The Signal, 1915-11-25, Page 11 Ten Pages Ten Pages MITmwIBta1WTB 111•111--+U• •• lhE STERLINGBANK wei Storm Sash and Storm Doors Made any Sae or Style. Order Now. Shingles, Cement and all Planing "Mill Products always in stock. 1 GODERICH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMES BUCHANAN, remenserr asp sarasm7. 'Plume 47 ♦. Y.O. Bog 16. • • SOW 1111C=1111 1 1 Protect those dependent on .you by taking a Canada --"Canada's olicAmara/acey iin The Mutual Life Amara/ace Co. of only Mutual" - A. G. NISBET : : REPRESENTATIVE te G.iSudc Pares/ 50. P. 0. Bea 364 b il ■Q.► 1SC= .1 1 AUCTION SALES. AOC'i'10N SALE OF AND UtPLsMteiTe• Yw HURON COUNTY GODUJOH.ONTuRIO, URSDAY NOYBYB 25 1915 MONAL PlUNTD14100.. LIMOS& Posaam- POLICE TO ENFOROE BYLAW RI &CYCLES ON SIDEWALK$. Proposal that Poll Tam Ne increafed Five Deflars-Oederich Mfg. Co. "Deady for valuators -Report of British Nod Creme Canvass. The Mm osmns0 held ire regalar Mt•on y Nmaing. (Jotraell- ee hoot were abwak Mayer KeelSS I0S. A oommumMatlas from the Cases diaa Muslelpal Joareai was read, with regard to w.leemIDg retueaid Casa - Alan soldiers. The matter of *stead - lag a *avis welcome to any sealer who may return to Oud./4cb tram the battlefroot was left with the special committee, with power to act. A letter was read from the clerk of the Kingston city council, ashlar the commit to subset Ibe its signature to a memorial to be presented to Premier Hearst asking that legitlatlon be es - acted to amend item Muskiest Art so that all men between the ages of lweety• es arta roily who mre+ d otherwise wafted 7 i the sum of $51early bowed of $1 as at present 'Ibis matter was referred to the sprclalcommittee. A depotatios was pteerot from the Huron Poultry end Pet Stock Associa- tion. Mr. Lyeaburnrr in a lengthy address set forth the slate of the Asso- ciation and asked the eouncil to make its usual grant for the winter *bow. The ratter was referred to the finance committee. A communication was read frim the ooderich Maeofactut ifg Co. asking the council to have its valuator* visit the company's plant eo that they may report at the nest regular meeting of the council, and also asking that IM debenture be printed in favor of the Godericb Mfg. Co. and be ready for delivery on or about December 1st. The matter was referred to this finance committee to report. The special committee of the whole council. wotrbm bf Britheiab r of Croce dealing appeal, teported ,bat the town was canvassed nn October 21.1 and the sum 04 $2,1811.57 had been collected in ash . The committee recommended d that atlla grant of $1.000 be to this tb. town funds and added and that the mode of paying the $1.909 be dealt with by the Enema commit - •1 . Ons R. WINO CmsgregallMr Vlarge Ewesalma mien ef el he ream' test 1. pr. II: Anise •masse Esti Ond give the laasease he r LL M is t a worpastorate elegant the Paet*.ate were am Wb seer Bev. A. M. Bsv. Cbas. Masher. 1 lam. J. A. Devise, o Fraser, 1860-61 ; Bi'. s t 111th -11119 t Rev. J. Bev. Dr. IIttw, gyveriget, oo400 or. IEJb•80 ; Rev. J. Turuhull a stq, -1910. Rev. James ♦ 1.1910. Rev. Oro. B. Row tailed frow.Char- tette toowe. P. I., and inducted November i NM. tyrgyA Ileo years marked Praline* IMP made. Koos church ranks tads, as ibmteeth largest Pres - b leliss Shareh In the Dominion out- side Montreal and Toronto. Families number 416. emene.eicenu 897. Dur- ing Mr. Hum' s tmlatry 818 members have bees •ddsd Ib the roll. There bows been l hit:wta, 06 marriages, 1b removals rliia Total coutri- budosa fur perpoms during this period bays smear *4 to nearly 340,- IMIU. The aorw composes in all upwards d tOONIseesand souls. Reference wee trade to the fret that during three yam the session has been enlarged by iter election of five new elders ; w tests bave been abolished. and a steam of voluntary offering by shit duplex envelope ad • ties bais6oe of a large mort- gage ban been the eoegregation o0 one Hernia making a free- will offeeieg of : $ sew manse property Imo bees purchased ; new mieios•ry organisations bave been formed and a naiselosery to Central sudpported during (the past year iesoo, bee been new Osswant organ has been installed et a cost of 16,000: sod meince the ben of war ar troke out fifty of Ore congregation have ealisted and gone to the front. At the cnseluaAm of his discourse Mr. Ross referred feelingly to the sacred re ebIP of minister and people and a RIMpily of the har- mony that exists ng all Christian let the larges .i the Pro t.,ari t s t s tad 11mtyskve *Keefe and tssabere. N Mie ledeclies pm asesiabied 10 y on the oa MlMnary of the w R. Hose in lbs the coarse of hie ileb we a review 1'1 yy taking as hie ' 1 have planted, A Suq sful 1 from The tea sed sae of toady held by the somber* of the (ie.mral Brooch =ter, 1 O D. i , rte Friday after - THE pb ktrL was a euaessv vat 0otwith- Maedleg the indmme0t weather. The Menem so kindly lent by Mrs Hau- te lvsksd very pretty wltb its red shades and. eaadlm., and its bevy of bright girls who graciously waited w the wants of the Wrens. The picturesque effect was much subanal by the quastitlse of beautiful Sowers donated by Mr. Deo. Stewart. The sandy booth. under the gage" meet of Misses Allen and Saunders, was a centre of attraction sodof too soon was completely emptied Its , wares. The homemade biscuits tied cakes, in Canada" under the expert care and management of Mrs. Howrie and Mrs. Allan McLean, disappeared like magic to supply the demandvof impatient cuss -onsets. The whole of tbefllour, sug■r, butter. etc., required was supplied free of cbarge by the Western Canada Flour Mills Co. and cur local dealers. The hand- some auto of 340 was realized and the ladies of the Chapter. to give those prevented by the rain last Friday from attending their tea a further oppotWeity. will nest Sato. day, November '171b, open the tea coin from 4 to 7 o'clock to serve a "buffet" tea and sell homemade cakes, etc.. at "the old stand," next the Union Bank. The regent and !Dern her* of item Chapter wish to extend their hearty thanks to all those who so kindly assisted them in making the tea a success. LADS IN KHAKI 'Merolla tbia week for the 71st Bst- talioo wen Alex. Chisholm, W11frid eHs all ofJosep (iod01 b towTull' aod nship. anO Wm. Newbury, of Renovate. All hare loft to join U Company at Walt. The following solldiers were in (lode - rich over the week -sad : Capt. Soo JI' rein. Lieut Proudfoot. Corp. Ptme. Arthur McDlstb, Chas. Kell. Wm. Kell, Roe. Bowling. Wen. Dun• , Geo. Brunner. Thee. Md - lion, Welter Kirton, Wilfred Peacbey, Lavergne Murray, Lewellyn Taggart. Wallace Duckworth. Intend of A Huron and Bruce bat- talion. It is now pleased to organise • sepsnte Dw t. Acs . N " of these who has oouut ins. Lt. A . G. been the local recruiting Weser for the 71st Battalion, bee received instruc- tions that all recruits now received here are to remain in (ioderich and are to he att'cited to the new Huron overseas tatttalion when it is autbur- 1z.d Lt. Nisbet will receive recruits for the new Huron battalion at the Ioal recruiting oMce. The rate of pay, until recruit* are attached to the Der battalion. will be 11.10 • day and t11M sulmi.teuce for single uten and sec for married torn. The ;(separation alive ance fur married !nen will commence when tbey aro uuacbed to the trttal- ion. The flat recruits for tbelnrw battal- ion ere Alfred Hefford, of Ashffehl, and Harry Moon, of Ooderich. '1'he recruiting league will now have its work cot out for it in getting the Huron battalion up to full strength. The honor roll of Crotral Debeo', published lot week in connection with the report of the graduation exercises, was not complete. Other ()entre' echool boys who ere wearing the kbski in various ranks and dtffeo- eat corps are Cyril Cowrie. Reg. Platt, David Reit, Cbas. Turnbull, W. E. Elliott and Keg. Elliott. Tnere ruay be still others. Any sugges- timu that will help to mate a complete list will be Rpftadly received by the principal. Mies Sbseman. • P eaff. Mie. aft AL M Til1@.-TIIII." Att- 17. sae morin -4 Yat 7 J. IL Ettlaa.eMaW. Ma. B QAi@OODtl.-.1Rb. A.1 ICHO LL. Nisa street. is masa to de ell se etde r ssrae" pro erratics urns De or wessese cream. liaise ear Msseeses. se O - Q .. I ......1B OF ., .e. e 7 _ W scree a prmaaest at. leo t elm and T tee a a esresseY» hes. Leas aueseast. To the Farmers of Huron County. We are mots& me to sec and some fro ler 'sa., s *buena tesisting ss at e wer r mereAside tort 47 to Df l-lp y .hest herby lfe sM to bar. b..rda A W fea Bir tsetses to M eros tr eta aka as mea] Leek a10r 7.. r It is had at'/t. eta seas. we 44ew .m_m d.r frees se old ezpseter trts.d Tat. Hs agate* low. t be so er •ane Prat seerrbiat U .a,10.5 boss somettre dw.k d es meek r sew trWar lb M lower o ler r Ow one bee T ~We me to teNewesebeemr.Bow" i Moe eend Y.by the V ra. r.{d, ,MDA tksset base ~ waste. oes bat laut w yaatbe 0, T. B_ P.me./ t Statics Ahrens Ili Ysere reeprtfenr. Chir.. Mo. K. INi W. O. PIM RI' V. WAmsP. red k .1 Mai mime. vieregm iiiith t.r.1 Ma ureaas. wee. 1 pea Mer - 1 gran a rte: l bar I!t rt p ore mise 1 of flea tasrewa aa1a .... 1 asNsar. 1 ret amble hareem 1 Carnet r, i water swim tesersy eat 1 eed b eR t Wry ebienolli mimeo of MP beeksb see seism 2 ewer tie@ •e /sT Male. ted esmetwea ether ankles. Ewytlitg wiest be tele. se preerlm(ar has of Use rem. draMsd _Ay sans e( IN, end ender. coop ; T esollit.tands es t credit will w apo wa10. A at the late of 6 per met. elbowed for sash en mak emeasts. JOBW a*W. TOOH. O('NOUN. Prepey(ee• Asd1eser. FOE SALE t UTOV1 FOR' SALB.-SMALL AL- BERTA ht. /r tea A91141 at tt1s- AL Or CEssrat poR BALE•-GlINTS BICYCLE iN lama craning order. tura e.tdti puny atsacbed, dot a ss•str. AoolY at NAI. t Ta"" 9, • WAMRD.-FOBS. 14..i 1s e' s'seed to' Jwmw at+• hit WANTED. -ONE OB TWO LADY boarders lie a whinge base tom. 1* wham MeeAVPNMxsotA(iWL. It • WANTED .-EX PIRIMOND COT - y T•oo mill egerut•ee, wearer•. its • (r•- winae..h..reserrerar dabber wH rtn sdOC..wet Inst•. WAIMED.b- TOIINO 1NTBLLi- 0 11t_ • IOW i at Fate 'ALB OR o WIT 17-1 -► adefetea 4_. tr - denominations. as always, M us x church today, and loyal. The that throng givestd NON -JURY ASSIZES. Three Came Hesse b Me . J.etics Brtttms In the Supreme Court XrOowrsrioC ke tbre* eases wen heard by retic Betties in Ooderieb this week, out • jwry. Hawkins v. Hawkins et.L-Action for declaration of partnership and direction .to tale a kioe ts The plaintiff ls O•o.ge younger, of Usborne township, and the deleedenu aro Tbomaa Hawkins ted Joseph Hatrkine, executors of the late John Hawkioe of /Osborne. The plaintiff and the late Jobe Hawkins were the owners of certain properties which they worked acrd termed in partnership sod although this partner- ship bad been in effect for over thirty Thin down to the time of the death of John Bast kind', in March of this year, no account was ever had between tbew of tbeir partnership attan. Hie Lordship directed that judgment be entered dissolving the pat-tnenbip and for a reference to the Local Master to amsstsin the assets of *aid partner- shie, to tete the pat toersbip account.* and generally to wit.d up the partner- ship. bets of ail p.artrr• to ire paid out of the partnersbi `t assets. W. Pruthelfour. K. C., for plaintiff ; L H. Diekr.0 (h xeter 1 for defendafte. Brown v. itedmond.-The plaintiff, Harry Brume, la • junk -dealer in the toe t. of W ingham and the defendant. Dr. K-dmond, is medical officer of health of to; same town. The de- fendant was ordered by the boat d of health of Winghant not to greet an approval of the plwieiliIt`s premise@, whieta,were eouaidered 1. be ♦ nui$- ande. '!be plaintiff was notified to dieeonllnue his brionee+ as a junk - dealer on the said premises, but diere- gerded the not ifcatlon and was fined tbet•efor. The plaintiff claimed dsu.ages of 31,IIUt1 for loss of Nattiness. etc. , and a mandato, y older requiring for defendant to approve his premise@. Judguaent wee given dismissing the plaintiff's action with coots to the de- fe0d•nt, whicb'costs Hie Lordship need at 31'L5. W. Proudfoot. K. C.. and K. Vanetone (W iog em) for for plaintiff ; Dudley Huluwe, defendant Proose v. Prouee.-The defendant, Dgv{d Prou.e, is s tanner in Oodetich township and the plaintiff, Charles Proust., i.. hie stn. The plaintiff claimed 111,000 as wages claimed to be due him for working on his fatber'u farts rod damages f.r beeeta of an efM agreement wbereb plaintiff rodbis wife were to have a ,whh d$medamt tad tele wife. Joiip t Ow.1.L.4le Ilor 3900 in full esadeMmet e{ ail slams. huh Parte to pa tela noels 01 &sties, Ileffe eetles .1 Ibb NURSES GRADUATE. Four Young Ladles Receive They Pardo Meat* from the Alexandra Hospital. Oddtellnws' hall was packed to its capacity on Wednesday evening, the occasion being the graduation of a class of four nurses from the Alexpn- dra boepiul. Mayor Reid presided and opened the proceedings by asking Judge Holt, who is the chairman of the hospital board, to give an address. The judge in a very pleasing manner reviewed the work of the !ward and compli• mented both the Abmeek Chapter and the General Brough Chapter of the I. 0. D. E. for the toterest taken and the work accomplishHoa connection w with the bpit i - masted the gredu•tes on the success la their profeesioo anti. Is Kink • INQUEST AT NILE Coroner's Jery_l.,metigatiag the Soddos Death ef Mrs Jas. L. 1 henipee•. On Maturdiy evening last the death took pleas at lime of Mrs. James 1.. Tho - . n tmdeg orimewbattec liar she had ( ►i ia tied whets her tt*s. was appareetly (Jpq ley the sal Nes ▪ se Interest et the rate ,lye t4ei otao-ball preiset. w Doter the irresetewiefe to the patriotic tad Bad Cram hada, sad that uptil the debentures ars sold the sum of •1,000 be borrowed from rte tBanhe ktfM Mont- real and forwarded food. treasurer re- port &(LMA tied Ocoee The pub1ll works committee re- ported that the driveebed and tool. house at the rear ttbe town had been constructed aptco. l se $27L at. The report was ad Councillor McClinton wanted in- formation ae to what was being done with regard to mei citing . He said be was iofornsmd ,bat Jaen who were now slitting in Huron were still being 'slitting to Stratford and Oust a married iwocu lfundtif obe wer. 1 l%tbn Godot icb unless • battalion were formed. Mayor Reid replied that the information wee correct and •pplica- vii UUNI TO 11BNT.-MODERN aroma* Mt A t ,a'vc Ii a s9 . H01.11/1 TO MENT.-ON GLOII01111- Wamutta.. a F Taii• asked. r-` :m aw g Ostow%OsilsY►fftOtMew. MOW brillswelli tel Wow kgTzliratiallses. WaRimm die ak mans - MEETING NOTICE /110 ofBcere and members of 1 Ooderilb Oouodl, No. 157, (;hoose Pt ieods :- We will meet in the Foresters' Hall, Priday evening, December Ord, for the election of officers and Initiation of :15 candidates. You are urged to be present. All members of other Councils plana. toe oo at once with )AS. DiICCR80N. Recorder, Reg- istry Ofboe. Goderieb. REO CROSS NOTES. The Society heartily thanks the fol- lowing contributors of socks : A Friend, a pain; len. Nolo. Yong. Mn. Jas. Dickson, 5 palre Gab : Mrs. J. U. Militate, 4 pairs Mrs 'Mrs. A. Elliot, Christmas Orating Cards. 3 pain ; Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. O. Carey. The Signal has . beautiful Hoe of Mn. D. Frrrgmsor. Mrs lMerri t, a., toeing* Christmas greeting card*. MI sa M.l t•rt. Mee. Merritt, 11 n, r eecards. with the sender's own io[F name printed on them, make •n ele- gant holiday remembrance. Call arta see then,. On makes impairusyoultsi Nbe A aa tilt pori soled tor lbw seal to all lugs worthy.lmsk advantage of she mom- =Meiom of Mr. Roes fifth year in iil}ooddee h to convey their good wisher in • tangible form. This was carried out by a "towel shower, each' member comtnbutiog to the More, wbich was eoelosed in • handsome box and presented to Mrs Ross. Tea was served bythe yours women end • bappy our rquickly. Mrs. Roes was so corepletaty surprised that it was ant easy for her to express ber Lion had already been made to the Mlniater of Militia for permission M form a b•ttaiton in Huron and Bruce and • favorable reply was expected in a few day. The matter of having the O. T. R. Co. lengthen the grade at the new Saltford hill bridge was left with the public works committee with power to act. The grade is at present con- sidered too steep. Councillor Paltridge said severs) citisens had complained to biro of hicymry being ridden on the sldewslt He wished to have the bylaw enforced. The Mayor said be thought there wait ground for oomph speak to the police officers and if they did nut enforce the law he would sus- pend them. The matter of having the fire miles repaired and some supplies pursimeed for the came wee Left in the bads of the fire committee with pr to act. The council ,bet. adjourned Applications for War Loan. zig=alisiwirot 1 was With a losseibeil wine rns of posmal What' they bad trained, and rtes dale of graduation, as well as the name el the recipient. The 0.11 item was an instrumental deet by Misses Lase. and Vera Elliott. which was followed by a presentation to each of the graduates of • hypo- dermic set from the Medical Associa- tion of (Roderic)). Dr. Emmerson. wbn made the presentation, spoke feelingly of the,opportunitims and priv- ileges of the nursing profession and ed the raduates to trust in the pleasure in this manifestation of good- Great Ph y elan, so it would crines be will on the part of the young wom•eo'stbeit duty to soothe the ills of mind as society but elle assured them of her well as those oft y deep appreOation of their gift, And even more of the generous thought prompting FIFTEEN YEARS' SERVICE. Mr. J. E. Tom's Splendid Record as Sup- erintendent of Knox Church 5. S. he body. Each of the er•duatea was then pre- sented with • large bouquet of cut flowers, thole making the presenta- tion being Mn. J. L. Killoran to Miss Cur, Miss K. Hunter to Mies Shaw. Mies Yuill to Mise Oox and Mie L. Whiting to Mies Schaefer. To each raduate was then made a gift of a For the past fifteen years Mr. J. .nrgical case from the 1.O.D. . Mrs. Elgin Totn,Jtas been the efficient sup- M. Hays made the presentation andd erintendentof the Sabbath school .of Knox Presbyterian church. Dodericb. On several oocasions during the past two or three years Mr. Tout bas asked to be relieved of the re.p►bel - iI w ity of this position. o►og to creasing demands on his tuna of many private sod oftclal duties: but on each b we fortunately persuaded The Unionapplications for ibmrlDomiolon re- ceive (loyernmint war loan. an announce- ment o1 which 1e in the advertising alarm of ibis paper. (Dr.) Tray re.L3o btrlr.Ceachh ; Mn. MM BBoogiel(Btiiaela MsI b). M Ms:Mut Bout Mini May Wailers. MM Dark, Ulm . Dark. Mrs lilamiboo, Mn. W. McMatb, MPs. F. goeseee Hies Movie • Mrs A J.akl . Mrs. NgP.'i. Mfie Merritt, Mb. M. A. (!on Mrs. F. Weir, Mre. Walpole. Mee. W.Wates', Mrs. Me- 1rerlat,'r Mise Walton, Mrs. A. A. t gR er is Too • it ear ka 11e1sis T.1.4486115 bolo M tea. M In lie straw C*el.tlrA work Mt me My is egad as soggy woks sod imam es..foete as ever to nor boor einem the wows. Dr. Willow gave an addtoes n he spoke of the great faith the Daugh- ters of the Empire bad in their ability to launch and carry on the hospital here. He compared the results at- tyiined with those attained in other hospitals and spoke also of the work done dueling the past year by the occasion • 1.0 D.S. in connection with the hos• to remain. Last week. however, bisital ship, the Queen Mary fund, the forma.' resignation was presented to I held kitchens, the Red (%rose and other the session of the coagoertation and patriotic work, and also mentioned accepted After receiv and : oneid- that hesidetr all of this work the I.O. •a where iamesrets and she appraised to -be saffeties ft ;An oonvuleioal. Dr. O. frf Dmsgasnee, was rest for, but Mrs. Thompson expired about five minutes atter bis twelve'. Dr. (:ase informed Dr. Hunter, of Oodericb, and • coron- er's jury was empanelled, consisting of Messrs. Joe. Hetberingtoo, John Bark- er, Jae. Wetton, Chas. Mtewart, Thos. McWhinney, Wm. McWhinney. Robt. Mellwain and Isaac Hetherington. Do Monday the jury viewed the body and the ioqueet was ai jouroed until today (Tburedeyt. Drs. Cane and Oallow performed,* post-mortem examination and the funeral took place to Dungannon cemetery on Wednesday. Rev. J. W. Hedley conducted the serviced and (be pwllbearen were Masan. Chas. (Arvin, Wm. Bailie. Angus McDiarmid, Robt. Mellwain. Chas. Stewart and Wm. McWhinney. Beside* the husband, two daughters, about thirteen and seventeen years old. survive. At the inquest today, held at Nile, evidence was called to show that Mrs. Thompson had purchased strychnine on two different occasions at Uoderich and bad signed for the poison herself, stating that she wanted to extermin- ate rats and squirrels. Dr. Case gave evidence of his being called by telephone and of the state In which he found 111ra, Thompson. Atter one paroxysm she asked him "to give her something." but she was dead within a few utinuree of h's arrival. His opinion was t hat daub was due to asphyxiation of the respir*L)ry muscles and the eytuptonts both pre- vious) to and after death were quite compatible with death by strychnine poisoning. Dr. (fallow corroborated Dr. Case's evidence with regard to the condition of the body atter death and 'Laird that the stomach had been handed to the coroner intact that it wigbt be etaminrd and the contents analysed, The inquest was then ad. loomed until Monday, December Itch. es the report of the analyst is not ex- Aceed to he ready before then. frown ttorney Meager conducted the es- amihatlon. eying it the session adopted the follow- ing minute : -The session of Koox church. hay ing received the resignation of Mr. J. Elgin Tom as .uperintendent of the Sabbalb school and haying, in accord- anos wltb his wishes, accepted the same to take effect on November 31st, hereby expresses and planes on record its very gnat regret that on account of his official and private duties be finds it necessary to give up the !fah. hath aebool work. "Tbe session also dseire* to record iia high appteciatlow of tare set race Mr. Tom has rendered oire chinch in this capacity dutieg tbfr 000tiouow period ad fifteen yam. No superin- tendent could have been more fattbful than be in the diaehargm of his re- spoeeibWt.ie• of office. His prompt and igsler "tt•ndem s every Sabb•t : his oystatnasc orgadsmNon and order- ly 000doct of the school i hie genuine TM Sarnia Observer says of Robert Haaeah, who will be as Victoria same Methodistchurch p Decemberwhis*t ▪ tic r..aored10r1 • variedIaM ' 1a the totKA .hearty sslectbos and moved hie deeply In the erelong stow B M peMis was ifioation of different very eerie and w rev pore home-5aade 'a, phone Sell haa)nuuUsge for the taws' at the M'et>he1st le Photo Dangles elate Tewdy weak* at Bimis ese'e, Runs*. ' ,E. was se porting * hospital in i ndi i. Mrs Geo. H. Kim( contributed • solo which was sung in splendid voice and was we11 received. Mayor Reid in oosclu.in said the chairman's address bad been "stroked oat." One reason was that the mi- nuet meeting of the hospital board was to be held shortly, to which the public •were cordially invited. end ar.otber that the young people had arrenged to have • little recreation, in wbich %bey were ellanxious s tto' par- ocped- ticipate. This pa of proceed- ings closed with the singing of the National Anthem. The floor was then cleared and danekte was enjoyed until midnight, with Mrs. Harry Martin presiding at the piano. - }r"f defes3ant M. S. Oameron, K. C.. and Chas. Seager for plaintiff; W. Proudfoot, E. C.. for defendant . A nice assortment of pipes at Willie's drug store. Some day roomette* is going to tell you bow good Edwards home-made curdles are . Why wait P Call and get a sample. BURN. ElA[MIST Y -At lbootd+e intra sal es 7. wombs MI Tae will et A.C. W. l , of • delights. DEARLY. -At Tomato, o0 8wteader. Novena ler U, to Mr sail hrs. B. T. Dearlo toes Lulu i)n.kmidl, • con. Donald Thous.. MARRIED. Al AIR-ONBAtllta•TUN. - le Underieb. on WeeeerAm. November rift. by Her. U. 1L Holmes. Mime Marc. 0lgosen..1 Clin- ton, lat)0..me hair. of OMerleb tawaahlp. It it's quality you're seeking visit {nivoeil in the boy! ale garb sod hidt I Inclee .am and confect emery. Just try antidote effort in promeeles the wet- i them and sure as fete you'll order bon 01 nild have dente; en nte vert ' nines at n early date. Orders de- Aweb ee bring the school to its present livered. Pbov. tri. Sel.elds. We se ll the h{ghe•t gt te of ythe thought, the en• miry sod tite devotion Mr. Tom has gives to this. the most importaet de- ck, week, the partment tttmanimously of the sand heartily be- speaks Ite gratitude and appreebtbo and entertales the hope that while be w be relieved reams 1M official douse as separiatoliellw his valued eouemel W Wlt bnblen la rl ie periesaall inter 1 ice cream bricks for parties. Jost what you like. Or have It in balk. Orders delivered. Blamkatosm's, Paco* 140, For shaving bri sties end neer strops go to Wight's dress more. Doderiea. Frwb oysters Blackstone's, phone 110. Orders &heaved. the A raga be rewired " An ounce of bappimem is warth )tags Womb gobbet* school is we more them a toe of had steal. ANDERSON- SHARPIE -ID New Took Cite. on'rued•r. Noronha/ Mb. 1515. .t tM *obi. t °vim al.chobuoy tb. And- er • Ali hten, -on. of Harem*. 11 .ba. •rdDrs. Ansa e. Bbarpe. of Totonlo. JOHN *TON -WhaILL1+. At Ile horse of tie it'rd.aday Nuvenbr 0. b• by Kbv r• o tiooma Hattie I aiirmle. yon fat d.utht -r of Dm. Mai tee NUB., to Jobe A. Joln.t.m,. b tb of Amaew DIED. - ENLUSH .1W. -In alod*Mb. as rrtday. No, .0nhar IRb. &web Josoa IeMvsd iota er Mr. Alin Esostsf, Is bet Cat rear M.'.KTYN.-Ia Oodericb. es W.ds0.d.y.'No enter rL Asir. Toast.* sa et Ma. end Mr*. Dos0W M.itrs. aged 4 taee.M ea tt a.y.. morns. -In Tweets, ea Wed•sdai. No venter it. Maeda Palle 0.40*. true of Dee me A. tingle. runout wry as at it ur'.oek noun, on Prides, November et, st the family re -Nese. lint J.a.e*aa avrnN• I..ler a.., *t O .. • A with .ers ire at et. beanies ab., Cu ort s. oval d tM p. n trete. GUNDRY'S AUCTION SALE LIST. 'Trotust. No.. xi -Cteartog asetbn rale se farm meet and fmplooaeet.. ptepril e: mime tot twce t 14. e.ion I. r I)., WkedM m Waop*ao.v. tor. 14. -Ae41es y of 4 roses sad ,noes cath. pro mr st 7 d Cmaa W1. Wit!JANA. )c.•• In 74.1Wtbisi tosess'(oa immerse tee wade aa.e •t 1 .Meek Warne Tetread st. Der. :o4.-1.1e.deg a.etisn .JS of tars .not and im5en.bta. Proven/ et 14050/50 Jesteerue. et Me dmee.sio. 4. rani W a w•ae.b. at 1 s el rck area rou,.v. Use. Sita- koatlas nae se .hoes le trod of tsa4eA Mw• iad SSW Stile. rd Om 1iou itro, to en vele .t W Admire, eostrmesdat et 1 ease abesp. e.TVrt &Y, Deo. tilt -Arlen esti et *154 le Sod at silty, temeed1a5 e'er", bolter % M.m. ..e rel•.,; aasprt► of Mr. J. A. Loss, be be mer at tie C„mtw0ea W betel *salsa ism& CONVICTION QUASHED. Mayr Reid Had No Jurisdictoo m Dave Case. A motion to quash the conviction of William Davie by Mayor Kaki on • charge of being intoxicated its • public piiace was beard at Oagonde Hall. To- ronto. coo Tuesday by Chief Justice Sir William Mulock. The motion was granted. quashing the eosvimtie with costs. it was held that Mayor Reid had no Jurisdiction In the matter. the law requiring that a ease of ibis na- ture .ball carte before a pollee memo ostlers o4 the peruse the Ontario liquor question, the quashing of the at all of the similar ease trial by Mayor Reid w111 also be quashed. J. R. Cartwright, K. O., Deputy Attorney -General for Coterie, ap. &Vpo s'ed at r 11.11 for Mayor end L. 1. Donor, was counsel for the dlefeodant Davis. trate or two Vection 141 0 % eons law w it follows f Davis annul mert A la marehred emit ers'sso mule. mews%r el loam Sasm.te se corm rem 151.4 woki *yak, file let 1std'sea Nast Wilk ear MEAL MGM, .le. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- Nev. nth. Pah that Lara tlemtelen of Cooed*. .. 4 ♦sorrel Montag'-Celbxso renews' ciao .. t Tsar►w Wasted- S. it, Nn. f. caress 1 lesrder. wasted- Apply at The SWIMS 1 Mussels ere eel. -T1s stea.t Lsiasseleen owri..'-Breab' Ari Nee Pte.. ser Mole *Mir et Medd d1 Mee 1 MwU.s Nettie -Chaim crisis 1 War leas -A. 1 AMI m C•e Coeste Cassell Medlar -W. Lane .... •- 1