HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-11-11, Page 3THE 011$INlL AND ONLY !ENT INE BEWARE OF TIONS OUROTFAWA LETrF.R ...sSS...,t s. e. OAca.......M. Ottawa, November 11. -!1a jor-0es- aral Bir Made Hughes and bis humid. and Whirler assoofates in the (lovers - meat breathe • gnat .a b of relief now that Mr. Doubtwet A. Thomas bas left these shores. David Lloyd Oeorgs's ambawado, Is ow of trues bleerings whir& Mr Sam recognises only as they take their dight The talk .t the Capital is that the r.eoo.tr.kis .1 e. Steal Committee le pettiest's!), • black Vie for the ea bl Minister of Militia, wbaight Idea It Rea to appoiata committee largely 000afstine of prospettive shell -makers wbo would naturally bats tbemeelver vibes it came to •wording cootrsets. 10 L D ON How they bated tbeaswtvw • is elbows THE by the fact that certain processes in the making of shells coot about five MERITS Or times as much as they ought to have done and profits. generally speakion. ran wywher* from one hundred to two busdred per cent. The msouf•e- tuting members of the coomluee cer- tainly, aa Mr. Thomas !equal k., "re- lieved industrial tepressi.ro over a wide area,' paying special attesters. however, to those areas in which Lbry themselves operated For example, the Canada Car k Foundry Co.. which had • Senator out fishing. te.ieved Industrial depression via the shell trouts by $13U,0U0,1UI, whereat its best previous turnover, until war, that bountiful jade, came along, was Irl7,- 000.0011 for the year. There can be r.o doubt that industrial depression in the neighborhood of the Canada Car & Founds y Cc.. was extensively 'obeyed and the dividend draw.rs greatly h eartened. A. a 'setter of f.e'. the Indust' i.l depots ion was relieved 10 a greater extent Lbws the ebertages of shells in England. The War Office complained that deliveries were slow. It is conceded a great pity tbst Sir Sones Shell Committee didn't win out better then it did, fie ti,E tlam took an almost personal intro est in I•. It was his pet committee. He didn't have time to confer rank on all the ui mu - festering members but be to ole one a g eneral and several others honorary colonels. so that anstbing they did would have the appearance of meiury tactics. In short. be treated the t ou.- snitter well -he treated it even better than be did the Purchasing Committee in New York, which is another of fir Sam's pets. The New York Puueha•ing Commit- tee is said to have done very well by Its friends and customers, so well that Dr. Pugrl.y was constrained' to ask in the House of Commons tor papers dealing with certain large tranactsons in small arms ammunition. The mem- ber for St. John was told by Sir Sam that the New York Purchasing Com- mittee was not within the jurisdiction of the Canadian Parliament, that it u C. klA'l N was en Imperial body answerable only LL• to tits lowprriel Parliament. and that BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, tOTART the papers were in the hared. of the 4 hale., hat. British War Office and wouldn't be Ewa, gra gAya. produced in Use Canadian Patliament, even if Sir Sam had tbeni, which he bast iaAWAeLs as sad iawea•es. hadn't. All of which Dr. Put lei tboreughly believed. tut he didn t think any the more of Sir Sam for that. It only goes to show that Sir Mass will not have any of hie commit- tees put upon aur& onee•a well imagine hie anger et the reforms of this rasb intruder, D. A. Thomas. The Shell Committee, as reconstructed, is to have no manufacturing members in ata midst and is to be a munitions commit- tee of the British Empire instead of a 0.CAMERON, E. 0.. BARRIS- get-rieb-qukkwawe of the Plutocrat canal ss a tjluh. The committee has been lifted wrest. tesierice. mares dew fro At Cnnu. Taandar at each week la to • higher moral plane and a British ea Albert titrcet word by Its. expert will remain on the spot to keep Voce aeon k ilia.le lam it from .aggin . The only comfort tern w ave o recore- IINAID'S LINIRENT Bt10K131NDIN(i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES Lound or repaired. SOLD LETTERINU eo�lnr LEATHER GOODS ABet B $1U\Al, w lavas A. IL TAYLOH. tYiaArPtmn. MEDICAL ER. OEM. HIs1LEMANN, OBTE- PATH, .specialist is wamea . Gel (I1 's Meso.. state, Aireale aid.srvwsdi - ralers. ea e. ear. we .ad Lemma deaf. m.. bslago Gad-Mut.atb ',adobe... Ade- esa. esteem" t witb..et the kale. U. at sesNwas, ceraer Nelms ..d hi. A.4... name. At berme "Moe needs" M'daeeders sod eatemispe: ear cream b mesistuasst gt.,:J. R.1rUR8TER-EYE. EAR. ..d threat eely. Howe t. Amen.. Ear. ork auraand mid 1 kzv.t B puratttt.J. titeats,..d Meer a.N Eye Nomura, e ►a went. Ko o sschoorea HS. Waterloo oer. V, • to a. sp.. t fe s P m-- t to $ P a Tel.vkeae a. AUCTIONEER. mliOMA8 OUNDRY si AVC IUNEER; Bs: B. Oedertc . All taetr..ial dice wul b• ylroasm by that • ".Yd to He woe Women" UPI t�tiy LEGAL PROUDFUUT, KILLORAN & PROUDFOOT SAJUL SrtR0, 1OLICITtiho. NOTARIES PUBLIC, EIV. Mogen the BeeGee. sewed deer ban Mam- W s anat. tionmeh. rami. ta. u at Nwsst mem W. PsocoeOOT. `.C. J. L. EnAmea W. Peooesoor, J.. LBARLE8 GA1tILUW, LLB.. IISAR- the teem ion h been zoom. Gusr.sl r1ie1 r .te. God. @eructed off the committee can enter- ssiiss . Messy te fwd at lowest rales fain is that the profit and lose account sow bseomee an imperial matter, and (SEAGER, BARRIST(E1aeRy.e�•aaOeI�. is not subject to Canadian overhauling . Mier. Noun P.MI° ad Ixsa ' I by auditor. -general or Parliamentary �w-ta`rt eOaMrtat scandal committees. lot, these golden vista. Mr. Thomas has given Canada about the only peep she will get . ;E�C/1 (�(�(� P1UVATK FUNDS TO Meanwhile, there is no denying that �.a94 000 Ism. Apply to M. O. CAM- the ebe11 (committee distinguished it - 1 JN�esvisase Hamtlu..ueet.Oaken . self. it succeeded in getting even higher prices for its output than the , R. ROBERTSON. New York t'urchaeiog Committee, f •L\atiliANClI AOIDtIr- which was going some, Icr the Yankee manufacturers are not in business; merely for tbeir health. ft course, England was in • tight bee and for a while at the start she paid through the nose for eupplie., as did France and Russia. Everybody looted the Entente allies for •11 they could get. but even at that the Canadian '+heli Committee attracted the special at- tention of Lloyd George and the War Office by the things it was doing to the British Empire. Our 86e11 Committee was in • claw by itself 1t was doing so much for the British Empire -do- ing the Brl1Wt Empire for so much. did I say? -that the British Empire bad to step it, if only to relieve the strain on the Shell Committee. it entainly was something in thew days of universal pillage for our Shell Committee tc have aught the eye of Lloyd George by its paradhount per- formaazes in the Sold ..1 Big Business. The Abell Committee felt that it had the British Empire going and coming. While our brave soldier boys were :hereon the toe the Shell Committee was cbergiog our friends and protect- ors as much as the traffic would bar es -and then some. While the Nilsen Committee was treating its friends, not forgetting it - t self, thus geuerou.ly, handing out contracts that invent anywhere from ooe bends ed to five hundred per rent. profit, the Government was punning • more economical policywith the soldiers. Within the t twelve months the. 8eld and subsistenee al- lowances have been cut down, .oldie,', wives and families di •w fttoiti the Patriotic Fund only what will them from starving, wounded are lw•n.rght home steerage-wbarever the Sebum mss are eoaoersed peo- n ies are pinched. becanse aeiage se he .Reeled Gad as the Shell w t ave the Gov - had to What's more. the It@ been short-changed, .o to =beak at. for etampie. becomes the rickpa y of a soldier Oho fella is beide 11 It siertaanly desea't roach Wig `11411r. Di it revert to she tial• ter Ih a NMI Oemesi ttee P Ramer hes K dist the same crewed wheel' I..-gtta D. A. Thames to Cam- elia task !r Bim to Ragland. The Rein ()oversewed wasted to Mer what eh Sam bed to say about the RharO Cemmiktaw ami they Mt are INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. Pima MeV wrursse : arltlsa, Cseadlaa wed aomemrr Groes AND L.nrtort•' Leen. we : The Ocesa ner Limbed not Leadsa Lied.t and . Itss+m Aura cASAaysa ldoase: !'fa U.S. Mate wad Owaraat.e emstaay. OlEse et issem mom se VW Mi. sad ed reddened Davida sues 'Phase 17a 11eaILLOP MUTUAL FIRM 1N - BUR ASCE CO. -rasa edIwtabd air mama pMsasr ,r.mamaD. Mama, Pow. S afferth P.U.: Jig.��.etly. TimPta. Owiertek P. U.: eled-, W U. F. = •pea u P. rjktieerd=eictIsmrweis.; Witham meas: Jame Eve•. anis, Yisloek : Miasma �,r*eem:J.w.Yea. B�etem..erssvim; ales. Mateo; William ees�e�ss end ,pa their earde re ntetee le J, ]Wsryti eletktag �w stn. EL Oars envier. daeessasYe n - - MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTER R. KELLY J.P., .➢ODertios. UZiNT. MUTER Or MAlta6AOs WESS 1. Patten Songster TB. S. IAICOCL POW �* s'7s rlMe THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : t)NTAhIO WOMEN FROM riiiioi1 45 to 55 TESTIFY Teeente Cottle Merest Heavy choice steers $7.76 to is 40 7.60 7 75 Tothe M.rit of Lydia Elia. wady choice wears. Butchers'. good h. m'g Vegetable Com- do. medium I do common pound dozing (�p� NeUen, choice fe do good Life.of ° do. medhum Wegtrae t. M. - "1 ems through the Chemise et We and baa psis r my bark G ad aria and was to weak I Goal hardly do my housework. I haw taken Lydia M. Prkrm's Vega- teble Ctmpomd and It has deme sae a lot of good I will re- ccenmend your mad - Mine my Meads and give you permiM- 1 ion to publish my trtmodat " - Mrz Lwsmtcs Mak- TM, 12 King et, Westbrook, Maine. Manatee, Wk - "At the Change of Life I suffered with pains in my beck and loins until I ninld not stand. I also bed night -sweats so that the sheets would be wet I tried other medicine but got no relief. Alter taking one bot - tie of Lydia E. Ptnkbem's Vegetable Compound I began W improve and I continued Iia use for six moths. The pains left me, the night -sweats and bot dashes grew lass, and in one year I was a different woman. I know I hays to thank you for my continued flood health ever since." - Mrs. M. J. 11owtreLL. Manston, Wis. The success of Lydia E. Ptakham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, Is unparalleled in such eases. 1f ye. want special advice write to Lydia E. Ptnkkaa Medici.* Co. (col�- drutial) Lye., Mass. Tour letter will be *posed, read and answered by a weasaa. Gad held la strict eoaldssts. ivirta that Mr. Thrones would do his work better if Sir Sam were absent from Canada. It re well known that Sir Sara bad interviews with Kitchener and As- q,titb on the subject of kerpirg Cana - clans over -long in England. and giv- ing these British offers instead of the homrpun Canadians with wbom they stet ted out. It is, well known. beeriest one of team's semi -personal colonels took oceasioa to announce it with a loud voice, at the same time intimating that Kiteh was routed hip aid thigh by the redbublable Sir Sam. But it i• not so well known that Premier Asquith and Earl Kitebener talked to Sir Sam about other matter., notably the Shell Committee. In brief, Sir Nam was ,liven a ebsoce to plead his case, which he did with the results that are already apparent. The Shell Com- mittee is under reeonetruction, it is to be run on business rather than an eleemosynary harks; its aim will be to provide shells for the army rather than fortunes for the ihi•ods of the Con- servative party. All's well that ends well. Mr. Tbomar is beck in his own country and Sir !lam is back in hie. Let it go at that. HeF. G. Lawyer MAI and Read Patrat Altair W. VII mae �eas� espwMaw 1. Camara *al Uri 3.- yvasiws M•0eur patented Trot mart and ppi.sfpp.�d I.Monser sed y.rstf mama ?Mama s e r "Wm is"Rama prrp.eM hr Expert witness in patent suits, Pat- ents obtained in all countries. 99 OIL dames Street, Montreal. We . Meee,•.atved Brophe} Bros. ooOKklCH lac l-eadiag Femoral Directors aid Embalmers Orions eards.y athsdd M M .a hese.. sight or dap'. top 7.00 7 5' 0.60 7.111 6.76 6.60 7.26 760 0.60 7.'1. 6.00 4 60 Botcher cows. choice.. 6.00 6 10 do. good 6.60 6 Gu do. medium 6.00 6 59 Balls, choice 0.00 4 6u do. good 6.60 4.00 do. medium 1.25 6.60 dobologna 4.00 4.76 Feeders, 000 to 1.100 lbs. 6.25 6.76 do. balls ... - 6.00 1.74 Stockers. 750 to 200 lbs. 6:00 6.60 do. med. 660 to 760 6.50 6.00 do. light 4.75 6.60 Canners 3.00 3.73 Cutters 3.75 4.60 Milkers. ehclee, each . :5 00 100.00 do. medium to good 60.00 75.00 do. common . . 45.00 60.00 Springers ..... 50 00 100.00 Calves. veal. good .... 8 00 11.00 do. medium , 7 00 1.041 do. comrion 4.75 7.00 do. gra.. 4.00 4.75 Yearling sheep 6.00 6.75 Spring lambs, cwt. 1.60 0.00 Cull lambs 7.50 8.00 Sheep ewei. light 6.50 6.25 Sheep. heavy and hacks 4.25 6.25 ('ull. 2.60 3.60 Hogs, fed and watered. 5.75 0.00 do.. light and heavy. 8.25 8.e5 A MINISTER'S INTERESTING DIS- COVERY. iS- COVERY. Rev. A. D. MacLeod, of Harcourt. N.B., in a letter written recently, le - leered to the remarkable popularity which Zam-Bok enjoys in the homes of the people. "Really." be writes, "i know of noth. ing like it ! Having charge of an ex- tensive ruinion over which I travel constantly, i meet with many rick and afflicted people, and i hese been emszed at the good Z.rn-Buk is doing daily. 1 bay. learned as an absolute fact that for bad ulcers, ell wounds, eczema and skin disease, nt all kind., the healing power@ of 7.sm-Huk are sissyv marvellous! For the painful ailment. piles, also, it i. expellent. 1f a bo1.ot "Lem-Buk could be pot into every borne it would save many a 1 dortor's bill." Here is disinterested evidence, based on the beet and widest experience, of the value of Zam-Bok. In the how,a of the people from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Zaino -But is the most popular tela WW'by % Because in so many canes it bas proved a rune when all else has failed. bon -Bilk it • vire rue. for eczema, ulcer., abet -eased, var- icose vein., scalp sores, pike, cold sores. cut.. burns. hruiee", the etup- tinns and gore, of hil.iee and ehildren, anJ all skin diseases and injuries. All drugged • and stores s ..II at 311•. fox or postpaid from 7.,m-Ituk Co.. Toronto. for pries.. Refuse harmful. cheep itwtions, sometimes offered. Seed this article to Z im-Buk Co., Toronto, and ir. stamp and receive tree bort by return. Toronto Grain Markets • Manitoba wheat -Immediate sblp- ment, No. 1. $1.11%; N. 2. ILO*%; No. 3, noir anal, basis on track, lake ports. Manitoba oats -AU rail, dads. -ret:. Ontario poi:.ts, No. 2 C.W., bay ports. track, tough. 44c; No. 3 tough. 44c. American cots -No. 2 yellow. -lake sorts, track, 73c. Canadian corn -No. 2 yellow. 72c. Ontario acts -No. 2 white. new, out- side, nomir.al; No. 3 white, 35.: to 39c; commercial oats. 37c to 18c. Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter. per car lot. 96c to 9Se; slightly sprouted and tough, according to sample. 12c to 96e; sprouted or smutty and tough. according to sample. 75c to Esc. Peas -per car lot• according to sample. 11.25 to 51.75; No. 2. nomin., per car lot. 12. Marley -Coad rralting barley. out- side. 56c to SSc; No. 2 feed, 47c to 52e. Buckwheat -78c to 80c. Rye ---No. 1 commercial. Ste ,to 20c; do. according to sample. tough. -75c to 83c. Manitoba flour- First parent!. la jute bags. 35.815; sccords. 15.35; stro$g bakers', 35.15. to jute bags. Ontario flour -New winter. 54.10 to 34.40, according to sample. seaboard or Toronto freights, In bags. hillIfeed--Carl -ads. per ton, deliver ed. Montreal f -eights; bon. $21. shorts, 123; mid. tinge. 525; good feed Dour, bag, 31.45. ' Spot wheat -S'. 1 northern, 51.14; No. 2 northern. 11; No. 3 northern. nominal. Rolled tots, per batt of CO lbs.. $2.40; In smaller Tots. 12 50 to $2.60, Wtndscr to Montreal Marjg,re-"Angelinadoeen't like her Dew gown. 11's pretty and all that. but she think• it '.till need• •nnie- thing to improve its shape." Mabel - "Well, why do±so't *he let Some other girl wear it?' The in.liri.lnal.who ignores a chance to get even has wi•doni. 10 UABT "CASCAEETS" 101 LIVER AND BOWELS Cara lick Headache, conet tpatten. MIMemesisa. Seer Otoe►.ch, BN ersett-Candy Ca tiartic- No Odds bow had your liver. .tows ieieh or bowls. Inc much your bead achy, bow mleerable yoe an from e.-tlpation. tadlgeetios. bllaousnose aid stegglek bowel. -yea always gm relief with Casarets TUey Wines dlat.ly demos and regulate the "imm- esh. remove the goer. 0srmestIag food gad fool geese; take ,be .teens ►W lbw the Wee Gad carry off the eon - seemed wa.4s matter and potato from the Mesethees and trowel. .1 104est an hem your druggist will 111559 year Weer and bowels elte•a: oemaece sweet and head Blear for menthe. Telt tif06E lum.yos show Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the trade: Eggs - Special (carrell newlald$ .40 to $ .42 Extras (selects) storage .32 .33 No. 1 straight storage.. .30 .31 No. 2 .23 .26 Butter - Creamery prints. fresh. .32 .3.1 Creamery solids .31 .72 Dairy prints ... .26 .n Bakerd-- - :22 .23 Cheese -Large, 17c; twins. 171,c. Honey -Buckwheat. barrels, 614' to 7c; tins. 7c to 8c; clover. tine. 10%c: do.. 10 -lb tins. 11c; do., 511b. tins. 1114c, comb honey. No. 1. per dozen. 32.40; do.. No. 2. per dozen, 52. Poultry Live Dressed Old Cowl, lb. .. k plc 13c 14c Chickens 13e 14e 1!k 16c Spring broilers 14e 16e 16c 17c Turkeys 14Ile 17c 23c Ducklings plc 12e 17c lk Cheese Markets Cornwall- Offerings, 1.675 boxes, 33 el which were white and 1.545 colored All sold at 1642c. \'ictorlavltle. Que -Five hundred boxes of cheese sold at 16%c. Napanee One hundred and eighty- five boxes of white and 1.475 boxes of colored cheese boarded; 500 sold at 16%c. balance refused. Plcton-Eighteen factories boarded 1,223 boxes. All cold at 163..c. Alexandria -471 boxes of -'lifts cheese were boarded. AU sold at 16%c. iroqunts-590 boxes of cheese were boarded. 550 boxes of colored and 40 boxes of white. Bidding started .at 16 3-16c. rising to 16%c; no sales. Kemptvllle-150 boxes of white and 370 boxes of colored cheese boarded. Price. 16lec. All sold. Lindsay -At the last session of the Lindsay Cheese Board 310 choses were boarded: all sold at 16%c. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts. 7200 head. slow; prime steers. $8.50 to 59; shipping. 57.60 to 35.25; butchers. 56.60 to 50.64; heifers, 85.60 to $7.50; cows, 13 to 56 60; Mins. 14.60 to 17.26; stocker. and feeders. 6.60 to 17; stock heifer*. 54.50 to 16.76; fresh cows and springers. active. 166 to 105 Veal►-Recelpta. IAN bead; ac- tive and steady: 14 to 11164 Hogs --Receipts. 21.0410 head. ac- tive; heavy. 17 44 to 87.4; meted. 17.25 to 87.40. yorkers. 57 to 17.30; pigs. 14.75 to 17; roughs. 54.16 to 5425; stags. 16 to $6 76. Cheerier, Live Stock Cattle- Receipts, 21.000; market ■neettl.d. beeves, 66.90 to 110 M. cow" and neaten, 62.76 to 68.16: calves. 54 4 to 110. Hoge- Receipts, .090; market strong: light. 14.34 o 57.30; mixed. 64.36 to 87 46; heavy, 50.20 to 67.40. rough. 16 30 to 57.45; pigs. 63.71 to 46 10; calk of sales. 04.40 to 17 26 Bbeet -Re oleta. 20.040; market Arm; steam $6.116 to 901i4; lambs. aa - ave. AO.M to 10.111. .* T...s gg. MeW11111111111111l. MY i Special Values Knitted Goods The Scotch Store is tamed for all Woollen Goods, and never was our stock better assorted than at present, and at prices not much higher than former sea- sons, although the price of all wo3llen materials has advanced enormously. Ttir'nbulTs Cee Tee Shaker -unit Sweater Coats, made from best quality selected Australian Wool, heavy Shaker -knit, without any seams, colors scarlet, navy, grey, brown, white. For men and women. Shawl collars. $5.00 each. Penman's Shaker -knit Sweater Coats, shawl collar, special value $3.95. Special values in women's Sweater Coats, from $1.50 to $10.00 each. Children's Sweaters in Great Variety Childs worsted navajo, something entirely new and novel, one of o,ur best selling lines, all colors, sizes 22 t., 34, from $1.5o to S2.25 each. Boys' heavy knitted school Sweaters, in navy, cardinal and grey, to suit all ages, at 5oc to 75c each. Boys' fine knit Jersey Sweaters, buttoned on shoulder, cardinal and navy, S 1.5o each. Infants' Rompers, made from fine Zephyr yarn, hand -finisher!, colors scar- let, sky, white, S1.5o each. Children's knitted Suits, in cardinal, navy and scarlet, $2,25. Children's knitted Cap', in all the season's newest styles, from 25c. Children's Mitts and Gauntlets, all colors, from 25c per pair. Penman's "tittle King" Cash- mere Hose Extra quality, for better wear, in black, tan, cardinal, sizes 6 to SA, 30c up, according to size. Special Value in School Hose Ask for ow Invincible worsted school Hose. Heavy weight, all sizes, per pair 25c. '•Little Darling," the Best Quality Infant's Cashmere Stockings Silk heel and toe, card:nal, tan, sky, pink, black, white. Sizes 4 to 6, 25C per pair ; 6= and 7, 3oc per pair. "MAKE OUR. STORE' YOUR STORE" McCall's Patterns MCCall's Magazine McCall's Quarterly Mi/lar's Scotch Store Phone 5 FINE ART PORTRAIT OF Rt. /o.. Sir Rik. Borden Magrasai sad Printed by Special Process May Be Obtained at Oftke of This Paper. This new pot trait of the Right lion. Sir hobert Bord'ee is the finest that a combined etfoe t on the part of artist an athletic meet and other recreational ant engraver can }reduce. it *row fester., Mr. Albert.-S.'RoIsy(s, of good that en pipett would pronounce New York City, an outstanding leader it a band drawing from the highest in boys work, both in Canada and in school of art. The original pertrait, don.November 12-14, and will enthrone the United States, will be the chief all counties west of York. The East- !speaker at Neth conferences, t rn Ontario conference will go to ; i' i. expected that more than 301) P.terboro the following weekend, boys of mom rare and older will at, Novemhlr 1821, and is open to dole- I tend melt of these e-isfsrences • and Rates from Lb', counties cut of aid • the citizens of both ennf•rence cities including York. Both conference'" are are making great preparation for their being conducted under theint au- I entertait.nteee Isocal committees are spite of the Anglican. Nethodiit, already at work on the various depart - Presbyterian. Bap tut and Coogrega- meow of the conference., erre a splen- tapsal churches. the Ontario Sunday' did time is assured these delegates, Pcbool Association and the National who will be the future leaders of their Council of the Young Men's Christian committees and our nation. . Association. Fur:her icformation may be had The eonference program will inclnd • from any of the denominational head 'offlres, the Ontario Sunday School As- ',nci three 769 Qeeo•n street west. Toronto, or the National Council. Y. a6. ('. A., 15 Toronto street. Toronto. which is life-size, Mut printed exactly - the same and by the imam. process .red people as that hardled by this paper. is sold for g C .IMI. It is an exact facsimile of the large one referred to, but reduced in ere Tbe z- Tbe portrait itself measum 8 niche,. by 12 inches, and portrait with border 13 inches by 1!t inches The initial cyst was mainly expended in produc ing the mien -eel bag pottruit, which made it peu.ible In supply the smaller size at a nominal price. This tine art pirture of the Hight Hon. Ser Rebert Borden is the latest and most lifelike likenss of the Prime Minister, and as a work of applied An is unexcelled by any other preemie. The effects area combination of steel, stipple and crayon woe k. We will supply our reader• with three new Borden portraits at 25 rents each or nailed to any adder." in Con - td.. Great Britain or l.'uited States for :iii cent ". Address THE SIGNAI. PRINTING CO.. LTD., Qoderielt. t7St•. Childhood Ailments. Constipation and indigestion, '..lie, worm., cold* and wimple fever, and all the other minor ill• cf little ones can be promptly cured by Baby's Own Tablets through their anion in regu- lating the stomach and bowels. Con- cerning them lire. H. H. Mill", Heidi reared, Que., writes : "I bevy found Baby's Owe Tablets of great set vire in relieving my litil. one of •omitippe.tine and stoma.h trouble." The T•h1ees are sold by medicine dealers tar by mail at :,•5 rents a box from the Or Wil- ihams' Medicine ('.' . Btockvill.. Ont ' Great Gathering of Older Moys. Conferences for older/rimy" have been beet in many localities of the North Ersserican coatines.t during the last yen years. Ontario W.. been well the 1matt with a .plenelid series Mid in Peterhoro. Hamilton, ()Tillie, Toronto, Ottawa, Cornwall. Brent- ford. Broeaville, Guelph. Belleville and Galt. to say nothing of tbe smeller sad indi..duel est? "vents. Older boys numbering at loess Knee Wary Mee totuebed by these many character baiWing conferences. The hors of Ontario will he pleased to learn thee for this year the Wears Ost•rio eooference will roeet in Lon - LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC :-AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Wnte for Particulars LOTTiE ARMSTRONG. " F. LINFOKTH WiLLGOOSE, Registrar. Mia. Bac. tDaoelmi Principal Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont - 1 THE WAR AT YOUR DOOR You Can Read the Story of the Great European Struggle in The Weekly Mail and Empire Which we can supply you a:ong ,sith Our Paper, the two together, from NOW TILL JAN. 1, 1916, FOR 30c or to new subscribers from NOW TILL JAN. 1, 1917, FOR $1.60 A First-class Metropolitan Weekly and the Belt Local Paper, giving you just the news you want. Sead or Bring All Orders to TIE SIi'INAL, o TAR O