The Signal, 1915-11-18, Page 101• T$wlfoav, Novonws 18, Ittb
Special Value in
Boxed Note
Paper and
6 doses boles Nott Pspesh as
Envelopes, stealy
choice per box. 1M
210 WI tuns Pads, rued we plain.
regular 10c each, .Merest OR
each, ors for
Ami package. Sovel,.pee. regular
IOc per package. *Peal" se
per package, of 2 package* e*
for .. .
Bored Linen R>ovelopes• regular
10c per package, special1�
packages for ••
Ask to see our special Fountain
Pen, fitted with clip cap.
solid gold point. Hest value
cn the market. price $1.00
Excellent Value Are Our
Wes Bet. Jeedaa 5 meso '
rewdaYaoaf Priem sad u1,1esuas Wee toes, W.
y the lleys ad Girt
SCHOOL'S SIG MIGHT. Kim Eate ureas. ; : bard ootlea.
There was • lar[* atteedaeae d
Central school os Friday mak* last
for the annual graduation e=eemleee.
the maims* 1MtteteR maw wrests
.t the maple aid same ieteemeled In
the work of the ab el. Rev. Goa,
heartily thanks the
bane, *1 ITIP t toe contributions of
Mn Jas. Diaktoo, Mn.
C ■eK. rMiies lottnp�nael. Ilse,
ReM, Tun. Mre. Iilebalew, Mien
Medich Quaid 1 pales sock. eaeb I
Mr*. W. L. Horton, Mia thaws
pato la . (Hares road), Misuse Cairene, Wm
~m'e 6+.W t to filum Whitely Mn, Horton, w„ Mies Ma►
el the gastral and , 9aksr, ill. Moire, No Name, Mlle
ae�wwea ►g the yeaDr. H of Harry Watson, 8 pairs ants ; Him
IllesetW Fear was trade b] Ill. so I. (,rear, Mies tl. Alien, Miss Freese
sa,.r . Th. Itehert Park on ..0 . (BeiWania road). Mrs. Tho.. Bell, MI
VisitorAwe sternal. Shea by Mr. Park'. gars 9, Clark, Mn. W lt. Kelly. Mrs.
award Ito Fu la. o[ zetatbam. was R.yrold., sr., Mrs. Ball, 2 pain each i
reamed .t .merle Panty. Mn. Davey. Mies Dark, M Bernice
isehoQ*r{ifl*atw for anew in the high Davie (Beitwoia bnncb), Miss Cun-
worn Alio@ exwlo. Eliz were , niegbas, Mrs Hinck*. Mn. Bueriu.
Mm by Begley,
Bradwin, ala Bask, Mies Bterritt, Miss M. A. Burrill, Mea
Dort Denary.
Woodham Babb. Cockfield. Mrs. MacFarlane, Mts. W.
Dorothy nuiii Uoe.Isabel Ma ckrla, }Vateoo, Knox church C B.. 1 pale
■lea Pa nnrogs, ie St M, Caro-
each ; Mr.. Jas. Clark, 1 scarf ; Mrs.
lye Taeaoarr, urs Sturdy, Oaio- T TO tfT10AT[ Koko. Binaries, 1 keesc.p.
lye Tap. and Laura Watson.tesliaa.rsYrs•se Tbe following donations are 'sok-
prizes were pseea.n nuwleged with thanks: Mrs. y .
sail 4
Mr. Sats maw taaees are r ape taking
mea eke art. 'wawa
rein 1 .est •eas�sse is ass"
Other i ted by the
The Colonial look Store
(11{(1. PORTER
A Hot Water
is quite a necettity
in the house. You
cannot afford to be
without one
01: two-year guar-
anteed bottle is just
what you are look-
ing for.
PI 0NI' 111
Dispensing our Specialty
The undersigned is prepared
tr• j}fy the highest market
prier for all grades of Fall
and Winter Apples. Do not
sell before seeing me.
'PHONE 17s
The Ideal Cathartic,
does not cause pain
or gripping. Take
one at bedtime, next
day you feel fine.
For men, women and
chairman, as follows wall/ a one bandage roller, one piece of
For highest oral during the year .'Oran; Macl;illivray Mission Bead.
(elven by Mr. James Mitebell►--tV• ssu[isaes kTi 500 saoulbwipes; Mr.. tiillor•e. band -
b x a•e y ages ; also donations of scram peck -
be examination
mark to given ltloa •t l�_sel �t� ages of old lines.
entrance e:aesinatoo (Riven by Rev. aaa���sss�•�-221werg.�A baM cent b the (:odseieb R C.
Giro. E et cLauri Watson. �wsasa eM yNor bait coiketion of drawings ..Maes teeSoelety on November 12 contented MIS
(given byMies Sharman Alice Brad- al Mss be sheathes% pads I2*1tl ; 540 absorbent
IR l- i efseepssew• gauze • a ; 7116
MID pads 12x1+: tli10 n pang
For bi.hrst mark in wilting (elven THIS VOICE RUPTURE COUPON gauge courpreses ; 11 dozen bandker
by Mr. Mitchell) -Eileen Muouings• tf premetaWateJ.T.Spa,geeias chiefs : S1) face cloths . 1000 mouth•
For highest total in examination for NmA !sage. en.M, weir will start wipes - 12 dozer beada�ea
promotion to junior IV. class (given ��M�_ ._*sabearer
r rteasessder Tbefollowing don•tidieare aekoowl-
by Miss Ball -Lura Brown. atykileleefeemanamber. Sees deka edged sotto Lonna*: Bandage* -Mn.
et For Fast specimen of sewing in'. clime. Rstle•bery Hegel -Nov. tR i/ Home, Mn. J. Mitchell. Mn. Betlaad;
senior 1. class (given by Miss Stoddart) tlotiICIUCH. 14dterd Hotel-Wedne.de11 ' safety pies-tbe Maple Lead Chapter ;
-Helen Darrow. i tau dao mad ■igat.t one del' 001). Dec. I, also several necktie's of old linen.
N.d. In t'anWs.
Principal Hume of ,tbe Collegiate The Societythankfully ackrowl-
Iostitute presented the prizes for vege- , edges the folowing contributions of
tables and flowers grown by the -- - - socks received during the past week :
pupils, these prises being contributed
b the Goderich Horticultural Society.
The winners were as follows :
Fur vegetable. :
Class IV.-lst, Mildred Stokes :2nd,
Jean Beck and Mary Howell
Class III .-1st, Leona Webster :
2nd, Willie Brownlee.
Chow 11. -tat, Elwo *.. Robinson ;
''aid, Douglas Wilson.
Clear 1, -1st. Marvin Sanderson ;
2nd. Rhoda McNevin.
Special prizes --Ben Felker and
Donald McLersl.
For flowers :
Class IV. -lit, Bert Sanderson.
.Clue 111. -1st, May Brownlee ; 2nd.
Liam I1. -1st, Gordon McDonald.
Claes I. -1st. Everett Tremblay.
The chief address of the evening
was given by Mr. A. 31. Rohertson,
who was listened to with touch inter-
est. Other numbers en the program
wet : Piano duet, Misses Norms
Whitely and Rdith'WIUianss; chair-
man's address, Rev. Geo. E. }toss ;
chore., "We'll Never Let the Old Flag
•Wall ; " vocal solo. Miss Agnes Saun-
ders ; physical exercises by five girls :
addree.. Miss Heti Worsen ; vocal
Bolo, Miss Kids Stoddart ; recitation,
Ernest McGratten ; recitation, Miss
Laura Watson ; hymn, '`For Three at
the Froni;" address, Miss Jean l;r4Mo ; Monday night..
vocal solo, ••Canada," maim Elda
COATS AT $16.50
N e am
tie ei rseu er
s p•ee•�
Jas. A. Campbell
Corner North Sr and Square
Bus. Ari 'PHONES Res. idle
Mise Montgoweiy, 7 pain; Mrs.
the way information ase trans -
Nicholson, 4 pails : Mrs. Will Carey,
(erred to tbe Germans so that they Miss McIntosh, Mn W. L Homes,
knew when troops were passing over Mrs Lloyd. Mrs. John Acheson, Mn.
certain roads and immediately early erected
Clifton, 3 pain each ; Miss McManus, 1
a brisk caneooade. The various cotrps ' Mrs. pridbain. Mrs. Matheson, Mrs.
of the army otganizstion all have • Jas. Clack, Mrs. Hay, Mn. Eliot. MMe
more or less homplimentaty nickname F.N•fte!, Miss B. Clark, Mrs. McPhail,
attached to them. Thus the R.A.M.C. Mn. Clement, 2 paiis eseh ; Miss M.
becomes ••K(I. All My Comrades.' the' Oat lBritaonia branch), Mrs. Col-
A.S.C. "Alley Sloper'a Comedians;' . borne, Mrs. J. Yates, Mrs. Root. Clark,
and so on. Pte. Thompson is of the Miss Etta Swat.. Miss Snider. Min IL
opinion that the advance on the west- Mattel, Mrs. Hoene, Mn. P. McDon-
etn front is slow because the Aiil�a;vd, No Natter, Mrs. Gordo*, Mrs.
have determined not to destroy nuc Wright, Mrs. D. Sproul, Mrs. Swat -
cities as Lille sod tea Ranee and others field, Mrs. W. B. Kelly. Mies Lerousel.
Re Yew+ has been destroyed by the Mis. Bingbam, Mias Walters, Mrs. W.
Germans. The preparrti m which i Watson, 1 lair each.
Britain i+ waking a so great std edhe I The bele Fent to beadquarten on
believes when the time is considered I November 12.h contained Ib, pall
ripe there will be a surprise for the! socks 1 kneecap, 1 scarf.
Herniae" that will make the world
"sit tip and take notice." His one! Milan those having finished socks
great regret Is that be was wounded and other woollen comforts kindly re -
before he had a chance to "stick" one t turn as soon as possible.% Our last
of the foe. He (slid, "It makes me month's report, October lith to Novels -
mad to think I got knocked out jest her 12tb, was very good : 461 paint
as tbe fun was starting, after going all, socks, 2 scarfs. 1 kneecap. We hope
that distance to get there." i the coming wonth will be equally
RED CROSS NOTES. i Ice cieam bricks for parties. Just
what you like. Or have it In bulk.
The monthly meeting, of the Red Orders delivered. Blackstone'•, phone
Cress Society took place .o the North 240.
arrest rooms on . on sy nig .
Among the communications was a
HESE Coats come in several of the season's most popular
Tstyles, being right up to the minute in every detail that goes
to make a lady's stylish winter Coat. They come in a good
�� variety of materials, in curl, zibilene and pile cloth effects,
in black, blues, greens and browns. We put forth extra
efforts to secure the very best value obtainable in a lady's Coat at
this price and are showing garments that .are undoubtedly extra
value. Sizes 34 to 42. Many styles and many cloths - -
dart, the words being the compositionletter from the Hrapoeler Board of A LETTER FROM SHORNCLIFFE.
Tiede, slating that owing to the large Wia I►ia[laitd Suggests How
number who had enlisted from the
town there were many vacancies in tbe Soldiers Can Se Helped.
local trills and factot ies, and proud*. (reeve Fingland of Rupert has re-
ine that any applications from people .rived the following letter from his
desiring 1►urk would be considered. goo Capt. William }Inland, of the
It was decided to send the communi• T. jl. 0. A. military service :
cation to the town clerk. with instrue- sbernetlRs. Kos..
tions to hand it over to the president ocr 2 tli
of the local relief cotnmiltee. DEAR FATHER, -A few lines today
Mrs. Colborne reported that a "Sol- before the mail goes out. We are
diets' Aid" society had been formed in baying beast iful autumn weather,
AshfleM for the purport+ of rstaiall with little rain_ On bright day! we
money in the township, and makIa have a lovely view from the window,
area r
through the Goderich branch. The 1 .m rooming now a Salvation
of the late Lieut- R. Skiniings end the
music by Misr Stinting", who was in
the audience ; reading, Hew. J. B.
am ; chorus, • led Luck
to the Boys of the Allies." Miss Betts
Mar was the aeeowpenIst of the
evening of the speakers paid a trib-
ute to Miss Sharman for the excellent
wotk she is doing et Central school.
and their words were received with
evident appreciation by the audience.
The chairman expressed the hope that
one of the boys hefore him would be a
mono maker and would in tune pre-
sent the town with a new scbnol in
place of the Central, as a memo' ial to
Miss Sharman -an expression that
was received with great applause.
As Miss Shot man pointed out, Cen-
tral school has a "roil of honor," in-
cluding the urines of those former
pupils who have enlisted for war ser-
vice. Two of these, %Valiant Palmer
and.. Chester Macdonald, have given
their lives for the Empire's cause. and
others who are enrolled ate Miss Alas
Dancey (nue), 11. C. Dunlop, Philip
Carey. Harry Carey, Roht. Carey,
Conrad Carey, Walter Buchanan,
Clifford Williams, Water !•launders,
Ernest Jordan, Ernest Porter, NVdl
Proudr•stt, M. P. Lane, Melville
Anderson, Stanley Masson, Maurice
Ms..on. Archie Toni. Leslie Inkster,
Chas. Inkster, CordonMcNevin, D.
McNevin, Anglo.McNnvin, Notman
McLeod, H. Washington.
° The pineedings were brought to a
clot.. with the singing of the National
acEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Any quantity best all Maple
Slane, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling IOedsr or P1we.I
Red Cross supplies to bet over Lille ed sea
ladies of the Society asked for some Army chaplain. a very fine fellow.
assistance in beginning their work, Liat Sunday at our Presbyterian
and this the sewing committee was church parade Ralph Connor preached.
empowered to give. It was rather a cold day. but he got
An offer was received through Mr. good attention. He is about the
Moore from one of his assistants re- only Presbyterian chaplain hen
garding, the collection of old metal at present. A week ago Sunday went
and old clothing in the interests of to the Anglican church. Most of the
the Red ('cons. 11 was decided 11" people living around here are Angli-
acceppt the offer ; and Dr. Taylor, Mr. cant, Tea (wilding was . meted in
A. Y. Robertson and Mr. Porter were 1113. sod is a very picturesque one,
appointed to work out the details of with • lovely chime of bells.
the scheme. I On Friday last Will McQueen. of
Mn. Eliot, Mn. Taylor and Mrs. Brucefleld, and 1 went to Dover, about
McKim read reports regarding the'. teen miles from here. 1t is a very old
work that had been done during the, city and has s wonderful old castle,
last month, and the tollowing amounts' one of the oldest and stror.gest in
were voted : the sewing committee,
$Iii ; the surgical supplies committee,
(150: Mn. McKim. 31(10 ; the Britan-
nia branch `S • brad office. 11(1I
tcwtiasee tram nraclF.i
Ited Cross room. on the tint Monday
eral hospitals in France before he was of the month at 7.2) p. in. The follow•
(Inelly iwnt to Dieppe and crossed to l Ing amounts have been received since
Dover. In England he we. in hoapitalr the last puMicalioe : Mr.. Muter.
at Bromley, Hayes, Woolwich, Sand -1,1100; l).o;lite Britannia
gate: Shornelifre ad 'West Handling. tMrs. mild,Mr.While inhusppital at Hayes he met Pte.' 11. Macdonald, Mrs. Colborne, Mrs,
Bersn, of Clinton, who was badly 'Taylor. Jutdge Holt, Mr. Porter, Mn.
cso.hed in the explosion of the tame
mine by which Pte. Brown, of (lode -
rich, was wounded. At Nhorncliffe be
went before a medical board and was
given bitedi.cbarge papers and ',hortly
afterwards went to Liverpool, where
be sailed on the steamer MIssan•bie
for Canada, and after a roisgt1 crossing
be landed ■1 Quebec on the 7 1 of this
wroth. Herr another medical board
exatniu.d him and he was given his
(Iasi discltanee papers andr, ticket totinderieh. Hi. discharge dkti not take
effect until February next he being
now on .1.•1 furlough.
is the three and • half months [bat
Intervene.( from the time he left sg.
land until was wounded e. '
Thotnps.e 1 hit one change of f
underwear e d slept in his clothes all
Um lime O Ow (ioderich boys who
went wi h him In the. Ist Battalion
Roto. Nester' it the only one who has
enure th neigh without a scratch, all
Lbw oth.r- teeing killed, wounded or
Pie 1611. many Interest -
log epos ore .4 t r igen lit+ -of how' the
**bard• ark" h' andv.riety to the
Jellies. el
**bard tack" and "bully beer
lag tt be fe•t•' and �v tb. eN
nun the tt t lien wad e t of tM
bsWtb.e w 11 h r brim l
rr�L of 0.e military In ttN g
MIS sap firing Bpba, Wale am
sgntewe. d first red tttl4s4 sS*0 wile'de t
Eqgland. It is • big place and power-
fully fortified, and has been besieged
several times but never taken. There
are great under•gruod passages cut
On motion of Judge Holt and Mr. out of the rack runningout into the
Porter it was decided to send an country. it is • navstation, too.
expression of the thanks of the Society I We saw several submartoes and war -
to Mrs. Miner for her generous gift ofdips. Prunes than the city ba. been
(1(11, and the nffee of s life memler-! closed to all without a pass ; even the
ship in the 1'. It. C. S.chiming cannot goout and in without
Mn. Phalen wasp appointed treasurer) it, AU tbe places around here are in
for tit. Andrew's ward. the collectors total darkness at night, even London.
Of which rte requested to meet in the, 11 looks strange to see the people
stumbling aloog in the dark You see
some carrying electric flasb-lampa
and even tbe police are particular
about the rue of these. All windows
have to be kept d•rkeoe.1. Last week
I saw • ship torpedoed or mined. just
off our camp They managed to get
it peached before et sank. Another
struck • mine • few days later and
went down. No pictures can be tattoo
in the town; in fact, they are prohib-
ited all along the coast.
Ws do not get any very -definite
Brantford Roofing
OP'Suitable for .111111, ".111111
all kinds of build
ing* : houses, barns or sheds.
Crystal (in red o{green),{3.:.0
per square.
No. 3 Asphalt Roofing, $.1.4)per sgOare.
No. 2 Asphalt Roofing, $3.(111
per square.
No. 1 Asphalt Roofing. 32.2.3
per square.
Mohawk Roofing, 111.7.1 pe
Phots lid Hamilton Street
, informort ion from the tun wo have
' gone to Fraser,. although I have heard
from rose& of them, but they are too
closely comored that very littler in-
formation comes through.
Tosiebt we had • very successful
count Oyes by a party of ladies.
The bell was crowded and the sissies
splendid. Next week we hope to have
a movine picture machine for two ,ne
three nights We oleo have lanten
views and bottoms, both here and at
one of the hospitals right beside oor
cusp where there are about MO rnen.
They eppreetate them very muchinold
they do the mu • great deal a
Of emitee, It takes gooney to ran WM
131111114 • Part to it comae front the
regimental tea& and past from the
the money the Auburn people me
to gond advantage la We
vs:y41.114/Rit esti sewn meellent talent,
bow loglIgh people of
Whoa am dreetieg Weir seretees to
We kind of Wag. and I seneetlates
wish to lbw istes as a twines. Now
Wall the monism er• grewieg low
sad efts, eletherelealtita it is a great
Ladies' Underwear 25c
Ladies' knitted Underwear, Vests sod
Drawers, white or natural. soft finish, high
neck and long 'sleeves. Special, per garment
••Jay Bee" White
Flannelette ISc
This is • bigh-grade English Flannelette of
excellent quality. 3:' ladies to 31 inches in
width, heavy weight, soft, free from dressing,
• superior cloth in every way. Very suitable
for children's wear. Imported by ourselves
direct from the twill. Per yard 1 so
Knitted Wool Mittens
Two goof styles for children's and misses'
wear, black. blue, brown, scarlet sod white.
All sizes, per pair 250
Wool Cloakings $1.50
These are really splendid t'loakings and all
time wool. Particularly suitable for ebildree's
Coats, in blue, grey, brown and black. A
splendid cloth at a moderate price, per yard
Our Special Linoleum
Our "Wear Ever" and "%Veer Hard" British
Linoleum' are really excellent value. They
are superior cloth in every way, thoroughly
seasoned, strong and veep durable. We are
showing • spieudid range of patterns in 3
and 1 -yard, widths, at per square yard
50o and Soo
English Oilcloth for
.Under Stoves
Splendid quality English Oilcloth. Some very
neat patterns suitable for under stoves. It
yards wide, at per yard ago
Two yards wide, at per yard
Blankets 51.50 to $7,51)
We trays the best stock of Ht•n►eta we
have had for many • day, and can give you
• Dice cotton Blanket, good size anu weight,
at 51.20 and better ones slightly higher in
pills. Wool Blankets all the way from
53.SO for • good Canadian Union Blanket
to 57.$0 for • genuine all -wool Scotch
Introductory Sale of Cotton
Bats Continues This Week
Introductory Sale of our new American
Cotton Bats continues this week. We are
selling beautiful clean white Cotton Bats
at for 25o that are worth 15c each. and
3 for 51110 that are regularly 25c each. We
do this simply to introduce this new inake to
our customers. Get what you want while
this price holds.
Muskrat Coats $60.00
The prices of Muskrat Coati are on the jump.
This week the maker from whom we bought
three garments telepbotied us offering to buy
them all back, as he could sell them today et •
good deal higher price than we had to pay for
them. We bought (hese Coats when Rat -
skins were at the lowest point they bad
leached for yea's and are selling them on the
basis of our purchase prier, lower by (g 00 or
(10.011 than it we had to buy them today.
These particular Coats are made from choice
selected prime Canadian Ratskine of high
quality, thickly. closely furred end evenly
watched. The linings are of hest quality fur-
rier'• satin. We h•ye all sizes in ►toe -k today
and our price for these superior (,'oate is only
We can stirs you Coats of lower quality, it
Furs Remodelled
We are paying particular attention to the
re -modelling of Furs. If you have old Furs
of any kind, bring them in and let us give
you an estimate for making thetn over. It
is really remarkable what cut be done with
. Fur Trimming
The rage for Fur Trimming continues to
giow. Already the large furriers are exper-
iencing difficulty in supplying the demand.
We are fortun3te in having a good supply of
the most wanted kinds, such as Sable, Opoe-
sum, Alarka Sable, MarmOt. etc., and can
give you any width you want from inch up
and the prices are the same LA those charged
by the city furriers.
Hodgens Bros.
Direct Importers - Goderich, Ont.
Foroihare Upholstered
Now is the time to get
Upholstering done. We
do it and do it well.
thing if the men have some such place
to go to. Am also trying to keep
them well supplied with wii'ing end
reading matelial. Through the War
Contingent Association of Canada -
a society iirLondon, Eng. -we can get
magazines at half pf ice.
The centeen help in our "V" huts is
cient merino, so that they give their
service* free Some are of quire good
circumstances and means. Two of
them run their own private autos.
One of them now the champion
tennis player of India. A while ego
we had the champion of Arnerlea.
Lest week I was over to a hospital
about two miles from here. It is the
home of Lord and Lady Markbani.
There are about 12.1 wounded in it. I
wish you could see the garden--skoot
an acre a flowers, and the lawn 1
These old linflish homes of the tipper
Must clog, for this time Good-bye,
Sows day someone Is going to tell
you bow good Edwards' home-made
candies are. Why wait Call and
pet • sample.
At Ws time ef year there are
many ansonnemseuts of Christ-
mas etateetalainents. Where
poetess fee these see printed at
this calm an weesseentent will
he published lo The Riau* with-
out *Tura charge. Otherwise
there will he a elsarge rof 26 emits
and upwards for each isiseeties,
aeensdlne to the lessith of the
aosenuemest desired.
Furniture and Furnishipgs
The Store of Useful and Practical Gifts
Great Opportunity
for Practical Christmas Shopping
When you give Furni-
ture you have some-
thing decorative and
serving for general
utility also, and a little
money will get at this
store a choice cf many
articles that will make
apprdpriate and satis-
factory presents. Come
in and look over our
stock. Goods purchased
if desired.
now delivered at Christmas
Agent for Nordhelmer Pianos