The Signal, 1915-11-25, Page 2• THURSDAY Nors*acts t•, IV1i
Ines W Ali gINIbtWt�BttYatlaa. Hart
Oe a ase Noal
lcuscourrtosi us. -Om Dealer and FOM
eta« eat ; It paid strictly is d, roe. Ona
w�be ssoselad ; is subscriber. to
l Blake• tie este M Ors Dollar sae SMIDr Hi dvassa teb.edbsse wits
.all tet ve TRU Wheal r wwler(r to well
WA • tavere eoseslettrMaRR tis psWleb
er of the Kee ease as seeable. Me
i einem !d .darer lensed. illi !iA
Ur aro Warw. Weald be elves.wwalaree.
nesen mews
we ���..srwl1et.r..ass nSw. sr fi d
AMmerrt wrrr Tiara•ay ""' 8 t i,
.savant aavastiswat- wW M ewe w aseV
swam L.a•lead ether dealer.dvertiametL
tea assts pee lire for arta few
cant* per Um to .are either ant W!rt �
1i.rseed it • .rale of .olid a.se0-
itemleas leen► tsu
B..leee• seeds of ala Iliae
and seder. rev. n.�yrs pee rear. Advert&.►
Ina et Ort, /tad. Strayed. MReattor
Vncast.tMtmaims it awed. Hot... tar hale cr
to Beet. rant•.. for Sale or to Rent. Articles
for Pe1.. eta, not aznsedhag eight Use.. Twenty -
las Csa4 each Ins.. 1o. ; O.. Dollar for ant
menta. eutyt'waterseek .ab.rasesst A.
Lamar dvertiesmast. 1w p•o a
t��sssssamla srdtan7 readies t .-
Tweets -
. Tea
Coats per nwake Ilse. No tin. 1v+. char
lye Ousts. Say ap.easl melee the obj.ot of
white's Ms bs
w's poem asa et any lsdtrid
senorsessetInise. to .sa.yered a0 dver
tt..ment .ad obarerd soseralsetr.
To Coaazarowuasva-TM aopera tion of
ser wlrrriber• and mod.m is cordially (Melt-
ed Deward. molting Tan 010111•L a weekly record
of .11 Mal, county .ed dbr.
4rletdsla. o cow
sorbatloo will he attended to uud.u• it ma -
mins the name and Addams 0f the writer. set
aticiewartly for pnelkaittoo, bot as an e.N.oes
Masud faith. New, items Amid reach To
8tevLogies.not later then W.drre.d.y 8000
of mos watt:
King Constantine -Nell, it's • queer
thing if I'm not to be allowed to do as
my wife tells me.
1f you have any money left after the
campaigns for the patriotic fund and
the Iced Crnas. Invest it in the war
Sheds of W. E. Gladstone -Did 1
make the mistake of my life when I
defruded Bulgaria (tom Tui kith np•
pension ?
The Saltford Sage says oo church
neon for him. He went to • Metho-
dist church once and couldn't sleep for
the chorus of amens mid hallelu j lbs.
Dr. Kitchener baying called upon
King Constantine and diagnosed hie
case, the Grecian monarch Is begin-
ning to get a taste of the medicine
that is good for wnat ail. hien.
If the worst coons to the worst, a
lot ot Greek .hoe-,binere will have to
close up, •ad any Number of lazy
young lords will have tc polish their
own boots. A terrible prospect !
sad between the United States sad
the Teutonic powers, ea the other. it
says :
Our worst grievances against the
Allies are vista* is eoesparfsou with
the growing We of our wrongs at the
hands of Germany and Austria. In all
reason the lesser evil must yield to the
greater. Our flret duty is to stop the
campaign of murder, Incendiarism.
sepionaee, stealthy. underbend war.
of whice. we ars the victiru. %Vben
that greet work is done, it will lir
time enough 1.. look after matters
represented by the dollar •Igo. Honor
and astray come l,Nute wealth or
preepsrity, even venting that pros-
perity lay in quarrel ng with Britato-
• self-evident absurdity.
There should be a large number of
Goderieh people out on Monday nlgbt
to hear what Mr. Thomas MctsitM-
t sadly hu to say about the neighbors.
It will be entertaining. wittiest a
"Billy" Sunday was in Toronto o0
Monday, and a lot of good people
went to bear his rough talk. Ooe of
the rea.oas we curse the barroom is
that they ewit too much of the Lind of
language that Sunday uses on the
Those familiar with ooeditions In
the newspaper business see quite well
aware of the fact that so far all the
subscriber is concerned newspapers
ars published At a lose. It 1s the ad•
vsrtbing revenue that is the financial
backbooe of the newspaper business.
There is a daoger to public interests in
this state of affairs. As The Guelph
Mercury remarks,
"Otte of the 'wettest force, for re-
enform and clean citizenship is an inde-
pendent ptew. There woe piper' that
have gone into the flnaneial scrap
heap simply because they dated to be
independent when they co /Id not af-
ford it. There rue always 'big it:ter-
s.1. reedy to pay the price for public-
ity. and very one) it is exceedingly
harmful to the general interests of the
people or the community at large.
Any move that will put the w.ekl or
Tbs Movies in Scheel
H•a.uteo 110...
The movies are to be introduced kite
the .cb.oia at Chicago. There should
be (ewe, trua•ts.
Might fie Hu Last Chance
Heaueal Haal.L
Borne retests are attacking Winston
Cburcbitl for the speech be coeds de-
fending ble course to the ttovernmeot.
geeing that Hr. Churchill is off to the
tient, and may ■1 Inn low
his life in lighting for hmw
is country. he
may he excused, we Molt, for the
attempt. to clear his rec aid before iss
Revised Version
Toraate Telegram.
John Bull'. 'solo to the young and
aMe bodied bachelom of the British
Isles :-
"Your Kiog and country want
1 think you'll 'Ave to
Churchill's Geed Example
Ill.rotreal Herald
Winstni Churchill set. • noble ex-
ample to the manhood of the Empire.
Instead of sulk ;ng under criticism. he
throws over the po,ition of wall -paid
idleness which is offered him sod joins
the fighting wen et the front. It he
cannot du his bit in the nay he will
do It In Inc teeny. This 1. the stamp
of men who have made the Empire
what it is.
Why Boursasa Is Enraged.
atenitob. Free Pre -
It is • fortunate thing tor the Prov-
ince 1.1 Quebec and for the French -
them for the peallstesof elpoRtbw0a
Gteeea titch neaseous;stile le
Oily unique fa Mater,.
Failing the Plat .
New Vest ?them.
Within the Germane Unpin then
are egos and portend that resell vivid,'
ly tbs Blot mutterings of the stores
Omit broke upem Pram* M the Revo-
lution. We are told lbat the eupply
of food Is (terwa .7 1e abundant, yet
tb..Cbaaesllor under authority given
aim has Just fixed the price et which
potetose may be slid by the producer
and by the tarketnean. There is
enough to spare of everytbieg, yet the
PI taom of the cola mount, commodities
ars uuder Uovereauent control. Nc•
body goes temp'', but the people have
been warned that they must not carry
for it clamor for butter *ad t.at1• sup-
plies to the point ot bre.►irg the
grocers' windows, and the seven pen -
all' ter imposed upon rioters have been
oMcWly called to their •lteotlon. The
last torus of Imperial bonds was to
euooessful that there was general Jud
kation, but Imperial hoods are paid
for In paper, since the -,.o le loo age
eurreodered practically all the in
their po.s•wion to the Imperf Book.
By this procese of bond Issue the Gov-
ernment can be kept In paper funds
indefinitely, but In spite of price reg-
ulatlou the discount upon the paper
currency will Increase. One me$aure
of the discount was the very diequiet-
inl( incteme In prices of cowmod:ria.
daily papers, in • position sitters tSley Clsnulian Penia" that Sir Wilfrid
CIA Mance their huskies apart crow Laurier's presage has made hint their
c ssiderstion for advertiriog revenue virtual representative at this criticsl
u going to make fur • armorer and • tune, dwadi ug B,,uraser. and Lavergne
cleaner tress." to their nue proportion* as narrow -
cleaner end insignificant agitators. In
his newspaper, Le Drvoir, Mr. Bour-
The Winnipeg Tribune makes au :statist does Out disguise the fact that he
appeal to the Government to frank' is more enraged over Sir Wilfrid'.
pat eels and letters to Canadians at the powerful advocacy of the duty of
Canadi.ue to take part in this war
(root. It says : than over the actual war wew.ures io-
"Our nation. our (iovernwet.t, while atituted by 8.r Bonet Borden. The
remewlr,ii.g all the *tern realities of proper punishment tot thew two
war and life, should not be eloe to worthies would be to give u lien •
+bow every nun k of appreciation of taste of Prussian rule ; but they will
our mother: sacrifices. We were 1 be tiered from tris fate by the valor of
struck this week with the opportunity ! tetter end braver men.
given to our Government when we! Men Brave as of Old.
saw • Winnipeg mother wt the post- ,
Columbia 8. C.. State.
office, sending Chriatnaaa parcels to
her boys in France. The cold hand i Against oew and horrible engines of
of the .tate accepted her dollar -odd war -the terrors of Ibe H. E. shells,
for ptoataate stamps for the parcels just !the pervading death of poisonous
the same as it reaches out for the tax ' Rases : the waders fate that strikes
on commercial parcels. 14 it not pee 'men in the steel eomplrrtmenti of the
Bible to tnAke some distinction ? A great ships -the valor of the trades-
dollu or a twenty -five -cent piece, men and peasants and miner. and
1.wwi1tt,s bit tc many • nwtber in this wrch anic+ of Europe has Staid out •+
land today. Cannot we -the people l hriliilsOtly as ever did that of the
-the (iovrrum1nt-afford to take her Nwiss guard of the Fre
Louis, Tbnt
little parcels, and assure ber that the ; is the all -impressing item iu the vast
people of Canada are only too glad to collection of war news that every day
catty them safe and free and quickly 1 crowds the wires and fills the printed
to her sons at the front ? Canada 1.1 page. It is the development of valor
rich enough to extend this courtesy ; in bulk that has make this war the
to perform it as a duty to the women I fletce.t that ever was fought. that has
who have said to their sons : "Go dragged its course for more than a
and fight fax home and country and Tear with neither side able to admie-
liberty �" ter a decisive blow. The spirit of
man, as ever, towers about the mon-
th) [trate than one occasion The iters of death that he h•e created.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier was seven t y -four
years old on Saturday last. and pored
the milestone in good health and
spirits. Among the congratulatory
messages he received from all parts of
the Empire was one foam Premier
A•gtaith of Creat Britain.
The Mail and Empire has come
*sound to the idea that one tbree-cent
stamp would look just as well on a
letter ae a two -cent and a one -cent
stamp, and would save considerable
licking. Possibly the same notion may
some day strike the Hon. %V. T.
A Toronto men rigged up • burglar
protection device in hie homy, with
the tssult Chet the man who came to
read the gas -ureter was shot. 1 f the
centrivance oomra into genets' use.
tax collectors. look agent. and some
others may find their jobs more inter-
esting tban ever before.
Mies Laura Hughes; a daughter of
Dr. J. L. Hughes, and • niece of Sir
8.m Hugber..ecurrtl employment in a
Toronto underwear factory and did
the work of • machine operator for •
week -which was gulfs long enough
for her. Her object was to present •
report nn factory conditions to the
Trade* and Labor Council. As a re-
mit the Department of Labor has been
appealed to to compel an improvement
in condition. in some of the factories
in the city.
A circumstance which it is worth
while to recall is that of the five Balk-
an states the two that are fighting
with the Allies -Serbia wnd Mont.
+negro -ore the only two that are
ruled by native princes. The sov-
ereigns of Greene, Bulgaria and Roo -
Mania belong to other races end owe
their position largely to infiuente,
outside of the countries of which they
are the monarch& if the wishes' of
the majority of the people in each of
the Heiken states were the Ate ron•
sideration probably .11 a•f them wouki
he with this Allier and against their tra-
ditiesal and virtual enemy, Turkey
Th. New York Bun has nor loaf the
eases. of proporUnit Refer, keg to the
asagats in dispnte i eitw,.n list flatted
Ota. and Betide, on the one bead.
Sipyl bas advanced the idea that one
great obstacle to the success of the
cause of womac suffrage is the indif
ferenee or opposition of many women.
The same view is held by no less a
publication than The Congregation-
alist, of Boston, which say.: "The
Patriotism and Pr•dst:ti.a.
Montreal Reran.
Despatches from the West ,tate that
there in a marked failing off in the
area being planted to wheat, as
compared with last year. The Stoke
1000 Saturday Press supplies the
reason. 1t expresses itself as dis-
real reason why the extension of suf- tinctly disappointed with the work•
(rage is delayed is became* a large ma-
jority of Anorectic women have not
yet made up their own minds that
they want the ballot. In the States
that voted on suffrage on November
god many more women are actively
engaged in the campaign for the Vol-
k t than ate actively engaged in opposi-
tion. But far outnumbering both
contending armies are the women who
Kill remain silent on the issue, either
indifferent. dotbtful, or not wishing
to assume the responsibilities that en-
franchisement would bring. We be-
lieve that just as soon as the women of
America show that a clear ntajorily
want the brllot they will get il." The
equal -righters meet aucb deciarations
as this, we understand, by urging that
the ballot abould not be withheld from
those women who want it just Ieetuse
01 tbeapetby of those who care noth-
ing abotit it. To this i; may be said
that the ballot should not to tweed on
the great meas of woven who do not
want it because of the importunities
of the few wbo do want it.
Th. Empire on Parade.
I (be following 11,.., w rl•tw at the Moo 01
the Beer war, arms to hare • • ea *rester .Ig-
o ia.unv today. The writer t. • Oodetich Old
Hoy. a ardaa:e or the cereal ogles I
wt rid wide r.c , h u . prune to arm- -
TM rank- dose in. care serve is 4reiued,
.1 at make a e,rnntori toner
The nal low', mandate to rtialeln.
From out the...eta msgi there wimp
Her .trona rause -ora. her Alps seemed
Their eben.trd bintui.At to upbold-
rM lit t, ampere on parade.
No treaty birds. no compost bold. -
• •t r.4t8elk in. tat, bend of blood :
Her strewth .oar at resort her Joy. our pain -
Foe thi. s s join acre• the good.
yot In a eon.+ f r.ougsast'. trot;
1., 'Trout wen row rangelehed swayed,
Hen Iree•lom • ere firm este. opewwwod
Has railed •u• rumour w parade.
To spread the ham. right■ et w,
Hi. fear d Gal and Puller testi
n ew ars an wr .tresae.r Mem lad .1ma
s, tin,* tea deabled teal we reale.
Pork pe.hps Dimwit the rears leve berm
A Jed n Ina rJ. ear rtw.tasw wade,:
Today se rtnnd...ram. *mood Mara
A mighty empire se parnda
A *.wet strength le barn 4 as.
A hsWene4 purpose. dimer dear
wM daree u make a nntor.hate
Mr Greater Wilma lm to fear.
td .*lelstt.l mat tan., marking w.11
Tha sold sr*relIng gIn1l. ,rade,
Rama a raisona smith re nae
The Pitt w Iheetn es Warta.
-Charlie Rale.
B sesegb of Boa (y., $.w
Vegetable Seed Situation.
The following extract of an article
fruits a newspaper of Gothenburg,
Sweden, will be of interest to grower
of vegetable seeds. The article rifere
to the board of directors of theAgri-
cultural College of Aloarp, Sweden,
asking for a liov•rument grant for
the encouragement at vegetable, seed -
at o*nog :
"The board points out that the war
bits wort clearly emphasized theim-
portance. tor the country, of home
production of vegetable seed. Owiug
to the most impo.rtout vegetable -seed -
producing comfit!' try having prohibited
the export of such reed. tete prices of a
greet mintier cf ituportaut vegetable
seeds have risen enormously. And,
still wot•se, some seeds can bardly be
obtained et airy price. It is reported,
(tom a well-wIortned source, that
vegetable Beed -growing in the coun-
tiie. engaged in the war has been
largely neglected during the past sum-
mer attd teat for this trauma furtbet
wdversarirsio pricescan be expected.
Reports from Germany state that the
supply of seed of sp.naeh, carrots,
most kinds of cabbage, onions, cucum-
bers and p.m 1e utterly small. Father -
more, Germany bas ptobibited the ex-
port of vegetaute seeds to the end of
the war. There is therefore every
reason t.o fear that we have ata face
the possibility of a vet y .erious "bort-
age of certain vegetable weds.- -Seed
Branco. Ottawa.
inp( nut what it calls the
triotism Production gag" which
the Goiternurent so sedulously (mi-
tered, and toys this year "there is
nothing doing." it aJde : "When
the Government succeed in instilling
sufficient patrio ism into the Shipping
Trust to proven. it from bogging all
the profit attached to the grain grow-
ing business, it will he time enough for
another P. and P. cempaiga." There
is the trouble. The Government
urged the farmer to do hi• part, ixut
have failed to do their part in provide
ing for ocean transport•{ion, either in
the quantity necessary or at a price
that is reasonable.
The Irish Attitude.
klontr, al Mall.
The w'titude of Ireland towarde the
war ought not to be judged by isolated
actions of a few irresponsible people
such as those men who tried to biritd
• liner for Amet in. the other day. The
heatt of Ireland hr all right. Mr. John
Redmond's utterance" in support of
the British cause have been both cour-
ageous end inspiring. He has drawn
upon himself the hitter enmity 1'f
those irreconcilable, in America wit.
hove formerly coottihuted so mete -
lolly to the campaign funds of the
N•tion•liat party. Almost to • man,
his associates have followed his lead,
and they have done rueful service in
recruiting and other patriotic activ-
ities. Ireland has contributed to chit
war, as to former wan, some of 111.
beet fighting regiments. To recall the
unfortunate political conditions that
prevailed just before the war broke
out is to marvel that the has done so
well. Altogether, the attitude of Mr
Redmond bas been st•teamsnlike and
dignified. He deserves to be taken as
representative of the true Irish spirit
and, as such, he has been the first to
condemn isolated "slackers."
Britain's Magnanimity.
Fortnightly' Herlew.
At the peace of Vienna, Great Bsit-
aln had been given the ppies eetorate
over the Ionian Islands. TheWiltinds.
the only ones nn the west const of
Green, are strategically ezceedingly
Important. They p0..... eveeller.t
harbors, and they dominate the Greek
mainland and the Adriatic. Hence
they had been fought for atenng the
neurons, and had been owned by the
Turks, the Venetian., the Genoese,
the itusiians, end the French heforn
they fell into the hand. of the English.
Becalm. of their great strategical
value. they het hewn twitted upon by
Napa lion. The Ionian islands have a
better climate and soil and A denser
population than wily other part of
i( rees•e. They Orn a perfeet paradise,
and Homer knew what he was about
when be made it haea, one of the icosi-
an .hands. the hnine of the hero of
the Odyssey. Notwithstanding their
beauty and great economk and ntil.
Itary •slue• Ilritain, guided by
the wishes of the Greeks, gave up
Oorfo and the other I.1.nde in leek
stating at the time that she ceded
Misdirected Energy.
Toronto Ps noun'.kept.
We are, ber+ in Canada, in grave
danger of snaking ourselves appear
idiculous, and at the same time need -
lately wa,tiug what would in the ag-
gregate be • very large sum of money,
wbirb sum qp�ulild len applied to the
teat seeds of' ppaatriotic and pblheo-
thropic work. We have a Milking in-
stance of this in the recent mashies
gun episode Toe cry went out
through the newspapers after the'tit-
tle ot St. Julien for "machine guns
and more machine guns," and upon
the statement of one Federal Minister,
who was not connected with the Militia
Department, to the, effect that these
Rubs were not only Badly needed,
which wan no doubt the case, but were
not to be supplied In sufficient num-
bers by the Mdttia Department, the
public was asked to donate.
The result of this appeal was that
patriotic citizens from"ooe end of Can-
ada to the other began giving the
price of a machine goo, wi:h the result
that many thousand* of dollars were
raised. But to what purpose? That
these supplewentary machine guns
were bully needed there is no gdes-
t on. But it now develops that the
Government bad, previous to the sip
peal by this Minister. already not only
purchased every- available machine
gun, but every one that could be
manufactured and delivered for twelve
months following. And, uaoretver,
the battalions could not be given over
eight guns each. owing to difficulties
of ammunition, supply and transport.
This i. lust one indication of the
folly of amateurs, as this Minister
proved himself to ire, weddlino with •
highly technical object. such as •e015
and equipment.
Another matter whirh *everted the
•ttrntion of Canadians to
help was Held kitchens for tbe bat-
talions. These kitchens should, of
course, here beep supplied by the
1)filitis lar p iirlment, tot they ars as • army is • peasant army. At the inset
n, ecssary a pate of the h•ttalion's of times the Serbian peasant's food is
Of all critics of the military misfor-
tunes or errors of the Bttente AIUes,
Americans sbould be the ms..t lenient,
Of •11 people they "tumid be the last
to believe that eveu the bitterest die
sppolulmeou at sad criticisms ot the
conduct of the campaign, divieiuss
of public opinion, ho.t.lity of a
par: of the press, jars of politicians.
collapse of Cabinets, wean any-
thing mon than • firmer purpose
to carry oe the war more resolutely
and more effectively. And of the
British "muddling' these who saw
sod those who have read the history
of our civil war will Dot be too'impa-
tient judges.
Ho., stony dent k days the North bad
in the struggle ! Boys of the ate can
vaguely remember their grandfathers
and relatives, long put tit* military
age, 04 some Sunday, after a disaster
to tea Northern arm., loudlydenounc•
ing "iooumpeteacy" nod "treachery"
and eager to shoulder a musket and
march against the enemy.
The fall of 18172 was a bitter season
for the North, just as the fall of 1915
bas been for the Entente Athos : and
it followed • bitter summer. The "ad-
vance on Ri••hmond" bed not ad-
vanced. The Army of the Potomac
had fought engagrntent after engage-
ment with small risible fruit. Mary-
land had been invaded; Ler had tbreet-
roed Washiugtoo. Genet al after
general was found wanting Intriguer,
j)ealousies. pllitlea' end military
[avorites. great extents'. ions, broken
hope., futile en•erprisee, Cabinet di..
1.0.1004. the North sorrowful aid
sngty, everybody !liming evrrythir.i;
on Lincoln. The South could not be
subjugated. The peace-mongerers were
in 1813, 1 h same *tory. Mr. Greet* t
hunting for Yr. Lincoln's nucces.oi
The Abolitionists noodling hire est
cl.n.ervative. Conserveti yes tr.:Rated
by the Emencipetio0 Prorl.matien
and the enlistment of colored regi -
menta. Practically no Lincoln teen in
Congress. But the real trouble
ea Mr. Lincoln told NVendell Phillip*,
"the mases of the rountty generally
are disaatiefled chiefly at our tacit of
military Def,at and
Gibe" in the field tuake everything
deem wrong." "Ton w'e en the rami
to hill, sir, with this Government," is
the remark attributed to Ben Wade,
asking Lincoln to remove Grant, who
was +ono to capture Vickehti-e. And
the year of Oetty-ehutg and Vicksburg
was also the year of draft riot*.. Even
In the summer of 185t, the year of
Lincoln'. renomination, long doubtful
to himself and bitterly opposed, the
year when the official Democrat it
party *as sure that the war was a
failure. Early'* cavalry cut off Wash-
ington's railroad sommuoica ion with
the North.
1 old story, and much more than
is hers briefly glassed to. has its les -
noes. it reminds Amerle ins of defeats
and bick.riaga and divided eoun.els and
hearts sick with hope deferred. At-
tempts were made by some of Lin-
coln's familiars to dissuade hien from
calling for 500,01.10 additional soldier'
in July. 1861. on the ground that such
a measure would imperil bis re-eirc-
tion. He was unpopular enough *t-
While no statesman of the Lincoln•
ian calibre is visible in Europe. it is
well to recall the p Titter imp.' tents
with Lincoln. It is well to mall alao
these words of his : "We accepted
this war for en object, a worthy ob-
ject: and the war will end when that
object is attained. Under God, l hope
It will never end until that time." --
The New York Times
i -
f'Extra heavy Union Reversible Carpet, 38 inches wide, in
patterns, suitable for any room, at, per yard
Stair Carpet to match, 23 inches wide, perfectly reversible,
at per yard
English ,seamless Tapestry Squares in green, floral. chintz
and brown oriental. Sizes 3x3, 3x34, 3x4, :34x4, 4:4 yards.
Specially priced $6.50, $8.50, $10.00 and $15.00
i11t4 J
JruJ,. t 41
dol ..13.
• • •
It has been no uncommon thing in
Serbia this year, w here Austrian pris-
oner. have been employed as hospital
orderlies or otherwise in company with
Serbian soldiers- for the Austrians to
c me to the authorities with com-
plaints ab tut the food. "But," Ibe
authorities reply, "you get exactly the
same as our own soldiers." "We know
that," say the Austrian., "but the
Serbians are used to it : they do not
Deed to eat as much as we " For one
of the remarkable things •bout the
Serbian soldier is his capacity to live
and fight gaily with practically noth-
ing to eat.
The Serbians ere a peanut people,
strangers to luxury, and tbd.,,Setbian
equipme..1 as is the machine goo
squad. %Vhy they were not, and why
they should have been given by pri-
vate indn.luwl., is another mystery.
in ant • cent, these field kitehtsa,
wbile doing the r wort excellently in.
Canada, a..• not, we •.0 informed, of
the st•odud type supplied by Britain
to her armies•, and therefore of no we
after leaving t •nada.
IVe mean nen. We all desire to do
our bit, but we are doing it Iarwely at
cross-purpaea and the result is the
waste of evert t and money that could
in legitimate channels lotto: bark a
far greater teturnl.
Car, geek Hee/acne Careetipertiert.
Sl llwsnsa., Gear Bteental , Bed
Breath --Candy C.MartM.
No odds how tad year liver, stntn!.
*eh or !Covets , how much your Asad
Whoa how titl•srahk, yoe are frorn
ennwpalIon. IndiavertIon. biliousness
and sluggish .owele you always get
MIME wtth (-secants They Immo-
Matey chrome sad rsgnlate the stom-
ach. remove titsr, fermenting food
and hen' gases, sense the mons bile
from the liver and. carry off the con-
stipated waste matter and pot .on
Nom the Intestines and boaele. A
le -cent box horn your drnegtst • 111
keep your Ther and bowels clean:
eteesaeb 551..1 and head ewer Inc
month* Thal work while you sleep.
of the simplest, consisting of breed.
some potatoes. curded milk and rare-
IT very rarely on occasional feast
4itye and holidays -a little rneaL
Bread Is the staff of lite In Serbia In w
very real sense. For four years now
Serbia has beim almost continuously
at war : and it has been difficult for
Ibe women folk -the men ell '.eine in
the ranks -to keep up the ordinary
agricultural operations. Serbia has
become poor to a degree which the
most congested districts of Ireland in
years of bad crops hard) understand ;
Um nod e diet of the whole people has
bees more meagre than ever. More
than ever • [meal has meant merely a
chunk of coarse war bread. The
Nerbien soldier. then, has become
inured to a life of extreme privation :
and in tis fighting of las` winter it
wee his toughness seed ability to stand
herdsbip which more than anything
e1.e gave him advantage raver the
Austrian.. Again and again 1 have
bawd from f erbiau offlret• the same
story of bow their men. having had
nothing 10 eat for, perhaps. two days,
in a country stripped offal) eatables and
meetly knee-deep in mod. pushed on,
utterly careless of whether there was
any commioaarial or not. and sink ly
bunted the Austrian. night and day
without giving them • moment's rest.
only men of iron. to whom semi-
starvation had become almost the
normal condition of their existence.
could bays done .that the Herhians did
It ie not easy to conesy to English
readers the extent of the privations
mead the seamste of the los of lite,
by war and by diem., to whieh
Serbia bee been subjected during these
The season's newest material. are Lister's Silk Sra1 Plush,
Crushed of Fancy Plush,B_autiful style., full ripple back and
telt, satin -lined. Specially priced at each $20, $35, $28
Twenty-five new Tweed and Beaver Coats. lined throughout.
Prices S . $8, $10, $12, $15
Ladies' and Children's Underwear
Penman. and Turnbuil's make itt every size and all grades.
Specially selling at last sea,on's price:.
Grey Flannels
'26 -inch extra Grey Flannel. superior quality. Recommended
for Red Cross work, at per yard 25c
23 -inch genuine Military Flannels, at per yard........ . 35c
Mill Yarns
Greys, blai'k, grey and white, best -ply
at per pound. .,...,:..:
Penman's Hosiery
One hundred dozen Pennon'. Cashmere Hose, plain and rib,
pure -wool stock, on special sale, selling One-third under regu-
lar value.
last yeas. No one what was in Serbia
last spring and summer will ever for-
get i M pathos of the tromtrys d..
with its neglected road. (for there wigs
Do labor for road mending) end un -
tilled field. : the women and little
children and old men who have been
the only workers on the fermi, wnd
above all the dreadful black flags,
warnings that someone had died there
from typhus, which seemed .0 bang at
almost every7 cottage door, and at
every other `ouwe in towns and vii.
Yet the Serbian's h.'iehter-easing
disposition has remained unspoiled.
The one discovery which every Brit .n
who goes to Serbia anon makes for
himself ie that the eterbian Is absurdly
like the Irishmen. The two master -
words in the Serbian longue today
are "nems," which means "no, there
Isn't any." and "Johra," which means
it is InipoaiMe to think of the Serb-
ian man as • soldier ; and thee
M the chief weakness of Serbia's mil-
itary position Imlay Rha h}s no re-
sat ee. Her entire flohting trenWh,
almj+al her manhood strength. 1. al -
res v in the ranks. Only in Nwh, in
connection with the Government ofn.
en, don one see *qy number o 1
tales of military sae who are not In
uniform, grey or khaki, with the little
$es bias service rap, like a khaki gleu-
gury without the tails, het jauntily
tem the head. and the rotor heelless
mne►sin-like Tired ftwrtgesr, whkh
looks at flat unattaart, hot whish Is ex-
cellently adapted to the tough hills
and middy valleys which make the
Serbian snidter'. lottleAelda. -Th.
Thom (Loudon).
The Demand fee the Gree gates Of 8,
Trot. *ma (tarts. eta. Tenante.
during the heat two rnnoshe has been
more than fon? t'mr.. Dur tepid!.
Yater stow. Oeta3ogue free.