HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-30, Page 9A beautiful complexion -how to Insure It -- The regular use of Lifebuoy Soap insures a healthy, clean glow- ing skin. And because it is healthy, your com- plexion will be clear and velvet like. The mild carbolic odor van- ishes after use. leaving a sense of utter cleanliness. ea Germs tr LIFEBUOY HEALTHY 5OAP • • TIN ROOF didn't come by chance. Someone bad to teaks it. Tio .not i■ good property if well tinned. WELL•AADE • TiN ROOVS ore what trona of this shop are TEM SIG?IAL : GODERICR ONTARIO County and District Wei. Wades did at Vara• on the bet a %ved oaring s. I1•ce..ed w as in Lied luta.. •lead seventyIv* years. I hue sevent.IeLb year. Mr. H. J. D. Cooke, barrister, i, re- James Gardiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lumina from Toronto to Hensel' to Ales lisidloer, of Walton. died at practice his proleseioo. his home there on Yeptewbei 154.h. Joseph 13barrow and Mrs Allen. ofMeed tbirty•aw. year*. 11. bad not Grand R.od, were ,sarri•d on tap-! been in good bealth for a number of temper Id.h by Rev. S. A. Carrier*. yeaors Hie parunr•vne+iv.- , Ave sisters and twbrotb.rs Tbe fifty acre farm ret Wm. Britto@, Mrs u Neil McKison, In aged resi- n( Cooeraoee, bee been purchased by') dent of the iib cooc.swion of a Arose Jamie m„,. olthe,amelo.allty. towoehip, passed away ion Mepttmber Owilig to an outbreak of mraslewat 19th. Site was bore in ticotland Bervi. the public school bas been eighty.sis years ago but had spent closed. Soma twenty cams have been most of ber life in Cando. Six dough - reported ten and two sons survive. John Benne sod Miss Janet Taylor, Mrs. James Hall, wile of James Hall, ret Crsabrvok, wen msarid at Lb* of the duh concession of M.nris.died mamas there oa Meptemher "Snd by while ea a vlait to her son al Tomato, ltev. J. L McCulloch. Shs was seventy-tourears old sod Rev. A. J. Langford, of Kincardine, had lived practically all her life in has received and accepted a call to tb. Morrie to6urbip. Her huebaod, five Mitcb.11 Methodist church. He will sons and four daughters survive.' rot take up his new duties until Juue Mie. Margaret Herbs Munn. ohne of Had: 2nd cooces.ion of Hay, was married Wm. Hunkio has purchased Wm. on September lath to Milton W. Ort- LonRunan's farm. near Londeshoro', weirs, 4,1 Heosall. Tbe cer.meny. mut Mr. Longman has purchased the which took place at Carmel rhumb, firm of Mr. Bruce, of the 12 h cone's- was conducted by Heir E MeL. stop of Mullett. Smith. The young couple will reside Elms M., eldest daughter of Mr. and at Henmll, where Mr. Ott wells is Mrs. Herbert Ci kb, of Tuckersmitb, eogagd lu businem was utarried at her parents' bone on A prettywedding took place at toe September 22nd to Roy F. Pepper, of home of te bride'. patents, Mr. and the saute township. Mr,. Wm. Gregg, of liorrie, on Sep - During the bee's- windstorm on the 'ember Ilth, when their daughter, Idth inst. a portion of the south wall Edith Mildred, became the bride of J. of the new knitting factory being Cecil Day. Tbe officiating minister erected ret Kincardine for Win. Mitch- was Rev J. J. Ferguson, of Toronto, ell way ►.town down. who also united the prides parents in Mae. Ferguson, wife of Dr. W. S. plarna;re, twenty-eight years ago. Feryttrson, of Toronto, formerly of The newly•marriedcouple will reside Hensel) and Blytb, died tecently at oO the groom's farm moth of Gerrie. Toronto after six months' illness. She Peter Budge, a well-known resident was in her fifty -seeded year. of Belgrave. partied away trceotly Mt- James F. Sharps, of Hensall, alter a brief illness The deceased announces the engagement of her was in his reventy-sixth year and is youngest daughter. Mabel, to Geo. E. Bodge, by two son*, Rev. A. L McIntyre. of Port Stanley, the wed- Budge, of Crermentore end John, of Hamilton. Interment took plate ice ding to take place in October. Mcl'raeb cemetery on the 21th incl Rohe't Pearson, a resident of the Altred Scruton died at his home at itb concession cel lorry township, Henskll on September :anti. aged pared away on September 21st. 10 his forty-seven years. He war a native of sixty-eight h seer The inter meat Elgin county but had resided for many took place at Ethel cemetery. years in Hut on. For the pest twenty J K Wise, of t`re Hunan - road veers he had lived at Hensel!, carrying Tuckeramtth, has sold his farm to on a hour and feed business for many George Beauregard, ut Cbfcago. The years He is survived by bis wits, three farm had been in tine possession of the daughters and one .on. Five brothers Wise family for about sixty wean. also butvive. Roby .1.. daughter of Mrs. Woo. John W. Jowett arrived at his old Hicks, of Centralia, was 'married at her borne at Bayfield last week from War. bome there on September 13th to road, Minn., motoring lbsrie este, Henry J. Coraant, of Fremont. Ohio. a diakr+mee-ot 1ifiW miles. rim_ rr- Ths.*ovW( couple will sssIdaiv tibio turn in the same manner. In his trip The ad• took place •t t he home he crossed four State* and Ontario of N\m. J. Beattie, of McKillop, on R; .l inter IS,b, of Miss Hilda Grace moon bere. Tb.y will make their home at Bolton. LUCKNOW. R. M..Kensle, of Wicinlpes, visited his setae* bete rsceeitly. Rev. J. M. Murchison. who bad mien winner hese. has returned to Kludges', y. Mask. Mrs. T. E. Finlay is vieitiog her mother •t P.t ebuso igb, who Is nuw in ber one hundred and .••sod year. bo_e of E. B. Walker, atter which the newly -married couple left on their honeymoon trip. They will reside at Torosto. While playing with • cartridae, wbicb exploded in his heads. Everett Henderson, aged eleven years, eon of John Henderson. bad the thumb and two lingers blown front his right nand and two fingers lacerated oo his left hand. He is now in the bospiW here. Before leaving town last week for Lockout" fair. sth ch is to be bold North Bay, H. E. Ricker, late high on September 81kb and October let, sehool principal ben, was promoted will .ter the fiftieth annual ezhihitioo. with • gold watrbfob by the student+ Mrs. kebert Johnston and Miss Letitia Joynt have returned from Duluth, wiser. tbey spent several months with tbeir sorter, Mrs. LUL'co. Mr and Mee. W. J. Stewart and choke, of Post FaUr Idaho are visiting of the blgh acbool, and • gold mounted umbrella by the members of the young 1•diei Bible close of the Metodist church. Donald (Dan) McDonald, • well- known resident here, died at the bore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. pita! oe Meplember I9tb. He was Stewart. Mr. W. J. Stewart was la emp)oyed by the cnrpnrrtioo for a charge of the electric light plant ben good puny yearn until two year. Mao, some velars ago. when be was stria ken with paralysis. The Bluevale moose was the .cies H. wan in his sixty-seventh year. of a quiet wedding on Wdoeeday of Interment took place at Terewatrr. last work,�wben Mies Aleitha Mtufth, BRUSSELS., daughter of Joseph Smith, of Luck- now.The *um SLOW was united in marriage Gra Robert warded to the headquarters of the Red Bowu•n, of the Bluevale road. Rev. Cross Society from the receipts of the Crawford Tete was the ,,meittina clergyman. Mr. and Mrs. Bosman will Labor [)ay celebration. resist. on the groom's splendid farm Mrs. W. R. Little, da .gbtrr of Mr. near Bluevsle. and Mts. Wm. Ellis, of Brus.ele, died As a result of a recruiting weetiog, at her borne at Elstow, bask., on Sep- h.ki last week tad •ddre.ted by I 'ember Idtb. She was in her fiftieth Maine Dunlop, Mr. Wm. Proudfoot.' yam• K. C'.. aid Rev J. B. Fotberinghau., ! Miss Ada E Row. B. A., daughter of I.od•rirb and others, the following I of Rev. Dr. Rosa, of Toronto, formerly have enlisted in tits 71st Battalion : of Brussels, has been appointed to the Herbert Chisholm. Harry Chisbolm, foreign mission work and lett receotly George Abbott, Chas. Peircy Ind Goo Cdr Honan, China. . doe Meckenzi.. Tbe first four are Eva, da'tghter of Dr. E. T. Snider, Englishmen. Macker.x.e is a Lucknow ! of Cayuga, formerly of Brussels. was boy. married nn September lith to J. C. .another of Lucknow'• old residents' Mucro, of London. The ceremony has passed'.way in the person of Mrs. was held at St. John's church; Cavuga, James Iiendereon. Mr*. Heoler*oo and w*.p rformel by Rev.''ll. W. Pram spent ber early life in Ashfield until , cis. Mira Verne Walker and Miss Isabel she married. when she moved to Strachan, ..t Brussels, attended the Lucknow. She had been ill for the ceremony. part couple of years. Nits. Henderson war in her sixty-flftu year and had; ST. HELENS. leen • devoted worker in the Presby.. i Ip,tended for la.t wsek.l titian church. tine 1- besides I Tra.su.sv, Sept, 21. her h, andd, two sort,-, William and • Mr Frank Todd brought home a John, and three daughters, Prrrl. Elizsbeth and Dollie. Ford car on Monday. Mr. Hyde. of New Ontario, is home EXETER. for a couple of weeks. -The canning factory has reopened Born -To Mr. and Mrs. Will Hav- en., a daughter,' on September 14th. Mr.. James Mitchell and children, of %Vilhar Pfaff, of (.rand Bend, has Toronto, are visitors at air. W. G. `ie- bought the shoe -repairing business of Creetie.e W. Smith and has removed to town. Mir. Luella, ttibielde' M Ea■.aly - R. 11. Elworthy. of Exeter, figured nosh, spent the wQCY+tas1 -with min in an auto accident at London re- Pearl Todd cently, when a cyclist collider) with his 1tr iso me. Frank Houston and car and. had hie leg broken. No (name area aI w - iv attached to Mr. Eiwortby. air. e. .ng bb. ars holidaying at The folitivin. have recently eolis•ttd' sur�te a '., rein ester loic•1il J. (i` leo �' .adMew-Ma-Lw-•std ehiidren, f ';%' tb. ret Prieeell.. Mea .Joist Lane tad of Stephen;' Wm. R•tseell, of »" 1' H.R: '{Malcolm, of Kinlough, called on friends Cornish; ut Ely.cillw�li✓ 1P Hstper, here on Saturday. pa and he rays that in Indiana, Illinois John Beet pmt] t'rtd ',V right, of ('s-: Tbe liepteu.ber toeetiog of the St., aats►ed ref. Our work is in de- at!d par: of Michigan he found the I horde. Helene %Votuen's institute will be held stand became it loots. Engage ue E.1f's to Wm. H. Kent. both of McKie- (rods beastly. In Minnesota they tVm. Fletcher hoe sold his brick t>4 Thursday. SUlh.ibst., at tba house for your roof tinning. I lop t,wnsbip. Rev I) Cirewet1 Well were fairly good and in this Provior5 re,idruce on Main street to Wra.Snell, of Ire. P. Clark. at 29Uoclock. Sub the otflciatingminister, •bort of all, of Usborne. The .rice `jest--••B.lgian People •std Their law I Dail was se 500 James Stell A Sons, of Mullett, wbC won twelve prizes a1 the Toronto Ex• Whitton in the Leicester *beep classss- yrp.ufaad the petturmatnce at the Lon- . • jtfamllfon Street -:- pee„ la l doe Fait ani *J 0 received au additional print. .NN_N� 1'h. town 01 Mitchell bad A IW.. day. campaign to raise funds for the Canadian patriotic tuiid. The sum of 33,545) esu the objective. At the close of the second day over $d,ten bad been suhscrih.d. Pte. Thos. Archer, son of the late Samuel Archer. of Mullett, died at Toronto. the result of illness con- tracted while In training at Niagara The funeral wee held at Paisley and was attended by relatives from Clio - too. William Turabult, of Usbcrne toren- ship, weal married or. (September 1&h, at Fast Z. -ors. to Mary Ann. daughter or Mre. John Emmet -on, of that place. The young couple have taken up tbeir residence on the groom's faint in Us - borne. , John fiber/att. ex -M. P., of Stephen township, who recently received • Government appointment as purchas- ing agent for Prosioci.1 institutions, is removing to Guelph to live, as that point is more central for his new work David Mr.Creath, of Kincardine, did Tuesday of lest week at Toronto, where be bad undergone • surgical operation. He was in his sixty-fifth veer. The remains were brought to kincardine for intermedt. Jacob Wheeler. a former resident of Wroxeter. die.! at St-atford on Sep- tember ltkb. He was in his eigbty- thitd year and is survived by one son and one daughter. While at Wrose ter Mr. Wheeler was engaged as har- ness -maker. Claude E. W. Bluett, son 01 C. K. Bloett, of Leedom, died at. his home tbere on September It,'h. Tbe family were formerly residents of Crediton, where much.ympothy is felt for the Fred Hunt "School Days" Mean School Shoes We are headquarters for School hoes' Our stock contains a large assortment of Solid and Sub- stantial Shoes for boys and girls. Built for service. with (Inc regard to comfort and aprearance as well. No- where will you find a better :election or better values. Dries tie Scholars Hare ! WM. $HARMAN Corner Hast Str, et and Square Goderich _a uo�i SECRET TO £iARKEN GRAY HAIR $torte lack color. gloss sad Writes= wits Or nota telpher. of lege Oettteolt gram sage brewed We a balmy t•a, with sulphur eel almket added, win ton streaked std faded hair beaatifal y dark and lasses "Look here." mid the indignant mistreat of the house to the pedlar of small warm. "Do von eall these safety mnatchesP Why. they won't light at all " - "Well. ma'am," said the miller. suavely. "soot could you 'ave that'd be safer 7he weather was warm. wed Pat derided to shove es the back porch. Mrs Casey. @woes the way, observed "Pat,' .b. called, "share an' Ot ere - ale shale intonate date, "and did "Besorra," ye think 01 was tor -lined P"--DudIge. DWI mad the ebfd it she is erose give beg Resa11 O.d.v)M, e. the trouhie le obably with the bowek. Acid owl H C. Doukas. the Retail stores 1 tad 500 hoses. Ser. Snell in trods to ••tote from farm- i tome. Querdoo drawer; sewing tend Sirs. John Porterfield passed away ft Is expected that Mr. Fletcher' knitting. All the Indio are welcome. at her home in Howick on September ung• p• -.onus. for himself. 1 R 6 y will build ano.,aet V _ 11 h. She was born in England eighty years ago but had lived in Canada /etnce $ child. For over fifty years she had bee* a resident of Howick. In April. 1912. Mr. and Mrs. Portetfleld celebrated their sixtieth wedding an- niversary. Her bushand, seven sons and six daughters survive. Mrs. Por- terfield was the mother of sixteen cell- dren. SEAFORTH. • ' Wm. Montgomery bas gone to Wel- land to work in • jewellery store. N A. Willoughby, printer, has gone to Sarnia, where he has • position. The Robert Bell Company shipped a carload of completed shells last week. Fred Weir and Howard Hays -have gone to Toronto to join an artillery regiment. Hosie Thompson, of Mitchell, has purchased the Seaforth oatmeal mill and Is preparing to base it in opera- tion shortly. John Aird, who was recently ap- pointed general manager of the Cana- dian Bink of Commerce, was at•;,one time manager of the branch here. N. Clark Son, of the Seaforth plan- ing mill, have recently purchased the coed business of James Hughes and will operate it in connection with their other husinea.. Miss H. Helen, M. A., of Toronto. has been engaged as additional teacher for the Seatorth Collegiate Institute ata clary of 118.10. Mies Helson is a specialist in moderns. A. S McLean, son of M. 1-. McLean, Seaforth. baa joined the Bird Battalion at London. Another Seaforth boy, Ellis McLean, son of Mrs. A. McLean, has enlisted at Retina. CLINTON. Mr. Joseph Rattenhury, of the Rat- teobury House. recently underwent an operation and is reported as doing a. well as could be expected. Wm. Simpson, who left here for the West about • month ago, fell from • load of grain at Lawson, Mask , and fractured his collarbone and several ribs lAeut. Hodgson, who left here with the first Canadian contingent. has been promoted to captain. He is now acting se .ru•rtermaatet with tb. 1st Battalion. Mrs. W. Whittington, daughter-in- law of Mts. W hittington of town. and a former resident here. did '*easily •t Peveosey, Parry Sound district. atter • .bort hone•• sat: rtrttsose bet d dasdr*, step The Baptletcongregations otellston aaslp fAeblrlg and falling Asir. RMLxims and Auburn have putchased the test- a..s Tea ria+ auto= t'Sa p. " km". deuce of A. J. Hull.away, oo Albert thsegk, is tleekLwm•. Aa easier is s►t.wt, fir raw as a parsonage. The to rt tis rwsty�w utast ens pek. was *I,M00. tsbout DO wets barge kettle, sR John R Armstrong. a former red - et if" kwn w "tvyetb tai dee-1 t her.. end eon in-law of Mr*. W. 11ulpheY no(o►eps,tad," ave lag a Cooper, wasteeently elected preeWeet led of eases of the alifornian .enciann of t'C11i• wieq, grq, CAUfr61 lair is t� rfnreeryr.n. Mr. Armetrosg re644ee uloftil, w aU n 4 •send ear ywrt et Oat.rto. California. fol atlearasw .ad •ttrtetim em. An imf wtm•1 reception was tendered ttarfsa y� lair IdaW0ti to Rev. .1. A. Rnhlsson. the new pse- ea+ ,eta test as taB. ter Of Bt. Peel's rhereh. os Mieday tease B ss fetsMtdlyr es twemleedah evening of last week. As address of rand >eur bales welerxpe wee prevented amid • very =sell �1...MYss •dan• pl..•a JohntWaal, yis�tgustrpese@ of H. W. Aflsv .M0 apps miken ge tear • _ Watts. formerly of town, woo married @Ir bow,. brm �Irk .ah. • at 1ntto* N tiegm t•h.r IgMPSen to Z est) Issariamt tenet r ssplr sees Lamella RnMsene. of that pines The yeses maple spout pet et the hooey - Mrs. Rhoda Snell, o' 114.1* *ill!' NILE. and Mr. Clayton Feayoe, Ib. tl=;cad d forum wabka Thanes road. Osborne, were quietly , married at the Methodist parsonage? %VgDlRsi..-t' `l -l"1` 22. on September 13t1. They have taker" Joseph M.illough pts tette.] his op their residence on the Thames road. ' farm and is selling his live stock and mpl emen ter 2ltaoder �22 wadll fair wptasxdas l d Off yu on Seets►t- em - I I W e ate tstirl baying plenty of rain. isfactorily. The exhibits in all classes t Many of our farmers are unoflie to get excepting fruit, wane well up is Che their fall wheat sown, and there are standard of preview ears and the Gull some stook* out in the fied., , attendance was well up to the average, Robert ilcilw*in, Isaac Ilethering- Jobn Duocao, of this village, passed sons, Reg. and Ern., were at London away at Toronto on September 21.1. last week attending the Western Fair. He bad gone to the city to visit the . All returned have well pleated with Exhibition an 1 while there contracted thiol trip pleurisy, which terminated fatally. He Mr. Ernest Jackman received a mes- wua barn in Scarboro towerhip, near ; sage from Markham mating that his Toronto, seventy three years ago' father-in•:aw was seriously 111. Mrs. About twenty -live yuanaqo he moved ' Jackman took the next titin from to Hay townsbip and (armed on the' McGaw station. No furtber word baa Blind line until the death of his wife been received. Ave years ago, when he removed to Friday morning Itugh 14.11, of Ben - Exeter and lived there with bis daugb- miller, came over to Nile with his ter, Mrs. Brickw000d, who is the only auto -truck and took a load cf twenty - surviving member of the family. three up to Kincardine to see our WVINGHAM. [amour "Little Netty' in the racing Wendell Holum.. youngest gran of contest. The race was a good one and Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Holmes, broke Netts did well, winning third money. his arm when he fes) from a fere. On S iturday afternoon our young while engaged in picking plums. people and some of the older ones also The members of St. Pwl'a church who were not 100 tired after their intend to build a drtvesbd. it will be KiocaeJine trip went down to the e al of concrete construction with metal andhheld -I •picnic. Games and gond roof. 40x!10 feet. The estimated coat is chat wire a indulged g and all they gdx) boats in the evening saying they had had "the tows ret their At a recent meeting of the town lite." council a motion was passed asking for the resignation of Fire Chief Din.ley, FOUR CONVICTIONS. for having sold some fin bore without permission. Handlers of Wet (roods Run up against Miss Flnrrie Janie, who is reinoviogl else Law. M Toronto to trait' as a Siltation! Clinton, Sept. 2t. -Another scene in Army officer, was presented with A the notorious Bender ,tee was staged here today before Police Magistrate Andrews, and four .liferent convic- tions vete recorded for *iolatians of the Canada Temperance Act. It efts the result of a shipment of 1 iger beer sent Into Hetsaall last month by Heuter'• brewery, of Berlin, and D. Petrie p.,fnrmed the ceremony. addressed in a fletitious name, but de - Tse young couple will reside on the livered to W. H. Bender of th. Com - groom'.. farm in Howick. mereial hotel Misa Beatrice Hitler. of M'retford The delivery of the wet roods ra.ed and James A. Jarkes, of Toronto. the trouble, as Bender, knowing 0* were married at St. Pool's entire% was heal; watched. seemed two auto- bere on September 'L2id. it... E. G mobile* and rushed the Mame raw Dymond performed the ceremony. Al out into the country, and lodged theta wedding dinner partaken'( at the in two dttter.at borne. end on the fol- lowing day took half of it to his hotel la the early worming, and the other half to hie private hoagie at Zurich. At the former trial, Bender was fined for bringing the goods into • Caned* Tenaperawce Art county, and today the express Agent at Heneall end al.n tames (Carlin and Wellington Johnston were each find $50 and matt for delivering liquor tile -gaily brought is. Thr'.. Kyle, to whoop home part of the 1 moo was taken, pays • dmilar inc for as•i.Ung Render to bringing in rhe shipment. Theras. areainst the br.wety was, by defendants' mower, adjourned on• til nest week. On aAvtr, of the O. T R. lawyer, J. H Pratt, of Mon- treal. A. L lase, Ike Htneall agent, pleaded guilty Crown Attorney Meager meted for inspector Torreon., and J. M. Bart defended Kyle. The cape is an imprrtaet one, as if 'item 11.h.. the feet *bat no signor etre he brought..hipprd or delivered in a Iles. oda Temper -anew Act roomy unto.*, few iITUT[S the personal or family nap of the per- son Mingles It in. baodsome suitcase and a 1'dies fitted dressing ease by her fellow -employees of the (..troey glove work.. Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Nt7. W. J. Deyetl, of towel. arse 111011 it d rt St. Andrew's manse, on September 18, to Robert T. Earl, ret Howick. Rev.. WHEN !IVY, II • ST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE !MUNI 'ItivrsaoAv, flsttrratesam Alt. i1115 I6t McLEAN BROS. Come in and inspect our new showing of F Hats We feel sure that they will please the inostexacting buyer. A large variety to pick from. PRICES MODERATE McLean Bros. Semi -Ready Tailprs Cru �v\ f3 (3, sulsion is only justified when the rxperienee of the country bra aomp proved that uniformity in irldividua conduct is netesaart' '5i etihihiott Willi I i.eing and national progress.-Rasda1 say Macdonald. M. P. CAN NOW EAT HOT BREADS "Dear Dr. Jrcksos : Being a lover of hot bigtulta,. cattes,'Pft., but•foi-eosin: enable to eat them fearing atute indigestion, i bless the naive of Roman Meal, eiore i can now eat freely of anything in the hot bread line made (rum it with- out fear of distress. incidentaI!v Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal is the most delicious food I have ever eaten. 1 use it in some form in every meal and at • consequence have been relieved of a lifer -long constipation." Roman Meal ie sold by .11 live groc- ers, at 10 cent, and 25 cents. A Reminder of the Great Storm. The Reid Woo:Lula Company. of Sarnia, haat succeeded in raising ■od delivering to the Uniti4I tit.1.s Gov- ernment at Buffalo the hulk .:f light- ship No a2, which uta, Iasi- in the great storm of November n, I01S, A package of ,lettere was (Hund 10t..:im wreck. The leakiest bed beta. Ri,(t. t by the crew on The tray of the ten ihle storm. They were turned over to ate 1'. R. postal authorities and will to delivered se the 'last messagee of the lost •neo. It was expeetd that the bodies of five of the •ix nen lost would be found in the holt, ant practically everything had tarn washed over- board. it is beIierr.l that the bodices are buried in the Rand of the lake hot- tnm. The lifeboat of the .hip was found in the sand alongside the wreck. Great Reductions in Prices -o: Summer Goods Lawn Mowers Woe $5.110, now Sian Was 36.00, now Wen Was $6.25, now $525 Was 117.50, now.. *Ian Was *10.00, now 38.01) Screen Doors Were *2.50, now .... *2.211 Were 32.26. now ....., 31 .11) NVere $1.75, now - 31.50 Were it 35, now....... .. *1.20 Were $1 25, now...... *1.10 Hammocks Were 3850, now $4.25 Were *4.25, now iA.00 Were *3.50, now 32.73 One Rambler. 144110, now 1311.111) Were trim., now *2.50 One aVesland. 3:33.0►. now 11:14.101 Were s;4.i0. now *illi Two we i-. (e), now.... it.Iii' Were *2 26, now.... 31.75 One R. 11 trnt'.......... Sir. oft 1 and many 'then. One Girl' •'heel ..... *13141 A great snap in Graniteware-1,ic each for pieces worth 2,rsc to 3tic, and if you purchase five of the 15c pieces yon can get a pail, dish pan or large sauce pan for 1:k. Are you Ruing to require any Binder Twine for your corn ? Now is the time to get it, as there is going to be a shortagt. Have you any patching to do to your walls ? if so, use Park stone Wall Plaster. It is all ready for use For the finishing; coat nee Monarch Hydrated Lime. It is'lackeil and ready for tax. Refrigerators One was $11.01. now... *8.50 One was $35.110, sow syn to One was PAM, now $0.5tt 1 Screen Windows Vere 3 br, now.... .... .... . Ygc Were :ilk, now 23c (iarden Bose One half-inch corrugated, uta, 170, now 1:.c per foot. Bicycles Now is the time to nave your furnace overhanled before iia dirty weather set. in. We keep competent men for the put p41 -4 - Send your order in now and it will have prompt attention. We carry a cotnplcte stock of Iiappy Thought Ranges and R.I. diant Home Heaters.12 11 and see one Stoves before raking a porch&.*, In Shelf and Heavy Hardware Our Stock Was Never (lore Complete! Let us figure on yonr Plumbing, Heating. Eve.troughing and P•leetric Wiring All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed. Chas. C. Lee !TORE 22 - - PHONES -- - NOVSL 111