HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-10-14, Page 1L Printed Statioerr 11ow about your stock of Printed Stationery_Lettet- heads, Billheads, Envelopes, lite.? If you need anything in this line The Signal will be glad to receive your order. First-class Work Phone 35 icon** efIt del 20c to Jan. 1, 1916 The Signal will be sent to the address of any new sub- scriber in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of this year for 25c. To U. S. AJJTen's, 36c StXTTalIVI sfTR TLti-14e, �t i .sy Elm: gr THE STERL1N6BtNK OF CANADA th If+c SAVE, ' Because - Your children's respect for thrift will be in proportion to your own. f Storm Sash and Storm Doors Made any Sue Cr Style. Order Now. Shingles, Cement and all Planing Mill 'Prodilcts always in stock. GODERICH PLANING MiLLS, LTD. JAMES BUCHANAN, PaRMorNT AND MANAGER. 'Phone 47 A. P,U. Box 18. DUNGANNON . FAIR --REPAIR WORK Bring in your MACHINIts and. have them over- _ hauled by us. We are well equipped and have experienced men to do your work : GIVE US A TRIAL OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE TIEII DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY CO., Ltd. T MUM - + GoDEA1C11, ONT. SIU ANNUAL EVENT A SUCCESS 1N SPITE OF RAIN. Large Crowds Turn Out on Friday last and See a Good Exhibition of the Products of the District -In- teresting Track Events -Excellent Evening Program. The weather man tr:ed to put • damper on the Dungannon fair last Friday by letting loose •ane 'bowery but either the people bavr become w used to getting wet this year that they don't mind it, or the Dunge000n fair is too Lig an attraction to be spelled ley • bit of wet weal her -any- way, the people were there. Not quite In such large crowd.. as if it bad been • fine. sunny day, hue. still In geed, generous nurub's.. Tbe ezhibitios of the products of the district was up in the etaudard. The re was a wird di -play ref burses and cattle, 4043 Hui esbiiila in tbo in- doors department., @epee Tally in ladire' writ k, wee excellent. The Auburn I.rass nand supplied the music for the day. TI'. speed recuts ay.trnrled much at- tention and sreult.d ars tulluw% : r.wwesta nun. i.tet. testi W. %%,. -061 .. 1 1 1 aeN'u.s.(W. Hew. rem:.. .... . r 3! dddle L item(A. C ulbcrt aitem.... . . / 33 Mem Belt Ohl held) • ....-••$dr• Pelee. Medium ) W. teyMr►... +a dr. 2.4 cum". Royal Deader (T. Twammey) 1 1 1 Mode /lee (W. Joyn*). ... ..1 x z Lias et(i.. 1st lot) ' OMARIO, ,THURSDAY 0C10BER 14 1915 MUNICIPAL OOfi1NO1LS. E3A71T WAWAIIO3U. A special meeting 01 aite oouocil was bold on October lltbfwith all the .eambtwe peeemiL that the purpose of leg was to see what council would take is wripUoo trove to. pro ship in aid of Mie Sri Sutaet.y, In reepome to appeal for The 0. C. 1. sport.. which were amislauce now betas be people of postponed from tbe appointed field day tbe county. After •rtr«ug differ- on account of therein, were coneludea tot wartime' insam of meeting this on Tuesday last, with the ft.liowiog contingency it was Saally •odered that mutts : Reeve crated g tbia meet - are the log a sub- of ubof the tome - Red Cross G. C. 1. AFFAIRS THE aIUNAL PRINTING CO..LIMITED. reraltsaa•e G. C. 1 SPORTS Collegiate Athlete Complete Their As - teal Field Programa the Reeve immure rt trace some four or live hundred ropes f the Lieut.- Uovwt non's tategr.a that • copy of the •cies be left every tete- payer if pos.iele and that the col- lecting be left in Obi ands of the oouuculors for their motive divi- H. Currie. slow and that the oe requested Standing broad jump -U. McDonald to have their siontrlbielinns for this (gf:. 4io.) li. [mein/open,S. Brimi- wurUly ranee ready tomtit. eollectoty combo act rats rofalin girded Mae (.t Nimes) • -1 I I 1/11 f y D. t nesse .Jo•. tihel4sal.. •. • _ .1 r Hal seem (\-Rotor W kst.lyl. . 1 33 The entertainment in the ball on Friday evening bad not the usual large attendance, owing to the run, but it.11 there was a good audience Mr. W. -Bailie, prreideut of the fair board. acted as chairman. The pro- gram included numbers by Mr. J. H. Common. the well -knows oo*edia... of Toronto; Mn. King and Mies McColl, vocalists, of (ittderieb ; Mr.. Hutchi- son, elocwtioniet, of Oodericb. and Mr. Raymond Redmond, violinist, of IL Augustine. The accompanies were Mr. King. Mr. Sharpe and Vias 94 igbtm•a. Smite Cbampaoshlp• Running broad jump -D. McDonald i left. lin.). H. bucbrnan, S. Brimi• Bombe. Running hop, step and jump -D. McDonald (33ft. bin.), F'. Bnmicowlx, who will call for carne.} n'r about the 3.1001 of thio munch. VAX. PoitTER- FIILD, Clerk . ; ASHFIBLb. Moilete.O.t 11, Clair. Stranding high jump -S. Br.tuicombe eel"; moat important busineer trans- lite. iliiu t, U. MrponulJ. acted t.y the ion with etn.nctl , Running high jump -S. Brimiooinle Putting .h. t -H. Buchanan (eft. bin.), 0. G. MacEwao, S. Brimla.wbe. Hundred yard. race -U. McDonald (124 seconds), 8. Btimicombe, A. Sin - was to connection with the prclawa- lift. 9jin.), U. McDonald, A. elinclair. Sin - !jun of ice Lieutrnast (iuvrnrur of I Pole -''cult-$. Briniirc,u* Olt 34!...), Or.tarw with reterrnre to dunetiofa J. Bowie', D. McDonald, 1, g, 6, to awewei W the vppertthat the Brit- -JO Sante carr -U. McDonald ('23 Rrlly V. \. Levy. Oh Iced UrwsS,ci,ty and the Order of erronus), N. Hi iurcowlw•, 11. Currie. Elsie 31- i.rvv, 8t. J1bn o.ve maids to the whole Em- Half -wily mac• toot run affil Evrlln E UoIdtborpe, herr cur Rowney to relkee the suffer. Senior champion -D. McDonwld,'20 Verna 1. Hatuiltou, togs of our wounded snlgi is mud tail- I leen 11. Yuuug, point.: S. Bnwtcombr, 18 Duit • i Edythe filen. " ors. Tbe council io 1.I. dedcon1-' IntermediateChampiooship „ " Bred ted proclamation, dt c.drd to I Elate R. Jones. .. appeal tothesympathyPnd gratitude Running broad j imp -M. Pridbam t Irene Mitchell, R.0.4. of the whole people of „et•hti. Id for a, 115ft. 2in.), H. Powell, J. Bowler. 'Greta M..edel, freewill to this' Running hop. step and jus,D-H. I Eunice M. Ianh, 64usost wortby objet. Th. pian decided Powell (3lft. 1).a, M. Pridham. C.Clementine %Viliant% LRS, " on is to have each menthe: of theDalton. council responsiblefore rertain num- I Standing broad jump -H. Powell bee of school ►ectioea. They will ask,(7ft. Ein),.,1. Howler, C. Dalton. the trustees and prrhsps others toPole vault -J. Howler (71t. liu.l. M. make a personal canvw of their re- Pridbam, 11. Powell. r sprctive section% on 1rafa4 ar Day, 22t► yards ries-M. Bradwin (274 sec - October 21st, in order to give every onto i, H. Powell, J. Bowler. man, woman and child, L0 Ashfield a i 100 yard% race -M. Brad win 112 see- chanes to hind up a waged or relieve . and.), H. Powell, J. Bowler• the dying agony of nom, of the nobler- Running high jump -M. Bradwin men aid boy. who pep fighting' oar i(4ft. 7in.l, H. Powell, J. Bowler. betties to retain the 11114pdom won for; $laadiu& high jump -J. Bowler, H. us by our fotufatbesebe Many a bloody Powell. fight. As obie is the OMR direct tippedI Putting .bot -H. Powell (26ft. sin.). that has come to Pia bats wir Id d C Half -mile rare-Mv. . Pridham (ill. Motherland, the eoe1M11 of Aebsr is most atm Wee that .i old shall be Min.), J Bowler, H. Mueney proud of her answer to a cry Nereid. Intermediate champion -H. Powell, Undies tel the au.eYrd to SSD poicts : J. Bowler, 13 points. outnerirtion bete a eel to i jaws Championship. fore ' havion lett the tiruce%eld Methodist Ieooaeegetion without • pee or, Rev, J. E Ford, chairman of the lioderiib district, atter enquiry into the corodt- tions, has appointed Mr. O Wesley DeWitt Omens, B. A.. of London, to supply Die pulpit for the remainder AT THE G. C. 1. i of the Conferees* year. Since his graduation et the Western University Leat of Stodge's from Other Points tbaa hot May, Mr. Omens has bets preach - tog and lecturing in ted interests of lobe Upper Caned• Bible Societhe followingu • IMt of students • eon of Re.. '. He 1. \VesteyComm, from points outside (4odericb who are attending the Uoderieh Collegiate In- stitute : A,HrIRLU TOWNSHIP. J.MereditbOr•b.nt, R.R. 3,Oodericb. Harry Shackleton, R.R. 1, Dungannon. I PERSONAL MENTION. Violet Kilpatrick, '. Mb„ Jame Four is visiting at Loadoo. Irene McQuaid. Mn M,KIm M vWtJtsg retains,' mt Slalom Oeoevieve M. O'Connor. Klogsbridge. 'WM.', er a tow ...k•. .Madeline A. Sullivan, Mr J. Ar•hur qutkdland wan up from To. Joseph M. Garvey, tete corer Pipeclay. who was stationed at (Tinton a few years ago. 'Ilse sew pastor will _preach bis inaugural serwnu at. Bru a ield o0 Sundry, October 31. 6. Stettin. ie Laurier. Eleanor F. Joy, ,v.: Mi.. Manama Suint wn. hwee .tro Ta Elizabeth McKenzie, roam ter the weekend. Bernice Drennan, Mr. IUIn Bradford wee home from ('Misr! J Elmer curie for the Ttutan.i•inm holday- Violet McLennan, 1 Mr. .incl Me. J. P. Brows left y•-terday to spend ei \ern week. at Boldon e. d. Sagsuel B,adlry. Mir ar.. J.Mnatn'. of Ti now, ii -t -d re. Elmer Rt adey. late. r. here to r. few .14y. the pre.. week. Fiauk H. thee , Dungannon. Pis. Kett•. d S nit: le. 1..pendlnr, taw dart (Jordon Pearson, Port Albert. with her.i,ter, Mr-. J. W. Tarlo.. Wsktboew Beryl Johnston, R. R. 7, Lneknow. eueet. Mr J. Erne.' R ,be-t.On. of Nosut For...t, .v (OLINIRNK TOWN4HIP. ti.,t.e+t ht+ brother, Mr. i'b,.. M. it,bertroo, tb s caret. Oliver H. Kirke, R. K. 6, God'h. MM,s, N:.ney Nato, retuned to Walker%Ile, l.ul ettr C. Ste .alt, today aft r 4 moot" vi..t with Mr. err! Ile C. A. Nairn. 3L• A. Nichol.on .rd Mr. ..4 Mn.J.O�r- rm. nod .o.. Alfred, of Port Huron. ora vi.itInt treads its town. .Ire. Percy ■t 1�f�J_�U f� . w� 1. Protect those dependent ow you by taking a policy in The Mittual Lil. Assurance CO. of -" a .aria's on& tual" A. G. NISBk T : : REPRESENTATIVE Gebsid Plane! 50. P. O. Bar 364 le e" • AD>rI>dti'>PtA'�!�' YLL ADI/INIBTRATORYI SALLR. T.rrho perp. of whelks( up the waste et the Iso JAMB HAY and in perermase = the eider nude Is the 8upsem.Omen sur nutaAs In {fie mama- d the IMAM= the maid JAM1t8 RAY, b*arlaedate the lith day of J� epi ewer. whet be mold by MK. THD.. OUNDer. polemear, on the prestos. so. on F.ldar the lith du .r 1113 at the boor = oris. reboot =tar shot ' . the Meseta, hem sad prom- beimItia 116. in tin Mattime eseemege a tae et lieerrloh. PIM county e Rouen. easteag mvwtY.tbt.• neer. msec sr lam. at �s of ►1. death .erupid by the add JAMES HAY. Os tis farm le erected • stem y.ee• reambdas eft roam. mad "Imam. frame learn and ether oetbs1Minge. powow,ta. ter fall plowing on be glees lm- mdt•tnty a$ tan ps.rebm .111 be Oren .pin esmpletbm el the pweams. 1h• farm wtll be geld gibbet to • neared b4. The mocha's, mean at ted time of same Pey down • Meek = sob pre erne. e Me perchers swear and shell p the ,omatsder d the Pomba." me with - dam thereafter tasty dam t herean- it be thor paranoiacs omnis sad ow.ahisw d Coit en at Me Owed sale sad la the instar n e may be =. hoe the mid •dtWWatr or from its t 1 icr some Use will be wed the FARM A y. .ces.e . to Memel, k th'sa4 • d+e.as,d, eadtlaR of hem'rhrld bre. �olemeSM. ankle sad other Reck. chs. h day = Nptemltr. Ir11 McKINNON & HOW ITT. el the cite of a.dph, 8ciIrt'en M, ted National 'het oesema LJsdted, AdmimlKr•- tomes '=JAltkiftse.de eared MIMIC NOTICE,. VIZ; , etofrac scarp?...' ialle- f . 11$1411.111111141111, of the .zeautiw *$Iter of the patriotic fund organize tion la (ioderfeb. held on Friday last, the following resolution was paeerd : •Tbit the committee tender a very hearty vote of thanks to the eltittese of Ooderieb for their very generous re- epoe.e to the appeal for contributions to the patriotic fund." The matter of the publication of obs lint of subscrip- tions was discussed, and it was decided to appoint Mr. W L. Eliot, a'aoager of the Beek of Moitreal, and Mr. C.L Jackson, manager of the Sterling Bank, auditors, and that after tbe audit haa been made the subscription list as-cetufied to by them be pub - 66 66 " and sent .sbseefhed,wkl fw over to Wer. P. Rand, tresmlrer, to he forwarded to cher Lieutenant-Soeurwor or the Provincial Secretary. No one 0114 receive emu tree !eatss remueera- Uoe for any work in nose seise with this tend, and dee.o rsm.tobar that unless we who stay at baste give to the various war funds until it really butts, we baso sot done our bit. Good old Aablteld ! dig down .gain ! Toon. G. ALLEM CHA". Imre &RT, Clerk of A.►deld. I Reeve. COLBORNE. Tbe municipal council of the town- ship of Colborne met in the township hall October 12th. Mennbers present : limbed to the local pope". It was de- Reeve Bisset, (4ounciLi Hill Bided to keep the fu optic for addi- and Hetherington. Mi ter of tional contributions, and if any names last meeting read and adopted, WANTSD, have been inadvertently overlooked h o0 motion of Hetherington and the collectors subtriptious from amen Hill. The following accounts were WANTED. -MACHINISTS. LATHE persons will be gladly received by any read and cyders drawn on the tress - MACHIN e nM •Me image. CANADA member of the committee or the over aster for aspen: Jatnw YM.se, Division T CORPORATION, LIMITED, urer, Mr. George W ?illness manager Galt O.1. N-tt TEACHER WANTED FOR 8. 8. Re. A 0 4.Mh tewa.blp ; .eeonddnm .reteadas.L mom to oweamoee Janney. i11 Apdtc.tbne received .p M November 11114 Ferment application preferred Apply, .tad. mW M N. Y. COX. 8w -Tow., R No. I. Tinder lob. alit LIST COURT OF RE TRANSPORTATION. . TOWN Or GOD$RICB. NOW" y gh.e that a overt will M (3i4 Is bes..ers,ar {qq Me �s vbtov t W Ace H Jeal• =.4be Comity Oise of Ve.at . moa W W Cort Home. Ueda d ......... !��e l., sr unease. tela, et ie w�i Iad Merm vim+ pob f r p the town d 0eMr:d ave -lif...d .t Oodmrkh this arA1. f�[-3101. • inase Clerk o Teen LM oMwt�itt 1S8 A ELLIOTT, TEACHRR = f�W sensed bee _ M 4rg, ews.d t and rantem �Mof �e�.. An:a •2"‘..70.711:1 {, !1l'♦ ahhi0'R'. Yrmre e,rw1. EDIIOA1 IONAL we sed • Mrb etagr oa-'� mut- atakm Hallway Operative. .•d T-leanapby tbor �.�hy Waite In •letail b Shaw'. Railroad •.d 1 hgnphy Nebool. by and Gerrard great,. Toe.otoi 1'oreven:eaener invited. T. J. Jettr&s . Pr/n•dlial. 776-1[ Bank of Commerce. The following letter has been re- cei.cd by 8beriff Reynolds: Woodeto,k, Oct. 9th, 1914 *miff K. 0. Ice Sonia.. (loderirh. list. DOAN 8ttsairr Kxrtroi.os,- my return frees Sauk, Eta Mars today I leaned with great ples..te that u a remit of yodr nm• paicn the maeni5oent sum = ever t117,3tn IIN war .seated. I wish M tattled to your.slf and to the moi. sri of Ms venom. committee. ety beartk.t toe(r.tdladone .poo the .soc.a of your starts. Pram the beeta.,.s(g I had no fear of the moo. o ted ermp•Ign, ohms 1 ow the docent, of a number= Lb. moa she p 1 fed +an tart year commudlt will ter) a gnat deal aaeouat o�SavlttK clow +oe•ethlag need Asp tented the ndet sking FOE SALS OS TO WIT better p worth while. Sincerely route. pROI'KRTY FOR SALE. 1 herr that Owed with me ter trek we .11 lets esu Me in TUC. Weevetef the leve d Oed.s4oh. A1-0 • tea -sere 1't In .woe survey. Teems coag to ,.t them THOMAS GUMMYari . I?UR 8ALLK-HOUSE ON EAST rkeetl.f. Yls*k l belt. ere. wFarr termare s a pity le L OU SAtLE OR TO RENT.-T�•HR Mr1eaaM beardlea beam es et. David's .trent • all rods,. sea Ceavtmiwt ewe tame nit= o MRi-zbot4A ...PI= . Mini FOR MALI. -A COMFORTABLE Fon M g.d mai.. wk a herbage= .al Mated rr AMm glom :ia'M�*e m vol ares all noosed. _O.rd u miller web emeet ,.d gt, D. M 1 Y1tIktTtrD mot newt. 11OIJMK TO RENT. -ON OLOU0111l- TRo TRRRACC with mfrs wevea- Smoot het water heron(. tame.Mt.em' =sod baly.peahe, parlor, dlalterieem. MOW and saieser 4fteban.. Imum.at imam wade herr.-twitt�h�lausiaery tube. Powerelem can be gate JOSW'M c. WON. 6":~ iia - lot SALE T) ANON P01A SALE -WITH �M,�OT :=1..11.. 1CS1Yi1LM 11 ri 1 Lillian E. Lautenslayeri " Laura Lautenelayer, " " Hamilton Mc1. Clutton " 66 M. Orate M:L.eod, '• 44 Beatric" M. Chisholm, " 66 Annie E Barker, Harry W. Symonds, Wilmer McManus, Dolly McManus, Edith McManus, Robert Bisset. Uric Mc. . Wilson, Arace Maek•ll,' Lizzie E. Adams. Eleanor M. Dougherty, Sbeppardton. Mildred 1. Dougbdtty, o May A. Menet Harold E. We Benmiller. May E. Walter, Nile. Roes McPhee, • Ooderich. " 64 „66 L3aatoior broad lump-W.��itea'iy Gotanica'rowxsHlr. E. Brad . Oaafieieb (12h. 9in.), fi. Sanderwn, W t A. relit IRR. 1. • Running bop, Asp i ultra R. B. Co:, " and ump- Sturdy (✓1714. 3io.), A. Murney, A. An- drews Running bi,h jump -W. Sturdy 30. 11io.), A. Marney. A. Soule. 19O yards r•es=W. Surd B. Sanderson, A Andrews and N. Melees tie. Quarter -mile race -A. Andrews, W. Sturdy. H. Sanderson. Junior champion -\V. Sturdy, 14 points. Girls' ClampiOnsbip. Catching bull -F McManus and R. 8tuthcre : J. Bogie aod E. Stoddart: D. Hays and E. Williams. Chestnut race -Meta Levy, 1. Mitch - e11, J. Griffin. 50 yards race -J. Griffin, E. Hicks, mi.... legged race -E. McArtbnr N.E. vel- M. R. 1• away on • tr'p to the Pocono t'on,.•, •a the suet of the C aeadlan NorIern Railway. \ Rel1 and grandma. M.•ter Ralph 1)4v1•on, of Wi„ntprg, are v.aC 4 rel lives and friends la sow... Mier P.A. Fargobano'o. of Wblliox.vi;le, New Tete. is v .'l a her grandmother. Mr". J. L Aitken. of tows. Mrs. (Ur.) Bean, d IMtwtun. aml Mia WEIa Toed. of Lucian, vital Lel, phut.. ttev. J.F. sad Mir. For.1, tato week. Lieut. (1. IL Liliott ma+ up from Niagara over the wee.-eod ons vb,t t, hi. parent., Mr. and Me. O. M. Elliott. Mr. On rie Hell. of acral f ed. bar. r. nrned boons after :pending a we -n with hi. grand - target.. Mr. sed Mr. R Getting. Mr. Woe. Hurley. of Inst reit, who came up on account of hi. smother'. 1.1n... mud .ub.gwnt daub, i. returning to De 1 n it tennormw. P,ofr.eor J. 1'. Robett,oe, of Vicrrli Cd - I Tomato, w. e b town over the we.k.egd Waiting hie father. 71r. W. K. Kobertaon. Ml+. gth.l Natra and Mini )la -y CIA k, of the Stott rood Normal school...pent the Th mu- Rlvloog Amide). at Usetr re.rtc Ivo borne. bona Ur. A. and kir . M. Pane and children. of Losdoa. +peat Tna,o•.•(hina with Lot, M, - Phe.'. parson. Dr. and Me. Kelgb•, Nelms greet. Mr.. M. K. 11oQt!arrte. of Itavel-tote. R 4' , with bar ltt13.on, u vi+ittos Me be,oi.et. 11rs C, V. Leertwo, at Dgw►vp, sad other esla$ . w E... Mrs. J. B. Markegb. or Georoetow e, W her two d tent Jena and Marjorie. visited ber nowise, bits. Win. Sttaebas and Yi... Fir- Eve ir Eve M. ()ex, " " 'u.on. ever Thaabgivina. Muriel H. Jobnston, "' " Mime Belton, of Wiod.w, a former toe, -ber on Jack Johnston, " the staff el the (:oder isd Collegiate l.Uteta Nina B. Driver, " '• was In town over ted waekaod mad was the Thelma Daithwake. " ee.s= Dr. rated Mm tlltaalr Mr Rol Mott, of Meiesweeth. attended Arnold Leithwaite, " the meeting of eke 6.t Huron Teachers' A.to Urval E. Steep, c•latiun at Megawatt lam week. ani mist the M. C. Jean McKenzie. " weekend %ltting at the parental boom here. Lizzie B. Sowerby, R.R. 2, „ Mr Laurie Macao -eke Modem at Trinity t'ol Elia Bouvet by. •• " meat Toronto. eat Ibaab.iU1viog I).,.t 1- e • mad,.of b ml grandmother, 31ra. aca • J. Alex. Anderson, R. R. 1, Bayfield. ti. Vl.c.nt as. tie L the mea of Mr. Jetta Norma N. Oi»O, R. R. 2, Clinton. Perera. Ottawa..• Sam Brimienu.be, Oodericb. Mr mad Hr', E. F. nab and family owed rap felts Tor.nto last week endpeat els Elia M. Hick.. Thank.E$vinz holder worn Jnr end Noe, Stewart F. Aldous, " W. F. Hie.. Horn mad. Irving ysaterday on their Immo to the city. HULLrTT TOWNSHIP. Mr. and M•a 3... Kidd leave tomorrow on a Lila M. Huwatt, R. R. 1, /whom. trip to tiptoe, (' .1.. wars Mr. Kidd wlu at. Luella M. Wagner,'. •• temh" Owivha'i..a of the Cwe.diaa Ticket Aram A. -ortolan. They intend to WimIlr♦ Mugar,1 MCL ods halve. ar Gr •' d 1 -land. Y. Weeks: Neml'Itr.t. Edythe MogrhdRe, Iowa : Sr. Yawl, .Minn . sed ether cited before and J. Bogie, J. MacKwan and G. Scants] M Motets, Auburn. et Inning. Model. C. Hays and J • Orifitn. Blackstonre' excel In ice cream WEST WAWA NOSH. Pbone in your next order and have it Relay race -J. Bogie, E. McArthur uburn. delivered. Oomrt costs re telephone lazes. $5.35; and four others. Amo* Andrews, R. R. 2, A Judge Doyle. fees re Mclart,'r appeal I Girl. champion -Joao Bogie. 8 Hazel Finnigan, on Jewell drain, clerk, lees and attend- pointe. Muriel Washington. A. R 3, W•l.Tgr C. Raaw. Organizing neeeetry. Special thanks are due for the loan of the store provided as headquarters ; for the generous aeietance cf tbe town hand : to the Boy Scout mem- bers, who rendered such wilting en - operation towards the advertising ; and to a11. canvassers and others, who devoted bo'h time and energy in the Lsterests of and to the success of the tatter. For Overseas b.rvice. The. only enlistments for the 711t Battalion reported herr this week are T. H. Mtllian sod Mortimer Kelleher. The following left Inc London on T.o.day : W. Unca. Wm. Bsrriniao, T. H. Militate, B. Segue/. raw',SAL* --A lbHORa*POW SR k scrams cal w wwk� SAL/It OF 110amU�1�S*MHOOLD sir � 1. wit Stela )w Mg Court of Appeal re Jewell drain, $15.03; C. P. R., root of mite fcr weigh reales, $5; 0. McNeil, gravelling Young's sideline. $24.05; G. McNeil, gravelling on con. 8 at J. Varcoe'e, $41.06; led. Horsey. nutting weed* coo Jamee Young's beat. 12; W. Straugban, inspecting, $E 25; gravel. $11.911; W. Hill & tion. plank for culvert, $53.15; S. Mitchell, 4 loads gravel on con. 2, 14 25; 0. Horn, 8Y loads gravel, 113 36; 0. McNeil, 1 day .tetute labor, 75c ; 0. A•htnn, 2 d• •• 'yolk witb team on grader, $7.50. fix ng culvert 50e; Joseph in tee evening addressed the canare- I'homp.on, 2 days grading, 117.50, go- gation rt the 11,pti•t ehurcb. On each ing atter grade, title; Joseph McCann. occasion his theme was the work ieing repairing culvert, b0:: W. Bogle, rope accomplished by the temperance forces. plying time and putting in 2 -foot tile cul ver 00». 9 anI 10. $2:.50; John Hie - ker. drawing tile. 13, repairing culvert, $4 rill, plank, 113.26, opesting 'grader, M. Florence Smith and Mies Mary Tom il, repairing Dunlop. Hill, 12.51: T. Sandy, tile, 55c ; John Patton, cut- Bong Further Honore to G. C. 1. tong weeds, $5; John MoulJer, repair- Goderich has scored again in the Ing road, con. 8, $4.50 ; John Houston, University of Toronto scholerabip ex - repairing culvert on north Mmodary, aminetions. The award. were an- al; JammesFeagan, gravel. 11n.:30; A. J nouncett on Saturday, and Mies Floe - Goldthorpe, helmet of salary, 110. race A. Smith. student of (lodetich Proposed by Hill and Hetherington llegi.te institute,wins the Matthews that we have • •pposc�ial meeting of the scholarship, the gift of Mr. Wilmot D. u cooeil on Saturday evening, October Matthews, of the value of $1(10, with le, at 8 p. m , t consider advisability f children ere feverish give a 11 bt 'Wire lik. Resell Orderlies, width remove ted ..use Sold only by C. Dunlop, the Resell Store, I4ke, 2L ie and )e horse Tee, We are etmklwg our hos+►made candles again. Several new lines ad -led. (ill and get a sample. Rd wards. the Candy man. LOST ADD P*Dfi. L°: ? err i We sir ls Rn IM M . -It :WU ter. The Arthur Circle will hold its ant Frank NV ',Abington, nual meeting in the lecture room of Luella E. Johnston, Knox church on Tuesday, October Rae J. Stothen, Dungannon. :36th, at 3.90. o'clock. It is expected Mary J. Leddy, St. Augustine. that Mrs. (Re..) E. F McL. Smith, of Elwin Rutledge, Auburn. Herman. will be present to address the Lillian \Vateoo, Nile. meeting. A welcome ie extended to BAYFIEID. all. Isabelle Parker, Hayfield. Rev E. (. Powell. secretary of the Lulu King, Huron County Temperance Associa- tion, addressed the congregation of Zurich. Knox cbur. h on Sunday morning and Flora I. Hew• j/dlrk•aM1ie! w• SVM Or r gww•ttA. Owner • wTww. sur ge W SOt1 lease s TIE o tP.M M d .tarts Please ,base Imre L of tusking dnnalirn to the British free Witton for two years (total valve Red Uro" 8oclety ie ateewer to eece' aim,. Tar M one of Lbws s e, and from the Lieutenant-oov- bole• awarded for the fist time, and owner of the P .ince, and also to con- the he history on led eanad a d • paper nn bider wa • and mese. of relnng t1».me. of (b Canada Great Brit- eider y ala wince lbs : bl a on general money for the Canadian Red Close knowl. s : (c) an English e..ay .043 and patriotic funds. Meeting ad- (d) an atbl examination. lourn.d to we.t on Raturdey ....isg. Another U. 0. I. stodent, Mir Mary R. McILwatw, Oierk. 1. Tom. Is awarded Lbw Wellington TCRNItIKRY. Mabel A. Oilklnson. Wingham. MARRIED. HALL-WiLL8ON.--At Carlton Oreo( Meth- odist church. Toronto. on r•.turmay. Ono. ber 9th. by Rev. R J. U H1mp.on. boars A Willem. of Hodwrl.•h towo.hlp. to Fred- ., crick W. Ball, of Toronto. 0110. LxTOL'/,F.L, -At New York. on Monday. or Lebec Iltk, Harry 8t. (Ieert,..oc net ,,n of Mr. Led Mn. J. C. I.'ourel. uoae,lch. seed' t1 yearn sad / mettle, MCTCH. - At CPM.'. on Set.rda� (le(eb'r Kb Robert Mutat, mummer o the Bode of ie(vge. aged. roar'.. GORDON, Al Pt. 11.1en., on Friday. October fah, William i. Gordon. t TMOM Aa. -In (IOderieb. on Thursday. O.'tnber 11th. Wuliaet James Thome.. seed 16 year.. The funeeil wilt take piece from the abl- dean on Elea mimosa en Pnnd.y oftentimes CHURCH NOTES. ■t 1.at Service at the hen sr at 2 o'clock. 34,(UTCHKON. At Clinton, en Frday.Ote toner Nth. Leila Met utrbeon, formerly of Next \Vedne.dity evening the con- Moder Ica. in her MMper. gregation of Knox church meets to *TI. ART -At 8t. gel"n•, nn Turday, Oc'ober discos the subject of church union.I 12. wler.Htmat, .gen 7tmar. The vote taken place on the first Sun- i GUNDRY'S AUCTION SALE LIST, day of November. --- At the morning service at Knox ( Fain.v eras. i\ A*n,t"i.er.".. . 1, or church, next Sunday, Rev. George E fares, t.rm u .r, m.nk o,ente, rte.. helom.glr g Roes will continue hie eerie, of die- te vas ."'at" rat 1h" 1•te 1.... Ha., at the ,rer.4ee,!K DI. Haltbnd ortoeesrive. (ialMch Th. Story of th. O. w. 8 Railway. •cbol•rship In matbematics at Trinity College. MMTnm won aieo the Dlck- On doge s of Tb• signal this we.k bon .rh'4orsbip in science at Ti inity, will be found the report 01 the (lm- but •quid; hold only ted ane. tarso Rahway .od Mnniclpal Erased Thews revs young ladies, wbe are upon lb. Inveetig•tlon In commotion doing such ersdiCtn their sative town, Pn an to be congratulated upon thews with the lamented Ontari West farther eucoresew. Mies Smith has Shore Railway. Rewidente If these mitered npnn • eonrw at University lake shorty municipalities are •hWl College, Tomato : and Mies Tom has lnteew.eed In thl. mature nod this 1laterrd Trielt 0dls,ft. alai 1s cot should b..ehpped sed pee* (fir G. 1. students who are mwved for taws+ reformat common/deg college courses •n Mr. Wilfrid A. Deeny, who is at the The oyster season bed egad sad School of Preetleal Science. 'Toronto : Bleekstosos' w reeving ked .bales Mr. Harry Colborne and Mr. Sdgsr "Purely Bread"oymtere fr.6Y�ewm tb. r'warte, who are attending the School Q,d redrrTesS . Plisse of Mining et Sisseton The Rlgnal wishes ,messes for them ell. coursers nn Applied Christianity. Sub- ject : " Oboist .o our School.. The Women's Missionary Society of Knox church will bold its amoral geeerirh. Thanksgiving meeting on Tuesday oe.,„„.. (t"t iN -(•..rine anctlen ole afternoon next, at :4,3). .tire. (Dr.) or farm .rock scut Implement •. nr.perty of W. J M111er, lot 1.t, .- n. -e ion 1. Hnlbtt. Tr gas. T. Oct. 19. (clewing anr•t ion ale et farm stark end lmplmeSA. property of Mr. Jackman. at Nile. next 8uedey evening's petviee. The Wno%e%nir. set. JD � leering "notion ••1s work i. tn,lcdious and consists of d farm •r ,eh sad Imnte.eo.wt•• property of cbnrsl reeitati.es, eborusle. and three NTe Herri•etai'• 1etarif ata IS, .-once.-bm IS, pnllm(t. hymns. THt'nWAT. (let. 21 -Auction tele M farm Mwn.bin. 0i -r, anAv. Oct. le .election who of bongo. WWI fnrslturo property of the Mt. Mr. Nab. kirk. ,.sumer wafture, and thsbec street., Fletcher, of Thames Hoed. will speak. The choir of Knox ehurch will sing Dr. Garret t'e "Harvest 1'an tate at In the Baptist rhumb, next Sunday, • t1 r Wn"NwM�ona ,n...I *dock Rev, (i, M. Holmes will preach in the morning nn •" The Mcg.sg0 of the Pro - .torts," and in 11as evening on " The Fact of Christ" Mt" Hiletrsd Mt7Ce11 will sing in tbe morning. and the quartette in the evening. Tbe Ontario Sunday School Asso- ciation 1e bolding a convention for Garotte Huron in Ontario street Meth- odist church. Clinton, nn Tuesday, October Mb, to which all Rnnday esbool workers are invited. Tbe golden jubilee convention of ibis Association will he held at Toronto Oetohwr 211.21), and promises to be • wonderful gath- ering. Over a thousand delegates are exported. The death of tort. Jades OresS. Fam.T. (kg. rJ (l wrnr •urtton 'elm of farm. ork. implement. hn,smh5d Mrillure. one , d y J. gMee,. .e, Mt tea Heroes e. rouecatr•mlth_ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Oct. 14th. Page Ma 4*t.l.te Wanted-C.a.da MaNlewy 0..- psrallee, Oat .. l Ts ober Wsstea-fit. R. Na at Oseerea Towrhip 1 Men.y Fooled K W Ryas. _. 1 Property for pair - Tisa 07t1t7 L tial Joh.a.n Iso - Mdler"-YU.rkt Ave Nor d Range for same -W. A. Masi Asto claim Lot -O, Il1etwesre 1 Perste Hats -11. ■we .. ............. 1