The Signal, 1915-11-4, Page 3THE SIGNAL : O DERICH : ore ,T,"w,L tOUROTrAWALMTER 3 ••••••dM. M .I.aosorree.oltitoo ONLY I3swAns .OI► II61TL- TIO1ta 9ULD ONi THIS MIRITS O9 ENIRD'S LINIMENT B() 0 KB! NDIN 1i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and 1.IBRARIES bound or repaired. SOLD LETTERING on E.EATHER HOODS hsAna M e►, �rOm�tt� attesaae ts •. leavtty weTI C s1(7NAL. (:udeek+t A. E. TAYLOR. Sri arsoOD. MEDICAL llx (Ittu, HKILEMANN, O8TE- PATH. A teclalll a y ware. sad .hit dr e's drsaeea, .cote. *moo sad 001,004 dls- maim. ere. ear. woe . 4 target, marital deaf - one. iambs** road 'imamate to coodnlooa Ad► melds renes*% wbbwl tial Lahr. (imus at rialdeacs. earlier hal-so raid tat. Andrews sumo, At Mime saes Me.dsys. W.d...daye mad SatWgs: may evmbe by ameitemest. R, P. J. R. FORSTER-NYE. EAR. mow and threat only. Bones asew. York Opistbaloile sod Aural 1wua4, twist. Isar. Now mill Moat oat Hospital. uelt•e '•gears, and Mwnasld ire Hospital. Lwow, Yaehd. tlaes. S9 a Waterloo loosest. gueopposite p. . Tway-. TWoho*. Reusse N. AUCTIONEER OMAS GUNDRY AU(TtuNm. Hex C. Gadsrlcb. All WteaMldms W seat Met at Saimaa Mace wall be ereasealr • NNW to I><eedeaw t lspose• lb ' - LEGAL 1l C. HA.) BARRISTER. 801./CITUR, hOTARY rt BU(', Tt. t>i•Fltta beg Book mock. Hamate. gleet. ,.aorta. Tra•pam• Real Beasts l.a•as wad lasarsmcs. PROULW0UT. 1!11 LWRAN k PROV DFOOT Saiaiariti41, SOLiCITUSS. SOTARIti PUBLIC, STC. ones es the Gown. sssesad deer bow Haas - Sera Anat. age.rla. emirate tomb t• lima at Tawe* raise W. Psecrowr, Eat:. .1. L Euratom W. Pti 01.000.. Ja OAIl itON. L. p0...eBARRIS Sees. teems te�mem deer be 0.miess7tm*saI At 1 et each week Is as Arbw t atmos ecru ulnae honor a & a► to d e -a t1 lir. VALLS* YW 4\tt)W, LL. $.. nAk- eaewq, eeeetur. sea. OWreems ea Mee rosea MAO, BhRRIIITIR But. i- trsmra Mi ee•orest►d-, LiINw . LOANS, ETC. LNl(1 PRIVATE "'UNDO TO IJ $J Imo. ages le *. 0. CAM- r�se ase -ase mess. es.eleb. • nasumoscsaillarT. Ms aw hares.••ti44140. Camil _'as• • � 'm~0......+�1.a. ,as 'tai: Ai• wed Seogabamass UJk ea meabeam ea Tr tsar W Be. us= igs cower Pbws IX idoltlLA.OP MUTUAL MR 'N- 41Ui.•Ca O., -Seem W ht►isse PrliserthP.O.; P. 0.; Bisfdazollsegera krizsas. emre� lee.iii•Wt ' =maim. J. W Yes, islewvire ; Alia. tkaralar : worm pormey. 8...torah . .inseam. lwatarak. PWq-ho.de+. rasa teas W sea Weir ~dm rao.epud at t- 1�L Chards• Mar.•CWtae. w at R eeear7. .eat.o earlier. aredseMa MIAWAOI LICENSES WALTRR E. KELLY, J.P.. OUDIJUCH. W(T. 8SVZR or KARMA/21 IJC1WHlbs Patent Solicitor VI. S. BA BCOCK t Lawyer (Uel red Seed Parma A .corner. IV. t+u.m•wtsaw ld .'.`oma. and U.n. la - ,...=e issooksate Trade _works W e=. rnesissowady ■meemM pw/ane hr M.waasl sellowsd 1. mer wmna Export witness in patent suits. Pat- ents obtained in all countries. YB at tian+as Street, Montreal. meas far resrw.etea. • BroOhe} Bros, AODRRiCH 1 se Leading Funeral DireCisrs and FshaI.ers M Weseshally attended to beam sight ter day - Mews. I tWeile r•r I. -At • U. wise the average Oseedtan is routes - Oa every seat sad cutLiag out the aralls o keep dowse ezppetnaw the Hor- des (loverLmant is going in for esters bleed bead le • gem• ons, not to soy lavish. taailoa Without much *train on the soled, it is psesibie to recall at isms b•Ifore doses royal oommi.siose-which ism Mg same they give their hired help - who are sow beins,pald to do what Is ree'ly the Governesses week. Just s few off the top. There le the Da.idsoo cowwi.sioo, whose duty is to follow up, amplify] end ezteud the revelations made before the public seewnto committee. The purchasing oomasiaaioo, which is to clesoie and elevate the busieew of buying twery awppiies. sed free it from the Meath of sesodaL T'b• .hell eowsoisaiva, wbkb is to play the obeli game for Outside is an hooat and emcieot man- ner. The unemployment commiwioo, which tells the workingman that Ood moves in • mysterious way, but mostly 1• •Mortal• cycles cf seveo fat ane seven ran years. The marketing cOmrsleaioo, welch aims to provide the wheat farmer with kind words in lieu of trawportation fecilitise. The high cost of living commission, which drew up a report but never printed it because it was overshadowed by the high cost of dying in +Europe. 7'b. bene, terms for British Columbia Indians comwisaioe, whom function is to prevent the red man being skinned sllve unless the 8. t'. (iovetowrnt gets its shale. The Felgu...n comu,issioe, whose miasma was to unesllh dead Oris tiro, rawer king the ermrtet y. as it were, for this gold titling.. The Georgian Bay Canal cowu:Heioo, which set veto its chief purpose when it links n ,bat amiable philo.epbrr Mas,- ford Evans with ■ Uoreruttent jib. The --bub what's the use of stringing out the list of those p14•re01 :? Suffice it to say that royal couum;..i.di are Maoist as gavels -14 es esu -ages. All these royal coulmi..iou• at. at work, but there is some doubt •a to whether the are earning them money. Take the oney.+ Davidsonavidson cooneisut e, for example. it consists of ooe roes, a Quehec judge, Sir Charles Peres Day idaoo. An opinion grows that for • gentleman whose twiddle name is Peers he might peer more deeply and widely than the facts appear to indi- cate. The Davidson commiui..0 is following up thescaodals ail • i,tbt, Inst that is about all. it keeps strictly in the footsteps of the public sect -nous ocwmittee, covers the same ground, and doest.'t budge from the middle of the road to see bat is behind the hedge. A good mod faithful royal commission, that Cont'hurt anybody ,.'bet hasn't been hurt before. Reports (rows British Columbia tend to wow that the interesting transac- tion of the t wo submarines, purchased in a moment of inspiration by Sir Richard McBride, and billed to Can - Ade at 111,150,(110, is being scrutinized as between gentlemen. Suspicion can- not live in that genial atmosphere. Sir Richard appears and handsomely duties everything Nohody smuts to wish to bring that dignified and haau- tiful head •.f early grey hair in sorrow to the grave. So tar as can be men at this distance, the chief facts remain unexplained and no satisfactory answer is given to Si questions like these : Why did r Richard telegraph to Ottawa first that the pries was to be S1.060.000,S1.060.000, *nil then •cod a second telegram raising 0.• aide another bund red thousand? • Why was the cheque split two ways? Why, moreover, was 11.130.00) mid for two bargain -counter submarines that Chili turned down at 1750 000• To all these quti.,ns, echo answers why? At ell events Qtly faint replies • made. as for example when M•nag Patterson, of the Seattle Dryiock w Oonstrriction Company, explain tb Chili didn't get the boats becau Vitali was broke, which is prohuDly news to Chili. Chili declares that • refused the boats because they w batter divers than they were swt - mers-that is to say, when they we down they wanted to stay d?wn, end couldn't be coaxed up short of wr•ec - ing tugs and steel cables. But no .'bat Sir Charles Davidson has 1 down in one of 'ear and has roma the top again, the Cbilian conte•nti may he held to have been disproved When a High Court Judge 000sents set .. Jonah to a tin whale he most pretty sole of his return ticket in Vretolia they will tell you that t submarines are pretty safe as long they go down only Dace at a time they bare to go down three times i secces.i .n hefore they drown. Talking of British Columbia and royal cmmiisicreminds one of the Joint Indian commission, approved toy the Dominion and the Britian (' umbi a Governments. It is built tat I oo a sen.e of humor. is now in i third w rd ye. and has already coot tE country over i'31t1,000. Vne of i members once told inc that if it wee necessary in the Pursuit of bet terms for the British Columbia I dians, the commission would not he irate to cross the ocean to Brglan end remain at the Savoy hotel in Lm - don for six smooths while it looked up Mats doc.meste, treat ie.. Crown grants from George the Third trod Moiler matters. S: