The Signal, 1915-11-18, Page 11 TANI SS J • Ten Pages Ten Pages Seed The Signal Aionat. ▪ lEf,ell111.11.••1.Ins GOMBOS. ONTLRIO, TIQBSDAY NO`ENB,iR 18 1915 THE STERLINGBANK NHOME GREAT RECEPTION FOR WOUNDED SOLDIER SATURDAY EVENING. Met at the G. T. R. Station by a Ch.ee.. ing Throng and Escorted to the Court House Swoons - Aewrntw soldier Gives Th. Sig,tal bonne Notes of His Eaperwnc.s. SAVE, Because -- Setting a rood example bent your- self as well as others. tt 0.4 1 Storm Sash and Storm Doors Made any Size or Style. Order Now. - Shingles, Cement and all Planing Mill Products always in stock, • GODERICH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMES BUUHSNAN. scenes? w11) 113.7Iwultlt, 'Phone 47 A. P.O. les 18. • 4" ■ ■C]111l !MOO Protect those dependent on yaw bi taking a policy in The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada ---"Canada's only Mutual" : , A. G. NISBET C.JencA 115Or1 1111C1111 M! : REPRESENTATIVE 'Aorta l S0. T. 0. Bra 364 • IU PUBLIC MICR.IHCTI01f SALES. DIVYPS A2tD FANNIFIOI!I1L�df1 L A fa .it"X )tDlt�Ll; 051iWNW ialfiltw► efts. ♦ , I .mak, eland Qat --- rim*. oast .aces. r►wtryd Farms* w.w•m.b., belbk4M . wee.1. NO. Osis at 4.0111.16bus... wreck a stat. Ode etck enema* hetes Mesh* h* trustor 1t NOTICE TO CR1D1T0as. lea rata Marro we es mama or Lcsai..i Meet vuso.. Lave av vats Town a Oanatcw. of roe Covert ov Hutson. arr..rsa, oec%..p, • Notice to herby Oren. per.saat b the rs Meld et.t.tr of Oataalo, pet, Chs iso Do. tort an creditors mad *ober. kat rhic, maim • state O the rand Lowe 1 stn, .b..4 eeer sheet obs q b.;w DI f itM, satt�dbg teet, the , If ver► ,. William Pn,ttdhat of taws 1a the meaty et Here., the of the s•Id demisted. their pre. tan ▪ f▪ ar ra tf terser clasim• OMite- assataf ...sant. wed tae nature K lid ss) held by Mem tele taaeie. *at atter derb leave rhe well .zseu for will proved to the avast. M the said deceased seems o the o t he• e.ciUrd abbe\. bevies te- they dual sate [lav to the claims .f wok► ohne have �ety�, aiM Mat the aaaM ozot.t.rt will not ke bonne he the Oahe arae.. or any tbrve� lir est ha .r of w ione a�.et wile a her ad bp Y.datirh, wish lab gam .1 October. PIK IDIOOT, N a PROCDPOtrT. wait ter mid 1eest t jrAIR000DB.-MRB.4. NICHOLL. j(at. ellat M pe.p•red to do all ► Ind. ee(ayS.ttoat trN cot We er nw N' g•. .�gben ter ceders, •d.Nlae trent ...DAMP wM iasaira sir rale ss s sir tenet e ttttta.ae ever, ass 6 m tf KNIUHT, COMM OM CHIRO- . PRAcTIC. hes mese* a parmansat of et Mr rsrtNoce mem of seism streetsal Carate% redtmem. me been : Li to 11 a r.. ) to t p.m.. sod l is t p. a OearwtlaUes hos 1ftig ut..i.at. Tslm CARD OF TRAMIEl• 1r111D OP TNANKs.--UN MICHALI•' torenawl wylw1f 1 *Mb to s:- t tbasbs Ow the epi onpv, OPIIMMEM sae Amos W Meade mss Yisgay.art.al. Mw soli. SIOHAN. WARM. W �m A•rr*D. -»eiP111111rs, le1011n COT- TON mill �twladwv, astmaer �� Tlrla; ttr6,:tta. TAM l0. - fo >s I 1117T.ld- bun sax .L1, u a>Rg (�.wlrrwsM u7i Te tit* Farmer* of Huron De *r, N� pop at, webwvy 4r wheat Mto Me uerte else eet r_ firP .o ••e.lett N t emfawherMt- rb.end Is OM ant • • J. Z. LIXIMAV will seg br /OW Aee4aar at lase.•. hetes, Mosses. on Soonda•eNer.n.ber M. 011 mas s oine•etat 1 o'epick's►arp : Tee good pogo. e.ws. tadadlea tee o here e 1• Ueoember. and Germ al mod whiter test are good bolter. and rt. east p . tis ..rnen• tier deed /au.. all baler-broteagsi t. •slssdM c.. dittos lYems--ata worth.' credit wilt be gten. e. approved Mint mite. t dl.•aset at the sou a par cent. on .Gun .flews far LIKLSAT. THOdGt;1t110sT. I LBARING AUCTiON SAt�•�AsL��Bee��rOF 1i HOUSEHOLD frENIS1LI G,. Mi. CH.t9. DOOLITTLE will doll by public molten at to. re.l.teace Xtagcton arra. Dederick. on Wei needal, November pit., commencing ,.t 1.b. orlon k Mare. the o.eteat. of the houw roe•ivtlne of PA new Pcaatrt-ax.-IncluAt,tlt odd dent. chair.. Taney table . t•eg+. sortie r. picture.. *eddy lbw piano. Causebie rratosola and record... innraoaeoa.-Cveinem%table. katber..eated ebaho. where oo►tnet..idebserd. %Vamoraeleo euttaiw. e.tlers% gW.wue, elm Msnsonr rrwatrr.a.-leclud/ea twopase g ine settee of bedroom furniture, brass ant me moot beg.. toid.ng cot. lsegnpr. mrpet.. car• tains sod ....eta! pierce K Lsol-u.. Rrrctlsa IR' MXXITraa Ann t'raratri_la- Waging o.. Suptear. taogr. rene ktgft.. table, k1WaacW ..41.1.. (homage. ~don ►can, ✓ es, t.N+. lawn mower end .ua.eeg.;cease a lest will be no reeve. a. Mr. Doolittle 1. leaving Deeeeiob. Terms cask. Pte. Geo. Thompson was made the recipseot of an ratbneleatin reception 0s his arrival in under ich on Saturday omelet' When the 7 oleo G.T.R teed* polled in t•be station pito born and the adjacent open ream held a rherrIOK crowd through whirls the returned soldier with waren def leatty was 505 5.4 In 1 1, marriage in walling for bit. A procession was formed, in- humor es. e- rel- Woos Met [many fid,seligP.tr sweep of them rehmodart tram the shelled teems ass dela. lbe eight of whom won eery tllwtesdyt, yet sewed to aerie tbs MOM fat• the woo k before Mews. Attar blahs.tatkssed M Fleur bay wheat *OW weeks the British Meng. w:s.3 Ohm tied the Gas. [Baa ay1Liisa wedhsaslred to Ypres, whose hettor aesseemodathe was ,ti.rded and they were billeted la beta. Os the tearing of April 23 the troops went tidied art at 1 a.m. and Isarehed foot bailee toward the [Ming fine ; obey time deployed in ripen forbath& rate deg tbenselme in in • 'Weighed field. .11t 7 a.m. the order tu�dfadvance, flees and it was an boor later. atter theewttation bad ad - ants, that Pte. e comhet h shattered beck to a vstsa0 about 1, Thasspose was ple bhis aero Re wel s ditch with water tfi * by Pte. Hoist. Pleslwit, abs of Oad01111t. and there be lay for Ahem hoer. with abs 11s burst - his all around. It NM while Iyink in the doth that . 0 4be ploson had hie Ent experience o (]smear gr,., and a beckons ib throat still re. sults from that experience. He was taken from the (lite to the first hue dressing station, w e setup •rary rt.- lief rlief was given, a frau there est sent hack to 1' s, where his arm was placed in wire into From the time be bed bio .0 on the evening. of the }Lend be bit sr, acntriohnient, only same tea to k, umbo he its-' r;vrd at Popering five drys latera While in bospital Popes tog.- the. Germans shelled t iliing, in which' there were a nu ri their own wounded, and as Pte. Thot„iwon whet being removed the roof was torn off hy a shell. After brjng retto.ved frons; MIT. 3. IL PAI1FULL ORD*lNktO. cJti.la. Faster sat Apart 1. Ns warts e( delegate' wdrfey. A 004361.11 oersves.4 al ClIketsa Bap- tist chorea ea Tossed.y aReeuiss to esteem. aid u desire+ elite t• arAAeia sad set apart pahtoe .1. IL. Resister to Lbs work .1 the &pilot raiaiat rye Tee amused was compared ole 01 the Baptist rbowbeo of Obote*. Au- burn, Uuderi*. lirgowel, P•Iservtaa. Olasais, Stratturd sod dt. Thomas sad Rev. W. N. Norton. D. D.. swpseif modest of B.vUdt boom mktsloas in Ontario wad (tnebee. Nev. Dr. MuRh- soe, of Stratford. wee chews modera- tor wad Rev J. 1. Pamir, of Listowel. clerk. Peace Yelefell pee such a clear wad comes atateiisest of hie tall to the mishap sad his views or came - t tan t•ocirlae that vn y little glaestiow- isg was secrsttaty and the costsejl tut- aoimuu.ly decided t• grant hod fel. luwsbip to the Baptu Britt oic.y. Abet an tippet me sapper served to the council us the Sainstioo litany citadel by the oath.e tf the Clinton cburcu the °estimation war proceeded with in the foliowleg order of aervi-e : fI)ev. t anal.:Moires,Rev. (i.M.Hnintem, of lir ort rob. and pastor N. McCauley, of GI.wis'; serusou, lee.. U. C. liiltott of St. 7booms ; ordinaliva peeler and laying on el band. led by Rev. .1. B. Ps obi. of Li.tovrl ; tbaree to the can- didate and right heud of fellowship, etre. T. E. M. -Idiom. t f Pelmentow ; chat(;., to the church, Rev. W. K. N. r. too, U. D., ..f Toronto. The eertil'e was brought to s close by Kee. J. K. F.trtull pronouncing the neoed:rtion. '1'be member' of the council "!roar (io4erich were Rev. G. M. Holmes. and Mr. E. A. %Varner. this place Pte. Thonsesou ase in sec - (Concluded pi page 10. Have a cup of tee with (len. Br.,uah Chapter, 1. U D. E.. on Friday. the lath. Prg. (lido. THOtilps . eluding the 34rd Regi,n.nt band, tism bugle hand, a company of boys with rear lighted torches, carriages cont•inisg the Mayer and town councillors, Pte. Thompson and his father, Mr. Wm. Thompson, and any number of auto- mobiles Proceeding • down !lest stmt. the procession halted at the Court bootie, where Mayor Reid ex- tended. the civic welcome to Pte. Thompson and Mr. M. G. (':.meson, M. 1'., gave a vigorous address*. ]sir. Cameron also, st Pte. Thompson's re- quest, esocean d for the lett. r his ap- • preciet ion of the reception which had en etttrnd. d to him. The crowd which gathered 10 µreet t the returned 'whiter *tut . ne of the targets, and certainly one of the most entbti.iastic, Peon in G xlrrieb for. a long time, and there was no doubt of Ht. feeling entertained toward the young man who bad ritted bis life in the otos, cruse. • Pte Thomp.on's right arm, which ells .hstte,e.l in the Advance at Tyree in April, ia still in a aling, but bet home flit eyestnally he will re - ether the use of the member to a esrmiderable •11.01 Mr. Wm. Thomp.on, father of the returned soldier. met his sen at Strut- ford, and be was neutrally much Meowed with. the recep'inn which he found swatting them on their arrival at the atestioo herr. The Signal has since had A talk with Pte. Thrwmpsnt•lt,l.,.A ba• .tielt:ed the fotir.wu.g iofotmstioo tegardtrg his etre, ienees : Pte. Gen. Thompson rnlitted on August Mb, 1914, hi ir,g the first man from Goderich to j .in the overseas force.. After training Ger a time at Valcartier be went with the first Canadian contingent to $ngland and .poet the winter under tune.. at Sellshury Plains. in Frtwru try of this feat he crowed the Channel with his battalion And landed at M. faaarre, France, from which plate the mer were ab'p.ed in call- !tuck* to the town of Mere is. 7 his was a Iosg-'o. be-rernenlhered expel lenee, as about forty-five men were herded 1010( bar Ir each open -side truck for three deys with the temperature Mn. ring arum sero. Prom Morrie the regiment , marched so Ar menthes.. where they westditeet.ly into the 1ienchee with lbs British r.palwr., Ar•er Neing there some w.. -k. the Osnedtre l.tttal- loos were transferred to ,neer -Hay wad here took the trenches as a unit. While marching up to the ttenaba. Taus. GC NDRY, .l *ctlo.oer. i ILBARINO AUCTION BALK OF l l YAKM ST*X'K AND IalPLitIlt-V T8. Nit. JOHN BRSF-'4 will den by public aaction .1. lot 14. eonawian A e. I IJ (. 5nrn.. on Ts*,eaf. xev.siee lab, eamn.etn.I..* it I o'clock rberp : (be Inns', , y.sra sad ; 1 man, 7 rewash , I Li -. Lilly. tieing s )t aold ;1 cow+, du. to r dye In n'.�Gert ; t mw, dm to unite s. Larne ; a Meer-, , M ens r r. a . nod ; l ballet. rb erp trier. .Id : I tbiuouahored NOWA% ►all. ri...g 2 years eh! ; 3 •tr.sg carobs. 1 booed ear, :.t. re 3less. drat s y- ri W :I rrrt f tWreit hey tTo�ktq 1 kl•.rrHsrri. Mase cafo« cart. t avower Minot soft 1 Iran land roller, z wdkl.g plow., 1 g•sg aloe. 1 temp palter. 1 set bsbeiregb.t I svost. 1 +tack -rack, tense barrow, l Ma .� Hent. oslt4vaor 111 as.e.4rn1, 1 Ig box...rele..i a.0011. - raster, t NY noting box (Su Mel Ia..arf.. l bs..eew. 1, 1 gravel len. 1 bay tart 515,, p. 410 ISett 1 t Ire. a». 1 6.sdw hall. 1 smAer. 1 .tt moble harms., 1 c•oM1 •rmp}t M.araNr 1 water tr•wgt. t.r.rly mak 1 1 MO�s, • is of p ewer Ohm INowa, beetle., r AoeLi .tamww■ other ankles scala he odd. a. poprkte he. r weer. wear w Pe arra seder. rob ; *Mg lbM twelve waist .' credit will w ERZ•epaer•4 jet.t Mier A at veto par est. snored our M aa♦aw.l.. . J011I1 M=1.Timm. «Rl', FOR TAU ON TO ISIT gym uvf R To IIIIN(T._M 0 13 ICR N Ju sm twWamorA/stf w prAbotTroir hem as lae* �argst �aar �iai�rtI781 w ss.aw0 00l� seines esteWb.d rsjtR rl moi lot weirri ee sever 'grtraaw �..mwertM,,�a Ir s~�H,ti /. r ~ tl �j.emMlrM• Y M wa't� .. Mohs[ wer1iC'" • Milosw,Y 11 ta b�`(lmci ► s.a..nir y Ioef. to r too. motes. rev, M Mel sloes• rot winterw oso ade sea be R1NIT.-40!11 AND ONILM LOST 00 P05110. � � • (tA]tS ON To THB PRBNM50 OF uot aatan ,,a& nit otia Oaf lbws. IlsrsMeir, the oldlacus- wMY•t tw ■ ,ot �i...�.cm taw Mors Ole tato_ 71.Ss Ia Opera /ewe $sssuerow jhdsy) e...lag. p1Ax0 TUNING_ W. r. TA TWA. nowtb .uoet, (ioheefib. P. UMegde AI*bw to ei ental. M town. Io hpwa, *155: eatable Werk .coned • 5 r► • Atwwps W. a. Lgtls. MRS. D. MACDONALD President of the Goderich 'Branch of the Reed Cross Society Mrs. Macdonald, who is the wife cf Mr. D. Macdonald, a well-known and popular Govetnwent official. ova. recent- ly re-elected president of the local Imlach of the Canadian Red Cram Society. Thi., however. is only nee of several activities in which Mrs. Macdonald has employed her time and talents for the benefit of the community. She has taken • prominent Fart in the social and charitable work of our town for some year.. Mrs. Macdonald opened in (iodetich the Best Chapter of the 1. 0. 1). R. in Canada outside of the rite of Toronto. This orgaoization-the Daughters of the Empire -hes spread from coast to coast in Canada and hes a:•o wase. -branches in the United State.. tir.ii lion -politica) *nd non -denominational its inflneuce is widespread and most beneficial. The first work ttodertaken by Ahrn.ek Chapter of [tae 1. O. D. E..- the Chapter instituted by Mn Maodonal4- WISP the est ahli.hing of a hospital in lioeletkb, the county of Huron bring at that time without such a necessary in- stitution within it. innsd. R rm. u tt oK mea y difficul- ties and much opposition, Mir Matdonakl succeeded, with tbeabie assistance of the late Nn. Morris and of Mrs. Saye, Mit Slack and others, in procuring and equipping the Alexandra General and Marine Hospital, and banding It over, in running cyder, to the Howrits! Burd. The inestimable advantages and benefit• this in.titatioo has been to Goderich and the surrounding country have sbundaolly proved the foresight and justified the pbiian- thropy orf it. founder, and grateful patient's unnumbered may well revere the name of Mr,. Macdonald. Largely through the same lady's Influence, several other Chapters of Ilse 1. O. D. E. have tree instituted is • (lodaaieb.nd they have dose splendid work. Theo war has brought further opportunities of wd.l serve. which Mrs. Macdonald has not neglected. For the gathering together of the women nt Huron, resulting in the premotation of two field kitchens to the 33rd Battalia. and • goodly sum of *wtey to the ('.althea Ileidbr.' lio.pital in England. thio ipatblie-spirited lady has again to be thanked. and as president of the Gaderi*h isoh of the Canadian Ked Cross Society she has hien i Mati- gable. TANorganisation, which teelwt.. matey whole - pouted and energetic women of Goder(eb, boa dams woeder- tul work for our siek and wosadd soldiers Ili lrkain sad Frisbee.and Mrs ttasdosrld watts tenches thee new eaorgy la furthering the geed tame. Ondoelab may well he gravid of oar towsawwraon and beton hot soma. TAR rtSNAL ra1lITT1w 00., UNWED, P .eases THE BOYS IN KHAKI. Ler. La Whitt?, u. T. R. brake- less, has satiated toe the 71st Overseas Battalion. Me: Nevem H. Neale lett yesterday to joie his cowpony of the i Ise Batta- ltos at Galt. Christmas* parcels have'een sent to all the ewer cossetted with Bt. Gsorg.'s church who are on oversea* service. Capt. Cyril Carrie, son of Mn. Car- rie. of tows, has bees appointed chap- lain of the 26ib Canadian Battalion, now at 8boructitte. Among the soldier, who visited their bootee here this week were M. j r Dunlop. Lieut. Proudfoot, Lieut. Elliott, Pies. Ilei 8watta, Wm. Walpole and Sam Ward. Yr. Angus McNrsin. who has ieen is Ib. railway mail .rrek-e, has taken up anus for King and country and left lett week t. r %Vo(wdstre•k. He will be attached to the 71.t Battalion. 1sorman Mcl.eod'a parent. have word of their sated arrival in England milli the tItth liato.lion. Norman, who is• .lntetutsr, aaa with the Bat- talion at Va carter r4 summer, , Mr. and Mre. Andrew Mtli(en hive jest received word ensu Ibeir son, Mr. John C. Killian, who is studying at Toronto for the ministry, that he btu enlisted with one of the Canadian l -.t - talions. Mr. M. P Lute, of tbe3ath Kootenay Oversea* Battalion, has been visiting his parents. County Clerk Wm. Lane and Mrs. lion*, Ihis week. M. P. was with the Bank of Commerce at Beret - stoke when he heard his country s call. He makes a strapping/ soldier. Saturday's casualty list contained the name of Driver Alfred W. ('rrttnp. Goderich, Ont.. stttr•hrd to the Train- ing Depot Engineers, who was re- ported seriously ill. (`rump is not a tioderich man, but it is said his sister www working is Goderich last year and she was probably recorded as his "next of kin." A mblegram hes been received In Toronto letti` that 8tuf1•Sergr. Dou. 0. McOillienNy. of the 1st Canadian 1014 hospital in Fraser. sen of Mfr Tb.., letOillfawddy,'severely. of Gode- s' imitrm-ow a't n C.nadies hospital, lib 111fe. Ahnul eight months ago. as the ae-ult of an aecidentwi prick of his thumb, Merge. McGillicuddy suffered flow a badly •woken retro, and be Ilea never fully recovered from the tozist effect., a1 though 'since that time be has leen doing strenuous hospital , nap duty, .ed has leen i ecomtuendod fors com- wis.ion hy his cawmanding officer. One of the Goderich h,ys who receutly enlisted received •letter fr. in Sheriff Reynolds of which be is very proud, and of which The Signal hap - moire to hear. While modestly declining to allow 1 i name to he publi.bed. the yo.ing „uidier h Aintree it may do hone good to when to read the letter and may pos.ibly induce atone otter young feilows to enlist es he has done to battle for t.be right. The letter is as follows : Desalt -,-Allow me to congratu• late you, and tender you my best wisher, on your enlisting, and.. hecont- ing one of the [toys of the - Battalion who are going to fight for King and country. Your vol- untary act shows you have good red blood in your veins, void of the yellow streak, and is a shining example to the many young men of your age in Goderich who have yet failed to measure tiptoe your standard, and some of them no doubt think they area little superior to you. which ie w great mistake on their part. Now, toy boy. we older men here feel quite proud of you. and the rest of the boyd kern Goderich, who have enlit,ted, and trust that you all will prove to he an honor to your country and a credit to yourselves and friends. A man who knows you said to rue today. -If - -gets the chance, be is one of Ilse -chips who will earn a Viet nein Cron. " Anyway, by offering to •'du your hit" you have earned the respect of mon than perhaps zou tu.ty Think, and nn -white feather can h- found on your cost, like others we know of. Now,-, that you are tinder military control, do your duty' like a man, behave yourself, keep your temper, be amenable to discipline•, without kick- ing. and you will ise ripe, when t .ur chance comes, to avenge tile• foul mnrdrr of the Britit') hospital n o.e. Mies Cassel, by lbos* cube -blot hid, heartless and cruel (demean murder- ers, which feeling should stimulate you and every other British and Can- adian soldier in the Bmpire. Cloud luck to you . Yot.ra truly, R. O. Itartoins. To men who share, we have every- thing for your needs. B. R. %Viotti, druggist, tiodericb, 1t is time that you oommenred to think shout photos for Christman pees- ' encs. The Brophy leaden is the pise. In go. Now is the Urns to g.S i► hot water l,.ttl.. We bays a nod sew stnek of the ail rubber kind. R R. Wiut. , druggist. Ooderieb. 1f it's quality you're s.ekiryt visit &dietd'a We ell the bighwt q.aiIty lee meant and confect itlssry. Jas. it, Limn and wire as fys ynu'y order Isere M a�sarly dal. Order. do - HURON -BRIMS BATTALION. Meshes el RegraeaW oicets at Wing - hose -Recce rag league M Be Permed. In connection with the project foe tis. !urwatloe of • bee batudirw bon the counties of Huron and Heuer, for oenema service, a joist me.Usg of officers of the Huron and Braes militia regiass.N was beid at Win/thaws on Monday The following were present From Hurur-lea jos Combe, Shaw, McTaggart and Hays, ()aptaiss Hea- men and Sinclair, Li.utensate Town, McL,aa aaa Campbell. From Bruce -Major Hay. taaptaius Klsib. Lag - ford, Deward, Fowler wad Houston, Lieutenants Savage Hep, Utile and raitl.on, Mayor Leppert, Walkerton, Mayor Irwin, Wioghass.and Mr. Car- gill, of Cargill. The following resolution w.. unani- mously and eothursasticelly retried : Moved by Major McTaggart. seconded by Captain Klein, and resolved, that we, the eomwit'seo representing the officer• of the Huron and uce niers... petition the Minister rof Itilkfa and Defence fur perwi.atun 10 rale a regiment fur uvetsrau service to be res. -roiled in the counties..? Huron and Bruce and to b•t commanded by 611- cers dt.iwn from our own unite, and to fa.- Mate the working out of details .1 c rganizition that s j.ont commit- tee he bunted consisting of Major Coil t. anti MaJor Hay end two °IS - erre Irons each regiment tit be nomin- ated Iay their tesprcliie commanding u Mcer-. It was decided to rvgne.t the rounty councils of Huron nest ti• tier to tit gen- ize a recruiting Iengue with th• rievcs of the muuicipwhtirs as chsinuen, and kthat grants he reapiest.-d from the ounty councilw when they meet in December. Every member present offered his service,. to bin country and all were enthusiastic with Respect tu the organ- izing of the new regiment. It ie eeprzted that when recruiting begins there will not he any great difficulty in securing the tem -seem, volunteers. GODERION PATRIOTIC FUND. CORsEoTiON. In the tit.t list of subscriptions pub - fished 11. J. Turrnr, 115, aboubl have read : Harold Turner, (leasee, N,J., titer. WtLLtwxs, Treasurer. Dominion Government War Loan. The Sterling Busk t.f Canada is authorized to retire applications for the Dominion 0,vereeuseat five per wee know" Lrcksow Sentinel : Russel Ione, a graduate of the Toronto Aviation School, was a Senday victor at the home n( hes astir, Me. James Irving, o1 town. !ie lett Monday morning for Utiaww, and within • abort lime will evil for England, where he has en- listed for 'oriel Mit set vice at the frost. Mr. Lane btu been In the Nest for • few year•, bet his early home was on the boundary toad a few miles wait of Lucknow A twin bother is also about to enlist for overseas servile, and R..h.rr,, the oldest brother, ham eenlieted at Winnipeg. Russel is a well -set-up, wide -awake -looking young fellow of about twenty-tbree. He is much token up and greatly delighted w i h bi+ new caning and ie anxious to get to the float- He and his brother bad a garage in the WesL The young man is & nephew of County Clerk Wm. Lane. of uoderieb. Bao.-ing rhea Tuesday evening at Blackstone s. The best yet in photo mountings for the Christians trade at tis. 13r,pbey lit ud io. Brushes .cake .en.ible gifts. We have a Mush for eon y purpose. 13 M. WIt:Lei, druggu.t, li.rurrirh. An ouore of happiness in w meth more then • ton of hard coal. BORN. Rf41+ At k.m'(OSP. e. t:, o. U•tober 3tb, toMr. ,a4 alt.. K. J.Moen aMO. MARRIED. CILA VCM-LII0N.'RtI.-At the ;.sour of the beide'. p•ernl.. Lint n avenue. (lode tot.. au November lab, b1 Ret. G.o. K Rs., K.A.. 11. to.. t'hsrle. arn.,.t I raven, 114 Iue• ,oil Mich.. and Al rtant 1..ta1, d.uaLser of lA r. n L r. Jame. am.•. Iron sane 11t'41)w'- PL'1TLtNI) At tett b.. ere of the belle'. parent., en R'-O.e.,tay November 1Ttb, by Wow. J. W. Hooky, (;t 4, ., only 4.,,g, c- -r %Sr. :, n.1M • J. If Irntlsad rt Mlle. to 1'lorron, for tow, only son of Ar. end Mr.. Jeb, Un -tow. DIED. Jon •ort,N .1t Auburn, en Tnsdwr, Ve- , r roper Int Sarah P.• ran, be ut:nd wife et Jame. JMn+ton. aged •r year.. 1 month and Jt was+ t It.UO.-on Nnreu.,wr MA. al b1. lat. rod - reeve, 1N MeYork. 5. err• etre. Toronto, rrl renkk K. K 1 swag, 4111141.rf � 1. lata Jame. C .tai Martha (:ta(g. of ci,dericb. aged M year.. GUNORY'S AOCTION SALE LIST. !.art an. r. Nor. et --'•irirfwut crepes . J.•f tbMtr-0.. bard .f cattle at {aee•*y Go lei kb. J. R iwata.•r. proprietor, us;ry mems, r( chiesrhg *sldMwr .ale M bow -.bold fn inns. Rn. .sty ef CLatae Dom-Mtg. ICI w rest Tt'itwoir. Nor (batit.g ladles Ale ef how web and w. ip t•. M' . (i15 Ismer. let It. lin K. D.w.Jemm NEW ADVERTISE NTE- Nov. ISM, Hesse to Rea -N. W. Nett To ibe rasaan et Reese estray+w. G, Po A'l =Mew....Q.................1 Liu a irmsei_astaminw lgggpp