HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-11-11, Page 4r l t • . at, Morganton 11. 11114 af.- seam Buy Suit or Overcoat .,4T THIS STORE ANS SAVE MONEY I t will pay you to buy here. Prices are advancing b4it we are keeping oils. prices down, -we bought early and in large quantities and can afford to do so. • We talk not price so much as quality. We buy from the best makers in Canada, therefore we can give you both quality and price to your liking. MEN'S OVERCOATS $10.00 to $22.00 MEN'S SUITS 510.00 to $22.50 kr SecietY Bra" CI."( *winig Stub elstlyes YillMs• 4111114110 me••••••••••• ( wESTFIELD. T Nov. I'QMDAY, . ov. Mn. John ('raig, of St. Augustine. is visiting her dauithter, Mrs. Thomas Bamford Miss Marger.t Barkley, of Dungan- non. is visiting ber sister, Mn. Albert t Campbell. Jar. Thomas Bamford is now in New Ontario looking after his duties os his farm there. 1 The weather today reminds us of . 'the terrible 'form two years ago this , November 9th. The official meeting of the quarterly f board of the Methodist church was bold ,n Monday evening in Westfield church and hominess matters were talked over. Mrs. John Redmond with her grand- daughter Gracie left some day. ago to visit her daughter, Mrs. John Bell. of Alberta, near C.Igary, wbu, bas been i11 tor some time past. • The threshing machine is once more in the neigbhorbood. This time we bop• it will he the last for this year. Although the grain turned hot well, lbs threshing was slow and tedious repaired by us are as good as)tbi.ye•r. new. A good stock of supplies on hand. is the work that we are Interested in. FURNAC ES iHB SIGNAL 3OD1iR1CH = UNTAR1O MLYTH. wham a splendid ~ass of salt TvwenAT, Nov. fl.albapiwy.Ladyevelv. move .11s Crtvwcu Norma. -Rev. W. Hawklas. twos wow swwwp bis eoeotsy..eLL Moe •ewh .ppoiated actor 01 Trial', M. R.ldssen *ow etrentisl to the church. unwed a Friday with his two tb.t this w a ids sad death s�k �so for we sson All prosiest le ass& se hosedele e it wring towedMarts ao be Isom �ii�bjyiia�eeed wisingbet glorious duty. := Macey s ad furniture mod ia now busily espied gettioet the rectory Sited up for U family, who will arrive tai. west. On B.sday he preached his �Aint sermon and made a good .w•- 'S on the eoatio• .. Oterday woe saRt- meary Sunday 1e ML Andrew'. church. The eraiaost preacher, Rey. ?foliose' Bailaatyoe, had hems moored foe the oowsloa sad be (whitely pleased the two 1 owgregatiass wbu gathered to bear Mist. At ib. eyeshot ssrvint the thumb sae packed, u the Mht►o- dlsts bad spread their shoewh through courtesy sad ie o.serqu.nce a meat sway of them were at the Prsetr�t.r- en senior. Tba choir cru rad me beentifol solectMns. b.iog y by Miss Ada McCliotoa, of Uod.rieb, who meg a 'Wu at both services in !hies. Those wbo heard bar b the rommwtt,. Mato is *be beet singer who has rv�ow� sad enjoy the evening bees Is that ebsreb for sons* consider- with eta. able time. Mr. Carr, wbu a Blytb's PaTtu0Trc Annattne. - The Col - best minter, also emitted In his vary borne Red Cross Workers are pleased to be able to 000ossoe that as address will by given seder their auspices by Rev. J. B. Fathering/Una, of Ooderieb. o. Friday_evesiag, November I9t•b. to Smith's ill thumb. In Addison to the address 'bare will b. • p of solo*. choruses, etc. Aden 267: children I6c. Program at 8 o dock. Fred Hunt liami ton Streif "one 1S5 r•i�istss�Ns GRAND TRUNK SYs t M DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO - MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO 1..'y. T:)ROSiT', • • .,. . a • 1' an., and 11.1"• p. w. dotty FOE MONTREAL tore TORONTra tit ►. m . 11r p. m.•rwl I1..' p m. dally. Fa uipeie.t the an..! so all Iron.. AMA PA"IIlt t:Xl•.)+IiluV+ [s..4•. ed Oren to ata F'r•M'i.•+.. tats Anxele.an 1 Diego. iti,llpartieslu sad b.. I •e--•'a•inn. on =ratios to F. F L.\.v'd►:Yt'h: t trtlh3. IHMse�r THE RIDEAU New Afternoon Trjn, Toronto to Ottawa, Via C. P. R. camas at eats( baba • along Law Ontario Rare line teetotal.[ Esmpt a. t's•to-dat' eget/seat. tsris411a Bade libe.ry•larersnian Pa -1w ear. wt[t b•teilet seri top Lea.(. Tomato tta p m Arrive. (Stows VLSI pis Moot evolve: asadga Came, ix tole le.ves Owier4 ,0 a m rc Arrives Tenet 11.:) p wrnm mw(elea Matas Ne. era 1.•. re era be tie \ o t. tips nes ah.•...is Crag. from (pi•aw • to Toront ). •awe ream. same sou tamest Psraaenlan tram )'w sIun. ('. P. R. A�S�Meetw. write M. O Mt Pay. WarPara. At' . reroste Pause rlai• erns. TM lV.ry Best Place to Take • Commercial Training is THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Owl-ENKA' ?D.ONT. No mbar Caeadlan .ebeal .far* lbws .asst�ay.a���('e. .weer petrast rewserldra r • ~NY • sidtponsas**eentael ttJJs.leeti Pel"r.lsr ewe • s . r.mid•r e ate is a pas ass. T -ab.rIY.ee. 1'r.etseeterkr soe Cave •111 ear../ (atateRns D R1YU. ►e Pe.iasid. sea war. h..rej-rdweiwe w end akar • .t I.•ar s>...' U fslloer, a.d •Par .a "(led Save the il.g.- for Ottbselalg dlelponea. COLBORNE Cotres.r.-A eneosers Ie a he gives by the pupae ol.$,M-No, a, Mibeems. row November Mir A. s geness a estwls la beam prepard..amoi-tisR of ane- mias. rv.itaslase. dWoosse. dri1 . sea The pagoda are bring assisted by the best local talent Don't air hearing the play that Is to be gives by the this another_ The church looked very pretty with the affair of Mower'. Toa. collection amounted to $173 PRo.ONAL AND GgNEOAL - The farmers have euceeeded in, getting tbeir fall work pretty well finished durini tbe recast good weather mind although this looked hopeless at one time they can now see therood in 114 bt. Mahe, should be a large attendance, se MOW. have already finished all their Mr. Fotheri.gham is •s able soothes plowing .. . Tb. Oddfellowa held hoe and the proceods of the affair wilt be of their monthly **at bosses' for the devoted to $ causer that should hays brethren and their wives in their hall the support of all. on Tuesday uight. It was well at- tended sad all seemed to enjoy them - wives very much. The 'vetting was *pent in progressive euobre, after which • touch was served ....Mailer Earl Spafford shot • loon last week on the Blyth creek. H. is haying it stuffed and intends having it on exhi- bition. It is • large bird ant very pretty Capt. Kobt Ston, who i• in training at London, .pent a few days with his parents herr the past week. While here he wper:ntend•d the teaming -of ftIO barrels of ripples from bis Godrr'cb township farm to Ooderich, having sold them to Mr. Cantelon, of Clinton fir. F. Pii)1- ham, of Uoderich. visited with ins friend. Mr. 8. H. (iidley. on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse visited with (Geode at Londesboro over Sunday Mrs. J.,fitotbera and daughter, Madeline, are at Sarnia this week visiting with her daughter. lira. McNeil Mr. Archie Bell 'peat Sunday with relatives in the vicinity of Ripley .... Memrs, Balaton Bros. received a carload of sheepskins last week and have now got their tancery going in full blast pulling the wool off thea(. It is their intention to keep running all winter The Flax ,Co. have now all their flax lifted and as soon as they get their mill changed around they will 'tett up with a full force wt the scotching operations A number from here are up in Mus- koka derrbunting. it is to be hoped they will •11 be successful in bringing home • deer, Mr. R. M. McKay was at Toronto lsiet week on business and while there purchased a fine -toned clarinet and flute for his own use in the Blyth band and orchestra The Masers. Jewitt. who are in training et Loodon with the ambulance corps. spent Sunday with their parents here. The work train is at the (i. T. it. station this week. The gang 1. busy tutting in a drain underthe track. BENMILLER. WLDRR.DAY, hcv. 10. RrD CROSS 8HIrit0RT. -The Ben - miller Red Cross `iuciety ►hipped • bale of supplies to the head ofllre at. Torun - to lest week, .slued at 390. ,(rhe bale contained the following articles : 4 oonvalnceot rotes, 12 grey cannel shirt., lei surgical shifts, 1 bed jacket. 9 suits pyjamas, 48 pairs socks, 10 bandage., 216 hospital handkerchiefs. 72 dark handket chieSe.:i111) wipes sod • bundle of magazines. OrgeiTtort Prg. Lox°. -Word boa leen received trout Pte. E. A. Long. at present in Moors's Barrack' hospital, Sborncliffe, of the wcce.s(ul °potation tr. remove some decayed splinters of bone pied p.e•crs of metal from the wound which be received on April :Stud at Yore., in the battle of Leingensarck. rhe operation was per- formed by a Caoadiwn surgeon, Dr Collins of Edmonton, who is following the operation by a radium treatment mid hopes to have Pte. Long back in the trenches ill the _ouree of • few weeks. PATRIOTIC Sgiixos.-Tbe member♦ of Barnstaple Lodge, 8. 0. E . and L. U. L. No. 153, I3•omiller, attended divine service is a' body last Monday afternoon in Bensniner church. Re.. F. 1. Kutberfoed preached • patriotic sermon, timing as his test Pant's word,. "1 am • cit'z-n of no wenn count' y." He took l'itiz•mhip •s bis theme, and handled the subj.-cot very atilt. The choir rendered apreier mu.ic for the occas.on. The collect• ion, a very generous one. was donated to the Benmiller itr•d Cross Society, who through their president desire 1.1 thank the brethren and congregation for Weir gener.rity. UODERICH TOWNSHIP. WNDgg.DAT, Nov. 10. Pu sine MernNo.-At • meeting of representatives of the Women's Patri- otic Society sod the Farmers Club of the township it wtsdecided to hold a public meeting in Union church on the evening of Friday. November, 19:b, for the purpose of obtaining and die. tribttiog Information regarding the vat ions war funds. and other matters in connection with tit. great war. The ..committee •ppeinted ha+ been fortunate ib secori ig the set view of Mr. M. G. Cameron, K. C., and Rec. Jo.. E'liutt, of Uodericb. With those gentlemen and some local music d talent the publi: is •sriuret of an Interesting and profitable eveni:tg. Kverv.ine welcome. What Cures Eczema? pains .1....._ 1.1111111111.111111111111.110 THE COLBORNE STORE A Bunch of Bargains this week. A business man's prolound remark is "Goods well bought are half sold." Read our list of Bargains, then come here. WINTER COATINGS piece each,t0 - ---- aFive ends Winter Coating, regular prior $2."8. Lengths 4, 41, and 2 54 j reduced A tiagAT 1'{000Zea.-The Orange Hall on the 4th concession was erowded on Friday evening list. when L. O. L. No. 143 celebr.ted Guy Fawkes Day with a patriotic enter- tainment. Mr. John (%.•x presided. Addresses were given by Rev. J. B. Fotberinghaw, who urged to. duty of the young mea t.o esliat for King and country. and He.. F. J. Rutherford, who gave a history of the Ounpowder Plot. Ex -Reeve John McClure elm gave • bide( address. In addition to the addr.eses •'pleaded program was rendered, including choruses by the choir of 'Lion church; vocal solos by Miss Violet Laithwaite, Mn. 1... Me- Cluskey, Messrs. Wm. amid Oliver Ed- ward,: recitations oyMiss Keys. Miss L. Ticbborne and Ms. J. Schwas*: a quartette by Micae.,,,,jjjjCCCCeye sed L.itb- wwite nod Messrs. V Edward and Schwan& ; violin • by Loma Young nod Weagle e. The anomie pianists were Mrs. Jas. Bell and Misses Welters and Westlake. The collec- tion taken amounted to 39i. which *mount has been banded over to the Patriotic Society of Ooderkb town- ship. We have had so many enquiries lately regarding eczema and other skin disemiere that we are glad to make our answer public. After a careful investigation we have broad that -a simple wash of oil of wintergreen, as compounded in D. D. D. Prescription. can be relied rep .n. %%e would not make this statement to our patrons, friend* and r.eigbbors unless we were sure of it -and although there are many so-called resew* remedies sold. we ourselves unhesitatingly recommend D. D D. Prescription. Alt druggists have D. D. O . 'Lac anal $1. Drop into our store today, just r5 talk over the merit' of this.wondetful Prescription. Ask also &boat D.D.D. Soap. JAS. A. CAMPBELL, I)'uggist, (iodrticb. D. D. D. ie made in (':nada. LEEBURN. v\'zwiroiDAY- N0.. ltd. Mr. Jack Chisholm returned from the West last week and reports condi- tion favorable out there Mn. Fulford boa been very -h indisposed with • sprained ankle, but we are pleaded to know she is able to be shout again Twg,TIItTH ANRIt ERN.IRY. -- Tee members of Iweburn Presbyterian church will bold • congregational tea in the be esnrnt of the rhurrh on Thursday. No.ernher l'th, the oc- casion heiog the completion of the tweotfeth year of Rev Jas. Hamil- toi s pastorate. All the congregation are invited to attend Tea will be served at 11 o'clock. RED Climes K,rrE•T t1.0arT -The Idles of tinhorn held their first Red (`re0 tea last Mohdav evening De- spite the unfavorable weather •suite • ..ether gathered and .pent a social evsaieg Obsessing eontnts and a abort program made the ...rout • vee y pleasant one We hope lM ladies will have more 1'1 them daring the winter month.. Mise Mate Hawtss and Mn. Arrh. Hot n made eharm- ing hostesses fie the oeeaabo, '•Well. my boy." said 110 visitor to Bobby, ••I wows *orae day yew ex pet to step into Toss father's sham s" ••Op, i aoppnee So," said Bobby. gloom- ily. "1 horn eeearia' not evevytisfm' rape Ise wears rises mother biassed bow s.0 tort 'eto haws ter the." PATRIDTtc Woax -The toerohers of the Patriotic thiciety of Godericb township will hold their next sowing at the bum. 01 Mn. Isaac Salkeld on Wednesday. November 171.6 ...A box of ion or canned fruit will be shipped very soma. Any desmtiese tett At the- homes. at Mee: McOlurr. Bayfirld road, or )Ire. John Schwarz, Huron road. or at T. .1 Salkeld'• restaurant, (. -derieb, before Novem- ber Birth 1 y G.deiich township q will be gratefully 'revived. Coot tors should be ante ti put their names on the gem. A bak of goods bas been forwarded containing 112 surgical night shirts, :iso pain socks, one scrap hook .and some bandage* Fruit cakes, plum puddings, candy. gum and tr bscro were received for the Christ- mas box from the (abseils,/ : Mes- a Chris. Johnston, J. Sow.' by, .1. T. ttalkr!d, T. J. Juboston. P. Itaodlr. Robt. Mcllwain, Jas. John - von, Goo. Andrews, Rohl. Davidson. Sr. AUGUSTINE. J.* Mcllw..in, Harry Salkeld, Isaac Salkeld. le.ter C'hureh, Wm. Bicban, Tu g,ii tr. Nov. 's.. Walter Hick. Chas. Edward., and Threshing is the order o' the day. the Misses Hay, Alice Andrew.. Minnie ('arwen• Bi" Elliott, Alice Miss i.ottie Jobnatno, of end it stn . Wakefield. Mary K. and Lizzie Palk - high school, *peat the week -mod :.t bre el•l. Laura Salkeld, and four girls.... home here I The memt tri of the Patriotic Soviet Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyle visited ( 01 loderich township wish to acknowl- Mullett friends this week. edge with thanks the sem 01 mr, pro - Mn. Geo. Hamilron and son, of f seeds of an entertainment given on Auburn, visited at HAM. McAlliste�s' November.iih by the Orangemen, and also their kind offer of the use of their lodge room at any time tree to the $eeiety . DUNGANNON. WEDNESDAY. Nov. t0. Cee:l Ryan has returned from the West this week Rev. O. Uomm ie a repreaest•t.ive at the Ubrary Association meeting at St Marys this week. We are sorry In report Melville Cul- bert and Geo. Wenn ns the aiek list this week, but bop* for • speedy re- covery. Mr. N. F. a b and has been •D - pointed cork of the DuogaaSon Div- ision Court. to atee.ed his father. the late James Whyard. wbo iissbarged the duties of the office so faithfully during many year.. The new cirri' will no doubt ell tbe position accept• ably. EVA MOOTOS Br 11.01M - Exeite- ment wasrreated on Friday teeming a th last week whew e ilroboU rang and the alarm gives that the evaporator was on etre. The quick respos•o drew • large a.eemhlage to the came, hot ao possible aid cosdd be of any avail to qu.oeb the devoesritsg flames that soon spread throagb tip entire bsild ing. The origin of the M wee dnwo at the fortune and ti magpie, mod in the dryi.g proems isieulled the progress of lb, ieimea 11111arle were s.sec.edspy mads re waste the essr.rnd- hag bondlo e. wYsM hetet rxrpos�atidl to la apbrfiaglow M r J f 1► Ilse pro - 1 le alto the .MMPs ermmonky rereea eewetlyatl•Mlaes "may mak' (Inc end 3 7-8 yards at $2.00 for only COATINGS --three pieces, pieces, cream, scarlet and navy Blanket Cloth, very heavy- weight pare wool. Two pieces Cwi Cloth, newest weave, copen and navy, and only $2.2S. Sure Bargain. Hosiery We never were in a Setter position to show Hosiery than we are today. We have pearl everything you can irk for from a child's 16 cent Hose to a ladies* M Mac. Extra valetas is 23 and 86 -cent lines 84, f1. 94. 10 sizes. Ask for W if you want the best 50i -cent 1;1 rib. all woo. Winter Underw.ar for evervooe from the baby to the eldest in the family comes in for its full shut of patronage. Every garment we sell bears the stamp of best quality to be had anywhere for the price asked. This u our banner season for Underwear. Flannelette 900 Mill Ends now in direct from the mill from 7 to 11) cents a yard, all right for linings: Our 19, 124 and J. IL- • . it 16 cents are extra good value. What we sell at ".B cents are the heaviest we ever sold at that or any other price. Corsets li -A new departure in Corsets. New models. the very latest -is made with • new spiral, anixeakable, than on - notable 6nlegs and will be ►old 12 00 cheaper any spiral 611.4 Corset sold in Canada. A prtgted guarantee goes with every pus sold. . / in blue, fawn, brown, red, cogen, white and purple. in prices from 80c to $1.25. Ribbed Velvets I The largest stock of plain Trivets we ever carried. in 1 black and colors, dlc. H. COLBORNE111111111111111 41111.1111111111I on Sunday. Nies J. I. McAllister. who was at- tending the Women'. institute can- Te01lob at London. returned home on Tuesday. ST. HELENS. Tu DAY, Nov. 9. Fast taken at MHI•rs stere ever) Tu day and Wedeeaday. afire and drs,wed. Ube blrb- e.t peke. paid. Nis M. Little, of Mornington, wee bottle at the maces over Sunday. Mr. and Mea. W. Taylor spent the week -end with friends at Lotdesboro'. Min Margaret Miller spent the week -end with Mie* Elizabeth Mel tyre. Mr. and Mrs. RJ.bert Woods and Miss Eula and Mr Jos. Miller 'motored to Stanley townshipoe Saturday. Mr. 1. /talked, Minos i.anra and Elizabeth /talked and Miss Ferguson motored from liodericb on Monday. . Mrs. Moorehead and Miss Moore- head, of Milton. left for Witjgham en Saturday after spending a pleasant time with friends here. Mrs. Mbopta.d of Rochester. Alber- ta. returned to 4ioderich on Monday atter aper .g a few weeks wi' h her sister, Mn. W R. Gordon Mrs. Heb. Tbnm rm left on Mon- day roe the ••/too Mn. Thnmp.nn Mt*nds -.torn) W.ngbats where Mr. Thompson has bought • resi- detire. A (loon Mlrnroorr.-Oa Moalay vomits" last &boat twenty of tba 8t. Helms boys &herded a farewell dip- ole', tendotrd to Pte. K. Qnn.tow, -1st Oversaw Battalion, by Mr. R. Robinson. After a bountiful repent. emu\ as only Mrs. hiller ran prnvl4. tie guests adjom/Red to the parlor, heumasm.. I. Uric Acid in the blood. Unhealthy kidneys are the cause of the acid berg there- 1f the kidneys acted as they should the would strain the Carie Acid out of the system mid rb eurna- tisrn wou$dn t occur. Rheu- matism is a Kidney Dis- ease. D.xi-1 . Kidney Pi.ls have rr.aJe a great part of their rejuttatwn curing Rheuratism. So get • at the muse of those fearful shooting pains and tttia aching joints. There is but one sure way- Dodd's Sidney Pills Fret European Railway. The Ant carriages [bat nn on rasa to Europe were those of a tone rail- way between Libs and Bodweia, to Austria. This was to working ceder to 1827. Locomotive railways were much longer coming. The first lino la a modern sense was opened from' Pare to 8t Germain in 1833• bat railway de- velopment was greatly kiodersd by a terrible accident on the Parte-Yers*114 lino 1n 1842. The next was the Brno - e els -Matinee line to Belgtnm. Belgium was also the first eoaatzy to begin. In 1330' systematic plans for a sattosal n etwork Of rallways Prbmla followed 1. 1435 and Aastrta-Hungary in 7828. The Ant great trunk line 1n Zw'ops was from Paris to Rows. opsned In May, 1843. Family Pride. lira. Blunt -Wel, Louisa, I don't ✓ eppoes you will attempt to deny that your anginal ancestors were Mone the caftans who lived is a damp ears. Mrs. Tree -if my earnest ancestors were a part of the geologic period ae *bleb you speak they mast have had a red sandatoos chateau of Muir own on irUnthesd avenue, with staleetite dteeratioas and running water on the Knot floor.-Caeveland Plain Daaiac .IA. enterprise. PAwewzu. AND PRwgaTLTIO1r - On Mbe6ay aveoing of tht. week ■ - large number of the citizens assembled in the basement of the Methodist 0 church to honor and hid farewell to Fred Errington• son of Mr. David Er- rington of this vicinity. Fred had been in Toronto for some time, and since the war broke out bad keenly telt it his duty to respond to his cotentt y'a call. He patiently awaited his parents' consent and after sub- mission on their part he cheerfully volunteered sod enlisted to go to Kingston in the artillery service. On bis return home last Saturday to see his parents the citizens of Dungannon seined the opportunity to honor bion. A well -worded and &pvroptiate address was lead by air. H. Bellamy, and a wrist -watch was presented and placed on the arm of the guest. A program of patriotic speeches h7 Re.. Meson. McKelvey and Gomm and Mr. Young. together with solos, instrumental music_, eta., was given. Mr. Errington replied suitably and raid be hoped to be able to bring bass • trophy from the seat of war. Mr, F. Ross acted se chairman PM In Hawaii Pot, the Hawaiian national dish. t. made by pounding up the cooked r'o't f the taro plant -the Arum mentos- tam of the botanists -with water into a thick paste When slightly ferniest. ed it has a pleasant fruity, add costa "Did be prop.( to bee 'r "Well. be pressed his wit." "Why didn't be wit T "Because be bade t pressed Isis suit before he came." SCHOOL REPORTS. PORT ALBERT. The following is the standing of the pupils of 8. 8. No. 1, Pott Albert, tar the mootb of October : Jr. iV.-Otiv. Willi. Beta Murray, Wlll.e Dickson. 8.. ill. -i Ruddock, Minnie Diek- a0o, Viola Hoy.Halal Orson. Paley Murray, Wiie Gaoler. Jr. i11.- Mlldrvd Bhhard oo, Wadey Fielder, Callow Smith. Lorne McGee. Harry Willie. Sr. 11. -violet Wilson, Victor Hoy. Pt. Il. -Fad Brewer, Edna Murray, Fred Dicksoo. James Rud- dock. Basel Richardson, John (lanky. 8r. 1 -Bobby Hoy. Norman Wilson. Jr. 1.-Osrmtn Hayden, Gracie Green, leaded Hoy. Berrie* Richardson. Ida Wilmot. Number oa rod, 39. Aver- age attendance, 16 F. J. PrrzogR- At-D, Teacher. Don't Stir N. Phase Don't Stir It. For Goodness Sake Don't Stir 1)r. Jaeksns's Rosman Meal porridge. 1f you d0 it's spoiled. Read and follow direction on package. For early I breakfast, make white getting evening .seal. 1. a double Adler or set boiler is Man of bninag water. When you net sip. SOK gas ander boiler, avow ismer haler to set in boiling water without etirvhg wino downtime. Tour break- fast M reedy. It's detlei.... very ' or of the evapesMM. e s bossy, tlitsllsitls.s► Mwt1Ms � freer. as from oho extieetlol of sorb • tats` V /fes MOM 01111401 0111100111101111111111110 Rin Wilson STOVES Stoves - - Stoves Now is the time to look up your Range for the winter. We have some- thing new in this line. GASOLINE 'ENGINES Frain t11a oto bacgewer Windmill Pumps and Windmills Water Systems installed We have just a few Buggies left at cut prices. Also a line of Harness, Horse Blankets and Robes, Wash- ing Machines. Churns and Cream Separators. Massey -Harriss Shop Hamilton St , Goderscb 4 More News of Walters & Co.'s Shoe Store Yave 14,uJeen lkem? The styles of Fall and Winter Footwear shown in our win- dows. We carry shoes is stock to suit all kinds of wear, front the heaviest plow shoe to the finest patent leather shoe made. Ladies' Fine Shoes in patent, gunmetal a n d kid. Regular $..00 for 1:19.1 Regular $4. >0 for $3.69 Regular $4 25 for $3.19 Regular $4.00 for 42 .9.1 These are shown in button and late. 11M PAiRS RUBIERS Men•s,women's, mis- ses', boys', youths' and children's guar- anteed new perfect Rubbers, all sizes, at Whole'ale Prices. Felt and warmed Tined Boots. Fancy fur -bound plush apd felt Slippers in great variety at Special Prices. Men's fine and leather -lined Shoes. in tan or black leather red patent. Regular $6.00 for $4.95 Regular 4:1.50 for $4.411 Regular 15,00 for $3.96 Regular 44.50 for 13.69 Regular 64.00 for $2.95 These are shown in button and lace. See OUT new stock of Mese iaevy ash urs, two -buckle and laced high. Special prices to early buyers. Tan and black leathers. (Outdoor shoes for hard wear. Ursa Cilf 011si fid Siam. 526. =3.19, *3.49 per pair. See them New Method Shoe Walters Co. 13a*teal tore Repairing CD•1 Store Telrphi.ne No 221i Galeria, od ri. ssoeeesore to J . H. McClinton Terms Cash