The Signal, 1915-11-11, Page 6r • TattedMAY, Nova:ass 11, 1915 i Fall Styles m FOOTWEAR The dainty -clad feet, trio. newt• stylish. is the outcome of ce '- fully selected theses. our 'bowing the sew fall sty lee evicted, i most faabio - able so -'del. an , array of (rale- et) Hoopes tied ef- fect O. et . .tt only vested hot • eapeterythitig the style jud 1Mve, at the lowest UFESUOY BU$$ERS They are ere k bout caul ethe Iwo! rub- ber footwear KkPA LINO Geo. MacVicar North wide of Square IiODEKI(711 NEWGAT,E STREET LIVERY Having peirrh•sed the livery IN,.inesa of Wm. Knoz, 1 stn improving the equipment. and in tend to ptusvie 1 0004 Ytt ryes IPrompt = ervice and Up-to-date Rigs All orders will receive prompt and careful at- tention. TKR-KFH0Kx No. 1T.i for a good turnout. R. ' STOWE • BURR'S SELF CONTROL Aa in.,den! Thee Proved His Peeled Camesaad el His Peellege. Aaroo BOIT was by Wen and trite tag a man of extzaosdla•r1 ecu ova trot. Ile allowed ao drtasmrteews M Wow btv of his 'shoes As aosedote told by Rates Cheer M Richard H. Dasa, recorded b Ms Dana's "Diary," W eetrate. the Wren acv which sited Barr set greatly le corralling himself. Several yore atter the Mats el AbaaidOe EIamLLtos. tailed b Dem le a duel. Barr Hated Beetos. and Mt Devereux •f Meier paid blas sans lib tentioess. The Harr was takes to Ma Boar Atheneum, wb.,s. while the two men were wanting thtotlh tits gallery of sculptor% Mr. 1)Naeerm happeoed te catch sight et a bag N 11amllton. The tbosgbt lambed across )ir, Dr- ereaax's tend that Burr mlgbt set core to be eosA'outed with the sight of the features of the man be had mala Bol no. Burr was undisturbed. He ase espied the bent. and. attboogb Mr UeTereux had fnstlaeUvely tensed away, he walked up to tt and said L a food Woe. "Ah, Dere is Hammon.^ Then, paeans his fingers along tee tate lines K the face, be added 'There wast the poetry?' ILmlltoe's contemporaries gave ale credit for pomaru"ng a poetic mind. QUEER LEGAL FICTION. THE SIGNAL GODERICHL ONTARIO THE JOT Of BEING ALIVE AND WELL wMsrd T. Wahl' ffy "Fr.M o4lese' The Vamatwe Fruit filetlkese It Makes atspewy, In Leaden. Nos Pariah of Every British •cataria Every sailor, from the admiral to the newest joined seaman, on board MOM warships is marded as Dabodag te the perbtb of Stepney, In Lorne. 11 doesn't matter 1n the slightest wase the ship 1s, the Ballon who scan 1t al come from the same pariah—/usury This queer legal fiction dates beet to the time of Charles IL L thew days ewer% wortloynta aa/ to live i• the, pariah where be was bora sad be weld not leave 11 wfttowt amain( ewe responsible sureties to vouch Ler hb booestr. Tbh, of roarer, became rather pea- ding s,rung In the case of peep s bora at nes. for they bad no parish. To let owes the dlmcolty the aettboeAtks mutat tart all born at sea would be regarded as being born 1a the parish of fltrgsey. though why they should cheer that parish and no other is Met 1n the duet K ottldal records. To this day the bishop of Stepney be godfather of all dBdrea born at sea. whits all marriages soasnbed ea the ocean are roemded as though they bad taken — 1n $t—L..4 AS- O'Brien—"Com" home n' take supper aid me, Flannigan.' Plumb gran —"Shure it's put Ser *upperti and it's furious yer wife U be." (1Bries__•71s.L's just it: abe can't RA the two aw us C,rimer—"Nie found eipnothing i bettor, n Lite man 14 pock handkerchief and • re- reipte4 bill The l;nhbiag inquicer— "A r es)pted bill. Theo 'taunt my husband !" "Have you ever thought seriouety of mat rialto,. sir T' ..Indeed. I have : ever since tat, ceremony." Newspaper advertising is the least expensive and most productive of all forma of advertising. VIRGINIA FARMER Mastered To Health By Tinel Atlee. Va. — I was weak, rundown, mo appetite, my blood was poor. I coo ld tot sleep nights and was rapidlylos- ing flesh. but I ants farmer and ad to work. Medicines had failed to belep me oath I took Vint. After taking three betties my appetite is fine, I deep well, my blood is good and I am well again.„ —ORLANDO R' BOaggY. envie our toil, iotls •� Ones d Ina tonic without otic come we•k,run-down esr�smsi I toughs, colds aid broaden& II. t . 1)sul.q.u• Itruggiat, Ooderich CENTRAL STRATVORD. ONT.. O,.tar.o's Sett Business College. our Ia.rncter.:,re eaprrl•n. ed. 1•apill a ..t indls 4deal attention and graduate- as. placed in p.dt,oa-. We are messing aP 141011111411110 we ,•+.nand meet. ltladent. may este, at a,y 11m, l4nd fur not fm• rua- o..e..ntire ff,tktere.t•WWI - 1). A. McLACHLAN. Prtnelpd. ewers. Wail Pockets to dat Gent HOW Roeboo, P.Q. March .'id, 1915. "I have received the most wonderful benefit from taking 'Frult.a-tives'. I suffered fur years fr.sm Rheumatism and change of life, and 1 took every remedy oleeinal.l••, without any good results. I 'earl of 'Fruit a -Lives' and gave it a trial t d it wee the only prldiii'rMat real,did " x/. Now I am entirely well ; the 1tt.eematism has disappeared and the terrible pains in my body are an gone. I am exceed- ingly ,rralrjsl1. Irutl-•-fires' f„r such relief, and I hope that othere who suffer from such ili,tressine !liveries wile try 'Fruit -a -nee' and get well". NI.tI)AMli 1:4.UF: P.(K'iiON. The marvellous work that 'Fruit-a- tives' is doing, in overcooling disease and healing the sick, it sinning the admiration of t houvn 1t anti thousands. 50c. a box, 6 for *^.:A, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -tidy Limited. Ottawa. A tonvesient gift which will be wel- comed by either men or women 1s a group of wall pockets for tan closet A strip of denim or cretonne is crit as long as the maker may choose and bound with tape. Etrtpa of the material. ranging In width and length are bound with the tape and a deep box plait Is laid In each one. These pieces are stitched along three sides to the p:a1n strip to torn[ pockets, u shown In the picture above. The pockets bold slippers. shoes, rubbers. hosiery. corsets or small articles for the laundry. Pock- ets made to extend the length of the closet door will bold everything whicb English as like Is Spoke. I visually finds a place on the floor. The professor who in his address on the correct pronunciation of E..ngtlsb said he preferred "cirri" to "often" is on the winning side No "pronouncing dictionary" with a reputation to lose ever sounds the "t" in the middle of such words as Christmas, mistletoe, ostler, often or chestnut. Good actors. oboes duty it es to speak "trippingly on the tongue," can cite authority to rapport their pronunciation of han'ker- chief and We'n'sday. And no one who knows his way about In the elocution- ary Odd pays any regard to the spell- ing of such words as "extraordinary." —London Chronicle. A Ibsberkabs. Dinner $.ever'•. The rem•rkabe dinner morellos made by Josiah Wedgwood for the Rutt�rs sesprom. Catherine IS, to 1174 esweiebs et 902 paces. sad on wit pier is palated a different view. The Indy Is K a pale betmete a elks, and Oa risme ars palsied fa s OS ninny 'pupa% As the a rviee was tablas to be used at the palace et Is (ire- nonIDletre (amides Metre piece Olt of frop3, elm* IdUtlt OA lead a green frog wf In • shield IM r ea The 'dews represent ll4tltlsh misses castles, abbeys, parts, belly's. bees. Ste. Severalpiano are decorated Ida vt'w• of Hampstead. and there w custard cepa with news et Bltlnase and mance boats with the sonar% et Windsor pert In many ewes the views ars the oily 1>inetha mem* left of the old b '°dla(A Amrgstl•ar there are 1.262 Tues painted en Ma 1162 pieces. PUT CREAM IN NOSE MW STOP CATARR1I1 recite Hew To Oyes Clogged Nor and Sad Beed-Cetda. Early Closing Seberne• She—Papa days that when coming to see me you must not come In a street car any mora He—Really! Dose 'be expect me to walk all this Witham? Bbe--Of coarse not. He gays all he asks is that you will come to a car- riage bird by the boar.—lire York Weekly. e Ir Diseasesof the Nerves Are Due to Polr Blood and Only Curable Through • the Blood. There is an excellent re•soo why Dr. Williams' Pink Pain beep cured the moat severe cases of neuralgia. sciatica and other couiplainta in the grouts known as disorders of the nerves. This group also Includes nervousness and excitability. Each of thee' complaints exists because the nerves are not get- ting • proper nourishment from the blood. The reason, wby Dr. Williams Pink Pill. curee nervous disorders is because they make Use ricb, red dl for upon which the nerves depe trooper tone. Ic ie thus seen that Dr. VS fibers' Pink Pills cure nervous die orders hecanse they go to the root of the trouble,in the hlood,•od while they are doing this they strengthen and tot the whole syrtem against dis- ease. ieease. Among the many who bays found relief from pain through thia great medicine ie Miss Ethel Smith. .soling near Bnrtnrd, Ont., who nays : "hour years ago 1 was mewed with a great pain in my right leg, between the hip and knee. It became so bad !hat I got no rest, day or night, and often cried with the pain The doctor -aid the trouble was rhenmatistn of ,h• sciatic nerve. Liniments were need until they actually took the skin raft. and still the pain grew worse and worse. Then all the other nerves in the limb seemed to be affected, end It kept joking and twitching until it would have to he held to keep it still. Then he doctor put the lime, in a papier nsarhe came. Isal it was net long until the trouble Amen in my other limb and it had to bre treated In the Wane way. 1 lay in that enredition for three years with my whole nervous system hadly shattered that It would make m- seers= of aoytene walked acto,es he ewe. Then my throat become pwrtlalty pa...lysed sod I could erarce- Iv weak During this time i had twee attended by three different doe- r. res, wbq did all in their power. but • walk ee hog. iadiFt l would Thin my father derides he able to t . g.t see Dr. Williams' Pink Pi11s, Itelor• 1 had used them long I felt 1Mo helloing tree. This an enrnuraged ••• 'bal 1w of the pills were even- int..d in a few months 1 was ahs in malt a mile each day get ' ,null. 1 toed in .11 eight or r. y boa.+ of the p,Il• and 1' ) 44 three years of doctoring bei riot able to dee. 1 am as w. 11 sa ever • a, hi my life and have had no re, new I ,.•e Loiter. My fasnUy sari friends &bin% my core was a •irate, Bred we Ova all kb, credit to Dr. Williams Two oilier pipes may be susp.ed.ewrier, o[ rink rile I (cont "'sad'. ab tact b rtsv Ovetefel.eirtba t. T."' con get thee. pills tbrnn h •w r(bbea sad tae tttt•n ..s..leeioe deader or by mail. poet pa. hicrw smoke te'Stec wi l like a reek : b' coots a boa or six hoses for /8.M I whlli bolds a 04eaL ptM or at. N •.00 The Dr. Williams' Medieieo Oa., toes offer Ms fti.ml. Brockville, Ont. Hew to Treat a Ries Werth In the hese of a wound teem a rise bullet don't go paobb1g tat the beOd. bot remove from the aortae, K Oa wound all shreds of clothing and ethos matter which the billet may bar ear Had Into the feat. Tide smut be w sewed very thoroughly. and a attslin• el knife or admeres .horrid be meas lively to open the wooed aid pe it den. When this M doss Meet Ow wound with your iodine or leeldeRYs Solution. Ties des ft with game tined bandage. In the case of wounds truss stmt diet the wound should be wombed with a solution of alum. and thea pigeon et gem* or clean doth wrung omt of Int water should be applied every ample K boort—Oaung. Daraiog Bag of TEN SAYS OF Extraordinary Hardware Values I WHICH YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS If in need of a Range, remember customers today than ever before. Built We have a number of second-hand there are more satisfied PANDORA to satisfy and last. Ranges, which we will sell cheap. I'l.bott-6andte round polot 8HOVELB.Joviee best make. Regula 8 9l. •le5 C 2 MORTAR HOES Sale 42c Ranter 75c 5 MANURE DRAGS, Regular t0)c Sale 39c 12 HAY FORKS. differ- ent length boodle., :t �roogs. Regular st)c and ?5c. Mali S3c 4 HAY FORKS, c 19 2 proop. Sale .7a. 1 ROOT or COKE FORK. Reg alar fKi- Sale ielta 5GARDEN RAKES, 12 tooth malleahle. 2OC Regular 35c. Sale 5 SCYTHE SNATHKN Regular. egulsr $1flit. ama, Sle it's -inch DAiSY POST HOLE AUGER, com- monly known as the best two man auger. Regular C ) 34.50. Sale 53.3 1 HAY or STRA W KNIFE. Reg- ular $1.(1. Bale C 6 MOP STICKS. Regular lac. Bate 9C 1 FROST FENCE LOCKING TOOL. $4. . 8.3. Leaf nerd In England. It to perhaps worth recalling that the art of baking loaves of bread wee introduced into Europe quite late to L iston. Flat cakes were baked even 1n the earliest time% bat as late as the beginning of the nineteenth erten loaf bread was comparatively me- known in many parts of the continent. Is 1412, for Instance. when an Roy Itsh captain ordered leaves to the vale/ K M in Gothenburg the baker nllpe, bated fur payment M advance en the greuo•l that lee would sever be ases be ss t them to the city 11 they were Ma ea Ids bands—London Spectator. Y.s feel flee is a few momenta Your Meld is bead or e -stare% will be gave. iur clogged nostrils will tepee. The air 1 of your herd will char sad 1 low else breathe freely. No more dull- VSs, beele e, no hawking, am8t.g. 1 Meteor dimbarges or dryness; as strut *leg fee breath at night. i Ten your dreWst yno wast a masa �setM of Ellyn Cream Sala. Apply • d1eY of this Magnet. aatientie err•eset r year sir asebrils, M� ps hoed bbvv.pe wiry Owl r sol relief •rims IIldif•ate•tlf. tie swell's, hilliteret reuseeis Iis feel whet every maiWE ase m t ret 4,11. shamillIb,Joni interebte. Two squares angered stikalene are placed face to face and machine - stitched together In a felled seam. One corner 1s then cut off and the bag and corner piece turned right side out. The edger. made by cutting off the corner. are folded over a small em- broidery hoop and sewed down. The bag is suspsaded by means of • fold of the nikatene, with edges machine - stitched together and ends sewed to such side of the opening. Tho corner that was cat away is scatted with cotton or sawdust and bound with tape. making a cushion for claming needles, A little piece of tape Is sewed to one edge of It and 10 tie bag. attaching It to the opening. This provide. a receptacle for hosiery that needs darning. Caney eseltt '1 My. Pandy, ares." said AWL banding hack his friend's pbeeapapl. -when ye had these photo, takes. wby dittos ye wafer "And those pictures watts' sal 9t • lssor replied Snotty. "Ars ye e's igy weer—Woman's Holme OempaSMs Weis% f peens—Beer notice how Mktg • were man M In coning to the pole!? past --Ds, See mean when shies Ming a story or sharpening • lead pe1sh1--, Tanker. eta tonnes. Mal. ft you e}e anything. walk •time eel talk to ethersfro est bele yeeN self b tat etoerea—itgateetea Bubble Pipes That All Enjoy 0 LA W N RAKES. Neth on both sides. Regular SUr. Snls C 1 FOLDING CIATHEE HORSE. Reg - 7C ular 91.25. dale BOLTS are always bandy to have on band. We will make you up an assort- ment as follows : 12, lit inch by ons incl[ to Dia inches 12c long....... .. 12, 316 inch by one inch to az inches 1 Qom. long Qom• 12, 3,8 inch by one lash to ten inched 24 long This is a chance to get cheap Bolts. 3 l'URTAIN STRLT- CHERH. Rat- 97C ular 91.3.1. Hale HPVNIOES! SPONGES! the real unbleached sponse, just the thing to washtghue anto or 40ctotwiggy. Re5c. Choicer &4C AXE HANDLES1 i[,.t�.• 2 for .�11 4 tet mete of BRICK T 0 W EIS Regular $1.21I to =18ale 99c 1 nal, MASON'S HAM- MER. 10 pounds 88c M •i Wt. 1 WOOD JOINTBR PLANE Rea C ` alar 91.23. Sale 65C I 2 LATH HATI'HE111. Regular • • $1 O5 i 3 PLUMBER'S GIM- LETS. Regular 3Sc. Bale 1 ZC 6 PERFECTION FOLDING SAW VISES. Regular Q 7 31.25. 8aleeacb(J C NASH FASTENERS. Old and new bowies can I have every window fit- ted with window locks. No. 1794 kck is one of the best and latest style. Price So each. Sale price 80o dos. DSAS EASY RAT T1tAPP. Regular 1b' stab. Male C N. Ma ELECTRIC MTROKE DOOR BhLL. old copper finish. Reg- ular 1.50. SCREEN DOOR BIN - 01:8. You know now whether your old Hin• Res are played out. Oet a new pair at per Qom. pair, tulle ....amt. Many • Meme can use MAK HAT aod, COAT • HOOKS. Now le your ebance by get- ting 3 doz for These are commonly sold at l5c • dos. Look over aria list and save money on yoor Christmas Shopping. Ladies' Hind Id frove, black barks and beveled slate. Regular We and ,.ie tach cb5c 1 !SILVER PIE KNIFE Regular egu hal. $1.79 1 Case SOUP SPOONS R egS. bale 1.28 lisle .,,D•JJ VV 1 Caw FRUIT KNIV ES Itegular eA 96.5A1. Sala 54.1 1 Case COFFEE NPOONM. Reg. 93. Sale $2,15 IMILVERUAKK D180 Regular $6.,x ALL CL'T GLASS rixes at two-tbirds regular pike. Large essortxaeot d GLOVES and MITTS at cur prices. SCISSORS of all die. criptloOs et the follow. Inc cut to ices : :,c line. 11116 :rbc " 22e 41 -le " 28o :etc aao HM " 40o 3c " 50o POCKET KNIVES. 2 doz. 2 -blade 1;nglish Pocket Knives. Reg ular 145ie values. 5 Q c Special QV These are not all the Specials we are running. You will have to tell your neighbors of THIS SALE and come and get your wants tilled as quickly as`spos- sible, as these values will soon be picked up. SALE STARTS FRIDAY, NOV. 5th. The Howell Hardware Co., Limited � sweelmenlimilmmilommossemenesta TURRET CHIEF MAKES MONEY. Steamer Well Knows in Godencb Is Carrying Cootrabaod Goods. Ten wears ago • fleet of Teasels of the whale -back type were brought to Canada from tbe lolland db for or type °� oe the upper vessel, however, did not meet with any great degree of soccer. and no effort was made by Canadian Teasel owners, when occasion demanded the building of new vessels, to build on similar lines. The result was that the "wbale-hacks" continually found their way into the bands of new owner.. While tbey were a failure in Cnada it would appear from • recent pur- chase they were more suited for me- dics in Btitaio than on this side of the Atlantic. The Tomei which figured in the transaction was the steamer Tur- ret Chief, which w god no aLake e Huron about • year •bardoned hj her former owners, the Canadian Northern Railway, and taken over by the Canadian Under- writers Association, which concern subaequentiy disposed of her at • valu- ation of 9A,614), to Mr. A. B. Mackay of Hamilton. Following the purchase of the vessel from the underwriters, Mr. Mackay bad tbe vessel raised and taken to the shipyards of the Atherican Ship- building Company at Lorain, where she was 1e^-oost,ueted for the ri.ky career of • carrier of war munitions and contraband. She was equipped with bow and stern chaser guns. After bring released by the shipbuiklen she was loaded with grain at Toledo, and ( upon ber snivel at Montreal she loaded an additional cargo of estates- ' band of war for the British isles. it was intended tbat the Turret Chief should be used exclusively for the eartyiog of grain between Canada and the British Isles, but upon her, arrival in the old country with her Initial cargo *be was promptly parr-' :bawd by a company n( British cart - ; alien and retained for settee on the other side of the Allem te. it was stated yesterday that as areault of the tranesetlon the O•e.diae caplIalieta wade • handsome profit epos • newel which, under °riflery cooditino% bad been practically relegated to the swap bey. It le said that the Csnadi•n owners realised • relit of between 1111000 and 980.000. original the Turret Chief ;:la *elf adapted to the purpose to widen she le to be devoted. 11e boll structure of the boat is of • peculiar type that distinguished a line of Cana diva boats to which she belonged before she was porcbased for the earl trade. Below the waterline the Tur- ret Chief was of construction similar to that of the general run of lake freighters, except that the boiler and palling machinery were located amidships. Above the waterlios bar side plates, instead of bring carried perpendicular) to the main deck, turn sharply inward at the water line and are horizontal on each side for approx- imately half the width of the treewl, then are turned perpendicular again and carried upward t) meet tbe narrowed meiu deck. When loaded with • cargo of 1511,- (s)o bushels of grain the Turret Chief virtually becomes a semi-auhmarine, with notbing shove the water except upper superstructures At her cabins and the smokestack amidships Bow - on or *tern -on, the vessel will present only • narrow target for submarine destroyer. —Toronto Oinhe MELODY DEAFNESS. Ts Thew Whe Ar. Afflicted With It Movie Is Simply tars. Every o•e has beard of color blind- sers, but few people are aware that then is sock a malady as tune drat- I oss. It prevents those affected from appreciating music. which to the melo dy deaf 1s nothing but noise. The toot Intelligent people often waf- ter in this way. Empress Catherine of Rosie used to declare that for her mean was a nerve trying din. sod Iia- peaeoe L hated any tom of melody. Victor Hugo had to be coaxed by the composer wbo pat Isis famous Ones to nada "Are not ear rotas," be used to say, -sufficiently barvoniow to stand without the assistance a dim - amiable niters r Doctors My that the power to spare - elide music depends upon a perfect eemblesties et the serve and brain. lama peepWs nerves readily carry ma - Oral sounds to the mind. while In oth- ers serves impede their passage to the Meta ala Geed mwecteas aro mere idles Stets Oso mods Rohm W pewits& them with INAS lrsloollead tarry eAertl tr Ike balm That is wb geld aseddun run meinerbe a tune after -sig ft played ever IBM Paaey not ane bent demi tweesd'l \ email wooden reek. or one of, 4, such as are void for hotdlog tooth brasbea, a few clay pipes aid four yard. of Drtgbt red babe citrus. e. ; re to •a n • gay little gift bolding rrotni5 of fun for the young people. Ar,1 bubble plow's is not beneath dignity K theft elder: everyone ttt,lr..Igrs tm tits pastime. Seed ler the tots -al Ultimo ear ' O his bruin. FLJRSTYlEB00K BISCUITS It Gir CPC Made These with leas s'sdtive mulled wee reesNe Idea iseprssslun et tally We they may ber. and Iter thw �sig beam" M lots ate metes to venrnbet It taste it to Maid w g»sgele itr me, winos ad grom� tab tbtr beds Pp r'yasMt eiWeen- IT Is 1Fa Address ~ Heath• JOIN MALLAH. UM1TED .100 Deem t» .111.a..se CONE SAGE A HAM ID WNSM If Grandma kept her locks dark. glom". thick with • mixture of Sage Tea red Sulphur. Th. old-time mixture of Bap lis ani Rolphor for darkswing gray, at*s•k•d and laded lair is grandoatb.rs treat - inset, and tolls are agaie tains it to keep their bair • good, eves color, *Web la quits marble, as we are living no we asp wham a youthful apporaas' Y el the SNoaeda�hough, wn dsu't have the troublesome task of gathering the loge and lbs mussy mixing at home. All drag adores soil the ready -tear ealled 'Wyeth'a Nage sad ILerpi.itelt Osmpoond" for about 60 ten a bottle It is very popular bee.ass eto Osswr it hes been atiplls mdsies your Bomb ora sift brush with and draw this through your heir, liking eve small stranhair d fsaatp�a time; by manses de- Sahibses tie lean witsksw nle iirng Is tam, tlr tar sten s ion Sow it also pedmw that stft8 ui eeee•soww ebunndnss width le se Sohn. amp sett big bib. P A T ENT S 1v TOM I AD7ll. beesli resp MOOR • KAR1oRs !9r ULMeerJL M. imentrdeb