The Signal, 1915-11-4, Page 5L Akio, to our
Acle w►crk
We ane fa s position to
OI ALL unto.
Having installed spec-
ial apparatus for
this work.
East Street Garage
Case Dismis..d.
Police Megistnte Kelly gave his
decision oo Tuesday worming in the
case of Wm. Thompson. c with
bringing liquor into Huron county.
The magistrate held that no evidence
bad been offe(ed to show that the
Liquor was not for the personal use of
the defendant and dismissed :be ease.
Public Meeting to Be Held.
The annual meeting of the Children's I
Aid Dociet y will be bald in the grand I
jury roosu at the court house on Tues.
day, November Deb, at 4.15 p. w. In
tbe evening a public meeting will le
held In the lecture room of Knox
church, where address will be given
and a wueics' program rendered. Lan-
te(n slides will be given franc real life,
.*owing the work helps done in this
county. A collection wi11 be taken in
aid of the work.
Oebemisish .lee's e . thele.seer•..
The asueseiresed selling mesial Ly-
man M. Dade came in toe shaker w
aseday and gee dew bees tied tap
here awaking favorable weather toe a
telt tip the ia�w
ids atesesar Doric unloaded a cargo
of 111,(100 barbels el wheat at the Big
Mill as lresdy.
Liverpool Ledge Has Patriotic Evening.
Supreme V1c.Preeklent Procter. of
Tomato, visited Loge Liverpool. ease
of Koglasd, uo Wsdoe.dey. October
lrlth, and cave aa llttettating sad
forceful address as the manner la
ei sad atter 4a M its osobMu who
log the Being. Patriotic addressee
are eery -
were given also by Brother Bol or;
I� tt r Bre horn Morris Lodge Banistaple. and Brothers
IWakefield •ad Duaoadge, of Lodge
Liverpool. As isa.tsstieg prooesding
Iwas the reediest of letters to the Lodge
frost wemhen oo active service. As
excellent supper cooelud.d a Ilion
1 pleeeaot eveaisg,
Goes to New York.
■..-�r-- -�rY-ter --•�— -- tf-v-..-,►-•r-rrrr- ■
>� ALuc S4A.00 1
Mr Frederic T. Kammer has reelhoed
his poeltioa as organist and choir
director in Rt. James' church. Inger-
roll and leaves meat week for Naze
York to study for • term under Ter-
tius Noble. The [salmon Tribe**
aps.ks in terms of hd bof the
r.rot rendition by Mr. Reeoer s choir
of the sacr i d cantata "Huth." sad coo
(times: "Following the cantata the
choir very happily surprired Mr.
F.gsn.r with • handsome gift, a silver
entree dish, ars a slight token or (A.4r
appreciation of his splendid ..resets
rendered in his capacity .. aboir di -
lector end organist." Mr. ''F,ge..r is
spending this week io town and Mrs.
Lgeuer and sons, Donald and Fred.
will remain bore during his stay at
New York.
At the Waterfront. - '
The steamer tilenllvet arrttrat on
Thursday of le
with' 117 000}
bushels of wheat, the Ver iska on i►A-
day with 110.4/1n bushels of wheat. sad 1
the Hamiltonian yesterday with a
cargo of 117,11110 brunets of grain cow -
posed of three gristles of wheat and a I
consignment of tough oats. All
Death of Mn. J C. Martin.
Altera long rod painful illness Mrs.
J. C. Martin passed away at her home
in Goderirb on Tuesday. She was
torn fifty-four veers ego at Ellieotte-
vine, New Yorh State, where ,be was
worried to Mr. Thomas E. Wetmore.
One son, lir. F. G. Wetmore. of (iode-
rieh, survives. After the death of bre
first husband rhe was warriech
veers ago to Mr. J. C. Martin. of
Godericb, and bad sin:* resided braes
Owing to ber ill -health .he was umabl•
1') mingle largely with society in God•=
rich, but all who met beret her home
will cherish pleasant we:uoriea of her.
The funeral look place this afternoon
from the family residence nn Anglesea
street. Rev. W. K. Hager, c( North
street Methodist church. conducting
the eervioaa. The pallarers• were
Meows. F. F. Lawrs-oce. Ben. 9ritbam, •
A. J Cooper, Harry Martin, William
\Vebeter and Oliver \\'bttely, the last
three being nephews of Mr. Martin. !
or an Electric Motor
If you guess the nearest to the number of - bullets in the jar.
For every 25 -cent purchase you get a guess.
We have on hand the finest linerof Christmas Goods and
Stamped Pieces we ever had.
Something for the men, the women and the -children.
,alit.' Goods . 3,.ta.lty
Conte and sec what we hat'!. 19u can buy goods more
cheaply herr and have ab opportunity of getting a sewing
machine fon nothing.
Mrs. L B. Tape,H
The interment was made in the Martie
family .salt at Maitland cemetery.
McGillicuddy -Dunham.
A prettyautumn wedding took
place on Tursday atter000n, October
:•Btb, at 3 o'clock, at the bonsai of Mr.
and 'len. A. D. (.'lark. of Dowling
avenue. Toronto, when their niece,
]len Blanche Dunham, daughter of
Mrs. Albert M. Dunham. of Torooto,
was united in marriage with Mr.
Owen E. Mclsillicuddy, of the staff n(
The Toronto Star. rhe ceremony
was performed by Rev. Dr. W. H.
}Mucks, in the presence of a few
friends. The bride. who wore a smart
suit of tete de uegre broadcloth with
bat of the same color, stood under an
arch of autumn leave., and was given
away by her uncle, Mr A. It. Clark.
Miss Ruth Clark, the Hower -girl. wore
a simple white frock, and carried a
brake( of pink robes. The wedding
music was played by bliss Grace Bur-
rows. and Miss Mabel Crews sang.
'91 Perfect Love." during the signing
of tbe register. Atter the ceremony
a delightful dejeuner was served before
the happy couple left for the Kawsrtba
Lakes. On their return to Toronto
they will reside in the Parkdale Mat-
they.. The groom is the elder son 'of
Mrs. D. Mc1;rllicuddy and is a natise
of lioderich, his father being the well-
koown former editor of The Signal.
now deceased. Many friends in (;ode-
:•••••••••••••*•••••••• ••••:
▪ essmseetipee
Gold Fish Free
Irieb wish the young couple much
Glazier ve. Brown.
In the County Court on Foray the
cadre of Glazier vs. Brown was beard
before His Hoon Judge Doyle. This
f was a ease io which \Vin. Olaai.r, of
liodericb, sued David Brown, of Col-
borne township, to recover a balance
1 due biwvn the purchase price of an
acre of around on the southwest
, corner of lot No. 1, lake road cooter
.ion, Colborne. Theorising/41 price was
Sled, of which the defendant had paid
1 Eilll The defence claimed (he plain-
. tiff had not a clear tide to the land ;
b that there was an annuity of V250 pay-
able to Mary Alleo, and an locum-
'tseance of pm payable to Anthony
Allen. His Lordship directed that
judgment be entered for the plaintiff
for the sum of .111*1 sig, being the bal-
ance of purchase money and interest
thereon to date. The amount to be
paid within forty-eight hours from the
service of a copy of the formal judg-
ment ; the plaintiff to convey the
land• mentioned to the defendant on
payment or the atlo0.3K if any
dispute as to title arises the sante is to
be settled by Judge Doyle. His Hunter
further directed that the defendant
return to the plaintiff three deer -heads
and s clock within ibs forty-eight
hours mentioned or in default judg-
ment is to 1. • entered for the plaintiff,
for$1G, the value cf the article•, io
default of payment of the 80911.:113 a
writ of p omission may be issued
for the recovery. of tyle property.
The defendant was also ordered to
PAY the coats nn ,he County Court
• scale and also the cost 1 of the exam -
400 •MOTHER TEM tri i s rmr v�oi
• • Midi Hee bobcats ley 3trsag
• at The Rexall Store • in aeve York
weak. 4duUe.0 too tlittleion was
• • result of restrike and the semis. sad
• Fri. and Sat., Nov. 12th and 13th ; Iia bstlila
Commencing at 8 a.m., Friday, Nov. 12th,
we will give away •
One aquarium containing two Gold Fish, with wattr plant and pebbles, will be
given free with each purchase of Rexall Goods amounting to so cents or over and
a io-cent box of Fish Food.
GOLD FISH can he success-
fully kept in small aquariums
and give the children a pleasant
and practical lesson iq `nature
study :
This is purely an advertising offer. The fish
and globes alone are worth more than the
amount you are required to purchase.
Rexall Goods are made id Canada, and are
absolute12' reliable, but should any of them prove unsatisfaciory to you,, bring
that preparation back to us and we will gladly refund the purchase price.
See Our Windows on Wednesday next
Choose from this List 5oc worTh of Goods
Rexall Violet Talcum Powder ..... e. 25c
Rexall Tooth Paste !6e
Rexall Tooth Powder M
illRexall Toilet Cream .t tic
Rexall Cream of Almonds 2•`c
O Rexall Shaving Sticks .... 25c
• Rexall Shaving Powder 25c
Rexall Shaving Lotion 25c
Rexall Kidney Remedy 50c and $1.00
Rexall Little Liver Pills 25c
Rexall Stomach and Liver Pills 25c
Rexall Liver Salts 2.,c and 50c
Rexall Rheumatic Remedy.... 5(k and $1.(Nl
Rexall Sars;.parilla Tonic $1.00
Rexall Headache Powders and Wafers 1(k, 25c
Rexall Bronchial Tablets. 10c
Rexall Seidliti Powders 25c
Rexall Lace and Silk Cleaner
and get the Gold Fish and Aquarium
Rexall Harmony Rau Talcum. 25c
Re -tall Mucu-Tone T,Oc and $1.00
Rexall Mentholine Balm 25c
Rexall Healing Salve 25c
Rexall Carbolic Salve 25c
Rexall Cold Cream ............:... 25c
Rexall Face Cream 25c and 50c
Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup25c and 50c
Rexall Cold Tablets 25c
Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Oil.. $1.011
Rexall Celery and Iron Tonic.......... $$1.00
Rexall Comp. Syrup Hypophosphates. 11.0f►
Rexall Rubbing Oil. .. 25c
Rexall White Liniment 25c
Rexall Tickle Stopper 10c
Rexall Corn Solvent 2bc
Re)tall Bahr Cough Syrup 4cic
mot aII
• Pmol d and witres d theits.e
.reined to acres mei his w that ser V
• The following articles were shipped
from Ooderich oo Ortober :dr : 1,200
absorbent pads, 500 sponges, 384 band-
ataer, 1,tfut wonthwipee, 300 tag.dotbe,
13 dozen handkerchiefs.
A hale was sent. to Toronto on No-
vember 1, containing : tl hospital
shirt., 11 day shirts, 1 'bed jacket, 5
pajamas, 1 hospital suit, 111 pillowslips,
24 sheets. 1 parr Itlankets., d pun bed
socks, 0 dressing gowns, 14 hospital
shirts. The thanks of the Mociety
are given to Me Miners Fraser,
"Lakeside," \Vellington street, fcr
a donation of one pair of
blankets ; and to the following
ladies for slaking the articles on this
list : Mesdames (;rimin, 8traehan,
NV aeon. H ager, H Black atone, H.J.A.
MacRwan, R. Black. Maodorald, C.
Dunlop, Harry Hunt, Craig, Vold,
Heileman n,Yuunghlut; Misses [tohert-
too. Protdfoot, Dunlop, /gurney; Mt •.
Ford end tbe ladies of Victoria street
The following sum bra teen received
since last publication : Mete. France
Lev, Lenox, Moss., $:
The Society thankfully acknowledges
the following contribut ions of socks
received during the past week : Mn.
Prnodfoot, 5 pain: Mrs. Burritt, 4
ses ler df.00very. Mr. M. ti.
and• Kr. . B. seed fee Dame metaas .1[r. L. i
Ths Miaiial Awoeiatio• willis Ron► serest Methodist cbe.
nils a mit sb tlanay alt.reoos.
1s Esoz shore* seat Muaday the
servitor. will be oosdacttod by the Ma-
lse, Rev. Geo. B. Roos wbee rs=.
1s the 'week( will bs 'ho'arid fb
"ReligIoo ods lhsPhrg Iim ts.'eM�•The subjects crst susda,� bBeptiet church are: vil• .of Isaiah." and "( florist. T*bd Utter -
acre from the Oro..." A crouse i♦vitatlo,u extnded to say who ry
wish to auend. Toto erd`Yes el tinLord's Supper win be observed ai tin
of tae lammng .twice.
Tbm .eating mpaelty of Loot
chuch lecture loom who tatted 10 its
utm st on Monday evenin whoa a
stereopticonlectuie, under auspioss
of the Boyd Club, was the attrae-time.
Rev. Cho. E.Rose acted a. lecturerand for an kouv tb. iaters.t oto tb.
gathering was held by,pPwards or onto
hundred slid.., depiettes hew ss is twar sogn os the western and(roots and at the Dardanelles. '
The Baptist Young Peoples Uoiedheld a Hai1ow.en social on Friday
evening t, at which many of the
newher. of the congregation werepresent. The Suoda school roowas prettily decorate in the .eases'.
style, with cats, witches and puasp-
kins predominating. 1'be entertaio-
ment consisted largely of guessing
games and many amusing situations
developed Refreshments were nerved
before the singing of the Na-
tional Anthem brought the proceed -
ins to a close.
The vote on church union in Keox
chnrch takes place next Sunday,
November ith. The ballots have been
delivered to the people in their home.
by the elders this week and these are
tobe returned duly marked and signed
un !luoday morning or evening. The
skiers will receive them at the entrance
of the church. bor those who are
absent from home or unable to return
their ballots on this day the opportun-
ity will be given to hand theist is on
the next Sunday. November 14th,
which i. the last day tr the vote. The
session will meet Monday evening,
November 15h, for the count,
Ml+ Mabel ►an.of Stratford, made a brief
vWttotawson M,o.da.
ts Reelaald Y111ottfa la town thin week
ciwth,gher lathe. Mr. K. C.Belcber.
Mean.\. Y. Ra... ul Newgate.. ,.tr.w'. ha.tered Victoriabaryiral. London. for training an■ guns. Me., Rear after rt.ities in the eountry will s.aks tier humin with Mr. Clifton, au
the home on the corner of Victoria street and
• in archon.•
Mr. and Mr. Jna, ):'.id returnel on tgooday
from ther trip to Denver ad. otbr.. ).r.t, is
the Stat.. Mr. IC1. pr. -i to .t of tn•. cnet-
dias ticket .lgeuf A.-oeat'ou. .I.ieh betak. annal Neiea:ion atD e ver. and thewu [trade meorable by many boner+ paid In
n ist in virtu. ofhi+ oAi r.
Mr. n. Ra.e sod family left (181+ week for
Kebglacd. where they .:t .Rain make tbeir
hoe. Mr. and Mr.. icor have beesnatal bed by tier di.appear.<a of their ...s.
rte, N G 1:-..e. of tin• 11Mot Canadien cvotin-
geat, and they ere in popes Chu being ..sear
o the anal ei war they way art g,t .wuc dea.-
de leformation e.ncerniag ht. fate.
Hsi. trctde.o .0 Jone-B.teman .nd MrsJoar.-Iaatewau lett lterday to .ueud ., Per.vul-•, 1a.. before wilig foe Carrl..d rk. .trea..Weepy ba. been r, renl u
saptaloa•y of nue .fthe Biliat' rrrlmeat. cud
y accept 1 or enter upro military .era ire
u room sober rapacity. Ni- two van ase Is
the Cane:Ham tains-- -use im itagiard sad woe
at Loudon. irut.
sa tloag heathy boy. •'-tTvouaa
F rrsi.0,100a P.rkAvs.. N. Y. C ity..•We guarntee Vicat• eod liver and iron take, far • tt chrook cough., ri• IL C. Dunlop, trugi+t.•
Ontario's best Business College.
Dor io-truetor. ate esp nred. I'apttget tali%idal attntion and graduate. ared in pntion•. w•. are receiving tipita. we esaset mee,. :ruant. a)
ltatany ti. Send foe.,or freecats
meteend ismuit Ort.r..t. yon.
D. A. McLACBL.A\, Principal.
pairs ; M ss Rurritt. Mrs. Dace 3
pairs each : Mrs. W. Gliddon. Mn.
Rose, Mrs. D. H. Ito.., Hr.. George
Williams, hiss M. Clark, Mi.. M A.
Rerritt, Mrs M. M -Key, Mn. Gold-
thorpe, sr., Yrs. %V. Waison, 2 pairs
• Take a glang of salts before brsakeme each: Sirs. H. l;liddnn, Mrs. MatJe-
if year Doak karts or adds[ enc, Mn Ei.wkios,lln \V.J. cNevio,
•� Bladder
7� n
Mrs. Hamilton, 51re. (i. Jenkin., Mr..
• Howrie, Mrs. Connolly, Mrs. W. R.
Kelly. 1 pair each.
• I ,1i Asown an
erieen md women must
•tlastaatly against Kidney
• bas sat too much and all our fedi
• ri
l is fish. Our blood is filled with os
acid whish the kidneys strive to alter
• elletemintsy waken from overwork, beams
; the ellmiaaLi
ti a tisanes Mot d
• 'i She remit is kidney trouble, bladder
iv. wstbses and • getters( decline is health.
• Whoa year kidneys feel like lumps .f
had: your back harts or the urian i.
•I reedy, full of sediment or you are
mad to seek relief two or three times
thong the sight: if you suffer with sick
tiladseba or dizzy, nervous spells, amid
•1 4desa 8. or you ban rheumatism whoa
Ms weather is bad, rt from Lir pkat-
ahost fest mates of E .
• leis • tabk.pooshtl in a glass of
1 EMI ]err kids.?s will them set ass,
• 1Ub asses salt is mails from the said
• r1 sad Imam jalaw, eeeshia.d with
smd has leen nod for geawaMmme
tf leer* sed stimsl.te e{a�gad
is oesttatlas tks scads In tk..ri �K
sea Hoyle is a mum of irritation, time
tradi Nddsr tliebordn.
ovembtr Iatb and 133h. I assts noes Jed aro,
Don't 'forget the dates, Friday and urdaya N L
- wMR before breakfast for a few days
?AE Sfo� sig
lad Pelts Is i tee; earned r-
112 GODERICH — ONTARIO • • Qwt.- ' �WWWWasp is
iltoo•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i' ► u rh'y"g'`' hems, Messes Fine*'
Delirious bomema trendy -nothing
n icer. These two words exactly der
rribe the confect on'ry of our store
W have now a large assortment of
homemade rand 1t is slways fresh.
T..1 Salkeld Phone 84
Two Germans rending in this
PPNInt r7 deaired to herniate netunitized.
Toey discovered that between them
they had only sufficient funds to pay
the necessary fees for one to take out
neturalizstion papers. They there-
upon pooled their fund. and tamed for
winch of the two should Leconte
naturalized. The winner carried the
beanpole through. and on cons'from
the nISee was limbed by his 1st (• coos
patriot with :-
' Well, Keri. holes did you get on r
Reply •'Don't speak to me, you
dirty Gorman l"
9eptimos (he delights to quote
Reviplure►-"The way of the trans-
gressor is bard." Robby Marshall
"Yto• but the trouble is that it's
usually bard net somebody else."
R. sail Orderlies are • wale laxative
even for the wine delicate women or
child Sold nnly by H. C. Dunlor
the Hasall Blore, 10c. Mc and 5lrc
fan sew
lbleia- w. Yana 4, Iasi
.A.Taxible hare
�with the Union
Beak -of Camila In the
names of two persons,
b that if one dies the family funds are not tied up
just when they are likely to be most needed The
survivor can withdraw the money without delay or
Think it over then open a joint Account ,
Godericb Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBEI Manager.
A special feature on the programa of
the enamel meeting of the Oblldren'e
Aid Society to be held on Tuesday
evening meet in the lecture room of
Knox ebjrcb will be a cbrwus of up-
wards of twenty boys under the leader-
shipof Mr. J. M. Adams, choirmaster
;t ictoria street church, with Victor
Yeriisi• as giaabt. Over 100 views of
Lb. (,'heeds: • Aid work will be shown.
Th. social dan..e held at Oddfellowi
Hall on Thursday etre. ing Cut proved
a very successful affair. A tn.:* num-
ber of patrons arr,v;d early in Ili!'
evening and enjoyed themselves to a
late hour. The orchestra consisted of
Wm. Johnston a• d George Moore,
violinists, and Mr and Mr.. Jost -ph
Carter, of Auburn. the former as c,w-
netist and the latter es piano accom-
panist. The cotnwittee who arranged
the dance wan Messrs. T. Drennan,
J. Coming and W. Jobtetoa.
It's a God -send to Hu-
is what a leading physician Nays of
Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal. Properly
rooked into porridge according to
direction■ on package, without stir-
ring after flat making, it is a deliabt
to humanity. Use a double (boiler or
set boiler in hailn of beiling water and
nee one cup meal to two cups water.
Cook for half an hour. It's very nutri-
tious, prevents indigestion and telieves
or "money hark.' Ask
your doctor. At grucen, lu -and
A motorist was stopped by • police-
man to speeding, whereupon he I.e-
caan. angry and called the policeman
an sus. Aftet he had paid his fine
the judge reproved him for what he
had said to the office,. 'Then I must -
not call a ass ?" he •aid.
'•('ertainly not." said the judge.
"You must not instil, the p..lice."
"But you wouldn't mind if 1 called au
ass a policeman, would you:" "Why.
no, it it give. you any satisfaction"
answered hi. honer wish a smile.
The motorist turned ta, the man who
bad arrested bins, •'1; boil -day. police -
wan," he said. sad immediately lett
the courtrooms.
if you would be happy keep your
mind and your boort fall of kind
thoughts forotmrs. If you would he
miserable just think about and pity
yourself. .
A Gentle Laxative
for Little Ones.
Baby. Own Tablets ale • gentle
laxative. They ate ah•olutely wife
and are ea pleasant in netrow that mitre'
the mother has used them for her
little ones she will never again resort
to that barsb, ill -smelling, had -tasting
castor oil, which baby always fought
against taking. Baby will take the
Tablets with • .mil. .d thousands of
mothers tell us thei tattle one. will
coax for them T►.• v are rail by dealer. or by mail at 2i rents
• box from The Dr. Williams Medi -1
eine Co.. Brockville, Ont.
Victoria Opera douse
'}or ;'ter Sister's Jake'
New Vaudeville between the ,rte
Reserved seats os sale at -H. 14t -
wards', Wednesday, November le, it
Prices 15c, 25c and 35c
This company win appear here os
Friday, every two weeks.
ist, will give free readings to re-
served seat holden at advance sale
Iaetween the hours . of 2 and 4 p.m..
November 12th.
Have beautiful
window decorations
Nothing gives so much **alive
as a well decorated window.
Yourwindows win be the envy
of your neighbors if you use the
circa Flat Rod
-for curtain and draperies
Guaranteed not to sag
cr tarnish
Them is a K:r'ch 11.4 Rod in a
CAM td match your woodwork ,-r
dsperin. Lvcry ted ro.saiai e
written g.urantce that it will mi
sag oA tarnish.
k's .o easy to hone aro attractive
miming with the K.ncb tJ
Fiot Rod
4'mac in and •w them
Take One Tonight
it yea fed bilious, "headachy" and irritable ---
for that's a sign your liver is out of order. - Your
food is pot digesting—ft stays in the stomach a sour,
fermented mass, poisoning the gstem. Just take a
dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets --
they make the liver do its work --theyammo, end
mesa the taamaeb sod tinee the while digestive sewers Team
Seel flee is the me.hlg. At all thwasiwa a... air is sots trees
Osamh ehla Ida/Wm Company. Tweeds 1s
This space belongs to the
Model Theatrg
Watch for
big announcement
next week