HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-11-25, Page 4` e Ta matte. II esteem's' 2L, lAlb I wed. 4111114111n If You Only Knew What I Know You Would Buy Year Sujt or Overcoat Now it will be a lona time be- fore you will get Clothing at the prices I am offering now. Clothing bought be- fore the big advance should mean something,—it means dollars saved by buying your Clothing here. See our Suite at $to and up to $22.5o. See our Overcoats at $to and up to $22. ho you want your Clothing made to order? Then leave your measure for a Society Brand Suit or Overcoat— the Clothing tor young men and men who stay young. • •etttto tratib alstljrs WALTER C. PRIDHAM Sole Arent for Society Braid Ogling MAOM. alaa ala i i 1<HE SIGNLL aiDIR WH a ONTARIO r i,LYTit. Tunseay. New 28. Mrs John Rome, wane baa mdse seri- euety Ul tor moat tile. is Mw linprov- lest Dioel/ Mr. Will Aselse d bee rested his hour .tithe Mrih gad Of the town to Mr. Wee OttWiladea. sub moved tato it this whet. Mr. terry Sleeken beg rseWd the reek/soca b.km deg to l[re. Porter and op Satuedav Mee OlsgtW arrived here Rom her yo. M MotbweU. Mr. Sway mum. woo hes beta h the W ingb.m hospital fora maple ef' weeks, undergoing an op.ratlee ler heroin, returned home on iatardoy feeling weak hot vastly mesa ted. All the hunters have roweled fir e� their deer -hunting .zpeditb.e estj they .11 brought their deer, which Ihsy all claim they .hot. W. have hes• favored with two piece. from Mlgads. Rev. W. D. Turner preached at tis anniversaryservices in Moak*. church on oday,.od Rev. Mr. Fer- guson of Monktoo preached two vis good sermon' In 8t. Andrew's chereb here. There was qquite • considerable faN of snow on Sunday and during the sight. In cou.egoenee, on Mooday the first sleighs were is town add in the moaning there was fairly good all ping. firs. Jas. Beatty took a sudden wean spell on Saturday, sad as elm lu eu &pled wotuan there le eery little hope of her recovery. Her daughter. • Mrs. ti. M. Cham, and husband, of Ethel, arrived Saturday afternoon. Miss Ella Orabam, of Stanley, is 'pending a few days with err sielof Mrs. Jas. Mini.. here, and we under- stand that on Wednesday of this week she is to be united ih wedlock to Mt. (iovenlock, • pro.p.rous fanner of McKillop. The Independent Oddfelbwe are intending to present two Vast Grund jewel. to two of their members on the evening of December 141b, when it Y the intention to have the district • • JOB AND COMMERCIAL Prrntrng? r the �tgna[ IseeervedaIreereivoreesareerieriaaleesseneossOOPOSO 1 is Rheumatism atheism Uric Amid Iselin the i loud by disordered kidneys lodges along the nerve which branches from the rye over the fr,rehe d, and across the cheek to the sided the awe. The MEM V the ease as t• as rth.ematism-- disordered Kidneys. The (are is She wise the same— Dodd's ICKuey Tills eimember their Maeda at home If pgwible, as we madder the idea of giving remembrances to friends one of the great traditloas heeded down to us from the earl awes. Mr. Frank early who hue been Dominion inspector of fruit. with boadquerlere et Regis+ri,� is expected borne thfe week. This if earlier than usual. but he bas bed very poor health Heir .moo, having been in the hos- pital at Regina for some considerable time. His wife anddeur/liter are with him end they &leo will return. deputies from North and South Huron Mr. Chas. Burling bag been doing peasant to address the meeting and some great work getting his open•atr present the jewels in open lodge. The stores are commencing to get ready for the Christmas trade and although it germs rather early the rink in condition, DO that when the cold weather sets in be will go ahead and get ice. We have no doubt a great many of the yo0ng people will time will nut be long in slipping , take advaotage oft is p easure resort around. The merchant+ have large 1 to enjoy themselves at this invigora- .tocks of goods, but we are afraid that ting exercise. trade will not be as brisk as usual on 1 Mr. F. Vanetone, of Wingham, was account of the large demands in other 1 in town last week looking after the ways. At the same time we are of repairing of his sawmill here. We the opinion that people should still understand it is his intention to run it WAR LOAN DOMINION OF CANADA ISSUE OF $50,000,000 5x BONDS MATURING 1st DEC., 1925 REPAYABLE AT PAR AT OTTAWA, HALIFAX, ST. 'JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY, VICTORIA. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY—list JUNE, xst DECEMBER. ISSUE PRICE 972 A FULL HALF -YEAR'S INTE.:EST WILL BE PAID ON 1st JUNE, 1916 THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. In the event of future issues ( other than issues made abroad) being made by the Government, for the purpose of carrying on the war, bonds of this issue will he accepted at the issue price, 974, plus accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash for the purpose of subscriptions to such issues. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers here- with on behalf of the Government the above named Bonds for subscription at 147/1 payable as follows, - 111 per cent. on application, 74 " " 3rd January, 1916, 20 " 1st February, 1516, 20 •' " 1st March, 1916, 20' " " 1st April, 1916, 20 " " 1st May, 1916. The instalments may be paid in full on and after the 3rd day of January, 1916. under discount at the rate of four per cent. per annum. All paytueuts are to he made to a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. Applications, accompanied by a deposit of ten per cent. of the amount subscribed, must he forwarded through the medium of a chartered bank. The bank will issue a provisional receipt. This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal and interest will be a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Forms of application may be obtained from any branch of any chartered bank in Canada, and of the office of any Assistant Receiver General in Canada. Snhscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. in case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be applied towards payment of the amonnt due on the Jannary instalment. Scrip certificates payable to bearer will be issued, after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. When tie scrip certificates have been paid in full and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, they may be exchanged for bonds with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered as to principal. or for fully registered hands without coupons. Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made through the chartered banks. The interest on the fully registered bonds will he paid by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange at any brunch of any. chartered bank in Canada. Holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds with coupons. payable to bearer or registered. without payment of any fee, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert, without fee, into fully registered bonds without coupons at any time on application in writing to the Minister of Finance. The issue will be exempt from taxes—including any income tax—imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. The bonds with coupons will be issued in denomin- ations of $100, $.i00, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will he issued in denominations of $1,000, $.1,000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000. Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. The loan will be repaid at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax. St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto. Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria. The hooks of the loan will to kept at the Depart- ment of Finance, Ottawa. Recognized bond and stock brokers will be allowed a commission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications which bear their stamp. Subscription Lists will close on or before 3oth November, tots. Finance Department, Ottawa, 22nd November. 191.1 • Lawns ECONOMY renc.;:avi. Dress Goods in Serges, Blue and Black Coverts in brown, grey and fawd, ordered last May, just came this we*. Also 27 -inch rib Velvets, blue, red and two shades of brown, and at last May prices. Co Wilder Underwear for everysaer from the baby to the eldest In the family, este 1a foe its full share of patrose e. Seery garemmt we telt bean the stamp of best quality to be had anywhere for the prior asked. This ie our banner seams for Underwear. at old prices', guaranteed to wear and will not cut, 111.00 and $1.26, 80 lnebe.. black. tae, blue, copen and tuscan Look out toe s large shipment on the Ant of December for our Christman buelnees. Black Underskirts Perfect in make fit and finish made of Regal Taffeta. This cloth N a real imitation. of Taffeta Silk. It teatime, looks and feels like silk and weary better. Priemfrom $l. 10,2.60. LJ. ate and see them. Selling at 11.00 and raiDINIs white and tan, all guaranteed. Lynton English walking gloves, to tea. $1.W. Corsets A n new departure in Corsets. New models, the vllry latest—is made with a new spiral, uubreak- &bk', unnut•ble, fiUieg. and will be sold $2.00 cheaper than say spiral filled Dorset sold in Canada. A printed guarantee goes with every b pets sold. Ribbons A big stock jot the kind seeded for Christmas k sol fancy work, in many onJ. wt got here this week. H. COLB(RNE A again full blast this winter. aa be ex- then returned to the body of the pieta there will be more demand for church, where a pleasant hour was lumber the coming ye.r than there spent in conversation mid listening to was the past season. This will be a some musical &elections given by Mrs. good thing for the town. as the min (lliddon and others. Mases. Linklatsr, Shaw and Horton give the old song well known thirty years yo, 'The Uld Musician and His Harp, in their usual good etyle. The younger portion of the crowd remained hero stain. wbere they amused themselves after their -own bas Joe. About midnight the party departed after an enjoyable evening. ewptoys & number of men who have a poor chance to get any other work at this time of year. ST AUGUSTINE. MONDAY, Nov. 22. Mies L. Welsh, of Owen Sound, is visiting at Wm. McAllister s. Mr. (iso. Jeffereon, of Fordwieh, spent the week -end at his borne here. Mn. Wm. Thompson, who. under- went an operation, id improving. nicely. Miss A. Callahan, of Whitechurch, visited her aunt, Mn. Geo. Brophey, last week. RBD CROes WORK.— Last week skit. Au,tustine Women's Institute shipped to Red Cross, London, • bale of shirts. socks and bandages, &leo a barrel of fruit. The following le & list of three who contributed : Mn. S. Thompson, 2 sealers, grapes, jelly. Mer. W. Andrews, 2 sealers, raspber- ries, bleckbenies. Miss O. Jefferson, 1 sealer, blank cur- rants. Mir Laura Robinson, 1 sealer. tripe jell Mrs. Will Kiniban, 1 sealer, raspberry jelly. Ili* Laura Chesney, 1 sealer, jelly Mrs. R. Finnigan. 1 sealer, jelly. Mrs. Tote. Finnigan, 1 sealer. jelly. Miss Jameson. 1 sealer, black currant+. Klee Wallace, 2 *eiders. Dir*. W. Johnston, 1 Saler, plums. Miss R. Thompson, 2 sealer., black curi&nrs, jelly. Mrs. Will Thompson, 2 sealer*, grape jam. Mrs. W. McAllister, 2 sealers, thimble - beerier, jelly. Mrs. F. Robinson, 2 *eaters, grape jelly. Mrs. G. Tisdale, 1 sealer, jelly. Mrs. Wet. Tisdale, 1 sealer, jelly. Mies E. Chamney, 2 sealers, grapes, plums. • e Mies Dean, 2 sealers, crabapple jam. Mrs John Boyle, 1 sealer, plums. Mire M. Cummios, l sealer, jelly. Mies M. Kiniban, 1 sealer, jelly. Mn. Albert Johnston, 2 sealers. wild strawberries, plums. Mn. Rohe Smith, 2 sealers, rhubarb, plums. CARLOW. WEDNESDAY, Ncv. 24. PATtaoTu(' ADDRttaa.—Tb. lecture on 'Patriotism" delivered by Rev. J. B. Fotberingham on Friday evening in the Presbyterian church, under the auspices of the Smith's Hill Red Cross Society, was very mueb enjoyed by all who beard him. It must have in- spired everyone to do all in his power for King and country. oft hope to bear Mr. Fotheriegbees alis in the near future. There were also choruses by the choir, udtore st-wdingw Mt.. Meg. of Oderieb, ;Fain usual i0 bee usl proud style, and wagttfi�sli►appreciated. Miss Marion Olen aallso sang very sweetly. P•teiotie songs were ren- dered by Rev. Mr. Moulton. of Clin- ton, and Mr. M. C. Tyndall, of Dar- low. The proceeds went to the Red Cross 111041. Norge.—What we believe will be soother very successful patriotic con- cert will be given in No. 8 ubool, under the direction of the teacher. Hiss Gladys Lorry, on Friday evening of this week Mr. Jas. McBride bas purchased a fine lot of cattle to fatten during the winter Miss Mettle Sallow', who had been visiting friends hen during the summer, has returned to Coleridge, Alta ...... Mr. Joe. Connor. our local dealer, shipped another carload of bogs this week.... Boys, if you want to go buntiog go with Mr. Clayton : he snakes a spec - Laity of squirrels. The St. Augustine W. I. wish to thank Mn. W. Finley,Mn. W. Stotler., Mrs. Jas. Saunders, Mrs. R. Johnston and Mre. Geo. Twamley, of Mafeking, and Mrs. Thos. Bamford, of Westfield, and the Mises Ferguson, iib concession. West Wawanoeb, for hospital supplies. DUNLOP. Tommie. Nov. lie Mr. Lawrence Grey, who has spent the summer on the Great Lakes, has returned in safety to his wife and little ern Mr. Reg. Williams has joined the force at Doty's Engine Works, where be will "do his bit" l0 helping to make shells to repel bis country's foe. RED Ciaoee OROARIZATION.—The W. M. M. met last Wdnesda after- noon at the borne of Mtn. Fulford, of Leeburn. There was a large attend- ance. and atter the usual meeting the Lake Shore branch of the Red gross Society was organised. We hope the women win put their usual energy in- to the good work ; then large return, may be expected. HoxowNo SKR PAtrmrt.-00 Thurs- dayOf last week a reception was bod In Legburn chureh in honor of Rev. lames Hamilton and Mn. Ham- ilton. that data befog the twentieth anniversary of Mr. Hamilton's Indue- Con as pastor .of the church. At 0 o'clock the company, accompanied by the strains of a welding mareb, dee- tended to the basement, where tin element dad tasteful capper weir served. An anniversary cake deemitted with twenty candles was placed near the guests of heists, the candles being it gbi.d ea taw took their seats. inn m'distely after supper Mrs. H&miltoe was pree'ntd with • pretty bouquet of pink and white ebryeantbemtume acid asparagus fern, The presentation was made by Laura. the NtU' daagb- ter of Mt. ani Mrs. Oeorgs Gliddes. An addles. was the read by Mr. Hilary Horton, In whlub Mt1ee was mad' of the bait years of fatthhl aid nnlring serves so freely given to*, pal** d their eoegregnYw by ler. sad Mrs. Has.11tee and of the say glist. Hemerra :Le dst=egad mai rorty. A Mabe. et the pray Temperance Fight in Bruce. Cheeky, Nov. 22.—At a convention held in the Methodist church here to- day a resolution was unanimously adopted to commence a Canada Temperance Aet campaign in the county cf Brut. The old-time horehound twist—the kind your grandmother made—for sale at Wigie's drug store. Robert Wilson STOVES •:a Stoves Stoves Now is the time to look up your Range for the winter. We have some- thing new in this line. GASOLINE ENGINES From ti to 6o horsepower Windmill Pumps and Windmills Water Systems Installed We ihave just a few Buggies left at cut prices. Also a line of Harness, Horse Blankets and Robes, Wash- ing Machines. Churns and Cream Separators. MOW 4IMIm Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton St, Gedericb 0000000000000 The Very Best Place to Take a Commercial Training is THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE ()WEN SI* ND. OST. No other Canadian eobesi adore thane advantage.: Conroe, cads, trsemral •unnevlaion of a ,bartered aassentant. (=tate practical de.nrtwwrt. 14 one - Team Our nes banding sad .t say aeaduats 1n • padttee Pmaratary salCiviler' yv sent s.y Earc,atslelrw fres.. reenee. 1'. A. FLF-MIND. F.C.A. Preingsl O. D. rl.tYIso. murmurs. Subscriptions for ;WAR LOAN DOMINION OF CANADA YIELDING ABOUT 51/2 / 0 Ii O Applications will be forwarded by tits, allotments procured and other services rendered fret of charge to subscribers. Telephone or telegraph us at our expense for any information as to the Bonds, or formalities connected with theist. Wt predict a great success for this Loan appealing, as it does, to the wealth, the pride, the business instinct and the patriotism of Canadians. To insure allotment applicatimi ahovld be made at • A. E. AMES & CO. heireveest [headers er.ml.a e. .N...•. •e..• 5..t.a..s. Union Bank Bt"!ding, Toronto M ts.mc as. w••4 a a. o«. ear 51. Estaitiaied lar 4