The Signal, 1915-10-21, Page 5•
In addition to oar
Alslesseislg sad
Bicycle work
We are in a position to
Having installed spec-
ial apparatus for
this work.
East Street Garage
Colborne Council Votes 11500.
The Colborne township council held
a bpeelal tweeting un Saturday Inst and
voted 11500 to the Britisb Red Cross
A Note from North Dakota.
The Signal is in receipt of • pleasant
letter from Mn. Hubei t Kerr, of l'otr.-
well. North Dakota. who wishes to he
remembered to old friends its Wide.:
rich. She says: We are well toed
dotter well. The wet ba. hindered'
thumbing. but they are turd •t it
now. Tbe weather is fine now.
To Organize Motor Club.
A meeting for the organixatlnn of a
Motor Club for Ooderich will Le held
tomorrow IFridayl evening, at K
o'clock. in the town council chamber.
Mr. R. H. Watson, representing the
Ontario Motor League, will he preset,[
to assist it the organization. All
motorists in town and vicinity are in-
vited to he present.
Wedded at Toronto.
The wedding took place at Toronto
on Tuesday of Miss brace L. Tait, i
youngest daughter of Mr.. James Tait,
of town, to Mr. George L. Badley, of
Trenton, forruetly C.P.R. telegraph:
operator in Goderirb. The officiating
clergyman was Bev. D. T. L. afcKer.
roll The bride was one of Godes-hoes
most churning girls, and much inter•
est is taken in the announcement of
the wedding. •
At the Waterfront.
The steamer Mariska unloaded 1as-
(JI%) husbels of wheat of diftegret
grades at the lioderi.b elevator on : d
Th. steamer Atikokan is unloading
112,000 bushels of wheat at the Big
Mill today.
The punch harvest continues to be
abundant. After Lfti&g oats this
moeni.g the two boats ow..i by the
McDnw•M Bros. came in with about
WO posted, in each.
Correction in Exhibition Prins List
The oreretary of the Goderich In-
dustrial Exbitsitioa makes the folicw-
he( sarreetion in the published prz, '
Nat : The special prize given by The
flignal fes the heel animal in the ,
heavy -.Masa. of bones was woo h
Ran Dura, intend of Geo. W And-
ersenm pulAtikesd. Mr. Dont. instead
of Mr. Andrews silo took the flet '
prim M heavy drsumbt mare and
font of Mitt
Ti. G. C. 1 Literary Society held I
t7oattts =swirl=
sZ,irl faibwy
ernes`are wars Owes : Mr. fret Cott,
Iaslrnwteatal s Mier Ruth Hamilton,
vocal solo; Mi.. V. Hampton, rachet
tkw t Miss R. Wallscs, Inatruss.•tal:
Mr. Arwh•w Roo., r sdiog O. C. 1.
Journal; Mass G. Jeffreys, violin setae -
'los. Address:. by Miss Clifford. Dr.
Strung and Rev, J. B Fotberingbam
and two choruses by th. Glee Club
completed the peograut.
Toa Far Country.
Harry IG.tne, son of Mr. Woe
Ervine of town, has sent word to his
parties here that he left New York off
the Pik hast. for Archangel. Rossia,
ss VW 'Oman Cloy. Harry, was
.bo b
base selling on Lb* Great, Lakes this
summer, has eomeged with a mmb.r
of others on • railway construction
contract for the Russian Government.
Road to Be Closed for Three Days.
The G. T. R.. which has been mak-
ing preparati )ns for some time for the
erection of • new bridge over the
tracks at the hill toadies to the Malt -
land River, in;,ends to complete the
work next work, and the road will be
closed to for public for three days—
Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday
o ezt. Per.uos travelling to or from
town by road on then days may take
the old road down the hill •t the foot
of Victoria street and drive across the
golf links and the distillery lists.
Changes in Bank Staffs.
There have leen several cbang.s
lately in the local bank rafts :
Mr. J M. Roberts, who has been
taller at the Union Back, has gone to
the Belleville braneb as accountant
and is succeeded here by Mr. R. E. H
Sloggstt, who comes [tour Wark-
worth, Ont. '
Mr. H. K. Wallace is promoted from
ledgetkeeper to teller at the Sterling
Reek, succeeding Mr. D Shearer,
who ie new manager at Bayfield and
V rye. Mr. H. E. Laverty, from St.
Cs „Minn's. is the new led,erkeeper.
Mr 1.. C. Temple, from Loudon, is
the new accountant at the Bank of
Montreal, succeeding Lieut Koslh-
erne. who has joined the 71st Bat-
A New Geranium.
The bed of geraniums on Koox
church lawn is now nuticeably absent.
Since the beginning of June, when it
was set out, it had been a mass of
dazzling scarlet. Its blooming capa-
city beenred unlimited and the great
number of enormous trusses, of a vivid
bur, wade it the subject of much re-
mark. Owing to the wet season ger-
aniums in general have not bloomed
at all freely, and the plants on Knox
church 'ewe. were a noticeable excep-
tion. We learn that this geranium is
a new vas iet j which bat been propa-
gated rudely at the Benmiller Nurser -
ler. and bar not yet been introduced
in • general way. So new .is it. in
tact, that it has not yet received •
Women's Institute.
The monthly meeting
of the Gode-
rich Heineb
rithrrlech ortbb We e 's, id!7tntee
was held at the borne of Mrs. Stewart
on'Chureday.October 7th. Iklegates
were appointed to attend the annual
-operation at London November lith
and 5th. A letter from one of the
soldiers who dined at the ball where
the Destitute served meal, during.. the
Exhibitioe was ,read, expressing the
thanks of the boys for the .pleodid
noels mend by the ladies of the insti-
t u te, and stating that' bey had enjoyed
their visit to Godarieb very couch.
The Society exhibited et the Ezbil,i-
tine a .ample of the week the members
bare been doing for the soldier The
closing day of the fair tee oaks sad
mitts were divided among the soldiers
not sold as reported,.
The members wish to thank all who
donated fiuit and baking towards the
The Late W. J. Thomas.
Mr. Williams James Thomas. whose
death was announced last week, wtr &
bitive of (.oderich, haying been bons
here fifty-five years ago. He was a
cooper by trade and was at one time
engaged •a chief of police her., but
- —AND—.—
Wntt for Particulars
Muss Bac. , Oese1 Prodi
Address: -354-6 Dundas St.. London, Ont.
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 22 and 23
JOHN BARRYMORE, in that big Farce Comedy
".sire 7{6u s4 4La�n"
in five reek of uproarious laughter. F'-E'ery Mason. lodge mem-
ber and person in town should see this production
for a hearty langhc
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 26, 27
another fine "World" production. when ALICE BRAIN wit
be shown in
"Xs lie Jou)
- • BOX" on Thursday are both fine aerial stories.
The Virtue of the Natural Leaf
Is perfectly preserved In the sealed
packet. Young tender leaves only,
grown with utmost care and with
flavour as the prime object, are used
to prpduce the famous salads blends.
bad of late years et nducted a rsetaer-
ant on the Square. He was married
on October }Bth, 110s3, to Miss Mary
T'bompso•, who with one son, Josh.,
survives, rwo brotbere, Ben. J., of
Victotli, B. C., and Josh., of Elgin,
III.. and two sieves, Mn. J. Watters,
of London, and Mrs. .1. Tomlinson, of
Torooto, also are living. The funeral
took place on Sunday afierooem and
was very largely attended, the service
at the house bring conducted by Rev.
J. B. Fetberingbass and the service at
the gnveelde by Maitland Lodge, No.
F. and A.M., of which deceased
ins a member. Mr. Thomas war also
a member of the Mystic tibrinen and
the Temple, Toronto. and
the Sr. Elmo Perceptorv, of litralford.
Th. pallbearere were Messrs. Jame.
Huchenan. F. F. lrwreoce, W. F.
Clark, (i. L. Parsons, James Connolly
and Alex. Saunders. 'i he interment
was made in Maitland cemetery.
Ask Your Doctor
about this food formulae. IL'. Dr.
Jacksons Rumen Meal. Sty per cent.
whole berries of wheat. 35 per cent.
whole berries of rye: both granulated.
not ctuahed. 23 per cent, deodorised
and tasteless flaxseed and 10 per cent.
wheat bran. It males delightful nut.
brown porridge, pancakes, bread and
all baked products. It nourishes
better than meat, prevents indigestion'
arid positively relieves constipation. or
The vote on church union is to be
taken la Koox church, Goderich, the
Bret Sabbath of November
Harvest thanksgiving services will
be held in St.Ueorge's church nett
Sunday. The Rev. J. 11 Fotbering•
ham will preach at both services. The
subject its the morning will be "The
Forgotten Sheaf' and in the evening
"Iiilver Bullets."
At the evening service at Knox
church last Sunday the choir rendered
a harvest thanksgiving cantats, the
words of which are by Di. Waller and
the music by Dr. Garrett. The theme
i, • most appropriate one anti the
rendition was heard with much appre-
ciation by a large congregation.
The paster, Rev. G. M. Holsues, will
preach next Sunday morning in the
Baptist church on "Amos, the Herds-
man of Teko e," the first of a number
of sermons on the Hebtrw prophets.
In the evening the pester will com-
mence a series of sermons On "Joon
Seven Words from the ('rose." Special
music at forth services.
The various auxiliaries of the Pres-
bytetian Women's Mbuttoner v '4o•
cieties of the immediate neighborhood
here been holding their anouu thank -
tittering meeting*: Knox church,
Goderich, on Tuesday. Leebutn nn
Wednesday afternoon, Union church,
Gudericb townshi at the home of Mr..
T. Johnston, on Wednesday evening,
and Smith's 11111 and Auburn nu
Thursday afternoon at the church at
"money bar le" At all constipation
grocers, In cents
Carlow. At all these meetings the
preei.ient of the Presbyterial, Mr.
add 25 cents, Fletcher, of Thames Road, was preb-
■ s' ... _Jl_.. �.. JA.. _n._.._w.-.. _A✓-• ; ._ - - -i.-.. JL -i..
Y •r-lT-'r-r-�--r •••"'•-••••-•--..'"""-..-•••-•1 v-l-vvv-Yv-y-.-- - rt 1 i YOUR CHANCE T O - GET A
II Singer Sewing Machine i
,.I,UE $48.00 •,
or an Electric Motor11 �;
With every purchase of 35 cents we will allow you ag uess / i
ion the number of Bullets in the glass jar in the window. ( A
purchase of 51.00 entitles you to four guesses, and so on t
according to the amount of your purchase i. The person
) guessing the correct number, or nearest the correct number,
..will have his ( or her) choice of the Singer Sewing Machine or
the Electric Motor FREE OF CHARGE.
In case two pr more guess the correct number, or the' i
number most nearly correct,. they will settle the matter among jt
Tbe coateat closes at 10 o'clock p. m. the 24th of Decem-
ber. 1915. when the bullets will he counted and the award
made by Messrs. Geo. Williams (manager Canadian Bank of
Commerce ). W. H. Robertson and H. R. Long.
' .3 Mrs. L B. Tape,
if you are contemplating buying a Base Burner
Heating Stove or a Range, you should let us show
you our line ,-.
We handle the McClary Ranges and Base Burners,
recognized as the very best in quality. efficiency and
service -. -. - .-, -.
A heavy east range
with a handsome
and attractive ap-
pearance. /
Heavy triple triang-
ular grates.
Semi -steel fire -box
Nickelled steel vent-
ilated oven.
Burniebed top.
il.i the most mod-
ern construction et
the two flue stove,
having large flue
capacity and radia
ting surface.
Fire -pot of semi-ttrrl
which can 1,. re-
moved end released
tbrtigb front done,.
Roil: of heavy blue
sheet steel and
"Armco" Iron.
Semi steel fire -b):
li rugs.
N ckelled steel oven.
Rornished top, no
blackening required.
Duplex wend -steel
We guarantee our stoves to give perfect sati'faction in
every way and are always pleased to show our cus-
tomers their good qualities '-
Howell Hardware Co., LTD.
eat and delivered ao adds....wkahle
to the ooraMo.. The nistdiee were
1: be b boyar
foreign adds. even
though then were sassy ogee oaks
u their resouress at ibis present
time to dosing thew .:amok..[
Lb* helpfulness sad efficiency Of owe
servant of the church alowe, lbs Im.
migrant ehapimia at Montreal, were
riven This thank offerings in some
ese.. etisee4ed than of former years,
Weal were Lugs nod many
other contributed largely to
Owatonna of the useet wei.
County Court sittings eommewoed
bars on W.dn.sday and the court is
stili slttieg as we go to pews
Maitland Lodge, No. 114 A., F. and
•. M., hair decided to remit the does
of all members who have enlisted for
war service.
Ccurt for the revision of the voters'
Het of Goderich was held before Jodie
Doyle Tuesday morning. About sev-
enty names were added and about
forty struck off.
A charge agalest Wm. Thompson of
bringing l yuor Into Huron county was
aired in the Police Court on Saturday
last and was adj serried for one week
for further hearing.
Hal Johnson and his company, in
the comely "Skirt'," were the attrac-
tion et Victor is Opera House on Sat-
urday and Mondry. There were fairly
good houses, especially on Monday.
The performance provided many
laughs and the audiences appeared
well .atisfled with the entertainment.
How's Thio P
%V. offer one hundred dollen reward for any
eam of cater7b that cannot be cured by Hall.
Catarrh Curl.
Hall'• Catarrh Cure ha. been taken by eaten*.utterer. tor the peel thirty-five years, and leas
besome known ss the mod reliable remedy for
talent'. Hall'. Catarrh Cure sots throsgh tae
blood on the suucuw .urfae+s, rxpellhnr the
poison prom the blood amt heading the die -
teed porton•
After you here taken Hall'. Catarrh Cure
fcr a .t.ort Hose you wilt ire • great improve-
ment in roar gement health. Start traffic
Hall'. Catarrh Cure at once and set rid of
eaten b. Send for te'tiui mist., free.
F. J. CH k:\6Y & Cu.. Toledo. U.
SOLI by all druggist•. 7:r•.
Lieut. Hector McKenzie, of Port Albert,
Leaves for the Eastern War Theatre
better received by Mr..John Mc-
Kenzie, Port Albert, from his brother,
Lieut. Hector McKenzie, of tube Royal
Army Medical Corps, written from
Limerick, stated that the writer was
under ordt'u to go o
t Egypt, and since
B)p .
then • card received states that he bar
left for that country. In his letter
Lieut. McKenzie *toted that he was
not sure what his work would be in
Egypt, but be expected to go into a
base hotpital f .r two er tine.- months
and then possibly be ser.[ to I he Dar-
danelles. He said be heard quite 'often
from his biotht}er Alex.,)(ho is w,!j
the troops on theC..intinenl. The fir
ter continues: "1 suppoe you con-
sider that the war in going very slow-
ly. Well, I think the Allies are doing
very well. The newspapers don't give
the public a proper impression of pro-
ceedings. The Allies know that time
is on their side and against the mneiey,
and the raving of human life is
now considered more •
than the raving
of time and money. Since 1 left Can-
ada my opinions on the war have
completely changed. Before 1 left
Canada i had no idea of the immens-
ity of the war. The Allies may go
slowly. but they are working on a firm
basis and will eventually have sueh a
tower of strength as wet never
dreamed of • few year, ago. The
British fleet is a marvel and un-
known to the public at large is doing
great work. Reverses may come to
the Allies, and temporary victories
may eorneto the 'weeny, lsoet the ene-
my's prodigious efforts will finally
bleed her to deatb."
Both of the McKenzie brt'thers are
G. C. I. "old boys.'
Ves, we ate making our home -mare
candies again. Several new Imes
added. ('all and get a sample.
Edwards, the candy man.
The Arthur Circle will hold ite an
nual merging in the lecture room of
Knox church on 'Ferriday, October
dere, at 330 o'clock. It Is expected
that Mee. (Rev .l E. F, McL. Smith, of
Hensall, will be preeent to address the
meeting. A welcome is extended to
Cured by Zam-Buk.
To those who suffer from this pain-
ful malady the following letters will
be of deep interest. Mr. J. McEwen,
of Dundee, Ont., writes : "For fifteen
years I suffered with piles and could
get no permanent cure until 1 tried
7..m -Bu►. After having given Zam-
Bua a fair trial I found i was getting
better. and in the end it completely
Cured m.. •'
Mr. James Ruddy, of Killalo., Ont.,
says : "I suffered greatly from piles,
The pain from these, as anyone who
suffeis from them will know, was at
times almost unbearable. 1 tii•d first
one remedy and then another. but all
without effect. The piles still con-
tinued as bad as erer. 1 beard shout
Zoom-Buk and commenced with elle
treatment. To my great joy. after
perseverance, i obtained .41x( from
the &gen'zing pain of the piles. (laving
been cured by Z•im-Huk 1 heartily res
omend the balm to al! sufferers from
byy not end your angering P Take
the advice of the hundreds who haye
done on and give 'loam -Bok a fair Ucal.
This marvellous remedy quickly re-
lieves the suffering, it soothes and
heals the inflamed and irritated here-
orrbeld vein,. and perseverance with effects permanent ruses.
Every home needs Zam-Ruk--acre-
dents will happen and Zam-Buk le the
bent "fleet aid." it meekly takes the
sting out of a cut. the the tit of a
burn or sale', the snrenese from a
heeler. Blood-noison or other :ompli-
ration cannot creep in where Zwm-Buk
has been applied. It is et sun rune for
piles, eczema. Plover, children's seslp
sires, variense vein•. red .racks,
chapped hand., rite 50c at all drug-
gists and atom., nr post-paid from
Zion -Risk Co , Toronto, Inc price
Refuse substitutes and harmful imita-
TttvweDAT, 0 croons M. DNs
Ban by Mail ad
Save leg Iktvea
Mall us this cheques or cash
you receive. with your Pass -
hook, which we will return
with the Deposit credited. Thep you can pay your bills by cheques,
which vs will honor, or Y you want the cash yourself, send us a
cheque In your own favor and we vitt forward lee moos[ by rsbaa
Drop In and talk to the Manager about ft
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMB*, M
Our Booklet iicontaining Sworn
Statements from reliable people
who have used NATURES
CREATION for those condi-
tions beadiest up to various teener
of Tuberculosis—Lung Troubles
--Bronchitis Asthma — Coughs
—Colds — Night Nwe•ts — 'Jen-
eral Debility.
1-2rSeut FREE to say Address
orf e' amide Limited)
Suite 14 Cosgrave Bldg.
Mr., L. I..''hap.Ile- of Lecknow, is visiting
her.Idet, Mn. Durno,.
Mrs. H. J Crawford, of Dungannon, 1n the
guost of Mr.. Ileo. Hreditrd the. work.
Mi.. Je.nle Pcrl left y.vorday to +pend a
month at Bun,, n% illo pursuing her work In
Mr. Dave Robert.., D. T. II, fireman, returned
to townoda
t Y aGcr . and
tion sl rvruuto, W er ,t s w eek' v: cs-
Mlsa Madge Sutherland and Na+b-r JI y
Sutherland ere oration. Toronto ri4Nng at t he
borne of Mr. ata[ Mr., Nem ('oam..
Mr, (Ca:.teiul Bruce. Britannia rod, and
her young wen, Neste. John, hive returned
from a three.m.nt h+ ti t with Mr.. Bruce'.
.inter, Mr.. Hawelu., of estrfalo.
Mr.. M. .1. Hay. left on Thnrwlay last t a rr-
tu.atoher home et .% 11-i in. Te:•.. after ..p-nd•
log sevo r d months wy�� bac_ -nt,xher. Ma•
bib-ifn, in(TM..ter, Mrr.T t. WIlaou.
Stratford Beacon Mr ll. Mcl.;y. of 1.bti.
Heal. M6•.. Pearl McDonald and 11..+ Tena
McKoy, of Omit -rich, motor. d to st r•I4 Mal
pent the weekend wish Mr. and Mr.. leaved
W Ilton. 11UnIeria street.
Mr. k'rauk Smith, former b••dnenater of Om
lord Itagnn.nt and hl. syn, Cherlre, woof the
Doty Login. Works, left on Monday fes Ore.
won, where Mr, H. rhea Smith, C i' . has
taken up his ne-Ideoole 11'e utdetwraod they
will likely settle In the Peel& Coral State.
Mr. ao.i ]Ira Tho.. Mitchell returned on
Ratur ay from -their w.ddlvr t s ip, whirrs took
them w for ra eke Peelle Coast. They vi.ired
many ane cities and had a moot delightful
trap, but stay they -no no town that run •ur-
pe , our own town of (ioiderlrh. While In tbo
Meat they visited Mt-. Mltrbeli'. •I -ter. M r,+.
Vermeer. and brother, Mr. Melyill• lihyttae.
The latter his • ranch in Albert. and I. well
and doing well
Conference of Municipal Representatives
at Kigtad .
A conference of representative, of
the municipalities inteleated in the
Ontario West Kitore Railway was held
at 'finial' on Friday lest. Mayor
Reid and Mr. H. E. Hodgens attended
from (lodesich. It was decided to
proceed with the action at law against
the Toronto General Trusts Corpora-
tion for moneys claimed by the
municipalities to have been illegally
paid out of the trust fund raised by
the sale of the bonds guaranteed by
the municipalities. A Targe auto of
money is involved one it is considered
the municipalities bave A strong cue
to present. It was decided also to
make further efforts to get the road in
operation, and to this end Icon.
Adana Beck will ie again approached
and requested to make the .cad a part
of the Hydro -radial system and have
it completed to Kincardine at the
earliest possible date and operated
between Goderich and Kincardine.
Give ere the making of the ballads
of a nation And 1 care not who makes
the laws.— A. Fletcher.
Special Features
Next Week
A few of the stars that will
appear at this theatre in the
near future are : James (`ruse.
Margarita Snow, Florence La
Hades, all of Million Dollar Myn-
tery fame. Also Dorothy Gish,
Margarita Fisher, Charles slant,
William 1. Haft, Henry Wat•
hall and a dozen n:hers. Mittal
Master phoneys have rot a new
standard in motion pictures anti
stand for quality. Another hie
surpri,e for next week. Watch
PATHE NEWS and the NB%
every week.
Asksioa so as usual iec ats4 5c
Watch Inc the %totem' Master
pictures the a.t • man of qual-
Have beautiful
window decorations
Nothing gives so much pleasure
as a well decorated window.
Your windows will be the envy
of your neighbors if you use the
eX. Flat Rod
—/or curtains and
Guaranteed not to sag
or tarnish
Theis is a Kinch FLt Rod in a
color to snatch your woodwork or
draperies. Every ted contains a
written guarintee hoose ;t will not
erg or tareoh-
It'a iso easy to /rove an eittrdtiea
window tri:h the Kirch
F"nt Rad
Conte in and see them
Robert Wilson
Stoves Stoves
Now is the time to look
up your Range tor the
winter. We have some-
thing new in this line.
From t i to Oo horsepower
Windmill Pumps
and Windmills
Water Systems installed
We have just a few Buggies
left at cut. prices.- Atsoa
line of Harness, Horse
Blankets and Robes, Wash-
ing Machines, Churns and
Cream Separators.
mtWWIn al=1m
Massey -Harris Shop
Hamilton St , Goderrck
"A Man's Ability Is His Passport'
PreNNe*, of Maw an 1 Vose t dr•sl,au
Tr. Aer Veer. C•,h... and Ar.,.,.c Ss.ona
S e..,sh,.. - brood. Cannel En..,..u,o„ ...d
For terra. .rad ,nfereatien apply
in ail count/lee A•k fnr our iNVEI't-
TOR'S ADVie&rewhlch will be sent tree.
Ito University St.. Montreal.
Brantford Roofing
Suitable for all kjn.Isof build-
ings i house,, barns or sheds,
Crystal (in red
per ulnare.
No.:: Asphalt
xper square.
ko, 2 Asphalt
per square.
No. 1 Asphalt
per aqua
Mohawk 1
or grecn),$3.50
Roofing, $3.50
Roofing, $3.011
P^ofing, $2.2.5
.'51 [per
Phone lee. Hamilton Street