The Signal, 1915-11-4, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERLCR ONTARIO
I1l.ema se". 111.vostlts 4. wt 1
PURE Neese. Si Aso
.oma is fIakss--ani
moms oces'"'iealof ..JI
dieeolvete readily in hot
water, forming • smooth,
cmem-like lather that un-
met injuretheelmiestfabrics
orthedaintiesthands. LUX
peewees the originid soft-
ness and fleeciness of all
w..lhag.rmecta. Try LUX.
At all gromn 10c.
,1 f li
!I til
t t,,r1l) , ���i•,,I..(� ., P
Meade tic Casemi by Levee
Brotheres Uswiterd, To.o..te
County and District ',QUIT, THE GREAT
Robe. MeM ehs.l and Er.SM Wil- tie's at Paramount, Aska.Id tower**,
burn, of Bluevele, have enlisted sed W. J. McGuire toot eek. A du.We
are la tral.t.gatLLondon. ices easenesuanm
.ed d performed as o► SINAI Paws of F
lire. C. Net . of Sass Wawa -•rides. but the 6aUeat died
itt PIS*
nosh, teal one day reoenU) rood broke While Jame* M. Knight, who lives
both boars in liar left arm.
near lhaabeook, was dtivtag a *pike it
At a tow' supper held in co.s.ction sew M end our"rk high 00 the eye,
with the Creittoo Methodist rhumb dseatttoyleg the eight and seoemitataag
oar eveolog recently, over IMO people am operatsoa to have the eye rewwty
were ted laud the proceeds easouoted Amanda. daughter of Mr. a.d Mee.
to MU. 'Ales. Mos..w. of Zurich, was married
at her boars there uo October 2701 to
Melvin tiaritb. alsu of Zurieb. Rev.
O. P. Brown dmetated at eke cere-
James Webster. • pioneer of Hallett
oeweehipt died as bit home et Loader.
born' on October Mb .her several
weeks' inners. His wife and a family
of 6e. survive.
Jolla Mirebouse. a pioneer resident
.f Ling.ide lo-dity, died as October
26th is bis seventy-sizth year. He is
survived by his widow. two Boos sad
two daughters.
Miss Janet Corer, of Molesworth,
weep marled on October 21st to George
Menzies. 'bey will reside in Obio.
where Mr. Menzies is the manager of
a butter factory.
Nies Violet lireybeil and Mr. Wes-
ley Kagetaed, of lisebwood. were
quietly married at the home of the
bride . paresis on October 71b by
Rev. J. H. Uressebaeb.
Fin at Belgraes on October 241b
completely destroyed G. Jordan's cbop-
piag mid and ronteeta. A comelier -
able amount ot grain was in tbe build-
ieg. The beldame was la.ured.
While filling a .ilo at Win. R. Mar -
When you put a telephone in your home
you enlist our staff of skilled workers in the
service of your wife and family.
To lighten the labors of 'the household.
to keep the family in touch with their friends
end to protect them in emergencies. the tele-
phone is alert and ever ready. day and night.
. A telephone in the home is a boon at any
time. but during the inclement fall and winter
weather it is invaluable.
Ask today for rates and.information.
Enlist in the Kreat army of enthusiastic home-
' telephone users.
gruff Bell Telephone is
o Long Distance Station
The Bell Telephone Co.
Rev. Rebell Pearson. of Calgary,
son of the tete Robert Pruners, sine
Ethel. hes accepted a commimioa in
the filth Battalion. He was formerly
eregaged of Y. M. C. A. secretary .t
The 1110 -sen farm of Charles Ger-
eraiss, on the 2nd cooceseion of Morris,
has bees puwebased bT Robert Higgins
for 11.5,00.1. Mr. Gammas has purchased
the chopping mill et Thomas !Stewart
at Bluevale.
Don't Wait -Phone Robert Tait
All wiring done by the latest
Hydra► -Electric rule.
All work guaranteed.
T Electric repairing of all kinds
promptly attended to, at rea-
sonable prices.
`. We carry a complete and up-
to-date line of Electric Fixtures
and Supplies at all times.
wee $2—JUST PHONE—House i93
by "Frits -tees
The simple juices of eppaes, onagea,
tip and prunes, when ttaaaforttard tato
'Fruit -a -eves' will relieve diseases of
the S lessor, Liawr, Kidwgr dad Sias.
The truth of thie statement has been
proved in thousands of eases of
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver,
Constipation, Kidney and Bladder
Troubles, Skin Dimmed, Rheumatism,
Neur*Igia and Clumsier Headaches.
The enormous sales of'Fruit-s-clues,'
are the best proofs of the value o/
)Ail frail asedicese.
50c. a box, 6 for 32.So, trial site '2 e.
At dealer or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Lillian. second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T. U. King of Beydeld, wee mar-
ried ou October 27th to Artingtou As. Edisto/don to spend the winter.
wood. The ceremony was The six-year-old daughter of A. P.
.t sebrings rile by Rev. H. J. Condeil. Joynt fell from a wagon one day mosso
The young couple eiill re.,Js at Hay- ly and sustained a bad fracture of her
field. kW.
Riebard Hocktidgr, an aged rani- Alexander Cardno. one of the pion -
dent or Bluetrk, paved away on ser businees mien of be.fortb, parsed
October :5th in Du seventy-eighth away an October'37Lb. He was iu his •
year. He i. survived by bis wife, sex
daughters sod three supe. Mrs. H.
Wolfe, of Dungannon, is one of the
Mr.. Wm. Mee, ooe of the first set-
tlers in the township of Howiek,
posed sway at her home on the Nib
cooeeesioo on October L"tleb in her
sixty-second year. Two sons rod one
daughter survive.
Heaty Denny pissed way et hit
home at Fordo lob on October ',retrd in
his righty -third year He war a na-
tive of England. but had traidcd in
Consols ft r the past forty-five years.
Two suns and tbrer deugbters sur-
Robert S. Mitchell, • native of
Oot ne, was shut and killed by • burg-
lar at his home at-Walsenbarg. Color-
ado, oo September '>tlth. He was
forty-two years old and left (ioirie fur
the United States twenty-five years
Successful anniversary services were
held at 1'ooatance Methodist church
on (ctob •r 24tb. Rev. 1. A. McKel-
vey, of Dungannon, was the speaker
of one day. 'file following evebiog a
fowl supper - and entertainment was
held. the proceeds from all services
.amounted to $1S1.43.
Rev. Father McCarthy, of Mount
Comet and (.ntrelia, who has been
Printing? tbe Signa[
eighty-ninth year.
$.venty-ei;lht ears 11 sugar heeta
have been shipped from Seafortb
stwt.ion this season and there are many
more beets to be pulled yet.
Walter Haines, who had been on
thesaff of the Dominion Bank here
for several years. has been tran•fetred
to Dresden. Fred Faulkner is the new
junior hero.
Mary Halliday, only • daughter of
Mr. aid Mrs. Freak liutleridge, form-
erly of Seam th, was married at
tiornia no Octotev'21.1 to Reginald C.
R. Bell. of Windsor.
The funeral took place on October
Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender Tittle btonfach, liver
and bowels.
Look at the tongue, mother' If
coated. your little one's stomach, liver
and bowels need cleansing at once.
Wben pee.lsb. cross. listless, doesn't
sleep, eat or act naturally-. or Is fever-
ish. stomach aur, breath bad: has
appointed Roman Cat belie ch.piain of sore throat. (Barrio -ea. full of cold. give
one of the Cenadsn overseas bat- a teaspoonful of -Callforuin Syrup of
talons. wxs given an enthusiastic
sendoff by the mewl' es of his coogrr-
gatioos. who :also pi- .euted him with
• well -tilled puree of money.
Two barns were burned to the
ground and with their contents were a
total loos when a *craw stack on the
farm of \\ no (i.161lan, near Farquhar,
caught fire recently. The apart* from
Mr. (iilttllan's barn blew across and
ignited AV. Neil's barn. which was
about sixty reds affray. Both men
cartied sows insurance.
The death of Matthew Mains, of
Londesboro', which occurred on Sat-
urday. October:.Rud, removed a well-
knowu resident of tbat locality. Mr.
Mains was a builder sod etontractor
and erected many nt this buildings in
the district. He was born in Hullett
in 1490, in religion he was a Metho-
dist sod in politics a Cone/ruttier. He
was also a prominent Oraniewan. He
i• survived by bis wife and three
daughters—Mise.. Eleanor and Lizzie,
of L. -odor. and Mise Jean. at borne.
Mr. Moos had been as well as usual of
late and was at work the day prior to
his death.
it is estimated that one hundred
and forty tons of sett onions were
grown in the district surrounding
Zurich the past season. Nearly one
hundred tons hive been shipped to
large warehouses in Manistee, whets
they will be stored over winter and
there prepared formarket. The balance
will he store! in warehouses in Zurich,
especially prepared for the purpose,
while messy growers are storing their
crops until the spring nsartet opens.
This industry has grown to Isrge pro -
tions during the last few years end
it ie sated that no .top that can be
prawn will give the same favorable
returns as tett onions will, if the
yet. is at all favorable.
Mn. iflunstnn. a former resident of
Breese* died .t Brantford cm Octo-
Stanley Campbell. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Angus Campbell, has enlisted
with lbs Mounted Reifies. He It the
second son of the family to join the
colors. .
The council has derided to continue
the macadamising of Turnherry street! 1
to the U. T. R. erects. The new piece
of work is estimated to cost /MOO). 1t
wiU not be commenced until spring.
Alex. Vergnson. a native of Bras+-
eels, died recently at Chicago He'
was engaged in jour nali+t le work and
bad attained some prominence HI.
wife, thew sons sod one daughter sur-
At • receett meeting of the town
sonotil the R-rve wow instructed 101
Horches* wrist-write/tee for Means.
orsey. Barney. Knight and Taylor, i
who bad recently etrlieted.
Mr. and Mrs Robert Kydd. Foresee,
aonowitter. the of their
only daughter. Mary Evelyn. to Mr
Walter 1) Rydall of Fullerton, (hit .
the nsartisg. to take place in Decem-
The annual ' s' bene" of the Exeter
high school was held on October 22nd
in the new a.v.e.tibly room and wet
very ..weea.ful. A program of mus! -
cal numhere, readinganis recitations.'
and usher abnsents went to make up the
evening's entertainment
Miss Susie Uoveokoek bas gone to
Figs," and to a fc- hors all the foul.
constipated waste. undigested food
and sour bile gently troves out of its
little bowels without griping. and yon
have • well, playful child again. Aak
your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Flgs," which con-
tains fall directions for babies, chil-
dren of all ages and for grown-up..
21st from the reado.e. of Me. ).toes
Beattie of the late Moa C. W. Rut -
leder, who died at Markdale. Mn.
Rutledge was formerly a resident here
.end wee • sister of Mn BeaaW.
$. T. Holmes received word last
week t hat his moo. Charles. had bens
wounded while egbtiag in Ptah".
Charles was a titers er of the detach -
newt of the Sled Battalion that was
drafted to reinforce tete Princess
Pat rcie s
"Scheel Days" Mean Se10o1 SLIM
We are headquarters kr
Our stock contains a large
assortment of Solid and Sub-
stantial Shoes for errs and
girle uitt for service. with
dne regard to comfort and
appearance as well. No-
where will you find a better
:election or better t-alues.
Briar the Molars Here!
Corner East Street and Square
Tho.. Groves has enlisted for war
sarvico sod baa gooe to London for
Porter and Lieut. Edmunds
of the Salvation Army are lames*
town. the former for Wallaeebur1
land the hitter for Dresden. Capt. and
Mrs. Hubaud, of TUlsooburg, will have
charge of the -
Wcrd has been received that Pts.
Harry 'White, 'rho went overseas
with the first Canadian contingent,
bm been killed in action, and also that
Pte. S Kemps hes berm wounded.
Chas Munro, who for the peat two
years hu been local buyer for the
%Vat. Davie.l•o-,of Toroutn, tic takes
a position with (looms Limited end
will remove to Toronto to live. Min
Retie Welker oleo will go to Toronto,
as stenographer fur the latter firm.
Upon returning home from church
on Sunday morning, Mrs. Jansee W.
Armstrcog was shocked to find her
husband dead in hod. He had not
hien completive/9r of ill health. but
stated last morntog that be was too
tired to go so cburcL. The doctor said
death was due to heart failure. Mr.
Artestroog was about fifty years of
"Sprucelawn," the home of Ur. and
Mn. A. B. Taylor of Hanover, was the
scene of a pretty wedding ou October
when tete marriage .4 their only
daughter, Estella Irene, to Brock C
Brandon, son of T. S. Brendon, of
Wiogham, took place. Rev J. W.
Cooley officiated. The bride, who was
giveo away by her father, was gowned
in white liberty satin, with chiffon and
peat' trimmings, with veil. Miss
Hazel Brandon, ot \Vingbam, played
Mendelsohn'e wedding marsh. The
young couple left for a trip, the bride
travelling in a navy blue suit and
black velvet he, and upon their tree
turn will live in Hanover.
Lucknow raised Vont for the Brit-
ish Red Cross fund on Trafalgar Day. I
James Ferguson, of \Vest Wawa -
nosh, has returned home from the
West.Arthur Newman. well knowu -io
Lacknow, Inas enlisted fur military Listening on the Line.
nervier.Tete Listowel Btoner thinks that a
Paul Mmeltzer has told his fifty acre . contrivance that would dytect tele-
fsrru south 01 town t . Kenneth Far � phone patrons who listened on the
risk, of ArhfieId . ' line world he a great boon to e
Ewart ('aweron and li+told Allin rural telephone .-roles, There errth
have pissed the military everumatioos those to whom "listening on the line"
qualifying thew as lieutenants. has become suvh a common pract leas
'Mrs. Matthie, a tormer resident of that they think nothing of it, when in
Lueknow, died recently at the home reality one would be quite justified in
of her son, Fled, let St-itier, Alta. She sizing such a party up as a eneak or
was in her seventy-sixth year. f thief. This contemptible Nabi' of
Mr. Herold Ackert has enlisted foe some persons of nosing into other
qPrepare for Winter
Your New Overcoat
its waiting for you !rete.
Large stock in Tight and heavy
weights for you to choose from. Our
Overcoats are well designed and well
made of krood materials. They are
also reasonable in price.
McLean Bros.
Semi -Ready Tailors
The Square, - - - - - Goderich
been killed in a innaway accident
while returning home after having
taken Miss Anderson 'o the railway
station at Naris. Mies Anderson went
home the following morning and will
not return to her duties at Clinton.
war service witli a company raised al
Toronto Univers:ty. Belo.e he left he
was presented by ms 11 lyro,xl friends
with a wrist watch. Mr. Ackert had
been t'aching school.
Mr. R. I). camersn, of Lucknow,
was a speaker at the patriotic concent
given by )'outs Canada, I.U. F., Strat-
ford, last Friday evening The it,al-
ford Beacon teports Mr. Cameron's
address at length and speaks of it as
one of the chief features of the evening. I.
A wedding of interest to Lucknow
people took place in Toronto on Wed-, 2.1t h alto., when Miss Bertha
Treleaven, daugbter of Mrs; K. N.
Treleaven, formerly of Lucknow, was
tarried to Mr. J. Percy Leslie. The
ceremony was performer) by Rev. R.
J. 'Treleaven. Mr. and Mn. Leslie
will reside in Tcronto.
The closing of Hope Metbndiet
church tewoves one of the landmarks
of the Ashfield ht,undary community.
At least three mon who are now suc-
cessful preachers of the Gospel count
this little church as their spiritual
birthplace, 'lamely, Janice Murchison,
who is at the head of a large district
in Saskstebewan ; J. C. Red, who it
the pastor of the WsIlaeehur4 Metho-
dist church, and John Agnew, who
also is stationed in the London Coo -
1 terence.
Capt. Violet Henderson, who was
recently in charge of the Salvation
Army work bere," was married al
\Vinoipeg on October 2.5th to Capt.
Cox The young couple have now
been ststiooed at Nelson. B. l'.
Capt. Moffat and Lieut. Laycock,
who had been in charge of the Salva-
tion Army work here, held farewell
services on Sunday. Capt. Moffat i•
being transferred to Woodstock and
Lieut. Lep-trek to \Viarton. Adju-
tant tiartiage of St. Marys will have
charge here.
Mr. \Venn Jackson has been re-
elected chairman of the expruti.0
eomurittee of the Canadian Ticket
Agent►' Association. • position he has
Meld for some years. Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson and Dr. and Mrs. Shaw were
at Denver for the annual convention
of the Association.
Pr. Shaw, as secretary of the local
committer, bas teeelved from Major-
fleneral Main Goebel' and fat.-('ol.
Ake Wilson letters thanking the
people of Clinton and surrounding
eomn,uoitiee for their gift of g1,(
for the purcha.p of a machine gun 7.,
t the Xird Overseas Bet t al ion.
IIt sire �sttiRflr: and eon, Frank, bi
pmrebaeeoi 45. , in department
the Gunn. fwti4is Ci., of which the
former has been toe mantes... They
will conduct the bet -teem under the
name of Jenkins k Ion. Mr. N. W.
Tr.'warlbs will continue tr intik after
the erg and pnmltry bovine,' et the
Gunn, Langlois Co
Mrs. John Adair plated away ne
Oetoher 2-Ith et the home of heir eon -
in law, George Mbipley, in Hallett
She was'eventy -nln. years of age and
eaves one son. (Turks Adair, of
Peterson', and nue danghtere. Her
bashsnd died foorte•n years ago. The
remains were taken to her former
hose at Oshawa for interment.
Miss Anderson, of Patin, who had
arrepted the position of a.s.stent ma -
trim of the orient hone. of restage, re -
ss sed word on the evening of her m-
eted hen that one of her sisters bad
people's•ss is doing rout to
hurt the Forel 'phone wry roe. Recent-
ly The Banner endeoeored to motive
some information f - a person in
the co intry with • 'phone in the house
who ol.jecte.l beennse it w;tsn't desir-
able for tho neighbors to know all
about it. Sure enough they were
liet.eninr, for the rack of the r.-.•erveas
WAS quite recognizable.
Imnt'essimt should be ,nark .that
the 'phone is primarily for t,u:,inrrs
purp•t•'es and Out for gossip and eaves-
dropping Any telephone enutpany
would he quite jostitie.t in promptly
renewing the 'phones of those who sue
.•. inderrttt as to "tike in" their neigb-
bor'1 cunret•:.tion anti it would br is
the interests .1 the set vire were the
compeniee (olio more *test in rnfu.c-
�ing the penalty in, this regent.
Make Preparation
If you want to save snooty on your coal bills rand at
the sires time. have ..the_.. best results,, buy _the best
• Range on the market—the HAPPY THOUGHT.
It will do more work on less fuel than any other range
on the market. Call and see our display of HAPPY
THOUGHTS before purchasing. '
Also see our large assottmeut of Beating Stoves.
We have a number of secondhand Ranges and _Heaters. It
will pay you to call and see these splendid values.
We have two gool secondhand If't Air Furnaces. These
furnaces are in good reptir. The reason we hive them is th it
we have installed the houses they we iu with hot water.
Do you use Charcoal for lighting your fires ? If not. you ilo
not know the great convenience von are missing. We have just
got in a carload. Try a sack or two, 15c for one or 2 for 25r
We have bought a large quantity of Smokeless Shells
are therefore in a position to let yon have them at 75c per box.
Does your roof leak' If so, we can furnish you with a inn --
ply Felt Rooting 11 $1.511 per square. It is a tough, durable
In Shelf and heavy Hardware our stock was never more
ho not forget that wes.are headquarters for Plumbing Ileat
ing. Tinsmithing and Electric Wiring. All work promptly at-
tended to and full)- guaranteed.
have us your orders for ilar.l and Soft Coal.
We handle the Scranton White Ash Cook
Chestnut Coal
Stove Coal
Egg Coal
Cannel Coal
Blacksmith Coal
�r)1\ay Not Coke
Hari.* Wood
Soft Woe`
$8.00 per toe
8.00 per ton
7.75 per toe
8.00 per ton
7.00 per toe
7.00 per ton
2.50 per Cord
2.25 per cord
Chas. C. Lee
STOKE. 22 --- --- PHONIES -- MOUSE. 112