HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-30, Page 10'q !`t#anaT, BartswitaNI lin
Wall Paper
Vou win not find anywhere
• finer selection of Wall
Paper than we are showing,
ranging in price 10e, 124c,
If)c, 20e and 25c per roll,
suitable for any room in your
house. These are exception-
al values and sbout(l be seen
to be appreciated.
Canadian Papers
as tow LII M per road
imported Papers
frost gem per roll up to CO.
The-Gaaial Bed Store
• ,
All sizes and kinds
at lowest prices
Also a splendid assortment of
Patriotic Buttons
Nearly everyl.ody
is wearing a Patri-
otic Buttal. Why
not you ?
C. L.gOULTI54.P1 n.B.
TH.K DRUGGIST . puma 19
Menesetung Crawford
i have a Rood Hoe of the best
PeachesIbis ear and can sop-
pfy all dere with good
house own fruit. Flavor bet-
ter than southern froiL Will
be ready in about • week. Leave
your ceder with your grocer or
Goderich, Ontario
The undersigned is prepared
to pay the highest market
price for all grades of Fall
and Winter Apples. Do not
sell before seeing me.
Corn Remedy
will remove the corn
that is so trouble-
sonme. ;Three or four
applications all that
k neevssary.
Penslar Agency Only
Jas. A. Campbell
(corner North St. and Square
Ro. ter 'PHONILA 328
the Very Best Place to Take a
Commercial Training is
N. new Oasenne wimps, .sers inn
.averteees Paccar. .new p••••••1
regervlsbre of • .berte.wl easea.teet
(ya.al.e. p.-ue.aI d...t ente aSi ..r
. .l r••w. O.r ewe NIMb,e .ea
sed Deva !'11wrr«
.•r Mr. (>•rMamie
A at , LNib: roc
Tvat(waY. atgL N.
Noose. -Mee Massy /tebr. at
Tomato. Is winkling whit her brother.
Mr. Kara Fisher, is week Mr.
a. Yoer.R. of ala over. spiel the
week -end renewing obi equalataoess
in this vicinity Mies Miriam
Schwas* has relented from a two
week.' visit wick bar sister, Mrs. 0.
Baht. st Orsditoa Miss /*rets
Heltshauess is visiting with treads
et Barns fhb week Mr. Truses ser,
of Hwsall. spent the week -end with
hie Mrs. J. O. Dared
Mr. sail Mrs. O. B. Forster spent Sun-
umday in the county town Mr. Har-
vey Snyder had lb. misfortune to have
his kris badly sorehead one day lest
week, ad is likely to bs laid up foe
some tires Mr. Thos. Pennington
had • very sucoeseful sale on Monday
of this week. fair prime bdag realized
on everything offered
GUAM W L, rsD. -At Matisw station
us Wednesday. Thursday and Friday
of each week. Higher prime pripaid for
mond grain. A. ALAJN.
WSDNa$DAY. Aept. 39.
MISS Lulu Connell is visiting at the
home of bar mother, Mrs. Wm. Stan-
ley. Mn. Stanley is slowly recovering
from her recent liners.
Mrs. Jos. Jervis bas the sympathy
of the community in her severe attack
of inflammation.
Wdaeeday of tib week is a school
boliday to allow the pupils to attend
Goderich fair.
Rev. Dr. M. Rumball, of Morden.
Manitoba. visited at the home of Mr.
W. Pickard this week.
Mrs. Alcoak has recovered from her
memo attack of quinsy and has re-
sume* to her home ben.
The Goderich district financial meet•
ing of the Methodist church will be
held in Holmeeville un Tuesday, Octo-
ber 6th . The ladies of the W. M. 8.
ars making preparation for serving
dinner. The proceeds will go to the
funds of the Society.
Wire Ba Muaixo.-Mr. and Mrs.
G. Ladd have moved to their new
home in Clinton this week. Mr. Ladd
bas for many years been the efficient
section boss of this section and his
long and faithful rervioe snakes him
well worth of hie retirement by the
G. T. R. Mr. and Mrs. IAdd have
been active) engaged in tbe social
life of our village and their departure
will be & decided lose to this commuo
ill. The best wishes of the people
here go with them to their new home.
About seventy of our young people
enjoyed themselves at a corn roast
head at 1•'orster's Flute on Wednee-
day of last week. All report. an enjoy-
able evening.
Another young man. in the of
Modesty Barea.w p .o se -titles. {leo.
Burrows. of this place, hal enlisted at
Brendon for oversees service. Our
best widee follow ibis brave lad. His
relatives here have received • card
from bim at Montreal. on his way to
OHUPU H RaorgN1No.-Artier extem-
sive Improvements at Lseburn church,
reopenlog service. will be held on Sun-
day. October when Rev. Jas.
8levrlgbt, of o, wilt preach
morning and etsspgr, the services
commencing at 11 a. a. and 7 p. m.
Hey. Mr. Sievrigbt was in charge of
this congregation when the church
here was built, and much interest will
attach to his visit.
TvxaDAY. Sept. 2K.
Wedding bells are ringing.
Quite a number from here attended
the Oodericb fair this week.
Bessie McKenzie, of the G. C. L,
spent the weekend with her parents
in Kinlail.
J. E. Tom. P. S. i., made his fall
visit to our reboot last week and
seemed well pleased with the way the
school work is tieing cart led on.
The October meeting of the Kiatail
branch of the Women's. Institute will
he held at the home of Mn. David
Taylor. 10th concession, on Tumidity,
Octoberifah. Mrs. Kirk. of Dungan-
non, the district president, will In
present and deliver an address to the
ladies. All are cordially invited.
The g 1 busmen meeting of the
United Patriotic Society of Goderich
township will he held at the home of
Mrs. A. (.inn on Tuesday. October 6th,
at 2.11) p. m. A tele of 'roods contain-
ing sixty hospital Shirt, tw.nty•tour
pairs of socks and fifteen bandages
has been forwarded to the head
office at Toronto.
Heerlen' Hors SERV WIG. ASO
EwrktHTAINrticN'r.-On Sunday next,
October Srd, harvest home services
will be held at Zion church (Taylor's
Corners), in the afternoon at 2.90
o'clock and in the evening at 7.311. On
Monday evening a fowl supper will be
served by the ladies in the scbool
house. from 6 to 14 o'clock, and after
the supper • program will be given in
the church. The following speakers
have been secured : Rev. H. Keppel,
pastoe of the church ; Rev. A. W.
Brown, of Varna ; Rev. R. J. McOoe-
,nick. of Hotme.ville ; Re.. K. Becker.
Creditors Readings by Miss R. Keys,
rioeutioniet, op.rial musk by the choir
and musical contributions by Rev. Mr.
Brown and Mies Ked. will complete a
psognm which should he beard by a
al age number.
ROUGH ON RATS" clear* nut,
Rata. Miro, etc. fest 1)n in the
110.1.. 16c ad $3c, at Drug sad
Country Store..
1. 1
The London Advertiser
llorsislg, Nina, Emily
Western Ontario's Greatest Duly
AN the News oll the Time
Rete by mall. any edition, *2 per year
CirtelMiea Dee , Leaden Advertiser
Warinaltrati. Sept. lg.
Don't Inge& Dungannon fair, the
lam and bat, oot abes tat h.
Misr Vera ft Duenle. having rsoov
seed from her illness, bee taken cbsrge
of bee scbool at Sb too
Mr. E. Dunne, of Kincardine Higb
8abuel. drove boos to Mrs T.K Uw-
sim's last Saturday and returned Sun-
Mr. and Mn. Was. Plunkett, of
Auburn, were the guest, of Mr. and
Mrs. R. McKenzie on Saturday and
Harvest home services wen bald in
the Anglican church last eluoday. The
church was well tilled et the *.ening
sere ice.
Mr. N. .1. Treleaven i. making ar-
tsagemeau to provide first clan ao-
comwodation in the way of meals for
visitors to Dungannon fair 0.11
week, and also stabling for bones.
Mr. J. tValkoo hada very succour
MI sale of bousehold effects Met Sat-
urday. Everything brought very sst-
idctory pries.. through the able ef-
torte of Auctioneer Ouadry.
The sactawent of the Lord's Supper
will be adwinistered io Erskine church
on Sunday and on Friday evening
Rev. J. 8. Duncan, of Lucanow, will
!.reach the preparatory sermon.
The ladies of Dungannon and vicin-
ity an preparing to serve mesh on
fair day in aid of the Red Gros So-
ciety. All the ladies are invited to
come and bring tbeir baskets and help
along theood work. Then will be
• charge of 35 cents for a hot dinner ;
Lei cents for tea.
The members of Erskine church
choir met on Tuesday eveuing at Mr.
H. McKenzie'• home in honor of Mr..
J. Walkout, to bid her farewell on the
eve of her departure for St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Walkout left en Wed-
nesday for St. Marys, where they io-
tend for a while to rsside.Mr. Waikom
having secured a position with the
Nun Life loaurance,Company. We all
wish them succeed in their new home
and vocation.
Sox IAL EvxNLno.-A very interest-
ing social evening under the auspices
of the Senior League was held at the
Methodist church on Monday, in aid
of the H.ed Cross. The megrim con-
sisted of speecbes by Rev. H. R. Wil-
liams, Rev. G. Gomm and Rev. A. Mc-
Kelvey, with music, instrumental and
vocal, by members of the League. A
gueering contest, which created agre.t
deal of amusement, ended the pro-
gram, after which refreshments in the
way of cake and coffee were served.
All retired feeling much better for
having spent a few happy hours on
this piemant oce•sioo.
CRatuwrox-KIa6. -Th e home 'of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Kirk, of
Dungannon, wa• the scene of a pretty
wedding when on Tuesday, September
28, at•htgb noon, Mans 3swgbter Lane..
lrie Kweseilae was ioined in wedlock
to Mr. Francis Leotard Creighton,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Tbomaa Creigh-
ton, of Mooretown, Ont. Rev. A. Mc-
Kelvey, of Dungannon Methodist
church, tied the nuptial koot. The
bride wasiven away by her father
and entered the parlor to the strains
of the wedding march from Lohengrin
played by her sister, Miss Estelle P.
Rick. She was becomingly dressed
io a gown of white silk with over -dress
of lace trimmed with ribbon and won
the customary long veil and wreath
of orange blossoms and carried a large
aiower bouquet of white roses, lily of
the valley mid maidenhair fern. The
ceremony was performed beneath •
handsome arch 01 evergreene,ferne and
flowers,the house also being abundant-,
ly decorated with thesame. Afterwards
• dainty luncbeon was waved to •
goodly number of guests, among whom
were relatives from Hamilton, Strath.
roy, Meoretown, Londesboro', Buffalo,
Lucknow and Blyth. Many beautiful
and costly presents marked the esteem
in which tbe young couple •re held by
their friends. The brides going -away
drew was .a.v serge trimmed with
military braid and black picture bet
trimmed with plumes and osprey.
Three automobile loads accompanied
the happy couple to Goderiola G. T. R.
station to give them & hearty send-off
amid showers of confetti and good
wishes. Mr. and Mn. Creighton will
spend the honeymoon visiting Niagara
and Buffalo before making their home
at Cleveland. We wish the young
couple success and happiness.
TV1aDaT, Wpl. lite
Re.. W. D. Hawkins of Morpetb,
wUl essoesd Be.. T. H. Farr in charge
of Um Aailleae ooegregaboas of
Blyth. Auburn and Belemve. He will
x.mmenSS MS dudes Wm the gest'
Sunday 1. November. Mr. Hawkins
iso a Burns CM boy, Pat Albert. being
Ms boar plow.
Ten Bau Fara-Tie director s e1 the
Blyth falr are leaving nothing essdMs
to tasks their fair this year. wile►
takes plass neat Timidity and 'Veda►
day. October Ilan and lab, one at tin
beet they hays ever held. li is their
intention to ba.e• football matsb ea
the grounds the tint night. and the
Blyth band will make its Bret &ppemr-
aoee that Dight. There win Oleo be a
piano oompetitiou io the hall. Tion
0o Wedoeday the Auburn band evil!
furnish the mimic sad there will be
three horse races. su it is expected. if
the weather is Bos. to lutes one of slag
old-time crowds
Coriio liv*NTe.-Two of Blythe
popular young ladies are to be united
in marriage the coming week_ The
first d these events will be oq,Tburs-
day. wben Mir ()Wye Outt will be-
cowe the bride of Mr. Thoma. d. Tay-
lor, • prosperous young tanner of Hest
Waw•noeh. A number of the young
ladies of town met on Thursday even-
ing last •std proceeded to the boa
Mr. and Mn. Jae. Outt end preaentd
Mies Cutt with a "kitchen Mower."
Tbe other bride will bs Mies Hazel
Burnett. wbo will bs united to til.
H. A. Tbomas, the U. P. R. •gent
here, on Monday next.
weather is delaying the termer, with
their fall operations, as it is almost
impossible for them w get cm the land,
it being in such • muddy condition.
As the frosts sr* now cooling, then
1r danger of damage to the maogeb.
The potatoes also ate going to be a
poor crop, ss so many of therm are
rotting, which is caused by lbs ex-
tremely wet weather. The Flax Co.
is having • bard time to get the flax
in in Bt condition to tbrme and s• it is
so late the next difficulty will be,
unless we have a warty, dry fall, to
get the crop lifted and into the barns
before the snow comes and coven it in
the field..
RALLY DAY. -Sunday morning wad
Sunday reboot Rally Day in St. An-
drew's church and the church looked
very be•utifu) with the great array of
flowers. Part of the service was taken
by Mr. P. Gardiner. wbo handled the '
part very well. and Rev. W. D.
Turner conducted the rest of the ser-
vice. A number of the pupils received
diplomats for having learned lbs Cate-
cslsm and various parts of the Scrip -
lure. In the seeming Rev. Dr. Strang, '
who has been sopertatedent of mi.-
si..s for some years in ilsakatcbewan
gine a splendid address on the work
in which beta
toen engaged
Thi Methodists also so hadSunday
school Rally Us}, on Sunday sad they
also bad a preponderance of Bowen,
which addedgresty to the appearance
of the church. The choir also rendered
Dome beautiful *elections.
McNatu.-9'r'oruaas.-The marriage
took place on September 15, at the
bride's borne, of gyve, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe. Stothers, of Blyth, and
Lloyd H. McNeill, of Hernia, .on of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Relent. of London.
Rev. W. D. Turner officiated. Tire
bride, given away by bee father, wore
white silk crepe de chine with coact.
of Persian lane. *1.. Alberta Mtother*,
the bride's sister, wesriug rose silk,
crepe meteor, was the bridesmaid. and
Madeline Stotbets, the little sister of
the beide, dressed in pale blue, was
flower girl Mr. Aliso Knechtel, of
Wingham, cousin of the groom. wen
best man. Mies Mabel McNeill played
the "Bridal Chorus' and Mies Florence
McNeill sang. The Mid. went off on
the honeymoon wearing blue and sil-
ver striped taffeta and • white kid
bat. Mr. and Mrs. McNeill will re-
side in Sarnia.
While at work in the St. Lawrence
Sugar Refinery, J. V. Barnard, of 530
Craig street K., Montreal, bad bis
bd badly crushed by the falling
of an iron beam. Two flows, particu-
tarly, were so badly crushed that the
doctors. wbo were called to attend
bim, said they must be amputated.
Mr. Bested, however, bad heard of
the wonderful healing properties of
Zee-Buk and hs refused to have the
fingers taken oft. Instead be had the
angers and the crushed hand dressed
with Zam-Buk. This, be says, stopped
the bleeding...ased the pain, and put Um
wounded members on the way to re-
covery. Every dayhe had lbs m-
Buk dressing replaced. Za
aced. and by Lbs
time be had used eight boxes of Zion-
Buk the engem were completely
healed, he could use theme as before
the injury, and his band, too, was
quite restored.
Just tbink what this really meant!
Thhk wbat it means to go through
the world with a maimed bad, and
minus two fingers! Practically a
cripple ! Ordinary treatment would
have meant just that to Mr. Hemmed.
The Z•m-13e way saved him from It 1
By • trivial expenders of N in 7.•m-
Buk, the world's greatest helm, hs
saved himself from disablement for
Take the lesson to Mart 1 If you
have any injury. blood poison, or any
diseased three, old wound or .uppur-
aUag pore, apply Zam-Buk. Don't
warts time '• m -But builds up new
tissue. bean wouods, cuts, burns and
bruises, ends eczema and eruption.,
Beals cold cracks cures piles, pod N
the most tiiefulr and n,o-i. effective
balm knows to preeen.day .cteaee.
All druggists and stores sal at We
bus, or post -tree for pries from gam -
Bak Oo., Toronto. R Inv harmful
imitations and sulpatiIu .-. Ort the
real thing and see Lire o use es the
box before purebasiin.. . :team.
mid substitutes of Z•m-H .M rut
hove saved Mr. Beeaar„' a v, .d
will sot save yours 1
A meeting of the Para sad Heron
Ooustise Press Arne Miss is to be
Mild in Ooderteb sent Mosey.
Rzv. T. H. Fasi'e FAaswser.-A
very impressive service was held in
Trinity church on Sunday, it being
the occasion of the annual hers est
thank -Offering 'tis church was
beautifully decorated with grain and
flowers and the choir rendered more
beautiful selection.. As this was the
last Sunday with Rev. T. H. Farr as
rector. the church at the evening ,sr -
vice was packed, and those who were
there li.tened to a very impressive ser-
mon. Mr. Fan baa been rector for
the past five ysara and in that time be
bas endeared bim.elf not only tet his
own people but also to the wbols com-
munity, as he bas Uway* bad the
interests of the town at begirt, and the
people are all sorry tint he is leaving.
The wprk Isere was too bard, as he bad
Blytb, Auburn and Belgrses charges,
and the Bishop having appointed him
to Kiocardine, where be Das onlythe
one charge. the people ars pleased
tbat he is betteriag bis manioc.
PoReONAL AND (lii.awAL.-Mn. J.
Burnett spent & few days of the past
week visiting with her brother, Mr. R.
Mute's, of Clinton. wbo bas been care-
taker of the county house of refuge
and wbo bad • paralytic stroke
Gladys Hill, • young daugbter of Mr
and Mn. Luxton Hill, who has beet
afflicted with a serious attack of
typhoid fever. 1. very low, with .mall
proem -As of her recovery Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. U•rtbew visited •t their
old home et Palinerston last week....
Quite . number from bon took ie
(be falx as Wi gbam last week
Messes. R. Wausau & Sone shipped •
car of settle and one of bog. to Tor-
onto last week The Women".
Institute and the fled Cross Circle
intend holding • periotic concert in
industry Hall of the second eight of
Use fair, Wedseeday, October Alb
The Blyth football tour went to Hat -
grays on Friday afteweoon and played
• picked teem from Monis, renlog
by the soon of 1-0. It was tlslgrays'.
Axid day and although no fee was
bet mtt taken,
charged, only • nal
the reee.pts amos.ted over 8100...
Tbe wowsss are doing it part in
eoai ation with tib w , but nae we
my the Mime of the men ? Poe in-
Maneq Ilikth has sant only tree oaa
(Oyt. B sumo) to Ilea OUT Willie,
ie af as See be bas eat Ms to iM front
but le belly engaged Wafting tis. mss
at Lobes, and es pegs to to vitro
soon to the meat et beetle. it seems i
shame that more of tette meso de
not offer tkemseves to do boson to
the e'. 0515y, wills the cuff M se tegott
for mea Mrs. John @treetop, of
rsmcas, t• at pieneet Melting with bee
paretllt� Mt. sod Mrs. Jelin hire.
Mn Hiram.
std Nen $.petit of Sarnia,
INNEN. 4111111111111•11.11111111 011111111111111111
There is Style and Distinction about our
I THE variety is large ; the materials the season's most favored ; the
styles those that are correct for Fall and Winter wear ; the lining*
and workmanship are of a high order. In every way they are suits that'
will appeal to discriminating buyers. The prices are moderate
$15.00 $16.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00
We ars showing severs! good styles tbat an particularly adapted to elderly people and stout figures.
They are rut in different hoes from the standard rix., and if you have bad trouble in get one a ready-made
wit to Bt, perb.ps in these special models you will fid just what you wast. We atoc k then in black
only, but they cue be had in navy or any otb.r shade a few days alter receipt of order
Prices $ 16.50, $20.00 and $25.00
Warmer Hose are wanted now fi
Cooler days mean that warmer Hosiery is
wanted. Never have we been so well prepared
to supply your Hosiery reds as we are today.
and we would like to emphasize the fact that
prices at which Cathy/tele and Woollen Hose can
be bought today ars I tot lees than equal qual-
ities will sell tor inside the next six mootb.. The
wisdom of early buying should be very apparent.
Children's ribbed Cashmere Hose, 25e, 35e and 50c.
Ladies' ribbed Oeshmere Hose, 25c, 35c, 50c and
We cell special attention to ladies' fine Cashmere
Hose, either fine rib or plain, at 50c per pair.
These we have in all sizes. They are made from
superior quality yarn,, very soft and splendid
Warmer Underwear too
Warmer Underwear is wanted now, sod we
are ready to supply your needs There i. • par-
ticularly good lane of ladies' floe Uoderwear in
medium weight vest• or drawers that sell for
71110 the garment. This is splendid for between
There are several good makes that will be
found very comfortable at lin, Seas and 51.00
the garment. '
For the little folk we can give you •Imola
everytbir.g you want at from OOp to 51.00 Ike
Two Splendid Lines of Gloves
for Fall Wear
Jest the kind of Gloves for fall wear. Heavy,
mansi.b effect., in real leather. Perfect fitting
and splendid wearing.
At 90c '
Minae.' leather Gloves. tan only, P.B. sewn,
'tram, serviceable, good feting Glove, perk 00o.
At $1.25
Ladies' leather Gloves, "Faeroes" genuine
English maks, heavy and very dressy, P.Y. sewn.
All sizes at 51.20.
English Flannelette 12%0
Heavy English Flannelette, splendid assort-
ment of f•mcy stripes, all feat. colors, imported by
ourselves, the best cloth for the money we have
ever been able to 8nd. Per yard 12 1-2o.
White English Flannelette 15c
This is an extra heavy, soft cloth of superior
quality. It comes to us direct from the English
maker. Quite the hest wearing quidit ever
sold for the money. Wonderfully good value, at
per yard 15o
Again we call your attention to one stock of
imported Linoleum.. A big shipment of this
popular floor covering hes just come to band and
we are sbowing some of the most desirable pat-
terns we have bad fora long time. No better Lin-
oleum can be bad than our "Wear Hard." at
SOD. and 'Wear Ever," at see.
The "Wear Hard" 50c
This is a Sootcb Linoleum of superior quality,
heavy weight. it is a tborougbly seasoned cluth
and comes io a variety of floral and block patterns
is 2, 3 and 4 -yard widths. A cloth that never
fails to give satisfaction, at per equine yard 00D.
The "Wear Ever" 60c
This is a high-grade Scotch Linoleum, Impor-
ted by ourselves. It is made from the lest mater-
ials on extra heavy cloth. Ws show it in a leap
range of very attractive design., in either block or
floral patterns. suitable for any room. Per yard
Tire last lot that weasel get of our famous 38 -
Web Ase white Cambria came is head this week.
Once this is sold we can get no mon for less than
15c to 17e.
The Millinery Department
a Very Attractive Spot
These Days
It is our aim to keep the Millinery De-
partment right abreast of the times and
have a stock that is fresh and ever
changing. Our arrangement for ship-
ment of novelties as they appear in the
market is one that enables us to show
the season's novelties as soon as they ap-
pear in tbe large centres. Some very
attractive styles are shown this week for
the first time and we heartily invite you
to come and see them whenever con-
wbo were recently married ben,
visited with the bride'. persona, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Stothers, over Sunday.
That 1s Why H. A. Clark Recommend*
Dolts 1Kideey Pills.
Homeglen, Alberta, Sept. 27th.-
-(Special l: -Just why Dodd's Kidney
P111. are so popular on the prairies is
sbown by the statement of Mr. H. A.
Clark. a well-known resident of tib
since i came West," its. Clark
states. "I was often troubled with m
stomach and back. Finally I decided
to try 1)odd'. Kidney Pi11s and before
i bad taken mon than half a hos i
was so much benefitted that I recom-
mended them to • friend. He also
found them • benefit. i am still taking
Dodd'. Kidney Pills. I would not be
without them."
Tiecaanay. Sept. tot►.
Went. nor ben 1.0et .w
Oats. per b. ................0'15 Al
barley per 1.
1 eesk'.a...... - t.0 tarlap
Beek wheat, per beak. .7e to 75
P kw. canny. pastern 10 I. 1.13
. panee. pus cwt lip le Its
, /WW1 to n.0
p.r ow .p.... Mn Wel
. we ton M to MIN
• use. lane. pet Yea 11.1111 la M
•eco be 1.71
BBatt�er. o Derr
ran herb. per des., ......... Z .ta a
Palatee.sew. pus 9/88
.M u
Apples p.rte.a (8 a
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Leas per awl.sons
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T-�Itlw �reaaw.itttr` sir •� M �1v
treses par� • ,M .Ir
sa*roi 1111 FAIR•
Lairristmoradam. i. the HiMmy el tin
Seatartb. Sept. !t.-Tbe atteadasee
at the asocial fair of the sseferth
Agrieultural Seeley was the larges
la the history of tin Sudety. Bpd tie
weasher was ideal. Although the
brume ars bare add*sores he-
bind with their fall work, the exhibit
of roots, ,rte., was mon than douNe
last year, the building being com-
pletely filler'. Flowers •ed pot -plants
showed • like increase, e0 much so
that a temporary addition had to be
built to accommodate them.
The Society's reputation for • lar
poultry exhibit was again uheld. the
new poultry building. just com-
pleted a week ago, being t111ed long
before tin weal time. The director*,
bowever, ptocur.d temporary coops,
and every available space was taken
n interesting exhibit was the DO
poubd high explosive shells being
made by the Bell Rugine Company,
twelve different stages of the obeli in
the proems of manufacture being
The Citizens' Band provided the
music for the afternoon. The gate re
oeipts were over MO.
The Signal to January 1st, 1918. to
new subscribers, Inc 31k.
HAVING secured Mr. Allen's Hall,
we are prepared to give accommo-
dation to the public for meals on .
Dungannon Fair Days, October 7 aid 8
Melitis will be served the first day at
the restaurant
We have also secured first-class ac-
commodation for horses .
Headquarters for CHOICE CHOCOLATES,