HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-11-25, Page 3a THE SIGNAL : GNIDERICH :. ONTARIO THE MINA ONLY fEN01NE 11nWLaLf OF UY1TA- TIONS $OLD ON THIS MIRITd Ob IIID'S LINIMENT B()0K131NDIN(x MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired, 4OLD LETTBRINO pouf LEATHER GOODS Al1 soder. tong H1 SIGNAL, Godsend. atteaded to ea Wei A. S. TAY LOR, ItkaArniD. emiermmommommem MEDICAL I kit OEU. Hb1LEMANN OtlTS- L PATH. e1xeW`t to wa..sat, mid cMl desstr d ,.u. ss. acute. 'bron•a and nervea.die- (•a*re. rye. ear. novo and tenni, partial deaf. . see. I.plege aro rheumatic eondllloee, Ado ands remw•I uitb ut the knife. Oaks at e•ida.tce. cermet Nil, . amid Sr, A.drr . mow.. At here ufEos Muadars. WVsd..asays sed eaturnay.: any steams by eppelatmetrl. IerltP, J. R. throat FORSTER fiesse-EYE,, EAR. �tllratlrtor. Nomr� Aas•tIlaterolleid �tsL tam O s WatlLAoe tags�so Roos Much. . Beam R •Ms. r,. 11M/pe.. III p• Tdenedne W. AUCTIONZEIL 11110MAs UUNDRY 11 AUc'nuNKLR, mu a, Dederick.Ali In.)realioes b resat Left at Signal alike will be piveplly ended to. Keen :um Wlepbuuc it.. LEGAL IL C. 11A1'n RARISISTEIt, S. LIC'ITVH, tUTARV 1't nuts kit. t>ie� Grids Bask Stuck, Hamilton &rest. t�saerfcct� Tesepan , ten. Real Estate Lees sad lamreaoa PaoUbPuur, • i tLUmt.N t PRODUFOOT fAaalsT2o'1I. $OWOITUR$. NOTABLES PUi LLO. SrC. Obir� Imam emend deer MitaSamess. wenirkb ram u bias at lowed rates. W. Paot'DVOoT, ILL:, J. L ltnaaaaa W. PNOVDeoor, Jo. 1U. CAMERON. Y. C.. BARRIS Tti1t, sd)eesr. eatery p . thee. ten tme..1 Udamis►, rang dew fn. .pts. At CLbtas Taarea4 M melt week L e. Aider t M.tr essupled by Mr. r. Ufoe kwee11, a.m. t.e pa di/ltLlls UA10t4JW. LLH.. LIAR,- 6 Itlhrrb Ll. ail- -y. „edreaur. eta, Oder .ems beset' t. rag M Imam 001.0 ?MUMMae, Hovanssa aC 1886 i OUR OTTAWA LEITER R�S ULE MARKET QUOTATIONS 1 ---; ANEW WOYAN Tweet* CMOs Matto Ottawa, Nov. 96. -Th• irony of fate has ir000d out patty awooth roost of the objectiosia belated by the Sondrn Uovee sasses to I he freer trade o1Ms adv000trd by the Liberals is *911. I_e tart, for a timid dock of lel-well- enough abash the Bordeu• Govern- ment had indulged rather fresly iP that trash or trade with the Yankee, wbteb was the object of t belt re- course. only togs yens ago. course. they ass utile that it was fho Mother Uotsbtry showed them �tjjaa way, but that only proves that the Mother Country has a lot of comma. muse --simply that and nothing more. It look • war to j .It things loose, bat ono, • start was made Brants moved qquick) enough. For iust .ter, Major (i.Rpr.JSir b..w Hughes. at the request of the Handel' Uovernment, organised • percbasieg committee in New Yak whit* trucked and traded with lbs Yankees to the extent of hundreds of millions of dollars foe gums, cartridges, rifles, shells and things like that. This wholesale track and trade gttb the Yankees on behalf of the Brjisb limene was sot only counteofldrd bttt actually en- couraged sort tdaterlally assisted by the Canadian Mtt.lster of 11t itis, who took the deepest interest in tb4 trans. actions of the committee, until It, like the Canadian lobe!' committee, was deborued by Lloyd George's spec- ial commissioner, Mr. D. A. Thomas. Mr. Thomas' chief discovery was that the truck or trade in war moni- tions, whether it wi• carried oil with the ankees or with our own Cana- dian ruanufacturrr•, int olrel too great an element of private profit for e ven John Burrs pugs. to it ted. So he reorganized the %whole business on lbs barns ut tett per reef. net, which, ea price+ need to go, is a minlwom saving of mealy per ernt, 'VIA* ie thr brio! explanation rf what Mr. lbcmaa did. 'lo g1 into a.1 the ditail+ of ex- tortion and plunder which he uo- mirthed wt.uld be too long a story. Tb. main paint is that Mr. Th,•utsls made a clean-up t f the trucking and trading, as sn{.ervi•ed by member. of the Bolden Government, and now manufacturers of mut lions moat be content with a m.deet prutit I.l.trad of the wealth of Oru.us and cf Jud, wbie.h they were pili,•g un hefo,e Jlt. Thomas it said to have dune his work Oto well that some minulacturers will be ahead aothit.g mote thin their plants fur praline shells, which they get British Government aesi•tance to build and which will be their own after the war i• over. Passing front the srrny to the navy we again are the Bot den Government trucking and trading with the rank- eee to a rooridersWe extent. At all events, Mr. Chanes M. Mcbwabb, • rather well-known Yankee in these petty, sal invited to Montreal I. tusk-•rutauarin.s fur the British navy and be hits keen making them there ever since the war started, although it was a Cuoset votive slogan in 1910, when Lauri.e'a Nosal Service Act was being discussed, that such a fret was impossible in Canada. However, wade -in -Canada submarines are now ■n accomplisbed tact and nothing more will probably be said along that lite. Pawing from war to finance, we have the spectacle of a Finance Minis- ter, who left his party four years ago alt the dreadful prospect of trucking and trading with the Yankees, nn the most harmonious terms with Wall Street, freely ex- changing gold and credit while the ky remains in its place air u.u.l. It as not fallen on Mr. White's head. Of course, it was tbs Mother Country again that showed Canada the way. but Mr. White seems to have followed readily enough. All his 1911 fears are forgotten and Finance Minister White now 1s trucking and trading with the Yonkers, taking their good money and giving them our good bonds, as cheerfully and naturally as if he had been doing it all his life. In his trucking and trading with Yankee gold Mr. White is more than Britain's:agent. He does a good stroke of business for Canada, too, as witness his borrowing $40.01110.600 .1 five per cent., •which Iran mytbt better have been contributed by Canadians wbo would he keen encogb to show their confidence in their country -especially a country where bank interest is only three percent. However, Mr. albite did not ses it in that light. at least not at that time. He prefetred trick and trade wtlb the Yankees, piossibly with • view to ',bowing bow deeply he had repented since 1911. it may be amid that ail these signs and tokens are a long way front the trading and trocking suggested by the Liberels in 1911. w truckiog and trail• ing which would have resulted in cheaper food for the people of both countries. And it could be said truly, tor the Borden Government has done nothing in the direction of chestier food except a report nn the high cost of living which has been shelved and the appointment of • Dominion fie., sources Commission, which will prob. ably bring in some satisfying conclu- sions on haw to feed the people wi b- out giving them anything to eat. Good hopers, however, are prophesy- ing that the Government may' do aomethii.g for free wheat. That is to say, the Government, baying wheedled the Northwest farmer into growing the biggest crop in Canadian history, an pre• being Orel the British Empire gIMAGER. BARRISTER. SOL - ars' t'tim�ire iela►d Y►1r• ' IJSUEAICE, WAGS, TC. kacYILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- sUlA14Ca CO. -Vara andlimiatid t gall pepatt! mowed. Oaloses-.t. B. McLean, Pres.. dsate to P.O.; Jena Ceatielly. Vtee-Mims.. dodsrbea P. 0.; Howes IC Hays, Mao. -Tram, tlsaterUi P. O. illr*etere-t). F. McGregor. baterth ; Jots 1.O 4.... %Innatey; Wllrmm Canmasw; Jens Hauaeweha, Sroeas.•a; Jarmo Soma. beech wood ; Reber! Ferris, hszgok ; Malcolm MYgwen, Hreosaud. Areata: J. W. Yao. HWmwvllle; Ales- Lsltek. (,'Loren ; W ILiam C°` ' Ooafortl ; Y L .mihby. boatman. volley- N e out 9+I • .tosr001s10 aad got then aardo reeelpee a: it J. M.rd a'a CM,;blug Store, Chaim, R. •a. • ett'a Grocery. itr"rrtoo .tr..t, 0.a.4e5, or .1. H. told's General Mom, Hayfield. 120 000 bxo` VeTE pttr t l° c.n'ld gtiON. Basrrlsbr Hamilton street. 0feedsr.. UT 6. HOBERT.i0N. • INSURANCE AGENT. hale oxo Lio rrinee : Be tu.b. CaoagLD .d A.e.4ome. AotasmIT, 8)CZC s AND atwtoYaa•' Ltasti. ITT : 1M teem Amidest abs Guar intro Cerporwtl.DO,. Limited. of Lades, Eng. It anti (;ti t: saa1TU 0nd0U : The U.S. ab ad OwarbsWsCampsay. u rendasampee, metbseet career.4 Vic- toria istnria eat *L Mows motor. Peen Ill RADISIAGR LIMNSES WALTER R. 6ELLY, J.P., OODIDU('R. ONT. • I1suaa Or IlLuT. a0 LiC1cNg1M. MIMS Patent Solicitor N/. S. BABCOCK 1 Lawyer 112.8.1 sad Read Patent Atturn•d. FE - lees' exp,rimes but Cawd_sod Uri. la- grapromptly , Trucks marts sad mrtotee.loritgeewt sad variety ya ! L passel elle' d for • prepa Expert witness in pedant suits. Pat - *no of aidetod In all countries. YY, . James Street. Montr•aI. 1 wrier ser las ,,..mss. Il Brophej Bros. GUDERiCH lee Leading Fakral ilinalsrs sod Embalmers Ord•n easefully attended to at all hours, sight or day. C. 6.d D Wire - labia and Dianhabss• Ir nkl be very um gfS.Y it 1 diets to glee Lydia L Me VVegeta- Compaund the raise it deserve., tor 1 lave taken it a t different nue and it always re- lived m• whoa ether medlelies failed. and when I bee a woman eem- plain I always roc - ennead nead it Lennie ter I wee attacked with a erre ems of organic weeknses. 1 W Mckaehet pains is q bine and war lineys, Intede e, MosYses. Seas oohed sod I was slaps •I was baldly able to de ray bemoaned'. 1 bed taken Lydia Z. Ptt[[kkeas's Vegetable Caro- m one other neadsa, and It bad ms so I took it sipla and it has rup, =IN now I feel like a new women Yon bee my hearty comma to ase my nese and t.stimocial in soy way and I hops It will benefit suffering women. "-Mrs. btttu Tusxn4 431 8., Wsyoe st., PIT*. Ohio. Women who are suffering hags those dlstresaing Ula peculiar to their set should not doubt the ability of Lydia & Pinkbam'. Vegetable Composed to re- store their health. If you want epee! al advice write to Lydia E. Pinkbam Med- icine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Maas. Your letter will be opened. read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. 41741 Shure! There h, wt. been many deflnitions cf Iriab •'bully," 1 ut perhaps the best defleiti•.n ut e11 is a .ample. Thus, for instate., ■n E.•glishnian was visit- ing the Litt I- Green Isle- and noticed *onto ph,k berths.. growit•g by the roadside. ••WVhst are 'shore?" he asked the nearest I ri.luns n. "Shure, rho.« are blaclbet ries," w•aa the unexpected reply. "But they're pink," prnte tick the Engli.btn in. "Hedad they are sr.. What 'ud ye Feather wnut'ng them to I.e?. Shure, black berriee nee always pink whirr they're green." JUST TINE Rt0MT PRESENT. Don't trkee�rn•ceu iq the matter of Christmas t.. You dnts't want your-, like so many others, to be rc- ertved w iih indifference or worse, and ten days after Christmas to be neat •ski« and forgotten. You take nu such chance* in giving The Youth's Companion for • year. Did you Peer know of a home in which it came .mist% or of one in which it was not toneplcuous on the library table or in someone's hands all through the year? It is worth while to make a gift of tbat sort, and it is worth re hile to re- ceive it, toxo, for The Companion illus- trates the best traits in Amt. Jean and Canmdiau life in its stot ies and sketcher. uphold* the h-st ,tandarde in its at ticks and otber a'rutrihutions, and corubines the practical and in- forming with the entertaining and blond -stirring. If you do not know The Companion as it is today, !.t u• sent you one or two current Isaacs free that you may thoroughly teat the paper's quality. We will scud also the Fitt cast for 1916. Every new subscriber wh i sends g2.Y5 for the ftftytwo weekly issue. of 1016 wi'I receive free all the issues fur the re, t of 1915 and The C panion Home Calendar for 1916. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mine. New subscriptions received at this office. How to Win Law Suits. Senator Spooner tell. of • lawyer in Wisconsin who had been retained by a fernier to pin....rote a suit against • neighbor relative to the title to is strip of lanai running between their respective farms. It appease that during a conversa- tion as to the status of the snit the flat-mentioneJ fat m. r ►uggeetrd U. his attorney that it might be • good idea to gens the permuting judge • couple of line turkeys. "Dear m« !" excltime,l the counsel, "that would never do, niv roan I Yuu would be sure to lose poor suit !" Nothing more was said on the sub- ject. ject. The case came up. was tried and judgment was rendeta•d in the (aiot.ff's favor. Whee the new* was brought to hini.the farmer expressed hie est isf.rliOD, adding : "1 sent him i the turkeys." Too m'unI.hod at the unto'* Leiner- ' icy to trey en) thing, the lawyer mere- ly ecarert at his cl•rn•. "Yrs," chuckled the termer, "1 sent biro the turkeys. Mut 1 sent them in pment's t.wme !' ed 1t, sad not having enough ; ships to mires the wheat acrolw the; Atlantic, may possibly let down the' tariff barrier and allow the fernier to tan. advantage of the bprsad between Winnipeg and Minneapolis prices, erieb would amount to fifteen mlltinu Lie liars no an export erep of one hue - a million bushels. It ma do OW, and then again it may not ThisOoverament's fHands Is the twilling bestows will help them- selves Ont. Atter that somw.tbiag may he don. The Met Bob Rogers caw ..y 1. That be baa the warmest srmpatbll fox the artga rowers, and yea roast see bow some et the Coe -1 eervative pipers tatg os bias for say- ing that meek. They paint out Slat It sus& Oke s peaky orad Shat Rob hos so right to osegrot parols• with - oust seat .ea.stttag hie e•lise foul H. P.6. yep Madge -"So you consider it an ideal match P" Marjorie -.'Yes : be has w.nnsy and she knows haw to spend Ir." -Judge. NO WOMAN'S WISH Per TIM. Weak. Nervosa Waist Betldontaise, Ohio--" I with every weak, eke t women tend beeViaal, v for 1 clever asst men, be way life thatme se geed that i spear Ft VU•l wtr r nod. wen est sad anti Yfsei made me eglem& well sad Itigoomee eller else Mil felled le _lisZirhisiorMal ` henews.41�ni11 g . LIN911111111 nen d� egsdswit skom s down, asrvwE 1� H. C Duels% Demist, A•dmiah Heavy choke maws • .. ,$7.76 to $2 C0 Heady choles steer . , , 7.50 7./ Butchers', good 7.00 7.50 da needle= 0.60 7.1.0 do. common 6.60 6.50 Heifers, choice 7.16 7.60 do. good 6.60 7.16 do. medium i 'etcher cows. doles6 da good $ do. medium 4.10 4.Se Balla, choice 4.11 0.10 da good 6.00 4 N do. medium 6.16 6. M do. bologna 4.11 4.76 Feeders, 900 to 1,100 Ito. 0.26 6.76 do. bulls 6.00 6.76 Stockers, 760 to 000 lbs1.11 6 50 do. med., (60 to 760 660 6.10 do. light 4.76 6.500 Canner. 3.25 4.00 Cutter„ 4.00 4.75 IMilken. choles, each 76 00 100.00 do. medium to good60.00 75.00 do. common 45 00 60.00 Springer . 50 00 100 00 Calves, veal, good 9 00 10.00 do. medium ^ 00 9 00 do. common 4 75 7 00 do. Bras. .... 4.00 4.75 Yearling sheep $ 6.00 6 15 Spring lambs 8.10 9 Cull lambs c.Go 7 5', Sheep, ewes, light 1.00 6 Su Sheep, heavy and backs 4.2g 5.50 Cu11- 2.60 3.50 Hogs. fed and watered9.40 9.50 do. light and heavy1.75 9.05 .11 1. .50 6.011 Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Immediate shlp- meat. No. 1. $1.10%; No. 2. $1.631e: No. 2, nominal, oa track, lake ports. Manitoba oats -A11 ra;l, dela.-.ei. Ontario points, No. 2 C.\%., bay ports, track 47%r. American corn -No. 2 yellow, Tor- onto, track, 71.r. Canadian corn -No. 2 yellow, 74c. Ontario c•.ts-No. 3 white, 'Sc.to 39c; commercial oats, 37c to 38c. Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, ter car lot, 96^ to 58c; slightly sprouted and tough, according to sample, 92c to 95c; sprouted or smutty and tough. according to sample. ;5c to t•rc Peas -per car lot, according to sample, 52.25; sample p•:ae 51.60 to 82. Barley -Good malting barley, out- side. 56c to 12c; No. 2 feed, 49c to 12c. Buckwheat -76 to 71c. Rye -No. 1 commercial. 8Pc to 90c; do. according to sample, tough. 50c to 85c. Manitoba flour -First patents, in jute bag*, SG; scccnda.. 15.'.0; et:o::g bakers', 15.20. In Jute. bags. Ontario flour -New winter, 54.10 to $4.40, according to sample, seaboard or Toronto freights. in bags. Millfeed-('arloads, per ton, de'iver- ed, ?dont reel freights; bran. 7-2: .shorts, $23; middlings, 1_5; good feed flour, bag, 81.50. Spot wheat -No. 1 northern. $1.12%; No. 2 nort.reTn, 81.10; No. 3 northern, nomieel. ". Rolled oats --Carlota, per .ba- lbs., 12.40; In et ailer lots, 8:.50 82.60, Windsor to Montreal. of Wholesale Produce Toronto s holesale prices to trade: Eggs - Special (cart's) newJaldi Extras tselects) stor.go No. 1 straight storage.. No. 2 1,0 to the .42 to .4: .32 .25 .w Butter- ('reamery prints, fresh. .32 .. 34 Creamery. solids • 32 .00 Dalry prints .28 .30 Bakers' .22 .23 Cheese-Lar8e, 17%c; Mies, 17%c. Hopey-Buckwheat, barrels, 61i,c to tins. 7c to 8c: clover, '.in., 10%c; do.. 10 -Ib tins, 11c; do., 511b. tins, 111,4c; comb honey. No. 1, per dozen, $2.40; do., No. _, per dozen, 62. Poultry,Live Dressed Old fowl, Ib. 8c 11c 13c 14c Chickens Ilc 12.: 15c 16c Spring broilers 12c 1.1e 17c 19c Turkeys 1!a 15c 17c 23c Ducklings 11c 12c ;7c 16c• Geese 8c 9c Ilc 12c East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts,' 7,000 hoed: slow; lower; prime steer*. $8.60 to $0; ship- ping. 16.50 to $7.50; butchers. $6 to $S; heifers. $6.50 to 57.26; cows, $2.75 to 16.50; hulls, $4 to $7; stockers and feeders, $3.25 to $G.$75; fresh cows and springers. $50 to $75. Veal. -Receipts, 1,200 head; active and steady, $4 to 811. Hoogs-Recelpts. 24.000 head; ac- tive and lower; heavy and mixed, 16.60 to $6.70; Yorkers, $6.25 to 86.65; pigs, $5.75 to $6; roughs, 15.40 to $5.50; stags. 84.50 to $5. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 10.000; active, higher; lambs, $6 to 19.26; yearlings, $5.75; wethers, $5.75 to $6; ewes, $3 to $3.60: sheep. mixed, $5.50 to $6.76. Chem. Markets iroquol.-410 cheese boarded. 3821 colored and 25 white. Price bid on board, 1$%c; no sales. Price bid on curb, 17c; all sold at that price. Victoria le, Que --400 boxes of fered. All hold at 16 5-16c Plcton-Fifteen factories boarded 1,056 cheese; all colored. All sold at 17 616c. Napanee-Four hundred and ninety coiored and 120 white cheese boarded. All sold, 17%c. Chicago Live Steck Cattle RecetptP. 23,000; market unsettled; beeves. $6.76 to 510.30; nowe and heifers• 51.70; calve.. 84 to $0.76. Receipt.. 46.000; market tight. $6 70 to $0.66; mixed. Mid to $0.50; heavy, 18.01 to 84.10; rough, 14.05 to $41.25; pigs 53.75 t' 56.70; balk of mise• $4.01 O 84 00. Shoop- Receipts. 20.011; mark strias; !amts, native, 44.76 to 85.10 Soled Hay and Straw Merebaats are new staying no Ira T oreato, at the following prices Salad bay. No. 1. tes.$10.00 to 517. tis No. 1 12.11 14. salad sus. 0.M t, rr WINTER COATS For Ladies, Misses and Children Some smart new styles in Coats just to hand in the season's latest styles in the new Whitney Cloth. Ladies' Coats at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $16.50 Ladies' Sealette Coats for dressy wear, newest styles, made from Lister's Cele- brated Plush, satin -lined, exceptional value at each 522.50 to 535.00 Children's Coats at all prices. Now is the time to buy. FURS FURS FURS Since buying this season's Furs prices have greatly advanced and we are in the " fortunate position to offer all our furs at least fifteen pet cent. under present prices. Black Manchurian Fur, closer' resembling black fox, in handsome sets, stole and muff, newest styles, at per set $17.50 to 525.00 Special values in Mink Marmot Stoles and Ties from 5400 to $17.50 each, also Muffs to match from 55.00 Special values in misses' White Thihet sets, the most popular Furs for misses, at per set 55.00 to 516.50 Ladies' Smart Walking Skirts Special showing of ladies' smart Serge Skirts in black, in the netsest styles, perfect fitting, tailor-made, exceptional value at each.. $5.00 and 55.50 Special value in Horrockses' English Flannelettes, heavy make, 36 inches wide, neat designs, for pyjamas, night shirts, etc., extra special per yard 20c Special value in White Saxony Flannelette at 10c, 12;c, 15c, 20c McCal's Patterns and Publications Old Bleach Linens 1 li Phone 56 ]'VJiilars Scotch Store Phone 56 J Teaching Willie. • Now, Willie," Reid the mother, "you told t. e e fal.ebood. 1)o you know VIhar happens to little boys who tell falsehoods "No, ma'am."' replied Willis sheep- ishly. "Why," continued the mother, "e big, black man with only one syr in the centre of his forehead comes along and flies with him up to the moon, and makes him pick sticks for the balance of his life. Now, you will never tell a falsehood again, will you? It is awfully wicked." A Famous Doctor Writes. "Dear Dr. Jackson : "i can truly say your Roman Meal is a veritable godsend to humanity. It has proved all but miraculous in my band.. i prescribe it freely for indi• gevtion, neurasthenia, aneewia and all undertones rendition.•, hut especially for rcnstipst ion. In this letter condi- tion it has not failed use in a single case." Roman Meal is made into deliciotte porridge. pancakes, puddings and bread. Ask your doctor a1 out it. At all grocers', 1U and 25 cents. GRAND TRUNK SY', EM DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO - MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO Leave TORONTO 8.r a. m..4un p. ni.. and 11 AS p. to. deity. FOR MONTREAL save TORONTO s'ss it u.., &:lot p, m., and Ii. o p m. dally. Equipment the fin.at on all train.. PANAMA PACiFI(' EXPOSITiONS Reda: eel Ares to San Franel•ati br *neck. and Wen Diego. Full particulars and tooth room Atkin. en fpp cation to F. F I.AWVNI:NCE t SONS. ,THE RIDEAU New Afternoon Train, Toronto to Ottawa, Via C. P. R. rallies at chief p.Iet• oleo. lake Ontario ebt re Linc. loddlag Kemptom. l"etodst. evioUggent, Including Botha libr.0740 wirreglein Parlor ear, with broker err, tor. Leaver Tend* LN p m Amour ()I(5 • MM aJa (Dail" ewes S.sd.H conflating taste Laves ti1}i.slek t.11 a.m. AMIMMT.16111111111113 pm c ontemeelor Monday. November tet, 's- torm by 1 h. York, the Dew a1wsssa trate from Ottawa es Tercets Awns route. w.,. equipment Ames • anr. feeitore JOS D10. t. Twrite omato G it i • Aar . Pitem i Business and Shorthand Westervelt School 1 tit t A Ruddrn,,i Lundurl, Ontario 1 {. in `ren. a, triol. let to .Jul. ,talevu. 1 r. • Enter any tem. lG�lITRAL %1E STR ATFORD. ONT. Ontario's best Business College. Our ln'trurton are ram rien.-.d. Paella KM Individual attention and ersduate- are placed 1n podtbn-. We are receiving ape pYeatioa. we cannot meet. Student« may easter at an) 1 :me. send for nor free este- .Rol and err if It intermit. you. `'• D. A. iIcLACHi.A5, Principal. 1 LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. 1 - SCt1OOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Write for Particulars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG, F. LINFORTH WILLGOOSE, Registrar. Mus. Bac. 1 Dunelm t Principal Address: -351-6 Dundas 5t., London, Ont. Male THE WAR AT YOUR DOOR You Can Read the Story of the Great European Struggle in The Weekly Mail and Empire Which we can supply you a;ong with Our Paper, the two together, from NOW TILL JAN. I, 1916, FOR 30c or to new subscribers from NOW TILL JAN. 11. 1917, FOR 51.60 A First-class Metropolitan Weekly and the Best Local Paper. giving you just the news you want. Sead sr Brut ill Orders to THE SINNIL, o TAA O •