The Signal, 1915-11-18, Page 4s Ta.R.B*T. No% Sawa& 11t. 1916 11111 BIG/ILL D i 0 ' : ONTARIO Wersews If T.. O.l* K.CN What 1 Know You Wold Boy Your Suit or Overcoat Nous It will be a long time be- fore you will get Clothing at the prices I am offering now. Clothing bought be. fore the big advance should mean something, -it means dollars saved by buying your Clothing here. See our Suit!, at $lo and up to $22.50. See our Overcoats at $io and up to $22. you want your Clothing made to order Then leave your measure for a Society Brand Suit or Overcoat - the Clothing tor young men and men ‘t ho stay young. foclrte Scutt al.tpre WALTER C. PRIDHAM Sole Agent for Society Brasil Main eine 4•1141110 is the work that we are interested in. FURNACES repaired by us are as good as new. A good stock of supplies on hand. Fred Hunt HLYTH. IVgDNI•DAY. Nov, 17. Mr. Andrew Sloan shipped two cars of sugar -beet+ to Hellen on Monday. Verlag oar church union will take place in tit. Andrew's church the last two Sunders ..1 this mouth. Rev. J. D. Vergu.eon, of Yooktoo, will preach in 8t. Andrew's church on Sunday. Rev. W. D. Turner will bave charge of the anaivetsary ser- vices at Munktop. Mr. H. A. Thomas received • floe deer lest week front hie hrothet-in-law, Mr. F. R. Beunert, of Cartier. A num- ber of his hienl. have sine. enjoyed venison roosts and steaks. Me.. Thos. Woodcock, although well advanced in years. Is en euergetic ally of the men in tbe trenches. Last Fri- day .be completed the knittiog of her fiftieth pair of socks for t'te soldiers. Const able. PrIIow, of tiodericb, and Wallis, of Clinton, accompanied by Rev. E. G. Powell. secretary of the temp.'aoee organization iu Huron county, wade. search of the Queen's hotel on Saturday morning. Your correspondent bas not learned wbetber any infriogement of the law was dis- covered or not Police Magistrate Lockhart held court on Thursday last to bear charges against two persona, one from the vicinity of Blyth, the utber from Clinton, who were accused of being in- toxicated in Canada Temperance Act territory. 'i'be former pleaded guilty and was fined 00 and $10 cost•, while the latter case was adjourned to Brus- sels and coming up 'bete of Monday we. dismissed. PERSONAL -Mr. Wrn. Moore. of Buabngton, formerly of the Bank of Hamilton staff here, was in town last week. Hr had been at Wingham _at- tending the funeral of his mother Mr. Harvey Kecbnie returned from the WVest. on Tbur.day .... Mra. Cbas. Burling is visiting her son at Toronto. .. Mrr. (Rev.). Haw kine and children ar- rived this week and have taken uo ebeirhoute in the rectory . .. Mr. J. ed home Seaford Hemi:ton Streit -:- Phone D, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO - MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO Leve TORONT1)!tool a m,s.tll. p. m.. and uUp...4.11,. the Wm Annie110 anti Yin Mow Jennies Mils appointed Ire mom tb end .aiseenugstat. J still steads behind the Pee byi t .Aare\- The result of the vols taken oe the vise- t4os of union with the Metbedlet and (7rlstetragatioeal churches last week le as follows; Foe union, 36 ; a;lais.t utiles, 106 AUBURN. W wlrtsoa x, Nov. 17. A number of our villagers attended Um creaser' in Westfield wheel bores Mat Friday night and repos* • good new After • week. Blame of psaumoata, Mrs. James Job.stus parsed away os. Tuesday morning. aged sereoty-swo years. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon from St. Mark's cburchtlo Dungannon cemetery. More Bg &r ere°. -A collieton os. our attests Suodsy evening altar church caued quits an esdtemeot. Some of the young men have been in the baht for some timeof driving into the village in the eveeiogs •ad going up our streets at • reckless speed, until William Good and Cal. Slreugban met with the result of broken buggies and disabled horses. if this practice is eootinu.d there will be a case for our police magis.tate. AtIlt•as Cactu•aw Ct►%OPgaATS.- A spirit of iso -operation seems to he taking hold of the churches to our vil- lage The Pi es by terian, Beet 1st. Methodist and Anglican church.s ars uniting in a Sunday school Christmas entertainment to take the place of the Christmas coucerta usually held. Plat/ are formed and preparations are being made by the young folks for tbe pree- entatiou of a wird cantata entitled "Hope. of the Christmas City." The date Set is December '222nd. The pas- tors of these tome churcbee have ar- ranged a programa for a union week of prayer to he held the week following Sunday, December 5th, the meeting. to be held In tbe different "htarebes. All the people are requested to keep the evenings tot tbat week clear from other engagements. Surely these are evidences that the community spirit la growing amongst us. What Cures Eczema? MAL WT. Nov. 17. Ont' rat 11o1eas -11a mes.stls sad seshime drier swepasos- et sb. Mersey sait et has d waist depn.tw1 wee very leech en- joyed as the Mpworth Lague wens. la view d Me. Resdey'. visit 10 Toronto nest Monday, Mev. J. W. Mediae will tabs ter h. subject nest Stsedny .vaeles. "Th. Life and Work of Hilly `3ttaday." Sexism FAuwnkr.-On Tuesday minims a large number of the tlts. - here and Us.ads et tb. MAMMA oburcb wet la the Mandan to bid brewed to tall Mrs pries to their depastsue to their males a Gttd..t.b. After • pleasant •vesting spent together serine the a .piens of the Bpwortb Levee the following address was read by ins BaUla : Dear Mr. Aad Mr.. Dustow,-Having learned that the Use which for 50 meaty years have .googly ualtd us are about to he broken, we hare lent t geoher this events' to expense la some wt$ tbm sincere sorrow we feel at your de- patine, en parsers and the high esteem and love to which you ale held by us. By your t.itbt}�•� w duty and readiness w net is say capacity et church work, by your kiodoele and sympathy toward all, by your owe personal worth. you have created a warm spot to our harts for you that neither owe nor distance can efface. Yours base been heeded sincere, cheer- ful and efficient service, particularly la the Sunday school. where you have done all enduring work in the develop- ment evelop ment of the spiritual lite of the oome wunity. We hope that you will end, and we believe you wilt, In your new environ- ment and to your new home church busts of now frtends,aod yet we belies* that noise will occupy • 1/rger place is your lives than those you leave behind lar the Nile church. We pray tbat God's blessing may test upon you in your new bottle and that you may b..pared for many years of joy iu Hi. service. We take advantage of this oppor- g,unrty to ask you to accept these p(tlis as • dight token of tour love and neem, end as you see thew in the days that ate w come may !bey ever rewind you of your old friends and may you feel eoustrained to return as Often art you can your.elves, knowing that you will always gladden our beast. by your presence. Sieved on behalf tot the members and friends of the church. UNARLM4 Gtay1N, R. H. Roemer M&ILNAIN, E. 4. %V (LLIA BAILIs. We have had so many enquiries lately regarding eczema and other .kin diastases that we are glad to make our answer pubes. Atter a careful investigation we have found that • simple wash of oil of wintergreen, as compounded in D. D. D. Prescription, ran be relied upon. Re would not make this statement to our patron., friends and neighbors unless we were sure of it -and although there are many so-called eczema remedies sold, we ourselves unhesitatingly recommend D. D. D. Prescription. All druggists have D.D.D., Glc and •I. Drop into our store today, just to talk over the merits of this wonderful Prescription. Ask also abort D.D.D. Soap. JAS. A. CAMPBELL. Drsggial, Oodericb. D. D. D. is made in Canada. R Cutt return ay even- ing from his deer -bunting expedition. He was succe.,sful in securing a fine doe Councillor 14. Homey re- turned 00 Monday from his three FOR MONTREAL months' trip through the West. Hs repot is 'magnificent crops out there. Later TOItONTO eon s. m . all P m . and He saw wheat that averaged sixty ILa)p m. dour' bushels to the acte end oats that went equipoise twined as all traiaa ninety bushels to the Akre. A good PANAMA PACIFIC 6RPo3ITI.INs deal of tbe grain is still unthreshed Rrdu ed tames Mrs. R. Ferris and eon, of Hid- e.. I ran. i.on. I.e. Angeles ani San Diego. lett, teturped on Mondev after a visit 1 to the former's sons in the Nest.. ... Fust Fpartlsstar.+sd be-th ra.r..allen. en Mrs. J. G. Ewigh has returned from • 'ewes t e plMati,tw to 7. t'. LA JPKF:NI'F: Y NUNS. visit to her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Bred - win, (itdericb Mr.:.nd Mrs. Ale:. Elder visited their daughter. Mr.. (Rev.) McLean, at Hanover last week. THE RIDEAU New Afternoon Train, Toronto to Ottawa, Via C. P. R. (7Ntlsgst chief pel.(. dose Leke Ontario Mere Line. laclallag Kespton. t' to -date equipment. Including Btiffa.• 1J.ur-Obeetra'ton Pas -tor tsar. with arguer terrier. leaves Toronto . 1.11 p.m Arrives Ottawa httal p.m Itlaily es..epl d.ndyl Ossaerlisg tela leave. Ooderieb 7.•e a. . Arrives Twat •, 14313 p.m. Cee asno t Monday. November let, rc- tars by les fors, les Mw anemeas vale Meq (*wee t. Tweet .. dams MOW. Wee .11111110011411 Partk-slsss teem AM KIDE'. C. P R. 1... Ages,. Aet MURPHY. . Tereste. l'bon.Ms 1 wt • The Very Bast Place to Take a Obenrre.ftial Training is THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OVEN s nU S U. ONT. Nei epee sand slam thoseSesilisae • ntereat SS nee leg ase PORTER'S HILL. TC►:xDAt, Nor 111. Mise Minnie Johnston is visiting in Goderich. Boy Clark spent 'Sunday et Wesley Vanderburlth'e. Mr. and Mrs. Thee. Bell, of Goderit b, .pent Sunday at George Vander- Mots McManus. of Colborne, is spend• leg *few day. with bur friend, Miss Joan Dark,. There will he no service in Bethel church next Sunday. owing to the an- Weer/airy nervier. at Hayfield. Rev. 1. A. McK,lvie, of Dungannon. will tate both morning and evening ser - vier.. 011111111111111111 111111111•1111111 Under- wear THE COLBORNE STORE . 1 'this Week's Store Message Got a store full of Bright New Merchandise to tell you about. still offering large quantities of up -to -the -moment fail goods at old prices, notwithstanding the great advance in prices Old prices mean a big saving to the buyer. We are Winter Coatings Five ends Winter Coatings, regular price 12.76. Lengths 4, 44,114, 34 and 21. Just one piece each, re- duced to $1.76 One end 8,} yards at 52.u) for only 51.26. COATINGS -three pieces, cream. scarlet and nary Blanket Cloth, very heavy weight, pure wool. Two pieces Curl Cloth, newest weave, copen and navy, and only 1126. Sure bargain. Winter Underwear for everyone, from the baby to the eldest in the family. *goatee to for its full share of patronage. Every garment we sell bears the stamp of best quality to be had anywhere for the price asked. This is our banner season for Underwear. Mr. and Mrs. Dustow were present- ed with an armeneir and silver tea set. after which Mr. Dustow very feel- iugly replied. Mrs. l,u.tuw has been a uaember and active worker in the Woman. Missionary Society since its organization and tor fourteen years was teacher of the primary class in the Sunday school. while Mr. Dustow as trustee. choir leader. local preacher and for twenty years Sunday school superintendent be; tendered splendid service to the ehureta and community KIN088RID0E. Tt7S8DAT, Nov. 16. H .11o, Winter 1 John Dalwo, sr., u on the sick list. We hope foe his speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Griflln. of Godericb, spent Sunday with lCtogs- bridge friends. Mr. John Wallace returned last Fri- day from Western Canada, where h. Med been since spring. John S. Dalton returned this week from Saakatcbewan after baring a trip through the West. Misses Genevieve O•l'cnnor and Madeline Sullivan, of the G. C. 1., spent the week -end at their homes here. The Misses Margaret Dalton and Patricia Sullivan, also Mean. Jawes Sennit and Walter Dolton. spent Sunday at Michael Bowler's, Gorden id]. A very important event suns "pulled off' on 'Thursday night when an oyster supper and progressive euchre party were held in James Ser.nit's drawing - rooms. The first prize -a 4Vinche.ter repeating rifle -was wcn tem Jame. Wallace, Kintail. The seed prize, .22 rifle, was carried off by F,sok Johnetoo, while the third prize, also a 22011s, was taken by Jos. P. Dolton. KINTAiL. wfiai.gaDAy, Nov. 17. Nr. M. P. Las. paid • short visit to friends hots this week. The reams s threshing Is this vicin- ity will be flniened this week. W. ars pleased to learn that Mlee Annie McMureby, who has leen on the sick list. le reeciveellnill W• Ar. sorry 10 stag that two of our tisane, Mr. Al... Towing and Mr. 1. T Griffin, are bots very III at present. Mies Maty McMurcby, who bra been visiting bet- enter, Mee Geo. Fergu. van, at halt ford, rstaand to her home berm this week. The Women. Missionary Society of Ashfield Preehyterien congregation held its Novels' bow meeting at the home of 111 re. Kenneth M (sues. on Wednesday Ia.t '1be ladiss have declded to send a donation of fruit fee the we of DUNGANNON . W[DNREDAY, Nov. IT. Cuuttctt UrboN.-The result of the vote on cbutch union" in Erskine cburcb last Sunday stood 3d for and 4K against. Thio is taking• step hack from the results mom dad two year. ago, when the balance was in favor ref notun. PttwONAL.-Wenn Smith, who has been nut in the West for the prat three months. has returned home again and is accompanied by his daughter, Mr.. H. Walters, and three little grand- children... ..George Glenn is still seriously indisposed and suffers mucb pain from a badly affertel leg Thos. G. Allen returned from a busi- ness trip to Pelerhoro last Saturday. A PLRAMANT Kve_NINa.- rhe Mis- sion Brod bad a veru enjoyable even- ing's program arse r,treehrnenta to offer in the basement of Erskine church un Monday night. A goodly number of Young people aseemhled to listen to choruses, solos. duets, recita- tion..sd music which were well pro- vided by the Hand. After the program a gueesio contest and luncheon fol- lowed Everybody left well natieSed with the evening's proceedings. COLBORNE Kid Claps, 301) Mill Ends now in direct from the leill from 7 to 1U.centa • yard. all right for linings. Our 10, 134 and 16 cents are extra good value. What we sell at 30 cents are the heaviest we ever sold at that or any other price. Corsets A new departure in Corsets. New models, the very latest -is made with a new spiral unbreakable, un• rustabk fillings and will be sold 162.00 cheaper than any spiral filled Corset sold in Canada A printed guarantee goes with every pair sold. Dress C. Come and get some of our all -wool Sergee at prices which mean a big saving to you. Priced"'{ must be higher later in the season Colors black, blur, brown, dark red and grey. Prices from 60c.4o Velvets 27 -inch Belford Cord Velvets in white, blue, brown, red and purple, and still selling at 110 cents. The best makes, guaranteed,111.00 and 11.'!5, in tan, black and white. J. H. COLBORNE AMBERLEY. MogoaY. Nor. 15. Miss Carrick, d Oodetleeb. has beet visiting friends milte�rss vicinity. Mt. Kenneth J. McKee•zie. of Laur- ier. has purchased a five -passenger Ford car. Mr. J. N. McKenzie, of the 12th eon - cession of Ashtltld. hes returned home for the winter. Mr. Win. Bueglass, Laurier, has returned home atter a visit to his daugbter in the West. Fled Williams, who was at %Var. Aewptou's (luting toe summer, has enlisted to fight fur King and counts y. A vote "m the question of church union is being taken is Asbfleld Prea- t•ytertan church. We have not yet learned the result. The ladies of Ashfield Presbyterian church are sending • quantity of canned fruit for the wounded soldiers io the militr,y bo.pitals. Mi+ees Violet Maclennan and Bar - nice Drennan, of the Lake Shore road, wto ate at:ending Godsricb Colleg- iate Institute, visited their respective bowies on Sunday. Joseph Hamiltoo, of Hemlock City, mei with a rather serious accident one day recently. He was delivet ing milk at the Paramount cheese factory .when bis hoses became frightened and ran away. Mr. Hamilton was thrown out and roc. ived painful bruises and a sevete shaking -up. The horse was captured before it had gone very far. Mr. and Mn. Matthew Welsh. of 1 u.gan, entertained a large party at • Red Cross dance on the evening of November 4th Abort 151 persons weir present and the affair was great - Iv enjoyed. The p oceeds, amounting to about getn, .re to he used for the benefit of the snldt•rs at the front. Mr. and Mrs. Wlslsh deserve much credit for their patriotic effort. Coe -write -The pupils of N. R. No. R. Ootborue. are busy preparing for the concert to be heli in the school house os. November Mtth. A splendid pro- gram is being prepared. ronsietice of solos, dialogues, drill., recitations, to Meow'. and the latest patriotic ea. The Cwt local talent is hoeing see 'red to mist the pupils in the pre- . No 1Slee or energy le being beaked to make lbw event • d sue - eels. Proceeds to he partly d for palrwN ie put poses. Come.nsid encour- age the pupils in their good ork. 000ERICH TOWNSHIP A sewing will he held at the borne of Mrs. Walter Hick, Heron road, an Wednesday, November Int h. Anyone wishing to aa■let In ..wing for the soldier. at home may got rut -out gee - swats at the bonne d Mn. T. M. Jobleston, Taylor'. Corners. A$HFIELO. FOR Tilt SOLDIIRA.-The Ashfield soldiers' Aid Circle will meet on Wed- nesday, November 24tb, at the home of Mrs. Richard McWhinney, Division road, Ashfield. All ladies Interested are requested to attend. No member- ship fee is required but • collection will he taken with which to procure material to work. Mrs. Jae Oyer, Airs. M. McKensie. Mrs. R. McWhin- ney, executive oet..dttee. Or. Jackson's Raman:Meal Is a Food, Not a Fraud. Many en -called cereal foods are Muds. To prove IL try to live entirely t.pon them for • few days. Meet' live entirely epos Roma Meat. A recent letter from California says : "Dear Dr. Jackson : A friend of mine hes lived upon Roman Meal for thirteen months. His craw had- been pronounced bop,lese. H, is now In ppeorrfect health." No fraud here. Roxtan Meal le scientifically balanced by an expect dietitian 1t'. the per - feet food. and positively relieve. eon. stlpation. Ask your doctor Make it In porridge, pancakes, gems.i At poem', 10 and 16 rents. i'!bmmy." paid the Monday school ta..tsr, who had teen giving lessons oe the baptismal covenant, can you tall two the two tbiega neeemary to baptism ?" "Yes'm," said Tommy, "water and a baby. Fresh ny.t.r.. Btaekstome'., phone 310. Orders delivered. le a symptom of Kidney Disease. A wen -known roctor has said. " 1 never yet made a poet-a.ortem ez. tminat ion in a cane of death from Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys wereatfault." The Kidney medicine which was first os the market, most .access fol foe Heart Disease and alt i(idney Troubles, and most widely imitated 4 Dodd's Kidney i lits BISHOP WILLIAMS' VISiT. 111111111111111111 manfully under His banner, against ;••••••••••••« u the nb, the devil, original and inhr r- ited sin. It is not neeeagry to dwell upon what original .in ie, for each one knows how eau it is co drift down- ward and bow hard a struggle 1t is to do the right. Our physical coostitu- moms `m tion inline, us to give way to self. Net one of our appetites or pa.sioss is sinful in itself. but all are liable to be Invaded by the devil, and we must control them or they will control us. There are aloe appetites of the soul Stoves Stoves which are more dangerous than the appetites of the body. among which may be counted envy. iealousy. hatred. soder, pride. etc. 'Mese transform the soul into the image of the devil. The time will never come when we sed not watch, hut &ewe conquer once strength is gathered for the next con- flict. The third stemmas is to oontinue Christ's faithful soldier and warrant until life shall nod. A soldier's duty is to cooper the foe and to ver lost paces. The dell Ras ac- quired power over many pravinces of human life, his power is felt in the private. pr•Iiticai and international life of men and nations, and it is our duty first to see that he is prevented from gaining more territory and 'ben to drive him from the territory now controlled by biui. If the devil is seek- ing adwissit•n to your social life, drive bim out. Engage in nothing yon can- not ask God'. bleesing upon. While tbe soldier fights without the servant works within. The tasks of the church are not optional. You cannot he a good Christian and refuse to take your Confirmation Service at St. Georges share of the church's work. 1f an tries to "walk worthy" l.odericb would be transformed. One of the results of the present war will he that there will he • return to the serious things of life. God bas promised tbe Holy Spirit, the Comforter. the Strengthener, to all who seek Him. Robert Wilson EVES' Churck-New Attar Dedicated The Right Rev. David William., M. A., U. D. Bishop of Huron, paid a visit to Ooderich on Sunday and preached at 81. George's church In the evening, when be also conducted a confirmation service end dedicated the new altar to the service of God. The church wee crowded to the doors. Rev. J B. Fotheringhatn, the tutor, read the prayers and special pens for the occasion were inti{ped. Bebop 4% ilhams selected w hie text the works found in Bede -silos 4:1- "I beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wberswith ye are called." He bald in part : The word voea- tion was almost a word of the past, it meant • persons calling so life and presupposed that one occupied the position in life that be dotes because God had called bim to it. We are apt to think of ourselves as the architects of our own fortunes, but we should do our work more 1hot oughly. more per- severingly end more courageously it we were assured that our task has teen given us by God. it will assume more grandeur than if we merely Inok upon It as • means of livelihood. The question that will be a Aced in the last great day will be, not whether you WPM king or maw 1. bishop or lay- man, but whether you did lbe lash well that was assigned to Vee. Dot' the apostle was speaking not so letseh of our test in general es of our work in our church, or of our religious lite. 1 fear the vows taken by you at your baptism are practically unknown 1,3 you now. Wben you wen made 'It member of Obrist, a child of Gd .ad an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven" you were signed with the sign of the crow in cokes that yon, should not be ashamed to confess the faith d Gilt crucified, that you should fight man- fully under his banner Aad that yea should camerae Christ's faitbfol sol- • diger and servant untoone life's end. We may he ander t la pension that 1 we were led to Christ y the efforts d our learewte, our f *or the rector of the parteb. but God weskit bellied. Wows called to tytis� and a flrMiioa by the wi e( QOi i throng HI. Spirit. 'Ye have well chosen , but 1 have chosen you," said O► if we are faithful totter dutn. God will give the ncs.s.a,y equipment. Thore ore firer enemata yowls. Into doe Clntetiss'e life : Pint, that one melt met be ashamed to rentals (:ern seaway awes le the most trying sheathes et Nf, loft there eau he me went assiZtact thee yes woo o erill k. be knows by year • atiolhoolptt d Mrtst a Tsar public mad ' private ma Aas.adly, wears tis seat The Bishop then confirmed • clam of eight Rias. ail of whom were attired in white. He afterwards dedicated the new altar recently erected, and presented as a memorial of the late Ven. Archdeacou Elwood, at one time rector of the ptrish. Miss Alma Sturdy presided et the organ and a choir of mixed voiles led the service of praise. Now is the time to look up your Range for the winter. We have some- thing new in this Zine. GASOLINE ENGINES From * 4 t. 6p horsepower Windmill Pumps and Windmills Water Systems installed We have • just a few Buggies left at cut prices. Also a line of Harness, Horse Blankets and Robes, Wash- ing Machines, Churns and Cream Separators. eti Massey=Barris Shop Hamilton St , Goderach The Demand for the Graduates of Om '1_1..10Ti O Yong. and (-Merin. et.-, Toronto. during the last two months has been more than four times our supply. Enter now. Catalogue free. FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING -AND- Week Nov. 22-27 Special Bargain List for Careful Buyers MID Latices' Patent Colt (.unmetal and kid leather Boot., in bottom and laced styles, new heels. Our price on Saturday Ya following week 59.99. Worth a lot more. Girls' Scheel Bests In gunmetal, dongola kid, gni., box oaf : heavy soles, solid mirroring Boots. Wonderful value*. 31.19. $1.99, $1.99. 51.49 grid $1.99 per pair. chool Bodo Heavy 'waterproof Irethers,•h- solutely relIaMe and hard to wear out. Just the thing for your hey at school. 8'see 1 to 6, at $lobi 59.19 and clic., x to 15, 51.49. 1,99, $1.99 end $9.19. Mrs's Wsrkiimg Boob Ten calf, chrome grain arum calf, heavy MIM, solid leather Our prieea 51.99, $9.449, 59.99 std 53.19 per pads. Rubbers Just Arrived Rubbers Ihiipnt.st of children'.. girle , hoys'. bodies' sad R,.a's Robb,es,to .Ice at 449.. 970. 119s. See mod 999 per pair. One 'toot le ttoopiet• and new. New Method Shoe Walters & Repairing oCI . Telephone No. 220 G.d.ritk, Online Hoccewon to J. H. McClinton F.a.t Side 84oare Deal Store Teras Oseh S