HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-10-14, Page 3THE ORISINAL AND ONLY GENUINE •1W•Bs o>r IIRTA- TION8 SOLD ON TSB ILEitITS Oh LINIIENT IINIED'S BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. SOLD LETTERING non LEATHER GOODS All eider. yeirt 1 -atm to se Yavios ham at Tei tlla. Al.. A. E. TAYLOR S R*IPO D. a[DICAL STILI NEAR BELGRADE German Drive in Serbia Meets Stubborn Resistance. Sfe >keesey Al. IllBlgering With Hstge Artillery at the AdveNe Use of Serbian Defences, bet Have Not pone Isee Tooth With Main Body of the Defeoderw- Belgrade I:vo ateL LONDON. Oct- 13. -The Aastro- German armies which. with the help of their giant 305 -millimetre guar. crossed the Denube and Save Riven and occupied Belgrade. are meet.* with stubborn resistance at the Ser- bian adv*nee deism**. but have set yet come In contact with the main Serbian forces. The German omclal report chronicles the tact that at- tacks aro proceeding. but makes no claim of aa advance. The annouoee- ment adds that the crossing of the Danube by the invading forces has been completed. The Havas Agency correspondent at Nish reports that the combat on the Serbian front Is very sanguinary, and that the losses on bath sides are enormous, particularly In omcers. The abandonment of tbe defence of Belgrade has given the enemy no ad- vantage from a military standpoint. 1t 1s pointed nal, as the garrison escaped to secured positions to the south. Reports of preliminary engage- ments on the Serbian border have been ree.eited from Berlin and Nish. The latter, which was in the nature of a despatch to the Serbian Lege- ammems �R. 01110. HPILEMANN, of T1- tion, says: V AA es, amis.py is wesisst s d i "On the northern frontier the enemy has crossed the S.re at Yarak, mean. see t Aed de. at the Isle of Procreate. and at Za- mbia remote' without the kali. [Naos u , tree. opposite (»t! utnitia, and the resldsacet curvet ht4.06 sad tit- Atstltwtr's Danube. at the (heat Island of Sig - AL home *fee Meadys. Wedswedses Balla, and at Ram.sod los y.;a.y treaded tea apptM>�• rons. J. R. Irt11RBTER-ETE, EAB. sad throat sIW. Besseweerrist1es,% ak Qphtbanets Gad ural Iastlt.W. .n�id�aalr..e. �Zar Nsad eewest&&ylbnai Heepltai. istaLed Weed l/ E W r. M•+M, (fit 41, epe,sslte Koos Chess. Street, /. a tl�a.3b4p m.. Ttoppsa TiYp.eas. AUCTIOMsiL fillM ltOhe UUNDRY ii AL'CT1t)NIZR; br 1•tt tat IBcam daal trwin117, Uelorick. All es p • imaged te. lessee ee ma'am. 1.19 LEGAL "The advance guard which crossed at the Belgrade 1ortreas bas been partly captured ant: partly destroyed. At Yank and tbo Isle of Prograskt. atter several fierce attacks the enemy has been pinned to the very brink of the river wttk no losses to us. At the other crossing points the struggle continues. "At Belgrade two omcers and over 100 soldiers were captured. of whom etgbteen were from the 204th Infan- try Regiment of the 43rd German Division. Among the captured were also soldiers of a Prussian brigade (belonging to the Fifteenth Army - - . Corps. who came here from the Ital- ian front." a' E1L Allied fleets already are reported u. C. RAio 11►off Bulgarian ports In the Aegean 13ARRlaTSr,LiCITOR. htyrARY and Black Seas, and, in view of the Yl nut . iCIL. possibility of a Russian landing on tialce-ghll leek Btask. Hamllto0 82eat. the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. It U te.s.rtee. Taspeme el stated that a Turkish army is being Baal g -1.t. Las• end Iasmeass' sent there. so that the Bulgar. will PRUUDFOOT. KLLWRLN A not be called upon to fight their old PBQpDvoOT tricods Gad prpteetotl. What alsistanee Italy will lend hlr /A*R1ITERa SOWCITURn. NOTARIES dies in the new vesture forced upon PCIOLIC. ETC• them in the Balkans is not disclosed, DOW the , aimed dolt tram Ham nor has any change In the policy of Mrs anat. Roumania been annousee' rMvete teala to leas at lowest ram The German press suggests that W. ps'ot°r°°r' E't'' l I' O� the Allies, despite the landing of N'. 1'sovoroov. Ja troops in Salosiki, are preparing for more energetic operations against Turkey 1n the hope of smashing her before Germr.nle -assistance arrives, and that Italy may take Bart in these operations. There stall are three months or good weather ahead for any sew move against the Dardan- elles or for operations in other parts of the Aegean district. while the Rus- sians tinder Grand Duke Nicholas are expected to torte matters In the Cell - castes and the British to push alma to Bagdad. THE SIGNAL : GODERTCH : ONTARIO WOMAN suFFERm TEN YEARS From Female OIs - Restored to Health by Lydia EL Piakham's Vegetable Bstt•y11M, N. S., Capasds. - "I doctored for tea years for female trosbim and did .oe get well I read in the paper about Lydia E. !lithium's Vegetable Compound and decided to try it. I write sow to tell you tbat I am cured Yoe eaa publish my letter as • testimonial." - Mrs. fluvial' BASINS, Belleville, Nov. Scotia, Canada.. Another Wonsan Recovers. Auburn, N. Y.-" 1 suffered from n ervousness for ten years, and had such organic pains that sometimes I would lie in bed four days at • time, could not eat or sleep Gad did not want anyone to talk to me or bother me at all. Sometimes I would suffer for seven hours at • time. Different doctors did the beat tbey could for me until four months ago I began giving,Lydta E. Pinkbam'a Vegetable Compound a trial and now I am in good health." -Mr,. WILLIAM H. Giu.,No. 16 Pleasant Street, Auburn, New York. The above are only two of the thou- sands of grateful letters which are con- stantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which show clearly what great things Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable. Coin - pound does for those who suffer from woman's ills. it yen wast ape - dal advice write t0 Lydia E. flakkam Medlelse Co.'coafi- deatlal iLy.n,Iass. Te.r letter will be opened, read and answered by a we - etas a.d held 1■ strict con/dense. 0. CAMERON. 1L. 0.. B.ABBIIB Tia, salIde r. meter, vel as Whim nYeet, teedsAen. Wel deer fee At Cbnteo TsendeY ..1 each weenie � tor mr. . Loin m aemur�a.aR tea pea illalitt UA 4I WW. LL.B., MAW es IBumi tales *Ma �MEAUER. BAEai$TSB. BOL . kits., Nota., Pablis sal (loave,aasst. 're►--t.'ourt Moues. leed.e6ah. 01 IJSURANCE, LOANS. NTC. PRIVATE VUMD TU O000 teas. Avow to M. . CAM �(�(t A • grrd.ar Basta= esrest. ase rlsa. w R. ROBERTSON. • uwvzA$C3 ACINNT. tttmn a1I. Leseralae t labbla C•aaetaa and AmseltasAgenisseel sm este Luau. OM: 71Mi thetas anudee O of Lenise. aed see. Ifieciur..sa O user a *beam : U.M. Oi ase t mild .srttseesti ffeemistes�it Neese of 71e- testa Imdist. sad lis. Davide •Gama,'Phone 1,1 M0RILLO ' MUTUAL FISH tN- /ORAMCE Or-P.res wed belated' t,we •issde.th P. . E es.-T'ea• az D. .Ydit+der. S.martb; ham p�wf►krm�1J��ds �,..��rerr MEMO; Matsdat Agitate :717w -1r, ee. Adel. I tq1,, CU.an : 3Mt- Bas=s•V ■ttl.ahtYp. asuls• 0.�t � , kbl.g ere.SI. er at IL C.n's Ore..ry. dames. cheat. eedd•W' ILAILILIAGS LIMB= WALTER otiE`lticM, ollir.P,. MUER OW suumukas L1oIMINI . P.lewt BNIOMr •- WI. S. BA6000[, Imw9+• MAI sed lteg'd Patent Ateere.y. 571 -es-gerlwmtwsed. Tr U.e. ade is art lwww040 sad milady ;irogrldeXisr.,sl w is went me.. CHICAGO. Oct. IL --Progress of the Teutonic edema* reward to Darda- nellee had • diatom* affect here today as an l.fuenee tending to 1111 the price of wheat. After ■O almost continuos, upward movement, the market closed nervous, 1e to iel(o higher. with De- cember at 81.04% to 11.00. Gad May at 11.04 to $1.H%. Other leading staple,. [e0. aU showed galas-Oorn. %c to Beet oats, Se to 14 and. provisions, 10. to 46c - TORONTO ORAIM MARKET. 1.11 wheat. heals M 06 to en 14 Pall wheat. •'nutty0 46 • it Goose when t. bash.....: 0 M Berney, Med Battey, maltletg, barn- 4 u .... Oats, old. trunk 0 41 0 . Cats' nme, bush 0 70 0 44 4 Rye, bushel ... TORONTO DAIRY MARKET. Butter, creamer/.0 o Butter, cepara*0r, dairy 21 MO eolld•. 0 3300 o•i11 *des.Butter, cemetery. otem .p . bin ib0 15 0 14 Honey. b - rte' 0 10 0 11 Hqpoy , eu .. HoDey, comb. bonen 1 40 100 GRAIN AND PRODUCa. TORONTO, Oct. 11. -The Board of Trade official market quotations: Manitoba Wheat (Now Crop.) No. 1 northern, 11.03%. track. lake Parts. Ports. immediaten •hipmenl' track, lake Manitoba Oats. No, 3 C.W.. 4e14c. track. lake porta. American Cern. No. 2 yelltre. IN. track. lake ports. Canadian Corn. 240. 2 yetlow. 69c, track, Toronto. Ontario Oats 1New Crep.) No 2 white. 3:c th 3$c, according to freights ouWde. No. 3 white. 35c to 37c, according to fro:shtt outside • Corumerelal :.ata. 22c to 34c. Ontario Wheat. No. 2. winter, per ear lot. 110c to Plc, according to freights outside. Wheat. ',lightly tough. Inc to 89e. The time to advertise is when you went bu.inees: the lime to .top is when you are ready to step amide and give the other fellow a chance. Elderly lady ( to won Innen who hes given her his seat in the train) -"Ob, thank you very much." %Vwkman- "Ob, that's nothing at all, Miss. Many men get up when the lady is pretty, but it never make. any differ- eLee to me." P BLEW UCULVERT. British OMeer Performed Cnpsral- Ieied Feat fa Sea of Marmora. LONDON, Oct. 12. -How Lieut. d'Oyly Hughes. attached to a British submarine operating in the Sea of Marmon, swam from the craft, push- ing ahead of him • raft bearing ex- plosives with which he made a breach in the Turkish - railway skirting the beach, 1s related In an official report given out in London. The state- ment, chronicling perhaps the strangest experience that has befallen say man during this war, says: "HU weapons consisted of an auto- matic service revolver and a'haryen- .d bayonet. He also carried an elec- tric torch and a whistle. The cliffs proved unsralable at the first point 11 landing. He, therefore. relauneh- .d his raft U11 a less precipitous spot was reached, and atter a swift climb and a considerable march be reached the railway." Having blown up the bridge and summoned the submarine, the Lieu- tenant swam out to sea. However, on sighting the submarine, be mis- took 1t for a group of Turklab row- boats, whereupon be swam towards shore and began to ascend the cliff 1a the hope of hiding He then discov- ered Ms mistake and again entered the water Subsequently when he rescued by the was o* the verge of exhaustion - ittpert witness In patent suits, Pat- ents etsielnMd to Mt .ettsahl's. 99 o4 Arose Wrest Moatrwal• Write err Lanweelea. elelleiteeatelheatte Brophe) Bros. OODRBiOH lee Ladies Femoral Directors sad Embalmers Or euotoly .tesBdd to as .ill howl% Bight et day. F KICK NNIS USE SALTS [OR KIDN[YS t isinsist It Lisps Rd Illi Mai ar Raider loam yos-feat farms ark amid. or smutty,°Me to OOc, accord - Ing to sample. Pus. No. 2. nominal. ter car lot. $1.40 it Su. Barley. Onod maltIni b.,tley. S'' -c to 54c; feel barley. Pic to tie. But kw4taat. Nontinat, car lute. 75c. Rye. No. 2 nominal, 67c: tough 75c. according t,. sample. Manitoba lMur. P.rst patents, In jute bats. $3.75, To- ronto. Second patents. In Nate bags. 15.25. To- ronto Strong bakers'. In Jute bags, 15.05. To- ronto. Generic Flour (New.) Winter. 90 per cent. patents, $3.110, ma - beard. or Toronto freights in bag,. prompt shipment. MIItfeed--Car Lots (Delivered.) Bran. per ton. 822. Montreal frelghte: shorts, per ton. $24: middlings. per ton, 1125: good feed flour. per bag. 11.50. ay. No. 1, per ton. 116 to 617.50. track. To- ronto. o- ronto. No. 2, per ton, 115 to 114. track. To - route. wiw,IIPF7fi GRAIiN MARKET. WINNIPDn. Oct. 11. Tho the grate exchange was officially closed there was a great amount of business done on the euro. The market was a broadly bull one throe:an the morning. The first curb bid on Winnipeg Oct. was 93%G. and dur- ing the morning It sold up to 911%c to 14c. The strength was due to a Jump In cables and in active demand. Cash quotations' No. 1- northern. 971(e; No. 2 do.. 95%e; No. 3 do.. 031(c; No. 4, Sic to rye. ISe to Mast lacks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and dioggad sad wad a fusing oemaioeally, else we iave backache and dull misery in the kid.ey rdgios, severs headaches, rheu- matid twinges. torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and ell aorta of bladder dile niers. You simply must keep your kidneys •rtiv• and clean, and the moment you •cl an ache or pain in the kidney eg:on, get about four ounces of Jad a:la from .ay good ga drug store here. eke • tablespoonful In • glass of water before breakfast for a few days mid tour kidneys will then act tine. This lamous salts is made from the acid of grapm and lemon juice, combined with lithi', and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids is tie urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive: makes a delightful effer•ve.eaet litbia- water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, tons avoiding serious eomplieattoaa A well-known toed druggist says k. sella Iota of Jad Salta to folks who bellows is overmeils( kidney trouble while it is only trouble. Math British M.P. teases His 10e. NigW TORR, Ott.�� Hill cable to The Herald says lingdon has lost his eldest sus and beer by the Beeth of Second Lieutenant the Hon. Charles T. MITI, wbo was killed In action In trance on Wednesday. Mr. M111. who was 1n his twenty-ninth year. was a member et Parliament for Bridge. aid the sixth member of Parliament to lose his lib Is the war. Oats -Ne. 1 C.W.: 4tific; Na 1 C.W., 2914e: No. 2 C.W., 37%c. Parley. No 3. 111e. Ilex. No. 1 N.W.C., $1.43%i; Na 3 C.W.. $1.59%. CATTLE TLE ktARKE t3 IINION STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, Oct. 11. -Receipts of live stock at tbe Union Yards were 4,681 cattle. 1,38; bogs, 2,032 sheep and,lamba, and 260 calves. Butchers' cattle. Choice heavy steers at 17.75 to $11: best butchers' cattle at 37.40 to 57.00: good at 14.75 to 17.25; medium at $4.25 to 14.71: common at $6.75 to 16.36: light nears and heifers at $4.76 to 15.50; choice cows at 14.35 to 60.50: good cows at $6.76 to 15.25, medium cows at 66.50 to $6.76: common cows at 14.50 10 46.1: canne:•s and cutters at 13.35 to 44.26 light bulls at $4.10 to 14.60: heavy bulls at 16 to $6.76. Stockers end Feeders. Choice feeders. 900 lb., a1 16.50 to ,0.06; good feeders, '60 14 to 0 lbs.. at t0 to 16.50; good stockers. 700 to 500 lbs., at 116.76 to Se: stockers, 40v to 700 lbs.. at e6 to 65. S0: common stocker steers and heifers et it to $4.75. yearlings. 600 o 66 0 lbs.. et $5.75 to $0.25: 'elected red. and roans for export. all dehorned, 4tc to %c- per 1badvance on above prices. I MI1k1's and Springers. Choice dcalm milkers and springers Oto *15; a common 1100: good cows at $46 to 146. Vest Calves. Choice veal calves at 110 to 111.50: good •t $$ to $9. medium at $0.60 to 18. corn- , mon at 55.50 to $4.60. grass at 54-50 to ' 14.60, Sheep and Lambe. Light sheep at 15 to $4 35: heavy sheep at 1310 to $5: lambs at 10.25 to U.75: cull Iambs at $7 to $7.75. Neta Selects at $10 to $10.25 of oars. 19.15 red and watered and $1.50 f.o.b.: IOc U being deducted for heavy, fat hogs and thIn' for stagsfromf f prices for paidws nd 114offon 55'. cts. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. MONTREAL.. Oct 11 -At the Montreal Stock Yards. the feature of today's trad- ing was the gond demand for canning stock from the U. S. the prices for such Mock showing an increase of 2Sc per cwt. The tone of the market for iambs In Bryn et the Advance in prices week ago. Ontario lam eold •t Di 1, 11125. and Quebec. $7 50 to $7.75 per cwt. Sheep In fair demand. demwnd. Calms strong under a good and flee. of mllkfed stock were made at 6c to }e per pound. and graft fed at 5o to le. strong with price* 10c to e higher 15 he r The supply was larger. for which More eau a good demand from packers. .ad an active trade was done in 'elected lots at $10.31. and sows at $*.35. stags. 15 to 15.10 per ewt.. weigh- ed 441 care. ,anchors' cattle. ehdee. 117.50 to 17.75: do. medium. 14110 to $7 do. common. 15 tb M: t-annen. 1315 to 14.36• butebe•tt tattle. choice cows. 01.50 to 6{.71; WI"' WO' 04(13., medium. $4.5. to 10.31: do. mels, Nig to 51.W: milkers, ebolee. each. *00o 535; do eommnn and medium, each, 0 to $71•• t11 to 166: Mea sewes. 16.11 wringers.(o • buck. and MIN. H b to $5: Iamb, $1144 to M 16: hags, NT ears. $10.25: valves, $5 to 10. MAST BIJVVALO [AVE STOOL BAST ntrrvALo. Oet. 1.1.'-4 ttie-- Reeelpta 6450 heed. fiOly settee: mime steers, if to U di; M1h N: eh:eeing. $1.16 to -MI ►e5eher., Se 76 to Ie •rs. $6 to 5."rows.: rows. 13 21 te $7; boils, 4,N jto 1 7 1Nockot^kfer+.15 rs n feeders. 10 *11 M: fresh news and springer'. M 1e 110. lyego-.-Reeelpta, 14.010 lead: achy.: heavy and mixed f1 M h 11: yeeks's $1.N no to pea. $i to {••M: reelghs. 1'1.14 to 1'r. 7s : maga. 51 Se N 1 .asap and Wnb-RseMPta 11,000 treed: active and .1..dy, Me l e, le to 011: ytartln/, 1t N to $7.30; wet05. 161 N K 50. ewes. N se Mi ,asap. sing . N to 10.ta - - . An egotist is a man who thinks if be hadn't been horn people would Dave warted to know why not. "What ere you so furious about ?" "Mrs. Smith just called n,e an old cat.' "Why, you're not so old." Willie --"Pe, why Is .n after-dinner speech celled a("est?" Pa -"Because it is usually so dry, my eon." Wife -"There are so very few really good men In the world." Hubby - "Ye•, you were mighty lucky to get one." To Ince money ill le indeed often a crime ; hut to get It 111 is a worse One ; a' -d to spend it ill worst of all.- Hoak's. New gjsppelia Dssfaoyetd. PARiS, Oet. 12.-A letter from Brussels tight statesls thatl*enew tZeppelin destroyedwas destroy tho capital me September 7. The air- ship, wb11e /gbuSg a aroma triad. erashed tato a eottage and broke hi two Three &*tb 1Isees wmeved the bodies of mineral tasrb.rl or the crew to Brussels. _ . - - -- - - GILLETT'S LYE EATS DIRT" Tutnoemt. OoIOsiot 111 MU III Fall and Winter Underwear For Men, Women and Children A choice selection of Underwear suitable for the whole family. The best qualities of the following well-known makes, in Turnbull's Perfect Fitting and Cee Tee, Crescent, Velva and Zenith, Corona and Penman's. Turnbull's perfect -fitting Union Vests and Drawers, natural and white, one of our best sellers. Per gar- ment . Turnbull's women's natural wool Vests and Drawers, exceptionally good value, per gar- ments I.00 Zenith cream -white Vests and Draw- ers, elastic knit, fall weight,C a popular garment, ai each 75 Women's Vests and weight, in natural very best garment money, at each Drawers, fall and white, the for the 25C Women's all -wool Vests with low neck and short sleeves. SFecial values in out size women's Vests and Drawers. We carry the largest stock of Children's Underwear in the County. Women's Combinations, cream shade, almost all wool. This garment will give delightful satisfac- $I.50 tion. Suit ' Women's .ill -wool Cee Tee unshrink- able Combinations, made from selec- ted Australian lambs wool,,t3 a lovely garment. Suit .50 Men's Fleece-linedandTiger Brand Wool Underwear Men's heavy fleece -lined. Shirts and Men's Tiger brand ttnshrinkable heavy Drafters, extra quality wool -fleece, rib Underoetr, cream shade, all will give thorough satisfac- �OC sizes, wonderful value at, �I OO tion, all sizes, per garment per garment Turnbull's Natural Wool and Cee Tee Underwear for men and boys McCall Patterns for November now in stock Make our store your store. phone 56 Millars Scotch Store Phone 56 "W.11, John, I stn heartily ashamed of you at the wedding today." "Wh- wby, what did 1 do?" "You o u ishe d the bride many happy of the day -and she's been married three tisane already." Have you tried new Bread ?- A Cre-O-Malt -the tastiest in town. Nice soft crust - close -grained - • made from Fleischmann', Yeast. Everybody says it is the best yet. Try a loot. There is thorough satisfaction for those who buy our Cakes and Pastry. if you do not know how good they are, we should like you to try them. Smith Bros. The ON Reliable East SI. Bakery Phone 10.1. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. UODKRICH TOWNSHIP, The council meet October 4, pursuant to adjournment, with all members present. The council Ant dealt with lube matter of s weed inspector, having received • petition requiring such ac• Non at the last tneetiug, 1'teferent re- ports were received as to how other municipalities dealt with the Noxious Waco' Act, and after des considera- tion and discussion it wee moved and seconded that the clerk be weed in- spector for the balance of the present year and that the necessary bylaw be I rep+red. The clerk was instructed to take action only on ccwplaiou re- ceived in writiog tram ratepayers and to receive 25c fur each ne,•eewry no- tice issued. Any person recusing to cut weeds after briug notified of com- plaint will have same cut by.some per- son eogaaed by the weed inepector,aod expenses of .awe cbatged as taxes. The dell. was instructea'to write the Lleutenaut-Governor in reply to night letter its regard to patriotic matters', and also the Pedlar People. Ltd., i regard to overcharge on shipment of culverts. Council adjourned to meet first Monday in November at 1.31) p,w. N. W. TsgWART1IA, Clerk. •••1♦1D1♦1♦1111♦111♦1♦0 The man who does things can afford to let bis wife do the talking. Manners are the happy ways of do- ing tbiogs-each one a etroke,,t geoids or of love -now repeated and hatdened into usage. -Emerson. NEWGAT;E STREET LIVERY Having purchased the livery business of Wm. Knox, 1 am improving the equipment and in- tend to provide Good Horses Prompt Service and, Up-to-date Rigs f All orders will receive prompt and careful at- tention. Tel -Jo -nose No. 178 for . a good turnout. The Very Best Place to Take a Commercial Training is THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OW):74 *)UNi). ONT. No other Canediaw school efcr. these &dvwtatest Ener... under t»reseal eupervlsk.n of a chartered accountant. Complete pi -school depart tree t. 33 so,• c.. .1 years. Our own building end et eve Meditate Ina position 1!.•I,,.... Shorthand. I'r, paratory eel C.rill 'No tee ileperttrent -. Mot, r Gey day. t 'in Mown free on n quest. 1'. A. FLI:MIMi, i'.t'. 1.. Principal. rbrrnt.ry. CENTRAL a wo ONT... aRrrlo's Hest Business Oollegs. ser Is-eruelnr• are exp. -.len. -1. I'utils g4AMdltldeal.ttentdo*.nd emanate- ter 1111011116 1n menial.. We are receiving an 0111111/Wee we Newt meet. 'indent. may .1Qtime. e.t stay tie. Seed for onr free ,-tiff 0AsW 1111 IrLomat a yeo. OT*ATro r D. A. MobACHLAN. Prinelp.l School Shoes The time is 'here again to get your boys and girls pre pared for school. They will need:good strong, serviceable Shoes, the kind that rill stand the test in any weather. In this line we have ex- celled all past efforts and you will find at your command the most complete stock of neat, reliahle School Shoes at the Lowest Possible Prices (lar stock of Shoes for working- men hat been selected with the greatest care from the heel manufacturers and does not in- clude anything that w ill not give satisfaction. REI'AIHIN(i Geo. MacVicar N.,rth side of Square Goderlch 0 MacEvan Estate Exclusive agents. for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and 'District. Best Coal Mined. Ttrente tint baa a wen -earned re `.,tl uN n H. R. S T 0 W E der seperkw M g.4.4sd e..rtaand ed mouths Kr.a• .r.t.tsag stedtats a oboire p eltl*1new. Catalan., [tea W J. RL ecipal, f75 Tesg. 11.. Tone, and Any quantity hest all Maple Slab*, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES. Deice a rtwitdeaee teas er 4/