The Signal, 1915-11-4, Page 4Those r •t. I'Iovawa l• A 1045
your Overcoat
Nkat kid I. d b he ?
If you what . stylish, dressy
one, and one that will give
the best of wear, let us sug-
gest a Melton. We have •
large stoat of grey and black
Sfeltons, 'bought at }tar's
prices, ' which means a bg
sating for you, as prices are
much higher now. Made in
Chesterfield style, good 400 -
hair linings, velvet collar.
Prices, $16, $18, $20
Boys' Overcoats
We should like to have yott
take a look at our Boys'
() ercdats befpre buying. We
have a big range in browns
and greys, with shawl roll
and ulster co11.f.
Prices, 15.00 to $12.00
Sole Agent for
Society Brand Clothing
Lc -z Tr TOR7N TO 1. a. m ,hue p
11 1 i p. o. astir.
Loss-,TI)RV\S'.v.1,a. nt. tl:f1 p. w., ,.r,.1
11.t/1p m. daily.
E,tuipmeut the flown as all Irate..
Re4,,-ed fare- to
Baa Fran( i.e'.., IT.. Ana.4e Ani rete Diego..
NB and berth rater atingles as
aseNeallt. . R F. LA A•tt:, t'Y. k SUXB.
New Afternoon Tree, Toronto to
Ottawa. V is C P. 1
f1m set earl Ilahtr deet "la Qsead)t
Brtr r.e.,aeladlar Keoptem.
1+Jst • p.iew•at tncb,dinr Buffet -
Lim .ry-raa.ett•tion Pa-ior car. with
Amster err, tee.
leasee servals t. a4 p es
Arrives Ottawa lass p
Daily et. et•' tie nears
C•.seming tt.i., levees Ooieach :.•n ae
ACAS* Tommie 11.21 p w.
ertl.,n.ateisrr M sudsy. No. •ether 1.•, re
tor b tree rot. the wee aftee.em
train frost ttwe• to Totem 1. Salt*
leu te, Coln l pal..I
Psrtt.-.leoe tris Sew Klnr,, C. P R
Aaat. ,r write M 0 MURPHY. Dist.
Pass. Agt.. Tomato Phos. Maio.511.
The Very Best Place to Take a
Commercial Training is
aoutin. oNT.
so *alto 1..aaa4lan .rh..t eaves Ihn
ad. antagr.: 4 Pers- under
•o{.eri 1 -Mn of a ebony -..4 aeaetletat.
4 wnplete ptartirsl denim mew. at..r-
e--rut >rue. oar ono balMies surd
ese-r fro 44r Ste in a 1, lettere
Igt. intr. Alert Sud, Propagate,"
and4 vi1`Ier,1'e Lwin Merit 4. Neter
aur d -y. 1 Malmo, free ea tensest
t_ FLAWING. Y.I.A. Pr•iaiaL
U, n. ,Lebill en. eft rename
Installation of New Work
Repairing the Old
is just in our line.
Expert workmen
hand for quick
always on
Fred Hunt
anisere1e Slew
Por, -.•w rid
Weil o.l, Nev. 1L
Mr. Rask Plyltsad bas retuned
hem his harvest trip to AJtteesa, Mein
log . II.
8o�e of our )youoa people attended
the apworth Lague eeaveatioa M
Itlyth els Mode .tad Tuesday.
Ir Pars 70 Mossier
veetiaameas is The 8lgaal Stet week
for the return of the shoes idles hem
W. T. Riddel's store has had its .Asst.
The show were left os W laws es
$.seri. sit.
km Cghastes Omens? -Remember
sinew( is the /weakens' Balt
l�rteday t. November 1&b, is
. 4d of the Red (hose fund. The beet
Weal talent has been secured and a
g oal Mee is aseur'ed. Coote and help
the Mid sad yourself.
Fame rot TIES n-o/in•.-The Red
Orme Preis suet lest Friday afternoon
In the public library zoom. A request
is being suede tor glut t jars of fruit to
be meet W our soldiers. Asy person
wishing to heirs wilt leave ism. with
Mrs. R Phillips or at soy of (beetoree
before Novemner II4tb.
left os Tuesday morning for London to
go into trait Inc having imitated to
light our battles over the seas. On
Monday evening bowers preeeoted by
the Methodist 8usiday school with •
wrist -watch and u address. The best
wishes of his many frispds go witb
him Mr. George McNeil was up
from L•sndon to say farewell to hit
family before departing for Shorn -
cliff,. Eng Mir. Oeorge Hamilton
received • let:er Irons her nephew.
Stewart Kr. ox, who w.s wounded in
Framer. Prospects ate favorable for
his speedy recovery.
if LYTM.
WEDNtSDA' .Not. 3.
Pirogues AND GRIfRRAL-.lir
-Letts Hamden. of Clinton, is visiting
Blyth friends ... Maj.r Jewitt, of
the Kiid Battalion, Landon. was here
over Sunday with his parents, Rev.
Giro. and Mrs. Jewitt.... .A peculiar
mishap befell Mr. Arthur Steinhof on
Ftilay evening. While yawning hie
jaws became locked and the services
of a doctor were required to set them
right.... Messrs. Wm. Phillips and
Herman Dexter have returned from
the Wingbam hospital, where they
underwent operations Samuel
Burk, an employee of the Blyth Flax
Co., bas enlisted with the 71:1 Bat-
talion and left en Monday for London.
Mr. 1). D. l'ri;tenden has been
chosen as the delegate of the Blyth
public lib, at y hoard to the meeting of
the District Library Aes ociatbnn to be
held at St. Marys Noeenther I It
Miss Bridget Kelly, of Lsurinn, is vis-
iting bee sister, Mn.. W. F. Mc•
Ceughey Meyers. John Melville,
Bert and Mrs. Allen, Bland Herring-
ton. W. '►colt, of Brussel., Fraser
Embury and Hugh Hamilton, of Au-
burn. made up a deer -hunting party
which lett Monday morning for the
Parry Sound district ....Mrs. George
Lith is writing lreletiraa_ etToiortes.
Mr. and Mrs., 1. B. Keiy. Mr. and
Mss F. Graffiti. and Mr. Jot Kelly. of
Hodeiieh, surra gunati. of their arms,
Mre. %V. F. McCaughey. on Sunday.
.The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. Hill, who has heen seriously
i11 of typhoid, is somewhat iwpiowed.
Mr. Gee. Leith, jr., and Mr. Jas.
R. Cult left this weer. for Northern
Ontario ons a deer -bunting expedition.
Capt. R. R. Mhan, 01 the :tied
Oversea. BatWior, was up from Lon-
don this week on a visit to his parents,
Mr. and Mr.. A. W. Sloan.
TraspaY, Nov. 2.
Mr. Joynt gave ' zee members of the
Foresters a treat on Monday night.
Mn. R. Sturdy. elWlnebam, wee a
visitor at her brothel's, Mr. M. Hum-
Mr. Jim Miller's gang of men are
busy finishing up the cement work on
Mr. D. Todd's eta Wee.
lire: D. McDonald, of Wingbam,
was home at her father's, Mr. T.
Todd's. a few flays last week.
The et. Helen. Women's institute
is asking the ladies interested in the,
work for the soldiers to kindly give a
jar of fruit (the wine quart measure
prefenedl. Please leave et Miller's
.tore by Inc Deb of November. --Secy.
ll ADNAnDAT, NOV. 3.
Miss 1. Courtice and Rev. R. J.
McCorrnick attended the Epworth
L.s,tue convention at Blyth this
IIb. Patriot i': Society i. snaking
preparation• tor sending l'brutmsa
boxes to. the Holiness -die boys engaged
in set i••• service.
following c.Meere were elected at the
egular meeting of the Epworth
I.esgne on Tu.eday last : President.
Misr E. Courtice; let sire -president,
Miss L Rollinson : 2nd rice -president,
11re .1. w•hwanlz : :;rd vice-president.
Mr 1.. Jervis ; 4th rice -president.
Pickard :,a.urrr,
Mr if Potter ; tirn•urer. Mie. C.
Gliddon : organist, Mise he Proctor.
%Viols somas-, .c•, :t
Two s•ilta*U from do derich, Capt
:dcDooald's and Cep.. McKay's., took
rhelter in tbn harbor here on Sunday
and have not leen aide lo get out yet
owing to the continued high winds.
Mn. McKenzie hes received word
from her ...on. Limit Hector McKenzie,
shat he had errivrd safely at Cair).
Egypt, and war in • hospital of five
hundred beds with a number of other
l'•nadtan dor iors.
Elm ere. Mire's Eliza Rkbardson
and Evelyn Green left on Saturday
for Houatnn, Texas.. ..Miss Mary
Mater lie is spending • few days h
I,ondoo at the Women'. Institute
meeting' •e delegate from the Dune
Cannon branch .. Mr. and Mrs. J.
S+ehoenhat., Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Mchoenhale and Miss Roselle Rebore -
ludo, of Clinton, called on frisode in
this vicinity on Sunday ... The
Ladies' Guild of the Anglican ehtseeh
held its montbly sleeting .1 the bole
of the secretary, Miss Harriet Hayden.
on Wednesday anemone.. Mr. and
Mn. Percy Shields have 'unwed into
Mr. N l'unni.gbam'e (loose to the
'south of the vitlag. . Mrs. Tete..
Witatxi, jr , M vlsitimt her daughter,
Mn W. r. (1Hlert. in ttarnia A
young moi arrived at ibis bonne of .1.
A. Hives Wt Friday end Jack is all
dirt saw Vim
11=111ak. It
purely herbal,
O.ILMA p.trifeeis& ends l3-
irritation, and
is a short
tiale com-
pletely and
e a t l y
Mrs.0 cures.
Hanes., Zama -bei
Poar, eh..Sdbe
I.C. .rye:y
far years with
pais was
dtea so bad I
meld hardly walk.
1 treed remedy after
remedy, sed finally
underwent as open
anon, but only got
temporary relief At
last I tried -Lam-Bok
Perseverance MI tip this
completely cared we shad
there has bees .o retar..1
the trouble. ••
Ilan ma. all V•mlew tial same
Robert Wilson
MEP. spm
Stoves ----r- Stoves
Now is the time to Zook
up your Range for the
winter. We have some-
thing new in this line.
Pram ti to 6o bersepower
Windmill Pumps
and Windmills
Water Systems installed
We have just a few Buggies
left at cut prices. Also a
line of Harness, Horse
Blankets and Robes, Wash-
ing Machines, Churns and
Cream Separators.
mane se>•m
Massey -Harris Shop
Hamilton St , Gtdertek
• . nu w sy Wiese apse, Teal ger ITS ee Per
serves./. Se semi r Sas er 0v weever NIPS
Wesley .eh ea seises .fie res is
we are W Iron* pm orb.erre r boa M r preWy e/ sean zee vow.. e
e no• r e,.eae. ems to le wees the are&
S ir 11•10•0 0000 rem • 5e lisralebt r.. SSW
Ir uare.ete ler see. mess W Sebes, spa be
cents 4 see be awl m.. w P .eueea.a • peel.
e st e•s ro. 10/00 '60.0 e. .em easy Yes es se
e1a.iel a ear ells nr
L mer Mel res err 4e5w .s,rs.w Am.
narrow... • .1....
e re b oar 1)1" 14
.e•,.na et eat rasa
tt01110.001 4"e,. 1•.t,554 ef
.Yektel Per reseed
,r 0•* ..l 45,.41
u w el.
es .ed r
%ext ea tassel. 1.1
e 1a./ a11 l
C. - ra.
A. Mrate tats are ler
Wr gees. 5..eM b
Tina Mevw IS sees.
e elo W pee leer.
Mese et rte gree:
wteee.eewe r we
M Ser beet_
T\e Mule .1111 Mt.
It. 14; le enie hem
e etereirwe,uw.14
Maw epee ea Sweet
ere elks sere MS
Rete e•se.M e,ta
.511100051 Welk line
W .enel betel ;
._.ere. ..reran,
e iese•N5 er, reg.
Seeiel-5.e,d t., ens
W IN e .,'Te see ►.r. Ile. les to meta ekest ti
lose some rein. ear. I Meal Peri ass SI W
.zea err tees, ebesee w Mesas :sera•
Prim dearest le res ......qy.M
Peery .suer saese la m Per .ufvle seta le W
sere .ver sow w ...war. M -7a�f re. sr
.olides .
mon nes1../end reels te
est tt.a.s emu
smile. now.
TtttrnwuAv. Nev 4.
Mr. Will (iaul.y, wbo bas been out
West for several moslba, arrived
bone on evening.
Mr Karl Jacobs, formerly of Rtr•at-
ford, who has hest employed by Jae.
Hayden fes the past year, has enlisted
and left for hoodoo today.
11 (t It .t) a1 al
E05 LYE 111
, is 51 t) tl` re -re-is
tr MYP114Lt1.
Ttlti est* v, New. 2.
Teta ='''r Vary tit by
t de
semesse .la tab
•peens y s anske ed ober Swig spell
.r Measi101 wa tb.r. Ostpber was
a wry See ewwtk and gave the fame
two sed Hillegme • ,ba.» te liisb up
their weak. whish was Seisms! by the
Milill taw
mime I lei to mak* every.
thhtR eetttt ter the winter.
Waooan AT kineel .suets. -At
Sehriegv.flosa eMek task pies the �1tremery en edltled.y
d two of our young p..ple, Miss Lil-
Sias Reg end Mr. Ashy Attwood.
rile young[ couple notated to Sebring,
vUh aoeomnesied by Miss Hilda Kist
sad Mr. Jolla Parker and had the
e.e+mmy performed by lime. H.
Omelet. a former motor of lite pines.
They tetaewed the same evening to
GM home of the bride's father for Oise
weddieg supper. For the present they
will reside with the groom's parrots,
teed ed Mrs Wm. Attwood. The
beet wishes of the community are
exceeded to ter young couple On
Me Saturday evening previous to his
marriage, the young men of the village
surprised Mr. Auwoead at the home of
Mr. Copeland, where they were all
invited to an oyster supper, by per
eeotisg him with • beautiful Morris
chair and a complimentary addre.e.
Tr SODA T. Nov. i
Mr. Frank CAM Omit and MUM
!daughter Winnie inteod taking • trip
10 Toronto in the near future
The W. M. R. will hold • sawing bee
lVestaeld church on Thursday alter -
A hale wiU be packed and sent
rip the poor In Toronto.
r May Snell was taken down
rec. ly with au attack of diphtheria,
but are glad to say that she is
Immo ng aa fast as esn be expected.
Mr. •d Mrs. Henry Hoover. of
Brussel ' visited at the home of the
letter's , . tber, Mr. W. H. Camp-
bell. Mr. Hoover retarded bone un
Saturday. leaving Mrs. Hoover for a
looter visit.
We are sorry to hear of the death
yesterday of Mrs. George Fothergill.
Mrs. Fothergill bad been i11 for route
time previ>ue to her demise. The
funeral will take place on \Vednesdav
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the church.
Nlrres.-Commotion service was
held in :Smith's Hill Presbyterian i
church last Sabbath The She
weather the last two weeks bas bliped
the farmers greatly in their tali work.
Mr. and Mts. Allan Green sad
family, of Pittsburg. are vitiates at
the home of Mr Green's father..,...
Mrr, Win. Tyndall has gone to holt
her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Patrick, of
Echo Bay. Algoma Our local
dealer, Mr. Connor, is shipping • car-
load of cattle and one of lints this
week from Seegaw... 'A dew of the
or ;diatoms. a►•.srbiad lbw .,tier "seeing
et Mr. Andrew Green's, the',eraution
being • ''.bower" for the bride acid
groom. Mr and Mrs. Win. Oreen
Mise Marian Watson spent a few days
with her brother, Mr. Will Widsoo.'
A somber of yotepg menon Sun-
day afternoon took a 1rapetitutionat'
tram Goderieb to Mn. Millet's, where
they partook of a sumptuous tepaat.
The return journey was made by
Hen Ceti's Woakgae.-The Cal -
borue Red ('roar Workers are send-
ing off a bale of sunplies for the sol-
diers 'bis week. To,s shipment and
one sent a few weeks ago consist of :
44 down dry tibirt+, 3 dozen boipisaJ
•Hirt., 34 doses pain sock., 2 dozen
towels, X dozen pain pillowcase.. 31
dozen face cloth'. 9 des m bandages,
ISs4 mouth tripes The Society bere
wishes to thank the following ladies
for socks knit for the scldiers; Mrs. H.
Potter, ti pain ; Mrs. 1. Wilson and
Miss K. Sbrppmrd, 3 pairs each ; Mrs.
Ju. arca-itis, Mr.. J. Thompson and
Mrs. Jas. Scctt, 2 pain each.
MONDAY -4 Nov. 1.
Ntrris.-Mrs. Mahon and Miss Kelly,
of Ktnkora, paid a flying visit to
Kingrhridge last week Miss Mary
Aiisun and Mise Budoir, of Ooderich,
spent Munday at the formers home
here Messrs. Richard 1bon Deily,
est Piokerton. and John Desmond, of
Eden Grove. visited here last week.
J. T. O'Reilly and M. J. O'Connor
spent Sunday and Moodily in Eden
Grove, Bruce county Mrs. Mo-
l.neaux, of Dublin, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Tiwothy Oriffle Jtev.
Father Hulsey motored to Kings -
ledge last week.
Please kook at the label on your
paper. if your subscription is overdue
we should he greatly obliged if you
would send on the amount or arrears
indicated on the label.
Costs have rieen so greatly in con-
nection with making a newspaper
that the publishers should charge not
lees than $1.50 • year fora paper such
as our,. in some para of the counts v
subscription prices of weekly newepa-
pen have .dreamed already, and it
will not be long until the Increase be-
comes general. For the present we
ars charging nosy CAE per year. If
pend In advance, and we are asking a8
euhelcribery to help us out by prompt
renewals and payment of arrears.
lVith most people the failure to pay
newspaper eut.ecriptions is due to over-
sight -hitt l a steins matter easily over-
looked. 13.,t while the single sub
senption in arrears semy appear • vety
.mall thing to one subs-rlter, It Ise
cornea • very serious matter to the
publisher when the sin* subseriptloa
is multiplied to ench ail extent se is
found in a list of over 2..Wei.
We are endeavoring to give our
readers • newsy paper every Isom and
to do en Doers as a k►t 01 S.y wileb
bas to be pend out every week. Stab -
senior, east be of great n.detence to
zee by promptly renewing their sub-
stipsiees when due.
Wer EIMAN% Nov. t
Mr W M. Refit of Boiwevain,
Mair , M here oft • to Ms father.
Mr. A. R. R,td. wbo we regret to say
i• in poor health. Mr Reid hes been
In um Wed fee rime Teem
We regret last Mee. J. Whyard has
s .-.sat
ITSO r' T MES pp ll that there is a great demand for certain a tial.
a • JV��IJE 1 llliG►7 ilAt r i1W 'ala ae n it is Black and Coped Serges and Ceetnese
Ribbed Velvets. Whet you are iooking for these • SCARCE 00005, stow here, it is more that
likely we have just what you need and you will find prices no higher than you expect to find them.
Dress Good/
Read offer air prices for Serge and Velvets.
Black Serge 11kr, Tic, e6e, 41.00, Si Bei, 41.60, 4100
Navy Serge roc. 75c. 90c, 4t.E5, 11 50, 41.75, 11100
A good showing of black and colored popli.s, rest -
hens, crepes, melrw and venetian.
Ribbed Velvets
in blue, fawn, brown, red, copes, white and purple, in
price from 60c to
The larged stock of plain velvets we ever carried, in
black and colors, else
One piece of black Bearer Coating 111 75, worth 4125.
Also colored stripe and blanket cloths in three colon
and white. .
Jt e0c in the following colors: black, tan, navy, Alice,
skv, brown, pink, red, green, grey, mauve, purple
and wine.
Art Softens
A large showing. Many newpatterns and colorings,
from 13c to "lc a yard.
A new departure in Corsets. New models. the very
latest -is made with a new spiral. unbreakable, un•
ruatable filling% and will be sold 42 4e► cheaper than
any spiral filled Corset sold in Canada. A printed
ee goes every pair .
Ladies', Girls', Boys' and Childre.'s Wool Mitts and
Gloves. Boys' and Girls' Wool Cape and Hoods.
Children's Underwear in all sizes, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
and 11.
It you want
the best
guarant with .old
of Del.fs 'Kidney Pilhi are
legion. The box is imitated,
outside coating and set .pc of the•
are t.'nitated and tete name -Dodd',
Kidn. y P.:Is is imitated. Imitations are
dangarous. The original is sate. Dodd's
Kidney Pill' Imre a reputation. ieaita-
tors have none or they wouldn t imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pit+. Do not be deceived. Thetis
is only one DODIYS. Dodd's it the
*rigin.L Dodds is the nacre to be titlm
fit about -
been suddenly indisposed, but hope
that a •peodv recovery will soon come.
Mr. J R. McNabb .farted the evap-
orator on Monday of this week, Mr.
O. Augustine being foreman of a.very
iudu.triou. gang.
A load of young people from our
burg drove ovrr to Blyth on Tueedayl
of this week to attend •n Epworth
League convention then.
Rev. I. McKelvey took the service*
in the Methodist church at Heoeall on
Eirrrstrat!exixT ---The oyster sup-
per and eetercatoment in Erskine
church on Friday evening last was a
decided success. After enjoying •o
abundant., of oysters and refreshments
below, the eudieoee repaired to the
auditorium, which was comfortably
filled, where a choice program of
musical and sloe utinnary selections
war given by W Ingh►m talents ae
well u speeebes by the local miolMwe.
The proceeds of the eveoblg were is
the neighborhood of 4110.
Goice To Tonoci'o.-Mr. Perey
Sanderson, who for a number of year,
resided In the berg, has disposed of
bit grocery busioees here, and pur-
ebaeed a badman In Toronto. where
he and the family went last Tuedy.
Mr. Young (shoemaker) baa oeenple a
the hoar and shop recently vacated
by Mr Sanderson, We understand
Mr. Young is to .ell the balance of
Mr. Sanderson's stock.
TtltPi*Agra tieC*RT ANY. -- Ree
B. ti Powell, field secretary of Hnrnn
comet♦ ler the lempeream orgenlra•
(ion. delivered two very Impressive
and forcible addressees in the Methodist
church nn 4etaday lad. Mr. Powell is
the right man in the right place. and
should get the 000per•teion or all tem-
pennee people.
Mr Beery Miller. of Helmwavflle.
who is not a taxpayer, "did bis bit" coo
Trafalgar Day try making • perennal
contribution to the British Red Crew
Rev. J. B. Fotberinghasn, of Ondre
rich, and Rev. F. J. Ratherfoed, of
Benmill.r. will be the speakers et the
entertalomeat to be gives In the ()r-
ange Hall, tri roticession, on Friday
evening. A enll.ection wig he take. in
aid of the patriotic toad.
Mise Mee Matgwan, ieitlAer at W.
R No fl, e.U•eted the Mel of 17
More News of Walters & Co.'s Shoe Store
(Week Nov. 4tii to hits)
This is a season of plain black effects in women's foot-
wear. By way of reaction from the flood of extreme bizarre
novelties which swept over the country a few months ago. the
demand today is for plainness and simplicity and for black in-
stead of colors. Vomen who care to dress correctly in ettry
detail of costume will choose a conservative type of shoe.
We want to show you "the newest thing in women a Hoots.'
See them In our windows. in black, glaze and kid leathers. Lout.
and Cuban Leet. Our prices are:
$S.N Sines ler $3.95 $4.50 Skies for $3.69
$4.25 Sines for Vt3.13 $4.00 Shoes for $2.95
Just arrived, men's. boys', girls'
and children's FALL FOOTWEAR.
These new lines go into stock to be sold
lou money. Come in and look a-
r-,und. No trouble to show goods.
Bny your Fall Rubbers herr.
)Keir Method Shoe Walters & W.
Telephone No. 296
Gaderlck, Ontario
Successors to J. H. McClinton
East 8ide Stump
Deal Miore
Term Cash
aatong the pupils of her erbool on Tra-
falgar Day for the Width Red Orem
The members of the Patriotic Society
of Ooderirb township will bold • sew -
log at the borne of Mrs James John-
ston. Taylor's Corners. on W.dueday,
November 10th All the ladies of the
vicinity are invited to attend.
The Demand for the Graduates of the
7!-I OTT
Tonto sed ("Aerie. its.. Ttevw;..
during the last two mouths has heel
more than four times our empty
Mater now. Oatalogew tree.
Mas . Rammem, FFewe.. WhiteWen~.l. tr r
psodd other Fir bereen oellecs d 1s year Mesion
Bsmt01 - s' aWarr- sammeg4s s
•rest..b-...e.es11e-sia[s__PVT �-��jes..,.;,t .�tb1 ioiehoj rem
110110.0 eMeello'dgAa' wean thee
151m re ••rres
nrsierre�n, a Innen sees.
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A. S. SHUBERT, Ise. �` e