HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-10-21, Page 8s• • Tso.e.Ar, Ocrolna !1, 1911 BIBLES, nuTER BOOKS MW HYMN BOOKS Large print Bible., special this work, Me. Matra large. dear, bl ck type gwhtea, well bound, apeoiat this weak. Ws. Marred Teets este prior hoc. Large. clear type Tostameate. spacial this weak, loo and 15c. /*wild oat pprriicaw cm a number Cd Prayer Books. Apseial elli prices this week on Methedbt nod Pre.bytetia. Hymn Books. 1.Lewe'es rest Cards sad Hdlowe so Poet. CardO�t'er'tletat Dsmmbon's Cops, 5c each. Ilemilsoda Thaw Regains, 10e per dozen. Dennison's Tissue Table Cloth.. Mc each. De.oisou's Paper Plate.. &eels. Favors, etc., spatial pries. The Weald kg Stere ORO. POR'TsR • State that Cough "'!bat is the best Cough Remedy that 1 have ever used," is the veriiet of icons of thew who have used Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Oil Compound oily 3Sc a large bottle 0171011'"Y it tr au DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST --Ttaotra 19 _ _ -__ Try • box of our home-made Chocolates for your next treat. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO '(ATMs I Of WINTON .--Uodeeleb township loot taws, •f 9N logh•m sod myth la t ie - told relent, • n•t1.• of the Wws- Horse wooly sooain. At the time ship, 1• the death of W.I_sr Weston. of his death he was a director d the of the erreeeeetoe The (Swamis Wmt Wawaaa.b Retool Flee Las wadi 1e his lft y-foutta loam. l • woe save oompny sad 1. 1911 b• wail as Anglicism in religion soda Conserv- pareysst of Ib•t Imeatesioo. H. was aid.. in poll Ica. Two daulhtme. aqfptw� Liberal and • staunch dish Miss Annie Weston and Mn. Freak potase of the Presbyterian chetah. Picot, survive him: also throe brothers and two sisters, on. of ►bo belittlers beimg John Western of Ooderkb. MUUJN8.-Tia. following from The Tero.b Mall and Empire of sttaedsd. The services were Woods Were to • oeph•w of Mrs.y Y 0mmiss, of awn, and a toughs clad by Bev. J. 8. Duncan, of d lie. Rickard Maks. )Lr, )www* Oow, sol the pallbearers were .'Metals' Use ?utte:al at �oodoo ori 1. John Rutherford, Roil. GODERICK CANADIAN CLUJ". RECENT Second !eases O/tor e� Favorable Auspices. The saws/ m•etiag of tb. Oa.adiam (huh was held 1. that Masonic T•eapls on Thursday eveolug leek wiib a Rood ettesdamee of reprressutile* cldssss. Tete presid•et. I%ev. J. B. Fudledsg- h am. woe la the chair. The treasurer. Mr. Oeoess Williams. presented his report. show's`` a farm' even balsam betimes reoslpis and •zpeodlturse, and the esee.tary. Mr. J. L. Kiuoraa. reviewed the work of �aawommei the • was • member d the Masoals fr•Iernity, bariot been ini•lated be Old Light Lodge No. 181. Lea�sew. in 19T4. The Newel, raga was held oo Saturday last. wM Wedaesday. The deceased bad visited relatives hereon several *cession. He diad at Um boos of bit sister, Mise Kathleen A. MulUns, B.A. : The death 1. New Yot k yesterday of John N. Mullins depleted the mil- way oi way service on the American eootin- I tot of one of its moat promising young men. inc of • family which had dis- tinguished itself by pratiding mem- bers who have risen to prOtnotence in M• Sale Has Bee. in Hospital with making popular the iron road from jar East to West, be was fast encroaching • Smaimed Ankle. Smith. Demeld Murrey,Robt. McAI- 1 Ia . Loris Omit and ugo McCros- Ma. Mr. Stout was married in March. - to Elisabeth R.de110, who suss vivre, with four eons and one daugb- ter : George and Anna, of St. Helene ; Cherie; and Joseph. of Moo•omin, Seek., and Gregor, of St. Paul. Minn. MMTH HAVING A QUIETITIME. on the IAurels of his kinsfolk when be was cut dowo suddenly. Mr. Mullins was for six years with the Dominion Rept'... Compo. In Toronto before be transferred his services to the C. P. H., and later be removed to New York, there to become the district wisesoger agent fur the Pennsylvania Itailroad Company. ()teat success Vol y little has been heard trom Major ti•le-in • public way -once he left for lbs front with the loth Battalion, so the following extract from a letter from him. which we ate rootled to publish througb the kind permission of Rev. J 11. Fotber- Ingham, will he read with much inter- est. The letter is dated "Belgium, followed him, and last .ear Mr Mul- Srptembes 29 lis became chief conductor for the Dear Mr. Fotberin ham. -I'm here ' Frank Tourist Company. lo this ca- pacity be conducted many happy parties to the San Francisco Reimer - tion. His brothers are Tim Mullins, city passenger agent for the C. P. R. at Ottawa; W. F. Mullins, general manager of the United Fruit Com- pany. New York City : Ed. Mullins. United Fruit Cu., Co,ta Rica: Geof- frey Mullins, civil engineer, Toronto Harbor Commissioners, and Rev. T Mullins. C. S. F. R.. Mooniest, and Richard 1. Mullioh at home at 145 Beverley street, Toronto. Mr. blotting, who had three sister' alive, was thirty- two years of age and to many Toron- to hockey players he will be better rememtered as "Jack" Mullins of the Repress hockey team. REV. J. B. POTHERINGHAM. re-elected President of the Canadian Club of 0aderich. APPLES W ANTED The undersigned is Prepared to pay the highest market price for all grades of Fell and Winter Apples. Do not .ell before seeing me, 'PHONE 178 R. R. ELLIOTT °Week\ • the past year. This was the first yeti( of the Club ■ activities, and consider- ing this fact the season was a very sueceseful one. The membership of the Club was 123. In view of the close financing that was necessary with the membership fee at fifty cent.. it was decided to raise it to one dollar. It was suggested that the Club should take an active part in the cam- paign fir the British Ked Cron So- ciety on Trafalgar Day, and it was decided to co-operate with the town c6oncil in the matter. (►filters for the year weir elected es follows : President, Rev. J. B. Foth- eringhaw : vice-president. Mr. D. Me. 1)onaid;secretary, Mr. J. L Kiliorap: treasurer, Mr. (leorge Wfllisnis (•IJ re-elected ): executive committee -- Meson. W. H. Robertson, l: i,. Par- sons, (leo. Porter, F. R. Hodgen., J. P. Hume. Among the suggestions for the com- ing season was one that the Club Peoslar Laxative COLD BREAKERS For breaking up a cold quickly. Keep a box on hand for the first symp- toms of a cold. 23C PCR BOX Ask for the Penalise Book --free -telling all about the different ailments mankind is subject to. PENSLAR AGENCY Jas. A. Campbell PHM. B. CENTRAL DRUG STORE (Corner North St. and Square tin.lrricb Bus t1n 'Pill 1NES Rea. : b4 1 t has been reported around that 1 hive given up the coal business. This 1. not correct. 1 still handle the heat whits ash Scranton coal. also Cannel coal and Solvay nut coke. Your orders will receive prompt attention. CHAR. C. Las. U OERICH MARKETS. TRoeeotv.Oet. net %heal. per bomb .. I.x 1.1.1 616 .w - (Hem. poo limen per bora .. '.M N .H per bleb Lb.ot to 1.M •si e be. . ... 75 to .7.1 . f.oilper. parent . 1.73 t. lee , pulpit. rile cwt ... ... am 1. 110 mea ton .... .. .. Mtn too N UP lf.P . M0 to Mrs LW 11 le s hook. per as .th to .11 Mese. w, ear leek Teta .all wtook • east's'. pa -rent to (5 .15 to undleas. e# to DTs weiltkt. par est. t# lm presort...110 rot sere e NM 7-0 Pi LOS ne M ;M ..' ..... . le M Prow. lee .e. peter Work tee a bd ter. pieta. MR. J. L. KILLORAN, first Secretary of the Canadian Club of Ooderich, who was reelected to .bat positron at the annual meeting of the Club on Thursday evening last. HUTCH. -Robert clutch, keeper 'of the county houses of refuge at Clinton, died on Saturday, 9th inst., at the age of sixty-five yeah. Mr. Mulch was sttickei with paralysis ',few weeks ago and never recovered from the at- tack. Ile was • native of Aberdeen. Sootland, and came to Canada with hig parents when a child. The family settled Bret in Onterio county, but over forty years ago they came to Huron and settled near Auburn. For a number of years Dir. Mutch hers lived at Gorr's. Eight years ago be otWe expect to be bene for some time. was placed by the Huron county collo- Neither i et at this pforilow spot cil in the management of the county boom of refuge, sod he filled the poli- can afford to attack, as we are troth should haven meeting once each month for an open and general diecuesion upon some subject to be yet. It is in- tended also to I ave a series of meet- ings during the season to he addressed by men of national reputation. The membership fee a 91 may he handed to the treaanrer, Mr. George Williams, at the hank of Commerce. � lb per Ib in the 5th Field Ambulance hospital with a sprained ankle and amu having the best rest I've bad for many moons. However. 1 ,;o back into the trenches tonight, and sleep there is • minus quantity, but I've got caught up pretty well the past few dies. w can staqd it. There is nit touch eloiog on our front here; no hand -to -band fighting and no bombing -chiefly artillery duets and sniping. We have not been shelled yet. The remote, we are too close to each other and they are afraid of shelling their own men. My particular section of the trenches is only thirty- five yards from the Germany. Their snipers are wonderful. It's • sure cure for headache to put your head up over the parapet. They get you in thirty seconds as a rule. Put your bead up twice in the ..me place and there is no douht about the result. We've had very few casualties in the 1Sth so far and won't have until we get the order to go forward or fall back. We are well entrenched and can't be touted ezceet by artillery fire. From what i can see our wire entanglements err super lot tc the (3erm•ns . but I suspect they More the low kind, •bout six inches from the ground, which are quite as bad if not woise than any ��-_-_- ibili11iiiiiiilliloll iiiiir11i1bJo11itii44011i161 gniOi oiiiii ir111Jr1Yt~Y1Yir>tlf� ■ i _ -- __ -OUR= - iMILLINERYil • 1 De Department is making a Special Display ' of late Millinery Styles on Thurs- October 28th, and foL day,t 4lowing days. IF 3 0 3 0 3 N Thursday, October 28th, and following days, we will make an it 3 extra display of late autumn Millinery styles. The department t. 3 has received this week a shipment of the season's latest novelties 1E; 3 in shapes and trimmings, and we have decided to make a special display IPE of these new styles on the above dates. If you want to ,see some really 3 F pretty and attractive Millinery, come to the show -room these days. You F' :; will be very welcome to look these new styles over, whether you wish to F 3 purchase or not, and if you still have your Fall Hat to Ly we are fully F 3 satisfied you will find just what you want among the many pretty models 3 that will be arranged for your inspection. 1 Remember the dates. Thursday, October 28th, and I 3 following days. ¢ iplumutunwpforproffulvforopwlyworowforkwrfropipipopiefo4 wasszta �.YWiYWlilla� lion in a.1oeet eatiefszeory meaner: deeply entrencbed *Ad both have 51115 emgrotiad balti d- gainers„, the tn.ttitetloe • M tree -enter",beioiL GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Wigwam80AT, Oct. 2i1. FAaaWELL YRSaltl'I.TATlote. - On Tuesday evening a $atberieg of friends and neighbors assembled at the home of the Misses Emma and Regina Hicks to bid farewell to them before their departure from Obis vicinity. An address ezpressing regret at tbeir departure, with good wishes for the future, was read byMiss Margaret Lamprey, and on behalf of the ase -m - bled company Mre. Wilmot Haack. presented Mia Emma Hicks with a band satchel and Miss Regina with a birthday ring. Mia Emme Hicks re- plied in • very suitable manner nod the company then spent ti social even- ing together, dispersing after singing "Auld Lang Syne." FOR THE SOLDItiW CHRISTMAS. - The members of the Ooderteb town- ship Patriotic Society are preparing a box of comforts to be forwarded to the soldiers is England who have enlisted from Huron county. it is the aim of the Society to have this box pe -ked and shipped byNovember arrive ,2nd. so as to rive in Engnd in time to be a real Christm•a tax to the soldiers. The contents will be fruit cake, plum pudding. candy, gum, tobacco and cigarettes. Any man, woman or :hild of Godot icb town.hlp may help to brighten Christmas for the soldiers by leaving a donation either at the bcme of Miss M. B. Salkeld. B•yfhrld road, or at Salkeld'. restaurant, Ooder•ich, on or before Sat- urday, October 30th considered one of the beat managed o its kind in the Province. The deceased leaves a widow, two sons -J. E. Hutch, of Godericb, and R. J., of Leamington -and two daughters : Mrs. Gilpin. of Gilpin, Alberta, and Mrs. G.W. Dane, of Seattle, Washing- ton. James Mutch, of Auburn : Wil- liam end Fred Mutch and Mrs. Walter King, of Clinton : Mrs. J. Bennett, of Blyth, and Mn. Poulton, of Cleveland, 0., are brothers and sisters of the de- ceased. The funeral took place to the Clinton cemetery on the 12th inst., the services being conducted by Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of Clinton, and Rev. C. U. Keine, of Londesboro'. The pall - hearers were county officials : Wm. Lane, county clerk, Dr. W. J.- R. Holmes, county treasurer. D. Patter - eon. county engineer, John Torrance. inspector a .he. house of refuge, War- den Govenlock and Dr. Shaw, medical superintendent of the house of refuge. Among others present at the funeral were Itegistrar Coats and eputy Reeve Laithwaite, of Gode- rkh. • I ST HELENS. WKDNZSDAY, Oct. 7J. 17(.)1 Rios. -Rev. John Little, of i.ietowel, has accepted the call of Calvin church, St. Helene, and the in- duction will take place on Monday, 86th inst. Mr. Little by been for some time the field secretary of the Perth County Temperance Altianee. Tit X LATE ALKX. STCAMT.-The sudden death on Tuesday, 12th inat., of Mr. Alex. Stuart, which was men- tioned in last week's Signal, 'was a great shock to the community in which he was so Swell known. His A RARA AVIS. ' death was due to heart failure and was entirely unexpected, as he had red After aThnfir Chau -Where been enjoying good health. Mr. Captor Thrilling Stout was a man of sterling char - Is Bedadore. Anyway 7 atter told strict integrity, affable and A snipe in McLean (Irma.' store win- dow yesterday, ae,x.mpanied by the following letter addressed to the Messrs. McLean, occasioned a good deal of interest -and amusement. I/RAR NtRF,--This very rare .pe•ck of the Bedadore prairie chicken was captured by the writer in the wild. of Bedadore after a thrilling chase which lasted for several (Jaye, scrods rivers, swamps and ditches, pursued in the famous Buick nredrier driven by "the Shiner." The colour. would not even then have been affected had it not been for the presence of mind of "tibioer," who conceived the idea of getting out and heading off the Mrd, assisted by our dolt. Berney. As the writer bas bad many Maiming offers Inc 151..te- 4i ten, it is of great import ante that yo pre•erva the same until the America authorities are beard front. fours truly. '•HLYVALo Hill." MAMLTOA. P. R.- We would he pleased to have you and vnur blends come up aoA spend Sunday with no, but be sure aid Ming your "grub." fl. regularisieti.g of the W C.T.U. will k held ow Mewisy, iib last.. at 1 p. m., at the Tempm.Le. Hail. 'Sem- Mrs are asked especially to he peso - eat. as ieapsetaot 11111111neoe 1s to he at - Seeded tn. cheerful in disposition, and he will be greatly missed. He was born In the town of Braemar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 1843, and In 1`s3tt came to Canada with bis parents, settling in West Womanise)). where he resided continuously until his death. A few years sin,se he was it prominent figure in municlpal aff sirs. for a number of WVm. Marlton and�PerryHpeirsn am up at lnverburun th • week nn a shoot- ing expedition Welter R. Kelly and Fred Kerr. the letter • noted heater from Cr.dit.nw aTho he.* teen away ea • similar ft. 1p up near Wlartoe. flews people reeding the letter remarked epos the rim liar ity of the signalises to tie MagI•trate • well-roseded 'Mato- graph," Ratagraph," but that may Is .al- imagiem- Ups. Avoid hers\ pnrentives for sbildrsn. The Ideal lareatIve M Await Ovderllea Roll oily by H. O. Deals,. the Resell Store. Ile, life and She basses YEARS end more. people with chest sad throat troubles have tried to cure them by pouring cough syrup. lung tonics sad the 111. Into their stomachs. All a mistake! The Pe” way 1s different. Peps are tabbies made p of Plop entracte sad soedleMd tosses. which whas pat lobe tike ere turn hate Immo. ���elt and Mbed dew"ieemehtml tow - est ..sensed Iowa to the saom•sh, watsa a tsat.w.g. . Me. best of lope ter Tear ell year .emegs. lommebga or asthma. A11 druggists end oboes or Pepe Co . IMene o. will eirg/1► eps THE MARKING OF BILLS. On. of th. Secret Movie* Methods 1s the Use •f Pin Hetes. In their surveillance and apprehen- sion of suspected persons government secret service officers often find it gen emery to "mark the money" bandied by such persons. There are varier* methols of oro marking the national currency, one of the most navel si which U Um pl•prklt. The note to be marked is, say, the Eve dollar silver certificate bearing the vignette of an Indian chief in his full regent. of feathers and trappings aid presenting a fall face view. With the aid of a pia the secret service man makes two punctures in the bill direct- ly in the papas of the Indian's eye.. To the clonal and sometimes even critical inspector of the note thew pin- pricks are Iavtdble. If raised to the light. however, the bill win distinctly reveal thea. The markings are complicated by the following poeeese: The pin point Y ap- plied la the twist of tete large figure 5 at the two upper corners of the nota These they twists do not appear in the `seeks" of the two figures 5 that ars at beth eade of the bottom of the tete The wee 1d new pierced again, tbi♦ tree in the .ode et the scroll. on web stew of the word Ilv. In the tester ester K (be bill Ile marking is •.w com- plete. in secret It ei tog\tbired to ese or mere palms for purpose. of 'tissue 'cation sad Y then plated h the Ull or money drawer to w\Ieb the seemot.d peaces has acre.. 0 Is said that the pinpricks wls re - meta -meta ogrfe+st for wow time, Wbes each buts ale prodneei is court and their marthig 1..xplateed ender eats amvtetios le practically wetalm.-Re are Meeh A Big Shipment of Rugs just Received from England Passed through the customs this week, two large shipments of Tapestry, Wilton and Velvet Rugs, direct from one of the largest makers in England. These Rugs were contracted for nearly a rear ago and bought at prices that are at least 25% to 407. less than the same qualities could be bought for today. We were exceedingly fortunate in securing them. There is a splendid range of new and artistic designs, colors amid dye of the highest quality and will stand. There are Tapestry Rugs, Velvet Rugs, Wilton Rugs, in all the most wanted sizes and in many of the sizes that are seldom called for. It is one of the most complete shipments we have ever imported, and if you have Rug buying at all to do you should certainly see this splendid collection before purchasing. TapestryVelvet - Wilton Rugs Rugs Rugs $IO to $30 $I8 to . $35 $30 to $65 New designs, high-grade good weearis4 qualities, fast colon. "Fownes" Walking Gloves Furs Remodelled $1.25 "Fownes" English Walking Gloves, tan only. mannish effeet, • beautiful glove of sterling quality. All sizes. Special Si whoa Muskrat Coat $34.00 This coat it made from prime selected ratskine of high quality and will give excellent wear. Evenly matched. coat ie lured throughout with high quality furriers' satin that will stand no end of hard wear. Shawl or notched collar.00 Really wonderful value at each only • Splendid Values in Serges Present values in Sergee wiH not be rquiiled for many and many a day. W are selling indigo dye Navy Sergio at SOL Tse, $1.00 and 21.25 per yard that are worth half as much again today. When present stocks are exhausted ab simply canoget guaranteed •b$1.50 absolutely fast color indigo lC60ct° dye. Per yard 1 Fors of all kinds remodelled and made over. Your old Fasts ran be put into good shape at, •very moderate cost. Bring them in and we will cheer - frilly ally give you an estimate for doing the work. ■ We Re -Cover Umbrellas If you have, Rood handle. bring it In and you can. get • top put on it at • moderate coat and maks it as good as new. NEW ARRIVALS Ladies' Coats. Children's Coats. Under- wear, fall and winter weights. Cash- mere Hosiery. Kid Gloves in white, black and tan. Novelty Snitings in the moss popular shades of the season. Lades Home Joanial Patterns 1Hodgens Bros. Direct Importers - Coderieh. Ont. Direct Importers - Goderich, Ont.OM IMO 11111111111.11 Fall Styles in FOOTWEAR The dainty -clad foot, trim, seat. stylish. is tbe outcome a care- fully selected shoe. Our .bowing of the new fall styles iieledes the moot fashion- able models 1. an array e•� th leaers. styies. snaps. foss that are not only vas ted le = =appwie rove, twthe ist t peiew. UPEBUOT mass are .ow in stet. They w withorat extrhe 55ss..tt ptio. trub- ber footwear. REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar OtfJD�l We make window shades to order On Behalf of the Sand. i print sur statements appeared is Criticism of the Med Regiment band for alleged shortcomings in its ser- i views during the Ooder1ab lodustrial Rebibitiou appeared in The Ood.rld Star. in iebatf of the bead It is stated that the reason it did not go to the station to meet the visiting soldiers from London's that it was not asked to do .n. The band aortae ifabibitioe time acts ander the instructions of the Ixbibitioa directors. sad 1f • mistake was evade ie not baying the band out to welcome the soldiers oa their arrival the teak alleged �mot lie with the hand. e Li to the � ' db. performance," el the Mailed m..bia.• at the fair ownafternoon. it is pointed Monday thaas the band of the IBM Battalion was oto the green& and played _u__.1 Unmet :It was mat to 5. g1 espeetd WM the townan meow Selmilioseer band week' • K rgnld hate ism. It would mesa that the celMime aleirearimr In The an \tilt �- Sar were eem b M.1.I. - Would is mot have been Is bettor to mw semts� 'bed waken o 'wilder the and 'awakes lblernene statism bawd, Wafted of er date palet p .heed t\' with t he baId 5.4 joy Mmitheee wee Ase imMiseelM*w' with the serviem re 'wed r M We Coostip•tlon causes moots' and . physical suffering. Roxall Orderlies -- a geaW Lzativet---promptly relieve eoawtipatioa. Sold only by H. C. Dun- lop, the ltexall Store, 10c, lite and 9(5, boxes. There Is .o greater misfortune thea not to he able to bear misfortune. Mortality was made for mea, not ream for mortality.-7angwW . The London Advertiser THRAE EDITIONS Ilsning, Nola, Emig Western Ontario's Greatest Daily A 11 the News all the Time Rea by mon. any whiles, 82 per year Cireoldles Dept.. Leedom AdwtW.r •