The Signal, 1915-11-11, Page 9• • THE SIGNAL : GODFRICH ONTARIO YBWIIM DAT, Novae/mu 11, 1915 • ihmairedend Fifty liter " emery a goner else. They teat that ie trot eel M7 about them. You ►sow 7 • perMiicel publle►ad Mt toil of timowaetieg modes, • shoe& Mousy la The Youth's le a time waster. Take el O. A. Btepb.a, It woad le =out ewe frees which hears somethleg =slut and =Wag. cl tie Companion stories re- =�m�t knowledge of ge.Respby ; yea the •yeteries of china- ; peg reveal the secrets of S aida garersl farming. Thee ao • WKS ranee. They are with so rye to the pommbb dreg, member of a Ooapsn• IA vigorous scums rattnimg adventure for boy., of college We and domwtie for girls, stories that tial the wit s forom m steno or f There are no stories quite the= la The t)umpsnton. 700 are not faieUiar with The as It la today. let is seed 1g1steeple copies ted the Forecast subscribers who send M"../ for WO relive free a copy of The ion Home Calendar for 1916. addition to all the remaining It►15 from the time the subezriptioo teaehred. ME YOUTH'S COMPANION. Boston. class. New .ubseripttons received et this Some tarn who hoast that they pat they go never tuansge to get very A BWilleani[ The thea et Mabry tisap sakes a eethrilY�vWits �'�a1f Bea v= sic Iml sit mitemets ell iabee la few .creel& after taw at,L oo 0tM mSLL— lIFE8U0Y HEALTH Y 50AP Ai . Quick Sale of Flour by Telephone! ADE,'.LER called the Belgian Relief Com" mission by Lcrg Distm:ce Telephone --and -*rime milwtea sold 2.bu"O barrels of -flow for delivery to a relief ship about to sail. There is no agency that can put the business man in a position to seize the cpportanity like t':c Long Distance Telephone. uy its aid he often can make his own •opertunities. Apply the telephony to your business study tt-ays and means of reducing expense with the help of Long Distance! Erery Dell Telephone is a Long Distance Station The Bell Telephone Co. OF CANADA. DO IT NOW! Don't Wait -Phone Robert Tait AND _- HAVE YOUR HOUSE WiRED BEFORE ' THE WINTER RUSH BEGINS, AND .1111111 AVOID THE RUSH >iL"-95"1""vem, All wiring done by the latest Hydro -Electric rule. T All work guaranteed. T Electric repairing of all kinds promptly attended to, at rea- sonable prices. We carry a complete and up- to-date line of Electric Fixtures and Supplies at all times. ROBERT TAIT Electrician ELECTRIC RANGES and HEATERS 1 SPECI.4LTY Oltk. Sl --JUST PHONE—Modes 1a THUNOERSTORMSV LAME BACK Spell Edo" Tremble Sing Scientific Explanation of0.2",:,7,,„=&71„,"7,`„A„,1 Now TheY Occur. -.-tee snits le amide. Tesr�lls�awess el mdse. GIN Pius go el the br#ecl s raid .w s.4 assts w an./ bidder ethos ! r Pef4Y•s•t slid �� Ape YIN THE CLOUDS. time • mos and woos tele Me Use wit with �odsr prier r weed' besting w stop tech aid (h ere. ss get a hate read, ties band ..w ten sad versh is r The Prisoners by Which the Masses •f Umiquaily Cltaes•d vats a Are UniMd, the Lightning Flashes Gen- erated and the Downpour Started. LIgbtatog k Lbs result of electric dis- charges tram the clouds. says the Eho- telral Experimenter in printing what 1t caU. "a thunderstorm primer." Every cloud, like every other object. metal= eiectrictty. This makes no disturbance so coag as the guilty contained la normal When the quan- tity becomes greater than normal the object is positively charged; when it becomes less than normal the object L ategauvety charged. The equilibrium .1 the electric force In the clouds as disturbed by evaporatlaos from the sttttface of the earth, by changes of temperature in the atmoopberic vapor, by chemical action on the earth's sur- face and by the friction of volumes of Lir of different densities against each other. When clouds charged with tbe•oppo- site electrtclties approach. the forces rash toward each other and combine to restore the state of equilibrium. for all bodies charged with opposite electrlcl- ties attract each other. Between the clouds Is ale, an excellent nonconduc- tor. through which the electricity has to force a peonage. The violence with which tt dues this produces the ti=lt• 0Inr and the accompanying crash of thunder. Clouds are goal cnndu;tors, whP.e the a!r about them 1. a nonconductor; therefore the electricity accumulates Lu the ckuis. It 1+ probably this elec- tricity which prevents the parth4es of water from uniting together ani falling down in the form of rata. imagine two clouds near to each oth- er. In the sky. ,one peeitive!y and the other negatively electrified, f..e there cannot la a!1 nature be such a condi- Ora es that of one betty positively ex- cited without the .Coetletenee of aa - other body negaUveiy excited. If the pasltlrely charted etond erose all alone to the sky the cltramjgcrnt atmos- phere weall assume the regiri:ve func- tion. Bat as the other 61064 As near by 1t Lec..mcs ne,mtlt-e, ,and. 1,oth are tnn- 1 tnally at:ractel They approach each • other until the >Fpaee of ar between them can no lon,-es r.•r.:>st their electre tension, when the dIsrtrar:e totes 1 plan. ' The equilibrium of the ci�crls being thus restored, there it nothi. r to keep the particles of water 'mart: they cone less -e it.to drops and fall as rata. Whenonly the -clouds are invoiced the equilibrium is quickly restored by a few dashes and the storm is over. When the air also is tnvnlved It con- tinues to charge the clouds with elec- tricity. and the discharges continue un- til the carious strata of air are brought into their normal state. Sometimes. when the clouds are charged with an opposite electricity to that of the earth, a discharge taker place from clouds to earth or from earth to clouds. it to only when there is a great disturtntnce of the electrical forces that the lightning flashiv to the earth or vice versa. The flash and the thunder peal are t imultaneons, and we see the one be- fore we bear the other because light waves move far more swiftly thaw Nand wares. The peal of thunder is ' IOstantaneous, but comes to to as a roll through being' echoed from clouds me mountains. The noise as caused by the vibrations of tbe air rushing to till op the spaces where the electrical dis- charge has rarefied it and condoned Its vapors. Lightning 1s zigzag when It trays= through a long distance. because it eompremes the air. which interferes with its direct course. It is straight when it passes through only a short distance. It is forked when. being re- sided by the air, it divides tato two or three points. It is sheet when the dash hi too distant to be visible, and its re- daction ardaction alone is seen. By remembering that sound travels a quarter of a tulle in a second. wbtie tkbt travels so swiftly that we see it t4afantaneoasly. we can tell how far se a thunder clap is. If we bear a thunder clap four seconds after seeing the hash we know it ls a mile away. Per such calculations our own pulse is a go/ciently accurate measure of time. far the puce of an adult beats about mace a second. A person ander forty sbeeld count five beats to the mile; a pram ander twenty should count de beats to the mlk. adlins Tway basal aespec beretAresidIsAibee. el twar%atrs. $.S "I bee sever read say trails with .y back hats." be says. If yea taw a Isar back—or say sags of IlShsy train at IN PILLS 4r.talosad wet tits drg for sal—d eery less rusreateer to give sadist ctlaa er your .ao.7 bstk. Trial trwt- sssst tree it you writs National Drys & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Tessa= • Oat. Is !0s AND COMMERCIAL Printing?the %pat WS SPEECH WAS SNORT. It Was Abe R1gla t. doe ""164r ..+ the Jury Did the tuna A Chicago lawyer tri of a ptteessei . Mg .honor/ la a circuit eclat d am Lt iiela cooed/ asses Jean age whims MIRY education had been dateeOstg les who was se shrewd aa4 'beg h egad" that hew mere dugongs *Magadan meld be treat et the bar t• that re At me diens he had arimined the to dkt>tals= et a mats fir that. The amount alleged to have beam =else was $5, and at that time the pawky for stealing $5 or ase was tatgrlMn meta at hard labor Is the pealteotlary. For st.eatlag lass clime that agamont the punishment was eenenemst ia the county Jail wtttsoet labor. The evlisce proved bryeed Alrp-M the theft se a five Malar note sue the State clank of China= bra the prie- oters counsel brought several best• nem men to swear that it wan not worth its face valor in gold, bet all agreed that in ordinary tranaactloes it would pass for Vs Over this testimony the prlsonefa counsel quibbled for two boars while the prosecuting attorney Ustened in patience. When bis torn came be aro= and de- livered himself as follows: "Gentlemen, I hope the learned coats lel won't get offended if I dou't talk brat just one minute. All I've got to say s Mia: The prisoner don't pretend to deny that he stole our money, and all he asks of you Le just to gtve blm the privilege of stealth' N at a dime countr' IIe sat down, and the jury sent the thief to the Leuitentlar7.—Cass and Comment. Mre. 13oshl.hell beat() that her tient-hued conk, the pride and Ply of the kireben,'waa shout to take another Plunge into the metrimonirl .ea. ' • she decided t r son -et -tans the truth the report, ••l4tt*ndv," she aid, 1 heir it rumored that roil ate going to Ise rninied again. this tiune to 40e." ••N.;n•, 1- ai•it Ravine git mebrie•t oiK ip, V i•s t.•tev, " replied tlirandy. "I kmda Fi►r J, e, tart i am' t gwit•e *ashes-, hien.' "1.Vhal'a the trouble' *•keel Mtn. foebyslea.. "Ain't no croon?... Mite Luc)-," said, Miran-le, ! "t•ut y•; tee 1 do+'.• been m+hrietithe times already, au t r tell yo' de %tuif i't4&-Erin mighty richer plpiri out go, d money fv.dem undine akeh..' . -• -1 They were n▪ trout the temeln •.t, raw- est lot of recruit. the .esteem eve- ba,1 to trick!,. file worked hard at them for.tt+t•e•e hones, end at Lott t11ought they were getting into aorue scot d,f •hope. eO he decided to batt. them. "Flight t urn l" he barked: Th••r, bef.ne they hal rest -ed to racer. eon.° another comer ; "Left turn !" One yokel slowly 1.ft the ranks anti nlatle off tnwar+t th..bistratk room. "Ilere yeti !' celled the sergeaet. sorrily. "where a•e you off to'!" .•Ah'vehad enough" replied the r. cruit in deigmoted tone. "'l ha elee.ne knew Ors own tuind for two minute, run- niti !" A Rough Criticism. Lard Houghton's epigram on Slot. Mlles" probably the most obscure oe fa.vwateg's poems. though ft has often gems the rounds, is worth recalling. Odd Lord Boughton. then only Dicky Mllees. "There aro bot two lases ti 'Bordello' 1 can understand—the first said last—'Who will may bear Bordel- ls'e other told' and 'Who would bath Magid Bordello's .tory bald.' and both ars tabs" Finger Print Lova. "Why do you think you'll Ise happy tt res marry that Young man. daughters reeled the father. "Because, father. we've bad our ea- ger prints etama.ed and they .hence match," was the sweet rig thine* reply.—Totten oteessam - Let cit mbar that j>+tlt'e ttgtlst >. unseen mr00 Si nee Isirge .-0tps "Noel Days" Mean School Shoes TECHNIC OF PAINTING. 1 Modern Cetor -Methods and Thew el the Old Masters. Many persons think that the paint- ings by the old rna.tcrs owe their per- manency in some degree to secret proc- esses now lost- In tae Journal of the F'rauIlin tustItute Dr. \intimi:tau Toch whits out that as a matter of fact tbe old mastirs-used only We.e few colon 'madder. fur example,/ the permauency of which was well e-tablLah.+1, cad that they avoided mixing co:ors known to hare a Lad c cinient effect oil one auotber. • incidentally he descriers the schen• title methods or .detecting later day copies. Zino tithe, where flake whirs wonky have been used. prutoplasmiere- mains In the cells of the wood used for the picture ,and the teinspa:,ncy.of the bitumen la the shadows an. proof;' that a picture is not a genuine autl- tigne. In. setpe t to deterioration the apthor menti•,ns the bad effects of smoke and iuodcru gas furies and. aft- I er,aayine that either light or darkness may bleach a 1 icture, points out that some picture+ that have limn kept In the dark can be restored by placing them in bright sunlight •.o Finally Dr. Toch condemns those modern painters who substitute the collapsible tube or palette kutfe for tbe brush on the ground that the flakes of color thus attached to the canvas will crack off and become detached If that method bad been used by the an- cients no trace of their wort would now exist &F"'"'"""nils===1••=:==t% McLEAN BROS- 0 PrepareJor Winter 0 q q Your New Overcoat II is waiting for you here. 1.1 t Large shtick in light and helve weights for you to choose from. Our Overcoats are well designedand well ■ made of good materials: They are 00 II also reasonable in price - - CALL AND SEE. - II II n q 11 ■ ..sed We are headquarters for chool hoes Our stock contains a large assortment of Solid and Sub- stantial Shoes for boys and Rlrl:. wilt for service. with due regard to comfort and appearance as well. No- where will you find. a better selection or better values. Bring the Scholars Here! Wm. Sharman Corner East Street and Square Goderich Flu -s and Nhnrthanti Westervelt Schncil e et,. l..,n.l+rrr Ont The Heroines of Novels If I were his ,Satanic majesty and a novelist came to me for Judgment I should beetle my brows to a horrible manner and quiz blm thus: "Did you ever make your beret= eigbteen years old'. Did you ever en- dow a maiden with the repartee of Pinery, the tntnitiu of Blavatsky, the carriage of Garden. the hauteur of the Medici, the beauty of Aphrodite and the wisdom of Athene--at.l at the age of eighteen yearer If the novelist answered me "Cer- tainty tataty not!" I ahead my, "To hearer with you.r" But if he answered, "Sure. I did!' I would blast him when be stood. For of all the tniqultons, fanaclome• entatr and dangerous doctrines this lakes the icing off the cake—that the female species reaches her apogee at the immature age of etgbteen--Oeorte Weston in Saturday Evening Post Typos of Feet Among the various races of emu, three types of feet *tear. Certain pears races have one type of toe watch le characteristic of each race. Thus, rho Lulus, the Basques and probably most pure Celts have the even toed foot while the Papuans, the Boscbmen and a number of African tribes, as well as both ancient and modern Egmptiaa,. have the arch toed foot. Many Euro- pean uropean nations, however. have a mixture of the three types. But It is certain that among the English. and probably among the Germans. French and (reeks, the even toed toot Y the com- m.smt—Strand Magazine. Reward of Writer. Writers of nonfiction today seldom fare more handt+omely than did Chief J'Mtice John Marshall. who, 110 years age, reeelved $40,000 for his life 01 Washington. After Stevenson's death the royalties on his books resonated *eery year to ten tones the stem M bad received • few years before. The Sweed1ek. Bo powerfnI Is the jaw of the sererb• fish, from whtcb tsword projects, that tt has been kn to attack's( ream= to pierce th gh oak timbers to the depth of ten Inches. Tho Ceesseks. Fre matter how old s Comet le he Mesas to *he reserve forret of the "eatlnoal defense' In Resell an` 1t re - gutted. acetxnpenfes bis toes sad geese Sees to battle. McLean ` Br -os. Semi -Ready Tailors ii The Square, ILL 1= a ==11 • Goderich .11 Mae. Tnetn and t W Cal',' tor- peal :1, 4rRaw F,t• t•i.,s .bel •. 1 • ear et -`a r. five 1....'. Caa.da-.+ • „i Ca.tr '.• a rtlarr(ta, • Sai n , t - a,..1 treat as +s-^ r♦ net..1 ?sttee�ti�w s and it nal• wear* til w w nt.e% N" .�1 CanaM a•!:r •�•t,.:al w).- Iia ♦eel rN.e nrnabM n...u.. ' _tea,• R wSo 401_ en M s class r „ M. a•ld+• 11.aY:tit. 2,.61.. .. .: 4 "env. tar►1. •,.._.e f tel Cit AG. raja~ ar-ia: pt:,4 1•Ite tC-,tr•+M .:m •ant sacs ux tielrr•r. 1 t• 302 I':. tam Building T 0 T:O NT 0 Make Preparation FOR WINTER If you want to save money on your coal bills and at the same time have the best results, buy the best Range on the market—the HAPPY THOUGHT. It will do more work on Tess fuel than -any other range on the market. Call and see our display of HAPPY THOUGIITS before purchasing. Also sett our large assortment of heating Stoves. We have a number of secondhand Ranges and Heater's: It will pay you to call and see these splendid values. We have two good secondhand Hot Air Furnaces. These furnaces are in,good repair. The reason we have then* is that we have installed the houses they were in with hot water. CHARCOAL Do yon rise Charcoal for lighting your fires ? If not. you do not know the great convenience you are missing. We have .test got in a carload. Try a sack or two, Be for one or 2 for 256 TO HUNTERS We have bought a large quantity of Smoke -less Shell, .1,1-1 are therefore in a position to let you have theta .tt 25c per I.+, ROOFING Does your roof leak ? if so, we can furnish you with a onc- ply Felt Rooting it $1.5S per square. it is a tough. durab:e roofing. In Shelf and heavy Hardware our stock was etc complete. 1)o not f ,rget that we are headquarters for l'luaib& inyf. Tinsmithing and Electric Wiring. All work pro teuiletf to and felly guaranteed. COA L Leave ns your orders for ifard and Soft Coal. We handle the Scranton White Ash Coal. Chestnut Coal f$.t*) per ton Stove Coal t+.Of) per ton Egg Coal 7.75 !Orton Cannel Coal h.01) per ton Blacksmith i atal .4*) per ton Solvay Nut Coke 7.00 per ton Hard Woody 2.3(1 per cord Soft Wood 2.2-' per cord • it- rt - Chas. C. ''Lee STORE 22 PHONES HOUST. 112 Signal from Now to January 1st, 1917, for $1 1