HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-10-14, Page 81 • TeoRaw t. OMNI, 11, INNS 1 SNAPSHOT ALBUMS. Aapiendid stuck u( Kodak Albano IN several diMerest styles and bindings Most of ties are Lease Leaf, which allows more wheel to be added 0 required ; full ctah, leatherette, and morroro bindings; ranging to price, Lome Leaf, fruru SOS to $0.eo l c.. cspru►ive ttQrlca, bound iq the regular way, trona SOO. to S0.. :Serial Selling Agents for Water• man's ideal Fountain Pens. Ask to see the New Waterman ideal Self -Piller, *0.50 up Porter's Perfect Fountain len, regular we, $1.04); larger, &Or, *1.50. The Colonial Ink Store (iK0. PORTKR Shake that Cough "That is the boot Cough Remedy Matt I have ever used," is the veri,ct ui •curer of those who bare a.ed Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Oil C ompoun Only 3Sc a large bottle if you buy it tr.,ni C. L. COOLTIS, Plan. DRUGGIST A1,10 CHEMiST ?HONn 19 Try a box of our home-made Chocolates for your next treat. APPLES WANTED The trndereI ped is prepared to ?jtay the highest market pricy for all grades of Fall and VW'iuter Apples. Do not soil before seeing me. 'PHONE 17S R. R. ELLIOTT (iodericb , -�_ Get After That COUGH WITH irenotar White Pine and Spruce Balsam Jas. A. Campbell PHM. B. CENTRAL DRVG STORE Corner North Mt, and !square (oderirh 11,1. tap 'PHONICS Rea. VS I: h.0 been reported amend that 1 have. Riven up the meal business. Tbls ie not correct. 1 still handle lbw Inst whit. ash Scranton coal, also Cannel real and Solvay nut coke. Your orders will receive prompt attention. Ones. C. Lie. The lawn howlers had a tournament Io ri etrh doubles oe Th.nk•giviug Day. C. A. Nairn and Robert McLean won the first prix•, with ('hes. Griffith sand Fred Hunt seemed. Toronto Globe : Mn. Alpert M. Dunham announces the engagement pf her dusghter, Blasebe, to Mr. Owen R McGillicuddy, son of flu late Iheviel end Mrs. Me(illlirudd , the marriage to take place quietly the letter part of the month. tree Seward. $tee. Tt,w rewewea of MIN p.pwr wtl 10 004.4.1 to ... I Mt Monis et MON mss dreaded Comm boo Mea awls to ,r* In .11 It, 1.a Har M s•. sink Han'. lyra►,(, ('nn ' tlMI j 1?. ewes ,e.. snows to al e I ar.r, camera Mina a wreaks ,seeks,, a ase hedesol wmw t)rlarea (tin* N takes lat.n, , .Oma tar Mese and .new. tittonewoodasamliart ea mew la Mae+Ilaeasistles wooer _ o Illaext mferdirm‘ rev as,. 7el.s. O. P1�IK ver ew.tteenea. mewl orf Int serf taw Isr. HELENA, W AWE IMLAY. OK 111. A fitment CaLL-Deatb'e NlifilMeea eaese w ith Mertfleg suddtaeam Pe a well -know. roundest of this naigbMn heed on Tuesday marring, when iSr. AISI. tuArt dropped dead la a VY me ' hie faro. while he was driving matte , settle out of the Sold. The deceased war as. of the pntmitsert men of West Wawaoosh. The funeral tease pleat 0. Saturday, at 1.80 o'ulock p.m., to IDtnegasoon cemetery. Tan Lees W. B. Ooeoox. - With deepest regret we charade the sodden Ideate of William H. (jpcdos, of et Helena. who passed away 11 his Mei dams here or. Friday, October 9th- , Sayre of death wee *beanie of the e, from which be suffered but a . few days. Mr. Ooedoo was boom in tete est 1856. on the farm or which he died, and in the vicinityof which he apart the greater part ohis life. For mese years be followed rho trade of tar and builder. Part of that p rad was spent at hie trade le Bran- don aid at Haul; Mew. Mat ie ; but moat , of it was anent in this community where he lived so much of his life, around the old home, On the death of hie father in Itttl, be took over the old homestead, sod by modern methods of fanning, usgether with constant carve and tbt ift, he made hie to be one of the model farts In this part of taw country. He was ever foremost in all movements for the progress end better- ment of the eemmenity, but his most os irtee interest was given To the • THE SI AL = CODER! chore's be loved, and be was an elder for many years of the Presbyterian church at 8t. Helens. Of en •Keep- tionally kind enol genial disparities, with a character of the strictest integ- rity, be was a favorite with all with whom he came in contact. Be never aspired to public life. although he was many timer approacbed by friends to do so. He much preferred the quieter life given to his faun and t e commun- ity in a general way, and on such special deoaaions when be could extend help, relief or sympatby to any wbo migbt be in dinner or trouble, He was •moog the oldest await err of the Lucknow ludggerof OddfeUows, it be- ing thirtsfeigbt years sine. be joined the Order. 1t wes under the auspice* of the Order that the funeral was ONTARIO eosdtteted on Monday Met. Mr. 0s. 40., was Worried In 11W to Mfr Marcia Ss/keel, daugbrer of lei Late lanae lielkeid, of bodes lob. Me leaves, t,esides his widow, three bps. there at.d four sisters: Dr. D. M. Oen 1 dot Ibis well•kaowa physician ct Lesow:Job. 1., Miaiot., Meettohs i! e� end Dr. J..ww K. M , of Ottawa ; Mrs. Saesdsre, of ala ley, Alba a ; MLea Cbrletsaa and Mee. James Inglis', of Vancouver. s.c. ; and Mra J A. Me Donald, of Brandon. Th. weeks tai made doubly sad to the !Herds, as It Ie only two Q20u, . Ideas another .lets, s Mrs. Gaunt, was buried from the sail balfetesd, The funnel wet cotduct.� by Rte.J. 8. Minoan. of Lucknow, and the large number who assn to ebvw their qct respects a.3 •apnea Weir sympathy attested to the wriest. sal regret ens h' b mance; for the dammed. The widow and the ether relatives, have the sympathy LI the entire oornstugity, Hal Johnson in "tikirts." There will be predicated at Vic- toria Opera House, Saturday matinee and ingot, titterer ldtb, aou Monday night, October letb, the best and most date comeuy, win h music, that the stage barmen in recent yeasts It is the old but ever popular "Skirts," wbicb this season has been making house records wherever it hoe been presented. it is one of the few come- dies with a wholewme and decidedly amusing plot, and is interspersed wit the WOOL cies, ming musical nuwbtss. What will you do for these? MAGNIFICENT soldiers and sailors from every part of the British Empire are laying down their lives for you and yours. Perhaps some of your own blood are amongst them. It urgent appeal has gone forth from the Marquis of Lansdowne, Presi- dent of the British Red Cross, for funds to provide medicines, appliances, comforts, and hospital equipment of all kinds to alleviate the sufferins from wounds and sickness of sailors and soldiers from all parts of the Em- pire. This appeal is endorsed by their Ma}edties, the King and 'Queen, and every British possession is setting aside, by official proclamation "OurDay" For Sailors 0 and Soldiers , as a day of public giving to aid in this splendid cause which stands in severe need of assistance owing to the tremendous demands upon Red Cross work. Ontario'suo Q to is set at $500,000 We can and will raise this amount as a token that Ontario feels for our wounded heroes and will not see them languish in their pain and suffer ing for the want of medical and other comforts. Do your part and make "Our Day for Sailors and Soldiers" a tremendous success in your locality. "We shall be truly grateful to y0ta for assistant in relieving the a•!ferutss of oar wounded soldiers mod sailors from all parts of the 1.Ida%OWree, President iriri.A Nei Crow Seeeeep. 21 "Thu is the first appeal of the Motherland to Canadians in this present war. It calls upon oar humanity as well as ow loyalty." John S. Hendrie, LJetat. i eme.rw*r e/ Oseseiw Give to the Red Cross Every cent collected floes to British Red Cross head- quarters, where it is officially and wisely spent No money is wasted in expenses, even this advertising space is donated by the publishers. Give a day's pay. Do your part. Gina liberally and loyallGive. because these brave ones -oarlors and lives for us. Collectors on to 21 �olicit r sub- scription -or sake it through your Mayor or Rome. Contributions to this fund will be received any day next week at the Town Hall, Goderich. Cheques, orders, etc., may be made payable to C. A. Reid, Mayor. The Town Hail will be open all day Tuesday, Wednesday sad There& , Oct. 19, 20 and 21. • SIMMNINDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDGIIIIOIIIIIIIIDOIIIIIIIINIIRIOIINNIIIIIIPOIV reilirtliiliiliiiitbtbitiWNrWJiilitliiliWil:1 iili0040ilbiliiliWibibibilidiililla i some Very Attractive MILLINERY fUST opened up this week some new Millinery • that is really decidedly attractive. There are new shapes that reflect the very latest New York styles iand some beautiful trimmings in Ostrich effects that aare decidedly scarce at the present time. We there very fortunate in securing this lot and Saturday will be able to show you something- just a little different i from styles that have been shown curlier in the season. Fashion's Favored Shades African Brows, Russian Green and Navy Blue These are fashion's favored shades in Suiting.' and Drees Materials this season. Shipments just received enable us to show an &assortment of these popular tvlotiogs the equal of those of forager seasons. Already the great scarcity of materials and nice colorings caused by the war is being felt and it le hard to find desirable shades and mater- iels. You can select a fall costume front this splendid showing ata very moderate cost. Navy Nue materials for dresses or suits, Goo 10 53.00 per yard. African brown materials for dresses or suits, 700 to $3.00 per yard. Russian green materials for dresses or suits, 700 to *2.50 per yard. A Splendid Cloaking at $1.50 .At this price we are showing a spleridil ' neatert) for children's and misses' Coats. It i, ahwlutely all wool, soft weave, and will give ex- cellent wear. Comes in all the popular colorings, including navy blue and black. Makes a'good, stylish, serviceable Coat. Price per yard only *1.50. Ladies' Tailored Suits Ladies' tailored Suite. made from good quality ashes linedwithwith silk. cut and mweaves. The todelled ms in y the season's beet style,, workmanship of the highest order, material all wool and colo, inert guaranteed. Suits that have style and appearance, that will wear well and retain their shape. Blacks, navy, brown and green, and special values at *15.00, *15.5o and 1=05.00. BLACK FOX the Season's Popular Fur No matter what kind of Furs we buy or where they are b►ugbt they are selected Nnt and fore- most for their good qualities. The finest Fox Furs (obtainable are Northern ('anadito skin?, We show sonic very handsome Muffs and Neckpieces made from Ant choice skins and dyed by the best dyers in the world. They are Fora that are sure tc give satisfactioo. We are shoeing some very handsome Stoles. and Muffs in tbi,,mos1 popular Fur. They are all new and correct in style and we are *dung to match values against any. We can give you Black Fox torts at from $55.00 and give you handsome sets to Black Lynx at very little more money. If you do not care to go the price of either a For or Lynx we have Black Wolf p'eees that are really handsome, and come at a good deal hese money. When roll have Fur buying to do, see what you can do here. The Quality of These New Linoleums is -"Good" They tee imported by ourselves direct from one of lantern's pest makers. The patterns are all new and the stock ftedb, but thoroughly seasoned. Linoleum prices are advent -log by leapt and bounds and some of the largest mills to Rogtand and Scotland have had to shut down simply i••csuse they cannot get the lute, wbirh ie the foundation of the Liuoleutn This big sb,p- ment just to bard is the last we will be aide to get for a long time at anything near former prices. if you are thinking at all of buying Linoleum we strongly recommeod you to do it now. Twenty patterns here to choose from. Qualities thorough - y reliable. Laid by an expert. Per square yarn See and 00e. We upholster and re -finish furniture We re-cover umbrellas Hodgens Bros. Direct Importers - Goderich, n�i Direct Importers - Ont. 111111/11=1 111111111111, IMO We make window shades to order ONTARIO RAILWAY BOARD'S REPORT ON O.W.S. RAILWAY ceatlas.d from same These aseate are fully described In Mr. Middlemist's report, and correcting it in the light of informationsubeequent- ly obtained Dont Mr. MaeEwan and other witnesses, they may be sum- marized aa follows, premising tbat tau rlgbt-of-way las been fully paid for, except as to seven parcels in the toWAs+ ship of AlbfieM, and five parcels In the township of Huron, for most of which the Company bolds options. and which Mr. MacEwen estimates may be pur- chased for 11,178. Right-of-way tactual pur- chase price as given by Mr. MacKwa.l $ 0,777 06 Value of works executed, as estimated by Mr. Middle - rasa deducting $1,723, his estimate of cost of right-of-way. . 216,070 00 Engineering, 3 per cent10,753 91► Materials 43,413 75 $270,021 21 From Mr. Middlemiat'• estimate of the vales the Board deducte the a1- lowssos o(1514,1441 profit -computed at the rate of 15 per cent. epos the value of the wont dorm- as In view of the provision Is the Railway Act above referred to, so profit is permissible to The Hamm Construction Ucmpasy. v1. -Teti LIAitLrerea or Tttt (Y)MrANv, (1) To the Pabic. Monde issued by the Company and gdarostoed by the ayprpQlioysts, dated let May, 19111. sad payable or lit May. it101, wlth Interest in the meantime at five per east. per swum, payable bait - learl os the let d Jesuitry and the et of July In each year, and amend by ma ma`es se re ea the Companye emie Bonds Noe. 601 to his iron i� p� tea iii a ywkh is lgibpoe�s and and seaatsu5i by mortgage so sus OathPreva ahlo , and alatinal the Stee Wages at M,. &ism& OM (Is MSI-'usy Other ed wets estimated by Masiwew p,011. Keno -•,ay *1.10 Mtbsrammel+a Alehs.g# this new& et the Ana posy show that stock to the haw et . MO.was bread to Mayes s hh '. four aa.ociates as above meotinoed, and that stock to the extent of ji70,000 was issued to the Huron Construction Company, it is clear that no real liabil- 01 ity teens under tbia bead, as nothing. value was paid or Risen for the stock, end the contract with the Huron Construction Company is voi as in breach of the Railway Act. T was the view taken by the Legi,lati Assembly wben the Act was passed i 1913, vesting the franchise and pro arty of the Company, in Mr. Thomas 9totbers In trust for the applicants subject to the rights of the creditor And bondholders of the Company. ' It. -SUMMARY OF CONCLOBIONS. (al That John W. Moyes, by the false and fraudulent representation that SjAtl00 bad been paid in to tb Douti.TToofat Bank, Toronto, on &neon) of the capflal tock, procured the On taario West 8 e Railway Company o be permanently organized. (h) That no permanent capital was contributed to the undertaking beyond the proceeds of the sale of the bonds guaranteed by the applicants ; et - though fifteru of the unguaranteed bonds of the par value of $13,000 ap- pear to have been taken by, the Prn- vincisl Steel Company in part pay• went of rails. (cl That John W. Moyes, 10 breach of tee Ontario Railway Aet, procured a oolour.ble &greasiest for Ibe eon - *traction of the railway, to he entered into between the Iiaiiwa Oompeq and the so -ratted Herren �struction Company, which latter was in fact Jolts W. Moyee. id1 That by procuring to he issued taw and fraudulent progress eerti. iohn W. Moyle withdrew from t reroute Oeseral Truett Cor- povwtios the premeds of the sale of the hoods guaranteed by the appli. cants, an►ounti , with interest, to the sumo JF, *54 Vaoghaa M. •. the Railway Company'* eetgleser, by hie grow tsegligene'e tied breads of ant y, tiled sed aloha* Mayes to his 1rasdelest aka �t amiss to the hast that no of el Um Company's Whim were kap, and that many consist of the right of way lwhlch for the entire distance, except for some twelve parcels, has been acquired), and construction work and material, all which, according to the corrected valuation of Mr. Middlemist, (', E., is worth $2761121.21. , ig) Tbat all the liabilities of ,the Th i Company known to the Board are the vs, bonds guaranteed by tete applicants of n1 a par value of $1110,000, and a parcel of re unguaranteed bonds of the par value of $13,000, both of wbicb are securest e Iby a mortgage nn all the Company•, undertaking, and besides these there LIP outstanding unsecured account, amounting to some rte' Ota) 180.1 D. 1M. Mt -Newts. Chairman. (8gd.1 A.B. iNORAM, Vice-chairman. (Kgd.) H. W. It !Trawl, Commissioner, t SHE SOON GAINED FORTY POUNDS. Dame Bouchard Found New Health is Dodd's Kelsey Pills vis far parva me w Wiwi,, s' new�d wow report with et aet� hew umbel the am.srnt so fraud- ulently wItbdrswn by Moyne w. Cativ �j thid(sseab M els., ll. eeseaat Ihdsds g a1 rtnl' Ism were apple/ to �r� far• 1. wa110 w K" ws� MEAN on 14:eaa 1St - s1Mid le vailwsy tThat them b eft th Oewpsay Portneuf, Hamilton Cove, Saguenay Co., Que., ort, 11th.-(Rpecial.p-Per- fectl cured by the use of bodd's Kid- ney �lle, Dame Rene Bouchard, well known and highly respected her,, is advising all bee friends who suffer from kidney disease to ass Dodd', Kidney Pills, "When 1 cnmmeaced to tate Dodd', Kidney Pills t was so run down i noir I weighed eighty pound.," assd states.Demos oxo,BenIn ' oma • took four ho:» In ail, but they brought mo hack to health nd now i weigh one hundred sad eet what Mandan You e.7 PeWleb .Sidney Pollsi oneyou wishwoshave d'wonders for Dodeor see." V A k of troubleaim is athing that ssiety seldom shoat weight. The London Advertiser THREE EDITIONS Mesa, GEvan*tt'estc, a Ontario's Daily �i 'I the News all the rime 4, by mel, say -dittos, IN me tow ( in:16 e. Dirk. Lairs Adorn r i 1