The Signal, 1915-11-18, Page 9Is rade its aneerewjsMelaz -- 40/ywwee W ItgreseePArtiertra nPlaafYt ereans Mlae .scute. IOU asr: Mate eater .IMT baattr ler e,ee W ti erect► Mamie We Pee Al Bareery Clem/.s es ass wilt AiT alas roan se 41811 iallanl teats 214 Hallam Building World's Basi Caste Roser beim et the world's great- est choir. It hi to the Cathedral et Ahmaa4.r Nevski. la Petrograd. .a4 • attached to a convent erected to Manor of the patron saint of Russia. Id ssembere ere all monks. Whoa a OM singer appears among the aovt- tlalss of all Russia be is tient to tke monastery of Alexander Nevski, whore he la trained as carefully as ▪ opera Maser, sad remaining then &slag nothing exoapt assistlag at the oasis at mass In the awning and vespers lm the aharnoos, until be Maoism aged. when be retiree on a passim The monks are all vegetar- iaas. The rules of the Russian Ceurrah tsrid them to shave, and their hair is worn like a vogue's. It In ttasoanoed that tbe ratan on mosey orders to United points are now the same ss of ben.flt on those to Canadian points Nutmegs as Medicine A drowsy state after meals Is what we should welcome. for 1t 1s the most favorable condition for good dlges- Uoa. Nutmegs may produce It be- cause their effect hos W Menus, the Sow of gastric labs. The nutmeg 1s macho used by doctor as a remedy 1n weak digestion. 11 ens has a keen appetite be does not need natmaa. tor appetite 1.. the moot powerful sttmatant of the Sow of gastric laiea. It the appetite is not good the egee- tion will be feeble, sad then the ad- dition of a little anthem will he lard THE SIGNAL : GODIR►[OR ..ONTARIO i vmssay, Novtelnss 1S, 1,16 • Fi Ontario'. Meer are British G.ttevrbte's Met ads It is only • utter of • few years at moat until every Canadian Prestige. compels to settlers to knuckle down te the law of lair play In the matter of Mesh and brash burning, writes Robson Bla.k of the Caaadlat Fores- try Aseoclat1oa. With the continued Improvement in railway precautions against forest Oras, the ettestdcs of beans' with thebecomes more and more argsa Rug.WfoSS covering Ore pr.ventioa as lmpoesd by the Dominion Railway Board apos the steam roads have relieved than of mock of their old repntotion ae the chief camse of forest destructbs. Is Ontario, 1t 1s an unquesticnsd tact that of the scores of Ores la recent Years. large and small. between Pem- broke and North Bay, acre than eighty per cent. have been due to settlers. The railways h:.ve bees a relatively unimportant factor la On- tario's losses. Ontario now has no permit system and is paying for the absence of it In very large annual sacrifices of timber. The tendency of all the Provincial Governments .;1. undoubtedly In the direction of settlers' permit systema British Columbia manages to enforce fairly stringent regulations governing the burning of brush and slash. with- out much offence to the farming popu- lation. ft is even said that the set- tlers have accepted the law and its administration as the only fair method of overcoming a danger the conse- quences of which they share In com- mon with the lumbermen Quebec 1s making an earnest effort to get abreast of the necessity fo: Provincc- wlde control of sl:-sh and brush firing. Prosecutions of guilty parties are be- coming more frequent and magis- trates are Increasing the severity of punishment. It may be that a larger staff will be required effectually to control the settlers from setting out fires during the danger seasons. but at least the dep.-rtment has shown determination In the matter and will grsduany overcome the hardships. New Brunswick has taken steps which may mean a Province -wide con- trol of settlers fires A special regu- lation of the Department of Lands and Mines was put Into force blanket- ing the settlements of Hagen and Grimmer. in the county of Restt- guoche, and lands 'adjacent thereto. "Before any brush piles or slaah in clearing lands car be burned." reads the regulation. "a permit In writing must first be obtained from the care- taker of said settlements and due notice must be served on the ad- jacent land owner or occupic under a penalty of not less tl an twenty della-■ and not more than two hun- dred dollar& The foregoing orde. was Isaac j as a result of very serious fires which occurred to Hazen and Grim- mer districts. due to the unregulated burning, of settlers slas:lings. Enlisting ! When you put a telephone in your home you enlist our staff of skilled workers in the service of your wife and family. To lighten the labors of the household. to keep the family in touch with their friends and to -protect them in emergencies., the tele- phone is alert and ever ready, day and night. A telephone in the home is a boon at any time, but during the inclement fall and winter weather it in invaluable. Ask to -day for rales and information. rapist in the great army of enthusiastic home - telephone users. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station The Bell Telephone Co. OF CANADA. DO IT NOW! Don't Wait -Phone Robert Tait — – AN HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BEFORE THE WINTER RUSH BEGINS, AND AVOID THE RUST{ , a' All wiring done by the latest Hydro -Electric rule. 1 All work guaranteed. 4 Electric repairing of all kinds promptly attended to, at rea- sonable prices. We carry a complete and up- to-date line of Elebtric Fixtures and Supplies at all times. ROBERT TAIT Eitel rieias ELECTRIC RANGES and IlEATERS A SPECIALTY Offal $2—JUST PHONE—House 193 Vt#ont�i IQOMtt1A How They Cure Purr whiz& Qum "1 syeirr�ed tress glees, Treble tsr sremelsad tried seremos monodiee awediets.+' presorimier erlsemst poses.e wine m are Wag cMvsic' Alter mai abort GM Puts. •ad •• kis • well brow* int thatsniper. .rube a elcMot.1 sorriest be the Oro aegisgw1 ederid�ed treety Gia Plena I have sow is ins..~ef GistP k sod food ~et No more bad boom-4in weighs -clear eyes- trwb actor-msse uwalgtk sad •mow. T►b at what Qin Por bare des for aw." H. POWl3 HtRBERT. Year dreRW was Gin Pius y.,. a boa or .ix ba.. Sa.sa Write for tree swop:. to National Dr k Chemical Co. of Canada. Limited, Toronto. e BUS SHAUN HONEY Mow to Prevent War Coloniser -Mistakes to Avoid LOANS ON INSURANCE Abuses of life Policies Denounced - Wives Should Know First Men are too rtad- y to sorrow on their life Insurance policies. says an expert. Too frequently they loot up- on life insurance as their own pro perty, and not as they should-$ con- tract for the senefit of prospective widows and orphans. The ordinary wife works as hard for the mainten- ance of a home as her husband. The life ' ontract stould be looked upon as ti e wife's property. and the bus. band should not borrow moaef npo-t It Women often strive to help pay life insurance premiums and fail to discover until their husbarda die that possibly there is a worts.,on t:.e policy. Where a man borrows upon his policy for the purpose of eay1n; pre- miums he is to be excused. From borrowing t, r any other purpose. tie should be discouraged- Where he does so for speculative purposes he cheats his family. A man should nut be permitted to borrow upon .Its policy without the consent of the beneficiary. Every woman col o is striving that her hi-rband r.ay pay premiums upon life insurance for the ber.edt of herself and children. should always know whether there L. a loan on such a rniiry if she desires to be certain to a Lal .:tent she Is pro- tected The purpose of every life insurance company 1s to pay death claims and protect families. Less than 1'. per rest of loans made upon ponclea are ever re..ald. The condition Is becom- ing so serious that unless the public awakens to the evil of the practice. the pendnhm will swing back and in- stead of having legislation compelling legal reserve Itle a.uraeee companies to lean to policyholders, they will be torbWso to do so Daring the past twiner years to' percentage et Adley tease tie the reserves has Increased from .proximgtol 8 li per toot a Sera than 11 per .seat. Among the 11111116 TIE Ella TO ONDERST/16111111A pNwlse Shedd Net Damns am lha. tits.rt ctrat..tl.n. Deanne hens. ilt.P.-radl.th valuable Trine & stem caimans ter • better felimatmes el WWI larsit1 aa4 Me- poetaow Masemhl attains is betas made hl/ Bit Rrlaltaa Gupta. M.P., the sun lades& member at the Brttish Parliament Sir Krishaa writes as Melva: There Is a tendency, tie' rectally is self-goverslag celesiq, to cast ail Indians la the same told with the savage race& forgetting that Is - Mas civilisation goes back to a aloe when Greece was scarcely known and Rose was not born. and when the nations of Europe were steeped to ignorance and barbarism, and that it reached an eminence which has not yet been surpassed. liegastheyea. who was the Greek Ambassador at the court of the illustrious Indian Em- peror Claudia Gupta In the third cen- tury before Christ, found that the peo?le were pious. truthful. contented anti thriving. and that the'relation be- tween King and subject was that of father and so.l. The excellence of the Sanscrtt lan- guage and literature 1s a matter of , ommon kuowledee. and one has only to refer to the Vedas, the great epics and to various works on logic. thea tory and philosophy. Sanacrit litera- ture 13 also rich In drama and poetry while 1te grammar is one of the most scientific in the world. study of which In Europe led to the foundation of comparative philology.` As the inven- tors of the numerical figures. which were introduced into Europe by the Arabs and I:y which the Mole world reckons, and of the decimal system based on these figures, the Hindus became the greatest calculators of antiquity. just as the Greeks were the greatest geometricians. From the very earliest times the iiindu sages have concentrated their trained minds to the consideration and solution of the Inner problems of lite and to the inculcation of a high sense of duty When the honey flow is declining or has ceased. bees will occasionally start robbing from another colony. The robber acts very much like hu- mans on the same unlawful busttles& It appears to hesitate before entering the hive. If the guards are at the entrance, watching. they will quick- ly grasp the would-be niftier and hustle it off the alighting board with very little ceremony. Some bees will. however. persist In robbing other hives. Frequently the robbers run riot. and a regular wrestling match follows. When this state of unrest exists. contract the entrance to on. Inch. This will usually enable the guards to handle the trouble, but it the robbing has gone on for some time and the Inmates have joined to and gone off with the taieves, place some hay at the contracted entrance. This will contuse the bees and the robbing will cease. The beginner must not contse the aurae bees washing baby bee on the porch for robbing. Three or four bees w111 engage In this operation of clean - Ing the fluffy baby, and the affair will have the appearance of .11 trying to dismember it. One will feed It; an - d n ■■=.. N w/ocewN BROS. Prepare for Winter 0 Your New Overcoat is waiting for you here. Large stock in light and heavy weights for You to choose from. Our Overcoats are well designed and well made of good materials. They are 1 ■ ■ also reasonable in price - - CALL ANI) SEE. - 0 McLean Bros. USemi -Ready Tailors The Square, Goderich 117.=••=i• ■ =di other tug at the wtngs. while a third performed without desire for reward. is industriously trying to clean a leg. Great Religion When through, baby bee will fan its Out of the four great world religions wings, run round the alighting board India tee given to the world two -- its mew times, then fly, with its head Hinduism and Bnddalam. She has towards the hive, taking its first ob- servation of the surrounding_ -B.C. Farm and Fruit Magazine. JOB AND COMMERCIAL tbe %tonal 10 OMIT .10As0A3ZTe" BILIODB 02 lOsr'vz No Newt- than tarty -dee town Is great Prorate have a pswhtbs .. memo mem. For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels -They work while you sleep. Purred Tongs., Bad Test* indigee- tlos, Ballow Skin and Miyneable Head- eahsa come from a tarsi. liver and clogged bowels, whbh Cause your stomach to become tilled with undi- gested food. which scours and ferments like garbage 1n a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery -Indi- gestion, fou: g -ties, bad breath. yellow skin. mental fears, everything that Is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep -a 10 -cent box from your druggist will keep you feel- ing good for month& "School Days" Mean School Shoes bean the birthplace of many religious preachers and reformers who have lett their mark for all time. In the writings and te•chinss of the Rights of India may be found some pa1WUvs for the feverish pursuit of the near urea of tbe flesh and some remedy for the unrest and discontent which tbreaten to break western poctety to pieces. The people of India undoubtedly have fallen from their high estate. put even In their present condlt( they are not to be classed with the savage races or treated as Inferiors. Both in intellect and physique they are able to hold their own with the other subjects of his majesty, and there need be no hesitation to accept them as fellow citizens of the greatest empire that ever came into being. Coming to more material tests. the value of the exports and Imports of India Is a little less than a fourth of the aggregate value of the exports of the United Kingdom and Is far ahead of that of any other part of the em- pire. Most of the foreign trade of India, especially In imports, is with the United Kingdom. and the material gain which thus accrues to this eosin - try Is very much more than a neglig- ible quantity, any diminution of which would be seriously telt to the British Isles. headquarters for chool hoes 111 Our stock contains a large assortment of Solid and Sub- stantial Shoes for boys tnd girls. +tilt for service. with Atte regard to comfort and appearance as well. No- where will vests find a better selection or better value. bring the 3cb.1an Here! Wm. Sharman t;oraer East Str:et and Square Goderich Trained Our Great Men India likewise 1s the training ground of Britain's best soldiers and civilians. The hero of Waterloo won his first laurels on the India soil. and the late Lord Roberts was pre-eminently an Indian soldier. while It was to India that Lord Kitchener perfected his powers of organization. During the many decades of peace which follow- ed the Crimean war the only region which afforded • practical training ground for the British soldier was the Indian frontier. 1t w111 thus be seen how from every tolnt of view India occupies a very important place to the Empire. The Wonderful Wristwatch It is a marvel of minute workman- ship Some of its screws are so small that 130.000 go to the pound! The pivot of the balance wheel has a dia- meter measured by the two -hun- dredth part of an Inch, and. more marvellous rf111. In order that the phot may have free play, the jewel hole into which 1t fife 1s exactly one five -thousandth part of Inch larger! What do you think the jewels In your wristwatch weigh' What le called • pallet jewel weighs a round when then are 150.000 of them. Tile largest round hairspring stud In your watch le fourhundredth• of an inch 1n diameter and nine -hundredths of an Incl. In length Tee did not r:•allze till now what a marvellous piers of human Inger* 57 and skill you ...ere carrying abler wit. you We pay highesE RAW FURS Arid Rt mit Promptly Mom ssad Pert a..we e..d Thole R.. Pe.. ss r rhea s. .+ cies floe beers. i cards . Pe.nees they boor ere per emb- er* prices. pay mail a.d ..rreed *bargee. charge Decommtaan.. gad treat oar shippers right. I.ssit`• we are the largest n our t! C.eeaa le Way. M.sae aid Wall .• er.eale W ws Pe liblaweateresmallre Woes Ile bins we wit '`w gargle a leer p,aa CATALOG Rai ll.•re rlraL W we FREE' s..0..• . n,.. r .. • G.... ' r..r..s e ..col W ,. .. 5a l-.• •.. r,n .r .awl i. , '.r.... . -w -T.., . •cod d h lea �S-y-' and latest Few bey.. B ob " ct b..et, lal fur owls ••••,..t.. .Mee boobs luny t masa.. . l rasa O• ltavvnir cot Hallam Beading TORONTO Make Preparation FOR WINTER If you want to save money on your CAA bills and at the same time have the best results, buy the best Range on the market—the HAPPY THOUGHT. It will do more work on Tess fuel than any other range on the market. Call and see our display of HAPPY THOUGHTS before purchasing. Also see our large assortment of Heating Stoves. We havg a number of secondhand Ranges and Heaters. It will pay you to call and see these splendid values. We have two good secondhand Hot Air Furnaces. These furnaces are in good repair. The reason we have them is that we have installed the houses they were in with hot water. CHARCOAL Do you use Charcoal for lighting your fires? If not, you do not know the great convenience you are missing. We have just got in a carload. Try a sack or two, 1 c for unc or 2 for 2S4 TO HUNTERS We have bought a Targe quantity of SmokeleKs Shells and are therefore in a position to kat you have them at 75c per box. ROOFING Does your roof leak ? If so, we can furnish you with a one - ply Felt Rooting at $1.Sti per alluarc. it k a tough, durable roofing. In ' f and Heavy Hardware our stock was never more complete Do forget that we are headquarters for Plumbing, Heat- ing, Tir, hing and I?lectric Wiring. All work promptly at- tended t - ily guaranteed. COAL Lea mus your orders for Hard and Soft Coal. We handle the Scranton White Ash Coal. Chestnut Coal $+.00 per ton St, Coal $.Ori per ton lig it 7.7b per tom Ca Coal 8.00 per ton Bit ..smith Coal 7.00 per ton Solvay Nut Coke 7.00 per ton Hard Wood 2.80 per cord Soft Wood 2.r) per cl1rd Chas. L. Lee STOOL 22 --- PHUVLS - - —- HOUSE 112 Signal from Now to January lst, 1917, for Si