A Musical Event.
The Forest City Male Quartette is
enaimg to Victoria street Methodist
abs ale eau Thursday evening, Decem-
ber TEN will be • ran opportunity
Ear losers of good vocal music. The
(EY1ette bas Mas received with w-
all all over Western Ontario and
psseeste a peogg.m that esonot fail to
The Galt Reformer says : iel'he
Forest City lisle Q.ertette gave sev-
eral .electlocs that were heartily ep
plauded. The concert was the bait
ever given io the town."
Board of Trade.
A meeting of the canthi of the
Board of Trade was bold os Tuesday
seeming, sod actioo was Lateen wit
regard to several matters of import-
ance to the business intense) of the
town. A general meeting al lbs Board
is to lie celled in the near future.
To Form Bowling League.
F. H. Wood's bowilog alleys are be -
lag well patronized and the intention
la to form • league of bowling teams
and run off • schedule of games during
the winter. Ail wbo are interested In
the game are requested to meet at Mr.
Wood's store on Tuesday evening next,
for the organization of the league.
War Trophies.
An intermits* display of war
trophies has been on view in H C.
Dunlops drugstore window during the
past week. Most of them were brought
hack from the battlefront by Pte. Geo.
Thompson. Tbey consist of • part of
an aeroplane dart, an active service
New Books ft#11 of ideas for Christmas Giftscrocheted and em-
broidered. A book of Yokes, one of Lacca and Edg-
ings, one of Christmas Novelties, two or
three full of ideas for household work.
We keep a full stock of material for all such articles.
AU slave ane colon of threads for ctocbeWg and renbe.ldwring
TuweUinge, Pillow Options, Nainsout, gasket Cloth. Liners,
etc., by the yard.
Stam piece. of every dereeriptiott In Hoek. A new selection
of Nightgowoe, Aprons, Work -bags, Ousbioos, Centres end Table
ti.arves just In.
Doily's Dresses, Hats, Jaekete for the little girls to embroider, asc.
Baby's Blankets ("Baby" stamped our. sash 3yc.
New Stamped Uarmasu for infanta and smell chlldreo,a5e to yx.
Ready-to-wear Demme for babies and lis tots. $5c is :'.is.
Mrs. L B. Tape, GODE&ICH
.,-y• „-red"
claspknife, areach peant's knife.
French and Belas
Belgian coins. French and
German revolver and rifle cartridges,
a piece of a shrapoel shell picked up
near Ypres. a pair of British army
boots. a pair of German officer's field -
gleams. soldier's hardtack biscuit, the
shrapnel bullet which shattered and
was afterwards extracted from Pte.
Thompson's arm, • model of • re-
volver, used a. • watcbebarm, "which
works" ; and the wrist -watch pre-
sented to Pte. Thompson by the I. 0.
D. E. at the Temperance Hall before
he left liodericb. the display has at-
tracted much attention.
At the Harbor.
Arrivals this week •t the harbor
were the Graham, 110,000 bushels of
wheat of various grade*: the Fordon-
ian, with te2,000 bushels of wheat for
the Goderich elevator and 211,000 bush-
els of oats and 19,0(1) bushels of wheat
for the Big Mill; the Mariska, wit h
110,000 bushels of wheat and 27,1100
bushels of barley ; and. the Glenliret,
with 75,1111 bushels of wheat and 42,•
000 bushels of oats. A11 of these, with
the exception of • part of the Fordon-
Ian's cargo, unloaded at the Goderich
elevator. . a3'
The Fordonian is an oil -burner and
while here took on 10,000 gallons of
oil shipped in over the G.T.R.
The eteameri Doric, York ton, Mar
inks and Graham are scheduled to ar-
rive here within the next few days.
A quiet wedding took place a1 the
home of the bride's brother, Mr. Alex.
Osbaldeston, at ti o'clock on Wednes-
day eyeshot, wben his sister, Mary E.,
of 011atas, was united in marriage to
Georg* Mair, of Goderich township.
iti. ceremony wan performed by Rev.
G. M. Holmes, in the presence of only
the immediate relatives of the eon-
erectingparties. The bride entered
the paor lerining on the arm of her
brotber, but was otherwise unat-
tended. She was gowned in • pretty
blue dress of French material wit
white silk trimming,. After the cere-
mony the wedding party .at down to
• dainty repeat prepared by the host-
ess, Mn.. A. Osbaldeston, after which
the newly -married couple left for their
home. the groom a farm on the Huron
save your Hale! Get a 25 lust bottle
of Daaderine right now -Also
stops itching scalp.
YOUR PORTRAIT -a gift that woney
can't true. tut for 'no ;o give the
very thing. To friends and kinsfolk
your portrait at Christmas will carry
• message of thoughtfulness that is
next to a personal visit Make the
appointment today.
ereee ii-Astisa--C..gks_1 Sweden --Delay afel
Some Extracts from Sworn Evideteee
Randolph E. Palmer, on oath, says : " 'Nature's Creation' is
what helped one."
Charles Knopb, on oath, says: "My night sweats stopped,
and my hemorrhage stopped from the first day.
Louis C. Zink, on oatb, says : "1 have to thank 'Nature's Crea-
tion' that I am ben today."
se`Send for Booklet containing complete statements nn
oatb, from those who have used "Natures Creation
Nature's Creation Company of Canada, Limited
Room 14, Cosgrave Buifding, Toronto, Canada
Wards off Norma Break Down
Alburtis, Pa.- " I am a teacher in the
public schools and I got Into a very ner-
vous run-down condition. l meatal not
sleep and had no appetite. I was tired
all the time. My sister asked me to.try
vino!. i did so,and within a week my ap-
petite improved and I could sleep all
eight end now I feel wen and strong. "-
aosA M. J tiu.ia, Alburtis. Pa.
We guarantee Vinol, oar delicious cod
liver and iron tonic, for all weakened
rim -down conditions and for chronic
coughs, colds and bronchitis.
H. l'. Dunker, Druggist. Goderich
Rubbers -Rubbers- Rubbers
Is Being SLAUGHTERED at Manufacturers'Prices
The season of the year and the weather now demand you to buy
Read the following prices and note savings
Boys' Misses'
Ladies' Men's
Rubbers. best Miner
make. Re ular ASc.
Our price 69C per
Rubbers, finest qual-
ity. 98C.
Regular $1.10 qual-
ity for 89c.
Rubbers, best Boy
Scout and Miner
make. Regular I(0c.
()ur vale price 69c
A saving of 16c. A saving of 21c. per pair.
CHILDREN'S RUBBERS 5:ic. On sale 43c per pair.
Lumbermen's Rubbers in all. styles ' lA"stvell
Rubbers. hest Miner
make Regular 70c.
On sale 57C per
A saving of 1.k.
A rri v'ed
Shoe Rep.ieing.
Walters & Co.
Teen/beet Ifo. US )east Bids Brame Deal mdse...
Swearers 1.
J. H. IrcCiatlss
Terse Cad.
These wW bei • heseeensadti saw
table at the 1. O. D. M. tea ass err -
day .iter*.».
Mr. A. It lwasert, late disc ..-
r of e steaEasr ram. Is sew
gild os tae etteamer J. H. Wadi
tt.a rese.tly bees added to the
Mtema ibip tbs.'s fiat.
Thermostat ersthg of the Boded&
armee of the Women's Issitieste wf8
be bald et the hems of lire. Barman.
D rees stint, es Thursday. Dustman,
Ends .t t{ phi. Visitors always wa-
Titin aemhsrs of the W.C. r. U. bold
as "at home" on Thursday resoles of
het week at the Temper's*oe Hall, to
weak they invited a somber of
friends. The *easing was pleasantly
passed in tee enjoyme*t of • seueieal
program sad pert•kiog ct refresh -
"The Forest City Mal. Quartette
meg several tile* with fee effect.
This is en orgaaiz•tim of merit. and
it is feet Dominion o.. of the bast -
known quartettes in Ontario."- Los -
don Advertiser. At Victoria street
Methodist church, Thursday, Decem-
ber Y.
Tbe Guy 'Bros. minstrel oompony
which put on an attractions,' V ietoria
Opera House last Friday evening drew
• full house and the audience appeared
well pleased with the performance.
The Guys have bees coming to Gode-
rich for • good many year► now, and
their popularity menus not to wase in
the least.
Thin, brittle. colorless and 'craggy
hair Is mute evidence of a negated
scalp; of dandruff -that awful scurf.
Tbere Is nothing so destructive to
the hair u dandruff. 1t robs the hair
of its lustre, its strength and its very
Ute; eventually producing a feverish-
ness and Itching of the scalp. which
1l not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink, loosen and die -then the
hair falls out fast. A Uttle Danderine
tonight -now -any, time -will surely
save your hair.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton',
Danderine from any drug store. You
surely can have beautiful Bair and lots
of It if you wUl just try a little I)sa-
derhe. - save zone nail T'ry ut,
road. The bride's travelling dyers was
a suit of brown lady's cloth with hat
tomatch. A lovely display of gifts,
mostly of silver, bore testimony to the
esteem in which the couple are held.
The Signal joins with others its wishes
for a happy married life.
Death of Mrs. Albert Kneeshaw.
After an lithium, patiently borne, of
over two yeas' duration Mrs. Albert
Koeesbaw paved away at her home
on Friday. November 19th. She was
born in London, England. sizty-six
years ago and came to this country,
with her parent*, woes a child of tour.
The temilyy settled' at Rowmanville,
where, in May of lg7b, sae 1141 mar-
ried to her now bereft husband, with
whom she bad since resided in Gode-
rich. Of the union there were seven
children, flee of whom survive. They
are Thos. and Alex., of Goderich ;
Harry, of Torooto ; Er nest, of Colling-
wood, and Ms. 8. 8. Atkin, of Niagara
Falls, Ont. Mrs. Kneeshaw was a con-
sistent member of the Anglican church
and regularly attended St. George's
when her health permitted. The
funeral took place on Monday. from
the family residence, i aterloo street,
Rev. J. H. Fotberingham conducting
the services. The pallbearers were
Messrs. Arthur Smith, David .Stod-
dart, Adam Foster end Wn.. Shar-
man. Among those who attended the
funeral from a distance. besides the
immediate members of the family,
were Mrs. Geo. Woodward, a niece,
and ° her daughter. Glsdy., of Canning -
too, and Mrs. Thos. Andertnn, of
Chatham. a sister. Tbe interment
wan made in the family plot at Mait-
land cents trry.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be dispensed in Knox church on
the fist Sabbath of December.
Rev. Geo. E. Roes will punch in
Knox church next Sunday, taking as
his theme in the morning "Neutrality
a Delusion." In the evening an a-
dress of very great interest to all will
be delivered by Mr. R. D. Cameros, of
Luck now.
Rev. G. M. Holmes will preach next
Sunday at both services in the Bap-
tist church. "Zephaniah. the
Prophet," will be the morning subject.
In the evening, "It 1s Finished" will
be the text. The quartette will sing.
All welcome.
Rev. W. K. Hager will preach at
both services in North street Metho-
dist church next Sunday. Morning
subject : "study in the Book of
Zech*riab-tire Man Among the
Myrtle Treee." Evening subject:
"What 1s Christian Service ?-St.
Paul's View."
Txoaev, Nov. 2H`
Wheat. per bush ma
..$ . N� to i .6.3
(rata, per bush .. . . ...... .31 to .33
Parley. per boob............ .e. to .43
Pass. poi boob •..4. • Inti to (.int
Iuekwhwaf, per bush...........70 to .73
Flour. family, per cwt t7$ to 310
flour, gamest per cwt 1110 l0 310
Bran. vac ton moo to '2100
eborin per cos ...
11.01 to 23.00
Ray. per ton ...... 12.00 to ISM
?traw, loose, per too ....... 4.e) 10 ase
Wood, per IoW Tse to 173
Nutter. per lb.. ./ l0 70
Figs, fresh. per dos. .31 to 73
Potatoo...per bash .el to Leo
Apple., per bash ... .. /3 to 1130
(salt).. l.utrher: choice, Orr cwtQM. Ur 673
Cattle,butcher'+ media/, " " am 10 KY,
liege. re wetghl. per Owl. 1110 t0 N au
per a wt gm 10 7.00
r ewt. 7.111 l0 7.30
In. 3 to Lm
Mess. per Ib 11 to ate
g.ei see to 0.
I1ss'w' n .11 a, alt
4111nd pi, n .Il 10 0.16
Mind pee n. lr to 0.12
Tickers, meth .18 to ors
The Secret of a
Good Complexion.
I)id 11 ever occur to you that there
1e a reason for your sallow complex-
ion, pimples, blackheads and other
shin-bletui,hra ? Your skin, when
healthy, has to excrete seventeen per
gent. of the waste matter of be body
If the pores become clogged. tale pob-
000u. waste is imprisoned and skin
Doubles follow.
To rid .youreelf of these blemishes
the din must he cued of its eluggtah-
ness. This is just what Zem-Bulk does.
Lam•Buk 4. compo ed of stimulating
tied healing herbal ~senor.. which
penetrate the skin and enable it to ex-
pel the arcumul•ted ponoriona waste
massor. A clear. healthy completion
M rewa.d
folly of endeavoring to covet
up sicdisfigurements with Howden
tied weer snentrtires is quit* appar-
elt. Use Zinn -But ; remove the r'WO&
OMEN of the trouble, and enjoy a good
esmpIsainu without resorting to.rtl-
ndel mean.. Apply Zsm-Bak at night
Whys retiring and wash with am -But
\Ira. T. 11. Rothwell, of tomato, I. vieiUng
in town.
Mie. WUIa Ford wee home from Lrc e n
the week -sed.
stn. Caeddy returned to Detroit ea Monday
after an extended visit io town.
Men Archibald. of Clinton. vldlyd her
brother. Resietr•r Coats. tale week.
Mos Jesse) M W mewed tress Dearman
vela, whore .ts moat a =oath is art work,
etre Dan. rergo.on hast re1erned from a vial
to members of ber family and will aped We
winter here.
Councillor K R. Wigle hw bees elected vier
preoldent of the commit of the Ostarie Censer
of Phatmcy.
Mr. Robert Coate. Domintoo SiaU.:tlein, of
Ottawa, was here over tivaday on • Malt to hie
brother, Registrar Coat..
Mr. Arthur trod. of Ottawa. who represents
The Toronto Newo at the capital, visited hie
patent'. Rev. J.E. and Mrs Ford .oyer Randal.
Mr,.. T. steams. of Clinton. .pent the week•
end here with her niece, Mt.. J. MrClac*erty.
and loft oa Teeeday for Sault Rte. Marie. list,
to spend the winter with her daughter, Mfr
Albert Noll.
Mrn H. R. Ander.on. of New LMkeard, and
three children, who wen os a vidt to the
lady. peher, Mr• J. Ades ►'ower, left this
week tdr Badltwr, iu which city they will re
side In future.
The ret. Mary. Journal. in its report of the
Library Instants Readily hen I, that town,
ray. "Amoss Ube delestate. was Pabbe
Bciool Importer Tom. of Bode. ice. wbo *way
back in the instill/ea waa • teacher is Pt Marys
(;ollegt*te Institute sod otos of the mod pop-
oo-ular men of hi. day. Mr. Tow .bowed creat
interest io Ilbreris.. entering bt:.rltly Into the
dlacua.lo.... Be remained over a Gay in St.
Mary. and rutted the piddle whack■ and t'ol
leirMtn, hot there weir .eons of old boys anal
girls who would have Leen glad to meet hint
had tLey known he was in town.
Wife, Brother and Sister,
keep as ram
Sachs is a
Met Maud
In the names of two
or more members--
a, usband sad
fta�fier and 5owd lit
It Is an all-round convenience, as either can
deposit or withdraw money, and to case of death the
balance goes to the survivor without any formalities, 4
forming an immediate source of ready money. II
Goderich Branch -P. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
FOrtlrgtplt l/ Te4i LYRIC
hGINNING Monday next, Universal
Film Service exclusively, including
the Big Broadway Features, will he
used in this Theatre. A compkte change
of 4000 feet of pictures every day, except
Tuesday and Wednesday, on which .1a,.
something worth while will be shown.
Nealshipt oysters -amid meat and
alweye fremit at Relward.. O. dere de-
livered. Phone Rl. s
Send for the 1915-16 Edition of our
se pages. illustrated, of beautiful fur sets
and for garments for men, women and
children. IT IS FREE Address
Reorw tea Hasan Building - TORONTO
Don't forget the buffet tea on Satur-
day anemone from 4 to 7 at the "old
etasd," next (Inlet' Bank, seder the
asspiees of the I. O. D. It,
Do Not Hesitate
in the face of this honest
Money - back Offer
No matter wb*t your exper-
iener may have been, no mat-
ter whether we know you rtr not
-you always have the aesuranee
whenever you buy one of the
that if it does not give you
satisfaction the money you paid
for it will he pan Kuck to you
Immediately upon your asking
for it. Nothing ran 1e) more
fair than this and we want you
In accept this guarantee in its
broadest ironer.
Recall Seasonable Reseies :
Rl1NBIN4 011. - !'.'r lame
n►t►eelel--will allay inflammation,
sedans swelling and pain !ao
splendid application for overal-
l/ire, bur e, wo)Udrt, bruises, sore
bps !i.
ewe RY BARK COI1li
SYRUP - The roost efeetiye
family cough remedy lie, BEOs
001.1) TABLET!( -To break
esp and k.oek est a sold, cold in
Med. Montes !Se
Two RQALt. *rims
2 stlMirlTR, Erg. Godeneb
SATURDAY NIGHT a :1 -reel feature -
"War and Peace,.
will be shown.
Only two more episodes of "THF: BLACK BOX.'•
Be sure anti see the tny'itery solve.!.
"BROKEN COiN,- Mondays
Furiliture and Furnishings
The Store of Useful and Practical Gifts
Great Opportunity
for Practical Christmas Shopping
When you give Furni-
ture you have some-
thing decorative and
serving for general
utility also, and a little
money will get at this
store a choice cf many
articles that will make
appropriate and satis-
factory presents. Come
in and look over our
stock. Goods purchased
if desired.
now delivered at Christmas
Agent for Nordheimer Pianos
OU are incited to attend! the
opening of he Bowling Alleys
in the basement of the Pastime
Billiard Parlor : : ;
There is no indoor game that equals
Bowling for Health,
Exercise, Recreation
Th. Busy Man's Health Regulator
Q Bowlers never get appcndteitts Q Bowling, in tin-meas.-ridrecreation. Q Bowling curet .hlrr h fag Q Bowhny. .t It n
strike in exercise.Q Bowling the 11 hest indoor enjoyment.
A .ugggeestloe- 0.e boar's howling. Ota* hour at l..,wling,
One hours bowling Tie rimy plea Time well spent,
Relieves indigestion To make the world An amusement
A bealtby man. unoeent.
Cams aim gar espy yearn& F. H. WOOD, Prop.