HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-10-21, Page 1i 1 •LZTT41tVEpIT1 TiA*. 1S 1Ir M f lra Rottenaw anosanewometrometen THE STERUNGBANK 01? ✓ OODERIOH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY OC10BFR 21 1915 -w $1.00 to Jai. 1,1917 Mt Signal will beget free for , the remainder of 1916 to any new subscriber in Canada or Great Britain who pays $ t in advance for the coming year FootsilIls■& for $1.19 THE SIGNAL PRINTIIIH o0., tJilfTTZD, Puatas.mr • SAVE, Because - It is.cheaper to save and pay cash than to buy on the instalment plan. . Storm Sash and Storm Doors Made any Size or Style. Order Now, Shingles, Cement and all Planing Mill Products always in stock. GODERICH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMES BUCHANAN. pwIDENT AND MANAOIR. 'Phone 47 A. P.U. Bos 18. -REPAIR WORK -lJ Bring in your MACHINES and have them over-;. hauled by us. We are well equipped and have experienced men to do your work , GIVE US A TRIAL OUR PRICES ARE, REASONABLE TRE .J DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY CO., Ltd. EAST $TRrIItT - -+ Ca, ONT. • ■ ( Protect tib.e dependent an you by taking a policy in The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada -"Canada's on Mutual" , A. C. NISBET : : REPRESENTATIVE s -v. , GedwacA Piss( 50. P. 0. Bo. 361 ■O■ �alt�a ■0111 PUBLIC $OTICII. ANNUAL MEETING. Vader tee amended Act governing U..tfeal- tarol ser teller. t weal mlr1law mast be BOY defter the Int week 1 Neineohs oak The &osis meeting of the Oeasetee �.aAltrR ,Nal,e Society will .r th.ee M ►std w •v'oelg. rvovet.ser Ith, at t o'Ysk w meld y s adios 1. the omit beam. All members aw tequsuIyd to attend. J. P. EMIL Prodded. W. LANE, aesstery. Oaderieb. October M. MU. gilt NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tarns LOT •72 or Aga MCDONALD, LATS or T4). TOWNSHIP or Aam►,.LD I. sits eouwre or Bt.ost. Items ria. DSCEA/mo. Reason hereby give p.r*saot to R R.O.. sarliL lei tisttu 1tb...ld baring A.. l mists .el the std ♦.■ whit died em Or about the se u4 of_ X17. A. D. u1s are no ler entomb MtlI.Heade ud Yordx► of y{tiasy st.t* of the or MM. Cao teeth dealers of 1 t%aMs. paw - Ida wratiag.aind the day of the If say, biM b them. bid sbstay�y�t� tawl after mmodened he anew el W mM diMawa aMiSse tlWMd theist°. kavt.e _ eym� of wilt! IMy tea Mee re - sense and the mid writ .at be MMM for r{w amts Lb, sada de e�yerwrd, moves er of whose" cWm+ .atom shall .m Mvy iso reeAvad by them .i w date el sub dittrt.d 104. DDaana.dd this tette day of October, A. D. MM. CHARLES HARROW, I` •Nklnr ear 11 ordain MekssleawdMtwesh X.&..4. Adealal.teille •. ISA As as tis NUM ILLi($TT, TEAOHBR lute Mod tsen wrwei pober $41 Is fr. qq wssed 11w th1giel grader at 0srrva1s,y LA1l A •ale l..tllr'r, lrwemela. - ap/b 1. 140E KNIGHT, DOCTOR OF CAIRO- AOC[IOM SALES. THE TOWN COUNCIL GRANT OF ONE THOUSAND COL- LARS TO BRITISH RIO CROSS. Me. tbers of Council Also Form a OMC• vowing Committee to Secure Pri- vate Subscriptions to the Fund - Chante of Name of Baechleir Com- pany Approved -Reeve Nairn Takes His Seat. (1LRARiNG AUCTION MALI OF 1J THIRTY -i1VEBEAD OF CATTLE The regular meeting of the town council was held oh Arida evening. Councillor McOlintoii was a�t. Reeve U. A. Nairn having signed the declaration of office, Mayor Reid wel- comed him to the couoal board. A motion was passed to substitute Reeve Nairn's name on •I1 committees of which the late Reeve Elliott had been a w.mier. Mr. J. E. B.echlrr having presented a request to have the name of the Goderich Furniture Co. changed to "tbe Oot:erich Manufacturing Co.." the Mayor repos trd that he bad con- ferred with the town elicitor in the matter and he could find no legal objection N. the change proposed. The council accoidiugly granted the re- quest. A deputation from the Canadian Club way present to •.sure the coun- cil that that organization wa. willing to co-operate a itb the council in any undertaking to else funds for the British tied Cross Society. Rev. J. B. Fothec•ingbam wee the principal speaker, others present being Messrs. Geo. Porter. F. R. Hodgins, (ieo. Wil- liam* and O. L. Parsons.. 1be matter was referred to a special committee of the whole council with power to art. Tax Collector Campbell asked to have the time extended wherein rate- payers might receive the two per cent. discount on their taxes unt it November leo The ri quest was granted. The finance committee's report con- tained the following recommendations: That $4,78850 be paid on the street lighting account ; that $IM be Paid on the 1915 grant of the Alexandra hospi- tal ; that $2:0 be paid on the public library grant : that $5.O(M) be granted to the Canadian patriotic fund, the sum to be raised by the issue of de- bentures at lei per cent. for tee years J E. LINDSAY w111 *ell by public auction at Laotian'. Hotel, O..derlcb. oe Saturday. October k4b, com• mewing oaotd1 oedema +It. p : free.. god young cow+. including two to In .November. and reversal good winter alucr.. Twe.ty:Ave good before sad .neer., rear" Ong. and Iwo-yearold. Term& -Slit month+ credit will be g1♦e.pp on ferat.btng oppress.' Joint metas : a dt-eseUR a: the rote of s per cent. per aa..m .;owed for J. LINDSAY. THOS.OUNDRY, Proprietor. A .cuoseer. AUCTION MALE O1• FARM AND rAKM srtxg. EDWARD NOAKES w111 otter for sale- by publl^ auction at the premium. lot 17. _ cocc..rton 7, Ued.riah Los amble, on T.rwlay, November 4.id,191S, at 1 u okck. the touowfng t'arrt&. -tawe cow, a years obs, doe to calve March lat. mllalog; 1 tow. ride i yearn. duo w rave Juo. IS, mtikiwg: 1 oro, mini kw: l Jarery cow. dee to calve fi April. notes S roue, mlikimg 1 aged brindle cow. milting; 1 heifer, rl.hagle(r3 roam due w mire May 11th ; 1 I y 01d. doe to calve Ain 11 gee; 1 purebred) o.y better. 1 ears aid, doe to calve May 7 : i Mafwt. r year ; 1 .iter. rising t roar.; 7a�rfng raver. vy-draft (aft.. 7 Team yMra i alto net 7 mak riling r errs: Huasas.-One h old ; 1 Mud hat dela lag col.. del Dui. ; 1 Pembina.' Fresher ottAra em•k abbeg ems haat Sr,iytbing,advettimed wW bo aj11.. Mr. Noakes 4. dbro.ingef Urdu. -Ali mime stud leader, s.b ewer that sa twelve meetbs• ereiit will wen en foraa/r�leg apgsfred Joint sole.. A of a par emit. a•pw0 for omit w ame.,ts. =1=13p e.� tM� gw same time sad plass the farm. Imes lsraot.B aces, men r nes, wfll ►. oc. Vise les reser sed Md. hrtMr 00U M� on w ear 4 sola e as to the latest the 6rm n ittei H $041MS. TOC•. °USDR r. r9apitselr Alweleessr. • 1c, M. speasd.1 Iawe!•asr•t ef FOR SAia as toeldettee ":.16: N r. sm. nae. bmw n Ate M Il a. m., I to p a sed 7 tell t a OMwMNMa ins lady atteadent. tttim WAlfT$I• � AhTs'D.-GOOD SOVIMD GRAIN =Qom sees mass this la awlmisss reerri". ..• NoNTIID.-MAORI NIB'IE, LATHE T OMtPGR ATwv s LIIitTE0. WANTRD FOR R. M. is .sasmm.w OW M Jw.w syr 4441 R SAL11.-A $a I POWER des sawyer-Masrp _- . i•, Y..r.. O►~iaapdy■rM!•.�� Yew lemrd blower, w wain ace -1►im Root. D.avers, a timer rediest of Hslleu, died money at Lubbers, Cask., after a lengthy Meese, Is hi. S ol It year. . k enevlved he wife, on* see and one daeghter. M tee years d..e the family rsttine.d to the West. A..M Margneet, se daughter at 11r. and Mn of the fish o - s- saes g[ Ned at her helms there es Gasbag setae ewes woad IM.aa Ms was In her 9weay- f.urth year. Ike nurbstn. Our siuMw and ossa br1M.e na,Nn. �� TAXES, 1915 . Temente, 191.5 are new dee sod toy- ed oyet the Colk star* OMs• 1.11. Tows t.Twopomit writ paid on or beforepar November lot One per cent. by November lath. Five per tent added after January 1 pat. 1911 Payment will be Indeted apo. after Jssary lat. Pay and stet the dtaboant. These not receiving tax notice would oblige by million at Mere. WM. CAMPBELL. Collector. PUBLIC NOTICE 1 Notice is hereby given that ow- ing to the renewing of the Grand Trunk bridge on Saltford Hill, in the Town of Goderich, the said SALTFORD HILL HIGHWAY will be CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC for THREE DAYS, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 27th, 28th, 1910 The said bridge will he removed .t 7 o'clock Tuesday morning and traffic will be suspended until the new struo.- ture is erected. The public are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly. D.ted at Goderich this 18tb day of October,1915. L L. KNOX. O. A. NAIRN, Town Clerk. (Maternal of Pnbtie Works, Goderich. Ont. NOTE- - Aron t+ are being mode for beg- ggllee.. and 1 t vehlele.. /assist to rind from Goderich daring daylight. to see the old roadway to Uletillery Moe, acre.. golf link. ams Hill road at toot of V ic'orl at s.t All parch* ging UM roam will de so &t their owe slat. FOR SALE OR TO RUT _ft REEVE CHAS. A. NAIRN, who tools his seat a4 the town council on Ft id.y evening last. THE BOTS IN KHAIM,b .111, .'` , Further eeli.taraota hen for the 71.1 Battalion are J. C. Garwood. Jobe bwarts. Louis Elliott. 14)541. 1.N sup . T. F. 11.11. John Vickers. AU of three are Goderich men rze.pt Vickers, who is • son of Mr. and Mrs. tiamuel Vickers. of Colborne lOWO- ship. !Swarts i. the younger son cf Mn. E. R. Swarts, of the British Ki- ebange hotel. Kell is a son of Bugler Geo. Kell. who is now in Europe with lbs lbtb Battalion. Letson and B1li Rt are the only married men u the six. Tbe latter is a .on of ex -Councillor Frank B•li.tt' Oerre..d. Swarts and Elliuu I -ft y.•.:.-rdey f r Loudon. Patrick l'ramp-tr a- nd William 1». - hr w have . oho rd at Brut/eels for the 71'.5 battsL'. n. Major Do1Jop is how at London. but will probably spend aLe next few asontb. st !Clot hod training hie cout- pany. 1' was Sret intended that he should co•uuiatd the company being -debentures to be paid in ten equal recruited Ingo Huron arid Bruce roun- annual instalments of combined prin- Dee, but oefete. t arrangemeues bac. purees, S1,t1143.iN; totjtl, 112.068.III. The cipal and interest ; that one year's 0190. been made and he is now in ram- fultowiug were tile expenditures iotereet at tbe rodeo( Bye per cent. be .hind of the company' revs tilted frcan Ment to head i }fire, $101.11 ; spent in paid on private funds loaned for local Perth coon• y w h ch will to stationed i St t. d It d P h K t P'r i1,lAN.1S , swim Mg a oommiseio• as It..eement, and Hobert le a member of the Qttesm'e Uni- versity Battery at Kingston. The Carey family is certaloly doang its share. Leslie Inkster, son of Capt. Ju. Inkster of town. has enlisted with the signalling corps of 'the Quern's Own. Toronto. He bad been eogaged in the Hudson's Bay Company store at Leth- bridge, and his associates in the store tendered him a banquet and presented him with • gold watch. Leslie's brother Charles is with the Boitisb Croups at the Datdaoellee. Mr. James W. M•cVlcar, son of Mr. James MscViear, of town, has enlisted with the Mounted Rides at Calgary. RED CROSS WORK. Annual Mettle' of the Locpl Society on Monday Evening. The annual meeting cf I he Goderich branch .1.the lied Pillar Society took place in lh- rooms on North street on Monday welling. The report of the year's won k was reed. The receipts doting the peer were as follows : Life uiembeiship fees 82.5 ; annual members' fees, 8_'78 associate members' fees, $70 ; alt Other PO RENT. - A 0(1NVBNIENT 1 dwelRag. Atha rooms. with the readers emesal.mos.: near the vara. Altai net togs .1 ha roma. ApMy to H. HOME1tTR(4 , .senor VMterl.nd dt. David's .tr..u. SIM PROPERTY FOR MALI i baro hal plimsoll wit- h me for gslek .ale elm lots ow Nee Ia TUt . thorny et th . tows el .lel. Alec a teeatee let 1n .•.m ..rvey. Terms may to get 1 elated nit HIND TROIA! GUMMY. ruprove11.enta. sal M 1•.. ' .. men g prop wa urs as n •11 J a It was decided }baa the town's gnat ce will to hooked up with %Vatetlon 29 $$. ; to l.ee.ge Red Crow Inez se1 lair to the Canadian patriotic fond should count y .4)d t he ri topp..nv will be tom- ` puppI.. donated JE3. i0 expem*rs . f ociety be paid in equal monthly invt.wlmer.te mended Lp L.•t'.L Matic, of BeiI,n.d13bU; gifts lfasirsoldiers allt3a81 bury Plains, *4: total $1,5139.91. The balance on hand was (bur *482.17. After deductiug 8178.00 for member- ship fees paid in advence for the com- ing year, and to be used for the re- pertoire of the coming months, the net balance from lest year's receipts, $344 11, was rent to the head office. During the year the following articles of a total value of $3,483,25 write sett to the Toronto oR1oe : 7 bed jackets. 37 bed sock., 6 convalescent suite. 9 dreesiog gowns, 6 pairs pyjamas, 10 flannel shirts, 80 hospital nightshirts," 52 nightshirts, 6 pelts dipper., 1 Lunging robe, 18 day shirts, 8 pairs blanket►, 8 comforters, 2,929 handker. chiefs, el pillows, 577 pillowslips, 528 *beets, 764 towels, 2,8244 washcloths, 72 surgical towel'', 1 package absorbent cottob, 10,648 bandage., K trisugul.r bandages, 1,006 gauze dressings, 10,481 absorbentds, 1 patkrge .pongees, 18,482 mouttwipee, 1 pair knitted bed sock., 80 cholera belt•,2 pairs kneecapi. LT3 scarfs, 1,781 pairs socks, 217 palm little_rinds. i -h.044 4)R tsaatatM safety pips, oiad linen. 150 gauss eponym, 3boueewives, 46 personal property bags, 4 bot -water - bottle covers, 040 jar's of jam, the value of the jean not awing included in the $3,483.4;1. The thanks of the Society were given especially to Mrs. Jones -Bateman, the convener of the Britannia road branch ; Mrs. Hager, convener of the Hager blanch ; Mn. Taylor and Mrs. Wigle, the surgical supplies commit- tee ; Mrs. Eliot, Mn. Horton, Mn. Aitken, Miss Murney, Miss Swaffield, the sewing committee, and to Mts. McKim for her work in connection with the knitted goods. The thanks of the Society were al -o given to Archdeacon Jones -Bateman tor his very valuable services, espec- i.11y in organizing the scheme of wird collections. The following officers were elected for 1915.1916: Chairman, Mrs. Mac- Donald ; Met vice•chaitman, Mrs. Carrie ; second vice-chairman, Mrs. Cleo. Porter ; honorary secretary, MIs. Clifford ; assistant secretary, Mise Millar ; honorary treasurer, Dr. Holmes ; ward treasurer, Mr. A. M. Robertson ; ■dvisory committee, Rev. J. B. Fotheringhaw, Mrs. Eliot, Mrs. Horton, Judge Holt The working committees were re- elected. The regular monthly meeting fol- lowed the annual "netting. It was decided to bring to the notice of the public the following statement re- ceived from head office : '•No private uldiviJwd, or, fur. that matter, mo tootle; y. hag the right to use the em- blem of the Red Crows, without the permission of the local branch of the Red Cross Society." It was decided to grant to the working committees whatever sunt was required. The sewing committees asked for 850 ; the surgical supplies committee for $SII, end it was decided to gtaut. Mrs. McKim any amount she requires up to 11250. The meeting then adjourned. 3TUHtI)Y - In Ondrrich tnwn.blp, w. annaay, • - • (k•t.ber 17111M4.w• r•h.).ne hutted..., be - The following amounts have been lorwl woe of Mr. George W. Sturdy, Air" The R S7 rears. 1') month. and 17 day.. r'e'ceived since the Ire} publication : - Anonymous contribution, 81.70 ; Mr. GUNDRY's AUCTION SALE LIST. McKee Morrison, 82 ; Mr. J. C. Leith- - wait,, $5 ; Mr. Porte''. cheque for fall THr cruie. Oct. t - sale le of farm • •torr. rte of .8gal ) Yanng. M4 Irl, rai- fair booth net Profits. 8189.7-0 ; lir, rot+tr,. 1 V. t Wsw.esh, l+wle wt' t oelock Robert McFarlane, Lenox, Mass., 8.i ; .harp Mire Kale Watson, $1 ; Archdeacon YRIn4T. tic'. rt rlasrtng aurIion sole .t Jones -Bateman, cheque for the monthly tarn .tock. Impiemrnt•. Ann•eAaM ftrrnitnra. ward cottani on-, $276.49, divided as rte.. rat J. K Pe. Int S. Huron road. over a period of twelve inontbr, the first payment to be made on the fleet of the month immediately succeeding that in which the bomly ap sold. With this addition the finance com- mittee's report was adopted. The council then went iuto commit - FOR OR MALI OR ENT. -TSR rmeereDt.a1i bsrdteg en it, David's ag em Owvenleet ra ALO. et over 0.0.0', shoe apply to "t}!ss', street. Wim The following kbaki-clad boys were in town for the week -end : Roy Lumby. Robt. Boohoo/. Jack Harker, Ed. McDcwald, Howard 1"ounge)°, C. H. Robinsdo. Gen. Cro:►ett, Alhert Cracknell. Keith Rose. Charles tee of Ilse whole to discus the cootie- Kell, Cie.. Buggtm., W m. Btockett. bution to the British Red Cruse feed and on reasemhUng recommended that a grant of $1,IliJ los mad., the money to be ranted by drbentena issued in connection with thous for the patriotic fund. The recommendation was adopted. Mayor Raid wee appointed treasurer of the feed spa the 0000cillora were appointed captalas•of teems to makerh7let Bat taboo, and I" werl bcr eldest fur dditionlosnvwnrn (the Britiset 21sth TOC,.tnderwentaeliah(uper.tine cur sddittonal Nada for the British i so that h. might pees the 'radical Bed �� may' examination for ender rues+t. In ad - TM council than adjourned, ditaoo to thew srsi'w -" of her own family, a r•.trin-low, W'm. Walpole, SOLDIERS 4H HERE. _ of Goderieb, end toe brother, tor, brotbet.10-law and flee revel S hoe Dgmf4eti�a promo arae now is the twmtl ' in MIMMaada.sfl!sb- - Mr. Oswald F. Cony. of town. has four mons either with the .witting forces or in tea inlet/ with His Males- ty'e troops- Pbsbpp want to France 111415 the tint C euradi se eo.tiapnt a mem her of the r nailing cot pe and 'leery is with the Princess Parricia's Oanadiao L-ght Infantry in France. In these days of patriotic effort it guy be interest tog to know what one of the women of Ooder icb has given to her country. Mrs Gro. Kel1's bus - band Melt wit's the 1. h Battalion as sergeant bugler mind 4)e i5 now in the it/melees in Belgium. Recently her ..coed erns. ('barn.. enlisted with the Mayor Reid, llirj C. L. Moore. of the Danioion Road Maeblaery Oo.. and Mr. Alex. Sounds,,, of the Gode- i bob Organ Go., left on Tuesday for Ottawa. accompanied' by Mr. Jas. Bowman, M. P. for Bast Huron. to wait upon the military authorities with reference to *natters concerning this town. The two specific objects in view were to secure the billeting of some of the troops Isere for the winter and to obtain further war contrasts for the local factories.. A telegram has been received from Mayor Reid stating that the billeting of soldiers here is assurdd and that prcepects are good for further contracts. - Mr. Youngeon. of the Paget Grain Door Co., announced on Mooday evening that his company had re- ceived another order for shell -boxes. Sewing Machine or Electric Motor Free. In our advertising columns this week will be found the announcement of a unique contest which is being arranged by Mrs. L B Tape, of the Singer Store. Every purchase to the amount of 25c at the Wore will entitle the purchaser to ■ gives as to the number cf bullets in a glass jar io the window. The person gueeing the right number, or nearest the right number, will have the choice of • Singer sewing machine (value $481 4)r an electric motor entirely free of charge. In case more than one person guess the correct number, or the oewr- set number. they will be allowed to settle the matter among thett..e-MiM. The contest will close Cbrbtm•. Rev at 10 o'clock. Messrs. George Williams (manager Bank of Commies or). W. H. I Robertson and H. R. Long have con - vented W count the bnli.ts and make' the award at the close of the contest. 1 Mrs. Tape will, as usual. have on band ' r well -selected stock of fancy goods. etc.. appropriate to the season. and purchasers will receive value for every LIEUT. W. PROUDFOUT. pent they spend, whether they ■re successful in the contest or not. low 6-.n of Prnuifot t. Killoran & Prondfoot He is a memtwr of the The oyster season has opened and town •-ouncil and has been actively Blackstone** are serving the choice identified with Talons local iotetat.. "Pumy Brand" oysters fresh from the He (parr with the good wishes of the oyster beds. Orders delivered. Phone people of Gnd.rieh for his posed for - tome ill the tight for King end country. JOiNS THE 33rd. Lieut W. ProMfeot Off Tb:s Horsing to Take bits Place with the Battalion. Mr.- W. Proodfoot, j... left }hie morning for London to join the" 33rd Overseas Ba:tylion u a lieutenant. Lieut. Proudfoot is the son of Mr. Wm. Proudfoot, K. C., M.P 1'. for Oentre Huron, sed is • member of the LMOR MALI. -A MFOKTABLE i1 b...,10 geed owl', h wNoem brand tg stem Pose; wl.Nwv noHead d4.rs wed with ram a AyptF M f E saw and Dahl meet. �1J010818 TO RINT.-ON�t, (OTR TIMItArYM MO dedLLOUCIai.B�- uukNafEt / t dmla rw . wa and �BP1 On troy seder wait .iyi TO SIGNAL SUBSCRIBERS THE SIGNAL'S mailing list has been corrected this week, and subscribers are requested to examine tbe label on their paper and if it is not correct to notify this office at once. This will be an assistance to cls in keeping our list correct. i It is further req ed that subscribers in arrears .end the atnalnuts owing to this at u early a date as pne*sible. We wish to have all subttcri ion accounts settled, , nd while we do tot wish to be unnecessarily bench with any o . we must ask that arrears he paid as promptly u poaslble. a would appre- ciate it if subscribers would write promptly to this office with regard to any scatter comoerbiog tbeir subscription. Tet SIGNAL PRENTi,ro CO., LIy11TED, Oomt*rC1, ORTARIO. A' WARM WELCOME TO PTE. J. B. BROWN, RETURNED FROM THE WAR. Goderich Gives an Enthusiastic Re- ception to Her First Returned Soldier -Though Badly Crippled, Pts. Brown Is Smiling and (Mosel u I Goderich yesterday welcomed its first returned soldier from the conflict in Europe. The boys of the 01. d WW1 - meet baud receiving word in an indirect way that their former comrade, Pte. J. 14, Brown, would arrive in Ooderich by the 11.85 a. w. train, the news was spread abroad, and on abort notice a reception was arranged which turned out to he an enthusiastic and inspiring event. A great crowd of cit vol.. pupils of the vrru.ue acbtx.b, lnruiliere of the town council and the baud of the 33rd Regiment gathered a1 the railway station and the returning hero made his apprarahes •widat deafening hur- rahs. He was au ported and escorted to • waiting landau which wee gaily decorat-d with the Hags of the Empire atiJ bended by the band the procession marched is the Square end drew up before the mutt house. Addresses of welcome, lively interrpened with voci- ferous cheering, were given by Reeve Nairn lin the absenee from Iowa of Mayor Reid) and Sheriff Reynolds, president of the hand committer. Pte. Brown merely stood up in the carriage to acknowledge the tribute of the people and smilingly asked the She' iIf to ibank then for him. In the evening Pte. Brown was the' guest of honor at a supper held by the members of the 33td Regiment band at Hlack•tonr'. restaurant. Sheriff Rey- nolds presided and other nwmbers of the band eommittee, in addition to the players, were present. At the con- clusion of the supper the returned soldier gave a very interesting ac- count of his doing* since he left Gode- rich to join the first Canadian contin- gent up to the tone of his return. Though badly crippled h. is brigbtand cheerful and told his story well. He was wiih tbe Comedians in ell their important engagemento up to June 15th, when be received the severe wounds which disabled him. He was Mown up by a mine and received in- juria. to the spine 'sod hip and had four ribs brokers. �A.,l..tarr, wa period 04f htts.samahinad-lel a and event sally wee trowe- 1 to Ragland and from there sent bask to Canada. He left today to be present at a re- cruiting meeting at Berlin, Mit an- nounces his intention to return to Oodrricb and make his home bene. 53,600 for British Red Cross. Th. canvass today in aid of the Brit- ish Red Crow funds, carried on under the direction of the town council, has net with a gond response. This evert - log it is announced that the amount contributed is approximately 82,5(10., This is in addition to the grant of *Loco by the town council. If you want pore ice cream, phone or esti at Selkeld'r, Balmoral Cafe. Orders promptly delivered. Pboo. 61. BORN. LAURENCIt.-At Alexandra hospital. Osde- rich, on Sunday. October 10 h, to Mr. and Mr.t M. W. Laurance ince Vette' e daughter (Phyllis. Mary). FORB1$,-In Chicago, on October Ind, to Mr. and Mr.,. Wesley Y. Forbes. a am (Robert Prom toot i. MARRIED. D.PKUDRY-BELL"-At Knox shush uodericb, t•ctob. r rah. by Rev. George E. Hoer, H. D., Leon V .tor D-Psadry. of (ioderich.and Nettie Elia %beth, daughter of Mr.. W1111+ Hell, lioderteh. HADLEY -TAIT.-A• Tor nto, no October li.h byHcv. D. T. L Mckerroll, Oran 1. Tait, of (ioderleh. to George L. laadle), of Tnn- tan. ton. ((DERN-FAL(.ONER At the home of the bride'. father. Bain ISI, .n Wedneedwy, October 11, byHer. A. Macfarlane, Ma-. Keret dwgber of kir. John Falooner, to Mr. William McHardy Green, of Colborne town. hip. McL \REN-STIRLINO. AI Hayfield, on tt'.d..e-day. October 20, by It.., A. Mae- farl.e. Charlotte, youngest donation' of Mi. Writ. Stirling. to Mr. Hugh McLaren. of Port Elgin. DIED. our RAN.%N. At the Image of her nice,, Mtg. W. J rlr.r•y. (mk, itte, Ont , nn Wedeln". day. October 11. 51, .y Blythe .r.I'h -let of the Iw•s John M. R.caraaw,.f (.Ibmrao town-blp. Hoorn county, W her 78th year. ager -mit h. follows : 8i Patrick'* ward, 872.51 ; Mnte oaer, t. t.: . leering auction +aleof ML Georg.'. wird, 865.08 ; 8t . David's ^rases 1.1 Im lero ntw, imploding twmotl- ward. 866.50: St. Andrew'. ward, property of Frank $66.98 ; 9t. George's church, $..25 ; Gnat. Leaden read. Mosley. cash, 22c. a * • A bale sent on October 16 contained 684 absorbent pads, 43s bandages, 168 free clothe, 1.139 mouthwipee, 4 dozen hand k arch l ers. The following .donations a ac- knowledged with thanks : ViCtori• htt street church, Nino kerchiefs I used bandages : Mn. Plel•s, 3 dozen hosed - ages : Mrs. Reynolds, sr., 3 dorm knitted face cloths ; Mn. Colborne, 36 bandages. Delicious homemade eandy-nothing Meer. Tho two wordy exactly des- .ribe the oonfeetiODwy of our store. l We have Mow a large assortment of beasessiesie sandy. it M always fresh. Audios Vele- J t t4.wi...... T. 3. Seibold. Mose 64. 0 .3. w•.atse-A J. ('.tu San- w, flat 34 Cies Ing aactkm .w4e of thirty- Mad of rattle. ot Loran. Ariel. tlMertc J. 1 Ligrriv, pr.prletor Tr.solt , Nov. i - AMIy solo of fa -m and farm .rook at lot 17, re+.ee-Yoe 7 (Mderacb t.w..blp. M t>,s eeepr4ter Is Motown', of owe farm. ell t61N1.a'.-.�teck sdvetrtlesd mart be odd. taw... SES eswpeleter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Oct. 2lst. Pue Lassa' Me*Ont-0.ett3a! tesrtieekwrel11. Neuss t. Cre*1u.,. -Cherie' Senors 1 Omits& :Weirepther Yahoo -TM Lwf6..l Ahw t le.e Hewaea to Rot - W.111. Rebsetss. 1 Notice re Tams --Wm. Camploll1 Poblic No4ws-Tew..f O.00.L. 3 A.em).. Rale- allwerd Realise 1 1 .1 1