HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-11-11, Page 5THE SIGNAL GO In addition to our A- main. muted • Bicycle work We on in a position to SHARPEN KNIVES OP LL KINDS SCISSORS LAWN td0tViRS SKATES AXES CHISELS Having installed spec- ial apparatus for this work. East Street Garage WEAK LUNGS Bronchitis. -Asthma--Coughs Night Sweats -Debility and those cooditlooe leading to ONSUMPTION news [utracts gra swore t. Wwee ttAgfitiLPR E PALMVIt. on with. aye: "' ; atur• ,l'reettoe t. abet Moped ase. " c:BaHWA g HOP' on with. ay.: "My MA' anent. at.taped. gird aur Msorrhege •le,p•d from the art dor." W1.11t C. Zi' K. on oath. res.. -1 have toSneak • vat are• (,e..ro■ that 1 ema hese ease." seined fes Booklet e„■talnlne reande'e MNestems. ma mill. lnuw them oh. Imre ..ed "Na, tare. Cradles. Nature's Creation Co. of Canada, Limited ROUP 11. C•1MG1tkVE lit.ILI,ING Toronto. , se,,t• LOCAL TOPICS Huron Old Says .f Tensa e. The seventeenth enamel nmet1.g.1 the Huron Oid Bays' Association .f Toronto will br held 1. the Cale Sorg 14 al.y( street i..t.s. Friday woo November lith, at $ o'clock, ger shuns of allegro and the tra.a.etion of gsstltf.l b.1..r. At the oos.io- ion of the business the •ns.el baagoet will b. held. Mattered Lodge Officers. Maitland Lodge, No. 4, A., V. t A.M., held its assusl of ori - use on Tuesdey r• whim the toI owing were 1 W.ttr. wr Iensr; woke weirdos. IL J. snwaw ; jambe ward**. Boo. Mac- ; ; cbaplalo, Alva. Straiten I taesterw, lit. G. B.y.olds ; secretary, L. B. Doherty ; kyle'', John McKay. Little Chap Badly Burned. "Bobble," the four-year-old son of ', IMr..ad Ids, Charism Ma k. has bees 1 boverleg beams life sad death steel Saturday sfter.00s Ian. He was playing around a boars when his clothes look lire and be was terribly turned about the legs and lower pert } i of the body. The obitd now tis in • very critical condition. but with • fair chance t recovery if no complications set in Woods Bowling Alleys. • .. -r- a -•r r"w"y' 1 __v-,'-.-v-__._._s___ A SINGER SEWING MACHINE Mr. F. H Wood tars purchased the bowling alleys that were formerly located is the Opera House huddled and bag placed them in the bsssm.at of his store on is Square. The place has be nicely fitted up for the two of the bowler'. and there will be some Good spurt with the big balls during the coming winter. Mr. Wood invite all to come and gee the alleys, which are open for play today. O. C. I. Board. The Goderich Colleri•ts Institute! board met on November 4th. Dr. Emmerson took bis seat at the board as representative of the public (reboot toned Ac•;ouote totalling 157.90 were cordoned to be paid. Toe matter of in- creasing the salaries of Miss Hodge and Mies Duroin was discussed and it was finally decided to increase the sal- aries of these teachers by 175 each. commencing January lir. 1916 The caretaker was given so increase of $50 in his', dairy, commencing (ktober 1st. 191: Dr. lOcmersnn was appuioled a member of tis property committee. Thanks from Lieutenant -Governor. The !signal has received en expres- sion of thanks from His Honor the Lieutenant -Governor. Sir John ' Hen- drie, for services rendered by thi. pa - pr in metafiction with the Trafalgar Day appeal of the British Red Cross Society. The Dote received states that it is exported. wbeo the final report of the campsigo is made to Lord Lans- downe, provident of the British ltsd ONTARIO Tosasaaa. 11evam a 11. ISM S sue $48. or an Electric Motor FREE OF CHARGE I If you guess the nearest to the number of bullets in the jar For every 25 -cent purchase you get a gnaw. We have os hand the finest lint Of Christmas Goods sod Stamped Pieces we ever had, Something fol 1b% men, the women and the children. %abide Goods all ashy Come and see what we have. Yon can buy goods more cheaply here and have ad ppportunity of getting a sewing lnachiue for nothing, Mrs. L B. Tape, CIDIiaH Woe. wadi gives away by her breast, Mr. L B. lief*. its emote' Ott ho Om Mile was • ba.ieoms geld wash and dote. Mrs. s B. M.10 played** we j march. Tb. b.5 y wattsMR Ws •ftern on o. die h delsi teals for • two a..ths' trip 1.Tbsecif. .ad Mirth 71 .waada. Maw Pest MM.. he.. wiener they will bti.m Werermss.r s low digs to i Wads. ear their new hoose la Va.- esevur, by way of Dotson stud Mg - Wee. taoderich Herrirulatr.l Society. ' nist •seed meetly' of the A.drish Hortk.k.m1 Soshy was held os Thursday. Movem►sr 4th. The report of the 'bowed that Iodic yew 1 i the $o ly by 1 ar Ii bre. eseb •i whom waof The s e U isi01 s scoot • 601.1 .rise et Mi.50. tied tip bulbs wore at. t t mead woman IAN members at • shad. i1 o< $13Lafl 'Ibs QOTuw $I g*••t 1 tea Society was $lid rani tE! aO5P 7 grant wee 46 The cost of sainted) wee ee of flower beds et the hospital was 1 members$10.57, and peltas fur sehaol chlWres er amatotod to 110 Tbi. year there are 139 members enrolled • the Gov• oment grant is 11f7 and the county pas- Irl.. Tho sum available for the benefit of the members for literature and bulbi Is !N143. The sum of has beeo set aside fur poises for school children's exhibits of flowers and fere ►•bias at lbw fall fair and the usual 'sperm of flower beds at the hospital will be met. Mr. J. Mtraitoo WAS elected president and Mr. A. D. Mc- Lean o-Lean vice president and the following were appointed directors : Messrs. B. Hoggartb, Rev. Father McRae, D. J. Naftal. W. H. Harrison, 14... J. B. Ford, J. W. Van•tter, Wm. Coats. Dr. (fallow and Chas. K. Maunders. Mr. Wm. Lane woo appointed *eere- tar]•treasurer, and Meters. R. li. Rey- nold, and U. A. were 'ret d f .Iv...._ ._...Jt.....J .J •i.J .. - -^moi.. h.A .. ■ •,-y- ••--Y•-w-.rv.r•v-. -- --.-Y i vvv-----.-#_-_• Cro.a Society, it will be found that the for 1316 and costa The county ap- Provisee of Osumi° baa giver ap-' peeled the case to Toronto and it was proximately three times the amount 1 beard by the DivWoaal Court last asked of it. snook, when judgment was given die- , missing the appeal W Proudfoot, Al the Waterfront I K.C. for pl•lotih, sod M. 0. Cameron, E. C., for defendant. The steamer Graham arrived coo Thursday with 11H,'1glt bushels of w►at, the Kaiaks co Friday with abut the *este asosat, sod the Pal - moose no Tuesday with 114.100 busbels of a mixed cargo of wheat, flax and oats. Thea* boats unloaded et the G•nd.'tieb elevator. The steamer Mariaka arrived again this morning with a full cargo of grain for the Godericb elevator and is now unloading. The steamer. Ma U. n and Val Cort Mr discha"ted cargoes , 1 wheat et the Big 1 Mill. The former hail 150,4111 bu+bels and the later _'05,t0M) bushels. 8hipmenis out by rail are about /equal to the amount brought in 1,7 water. 'County Loses Appeal. 'Ile county of Huron hen fort its appeal in the twee of Holtsested vs. tb. county of Huron. This was an se- ttion brought by F Holmestrl. R.C., es magistrate for the town of f4eatorth and the tnwnebins of McKillop end Tuckersmitb, for $, JI, rent of office, fuel, liehl and rurnitnrr. for five years, from 1910'10 1914, at $100 per year. H' Honor Judge Holt gars judgment in 11 the plaintiffs favor against the county • ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • i 40o Gold Fish Free 400 at The Rexall Store Fri. and Sat., Nov. 12th and 13th i • • • • •• Generous Cheque for Red Cross. Mr. Hector Hays returned on Tues- day from Heart's Delight Steck Farm. Now York State, where be t ten days' holidays the guest ci Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miner. Mrs. Miner before her marriage was Miss Alice Trainer, and is a member of a former well- known Goderich family. She showed her sympathy with Canadian interest. in • eubetential manner by handing Mr. Hays a cheque for $100 for the Cana- dian Red Cross Society, which Mr Hays bas handed ober to the local gr•.lr Indict■, sed b so.•tltetle■al ce■dltlo■. branch of the Society. Mrs. Miner's ,.este■. o■.tu■ti■mie tre■ts.■t tl.u'. (•.- sisler, Mies Tillie Trainer. formerly on ten h Cure is takes i.ter..a9e acid arta through the leaehiog staff of the Goderieh pub- h erbldd°sutwMjn■euih e Iwedu, . oµ't t a~to. lie pehocls, elan was at Heart's De- l r,,7,,„7 - light erg ts. astk■t wra■gth er bo,lelr.g light She had been 1n very poor up toe owsdltu4ioa acd a,-hada■ n•,ure in health for w.me time end spent six doa•r Ir work. The Onterrawv hers "' law* months in hospital at Baltimore, but rgirh Is the tareor powei..4 H,il - t sl..r,t 110spi I'ur that they err, ons ksdre.l dela•, foe is now wu.•h improved. any Gees tont It 611. t. carr. Mend for Inst of teetlsa.•W.. G C. L Literary Society. Addr.e: r. J CHIGMET a Ca. Toledo. ON.. The G. C. I. Literary Societ held a Sow by all dr■eip..a isr meeting on Friday evening. wbeo the following p tsm was carried out : Seeger auditors. It was decided to discontinue supplying the members with The Canadian Horticulturist Msss,a. J. Straiton, Wm. Cots and Dr. (fallow were appointed • committee W par - chime plants fur distribution next spring. flloo Reward. 5100 , The reader. of tbl. paper rail be plerrd to Mare that then 1. et lead ewe dtwd..t &n- en., b. en., that science he• bees ahie to cure le all it. etegre, sr.* tart b. rataerb. C.terrk Wee Pianoforte so u, Mies N. Whitely recitation, "The Story of a Bashful) Man," Mies I. Foster, encore, '•Nrddy's Visit ;" song Mr. O. White : declama- tion. 'The Difference ifference between Allied ` and German Soldiers," Graham Roes ; pianoforte duet, C. Dalton end Bert Cott ; address, "Looking Ten Years Ahead," Rev. Geo. R. Rows ; recitation, an amusing de•eript ins of eosp•nioaa in a dining -car, Mien M. Spain, encore, **Newsboy Dave •" pianoforte duet, Fred and Julia Beavers; distribution of prizes for field day epef s by Mise Hodge, Mies Donnie' and Mr. A. M. Robertson ; readier of the G. C. I. .louloal by J. Garvey : quartette, Misses 1!. Medianus and Ruth Hamil- ton and Meson. O. White and Bert OutL A chorus by the Glee Club and God Have the King completed the pro - Resat• Olg A V Ie Fcslare. ala }wt Acaat) opened with the Union IBM= OP NAQA Bask Can two Caada to the names two pecions , Is that if one diel the fanny funds are not tied up just when they are likely to be most needed. The survivor can withdraw the money w)thovt..4411,Y or banality. Think tt over -then open a joint Account. , Godericb tifanch.•Fi woo 1-1.401.11314 Muller. aresseemlelie "Somehow yon seem to have grows shorter instead of taller eines 1 last saw you." 'Well, I've serried and ',tiled down. .Timelier -'•Have yoo ever wen ban- anas growi•g r Archibald - "No, ma'am ; I hover had ria to stand and watch them r LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Mn. J. H. Marshall, Wellesley street, will receive every third Friday. instewd"of the fourth Friday as form- erly. H. C Dunlop's change of lid. canoe to band too late for insertion this week. it Call. attention to spacial values in stationery. Mr. Jas. W. Mallon, of 1'oroot-, Provincial inspeetor of legal offices, wadi in town on Tuesdayon his official vi.it two the offices of rovincial offi- cials Mts. T. H Mitchell will receive with her mother, Mrs. W. A. Rhyne*, AIon'.ra1 street, nn Wed oeediy, November 17tb, from 4 to 8, and afterwards on the first Wedoes- day of each month. Mr. James Stewart, South street, • leftatt iso cea ew ayg t i • Change in the "Movie" Business. iosity in the shape of a - growth • - ,< = Commencing at 8 a.m., Friday, Nov. 12th, •• ' ex' ' we will give away 4 • ABSOLUTELY.. FREE • • 200 GLASS AQUARIUMS, LARGE SIZE • One aquarium containing two Gold Fish, with water plant and pebbles, will be • •given free with each purchase of Rexall Goods amounting to jo cents or over and a to -cent box of Fish Food. • • GOLD FISH can be success- • fully kept in small aquariums •and give the children a pleasant • and practical lesson in nature study . • • absolutely reliable, but should any • that preparation back to us and we • See Our Windows on Wednesday This is purely an advertising offer. The fish and globes alone are worth more than the amount you are required to purchase. Rexall Goods are made in Canada, and are of them prove unsatisfactory to you, bring will gladly refund the purchase price. Choose from this List soc worth of Goods • • • Rexall Violet Talcum Powder SRexall Tooth Paste Rexall Tooth Powder Rexall Toilet Cream .... • Rexall Cream of Almonds. • Rexall Slaving Sticks • Rexall Shaving Powder • Rexall Shaving Lotion .00 • 25c0 Retail IOc and 51 ll Kidney Remedy Rexall Little Liver Pills 2 IPc Rexall Stomach and Liver Pills tic and 25c Resell Liver Salts 50c and 11.00• Rexall Rheumatic Remedy.... glig Recall Sacs: parilla Tonic... 11.00 Rexall Headache powders and Wafers 10c. 5c • Rexall Bronchial Tablets. 10c • Retell Lace and Silk Cleaner 225cc • Rexall Sei.dliti Powders tic 25c 2.5c 25c • 25c and get the Gold Fish and Aquarium Rexall Harmony Rose Talcum tic Rexall Mucu-Tone 50c and 11.00 Retail Mentholine Bal.- 25c Rexall Healing Salve • 25c Rexall Carbolic Salve Rexall Cold Cream tic 25c Rexall Face Cream 25c and 50c Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup 25c and 50c Rexall Cold Tablets 25c Rexall Cine of Cod Liver Oil.. 11.00 Rexall Celery and Iron Tonic..:...... 11.00 Retail Conip. Syrup Hypophosphates. 11.00 Retail Rubbing Oil. 25c Rexall White Liniment tic Rexall Tickle Stopper 10c 26c Rexall Corn Solvent Rexall Baby Cough Syrup EVERYBODY WANTS GOLD FISH. • Don't forget the dates, Friday and Saturda , November 12th and 13th. _ lx 2.5c • • • • • • • GODERICH - - ONTARIO H. G. DUNLOP me - . store • Mrs. Geo. Huggins, the former per 1"u fully two and a hall inrdoe. long. •prietres of the Lyric Taeatre, having removed to Toronto, Mr. F. (i, ,Wet. • more of Lb. Model Theatre has taken Ali over the Staines. He has removed all the new equipment from his • focuser place of bus iocs and has M- •stalled it in bis new premises, which be has re -named the Model Theatre. • In thee, ptemirrs, which are more • oommodicus, be will have greater wait • fair crop on the tree to the regular season. Mr. Stewart has been growing fruit nearly ad bis life and he says be never before saw so large a Lear of fhe second crop. Peter W. Carney. a young last w was arrested near Wingham, appeared before Judge Doyle one day last week on a charge of stealing a tricycle. He was remanded until Wednesday cf If you succeed in .:onviseing a girl ti..tt she bac beautiful hands her mother will have to do the dish-wmob- iog thereafterward. CHURCH NOTES. The Right Rev. David Williams, M. A., D. D., Bishop of Huron, will be at St. George's church next Sunday eve. - leg nod will conduct a confirmation service. "The Prophecy of Micah" will be the subject of Monday morning's ser- mon in the Raptiat church. In the evening the pastor will speak on "tibrist'a Fourth Cry from the Cross.' Rev. (leo. E Ross will preach in Knox church morning end evening next Sabbath. The subject of dis- course in the morning .411 be : "The Unseen Factor." In the evening : "The Church and Consecrated Girl- hood." Rev. W. K. Heger wi:1 preach at both services at North street Metho- dist church next Sunday. Morning subject : ••The law of the spirit of 111. in Christ Jesus hath trade us free from the 1•w of sin and death." Evening subject : "'It. Pard'. answer W the question, What is a Christian 7' At V ictnria .t....t. Methodist ehurch next Sunday the pastor, Rev. J. lis Ford, will Drench both worming and evening. The morning subject will be "Charterer B.lil.ling in Youth." woad - draw cope: Tally for boys and girls. A boys' choir willr vide the music under the leadership of Mr, J. M. Adams. In the' evening the subject will be "Making Void (hod's Low." World's Temperance Sunday will t s observed next Sundav by • rally of 1 the Sunday *chords of the two Metho- dist churches. the Baptist church. Use Presbyteries church and fialtford ualoe 9ueday school. w be held at K at z rhumb at s o'clock is 4re afternoon. A program of music ani addressee has been arranged and the diming will be devoted to the work of the Oommittee of Oss Hustles/ remedy formed so counsellors with the Dominion Alli- ance for Use purpose of endeavoring to have Ontario ylaced under prohibi- tion by ()midribs Day of 1918. The children of the various Wbbat .d.ols are tusked to be in their own se'booh m 2 30 o'clock, and thence to march t. Eno: church. facilities for attending 10 the want. of this week for enquiries, when it was • the numerous patrons of the "movies." found that be was ars absentee without In the abort time that Mr. Wetmore leave from an industrial school at • has been in the moving picture bond- an en•iable repotetion and the found An officer of the school b- •pel pelf in Godench be has won for him- log on hand. the 1.4 was handed over to be returned to rise industrial school. "movie fans" are delighted to know • that be intends W maintain the high •standard he bha already set. dor. Wetmore is ooe who is not afraid to • let the public ►qow when be her a • good thing. and kis weekly advertise- ment is pet used with interest by Sig- • nal readers • Morrow -Hale. Strstford,Beacon (Monday) : A quiet • but very pretty wedding was cele - 1111 bested at noon on Monday at the ren- ds dence of Mr. E. B. Hale, 84 Elizabeth ' street, when bid sister, Mils M ode INV Hale, was joined in tuarrlage to Mr. • Wa, Mirr.,ir. of Vancouver,rs. MIrrow is well known in Stratford, •; having been • frequent visitor in the • city. She i• the daughter of Mrs. H. Hale, of Goderch. Mr. Mirrow is • a Government rontrsctor in Vancou- •' ver. Rev. Mr. Dewey performed the PERSONAL MENTION. Mr.. Jobs ,. uuflrIgg tbie week .int her !Ywe'M Pt,ewv .off M pls..ers .+ rp...,t d;netph. ... v Wtltg ttwa is 9edor i•- h or, r Meade). d.l Pte. T. Bee. t1 M ilk. mid Bat tattoo. 1.," do.. wee labia feled e here Over the milk eat. MMi Aeie• Fi-ner and family have removed Weint. town from Wein tiler and wail reale their home here. We welcome them to oar tows. Mr. (:N. Mtraeaao, of chimes,. 111. relented M.dal r.' on Tberwlal orelee ahrr w few d. ' .1•'t with W parent.. Mr. .ad Mn W8lN. femme Mr. ani )1”.•. J. P. Amara has. interned to Bl Iowa Hr. own es. ■ w netreatment at o Jaen. Reptile. hpltal. Baltimore. with Mae - eclat re •h u. Mr. F.rneat Prttchant. who hal been .ohne all •ummrr on the .0 over Pawnees.. a, rte..'iu tio.tench en Tweeter "red wltl ..e,.ie make LI. mine here )fro 1_ B. Tete esu called to Mento lei le.t desogbtee K T. a week by the d.wth .f hie •+.ter Mr. R. 1. eeevmony. The Mid., a hn Inoked lb nett. esters death .s. nn.d on 'Friday after •I becoming in her travelling suit of navy an illy... t ...semi month, Mr. Tape re- •wined until after the Metal. • Mr. and Mr. It H. Reid and .on.. Maple awl Peeca of W'en1.teek..pent the week -end M ;.anMd M•. and Mr•. Held on their let are to Wad -tack and timid -et, rel dare . inning In tent . drys Mr. A. H. Wi .nn, of cert t '111ae.. 11u.. been vtd•fwg res• anon with hi. fatMrin-Jew tarots $bash A D. Cameron. Mr. Willman ay• dieeanted t anal len Ido• re are nee - deafly paeans tbr.rab rnrt wooing es their way to their boss In ube Weal. acid In pate of •j irederieh ton gne.la of Mr eau Mer. rr■ak N. -'d M wad nd J k w.e■w COMING • • • • GUY BROS. • Everything new but the name Opera Mouse, Friday. Nov. 19th BIG MINSTRELS SGREAT MILITARY OPENING "Just Before 4he /Battle" ega 5 BIG FEATURE me aura OF VAUDEVILLE 12 • Oar Own Coaert Brod and Orchestra • Big Street Parade at neon • PRICER •` •I Achille 361 sod We, Children 'Me their weasel• all are eheert.1 and seti.ltk. Mr. Wiles • me Mem 4... the Brine Hee with the i;arwlsa tram.. (uOERICH MARKETS. Tramway. Nem. 11tH. wAeet, ese loo0. ' . e s $ It . war bosh ria► hest E. oared. min s•ewe Mr leper. .1. t .13 1.14 t. 1.0 .m to M 173 to 301 las to ale 'rr.'al to tit0 ore a flee Mas t. M . 4.(0 to .n SJ. to t Arta.. ... .11 to ,r bead,t 'e dea . . .24 .11.45%7. M Ua ~'pbwa1... . .so .../ercwt tat 1,13 00 M Ilse s ss Is so prow . .. • pewa7. .... tow t.0 M 1.14 .r3 to /.'s .11 to .t1 YOUR PORTRAIT -aiift that money 'can't buy, hut for you to give the very thing. To friends and krhafolls your portrait all Christmas will carry a ,message of thoughtfulness that n scat to a personal visit. Make the appointment today. THE SAI.t.OWS STUDIO VOU are invited to attend l the' opening of the Bowling Alleys in the basement of the Pastime 1! Billiard Parlor : : , .• There is no indoor game that equals p j Bowling for Health, Exercise, Recreation "Bowling" The Busy Man's Health Regulator t Bowlers never get apperxlicitis. Q Bowling, -in unsurpassed recreation. q Bowling cures stomach fag (1 Bowling, a ten strike in exercise. (I Bowling. the best indoor enjoyment. Il A • titivation- One hour's bowling, One hour at howling. One hour's bowling The easy plan Time well spent, Relieves indigestion. To make the world An amusement A healthy man. tnnotent. III CAWaloftawl eajpy yourself. F. H. WOOD, Prop. i s ®_ •ITlekets on sale We•tnesday at H. " N:"' Kdwwd.'. nih.eliZ7ipst rib..... L••••••••••••••• T~!RISS AL •••••.•••••••••••• 1■+ker•.t•erlh. »t. .0 t. .H to . ne . .td to '7 !N THE MODEL THEATRE FORMERLY THE LYRIC Having purchased the -Lyric Theatre it is our intention to keep up the high standard of Photo -plays shown the public in our old stand. The liberal patronage which we enjoyed shows that the public appreciates the best. We extend an invitation to 011 of onr o1s1 pate# .111.1 shun) new ones, as we now have ampler ronin to accommodate a11. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13th will be shown 4)CT.\VIA 11.-NI)\Vt)RTI1. cal "The Path Forbidden" Five big acts TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY NEXT FROIIMAN presents "The Scales of Justice" featuring PAUL McALLISTI:R anal an all-star cast. I Every Monday. "T' E BROKEN COIN" livery Thursday, "THE BLACK BOX" Every Friday, "EXPLOITS OF ELAINE' Charlie Chaplin this Friday in "Laughing Gas." Quality always wins