HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-10-21, Page 4male sold : lbws -'•Rowe Rein" to Hugh Radford. L tndesborai , *175 ; "Wellesley Blossom," to A. Alton, 5108; "Jennie," to Wm. Bell, L)nde.- boto', 5150 ; "Flossie,"to Jas. Durnin, . St. Helens, $1((1 ; -Lady Alice," en N. I (i. McKenzie, Lochalsh, 5126: "Ver- bens," to Herb. Oke, Clinton. $121):1 "Pirate," • to Jas. Rennet,- Kintell, I 5115 ; "Ella," to Isaac Salkeld, (lode-' rich, 5110: "Del B.," to Win. Bettie, Dungannon, *St; "Def," to Time. Mc- Cabe, 373. Year-old heifer. "Helve'' to Arthur Culbert, Dungannon. bull calf, "Red Chief," nine months old, to Mr. Coldwell. Wtngham, 5135 ; year-old heifer, "Mimi* Girl," to Ed. Wise, Clinton, $134 ; hull calf "Risen Signet." six months old, to Wm. Mc- Allirter, fill ; Aberdeen Angus bull calf"Borden" to Rob:. Rodgers, (lode - deb. $100 ; Aberdeen Angus boll calf "Kitehener," three and easel( months old. to Jobb Weldon, Autsurn, 5130 ; heifer, "Pride." el Wm. Thou'. Auburn, 311r2 : Aggus heifer. 'Pride." to Jas. 11CManur, Ball ford, $132. Everything offered way sold, the sales amounting to about $4.1X0. All the neighboring municipalities were represented at the sale FORM= DC-ROA/CRON BOT KILLED. -- The sad news has been received of a fatal Meriden' by which Earl Brothers, eon of Mr Geo. Stothen, of Ogetna. Soak., formerly of Dungannon, last hie life. The following is from The Advo- cate, published at Ogema: "The citi- zens of O,tema and district learned with deep regret of the accident which ended fatally to Earl Stntbers. He was assisting to raise a buildiogon the horn of C. Bscoo, north of town, when • 8 z 8 which was used as a pry fell. striking bim on the back of the bead. (lecturing the skull to the ex- tent that he never regained conscious- ness, although he lived for several hours after the accideoL The deceased was • snit of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stoth- ere. and was. twenty-two years of age. He was well and favorably known in town and district end by his sterling character and cheerful dispnaitton bad won himself • host of Mends, who keenly regret his early demise, and extend to the bereaved family their bear felt sympathy io this their time of affliction. The funeral services were conducted in the Methodist church, and attended by a large num- ber who followed the remains to their resting piece in Ogema cemetery. Among the floral contribution. were wreaths from Ogema Rebekah Lodge and the Ogema Lockey ebb." The deceased young man was for a short time, a few years ago. employed on the staff of The Signal. • TtvmrDAT, Doorman III, 1tai Men's and Boys' Overcoats Overleaf NOM is sa We [rife prepared- to show you the largest stock of Over- coats we have ever shown, and please take notice, we bought them at the old prices. Any person buying an overcoat this season without seeing our is going to miss it. A great variety of goods in Mel - tons, Whitneys, Chinchillas, Cheviots and Tweeds, at prices that will save yon money. It's an old saying -goods well fought are half sold. All we want is a chance to show them and they will be fully sold. Men's Overcoats $10.00 t0 $22.00 Boys' Overcoats $4.00 to $12.00 W. C. PRIDHAM'S Good Clothes. s GRAND TRUNK SY'SEM DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO - MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO Lean TOR rs:en s.1 a. ss., ata. p. m.. and 11 t.1 p m. daily. TOR 1ONT1EAL Lexie TORUsTI sen, a m.. [tat p. m.. and 11.tm p, m. ddiy. Coulpas.nt the ansa as all trains. 1'1NAIA 1'AcITI EXPOSITIONS Reduced tare. to Sas Fraact.co 1... Angelo- aril `tan Diego. m_en Pu'lyartlxi.z sad beth roww'M1 en 1 !ZeYeatro"te F. E. LA NRk:NCk t MCS$. 'yr aaewa s t. nix SIGNAL QODERICH ONTA Rl O BLYTH. Tvsa.sAT, Osis I5. Woes AaO Woe:n r tt.-The farm- ers have accomplished a gnat deal of their fall wort during the past week of line weather, each as carom .uttsg and tattle' up their mamgele and pots - ton. The potatoes, however, are so badly rotted that k b hardly worth takingthem up in some part.. There is still oonddershle work to be done. whish will require sees* weeks of Inc westber. The flax stifle have had a hard time galling in their crop lids year. but they have only o few loads to get in now to he threshed. Their n ext difficulty will he to net it rolled and dried and into their barns before the snow falls. FUR THE BRITIeu RED Coosa -The council held a special meeting on Tbuuvday evening for lbw purpose of seeing what steps should be taken with regard to raising money for the British Red ('roes Society. It was de- cided that the members of the council and the clerk and treasurer should each take • district and get another of the cttteens to help. This was done and they have met with good success, and it is expected that A the 21st. the day appointed for the collection of this money, the will have about 5d10 or $700 to send away. This Is very good Inc a small place like this, e-pecially when there have been so many calls on every person during the war and in all likelihood there will be many more. Pk,Isu' at.. -Mr. W1111. MOOTS i. nn a visit to hi. brntbrt in the Brum+ Pen insula .. ...Mi. John Mieklejobn, of Harmon), visited friends In town this week and the Misses Fonvth re- turned with him es far se flowick, where they will visit with their sister, Moe. J. Henderson, for some weeks. Mr. W. Phillips is in the Wing- bam hospital rtn'Arguing an operation. Mr-. V. Emigb and son Jim, who have Item spending 5Ome weeks visiting relative* in this neighborhood, returned this wok to their boute in the West \Ir.. Mutcb,nf Auburn, was the guest of airs. J. Bennett for a few dans t hi. week .... . Mr. and Mrs. A. C. %V. Hardisty and family, of East Macintosh, leave this week for their new home near Galt. They will lo much missed, and their many Dien 's wish them heppiness and prosperity in their new location. THE RED Cttn,tsCIReLv.-The Blytb Red Crcnn. U. rat. is doing • good deal of work for the relief of the soldiers and this week shipped the following ao•tds to behdgnartrrs: Forty-eight cakes toilet snap. 70 quarts canned fruit, 139 pillowslips, 50 flannel shirts, 44 pairs socks, 10 Ib. can of maple syrup, 30 Tot kish towel&, 311 bandages, 42 sheets, 3) hospital shirts, 1 helmet, I1 pair wristlets, 1 pair kneecap. and some old cotton. 1 he Circle held its 'I annual meeting Inst week, with a tante attendance. The election of officers. was the principal business and resulted CANADIAN PAG I IF 1-G Pacific Coast Tours VIA THI: to g'. l' :ATr'o.. fiv-rsNADLAN :rret yrur ti- et,red. CANADIAN PACIFIC "Yater. • Rspsltion Route to the (Wlfstttta krp..rtbn.• Parttral.r. from Jean kit/D. r'. P It Asset. or write M. U. utt'RPay. Dut. Pam. Aar.. Ttieeto. Black.(o .i excel in ice cream• bnee to your fleet order and have it *sheered. 1 e Demand for the Graduates of the Lily Drop in Pr I c ('s Of FUR`54 (,\1!)'`1111N1's a. *rear saws 'skies as rhes wa rrttre1 10. tea a _ elrr.{ ew w w um We= • La.aWOW r Can so las a V 1011 re CA NADA 45.01 ars We trwi.w. ra w4 01111.05.0. ar .art.. .rV =IMO so .wdss. l=e5.Nr tr• lv ssr i rteie aeatta ✓ ease ' 01 .row 0504. heat Trapper a entre 1L.CS WOLF SIT Thi. or at tae neer *..psis. IDs ran t■ awe n a ems NOM W 1. a 1.0001e1 .w wig low looff rt... yudlty-w skttu. aes4 Wow estra [sero rad Tlio .Wear raw awe4k- ew oe Ie Welk 41451.01 lisee W WO ..w +wwa ase s.5 01 wee W1-110.1 e....01 ly Wander' trots [Mennen. 221 No. ret SIM t! T1. leaf la mads In the targe (Nasty pillow leen.. 10 0 ew1. ►wt. rot W revs W arse. • wfWA Wm SW OW0ata e 10- . ' Ie wwr. • .r .ewe..-- 1 olo No. rte. Muir • M.sO 1.wT 15401. N ..M .W. Ott rOSITrr5 OFAS.s. T1s tr "SATIN/7 IOU OR axrt-.n TOUX IOM= 4.W1 Ow we For Mgt. leek. ma. 1. sorra. 0517 VW an rawer .Suit ria M ere.. of 111.+00. 6100. of [armee reer u. ran Oww.w.. W. Pay Aa Dsavary Cbsrgr. DO a0T WAIT ICT 5550 TO -DAT TO 'one' rend t h.rk. et-.• Toronto. drib ilhe last two months bre been mare rah four time. supply. Beer now. Catalogue free trwWwwwia Room 214 Hallam Building, TORONTO, Canada Greatest Newspaper Value in Canada and on;,Vdrurti5er Vtik>:INu', NOON $2 PER YEAR Every Day By Mail AND IsVENING EDITIONS The Best as I 2PER Well as the YEAR Cheapest Even• Day Hy Mail WARNEWS HA. the unmatched Associstd Press and Can- adian Prise service, besides special services. EveGENERAL NEWS • and t. egr of ,mews ece `'d hours trlegr h. News received noun after Totontih paper. go to crew. WESTERN ONTARIO NEWSrn;:r'.y any EDITORIAL. PAGE t)iscussies thsday's issues in a bright and comprehehsiTp style. WOMAN'S PAGE THE BEST tN CANADA. MARKET PAGE THERE IS NONE BETTER. SPORTING PAGES Ali the general sporting news, with special reference to Western Ontario. te Advertiser stared the Stay- n -Ontario Movement. It was first newspaper to take up the Made -in -Canada move- ment. The Advertiser's circulation has almost doubled in a year and a half. THERE'S A REASON. Address THE ADVERTISER, London, Ont. What They Do DAvrvrtu OWT. "1 hadtroeble with say Kldwy. rad Bladder o 1 gut • maple of (tie Pteh and ktUow.d OuscOssa. l fit bsrw albr the Mr de.. rad I kept tMra tbe is a taeatk. Use day,r. atayma of Ma tows, yy IMO about tte trouble ler had with lett sod I ro.t---adrd kiss to trWlf PIL . ad gars kiss ono to take. nts east day, b. bought soon for bieself. Cad both ` rad feu wife have derived groat beasat from those." HERBERT H. MAUL*. Gin tills .re pec. a boo oe da boa., !r Sap at WI druggists. Sa ipi. .rat hot if r.ytieateJ. National Dress k CLaiieal Co. of Canada Limited, Toronto. as follows :-President, Mn. Curtis; first vier, preeidenr, Mrs. A. Taylor ; .5001141 vice president, Mrs. U. H. Neese ; secretary, Mrs. P. Gardiner ; assistant secretary, Miss M. Milne ; tre•surmr, Mrs. Isaac Brown. A num- ber of committees were appointed and the following sums of money were voted for the purposes named : $23 for the Belgian relief fund, $15 tar It ) presents for the Canadian soldiers, and 110 for the Coo/Wien base hospital at /Shoruclifre, England. Criere-u Sorest. -Sunday was anni- versary (ley in the Methodist church. acid so the preacher was Ire►. W. Rigsby, who wits formerly • much be- loved pastor ret this church, it was an assured succors. There were large congregations ac both services, te pec- ial•y at the evening envie.. It is the custom with the Presbyterian and \lrtbodist congregations herr, when anything special hi truing on in one church. tor the other to withdraw its evening service. This time St. An- drew's was closed and In conseguenre the Methodist church was crowded. Rev. Mr Rigsby is a powerful speaker and all whn heard bio were well pleased. The choir also rendered some sprci.l music, and one of the ntiecipal events was the large collection Rev. %V. D. Turner, of Si. Andrew' church. end Rev. A. McFarlane, of BayflelJ, exchanged pulpits on Sun- day As the newly appointed rec- tor e.1 Tiioity church due* not arrive until lbs fleet Sunday in November, Mr. Ler, who 1s a student of Huron College, London, Is tc oeeupy the pul- pit until that time. He is a good preacher and the people of this church are well pleased with hien. What Doctors Use for Eczema. A soothing combination of oil of wintergreen, thymol and other healing ingredients called D. 1). U. Prescrip- tion is now a favorite remedy of skin specialists for all skin diereses. 11 penetrates the pores, gives instant re. lief front the most distressing itch. Its soothing oils quickly heal the inflamed tinnier. Test its soothing effect. All drug- gists baro • generous trial bottle for only'ac. Gams and let us tell you about our money -beck guarantee offer to free you from your distress. Ask also about D. D. D. Soap. JAS. A. CAMPBELL Centre) Ding Store, (lodericb. D. D. D. is made in Caned*. W ESTFIELD. MoNnAv, Oct. 1S. Mille McLeod. of Windsor. is visiting at the home of .Mr. Wesley Farrow. Mr. Wni. Stackhouse, of Blyth, bas been visiting rslatlees here lately. Miss Vera.11oo:err• and. cou.tu, Me.• Will Hoover, of Brussels, visited friends and relatives here on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bro,vn rind daughter Edna, of Morris, visited Mrs. Brown's sister, Mn. W. H. Fa: - row. on Sunday. Mn. Miller. wife of the Rev. R. Millet, • former pastor of this circuit, bas been visiting friends in they i :i0 17 during the past week. Her youngest laughter accnmp oiled her. The Westfield choir supplied the music at en anrivereatry entertain went given in the Belgrave Methodist cbusch last Monday night. Westfield has *time good 'soloists and musicians. Several people of the neighborhood have mysteriously lost a number of fowl. As this is' something new f.tr this locality, people ase becoming alarmed and precautions are being taken. It es to he hop -d if the culprit ie caught he will be severely pun- ished, and a lesson taught that will have Inning good. KINGSBRIDGE. M0NnAT, Oct 1S. NuTEa.-Mr. Michael O'Reilly is on the sick list. We bope for his speedy recovery Private Thomas Kelly, of the 34th Battalion, London, visited here last week Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Griffin, of Goderich, spent Sun- day et the home of Mr. Joseph O'Loughlin The elf., and family of Jas. McAdams moved from (lode - rich last week and are residing on Morgan Dalton's farm on the 4th con- cession The Misses Josie Dalton and Eileen Sullivan, of Kenilworth. John Cleary, of Walton, and Jobn Callaghan, of Whitechurch. motored to Kingsbridge on Saturday evening and &petit Sunday here ..Ernest Patrick O'Breon, who bas been in the employ of Jos. P. Dalton for simnel two years, enlisted for overseas service last week at °odetrieh. The beet wishes of Pat's many Ashfield acquain- tances follow him. SAYFIELU. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 20. 1'wo SVEnniwos.-lIt le not often that our villager bas two weddings in nee day, within one hour, hat such was the ease today. • 11 oclock, at the home of Mr. John Falconer, hi. daughter Mies Margaret. wee married to Mr. Was. Omen, of horns Wane ship, and at 12 o'clock Miss ('harlot[* Stirling, youngest daughter of sero. Wm. MUrhng, was united to Mr. Hash McLaren, of Port Ellin. Rev. A. Macfarlane, of SL Andrew's chars►, Us* wemoey in Arch came. and Mrs, Ones taoadlately atter litmus" 1tNt res A.d.rieb. wirer. to I. _ _- __ .91 took the [tab ler Toronto Mr, rad Mee. MsLtea tar.Iase4 a VSI tor, wbesw [tial Reek the 5 defnrk irala 1oe T was. o, reset Mettle in Bsyf.id and wish both couples evert bagoloora • PATRIOTIC, GaavaA wbirl- w i ori oampslga 111 bdelf d tis Tran ralgar Day Brit Rale Opm hod wee earthed out w Tuesday yhe .1. i s Note the things we speak of this week reseed every ►arra b the Nilsge. U to data t $1Y base beet gsikered day uf Oda wi`h `h'' of '1O'. w °em'' This is the time Of all times to get your The IC of 'Greeter's et C nifo.s its afoot y evmfog voted Ai) IASt t lie erase ttlad, so it M bsllev,d tFati aiiid that when an tis oonw comes in ittw1U t Is. far , 5u. AUSUHN. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 20. T!° COLBORNE STORE Jobn Sturdy, of town, spent Wed- nesday with Ms talker here. Mee. A. Asquith Ls visitlag has daughter. Mn. U. Mollveen, et Wat- ford Mn. Speaks, of Southampton, and obddren are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr.. John Mole. Mrs. Wen. Dodds, of Stouffville, ie home attending the funeral of her father, Mr. James Smylie. Mr. J. B. Campbell, organiser for the Canadian Order of Punsters. Le visiting Court Dui/erne. No. 411, and ceovaesing the young oven to become members. Murry Patterson and family hoes arrived rows front their holiday silt to Paris and Brantford friends. Mr. Patterson Is again at hie poet as 1'. P. R. agent. Mr. Alt. Asquith has leftku jolo bis sou Cherries to Nova Soctia, ober* be is operating an evaporator. Apples are wore plentiful there this year than they are lu this county. DEATH 01 JAI(*$ D. Pm Y ur.- Aftet a liegering Mons, estenting over A uuwber of years, the •spirit ut James L. Smytle took Jts flight on Friday. The deceased, who had reached the great age of eighty-three years and wren mouths, had been in tailing bealth for a coustderable tin.e, but bore hie volt:. tog with great patience. 11e leaves hi. aged partner 1n lite, two daugbtet.-Mn. Wm. Dodds, of Stouffvlhe, and Mts. John C. Clark, of Auburn -and six sons - John, William. David, Joseph, George, of Star l i• y, Suk , and Bertram, of Oka River, Man. The tuuelal on Tien - day to Duugsnnon crwrtery was con- du.ted by Rev. A. Laing, the orange btethteu taking part iu the servicer. The palibearru were finery Sturdy, 31. Arenstiong, Jas. Carter and Jerry Taylor. We extend our sympathy to the betrayed ones. DUNGANNUN. \VgLNEMDAT, Oct. ). Mn. 13. J. Crawford is slitting trreuds at Gudenct. Ibis week. Bert Rivers, who is in wiltwy train- ing et London, was boti.e last Suomi y. Mr. ldett'1'teleaven moved on Mtni- day to his new borne on Russel street. The fuueral of the late David Smylie, of Auburn, took place here uu 'Tues- day. We are pleased to report . that Mr. H. M. Duty is steadily it coveting from the effect. of the recto[ tall be bad. Mr. Fred Errinas, n, of Terouto, ear of Mr. D. L+. Se riegton, cf West Wa- wanoeh, has (Misted for overseas ow - vice. Mr. and Mr.. John Graham and Mr. Rost were at Ripley on Wednesday ate tending the funeral of Me. Thos. Moore. Activity in the way of oollecting in aid of the Btitisb lied Cross fund is &heady begun and will reach a climax on Thursday, "1'ralalgsr Day." Tim W. M. S. of E..kiete church is having a tbaukotferieg meeting on Friday evening at 7.3) o'clock. A "musically iilu.trsted reading" will be given by the choir, entitled, "Day- break iD Britain." On Friday evening, Witt inst., Ers- kine church will hold its annual festi- val and eulertainnsett. An - oyster 'sapper will be served lu the basement 01 the church, after wbich a program will be retdeted in the auditorium. Talent is obtained from Wingbaw for lie occbsicn. K'nxg''s INerrl'rorg.-The Dungan- non brauch of the Women's Institute will meet in the Presbyterian church on 1'bur.da , October 2Stb. 'The tc pic, "The Duties of Men and Wo- men in the Prresat Crisis," will be taken by Mrs. R. Mcllwain. The sub- ject will be discussed and a shntt pro- gram given. Hach lady is expected to bring a quart of fruit to be sent to the Canadian soldiers in hospital. The Fele of garments for the soldiers will also be packed. All the girls who are joining the demonstration lecture class are requested to be present at Ibis meeting, when arrangements will be made as to what day each week the class will meet for the lectures. A11 girls will be welcome. J. A. MAugoou'a SALE. -There was a good att.endanoe at J. A. Mallough's sale of stock on Thursday last sod gond prices were realized. Thos. (lun- dry, of (i)derich, was the auctioneer. Following is a partial list of the .&ni- BACK- ACHE If you have Backache you have Kidney Disease. If you neglect Backache it win develop into something worse -Bright . Mi- aow or Diabetes There isnouse rubbing and doctoringTherr back. Cure rhos 1s only one kidney medkinr but it cures Backache every time-- Dodd's Sidney Iand necessaries, at the lowest prices they will be sold at this season. IWe is are walling tworld-famed La Vogue brand, silk flnisb.d, Worrill's fast dye and the best-known wearer, for only rilc. I pile. Bedford cord Velvets, from 00c to 5125, fast SKIRTS A very doe collection of black sawn and tar - funs Underskirts, a late shipment. 51.15 to $2.50. We are selling • good. heavy, Mack watered 'Doreen for Skirts, good widths, at 80c, which Is good value for 40c. VELVETS L KID GLOVES Have yo.r seen our new 51.00 Kid (Inc. "Ethel," made in Franee, though it harem English haute, every pair guaranteed, in colon, black, tan and white. "Altona," • $1.25 Olnv., name enloes, guar- anteed, none better and few as good at 11.23. Long black and white, worth *2.50, selling at 52.00. ALLOVER LACES A shipment just in. direct from the maker and fully 20 per wentlower than regular prices, IS inches wide. If In want ask to ere them. They are cheap. i WINTER UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN, MRN. BOYS, GIRLS and CHILDREN If you haven't everything you Deed to carry you through the sesaon, buy them woe. Prises are sun t.. be higher leiter nn Prices now are the same as last year, Z.% 3.ic and bac. All wool, II SSc, 81.00 and 51.25. Come here and get the best going at the prices. COATINGS Ws have a big jag of Coatings to show. Come and .ee them if you are a buyer. Prices dead right. t Printing? JOB AND COMMERCIAL the %ignat DON'T WAIT! Do It Now HAVE ,YOUR HOUSE WIRED BEFORE THE WINTER RUSH BEGINS, AND MOWER AVOID THE RUSH S All wiring done by the latest Hydro -Electric rule. S All work guaranteed. Electric repairing of all kinds promptly attended to, at rea- sonable prices. We carry a complete and up- to-date line of Electric Fixtures and Supplies: at;' all times. ROBERT TAIT EIectrilciaa ELLf'CTR7C R 4XGES and HE4TERS 4 SPBC/4LT 3- Offiee fit -JUST PHONE -House 193 NILE. WEDNESDAY, Oct, 20. Mrs. Kennedy, ' of (ioderlcn, bas been visiting friend. est Nile. Miss Beattie and Miss Bailie at- tended the teachers' comventioo at Rueter on Thursday and Friday. Next Sunday Key. C. C. Koine, of Londesboro', will occupytMetho- dist pulpits on this circuit, t, Rev. J. W. Hadley taking anniversary services at Crewe. Among the Sunday visitors at Nile were Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, Mr. and Miss Rutledge, Mr. and Mn. Sny- der, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Clinton. Nest Tuesday evening the Epworth League intends to have • debate as the subject : "Heeolved, that the boon has a greater influence in the building of character than the .chore." Weather and roads favored thea sse niversary services in Nile Metbodbe/ church last Sunday, which were war attended. Rev. J. E. Ford, of °ode - rich. preached two veer excellent sermons and geve an address in the afternoon. MOLMISVILLE. EnarADAT, Oct. 20. Preparations i being made for the annual men's inner to be bred an October 14th in the Methodist obarah, Mr. and Mn. H. Yee bays retorted from their wedding ttrlp and have en up residence Aft the groom's frm. The regular meeting of the Missies Circle will M held next Irridey after- noon at the bone of Mrs. Cos. A ter Erro bageg s BetMisto•tober 114 test =sesbsui M t1etho lassitude INN 0gnawatt to tar yang peU5lw More News of Walters & Co.'s Shoe Store (Week October 21st to 241) "FIRST AID" This price list is intended as a little "First Aid," to those who are looking for Fall Footwear, Trunks, Club Bags and Suit Cases - Read Our Ads, Watch Our Windows FOR THE LADIES One of the beet of our good Boot Salm, lace or button style., Vassar, Cleo and Lady Elgin makes, most popular shapes designed for this sea- soe. Our eats pries Per Pair ,,,. 13.69 Visit our 52.95 per palr Ladies' Shoe., on display in our store this week. RuMten 69: per pair. regular tillcc quality. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Regular $1.2.5 for 980 per pair Regular 11.50 for 11.19 per pair Regular 11.75 for 51.39 per pair Regular 12.ti) for 51.49 per pair Girls' and helps' rub. bers per 43-, 57c and 69c TRAVELLING GOODS We want you to pay a special visit to our Trunk section. Ws feature a Club Bag at 15.73 and 54.10 Nee ear Felt Shoes foe women and men. wwhhin you reed for FOR THE MEN Hart[ Shoes in but- ton or lace, new tall .tyles, regular 58.00. for 14.48 per pair. Regular 55 00 and $5.50 for 13.93 per pair Men's Shoes, $.3 73 Work 12.98 per pair Men'. knee and hip Rubber Boots just In. Mum's regular 51.10 Rubbers, on gale at 89c pee pair New Method Shea Repairing WaltersW Lass 4idw Sloan • Deal Ston Telephone No. lar Gsderick, Ontario suseouege to Jto HMcClinton Term. Cash