The Signal, 1915-11-18, Page 3TI�I�tr
Ip11RITs 01
bound or repairsd.
des U SIGNALat WI Wang
bltrc+no. maw. Almada awl r,
TH. speciallet cameo'. aal
sdwaa ale. oat. 110•111 nod tercet. pt,,
la -
ams, reabsge and ressmatie ooadMese AM
Reis mem l wide et the kale. UMse at
tassdseeo, merger hel-oa and et, s.Andww e
da,r, At haSc.rads%. idedays
W natarattlms no
e: say males b as.eloubsR4
ass •trd oily. Reese ma
las.: list, a.a/ iN� ti
Ibratlord. .,pile wee: Chate4 lease s.
•tea.... to4pss..7te/p. et. TM•Noso
ises by seat
lett Qat Shwa'Shwa0�• will AM Meareapay .
laded to. it.rdeem leapbeeiella
e - -
1tAl s
rt .ask Block, Hamilton S1oet.
rare -- K
Real karate Loans and ID.ara.oe.
tl•ea e• the Sonars. ..coed doer Goss Hao -
tar. .rout. tioa.riel
seats puede to leas at keep rales
M. PaovDrOor. LC. J. L !lutetium
W. Pstooueoor. Ja.
B..CCAILiON. K.ewers .C....1�B.A RRIS
TR flueYU ar. thud deer
M Metes Warsaw of sack week 1s
eMss se Albeit Went 000apled by Mr.
issuer dike been • a.a. toe p.a.
cLKL.. tis liAlthOW. LLB., 1sAkt-
sTlOt, ateraey, sobater. etc-, Glebe -
Mew en ma ca toms nisei
II. lam. Weary Public .ad ties
roe -()ems Wow UbL I Ldo
D S 410 R A N C Z C o.-r.rra .Ra rated
tress peeperty wase.
11/ L.. -J. B. McLean. Prw.. 8satseth P.O.;
Jia V1.s Pr.a. Vectorial' P. 0.;
fries& a.c.-Tisa, asatertb P. 0.
prows --A McOregor...•beth ; Jeha
.arises. WIRtaeepy WI Riau.
��••doas stu'wii deemia; Jam.. 1tiass.
9•seh weed ; Robert borne, klsatsok ; Mama'
es . J. W W. Yee Hola..yWls x.
• Ae
kalcVC71stea .•W Witham L Swtoetb
Meddel. lS.brtb. Panel -holders am yrs)
sad__0g1.1a M�r ..rd. oso11p el a.
Y. J. M•ereh's Ck.1btsg &fere, CWfLooss,, IL
e etire Hirers%. nrs.Yw street. (4od•el05, or
J. It, Ra1d'e O...est Store. llynstd.
ei,000 1.... Amity le 1L O. CAM
Benistr Haatlem attest. Oedeelek,
MS AND Imonmute t MUM. Cuestas and
•easewr, Swum= awn latrvam. Liam-
: 7rbi w
(! (baba ofj.s.s dleo aO,S tee
pweeroa{nloRO, aastaX1U goers.: 11111 11-*.
sad all , aagsty�,bsaaa Dear-
reedhiesW a owl SL Davit's spent. These «l M
iwutukos i�. c asses
gg1UBR OF MAIt1tIaOL Wes/Ism
Potent Solicitor
lawyer111.11 ad Reed Patent Atsxa+r. PE
SWIM leis expetslem Is Camila W U.m. It
T111111101arla sad
sad willlety
le pallet sena
Expert William in wont wits, Pat-
ents Mieslilatl le all countries. 99 it.
Joann $ S Monbwl.
levos ow hr*.r.mrl.w
Brophe3 Bros.
lit Les/ha
Femoral Directors
aid Embalmers
Oedma eoatulty Mtadat to
et as blew, .IRM at day.
SISSS4f.Sw N. I..a..rVSS.SlISS
Ottawa, November la -Aar, the
Mw�..�wvea4 w .
b.. boss w
Cwee Imo now boss in wpm
mins Moult ti.Mhs and at no Hoa
duhig IVs prided hsa Lis Ylevlust-
mot .boirsr Z1b17 flet a lapped
"Mille I. of IsIegredimmengh-okem
boo di isto • of, with remit policy
Ooeersmat b.o boon at tAt�
labiate* lime os d /food wracks. IJtli.
with Meett el however.
Maas they
bMk ttb.y rwo tailor e-
pudiated i.1911. or Immediately after-
ward.. sod nosy, as a somemeemoe, leis
▪ y roptatatfw for i --..ea ossa.
UMwtl teWitm spars theme e m so, sed
n iggle wagging M ceded.
1.r tgwtple. ib.m were the eeasdal
suvelsWms fit the pubic is com-
tad85ss a.d the Davideom Oommiseio•
width grow out of them, an old story
n ow. bet smith recalling to point oat
that It was the Liberals wbo mired the
Ooser.ment o• to active repentance.
�We....ttbate M Maht c the
O.samlttaa Aa cowtiteted by
Mir nam Unglues it eoaisted of about
equal parts of taeh•ial experts who
aright know something •boat shale,
and of roan utmost lag persons who
might be willing to accept eoetracta
Everybody knew that was the wrong
way to build • Shell Committee, but
it remained for Uoyi George's ooa.-
misiooer, M:. D. A. Monier, to prove
Mr. Tbomae is one n' ibis I birt v.
richest wen in Greet Britain. Pre-
sumably be knows, thobgb be may
.not passe tier, the methodic,' Big Due-
ness. So when M came to Canada
and looked at the Shell Committee be
reergsiied at • gleitee whet was the
ma V er with It. Be soon shook the
worn out of that nut by convening
the Shell Committee from an inslitu
tion for private profit into • legitimate
munitions industry condart ed under
the supervision of the British teasers -
meat. The principle uoderljing Mr.
Thomas' changes in the committee
was the belief that the peril of the
British Empire °unlit not to he tit
prey ut looters and that a fair profit of
ray ten pet cent. was •11 that (trod
patriots were entitled to ask u(. a
traffic which was then bearing any-
where trote one hundred to five hun-
dred per Dent.
Since Mr. Thomas went away it is
currently reported that libel] menufac-
turen are not ao keen shout rontr•r.15
now that riches beyond the dreams of
avarice are no longer passible io that
detection. The Allies are getting 00
their feet in the .sat ter of shell pro-
duction and the grafters in Canada
and the United bootee eon no imager
take advantage of England's first.
fierce necessity to plunder her. Memo -
while there is no doubt that gnat for-
tunes have been made in Canada our
of the aheitiodustry, and it is now up
to Finance Minister White, by retro-
active legi-latinn if necessary. to •b-
snrb way heli the recess charges for
the common weak
If the Finance Minister does hie
duty in this respect he will probably
get enough money to pay the interest
on the war debt for the next See
years. This would be even better than
giving the tariff another Nutter -
which. by the way. it can hardly
stand -or imposing • Federal income
tax which would be Lard to bear, and
still harder to collect. Amolber altern-
ative is to single tai all vacant land
held for speculative purposes. But
there ie really so need to aggro al-
ternatives, because the Con.ervetive
Government will be fettik enough in
tax expedients.
in fact, taxes are the first thing they
think of -taxes that can be 'peeled
over the people and will not burden
their own rich friends ton heavily.
The other night at . patriot lc meeting
In Toronto, when people were promis-
ing this and promisiog that, all sorts
of sacrifices In fact, Premier Hearst
arose and in the heat and glow of de-
bate made a premise for Ontario -sew
taxes. That was the only thing he
could think of -it popped into his
mind quite naturally. Similarly at
Ottawa there will he no lack of tazrw.
The Government will think of theta
even before it. thiaka of retrenchment,
although in some departments of the
civil service there ere three root on
one man's job and the poor fellows are
rainy tripping over, each other.
Another cane of sackcloth and .she.,
donned late in the day, is the Govern-
ment's admission, not by word., but
hy deeds, that submarin.•e can be built
in Canada. This they strrmuo•aly
denied In 1910 when they were SEW.,
the Naval Service Act, but they eek-
nowledge it new. in fact, the have
•cknowledg±d it any time for the last
twelve mouths hack, because Mr.
Charles lichwah and others bare been
building .uhnarinee at Montreal for
at least that long. Thee submarines
bare not nosy been huilt but have
crossed the ocean and are now doing
duty in the North Sea, the English
Channel. the Dardanelles, and the
other pieces where they are most
needed. Their pictures have walked
boldly into the Ooia.rvallve news-
papers and nobody seems ashamed of
the fact that submarines are made in
Canada, or doubts that Canada can
keep on making them as long es the
nece si!y exist.
9tiIl another winter garment of re
p.ntanoe le the Increase of ('anade's
contingent from one hundred end /Oft,
thousand to two hundred sad fifty
thousand, which was brought about
not by the tore* and energyof the
Government, lett by the chings of
the Liberal press aed the boning
protests of Mr. Rowell.
inv.sri.My] it has taus to the Lib-
eral Opposition to potent mot to the
(ioverntnent IM duty sad Inst as is-
var4.My the Ooviawm..t bee dose Its
the v, when there wits sothlns els to
be dame It was also doe, noise
Freebie's**, to the Liberals, that
mmol rd taps was eat sad that the
new ream* mow thaws a auitoes be -
flew ids ewe eluding aro worts out, sod
the rwtss.t gg bees pas a sordtaI, mal•
t1W ...L. it ovuum if be dors% get •
ItIt's lid aomgle, et semens, to
w mo Obi meiV, r It baht
t1O+:uea 11141, kpes tbo
wosiden throw how bows s wtlssmw
The Owaesmat has run*f/ err
FVd. Help la Lydia E. Pilo-
ha e's Vegetable
Copp Write. c..ats.-•' Last Morsel
teas s e.mpisMi www. I W give. A
al= st Returnsip
better /r *Meg s
d time, as 1 was oath • sufferir
hem female troubles But I Mak Lyres
R Pi.kbeem's Vegetable Compound, •.d
Mdy 1 w is good bosh a and have •
pair ed tide hers two months rid and
p wlrog insay. 1 surprised doctors sed
ssljbbms for tb 7 all know wbst s
wreck I was.
'Now I am bsvthy, happy and
e st owe it all to Lydia E. Pln�i
remedies. You may publish this /atter
if yes Ilk. I think if mon lemma
used year rwn-dho .may wesId have
bettor be atth. "-Mrs. J. T. Coot, Lot
N.. 7, Caps Wall., P.LL, Caaa&
Berenss your exam M a dif3kult mor, ad
doctors bsvieg dome yes no good, do not
readers to serer without giving Lytle
R. Plnk5am's Vegetable Compound a
trial It sorely km remedied many
tweet+ et female ills, etch as Maamrea-
Sow alesestfos, displacements. tumors,
irrq-lentis., periodic pains, backache,
sad it may be exactly what you need.
The Finalise' record is a peed and
peerless one It is
• record al constant
victory over the ob-
.tiest.illaof women
-ills that deal oat
despair. It is an es-
tablished :fact that
Lydia E. Pinkham's
hes restored health
to tboosands of such suffering Asia
Why don't you try it if you need sofa •
meditios ? wadi
pointed a handshaker, extraordinary
and pleoipotentiary, Mr. W. K.
George. and be is doing hie duty
splendidly. 11e F. G.
Her Ides of It.
He -I am joining the Seventy-flftb
Kbe-.1y brother Jeck is in the
Iseventy Aux th. Yo g'ad you two hays
V1111 be Dear rich other.- lintoo
Tr anteript.
lretbs s Who Use This Famous Baha
Have Backing of Science.
Mothers wto oaf 'Lam-Huk, ha cause
they have proved it to he • splendid
healer, Well he interested to heir the
result of t test of Zsur-But hy Mr. W.
Lamella* •Menu, the great English
chemist. He says: -"I have made an
exhaustitie analytical examination 01
Las -link and find its native conetitu-
eats are of exelu.lve vegetable origin.
1t coetbine none of the impure and
irritating mineral drugs and animal
fats prevent in ordinary ointments.
The antiseptic and bactericidal Igerm-
destroyingt powers of this preparation
are proved by my tests to exceed those
of embolic aeid, yet Zam-lank neither
cauterizes nor inflames even a very
sensitive skin, hut ends skin disorders.
"I have no hwet,tion in certifying
the purity of Zito -link and its value
for skin injuries and disorders."
Mothers who have not yet tried
%►m -Bask should prent hy the above.
Zero -Bak is unequ.sllsd peer eczema,
cats. hurns, ulcers. running 'etre,
piles, cold 1.1,1116., chapped
bands, etc. .1.11 (1ru)r Ztate end stores
sell Zstn-Huk at 'se. h .x.:1 hares 61.25.
Her Business Line.
"How would you classify a telephone
rirl ? Is, here s business or • profes-
"Neither ; it i• a calling.- -Christian
R gist* r.
Twosome T, Normans 15, IOU i
GIVE "stem of VIGO"
DNleleus `Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender tette Stomach. liver
and bevel..
Look at tll• tongue. motbwr t V
moist, year little se's stomas, lever
..d 1141wels seed etesa01 o cola
71bws peevish. erose. 110dosb bast
slate mot w sot s.tewsUf, err Mvs'.
be. saws* sour, waw bad; b
son *roof, elerebo GIB M oath Reye
. -ssosio sbil M Valhi rola Iee�app M
11p."gel 5.stow bosses .1 55. 5.01,
est assn 115 nsliplbsil Ins*
a undiensist efw
UM bowels wbbs55 griping. sod yea
haw • alb PUPAS AM span. Ask
Cai*N/wt err a Nome bombe et
imp d 11s4' villa ea►
OMERibil rplwsliss. tor Wasik mw
6. al ale ales Rol air prommees.
T0vwmte Castle Marren
Heavy Boole. steers -.Fr .7 to $$.N
Heady Melee steers.... 1.10
Butaber.'. good ., 1.0e 7.1111
do. twdtam 6 . N 7.10
tits. common 6. N 6. M
Heifers. choke 11.90
7. N
to. gad 4 . N 7.56
M tlssiham 6.11 4.
logrear mew., choirs.. , 11.10 6.50
lam pus . 6. N 6.10 4.00 6.
Buis, aboie. 6.10 6. N
Bps good 5. M 6. N
ds. .IpI1-- 1.36 1.IN
to bedews 4.00 4.76
Fgders, tN le 1,110 lbs6.15 6.71
do. b.l� i . N 6 76
Stockers, 710 to 500 lbs 1.10 6.50
do. med., 1110 to 155 6.66 6.10
do. ttekt 4.76 1.64.
Canners 1.26 4 .
Cutter.. 4.76
Milkers, choke, .5* 71.11 110.15
do. medium M good 00,.N 71.10
do. common 46.00 N.11
Sprtagers61.11 111.00
Calves, vest. pod 5.10 16.36
do. methtm " 10 1.00
do. common 4.76 7.10
do. MS- 4.10 4.11
Yearling sheep 6.10 6.76
Spring lambs, cwt. 6.00 6 lel
Cull lambs 4.61 7.63
Sheep, ewes, light 3.10 4 M
Sheep, heavy and becks 4.10 1.2S
Cull 2.10
Hogs. fed and watered1.15 1.66
do. Ilght and heavy1 36 6 45
Toronto Orcin Market
Manitoba whestSLlmeaedlate ship-
hl►ment, No. 1, 81.13%; No. 2. 8110%.
Yo. 3. no•sinel, on track. lake port.
Manitoba oat- All rail.
Ontario potcta, No. 2 ('.W., bay porta
track. 48c.
American corn -No. 2 yellow. Tor
onto. track, 76c.
Canadian corn -No. x yellow. 74.
Ontario oats -No. 2 white. new. out
side, uomin.1; No. white, 3k to 40e,
commercial oats. 33c to 3k.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter. per
car lot, 96c to 98c; slightly, 'precut!
and tough, according to sample. 92c
to 96c; sprouted or smutty and tough,
according to sample. 7Se to 8v -
Peas -per car lot. a -cording to
sample, 11.25 to 81.76; No. 2. nominal,
per car lot. $2.10.
Barley -flood malting barley. out
side, 56c to 60c; No. 2 feed. 47_ tc 6=c
Buckwheat -78c to 80c.
Rye -No. 1 commerrI I. 88c to 90c;
do. according to sample. tough, sof
to 85c.
Manitoba flour -First patents. to
jute bags, 83.85; seconds. 85:%5; strong
haters'. 56.15. in Jute bags
Ontario flour -New winter, $4.10 to
14.60, according to sample. seaboard
or Toronto freights, 1n bags.
Mllifeed-Carloads, per ton, delver-
elvered, Montreal (slight.; Sran, 121;
shorts, 823; middlings, 125; good feed
flour. bag, 11.46.
Spot wheat -No. 1 northern, 11.16.
No. 2 northern, 5113'; No. 3 nor
therm nominal.
Rolled oa -- ,41',' her 003 of 01
lbs.. 82.40; In smaller lots. 12.60 10
82.60, Windsor to Montreal
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholesale prices to the
trade: '
Special (cart1l newlaid$ . 42 to $ .45
Extras (selects) storage .32 .33
No. 1 strslg'ut storage.. .30 .31
No. 2 .25 .26
Butter -
Creamery prints, fresh. .33 .24
Creamery. solids .32 .04)
Dairy prints .28 .30
Bakers' .22 23
Cheese -Large. 17%c; twins, 17%e.
Honey -Buckwheat, barrels. i%c to
^; tins, 7c to 8c; clover, this, 10%c;
do., 10 -Ib tins, Ile; do., 611b. tins.
11%c; comb honey. No. 1, per dozen.
12.40; do., No. 2, per doses; 82.
Poultry Live Dressed
Old fowl, Ib. .. Sc llc 13c 14c
Chickens ..... 11c 13c 16c lic
Spring broilers 12c 13e 17c 18e
Turkeys 14. 15c 17c 23c
Ducklings llc 12c 17c tic
Geese 8c le 11c 12c
Beans -Hand-picked. 13.50 to 13.25.
Potatoes -Bag, $1.35.
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle - Receipts, 7,200; active;
prime steers, 88.76 to 89.50; shipping.
37.76 to 18.50; butchers, 11.50 to 68.36;
heifers, 34.60 to 87.60; cows, 83 to
86.50; bulls, 84.25 to 17.25; stockers
and feeders, 15.60 to 7; stock heifer.
14.60 to 86.75; fresh cows and spring.
era, active and steady. 155 to 195
Veale-Recelpts, 1.200; active. 84
to 811.
Hogs - Receipts, 23,000; active;
heavy, 17 to 37.26; mixed. 17 to 17.10;
yorkers, 86.75 to 87; pigs, 16.35 to
86.60; roughs, 87 90 to 16; stags,
14.60 to 85.50.
Sheep and lamb»-Recelpts, 15.000;
steady; lambs, PI to 89.10; yearlings.
85 to 57.50; wether,, 65.76 to 86;
ewe*, 33 to 86.25; sheep, mixed. 86.51
to 16 75
Cheese Markets
Iroquota-545 boxes of cheiw board-
ed, 510 colored and 36 white. Bidding
started at 15%c. roes to 15tee, then
to 16%c, and finally to 15%e No
sales cm board, het all sold on street
at 15%c.
Perth, Oat. -610 boxes or white and
200 colored. All sold, 16 16-11c.
Corneal', Ont. -1,210 boxes of rotor
ed choose offered. All sole at 14%c
Pleton-Pifte.n factories boarded
623 boxes, 103 sold at 16 15-16c, ba1-
tae. refused.
Napon.e-- 165 white. 680 cobrsd
cheer. boarded. 16% bid No solos.
Brockville --1,310 colored and 738
.kite Rales. U colored at It%o
Chicago Live Steck
Cattle--Rer•.tpta. mow; market
weak ; beeves. 66.90 to 810.301, rows
sad heifers, 82.75 to 11.36; Were,
KU to 310.71
Mete-Rao54pt5. 46,000; market
went; light. 11.16 to 16.16; mWd,
X6.35 M .N; heavy, 51.10 to 37.11;
:6L 56eNss,.165. 33 3106; t. 34.g4gs. 11$4 to S.M.
k.i et
36.861; saint
MOM ISO le :Mk Its 1626: webs.
Winter Stocks all Complete
EVERY department of our store is moat complete and
is fully stocked with the choicest goods. We would
ask our customers to buy their winter needs early, as
goods are advancing steadily and all desirable lines
are very scarce.
Children's Etta and Gaatkb
Children's warm -knitted school Mitts,
cardinal, black, navy, brown, scarlet,
white. All sizes. Per pair 25c.
Children's knitted Gauntlets, heavy
make. Colors same as Mitts. Per
pair 25c, 35C and 40c.
Children's knitted Brush Toques, all
colors, 5oC each.
Girls' knitted Tipperary Caps, the
season's novelty, all colors, 75c each.
Boys' school Toques, all colors, each
Special Values in Women's Sweater Coats
36 only women's extra long length Sweater Coats. Special purchase; all
regular $3.00 each, to clear at $7.95 each.
Special Values in Blankets and Comforters
Union Blankets, extra quality, size
6ox80. Great value, $3.5o per pair.
Our special all -wool Blankets, full
double -bed size, 7 lbs. iv'eight, only. 5
pairs to sell, at $5.00 pair.
Special Value
Gree union and all -wool Flannels, in
plain and twilled, at old prices, per
yard 15c, 20C, 25C, 35C to 45c.
More New Waists
Comforters made of new designs in
sateen, extra well filled with good san-
itary batting, extra Targe size, $2.25
Real Eiderdown Comforters at $4.50,
$5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 each.
s in Flannels
Khaki Flannels, special quality for
soldiers' shirts, etc. Special value 39c
yard. Red and navy Flannel, at 25C
to 45c yard.
More New Coats
Phgan. 56 Millar's Scotch Store Phse
Buy Woollen Goods Now,
The followiog from The Otilliw Pac-
ket applies equally to conditions in
Coder ich
People who are, as far as possible.
making it &point to supply from pres-
ent stocks their net ds in woollen Roods
for aome time to come areuodoubtedly
wise. Orillia dealer., as • rule at least,
continue to sell at the old prices wool-
lens of all kinds bought before the
rise- The increated cost of wool has
made a sharp advance in factory
prices imperative, and woollen goods
bought from this out, until the close
of the war and for some time after;
will no doubt show an addition of at
least twenty or twenty-five per cent.
Canada's imported woollens come, not
from the United Stater, hut from
Greet Britain, and to the coat of wool
must be added the higher wages, the
tremendous advance in tweet] freight,
the additional "rate of insursnce,lthe
greatly enhanced value of dyestuffs,
and so on. "Buy woollen goods now"
is tberef?r.? good advice.
Just Try Them
and you'll know borne -made candies
at their Lest- the variety of tasty
surprises in each box of Edwards'
Vt. Hoe. Sir Bobt. Borden
Engraved and Printed by Special
May Be Obtained at Office
of This Paper.
This new pot trait of the Right lion.
Sir bohert Horden is the finest that a
combined effort on the part of artist
and engraver can produce. It is so
good that an expert would pronounce
it • band drawing from the highest
school of art. The original ptrtr•it,
which is life-size, hut printed exactly
the same end by the same process and
people as that bandied by this paper,
is sold for 11105.01)
1t is an enact facsimile of the large
Ane referred to. hut reduced in mile.
The portrait itself measures R inches
by 12 inches. and portrait with ho,d.r
IS inches by 18 inches The initial
cost was mainly expended in prodnc•
ing the original Mg portreit, which
wade it possible to supply the smaller
ajs. at • Aminal price.
This tine art piet tire of the Right
Hort. Kir Robert Horden M the latent
and moat lifelike lateness of the Ptim.
Minister, and ae • work of applied art
le unexcelled by any other process.
Tht effects are a combination of .teal,
stipple and crayon work.
We will &apply our readers with
these new Borden portraits at 36 cents
each or mailed to any address In Oss-
ada, (creat Britain or Udt.d Heat..
fret Aft eenta.
Ooderleb. Oat.
Business and
Westervelt School
VI 1 .1 "funding
London, Ontario
1.o1lrg, in'r..r.rr S.1)1. 11t to J..
at.+le cur Fret• riter an tun •
Ontario's !lest Business college.
Our loetr.cton. are eaperko.-rd. Pupils
get individual atteniioo and graduate- aro
Mated in position*. We aro receiving ap-
pll•.lbrt. we cameo( meet Student. may
aster at anytime. Mind for our frec cata-
egIe and ass 1f it Inter...t., you.
D. A. MoLACHL4 ., Principal.
Write for Particulars
Registrar. Mos. Bac. 1Dunehni Principal
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