The Signal, 1915-11-4, Page 81 lusimmatr. laNafar g. ENE TWE SIGNAL . GODERICH, ONTARIO Papaw Copyright Reeks Greedy reiace1, Sec each "T. Tembaroo," wblisbed at $1.25, special 50c. 'Peg O'My Heart," published at $1.25, special 50c. '' Anne of Green Gables," pub- lished at $1.50, now 50c. Queed," published at $1.50, now 50c. And ataxy others. EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY A large stock of Everyman's Library, kather edition, special 50c. n • Everyman's Encyclopedia, 12 vols , leather, 16.00. FOtJNTRIN PENS Special selling agents for Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, 22.50 up. Porter's Perfect Pen, best valve on the market, extra special, $1. Larger size, $1.50. The CGlosW IM Store GEO. PORT/CR 1 Cure a Cold in a few:hours Dominion Laxative Cascara and Bromide Quinine 1 Tablets "Made in Canada" will cure a cold in a ftwr hour. Only 2Sc a box C. L. COULTIS, URIi(i(kIST AND ('HRM 1ST PHOMB 19 APPLES WANTED The undersigmed is prepared to pay the highest market {dice for all grades of Pall Read Winter Apples. Ib not .cal before seeing me. 'PHONE 178 R. R. ELLIOTT (ioderich STOP THAT BARK WITH White Pine and Spruce Balsam Jas. A. Campbell PHM. B. CENTRAL DRVG STORE: Corner North Mt. end Square (iodeeich Mos 110 •PHONES Res.:Z.s MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Aar quantity best all Maple) Rhear. .Mutated Wood. Howdah samotikart Moder nr Pine.) THi.jPrilSaa. aloe 0 raid.... ata sr 42 ADDRESS St MIR Crus. SAM6law Measle seg CaW Canso Melds •Rands* Rag le the CIO Maar. The Meseestues Oases i01sh Wl a MOSS! on Ttse.d•y swiss. es a may to oomeesss the stator meson Is the Cub. There was a kegs Woodsmen sf the .se•bere widths eswtatt Msssj MI most plesaastly. . T7ls of the Ree. wee s.addws by Mr. U . (itwtsw, who pie • tNlttw. seoes.aelf� W M but oossine hal later - tory. British oos.titstitte.1 hie - tory. 11 was • timely tapie reaNndiag s rhowho hoard it of the various steps through which those liberties have bees .sewed white Brit..s are now lightly( to as•Intais. At the dose of the address Mr. Gamow was aoeorded • hearty vote of thanks by L. Club. [Agee is the evening the preeNent. Mr. W. 11. Robsrt.00, oalkd art sties to the eirsusntaaee that the Rey. Arehdeacow Joneoliateman, • mDam- ber of the Club, was about to leave for Great /Irritate, and hawked him to ad• draws the gathering. Thls be did, aaklag the Interesting annos•esment Unit he intended to join the .� In coax capacity. He spoke of they urs be had experienced in his relations with Ooderif'b and the Club. and ex - premed the hope that be might later 00 return and take a more active part thea be had in the Club'. doings. Sheriff Reynolds followed and paid' • warm tribute toitis friend the Areh- deaooa, to be acquainted and associ- ated with whom he counted a high privilege Three cheers and "Hie • Jolly Good Fellow" were leaven in honor of the departing member. Sons were rung by Mr. Fred. T. Korner and Mr. Walter Shipman, and Mr H. Bamford gave some pias, music Sandwiche..ad coffee were served, and • jolly social time was spent. It was remarked that no fewer than eight members or ex -members of the Club have already gone or are prepar- ing to go to the tract in service, "for King and (mun° y " The Club is having its rooms redec- orated and is making,,otber prepare, Lions for an active winter reason. Mr. Ernest Colborne is now the secretary of the Club, succeeding Mr. Wetter J. Buchanan the former efficient secre- tary, who bas joined the 71st Battal- ion for overseas service. *too Reward, floe. Tbo reader* of this leper will b, pleased to leers that there is et bast as dreaded dis- ease that .runge bas been able to core is all its ntyre. ar/ that i, ratartb Catarrh bwnt greatly ►nfuewcad by cue.titsUoeal reedit ions repairs. oeasUt.liseal treata..et. 1L11's 1'n- tarth Cors V lake. Internally and actstlr..ub the Hood o. the st.cou• .urtaceeof the eyesore. tlw.b deotroruy t►.• fowod.twef [le di. sere e�rlss ler trlbet strisetl br buUdln. up te esseut.thre sad aeittlst nature te delle its work. The proprietor■ hare so .sec raga 1. Ike curative pewee. of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they .for one beadred dell...Nij ease that it toilets cuts flash for lied of lmwW.. Address: F. J. CHEEKY a (?a, Toledo, Ohio, Sold by all droplets. 72D. VICTORIA SCHOOL REPORT. Report of entrance claw of Victoria retool for the month of October, 1915 : HONORS. -John Pinder, Gladys Bed- ford, Lesi.e Mel/ooaid, Cha.. Nairn, Viola Me(Aacherty. PAM -Mary Newell, Doris Hodgens, Harriet Porter, Vera Wilson. Rubeoa Naegel, Fraser Newell, Jas. Anderson. ta FAIL" -Elsie Sncomb e, NaarReadsMurray. Re. Ki or, Verna MB*, Willie McUosald'DorothySmith, Ha DeLong, Willie Hebei, lex. Dolly, Hoy Foster, Irene Hunt, Ernest Yid - eon, Martin Price, (filen Murray, Omm- e ode McLean, Laurance Nicholson, Mary Sanders, Roth Murray, Irwin Speiran, John Menden, Bert McGaw, Willie Sanders, Kul Porter, Percy Luntby. Honors, 70 per cent. and over : peas, 00 per emit. and over ; fail. below tE. The pupils' progress depends upon regularity of attendance and proper pi prrretion of work, both in school and at home. The attention of par etas is directed to the desirability of having children at school every day, preparation thorough ppparation for the week- ly examinations, and of consulting with the teachers regarding those who do not come up to the standard. SCHOOL REPORTS. S. M. NO X OOUKt(ICH TOWNSHIP. Following is the report of 8. M. No. (ioderirb, for the month of October; names are in order of merit : Mr. IV. - El la Rutledge, Marion Rutledge, Gladys Ginn, Lorne Rrdgee. Fred Whereto, Jr. IV.-Ur.ce McCabe. Vera Thomp..rn. Jr. 111. -Mildred Thompson. Sr. II, -Annie McCete, Minnie Hooke.. tit. I. -Clara McCabe. .1. I. -Gordon Johseton. Sr. Primer Orville Roder.. Jr. Primer -Fred McCabe, Boris Rodger.. R. Kaye, Teacher. DUNIGANNON. The ft.lb.wingg is the .4 -incline of the pupils of Gerhard Row school for 1MU.Ier : V. flats -Stanley Riven, David Mecl)airmid, (iledys Rivers, Marie Sproul. IV.- Howard Sproul, Fein• Riven. 111. --Robert Strohm., Andrew Sproul. Mr 11. -Oral Finni- gan, :Byrd. Sproul, Velem Finnir•n. .Ir. 11.---lhifford Sproul. Mr. Pt II. - Fred Sproul. Jr. Pt. !I. -Margaret Riven, Elwin Young. Mr. Pt. 1. - Meredith Yours Mary Mprnul Jr. Pt. 1. -Clara Young. Maud Evans. (ireatert number of ,wrlects in spell- ing -Margaret Rivera. Greatest num her of perfects in arithmetic -Fred Sproul. M* i, A. RAMIE, Teacher. S. 8. NO. 9, H('LLETT. Followingg is the report of S. S. No. u, Ilunett, for October. it I. bowed on general proficiency. calculated b the system M "111 hens and Sone " Pupils are in order of nierit : IV. -L. Ruda. eon (t,3 ; C. Wagner (2,1 : A. Rait.hy L$) : N. Wagner 5.M ; P. Wagner 5,14; H. MarL.pod 5,13 ; N. Patterson 6.16; A. Robin.nn 26. lar.- -R. Mac- Leod x,16: H. Prang 2,27 : I. McBr4. !,!f • C. Deer 1,t$. lif.-R Gond 3,11 ; R Oar tor 123. Pt. I1. -H. Longman 1R A. MaeLind Z7 T. Cunningham 1.111.• R. Darr 1.12 ; I. Wagner 1,11 Sr. 1r.-- Raitbhy 2,t ; M. Wagner LEI t M. Ivier 1.4. Jr. Pr.-- J Mel- rose 1,11 ; i. Gorier 1,14 : R M r Bti.w ,,00,, Ea at. Average attendance, 21. Tribal* Day .o4Metks. $144. K. R. Hnow'M, Teseber. Ohne tbinkhsg Is lmpnwihie without healthy bowel action Retell (seder. Sea are a,speri6e •gainer mat ipat kir. Bold only by H. C. Dunton the R...S Store, ages. $e and fkle hoses. What They Cared mere'. the remarkable.alerisece of • Neva Seoliva:- "11wee ..os a Italie snorer with tilos 1 mil bladder mead bee troubles, sadless. w ad road not go away from home wine - oat some oat with me. 1 was tressed by Allergist doctors for 3 ram sad only get temporary relief. Ny son advised tax totals Gia Mels. and after takiag the fist a or 3 doses I got relief. i u. s4 b take Lh.m until I got compMgly cared. I owe my INe to Gia Pi11.. Tear.rare trey r. Olt ":1PIArt Y -Ivey, w./11. - GM PILL& LL& ere . a hes er Oboefor regia. 114r-ntb• ua lerte ear.nt free sseahme..s.r Oft er Ornade Tersest NEWGAT,E STREET LIVERY Having purebaaed the livery business of Wm. Knox, 1 am improving the equipment and in- tend to provide Good Horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigs All orders will receive prompt and careful at- tention. TLLEPHogK No. 173 for • good tuna ut. R. STOWE 2 1 Brantford Roofing Suitable. for all kinds of build- ings ; houses, barns or sheds. Crystal (in red or green1,23.50 per square. No. 3 Asphalt Roofing, $3.50 per square. No. 2 Asphalt Roofing, 23.00 per square. No. 1 Asphalt Roofing, $2.2.i per square. Mohawk Oloofing, 21.5 per square. W. R. FINDER Phone 166 Hamilton Barest By reason of the changing shape when in motion this tire A cleans itself of all mud f and slime. T. 192 ) S Pepe see the new treatment for rough.•, colds and lung troubles. They are little tablets made up from Pine extracts and nee -diciest eessnaes. Rhea put Into the mouth these medicinal Ingredl nts torn e•Iles vapors, w lch are 1Ato h &remised demo direct tot a lune, throat sad brachial tale•. 'i10 Peps treatment is direct. Swat• bwt•g cough mixtures tato the •teniae►, to Are aliments ant Ne. orders la Utast and lungs, Is In- direct. Pepe are revdutiosldag the treatweet et oaths. as ta.h C$eswCeis wltbts the reach of .l1 Tar l e orGia. Pon Q WATER Amp LIMIT COMMISSION Pts i.eiel Cattemimisa'a Charge tar Ptmgisg Cssaidered The High. The water aed light oom.issioo' bald a ensalteg ea October 7Btb, with an the seem . peseest. A latter was read from the Qatari* Byam-electric Power Communion &shag tar pay�em.t�sst ./ an arrears. in -1 ciudieo SWAN alien os nest•llatits. It nae moved that the secretary write and auk tbit Mr. Coarse bo requested to go tato the latter aed aaoerteda tbs amount required to be rowed QM the capitol account. Tb. Commission also wrote stall:mg that the rhargs to the local water• works durst should be 2si/.7: per most for electric power for pimping. breed op as averege rd•i• sin. of 160 boreepower. The mere - May was IaMr•aeted to reply that the charge s as leo high sad that . ibe average power user' would be about 125 horsepower. Ao application irc in the Ooderirb Mfg. Co. for water a•d electric light aeevice was referred) to the eogterer to report upon. Artdn` mut of a complaint by a res• taurant-keeprt aloud the charge for current for an electric stove, the see. retary was instructed to write the l)ommimion and ascertain if electtfe stoves are to be included in the i. - stalled opacity in commercial light- ing. It was decider; to install two firs by -1 drools on the 3iaitlamd road,00s at the; rod of the water main. pear tbe eat) bock, and the other midway between that and the O. '1'. R. roundbouse. A letter was read fromthe Commis - 1 sion with refet•eoc. to • prak-load on September god. The secretary wad tnetructed to write the Commission that the peak -load was caused by bay- ing One practice, end to ark ;bat the' local communion Le not charged Roc that amount. A large number of accounts were ordered to to paid. NEW :BRUNSWICK PAYS TRIBUTE Ts the Grand Work Dodd's Maim Pills Are Douig. Melrnee. We.tmorelaod Co., N. B , Nov. Ist.-.-iSpecial )-'•The tint inti- mation I had of kidney troubles corm - red while on board the steamer on my return from England fourteen year* ago when I fell in a faint on the floor," wiltes .Mr. H. S. Clarke -Lewin, a well- known man of this place. "Alter my arrival at St. John my health became poor and 1 loaf thirty pounds in weight. I suffered from Leen trouble and nervousness and I became irrit- able and dyspeptic. Sly sight troubled me and ray walk was uoateedy, as 1 suffered atom dizziness. Reding • circular led me to use I)odd's Kidney . Pills and Dudd's Dyspepsia Tablets about June. 1913, and my impr3vr- w.nt began at os -e. My strength came back in my lege, the dizziness, lett me, my bowels became regular, and by New Year's, 1915. I claimed 1 was cured of diabetes." The sourest was inspecting a regi- ment just about to depart for naw quarters. He asked • youog subal- tern what would be hie next order if he were in command of • regiment passing over • plain in • hostile country, and be fouod bis front blocked by artillery, a brigade of cavalry on his right flank. and • mor- ass orase on his left, while his retreat was cut off by • large body of infantry. "Halt! Order arms, ground arms, kneel down, say your prayers !" replied tb!'I subaltern. OODERICH MARKETS. THonsear. Nei. ata, Pi -heat. are bee.. . $ . s" to a Ja oat r. per hseh .... . .se t. .a1 Barkyor bee* ...... .s1 u Poor. r heal le 1.0 pel L r 1 bier. wo , "+,r .. 2.7 1. 1.733 plwr. ftatMr. West ...----.... 1.1• .M Bros. parte Kat to ILO Show. per tis flu, to 1/.0 ti.,. Per tae 10.ee to 11.11 len.. woe per tee MO to LO Wood. per load Sep to L73 Setter. air 1d. .ra to S Ems, trash. per dor - Zr to .It .. Petatesprr bash .5 to Len Apples. perb.-hl w .! Cal tle. butch., shad, e:icwt, ate to 174 Cattle. barrier. .sdtun. - sue to CO Self..M1,e smear pre we e e..... tee a ate sper eve; tasbr, per Cwt v'• �e0 to 7.30 Iter. '..r,.... .'t to LN .11 to .12 .a3 is .11 to Ckicker. per lb . N to (lease. per tb .12 to 12 Turkey.. r . . 11 10 . p1►IN Hide.. per 15 Tune-.reedessd,Meth ..... •N A LODGING FOR A THE NIGHT (Costinu.d from page di. Ribs -,p. -with- yvtrr bearrtieftaj u good as new. sod her. am I, ready to go oat again as poor as 1 cam. ta. WS my use whits that you tamer in sty tsstl! And you think I have no genes of honor -God strike w. d.adr The old man stretched out his right arm. •'I will tell you what Tot are," be .aid 'Ton are ■ rows,. my man. au Impudent and black hearted rogue and vagabond. I have passed an boor with you. Oh, believe mo, I feel my - .*If dlrgrsced' And you have eaten and drank at my table. But now I am sick at your preemie* The day W coins ared the night bird should be oft to 'hie roost Will you go before or altar "Wlk► you please." returned the post using. •'t batlms you to be strict- ly bosorabl." He thoughtfully emp- tied las cop. 1 wish t dosed add you Ng tatgsot" he want on, knock - an his bead with his kauckie. .•���ggg�.. an: the brans stili and ran - made r ..0ed Pte Sem,' Mid ifs Iced ell atrlsetotal at the doer. "Oesdly, papa.' returned TIllesr wttb a yaws -Many tba•ka ter Mb ..M matea+- Tar deer dosed Wiled lint The dews sem breaking ever Ras wall* ;mob A *tall oeamldefable usmw' whored hi dap.Men.Ives gr hta_Qr gpAabd lraalf ha the Redd de of w twL tightvery ydun eh! "1 wends, MMI. mat te eater A SENSATIONAL SALE OF Ladies' Tailored Suits 25 Ladies' High-grade Tailored Suits at away Tess than Regular Value Saturday we start to sell them. 25 in the lot. Right up to the minute in style, in materials, in every detail, each and all of them. They are regular $16.5o, $zo.00 and $25.00 values. Saturday you can buy them at X9.75, $I2.75 and $I7.75 Good Suits won't be as cheap for many and many a day. They are abso- lutely perfect styles, the season's best models, made from high-grade materials, and good linings used throughout. Don't miss the chance to get a high-class Tailored Suit. It is a good one. 111fb�1W111W11►W11rWW1kWWWW1�1WJt111W1bW� Millinery SE 3 4 1 TRIMMED }LATS HATS RF.G� u VALUES $3.45 Twenty to thirty Trimmed Hats specially prepared for Saturday selling. New shapes and new trimmings. Velvets, etc., in black and colors, all trimmed with high-class materials and in good style. Regular $ .00, Twenty or 3o will be ready for Saturday morning and your choice of the lot only - $3.45 i+ItTTTW1!WPTTTTTT,1 T!1!TT!WWWIW?!Tt1!!1!TTT!1 *!14 Hodgens Bros. Direct Importers- Goderiche Ont. "Watson's" Under- wear{s unehrinkable, rotln foetagk, durable. We sell it. Fall Styles in FOOTWEAR The dainty -clad foot, trite, neat, stylish, is the outcome of care- fully selected :hose. Oars[ showing of the few fall styles includes the most fashion- able models in an array of leathers, styles, shapes and .1 - feels that are not only varied but include everything the style jdgee approve, at the lowest possible prices. LIFEBUOY RUBBERS ere now in stock. They are without exception the best ruh burr footwear. RIfPAIRING Geo. MacVicar North side of Square GUDERICH GRANDMA USED SAGE ifs TO DARKEN Huff • She seeds op a mixture of Sag. Tse end Sulphur to bring back color, gloss. tbkkasm. COMMIS'. gardee Dens bereed hits a levy tea with salpasr and •Isobel atY.d, will tars gray, sfroak.d and faded heir ls•atltauy dark and ItaoNaat, re- sume .mew every bit of dandruff, slop scalp Saha and falling hair. Just a Saw appMetinr will peeve a 1.velafles M hang,year hair is y or dry, swag. goy and this 0.1z theSone 11• and Sialphor maps at home. tboagb, V b1w►lossma Aa sealer way Is to gat the sesgr-tree a lobs enol about •ut 01 was -I►y.�e1tlieNts ail dreg haws se Seg. ani Pa+htp►s► Com psi,- thus swdlag a lot .f mus. Whys w1mp% gig, fail ►dr 1s nn6 slats. am as is -to route sur yeah- your hair Dy sal Yak sues w,Mb1s - d114 rase Ran tell. Js� 50.~ mow or eft brie" w*b we tM Ibyour" .a your V awe 0 ,kung et a hamy ' halms all VW tat!' late dlaappe•e1s1 astalbsr iM hold ksalmr d ell In < set a • �Y'•glom. oft LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC -:-AND-:- SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDEiNTED OPFER OP. SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Writs for Psnccslers II LOTTIE ARMSTRONG. - P. LINPORTWiLLGOOSE, rarRegist• Mas. Bac. (Domini Principal. Address: -334-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. Greatest Newspaper Value in Canada Xondott ldrtrt6tr MORNING, NOON AND EVENING EDITIOSS $2PER YEAR Every Day By Mail The Beit as Well as the Cheapest 1$2 PER YEAR1 Every Day By Mail WARNEW Has the unmatched Associated Press and Clan- `-/adian Press service, besides special Develops. GENERAL NEWS tug'g iNewsre" byed Heide News received hones after Toronto pspere go to press. WESTERN ONTARIO NEWS a r'.y 1Y EDITORIAL PAGE a mm � *7. eit � in a bright WOMAN'S PAGE THE BEST IN CANADA. MARKET PAGE THERE IS NONE BETTER. SPORTING PAGESAl, ,,� i,e, Wei m�t with The Advertiser started the Stay -in -Ontario Movement. It was the first newspaper to take up the Made -in -Canada twee - meat The Advertiser's circulation has almost doubled in a year and a half. THERE'S A REASON. Address THE ADVERTISER, London, Ont. a1aW K war as • WINA lassie g Ho etb& ILL Oast rlwemadad from the -t MIA* animated do neva I" I:�the ulrtlag Mer stag tat sum of Mat dames as as slaw was he asoba es swat. and he wadi oars forget os. of el soldiers' Isftlave which passed theme♦ ii "Dear it Shaw 04 ..d eery aim _ Maher -It M myslif w7 mrmsY- k le 1011