HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-10-21, Page 3: °IMAM 1 THE INPAINAL ONLY OENOINE OMEN HAWAIIAN MAXIE'S. ••••• as Km Order sod The Mee mho Washes His Ddes. Theameoes et Hawaii are Msgelarty pletsresque * their choke of masses. lir. liabieses. The Tidal. The Ghost. The p.a. The Man Who Weak= Rh Magda% Mira Gysese, The Weary Lia alid, The IIMIlaad of Kassala la male dell% The Great Kettle. Th. YI II ma The Atimatic Oman, The Shaw oda Peer Pusqr, Kra Turkey, Tile Teeth Hoofs% Sle all mamma that hare eiPimand la the city directory. Thiry aro often careless ot the gabs se appropriates.= of the names they take. A he...bolder as Berlanaln street. ilosolnle. Is called The Pretty Wane& (Wahine Mabel); a male he - bat was iota* dialotesed Mrs. Troy oase little girl le named Samoos; &mother. The Man; 80.50 tKokessal a boy; so are Polly Sarah. la= Peter &ad Henry An. • pretty little maid Ms been named by her fond parents The Plg Sty (Hale Pus). For mine un- known reason -Or for no reason at all -one boy Is named The Rat Eater (Kamm Cie Ole). The Rev. Dr. Coon of HawaU Polo Nosed the love of hls ddck. One rncr Mg a child was presented for baptisms whom name was given by the parents. Makin; when the ceremony was fin- ished the parents assured the doetoe that they had named the baby for him. "Butony name is not Michael." said the doetor, supposing ilikla to be alin- ed thereat. "We always bear your wife call you Mikis," answered the mother. She had mistaken Mrs. Coan's familiar "my dear" for ber husband • given name. An old servant in Dr. Wight's fam- ily at Kohala caused her graudchild to be baptised In church. The Doctor (Kankal: that was its only name. 11, way of compliment to the early physi- cians, man, children were named after tbetr drugs. as Joseph Squills, Mist Rhubarb, The Emetic, The Doctor Who Peeps In at a Door. Names uncomplimentary. or even its gusting. are willingly borne by theft cornere; others convey a pleasing and graceful sentiment Among tbe latter are the Arch of Heaven (Ka Ria Lan!). ILLNESS CHEAP IN PRAGUE. The River of Twilight (Ka Wt s Lola), The Delicate Wreath (Ka Lel ateeLtp• comparatively Few Doctors Ther& Yet The name of Ulu 0 Halani. the (mem the Fete Aro Snow. now la retirement. =sans A UV the Areording to a courtlier report, 00.Bay.-Youtb's Companion. may at least be 111 In Austria and not dread the exorbitant doctor's bill that follows. 'The city of Prague, with a popula- tion of about 000.000, has only &broil MO physicians, or ace for every 7,50C persons. A doctor charges for a day- time ralt In a middle class family only 60 colts, or 10 cents more than if the patient cans on him ID his ofike. For • night caU the doctor receives from $1.20 to $2. according to tin distance Only professors at the clinks of the two local universities charge more, re- ceiving 62 to 64 for a house can and $2 Me an =Bar fiat As In tisk country, the physicians give only prescriptions. About 100 dentists practice in Prague. The average charges are: Drawing one booth, 40 cents; (*malt filling. SO cents to $1; amalgam filth*. SO carte to $2. The annual income of them profs. - skew' men is estimated as follows: Head professor in charge of clinks, salary paid by tbe government, 61.440 to SLIM and $5,000 to $11,000 from private practice; other priffessors at clinks, salary paid by the government. 11.000, and from private practice. S4.- 000 to $10.000; general medical peso- titioner not attached to any clinic. moos to $5.500, the average Uicome of • dentist being $5.000. z , 1111W•1111 OF [MITA- TiOlil SULD 014 ?Rh IMAM 01 Mtn UNMET BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES brood or repaired. 9OLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All irs4f1ITSVL. 0"=" A. R. TAYLOR. 0111ATIIMAG. llIDIEAL piaM. GNU. HIGLIIIIIANN, OSTIC- PAM. -p-0.t 10 ersesse's sod okli adatesess. waste. Iowa& and earante di& emicea els. ear. awe and 110ss a tioi dart mow Ilmothage sad rheumatic aeaditiese. Atte- raft recamo I elibtat the halts. tallos • armee ?crime gat. Amine • =6"gotomem: say eyeshot ItY arloriallasst- •1. home ernes bissirsys. Wedassiar• C. II. R. IPURSTElit-EYE, RAIL rim liadopievy4.F.... Tett sea Aarsi tat& amli 'I Meet weatal. OBA.amesipa. ea& fai..71214 'vomits am 0. • is.. ma.stoi Ia. I maw ma. Tata/awe a. AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GIINDRY AMMON:ER; $ea C. Clederisis. An leatrwileas W mot lett at illgoal MEW will he promptly • wiled to. Iteditenee telegemea 119 LEO.U. R U. HAYS .BARRUSTICR, *i1JC1TOR.. hOTAMIT Pt. ISLIC, 8=ttertiag Beak Mesa lime= ancet. T-'--- 0.. Real =tate Loma aad t••••••••.- PROUDPOOT, MILLMAN It PROUDEOOT t IMBJUSTERs, stria:MRS. MOYASISS PUBLIC. am Mee ea the seams. eseeed Way bon Mam- We mem& tioderalt. "orate toms to leas at Immot mem W. PROUDIFOOT. !Lc. J. L. Eassolue W. Peolowrocrr. Ja. G. CAMERON K. O., BARRIE Tom aalleiter, watery atreat. thaderie& =.541-4terrtC EZAt Climes Thwaloy ot each week le oo albeit isteset esespied by Mr. . uMee Moat am• tett p.m. d QUILL= GA8litz W. LL.B., Wilt- ILI ItlarThit. attersey. estlalAce. me, Gear rraa. Meow to Moe a& lowest Yates SILACIElt, BARRISTER, SOL- Nraryius.Psblie and Cosigmeeer. 1.11111111/110E, WAIL ETC. 000 PRIVATE 'WNW TO e. Swear limentea (Meek 0-401*.Wm. APO, al 0- CAM' W R. ROBERTSON. IT . INSITRANCIACHINT. Fins rum Lesmrsure : BMW Carreeksis art America& atIteellerL anasses MID laretortor WAIL- : The Goma Amideat mot lassmaditge CorpeestkaLimas& =Leakage& raivatr , tuileareelt Mom : Tie GA and Gearestee0ompway. at rophime& owthosat come et Va- lera awl 04. Dada, Moot& 'Photo Ifs. MoKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE Di- m SUlt•NCE CO.-rarm .01 1.5110.4 .11geLese. Pies. Ileateali P.04 VkaPre& Gegirlab P. 0.. ars&-Trese.. ileaterth P. U. D. 9. MeGeegor. Ileaketh ; Joke thaeilliam R&M. Ceestasee. erntia_-Marisok ; Malcolm ; Jamie 1,..., ss Mahmerellie ; Alex. hireeblee8i,a. Selatatb.• l'are=eieresatathi foe= 11,161114=1.4.nob".....".""or RAIRLIGE LICENSES WALTEY R E. KELL, J.P.. 000111111C11. oNT. MUM Or OLARRIMIS Patent Solicitor WI. S. BAIICACN Lawyer 10111.1 am. We Proem Arsemor. ru- geaperiseee mg U.*. la- presereil tar esessei. la setae wile. leper' witness In patent mats. P11- 01110liss4 In ail amuse**. IS Ilk. Awes &rest bleetreal. Write ear hollerwalken. Brophe) Bros. GODIRICH WOMEN WHO ARE ALWAYS TIRED May Rad liqlp Ms Wear. Swett Omsk. -" 1 mast Ile *hip se peer asedisise. assieet es I get ten Aiwa sad op appe- ar Is poor seal 1 bow tbattrank, tired a het - 'getable and it Me up, gives me strength. and re- stock sae es perfect heath ask. 16k troll a great bless - log to women, end sweat speak too =ise0 it 1 take plessere in 05 10 to 000111." -Mr& Amen Cannacm. &P.D.. No. 1, Swan Creek, Miehigsa. Another flufterer Behoved. Rana. Me.- "Before taklizzeurer_ remedies I was run down, seed sod had female weakness. I took Lydia E. Plakhana's Vegetable Com- pound and used the &native Week sod And today that 1 moo an estlrely new woman, ready sad willing to do ay housework now, where before taking your medicine it was a dread. I try to impress upon the minds of all ailing women I ineet the benefits they ran derive from your medicines." - Mrs. Cn•aLgs Rows, R. F. D., No.l. Hebron, baba If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Plnkhain Med- icine Co.. (confidential ) Lynn. Masa. Your letter wit be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. WALKING FOR SPEED. Ann Aettion, Body Malaita, and the Pr•Per Log and riot Menem In starting on the track the novice should hold himself as erect as possi- ble, without, however. leaning at all beetward, tbe arms at the Odes, with the forearms in a horizontal position. at rigid angles to the part of the arms above the elbows. Ile sbould have a ClAcif -Ten.bataaced otk 1. The wale* 0.051 10 kept oo 10. 10.1. -thank' Ibis the chief secret a walk - tog fairly. Speed demob! oo two fac- tors, the length and the friamency ot the stride. Experiments prove that the length of the stride becomes greeter as the frequency Increases. Arm action should be carefully cul- tivated. Properly used, the arms seem to act as levers to lift forward the body, besides belpIng to balance It. In eaeb stride one foot should be always ou the ground and at same moment of tbe stride some part of bot li feet should be ea. the. ground simoltamosiely-that the first necessity. Second in impor- tance is to have the walk "heel and toe" -that Is, the beet of each foot should strike the ground unmistakably first and tbe toe of each foot should be the last part to leave it. Oa* should sot walk flat footed. with the hall ot tbe foot or any part except the heel obiking the ground before the heel dom. Lastly, tbe knee should be 'locked" at the end of each strid•-tbe grounded leg abould be stiff and Mot as the loose kg swings out for the next stelda--Ostini. Story ef a Dream, (Venom the medkal sharps know II all, bat let me tell what happened te ma I had a strikingly vivid dream h which 1 maw end spoke to a dead friend, and she emphasised what she maid by laytng her hand on my hair, a trick the deed girl had when living The subject of ber speech hes no vales But when I woke I could almost feel her touch still. In a day or two I no deed my hair looted queer where she touched as, and it faded until I had bur bars, almost white, acmes my red mop, just such as would be made by four fingera-Letter In New Tort Times. Messages& Rat Peaso. Pam and Fireside (tree the folk= lag recipe for homemade rat poison: D arlms castreesto le a poison whit* k small quantities Is harmless te the larger domestic anneals. but will kill eats sad aka. mix four garb of anal or Isar and sae part of barium oarimp 0510 054 plass when) the rets will and it. Or Ids ordlimary oatmeal to a stiff dent la water, with about osealghth 8. 1010 of =num carbonate Tomb, • Therra • burglar who broke into sa ash imarrs 10o 10 Parts less idestillal hf mow a a moan strip of skis tern Irma Ida ear by the brokasi efts it a shoevase. The plem of skis was IMP o seved Is s bents et oparlla, sal tt et- tol ea tea fresh sear ea the saa's left saz Oster Cessistem. "Wks I hate asgthtag te estop, my=10 bare a be MO mem! issa" 11111lia kb emir Ilk am pie. 111.10 -4101101111/41111111.141 t...ka04 IT ALL CAME FROM STRAIN AND COLD. --- Bat G. K MacDonald Found Relief in Dodds Kidney Pelts. Herrigan Corp. Halifax t'o., S S., 0:t. lath. -IMpecial.1- Atter steering for fifteen years from lame back and kidney diseaie Mr. George K. Mac- Donald, a well-known resident a this place, is telling his neighbors of the great benefit he has received from using Dods Kidney Pills. "My trouble started from • strain and & cold," Mr. MacDonald slates. "I was troubled with atiffne.e of the joints and cramp. in the muscles. Hy sleep was broken and unrefreshing, my limbs were heavy auti I had a dragging sensation across the losos. My heck ached and I suffered from rheumatism, when reeding an edver- nes:went led me to try Dodd'. Kidney Pills 1 am only' too pleased to sty that the treatment WAS ISUCC,001111. Dodd's Kidney Pills have done me a great deal of good." Illjerweee's Advice. Tbere is a story told of Biornatbroe Bjornson that, arriving at a late boor at the town of Bergen, which was en fete to receive him, he vouchsafed to the expectant people no finer worda of wisdom Oran a general recommesida- oca 10 gn to bed. Is vein tbey appealed to him for "song or sentiment" Tb. great NW mauok. saki be. gave the seine advice ondee cooditions all similar, and wbat W00 good enough tor Berlin most truf- fle* foe Bergen. Three years later. on v'bdttng the town ter the secesd time, the newt= novelist farad • sapareed city. Net • light burned in the dams/ railway sta. non. so bummers waved. no address= were read by portly berreseastmes. In vain Stamm asked for a cab. -May hare all gone to bed." was the reply. Asa 50 5.5505 remembered. [ MET QUOTATIORS OCTOBER 111 Totowa* Gabe klarket Botcher steers. c1010e..17 . Ill to 17.40 do. good 4.114 7:)o de. ineiltaa 0.40 8.40 H•labfs_ easil to choice 7.00 7.31 de. medium S.= 6.75 Butcher mem. choice 6.40 4.75 do. geed 6.60 IL 14 do. IMMIWIMIS 4.60 6.00 latch= balls. 'kolas4.25 6.76 do. good ball. 5.60 4.00 do. medium 5.00 6.66 do. rough bologna . 4.60 4.60 Traders. NO to 1.000 lbs6.= 4.76 do. bells 4.= 6.64 Stockers, 700 to 911 lbs4.50 6.44 do. med., 660 to 760 4.256.60 Cashews do. light, 600 to 660 i.v 6.60 3.76 Cutters 3.75 4.40 Milkers. ch.Ace. each. . 60.00 60.00 diarbigers 60.04 90.00 Calves. veal. choke9.00 11.00 do. medium 7.00 5.00 do. commis 6.6(r 4.00 Lambs. yesellag 7.00 7.25 Culled lambs 7.40 7.76 Buck lambs 5.00 6.60 Spring lambs 5.25 8.76 Ewe& light 6.60 6. 60 Sheep, heavy and bucks 3.00 4.60 Hoga. weighed off cars . 9.45 9.60 do fed and watered . 1 . 60 9.60 do. f.o.b. 9.45 9.25 ir 00101111111 IL IOU 8 Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the trade Eggs - Special (cartons) 5 .33 to 5 .34 Extras (*elects) . .29 .30 No. 1 straight (new laid) .27 .28 No. 2 20 .24 Better - Creamery prints, fresh.31 .32 Creamery. solids .28 .30 Dairy prints .21 .23 Bakers' .22 .23 Cheese -Large, 14%c to 16; ;wins. 14%c to 15%e. Honey -Buckwheat, barre.a, 6%c to 7c: do. tins, 7c; strained clover honeY. 60 -lb. Dna. 10li4c; do. 10 -lb. tins. 11c; do. 6-1b. tins, 11%c; comb honey. No. 1. per dozen. 52.40; do. No. 2, per dozen, 52. Poultry Live Dressed 014 fowl. Ib. .. 11c 16e llie Spring broilers Ile lie ... ... Old turkeys .. 13e 17c 17c 23c Ducklings .... 110 llo 17c 110 Turkeys ...•• • • .. 21c 22c . Toronto anal.. Markets Manitoba wheat -No. 1 northern, new crop. 51.09lake porta; No. 2 nor- thern. $1.07. immediate shipment Manitoba oata-No. 2 C.W., 4814c. America corn -No. 2 yellow, 721,4c track. lake ports. Canadian corn -No. 2 yellow, 72%c Toronto. Ontario oate-No. 2 white, new crop, 38. to 40c; No. 3 white, 37c to 39c. Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, new, 93c to 98.; sia'soleal or smutty. ac- cording to sample, l'Oe to 80c; wheat slightly tough. 116c to 90c. Peas -No. 2. $1.66 to 51.70. Barley-Oood malting barley, 63C to 56e; feed barley, 40c to 48c. Beckwbeat-716c. Rye -No. 3, 87e. " Manitoba flour -first patents, in jute. $6.76; second patents, $5.25; strong bakers, 56.05, Toronto. Ontario flour -Winter, 63 60 to 54. seaboard or Toronto freights. In bags. prompt shipment MIllfeed-Car :ots, lellvered Mon- treal freights; bran. per too. $22.00; shorts. per ton. $24; middlings, per ton. 525; good feed flour, per tag, 81.50. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle--Recelpts. 2,100 head; slow; prime steers, 59 to 59.25; shipping. $8.25 to 58.85; butchers, $4.75 to $8.50; heifers. $5.60 to $8; cows. 83.25 to 57; bulls. $4.60 to 57.26; stockers and feeders, 56.75 to 57.10; stock heifers, 55 to 55.50; fresh cows a - springers, steady. 650 to 5100 Veals-Receipts. 1200.head; ac- tive; $4 to 511.60. Hogs-Recelpts. 21,000 head; ac- tive; heavy, 58.60 to =AM; mixed. 58,40 to $8.50; yorkers. $7.75 to 58.50; pigs. $7.25 to 87.50; rougna. 17.50 to 57.65; stags. $4 to $6.75. Sheep and lambs-Recelpts 12 000 - active; lambs, 5 to 58.90; yearlings, $4.50 to 57.50; wethers. $460 to 14.76; ewes. 13 to 74; sheep. mixed. 56 to $4.25. Toronto Wholesale Fruits Plums. Can., 11 it bskt$ . 20 to $ .50 do. Green Gage .30 .60 Peaches. Can., 4 -qt !mkt .16 .30 do. 11 -qt. .30 .50 Watermelons. each .40 .60 Blueberries. 11 -qt. bskt 1.25 1 50 1 antaloopea. rase .30 .60 Pears. 11 -qt. bskt .26 .40 Drapes, 11 -qt. bskt. .15 .20 do. 11 -qt. bakt 17 .25 fipples. 11 -qt bakt .25 .36 Pears .15 75 Guarico., 11 -qt. Wart 60 .60 Cranberries, per barrel8 75 9 00 Dressed Moats Toronto wholesale houses 'are quot- ing to the retail trade as follows: Beef. hiadmearters.... 514.0S to 116.50 do. forequarters... 9.50 11.00 Carcaassa, choke .... 11.75 12.75 do. common . .... 10.25 11.26 Vials. commas 11.60 8.147 40. medium 8.60 10.50 do. prime 11 60 1410 Heavy bogs le 50 11 00 :::1s,bseakeavy 12.25 111.00 $.00 46.00 do. light 11.00 11.44 Okla( Iambs 18.60 14.64 Chimps Uee $em= Oalthe-Recelpts. 15,000; mirk= ; melee beef steers, KM to westeee stem PIM to 11.71; sal bores* $1.11 to WM; 57.76 to 121.71. sasss• Women's Handsome Coats Special showing of Women's Silk Seal, Baby Lamb and Mats Lamb Coats for dressy wear Women's Seal Coat Remarkable value in women's extra quality Silk Seal Plush, full flare skirt, shawl roller. lined throughout Special value only 11122.410 Women's Handsome Silk Seal Plush Coat made from Lister celebrated 8011 Plush, exquitit• quality Handsomely trimmed. =awl col- lier, full el .re ekirt, ailk-lined throughout. E -h. $22.00 Women's Handsome Mata Lamb Coat Women's Mats Lstub Coat, col- lar and skirt trimmed wit b opos- 3 II al for. Lined througitcrit, akar- anteed satin. s very dretiey cora in the stewed model. Price full Splendid showing in all -wool Tweed Coat, in all the latest styles at nAost moderate prices. From $10.00 to $20.00 each. st.e our coati before „busing. CHILDREN'S COATS a specialty. Silk and Wool Crepes Specisl showing 7)f Georgette Silk and Wool Crepe de Chem, in •Il the newest shades. This material is very popular for evening wear and all dressy °Celle inns. Pink, blue, lavender, light green, ivory, etc. 38 inches %side. Sp dal ta-r yaid 4110o Sweater Coats Turnbull's Coe 'I'ee Shaker -knit Sweater Coat, made from selected Australian wool, Shaker knit shawl collar. For men and isomers, all colors. This is one of our beet sellers. All sizes each $41.00 The Best Store to buy your fall and winter Underwear. TURNBULL'S, PENMAN'S, CORONA. ZENITH, etc., for men, women and children. Best values in Canadian and Scotch Wool Blankets. OLD BLEACH LINENS PERRIN•S 'GLOVES Make our Store your Store. Phone 56 Millar's Scotch Store Phone 56 Have you tried our new Bread ?- Cre-O-Malt -the tastiest in town. Nice soft crust - close -grained - made from Fleischmann's Yeast. Everybody says it is the best yet. Try a loaf. There is thorough satisfaction for those who buy our Cakes and Pastry. If you do not know how good they are, we should like you to try them. Smith Bros. Doe 014 Reliable East St. Bakery Phone 184. SAGE AND SULPHUR 1-"1:7:::=1":"' DARKENS GRAY HAIR IBrash this through faded. lifshool locks and they become dark, gicseay. youthful. air lbst Iowa its color and liras, sr * Wm§ turas gray, dull and lib - WO. asered by • lack of sulphur 1*110 bit. Oar gmaidmotber mode up • =a- tm of tbee Tea and Sulphur to keep her leeks dark and beautiful, anti thous - sands of women and.mea wbo Tapia tjaa S ven color, that beautiful dark shade of Mir which is so attractive, use only this old-time recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mixture by asking at any drug store for • 60 sent bottle of "Wystb's Sage and Sul- phur Compound" which' darkens the bar so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell it ham been applied. Be- sides, it takes off dandruff, stope scalp itching and Jelling hair. You just damprn • PpOOg. or soft brush with it and draw this thzvugh your hair, taking one small strand at • time. By morn- ing the gray hair disappears; but what didigbta the ladies with Wyeth's Sege and Sulphur is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applica- tions, it also brings back the gloss sad lustre and gives lt an appearanos 01 abeadaate. !• Welds Isabelladaughter of Mr. And lore. J. Stevens, of Stanley. was mat - 414••••••••41141041•041411410040411•••• ried at her potent.' home on Septem- ber L'ath to Hert A Cleland, of near Listowel. Ke•. C. T. Tough. uncle of tbe bride. pert( rmed the cer..m. ny and wa• aseisted by licv. D. Johnston. of Blake. Tbe young mut le will reside In Mina township. STREET LIVERY Exclusive agents SCRANTC_ COAL for Goderich and District. Any quantity beet &II Mapl ?Mahe, Mixed Wood, Hemel and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) The Very Best Place Commercial Train Take a III THE MORT RN BUNINL33 C LLEGE oW/LN DOUN UNT %Tern .-e Pt oaten oboe, offers ttowe advent : Cour.-- 11 oder prr-...*l merv of a ckerstred server.' .ot pra-tlewl eispartiowit. -; 0 PC . 000 U4 Team liar own baildIns and erWradniue In. .1ion ne•ii, Mart hawk Prmaralorr ant t'. 01 aerv iee Dessert nte ate. Eat, r sag s.y I 'ottAi0OrUe free oe roiroot C. A. FLEMING. F.( '.A., PrAneitaL 0. 0. FLEMING. Hecretary. *0.••••••••••••••••••••••• Having purchased the livery husinees of Wm. Knox, I am improving the equipment and in- tend to provide THEY RE FINE: FOR KIDDIE_ Good Horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigs All orders will receive pri.mpt and careful at- tention. TRLIPHowk No. 173 for a good turnout. By reason of the changing shape when in motion this tire cleans itself of all mud and slime. hd• '‘'.'.*ES PERFECT BREA(' If you are ever la amok what to do It is • good rale to oeSemeshis what wo abould wise en the !narrow 11,0 bad ri &see. - Lord Aveberry. Ontario's Seat Business CONS& Our Inatrownr. are petivni'v.L Papa get bob v Ideal at tent kw awl Itrbmaliten en gamed In enalttom. We are nvelclag s0. phew loos wo efteeoll meet randaata mar enter at &ay time. Seed ter esr aim amello erne and see It It learnt* pm. b. A. mot.Acin.Az. Medea T. 102 steir' N. To mu lib. does everything in Its prey" Ilse see day Is worth three.