HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-11-11, Page 2= Trtte•o*T ltuvs Mttn it, 1915
Era tJmn�T
Am Masan Is • 1e. i
Jcwuwts•rwa as.-a.o
cQ.•1.1t. w raw
wilt be�:ooIt paelydt s I•
Ow rale le
er.11 sa Neese eel.
way be made W lraaft. ewer= Veer
order. next- .s ethic or ngtemend Meter.
1ut..wipteessioare asmesee at
Aorasrsr$S 1 amres.-.tales fr end
a,.te.m alvriMVm
et. will bs sires.• •aeU-
Caus. tntst.dUs* 1 dl
ether eSs ierades salte
twain p; per
se ter .elk sakr•eest Irsrtrs.
le••.ered 0 • wale eland ttsesereil-t weirs
.tees is au tech. aeele•s• card• of .Ia flaw
sad uttr. Are t chars per year A$vwy
Vaasa of Lemesti Weald. Yo eras ter Yale t r
Teoaet.f rna de Sibs ` t. fit, Artfeise
tert• Rant, «s.. tat I aS .twsatr.
se slat-, s ga Inesesien
Oe s Debar ter ant
ase o'er- .,ash
IMata. Pie) t'.ableeeashwtr•esw
Larger ado etta ei d la w
C nL. ps ext• in •rellaaq _
C wet• per he. Me melee lees Ma
eve net.. Amy bees& elf be
whie•h t. tee
not without stigoihcasoe that in as
address at Toronto this week Mr.
Winston Churchill, the well -knows
American authw. declared that the
United States had mined ata oppor-
tsnity in not brine &horsed with the
Allies in tbeir fight for buesanity. He
elated that the great mass of the Un-
ited State* people (c overwhelm-
ingly ib sympathy wRiiG:reet Britain
her allies in this struggle.
toward- making Tea to x•La .Mill\cone.
Malt -
of 011 leash county sectdseriet YMIa�s` ' It c.a-
munwetton ant be ..teeded to Mr
lain. tar ...De sad .ddreee er obs writer, eat
.Mer racily for pelts a• lea. telt M eel
et goad trod Xeon topes shoed TTa wer
tlwtest.OAee not later than
of ram week.
100 in the Balkans will Is
understand if ae reneenlbSr
that the King of H.Ilgaria sled the King
of Kouruanla are Roman Cal hulir..-
Orange wotinel
• Owe cannot help w..deriag what
The Sentinel maker of the fart that
Kaiser Wilhelm is s Protestant and
tb.t Al het 1, the heroic King cal the Bel-
gians, is a Kumar Carbolic. In the
allied armies are Protestants, Roman
Catholics, Greek Catholics, Jews.
Mohammedans. and men of perhaps
half -a -dozen other faiths, sod probah-
y rogue with no 'faith" at all, all
fighting beroicall, in the common
.war. Would this not be s good time
THtRsl)AV. NOVEMBER ll, 1911
the 131 septum rind the recent tunas
in the Baltic Was, have been put r'st of
cosmbsios. 911 by should nos interned
German verde be put to use ? It owe -
not be good fur them to be idle. and
the use of them might lemma some-
what the hill Of daesages;bet Oeratsas
Will have to pay after the war. It
esse s curious that ..ser (iW UOMIII .
msebaat .tape should he lying idle le
British and neuiral ports.
The Semmes laws
tutaa.aetat°«tue, t�..e ew.YsS .a •den' for The Sentinel to cease its attempts
sod ebannd.e.«dtsstr• to create and promote sectarian strife
Tu Coeaaara.n d reade Tee ori opeest� d
our .u�-•r4Ger• and reader. rece
in Canada
\\'rate told by some people that the
single tax has been a failure in West-
ern cities. The statement lacks force.
for two' trasona-one, that there is no
prof that conditions in three t itis
might not be worse under the old tax-
iaeon laws than they ate under those
Gerrity Constables Ieetrmeled le Melt ba
The temperance orgeraia.tioo of
Huila county sends out the foUuwieg
mat dteet
'The responsibility of rnfoaciig fila
Caesds Telailakterbre Act has been
on theProvincial tiuveeemeata
y the Privy Council, and theO•tenire
Urreeter rut baa accepted the emptier
Ia nes truly New .and L..4... aibWsy by addisg to Ibis U.taelo
Do riot let us befog our minds w1411 Lige Act *rectal Olaasee "bleb am -
he 1 o lb. qumref Do stile IM MO t0 bave the law strictly ew-
t esus It, eo fbeemd. Lees. INS of the Ontario Act
t let get eosfll•sd is ►M „was
issue vesase • env e��sise •Mori• to galore*, or moist in
senor. 'list hone is t is : Is the tee(atisR the Act, and at the fact
K t be master el bumaaat or u
Aka master d a s b SRM of the count' council the
the ottani Europe resolution Maned and copies of 11 have
he rd f t t or the tree
tum us that the central gat Ilia county councils power to
Kanter o
en?t w" maNht tfrus dbeaaaed and the tulktwtrig
b 1 of t' to be governed
by t is o u a .ran tress totalled to the county tostabbs
end hos of man = issuthae
ie the issue. t the county.
and hesW+ that iru. nothiriR elm ���
matters. foe on tree decidon of this Uoderich, July Itgb. 1916.
giiestiou all the rest depends. If the To
Kaiser wins. the world peewee finally County posstahle.
under the rbadow of the "'word ; .f the nested by the
Allies win the sword is bra loan and the D..z Idle, -I "am req
world is free. council to write you and mete that the
iollowing eneulutioc was passed at last
The People Ars Responsible following
Yu al font Btw.•oo That all county constehles he re-
F.very ore. In a while there 1e uik quitted to do all in their power to amiss
of reform in the sy.tem of niunic;pal the ,Inspectors
rads Trw1* ibece Act enforcement of
gavel merit, in feet we erre never with-
out it *onion here. \\-bat we Deed sigoed h W. Lorre, Clerk.
uw t i. 14 reform in for interest taken
by . he peoule in the work. There are The following are the names of the
thole. who iwagine tbat municipal earn who bold the position of county
government is w amittains/ 1 le a
mar bit.. 11 you get the right system
all you have to du o. .4 is g g and it
will ton use, all If, but this i s mistake
EDITORIAL NCTES. now in force : tier oHlief, titer the
_ __ single tax eystent baa never been in
tireece say. Nile. is friendly -ttt does verfect auywhere in farads S.ogle
she know hien own mind - tsx- implies the abolition of All taxer
except those on lard; with s
u -tor
The only Way to. gtuwble sbvat the tr.x.tion in hater througbuut L'auada,
we -ether three dive is t.,['entail. ..that there a an lie only inn arm -mach t 1 the
it i. un,a•aaonahle. u. t tar I. al thing. It ►s
Them ie room for a stating tectpiilog prrf.cIly in Did"' f,•r p: torn* to otwoe
that a dnicipal taxation shoutd tie
ecovesine t in Huron commie. Il non kirk')n imp: orrm-tits a. we}L as on done ur11 tau! c..uldldo Len• •. ' land, it they can find anything to sup.-
't1 . Reiti.h monition it R )C.i td port =m h argurnbut, rut ; tit- is a 'cow'
knocks n hig; bol. fu tint. • t h .` t t u:: 1 • .:. ! arms fro fin .ingTe
nowt 't .1h. !ilea n t cheriwhrd sclera., . i tax ..1 dreeredtird where
German uggtandiretnrnt. • ., ,t 1, .- 1 • c• 1 1+,•en
Armond L avergge, an c.flicer of - The Hattie Auto',a'•. -
tlt..'1•anndlall- coin lla,'opetnly .tee*- Ia, a1Yn • as bea:.r hi. Iv ,lye .'• >u,r
peseo a.leJ.i- lcauw-iuuut1V[uru lint to 1 nest tar..[. t..+,.+ t .: ♦.r. -a
.u: a•1
mli.t aervicr. \Moat is rent 11•'
`. Thu chaaYlua traml: t-. blot. :
`r I. J rte dos. of Jnr hke , te r t,l l ore. t:. .
the BOI4 L ti. crintnr.{t g,itng •io oto.
shout it
li one -goat tar the stories u1=e bears
-are true. lbrir-ls. abundance of 'nia-
tetral fur a long opting of the public
account. committee at Ottawa next
Yet rota not hunch., au the alp-.
rat tlwluake .its ; . • below.
And aim a-dic.thr.r'\atn:•r ke. t. -
Her aatteb' 1 r'.ml-r well. -
Tbuudis e'er y, e t toot, a.o i sari a.e •wer;•-
Tbe briur'- u oath ut tell
See -ion to investigate the pl.,ri111 of, _ .►, d .. ti .ire w .: Y• :a K.i leo Mears
w sr orders. 1 h uzit Barr 4-t.a.py tom..
-..__.-, ted Hilt tow uvan b -r frail sad flower-.
l'trtuier Non i., .l Matituba esti• Lar lcse1' m, bar ups.,
mates that Canadian • wheat -grow- What Mean the gl...re-.of toe 1.laiq,
en h se fifteen million dollar' this year Tbi- Joy of tae a•d awry.
through the tr(weal -o( the Ottawa Goy• The ai,la that .h 'he- the beso) of xnd.
ernmeut to establish free trade is
A rat ow fur► • 01 turn
w trat with the United liustraaa,.
frame • 44.
The Ra••iane now bees' os nbond•
anc. of ammunition and are orating
for Germans invading their country
.r h ! ,1a - riay well be full of lest..
And howl. with halogen
Bat etes-pared cosi..need tae year-.
And Xa:are cb,.nss not. ..
r1.- meet. w.tb -mites ear hitter grief.
t u n b -oea • our ea.xas et paha:
very uncomfortable. ,..The strategy .b mak. w.tb not of dower sad teat
wbi^h waved the -Russian armies from Tbs wsra,14.uw•.,u Shoo
• J►nnibilatioa duri'g the gtrat retreat
is fully vindicated. ,
Now that T►'e Loudon Globe bas
been wppres.rd. why daoe.nt Mltjor-
Genertd Sam Hughes put a stopper
on The loranto Telegraut ? The Lon-
don paper was penalized for Stating
that Kitchener had resigned :, The
Telegram p.r•iiris itt saying. with •
good deal of emphasis. that al. j
General Sam ought to resign.
\Woman suffrage wee defeated in a
poll in setetal of the Ea.tetn States
last week. The advocates of equal
suffrage will say. of course, that this is
simply an expression of man's opinion
and does not di. tee of the question.
'lois 14 quite tette : but the fact re.,
mains that a loge proportion of
though:fol women do 1.ot desire the
(tanrhise. When the advocates of
woman suffrage convince Omit own
side of the house that women should
have the ballot. they will not be tar
from the triumph of their cause
The city of Montgomery, Alabama,
was managed by a eosnmiesion of flee.
Dime%isfecrion arose and the law was
changed to reduce the ..umber to three.
The nearby city of Birmingham had
its municipal affairs managed by a
commis..ion of three. I)issatisfecttnn
arose and the people have just voted
to inerease the numlaer to fire.-Oritlla
It was Pope wasn't ir, wbo wrote
"For forms of government let fools
contest :
What's best administered is beet."
Pope was ooty about half right, 'bough.
1t must Lw easier to administer • good
system than . poor 000 The difficulty
Is to discover what is 1 he beet system.
sod the only way 10 find, out is by
experimenting, as the cite 0f Mont..
gomery and Birweingbam are doing.
The Washington Government has
emit smother "note" to Great Britain
as a preteet against interference with
United fatales commerce. 1f the in-
timations Mind this pretest are no
Mom serious than they prover to he in
the rase of do United `hates ritia,se
neurdered by the Germans ori the birth
sen. there will be e0 0ecssios fax
alarm. It looks retry meets se if the
R11eos Administration In them smel-
ters were playing polities. sad polities
of a Wed that may seen Mr. Wilms
badly grime be welts ftp-eleetles. /t le
:Whin the.cannon , paa-e we,hear
ller -.eget ihan:aeiri.gi..alnt
Too Mar to tied for doubt or 1...r.
`Abe -bare. the eternal r dn,.'
She know- tbe seed lies ole below
The Ora• that lot► -t And burn
For all the tear. of blast we sone
Oke w...- the rich return
She tee* .114 r'r am are' than ears
The anal of :uiterta( bon n -
The head. that blwani lite her newer,.
And ripen like her con'.
(ih. a1.e to us. in time- like tM-e,
TM r.•Iaa d her eyes :
.and make her held -...I ft kilted tree
t tot golden prophecies
Ob. sire to u4 bee. aa. roar:
Ahoy* tkl- .tray din.
4t's too world hear the ballast cher
Rind year, and freedom is
W. Acnesuly & SON
pwelkin wbleh have recently ap-
peared in the German press welview
the viewhich we have adore ex-
pressed as to the real obi -eta of the
schemes for which Berlin and Vies**
woo Bulgaria as an en
accomplice. Th
schemes are am Integral pat t of tt•
worldoliery width alms at Norman
domination from the North 8es to the mada.
Persian Gulf. d as tar the front -
fen of India. That is why Bulgaria
that is being mound at "herher great hour
has cons." Getman reader* are beis
frankly instructed that tt as in truth
for the ottprittowry over Gres: Baitain
that the ft is being fought when
n :Serbian.
shells fall anon regiment"
The wbole German suppt:rt of theet
Auer iron conspiracy 10 strangle Serbia
has been limed all along upon the tier -
man determination to undermine
Salida power in the East by securing
control of • cowmercisl and military
highway froHamburg to Bagdad -
and beyond. It was for that reason
she countenanced Austria's memo
agement to King Ferdinand to begin
the tecond'Balkan war, against thel
advice of his Ministers to 1.01 the con-
troversy to arbitration. It was for
constalde anti are called oa upto en- that reason roe- gave her high ap
[nice, or wast in enI. reirie, tb, L T.A. proral to the somewhat vindictive
throughout Haman faunty, and Ib. Treaty of Bukharest Ottthe close of
people of Huron ale drp.ndiog on the ...cowl Hilkau war). which the
Actual wachturry needs .uperviaion these men to do tb- 1r duty accotdtng I,at.King .1 Roumania declare d to
and ser does municipal machinery. The to the oath they have taken. peen concluded -thank* to the Gar
rurrrvesoi• of the latter are the elect- List of County constables for Huron man Eeaiwoir.- The treaty was in -
tor., ctrl if they will not .rr that the County : deed all that liertuarty' r mid desire.
right wen are elec:ed thein will tt' Alfred A-quUh, Auburn 1'. 0 It precluded for p.sb;:ity of a fcirhd-
failnrr. in municipal govetnwent George .\i.rn, \\ ulgham. ly Balkan agierwcnt, and ii( the rtvw-
unare anysystem. - • George Halford. Uuugannon. tahr.•u. rrnrw.l of •hr Hail!n league
W. A. Halkwed. Exeter. which Is ...I beaten Tar key and which
Peace Not in Sight let W. J. H...rt. Exeter. had alru,••t 'raised the libel atio n of
- it-..'.c-:erPmt Ka:.1..- E.ho..eut•.uv,%arieb. . theIltlkau.. But -a contedrt at ion ' of
Orly theuvci-,angmne will look • for John Bullryrr, %\'s -fleeter. the I/siken. lied. and It.r+. a natal de-
fha.ms l'a crux,-Beytt.ld. feet in G -rss.an eve.. It tui ma an is -
pe vert¢ pr.cr, ..r*an i u' Is -ail nelre s'
prracr. Tit:. war i. tu...:t1- que'ett•.tie A. li Cam••u,gt, li«alrrich: sanp'txht- u1t.o+rS• M the .ubn:din ,
of tuighty tu.•aorta 10 the world. Nut \\''u. Ceillick, Wloflbani. 410.. of the lt.i'l.n .twee I•, t..n111
it bo.. nettled nothing yr. end nibs! gee (...•urge 1►a,wu.i, brand Bend. sedations ter at 6 •1111411 .vrrrht-prat. ,
on amid ue unlilit.le•s. N ,pout -bed up. .loseph Uati•,",Efeter.Aa t'', ae ter n k'.v tram. Sig'
t ucr noe..hyeotibn'1 endtnu by fly- t(ob'rt learn.. :Stratton. o
thelitti. 'wall twat upwu the ilestit.
r � Jobs Dia A.:-u,\Vogbam. tion of Sell .irin19121.• -(:•rutivy n,
'Iltoar 14.i•'*. NVinaa
ns 11t,uai:+a..1-eaAtrsay.
. '1.liomaaJ. 1..1•.•t, \Vingbam.
11. T. {•oath r, t'rwlitno.-
navvy agreement, an ruse among 1
....ski-tiir:, Gsveenmrnts aide to
piuugetue erorlJ tnt:r a wer lite
air bkrtf to maim to au end t.•fort the
opal' &e,'.. ruler". roil i tt Lces and I..hn 1 rrwu.on, iJayfirld. tt
tlfiy' billion diollar. woe h r 1 tresstrrr ion, 1Vtfield. 64.`1"0.f
.••r alfe .•f eau ehrncn of urawtog tett. t
wt u:1 have tweet'rlr rem 4 \Vat. ( erg
\ve *m a sued-.• (pais :an such titan. I:ro. W. k'ult.14t. 1 011 AlbRt. `j lt� Aust ri, G. r.n an at itmrr tt► i
I"' Tltumasliun•h`,ti;-d.'rieb, said, folg s 1 /toil' toward. 'Chug
as who weuraam w;ll is- 1 r. Tile' taro
wonted iIn war roar .warts p'.aee Jean kGrove-s. 1Vingbaw.' Ferdinand ha+ hero et. A... \n, at• rhe �
noir eat, Wend it wire u' the .mouths lVla1- aunts, \inpormai hi these cou-i,leratiuua.
g.' r,n ; 1,ot it 1= gclitw Motu•.-ivwhtr that \\'n.. Gi'1°-p io i• :.tairtb. f r.arnd K.dlatt war it .baa b. -..n pilin
they will have eery little easy.- ahirt;t Robert John.t.'O, t..wlericb. that the li.rg s p sitioi ra x II ‘114.41- I
Abe pmt 'r lb t ie ttn.11r tutale. 1 i..a magi•.t'r tutu no it (.wtn.r ! (o'er
►.d the, <1 m 'r army
;nut Wen q ,ite twdr for w:i.. 1
1 wbrn ►jlatb_I *lrru Iuundet• gave A.-
!litan..pp.rtuni'y for reit'nuirg 'the[
l,ri•j•etis yerr Enter, she,.took a ate to
promote the m i. riri and to d<priye,
'1 be Route to India. '
IL-tua13rt 1..:r.
1f H*J*d rat I.e Wtu', Enitl..1. 1 grill
•tea•• r • Mmtt ”4, .ait a large tool .art I ue
Turli-b province. y'be will;' toeless
oust -d by superlur. tarp'?, 4.- able to
perseo: a burlier to for p;au for a
German railw9y system extending
trues Nei lin to Btagda d •And. miner
imp ant of all, site w.11110144.4g
loses oU'tbc 1'fees'.b (3tiH, ?role,
tern adranred p.osa tli Mrsopuawia
can Its I.au(oice l and not plied, mitt
the ocean highaay to lnoii♦ 1'r.:iected
a„tiust a 11.x1' alta -k. Thi: ph�.e of
the wort.' war se not ipecira''ular ; we
hear hill.. ab net it in use despatches ;
it nwakens at the lest only a languid
intro r•t; Inn it in ane of t he large
posaiAi'itiee, not only au its relation to
the future a the tepidly decaying
empni, lett alio) in its effect
upon England'. position u an Oriental
pot, er.
1t Isn't Your Town ; Ifs You.
If you want 10'are w the land of a town
Lite the land of a town )o; hoe.
Yin net dol -lip tont tict he. 1.011/11111
.ted .tart da • lona, lung hike
You'll only find-wh,t you lett hebird.
For there'. r.o'hind that.• i' ally o.w.
Il. a knock at 1oui-elf when yen keoe: your
It tort the town it - you.
R. al town. w not node by nes afraid
Lc -t .tseehody rte rota ahead.
Whoa eaerluee work. and malady Usk
You can ral-e a town hen the dead.
And if while you wake your roomed Hake
Vanr.mig$bot- can Masa cot•. too.\
Your tows sill be what lou want to -ee.
It I -.'t th. 1 two -1t'- 10...
Wbea 1. Do It.
if you intend to do a mean thing,
wait until tomorrow ; but it you art
going to do good, do it now
Not Very
Li..ne tl (inner
1s it honest fur the people who owe
their total men :bents to send their
cash to the departmeutat. store ?
Touching the Soft Side.
The Ferner'. .t.:11 orate.
That must have been a fin. trip the
parliamentarian.' bad over the third
transcontinental There are more
wars than one of lobbying Parliament.
A Plucky Woman.
lades Ad rertt.or.
The young wife of a \Valkerton sol-
dier. dutieg his year's atr•.nce •1 the
float. by industry paws off tbe mort-
gage on their bon.. ThM be learns
os his arrival hoagie. unfit for further
service. A glad welromr indeed : all
house to the wife. %V hat an example
for smile others
Aa Opie rce of the Censorship.
laden halle Hail
We ••an state in a very few words
the opinion to which we have been
forced by fRren months' experience
of the eensorahifa. Nothing has don.
more to lower our reputation ahmad
for bosomy and good »nen, and
nothing Me done more to delude nor
�pee�opp1�e. at home. to tilde films them the
ierhties est 1M war, and to dull the
edge of their interest is its peewees.
iab Mega
irate• .tdestete..
(ke's. fteightage bas bornse costly
owing Is part to intensity a ship.
Many British ereeede have hen. musk
or letereed, sheet IMO altngetber, tad
ever dM Llamas ysmwl•, eselesin of
A Human Feet Warrn•r,
it la Interesting to learn that Julius
Caesar found our Celtic ancestors jest
suffocating themselves with smoke.
Girsidus, the early R etsb histories,
iescrtbea • family u sitting around
their smoky central are by day sod
lying around 1t by night. But they
:veld have had little comfort from 1k
for the same historian tells us tout one
K their princes eked out his are with
a human foot warmer. This Ag
lnty was to keep lots masher's feat
warm by cherishing them in his bosom
Sarong meal. For this purpose be
squatted under the table. and no doubt
11 "dld him proud' so to notes the
royal moccasins. - T. P.'s L.04*
Oliver J..1u.a,'n. a„• .rich.
John hone•,, In r;1••0.
)'. S'• MCMatli,. sale,i:h.
J , J. M.ti'hril, %nabab/.
t' intuy Main. Go trr:ch.
\\•after T. al • iladerkh.
J. h( \ieeXa , S'-afcath.
\Wm. Mc('re'at tioditicb.
' John Hrun,bu Fur;►wicb.
Richard kloti . Garr:..
John Ne•rcot boorticb. 's• -P
I4 Olirer and Brad. lances bed induced thou, to Thal- wane have been teachlua u. wavy
ilmllsaikWitt*a Imo teitge an 1 by ,Thom ahoy b.d hero such pr,p.•+iti..n)in arithmetic,
R. Posteleth e, Gadericb. yangntahed, Trot ruanoeuvre wait It is sad W see the load.' of riven
R. ...cage
G. dr Win largely .orce•-fol. Instead of sup- church heiG. Thar ►+ .owe con-els-
t:.r.rttrPutp(yita. \%sngham. pews i•'g serbie against the Au•taian Aiwa 'in the train -loads of GermanI I
\V, J. Paielry, Clinton._ incursion, her ori .lou-. parvyzee- spt.ilm. II soy entice Geruwo trains
etch rather by tbrir jeeluu+ies, and rr are W he ecru nrrurited an Russian I
fused t 'nix bane's in an r ter ganga ennckt narrcw-Ra age rarrieRes
watt fano: tar German naw'•. inscribed
on thee. Aud glum prison.rs in
Prtts:iaa blue. always pawing in.
Neat ane sits a Pole who is telling bis
story. He was owner of a (actnty
under Government surwi vision near
Bialystok. Evety implement, the '
whole stock -in -t -ado of the factory, '
oma bene• aramor..Lta Museum, put tato ',
trucks, aril oaten off by their own
.tram .ngiue. tt
REFUGEES FROM THE GERMA�3. Factc nem. inalitutaoris, noivsr•iti+ts,
aesdeeoies, rchral., boepatals, bave all'
Kietf bas nor central station and ie I been -in the omrial phrase -evacuated,
;an a m h as 1aieetl 1• s
jaJKment n: the bort .f t'.• t.. l i -
i .rte -l• of his sot j et:. All the 1 • -
iaoi]rees .-t Gertaan 'dip lntpscy, sot..-` .
tgal-sand and below ground, t.+.. h•1 Il
employed to darts th! anger of those
Great Values now
in Oilcloths
aid Linoleums of fereci
Splendid Selection of Oilcloths at
32c and 38c a square yard
Extra heavy quality floor Oilcloth in all standard
widths. Floral, block, matting and tile 38c
effects, well seasoned. Square yard . . v
Floor Rugs and Carpets
'Twill be many a day before values will be nearly so
good after present stocks are sold. Our selection
is very large and prices now reduced for ready selling.
Union Rugs, Tapestry Rugs, Wilton and Axminster
Rugs, all sizes, 2 x 2 1-2 10 4 x 4 1-2 yards.
Tapestry Carpets, 27inches wide, at per yard,
40c, 50c, 60c and 75c
Dress Velvets
Wbrtantett fast pile and twill back Dress Velvets, .:I to '2
inches wide, in new stades. Taupe. Bruin's, Greens. Blurs
and Batt!eship. .tt per yard. spacial . ,..
Black and Navy Bide Serges
to :,e; -incl a:: a;uui Su:at:};• an.l Dress Serge-, ..1 per %aril,
c;al 60c, 65c, 75c, 51.35 and 51.60
Ladies' Coats.
Seal •Coats, Plush and Pcr,ia-tex £lack Coat-. -j,
in large .sizes, satin•litied and lland4ltrt.lt
$20, 525, 530 and S5 t)
Laoies' and Misses'
1. d.
Chinchilla ans1 Serge Co.l;s. ;1 m•!il:c.t, a
showing, tanging its price; frons - 57 to .: • 1
•ul j.ota trot) that error's Cantonal,/ by
{ tbr.r ruler moire A't.tro-Grrtuan cop"ter to lest out year. A rew
iofinrnerr, to the nei,thboiieg Arne' ie 11..w 'Any shells, tan be'
!.-s whom the -e mama infix- made grow church 1.11? The (ler.,
George Ru,sa'1. WingLam. u o ] ff t to ex
David Sproul, Dungannon• pel the Turks finally from Europe,
S. Scott, Br 'Obeli.
and to .ace themselves trona the Get -
Bic -bard Somers, Blyth. man danger "'. dant Iy revealed To
C. S. Sardere, Exeter. that extent the German intrigue has
John Tot raze... Clinton. i been hllrceesf1r1..1-• pit. the offer. of the
t -ani nl loan, \\ Ingham. 1 Allies toinsure an equitable ter' i•.or-
.. Wm. Mules Vin, Xdr. lel settlement, if the Balkan Govern-
.-..-,eiiWilson.lireenway. .tl Jnr• and peoples acid their daty.-
31011. Whiteside*, Clinton.Hermal" The Times ILandott). -'--"' _._ -- _ _.
Juerl•h \\'hratley.lintcri. . a
James F. Walsh. Seaforth.
}tot -wit Welsh. Clinton.
John H. Wolfe, Lakelet.
I.'. J. \\'attic, Clinton
IEn. or -This list should be re-
vised. 'It contains Ibe names 'lot dead
men and other inarrurscis.)
Pepsin. Peewee.
Popeoru or pmaseb-wblek le the fa.
melte gastronomic coesolatloe or re.
source et young America in Its hours
of sadness or gladness/ Peanuts. N
•Neta, bare a large malortty of the
rotes. for 20,000,000 buebela of plaasb
S r, prodoerd annually u artiste osty
(.000.000 Matteis of popcorn. But ten
either those delectable delfeactee ere
headliners at the 1.000 .u.___1
parte and 1.300 meaty dabs et the
rafted grates -B ebasge
Sad New..
(small Peter, disguised as e district
meaeeeger. was eons -Maw play Isla
reams to hie steers, wbs were More -
vide( 6lspatebee of s mors er legs
• tartll.g aster. When It came Wil -
e sti tan she read shied from her bet
K yellow aper, amid SW* .1uBYasi
trails at wee:
"Rallrsd wrest, 1 wee 188188 S
Met Tar WINS RMIRRI 4-111l
Fill The Gap.
Owlish Mercury.
There are times when a person will
soy more in • few words or a few lines
than could be crowded into an hour's
"Snmewbere in France" there is
pnuied on • crow over the grave of a
fallen Canadian 14. following lines :
Poor (id Ihll le heft Ill. place
With .mokin eon gad ewlue fare;
Bu' Biu won't Iniad If mase mood okay
M' W follow op .cd A11 the gap.
While these worts are peculiarly fit-
ting to the grave of a soldier wbo
fought in a war th.t .611 cries for men
and more men, they are not where
they wall do the most good. The men
wbo see them now or in days to come
on ibat crude wooden fucose will not
need the appeal that those words con-
The men at Boma in Britain, or in
Caned., who are .till halting between
two opinions. need the touch then is
is these word.. They would make
much better recruiting banners than
matey of the y.Uowetreek appeals that
are being made at present.
There's fox's and meaning in the
rough lives -to the imaginative mind
there's a whole story of a life given
for an ideal
Canadians would do well to make
sen of these words :
-Pet tri 1 weal Vial If rims meed Map
" W follow se se4 OI las gap -
Cases a Tribal* be Ddd-s Kelsey Pigls.
Marrhbatnk, gangs Co., N. a. Nov.
gth -(Special I --Atter tyre )sari est-
feriae(ions kidney disease. William
Noah, a well -knows farmer here, is a
well roan sod. Uk• stay others is this
n.lgb,bood. be to shouting e
prs�•qMthof l/ttnd'. Kidney Pills.
M trouble started from a etrais."
Mr Nub says. "and ler two year. it
gradually grew woes. M appetite
was fitful, I had dark circles second
my aye* sed my lila bad o bard, dry
%%Gime mai imbed and teemed et
nig►R i ass treabbi with beaalaeMe-
cowmen ie tM ,..._.wine sled .111..ee of
ties joists MwalaRlsm •sally de-
..lopm� and 1 was a deb manenmi-
ly "ties i decided M_ try DuM-.
troy EN•
oy Pills They biped se slmeea
frees *be start sat tws Msec awed
a ta•t tenuinus, with rowa of plat-
forms !ookiop, as a rule, bare and un-
inhabitable. Now the trains coming
into the station find these platforms
piled as high as themselves with all
manner of packing genu and bundles. I in the newipapen for refugee factor- '
As the train slows down the +.ton- I ie• and will plaally afford then. faril-'
'shed passengers hear the great vocal itis.-Stepbeu Orabatn in The Timm
hubbub of the station and see the .
that is, removed from western Kusria •
to the interior. The University of
Warsaw has gun* to Roetolt : Urieff
University hi 1-aroelaff. Factories 1
have gone in all die ction., and, aided I
by the Government, have started
again. Keen far-off Omsk advertiser
throngs of multi -colored fugitives.
Here are all the pitiful details of
broken -up homes - beds, cradles,
chairs. table a, sofas, perambulators,
packing cases containing sewing -ma•
chines (the money -tusking machine of
the miserable Jewish bowe), red boxes
innumerable and corded leskeu.
Uo the other side of the Dnieper
and safe from aha (1. maos .tend
series of goods trains laden with all
imaginable shapes of copper, hugs
(wailers, cisterns, tanks, cylinders, re-
( -Meer., seperatore - broken, torn,
twisted, mated. unable to be packed
together. wing w variously shaped.
Then aI.o samovars, kettles. agricul-
tural machinery, wheels, church bell.
-little tinkling hell+, bugh bells that
would boom and *mind over a city.
They are ornamented with reprvsesta-
tion• of Jesus, or of Mother and
Child. scrawled over in white chalk or
colored paint wi;b the name of the
church and town whence they bave
been taken. All silent now, moroee-
Iooking and wet on the seiserataie
goods truck. 1 read in • paper LING
is Germany orders have been given
to take down all the church, bells, and
it is tbought that with es. hells rap-
tured in Russia they will bave esswgh
Wby do statesmen read The Weekly
Sun of Toronto? Because it is a taper
with a reputation that i• oLque.-
tinned. 11 is the farmers' 1.usinesa
paper, and is watching the farmers'
interests all the time. Amide even
from its market reports, which ere
acknowledged to he the best is the
Dominion. it is a paper of weight. '•'It
bas en established personality. You
should have it come to your home
every week. All through the long
winter nights it will furnish • wealth
of interest.iog reading material of a
thoroughly reliable character. This
paper has special clubbing arrange-
ments with The Son. Let ue have
your renewal and add The Sao to
your list of papers tor 1916.
The Demand for dm Graduates of the
Yang* .ad e•two*. !t• . Toronto
doling the last two months has been
more than four times our supply.
Reiter now. Catalogue for
aamm�tesusMOM CarraVo
Save your Hale! Get a 2S theft battle
of Dand•rine right now. --Alec
stops Itching scalp.
Thin, brittle. colorless and scraggy
hair 1s mute evidence of a neglected
scalp: of dandreff-that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
I the hair as dandruff it robs the hair
of its lustre. Its strength and Its very
: eventually ddfeverfab-
neuIlseand itching proof utheng gua1p, wbleh
11 not remedied causes the Wr roots
to sbrtak, loosen and die --then the
hair falls out Oast. A little Damietta,
toslgbt-sew--lay time -will surly
Savo you balm.
Get a >x haat bottle of Esowltos's
Deodorise from say dreg store. You
surely vas bays beautiful balr and lots
of It It yes will rat try • UttM Das-
dersae- Sane year baIr! Try irk
Be charitable M the living : the shad
are not in • position to appreciate a
earomemes t -
The World's Greatest
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