The Signal, 1915-9-30, Page 8Ni�nsOAT, Ba lerearau a0, 1916
You coin cook to the full capacity of the top
and bake an oven full of good things with,
• — :— -- •
at the gime time. Many a chs-
sive features you should know
about._Let the-McClarj dealer show yon'
FARE, . $300
Dr. "Dick" H•tnilten. of Cornwall, Tells
of Ferocious Struggles.
Dr C. J. Hamilton, of Cornwall, •
(ioderieh ••old boy." has received the
tullowing letter from his sen, 1)r. C.D.
Hamilton, who as with Field Ambul-
ance No. 111. of the British Kxpedi-
tiooary Force, in France. The writer
attended (loderich Oolleeiate Institute
• few years ago. The letter is dated
August 211th, "somewbere in France" :
Lear Dad, -I suppose you received
my last two letters by this time. 1
have not been able to stood you any
news for over a week. owing to the
many changes mads in our position,
and lack of postal faciliUas. We have
hero moving about France like a trav-
elling circus, hilletltoq In •Midges at
I. Dight. and Itaviog in the small hours
of the morning. But at last have
made • temporary, if not permanent,
ball, close to the Belgian frontier.
and in the neighhorhocd of where
much of the flerceat fighting is going
Iasi Wednesday marked my fins
experience with German shells. I was
ordered up W an advanced dressing
station, to obtain an insight into the
methods employed in caring for cer-
tain classes of wounded. l bad occas-
ion to visit-ieenwt•edl-in a motor
ambulance, which had been sent to
the village for casualty cams. The
Germans were bombarding the place
viciously as we arrived. High explo-
sive missiles were falling in the streets.
and among the dwellings at short in-
tervals. and the crack of shrapnel
overhead was, to say the least, very
disconcerting. My abode became the
centre of the. famous Chateau of-
llJen.ored)!-. No doubt you have.
already heard tales cr:mected with
the fierce battle for the possession 'of
this place. The Daily Mail gives a
vivid description in the Tsetses last
November. It is one of the moat in-
tertsting fights of the present war.
The Germane were in occupation at
the time and ibe French came up,
surrounded the Chateau and dug
tbemeelves in. Two garden walls
separated the contesting forces. Be-
hind the lint was the enemy and hack
of the second our Allies. The latter
tunnelled under the garden. exploded
a mine beneath the enemy's trenches,
producing fearful .laughter, and then
)cbarwed with the bayonet. They
drove the Germans hack into the
buildings, who occupied the top floors
Br iUF=F/��s�LAND
1- l�. �\
e rte.
'`. The Greet Skip "SPF-ANDBEiE"
The 1wa.� ..d me t snotty .t.on my d dM. or et the t9woia. a.rr�
trr fns t mw lairo
s.— sea
CITY of lam" — 3 Mortirioer.11 Ei..mws — "CITY o► IIUJti?ALO"
111:11V /AA
BUFFALO --Daily, Ma Id to Dec. I - r.
.. Qowtmd . - S .ii A. Arrive
Noll1W - - - i y A. IL
u p _.tI .at Wooten. Thal -
Mwhrwl. der b.t n-dhf rb.*W...• NWt�.. iod .0.d o sod all wort..L W
m a.w sem., Ai row Paget soot fee takes . s V. a P. Lir. " e.W..d .reta..1.ret* tarn, i.+..e both .,I d Meer, ..1 Toe Groot
wt o met ft,. meta m atto .mage p osa. and seats'. ale W
roe sur 0- I rod d.e,r�
Butter Wrappers
The Signal Office
Wets fns Firftalaes
Mgldtr. ad Hes tDurtlr) Priadpel.
Address: -334-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
and beeesnegt. The French were in
the centres. the comae of the hand
to -hand flitting the walls std roof of
tbe upper sten gave way, Miation
down hundreds of the Buns as top ut
their oppon rhea. in the darkened
coeridurs blue below. cringed •
scrap whi more like a battle
awoog wi mals time human be-
ings Toe •h poked macblue guns
through t Iler windows and fin-
ished elf ) every man in the
basement taw who ..caped
were driven beck to the lines trey
now hold
Thousands of men atria) sides lie
burled in the halt-1111rd uii running
acmes the gasden. and many white
mores :tt the brads of mounds on
the aides of driveway• and on the
main road eccouut for more. 1t is
well named '•l'be Chatrtu of Death."
In feet the entire village has • weird
and ghastly effect Every public
buildtug and dwelling hal been blown
to piece by "Black Jacks." In most
curs they tide reprr.ented by no-
thing more than pileei of brick..
i:allrn trees tied . ubbi.b of all kinds
are strewn about the street.. The
ground is hoe.ycolubert with deep ex-
cavation', where the enemy's shells
have fallen, aid everywhere Is desola-
tion and ruin.
While walking about the street yes-
terday with en officer who is in cuw-
mand,,Aof the port, I found several
trophies, bettered helmets, lrrskrn
bayonets, and sweet al one:p6abd
abells. We also turned up a huutan
On Tuesday we went out to our first
line, wad►lig through a series of
reserve and eommunlcating trenches
after leaving the village and finally
getting within six hundred yards of enemy. There are a fine lot of
fellows out there, and they are mak-
ing the best of a bad time. They
read, play various„ games, and wi its
letters ►.use, and when not doing
these they try to worry the Germane.
I had a look over the parapet and by
means of a French glans, which my O.
C. had been kind enough to lend we,
could make out the battered condi•
tions of things on the other side. The
Germans wet ire having a very un-
eomfortable time on their side. for we
usually send Yuck six shells for every
one that comes over.
On our way back we climbed out of
the trench and sheltered ourselves be-
hind a clump of trees be watch a battle
Ruing on in the air. A British aero-
plane was being treated to a dose of
shrapnel, just above us. We saw the
Haahes and the curls of smoke getting
nearer and neerer and were afraid for
* t.iwe that they would get hint, but
he soon dived and sailed back to
I °MO finishing this letter in a dug-
out "event miles from the Chateau.
1 came up hen last night and shortly
after the enemy began to shell the
town, and you can take it from me
that Hell eras let loose with all its
furies on that occasion. The sky was
ablaze with bunting shells, machine
guns, ,French mortars, aerial tor-
pedoes. star lights and every invention
of the devil took • hand in the fuss -
lade. What I minded most was our
own batteries and notably the French
seventy -fiver. Tete din and roar of
the guns was terrible, but they got
whet was coming to them, aa might
have been expected.
In the morning I paid wother visit
to our front line. 1 was much nearer
to the enemythan at-eneored )-a
distance of (O
lees than one hundred
yards. 1 took a sergeant with me.
Ve had to run the gauntlet o1 an ex-
posed ridge to get thele and a few
sniper's bullets sang around us, but
they (the enemy) were a thousand
yards away and the chances were
'nosily in our favor. Well, Dad, I
have a long way to go to reach Head-
quarters, so will close. Be sure and
let me know If you receive my letters,
as 1 am loot certain that they will
reach you. Love to a11.
Your affectionate son,
Mewl. more e**anh In this section of the
country than all ether direst*. put together.
and unt II the last Mr Tsar* wan sup/ omeo to be
incurable. For a great many year. doctor*
pynmounaed it a Mewl dleea.e and pre-crRwd
ka-al remealie... and by raa.tantly failing 10
Sun. with local Lomat tnent, prononn.•ed It In
curable. rt. ionee be. woven t•starrh to be a
counitutinsat avian and thwtore regal/en
ton.i11 ut loom treig•.nt. Hall. Catarrh t;ure.
masefectured hr F. J. Canner & ('a, etede.
Ohio, H the only trnelltuthuul entre on the
market. It la taken Internally. Meet,. dimetly
on the broad ancient/was .orfs e. .1 th. q-ler•.
They offer one hundred dollar. for any taw 11
f.11- to cure. $and ter rirculan and teat'
AMU's.: F.J. CHLNF:Y a (Q Toledo. tibio
Sold by dr.italtae, ?Sex
Tate Hair. Peony Pin. for (Iowa loaf ion.
DEAR Met. 6Atiro&, -On Septemher
11111 there appeared in The i roe Prom
an article troll Seaforth unoer the
heading 'For Sale Only When in the
Bar." The article closed with these
word" : "The decision is an Imre), tint
one from the hotel keeper'sstendpoint."
This eenteoce should read "From the
law-hreaker's standpoint." u it means
nothing to the honest botelkeeper.
Allow us to quote two clauses from the
C.T.A. and ask three not vented in
law to read them and compare with
the decision of the polies magistrste
in the Seaforth ease The general
public can then appreciate the diRlcul-
tiee of the temperance party in Sea -
forth. also see what the inspector ie
compelled to fate.
Clause 170 of the C.T.A. trader which
Mr. Yellow and Mr. Wallis .obtained
the search warrant reads: --"if it b
pinion under oath that there is
reasonable CRIMP to suspect That any
Intn:Matin" Ilgnnr is kept for Bale In
violation of part 2 of the C.T .A.-- -
in any dwelling boner. .tore, shop,
werehottss, outhouse. Rardeu, yard,
croft, vessel, building, or other place
or places," the tenet able. armed with
w warrent, may lawfully .Site the
same. Messrs. Fellow end Walla,
with a warrant, ed to search
the Qoeen'e bete of Neaforth Mr.
Fellow swore is the witness hos (and
was not contradicted 1 that when he
entered the bar he found a pomp in
working order. Mr Walli■ entering
the cellar (mind MI in darkness. la
the confection n an keg was found until
it was diseovered just outaide the
Smiler door. sveryt.hing pointed to
Its being In the collar and conanectod
with the pump.
Clause 190 of the U.T.A., which
deals with -proof," nays when N nay
twelve. shop room nr other pMse 1a
nee niunients/(tip In *Web the QT. A.
M Ic form "a tar counter. beer rumps,
kar s. or any other appliaaoss at gasp
The Wer Assist Health 4s Wale
Faded By "Fruit-a•d►es'.
East Ship harbour, N.S.
"It le with great pleasure that I
write to tell you of the wonderful
benefit 1 have received from taking
`Fruit.a-tires'. For years i war adreadful
sufferer from Constipation and Head-
aches, and I was miserable in erery way.
Nothing in the way of medicines
seemed to help me. Then 1 finally
tried 'Fruit-a-tives' and the effect was
splendid. After taking one bol, ljnl
lite a sere person and I am deeply
thankful to have relief from those
sickening Headaches".
"FRUIT-A-TIVES", the medicine
mule from fruit juices, bus relieved
more sufferers from Headaches, Consti-
pation, Stomach, Liver, Kidney end
Shin Ten b/es bine any ether medicine.
LAc. a box, 6 for V.,o, trial size, tic.
At all dealers or sent on receipt of price
by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa.
*rations similar to those usually found
in tavern and shop where intoxicating
liquors are usually .old or t raMeked in.
are tumid and int&:leafing liquor is
also found in such hotter, shop. room
or place such liquor shall he deemed
to have been kept for sale unless eke
contrary is proved by the defendant."
In the Queen's hotel case the defence
offered no evidence. The*te
diem's/led the ease. if Police Magis-
trate Hoolmwteed thinks hie decision
just, well and gond. It may he law to
say that "place" does nut mean the
yard, but it is not the connuon inter-
pretation of the English language, nor
Is it in *mord with the .pirit and in-
tention of the law.
To .ay th*t the pump and beer must
be found in the same room is quibbling
and makes it possible for the hotel. in
Seatorth, at Meet if they so determine,
under the protection of law to sell. so
long as they keep e roan on the job to
disconnect the pump. when a constable
1t is perhaps fair to say- that a de-
cision of Justice Middleton in tete case
of Iter we. Nero, 6, O.W.N. 42 . "No
presumption that liquor is kept for
sale arises merely from the finding of
liquor unless found in the bar," was
before the magistrate at.eaforth.
In that case, however, the liquor
was found in a barn. while in the
Queen's case there was evidence that
the keg had been in the cellar and
connected with the pump in the bar.
Theca/se above referred to is a very
weak one end WAS taken under the
Ontario Liquor Act and not under
the Caned* Temperance Act.
The Crown attorney disagreed with
the magistrate and held, ‘.and rightly
so, that the police magistrate ahold
not have diemia.ed the rase in the
absence of any evidence by the de-
The Temperance Alliance of Huron
county are behind the inspectors and
the Crown *ttotney, and are bound
to see the law enforced. Mo far they
have been well pleased with the de-
rision's handed down, hut in the
Queen a tette they believe there has
been a travesty 01 iuetiee, and th*t
an appeal should be taken on a ques-
tion of few. At all events the end is
not yet.
Powsu., Field Meteorstsar•
A. T. ('imenn, President.
.1. A. IawIN, Secretary.
Bat Lam meat and take Salta for Back-
ae -ache or Ilia ids. t:eabie-
1leatrtalisse adds
Mk arid is seat excited as kidaiygt
Hwy Means overworked; gut elnggW,
alis, and fe.l like hump* of lead. The
*rise be -oases cloudy; the bidder is Irri-
tated. and you may he obliged to sank re.
list two or the.. toms derive the algid.
Whoa the kidneys eke you most kelp
them flush e( 10. body's Swinges wade
or yeall be • regal "ink person shortly.
At feet yea fat . dill misery 1a the kid-
ney ranee. yea suer from bsekaehe.
. hk In. 4..l e. dl -l-. g.. skewk gets
v e_ yea teal ri.a-
m•t e t wi.g., whoa t 4 weather is Md
last lees ,il , lots of water;
.also get from say pharmacist fear wase
et Jad Balbi bake a tabMq.sfal
M • We .f wafer before breakfast
for • M days ant yaw klderes will
Thea act /fan This famous salts 1. made
trod the acid et grape. mad tars jai%
etsaileed well Hihi.. sad hes Mea sold
for gs .esUetr to .ilia. obliged kYrys
toad stimulate thud te eternal rstivity,
also 1. .ssar.lise the ends is .rias. se
1t se loafer is a mares of irritation
Thom Sadie( bladder weshessa
Jail Mile M vo. sued ler
rsw1 raahss • dal
MIh4. w1er Atria wh ev.ry ee sa•sY
hM ages sed Sea s� f�stpp tM kidneys
elms asst adlra Drs hire:Legrey
..ti lois of Jail tiBzmaikksi M Who whe
■tom Kis owirso=obldslair tfaebls
Ruuiant Are Holding Enemy
at All Points.
They Are Hamming the Ranaq d
Volhyata and Galicia, sad Qsswtal
'wawa Has AU flu& Reptaed the
Triangle of Dube* Remo toad
Latak-Eight Tboo•ae' Mei Cls.
tared at bleak.
LONDON, Sept. 27.-8ome of the
fiercest lighting of the campaign 1s
In progress on the Rus.lan frost.
The Germans continue their furious
attacks In an effort to_drive the Rus-
sians out of D►inak, while 1n Volky-
nla and Galicia the Lte.alans contuse
to harass the Austro -Germans, wbo
had deals -tut on Kiev, from which
town they are now farther away than
they were a few weeks ago.
General lvanoff apparently is de-
termined to hold back the Austro -
Germans, and his efforts are meet-
ing with a considerable measure of
success. The fortress triangle, which
includes Dubno, Rovno, and Lutak, 1s
almost entirely in the possession of
the Russians. Reports show that the
prisoners captarvd in the Lutak dis-
ietrict numbered 128 omoen' and about
8.000 men. not eighty oMcers and
4,000 men as stated In the prelimin-
ary estimates.
Figbting la Rigs Dietrfd-
Tbe Russian official war statement
given out on Saturday night says:
"The cannonade In the Riga region
has become much more intense in
places, the Germans using asphyxiat-
ing shells.
"A fierce battle has been fought
along the whole front of the Dviaak
positions between the Dvina and
Lake DHavtaty, where the Germans,
supported by the hurricane are of
their artillery, delivered repeated
desperate attacks, all of which were
repulsed. Certain treacbee changed
hands frequently.
"During one counter-attack a Rus-
sian detachment in the heat of the
tight was surrounded by Germans,
but cut Its way out and joined the
other troops."
To -night's pedal Petrograd de-
spatch reports a "somewhat quieter"
situation along the D•insk front, the
capture of the village of Drliriaty by
the Ruaslans from the Germans, and
the repulse of German attacks in the
Vilyta region around Vileika.
East of Novo Grodek the Russians
also claim the capture of German
trenches and the village of Post ugte,
with many prisoners, machine guns.
and wagons. On the ShumentlRtver
they drove the Germans across the
stream, capturing a number%kof
wounded met and mach mat.erlal.,
Noted Socialist aid Labor Deader
Succumbs to Pseemoaia,
LONDON, Sept. 27. -James , Keir
Hardie, the noted British labor
leader, died to -day at 0lasgow,t8eot-
land, of pneumonia. He was 69:years
of age.
Mr. Hardie had one of tbn'n.o.t in-
teresting careers of all the men is
public life in Great Britain In the
- j►
last thirty years. H. was born la
Scotland, and began life as a coal
miner's helper when he was moves
years old. He worked in coal mixes
until his 24th year, giving up hie
spare time to study. He became a
deur. of prominence in the organfsa-
tlon of coal miners and then entered
polities. He was elected to the Home
of Commons 1n 1892, but failed of re-
eleatfoo at the next poll. He was
.tested again in 1900. and had held
his seat sine (ben continuously.
In addition to his proteineeee as a
trades unionist advocate and as a
politician, Mr. Hardie was noted as
an authority on Scottish literature.
Loan Comenimlor i.eave for
NNW TORL, Sept. 27. - - Lord
Re•dfag and three other members of
the Anglo-t'twnrb Lona CommisNea
left New York to -day to ro.salt will
wasters beakers regarding tb. pro-
posed 11600,000,000 loan to the allies.
Tsrt.s of the loan have been virtual-
ly settled, it was Intimated last ye -s-
lag. A imaber of the arm of J. P.
Merge a Oe. weli accompany the
4Aegauie. to Chicago.
time the sasses. of this visit nets
the balmy esssssmatfes of the leu
N -the •!ties, N was stated. dater -
asses will M invited with Ist ramb Is
the saddle warns mad waal.a
/betas *blab lava Slued the Mea
pa as allart Ja via *pa ever.
More News of Walters & Co.'s Shoe Store
You Can't Get swami
From this -that we save you more Canadian dollars than you
ever believed possible. Our display windows are filled with
desirable goods, all marked in �plaaiu figures, the counters and
shelves are lined with them. Examine the compare
the prices with those of stores in big cities, an when you have
figured the saving oo your purchases you will be thankful
we put on this sale for you Ind the good people of this com-
Ladies $4.60 and fib a) Yaeger, Cleo. Lady Elgin and American
Beauty high Shoes. The leathers are patent ooilskin, tan calfskin.
gunmetal and viol 01d. ail sizes toad width. The
classiest .hoe possible. Oa sale at ...... .... ........ sikiffe69
Ladies' NI.20 high e� �/� ladies' MAI cC•2lei
Shoos for .PLe`'g� Moss. beet makes.. 420e 1
Ladles' Hawes, high S1 (]Q prime
�Rabbets for ap- M all w 3w.
Shoes, ig.(H) values e.7C7 upfrom �J�.
We have a special snap for the men, too!
This is In men's high Shoe., nothing better was ever, made, sold
or itnught, all leathers, button and lase, 1915 lade, $3.69
eellftg now at per pair •
Moo's 03.75 $res pQ Ilea's ""548t
Work $hoes L• Work $hos .p .
TL. Biggest Bargains ever Yews is Gederick, i
G'arle, Boys' ani Ckaflaes's Footwear et all kiBfb. . . . .
New Methodi hoe Side
•WalterE&oC• 1
Old Shoes Look Like
onbui. Telephone No. 12e
Prices as Usual Buceeeeors to J. I3. McClinton Terme Cash
Do It Now
All wiring done by the latest
Hydro -Electric rule.
All work guaranteed.
Electric repairing of all kinds
promptly attended to, at rea-
"onable prices.
We carry a complete and up-
to-date line of Electric Fixtures
and Supplies; at; all times.
E.Isetriela a
Office $2—JUST PHONE—Haas WS
Printing? .105 AND co.l> clAL
g • 'the %i nal
- - Extra quality "azure" blue and white -
Three Coat Enamelled Ware
New assortment just in, will be on sale at excep-
tional values. See our window.
New and second -ha
Stoves, Ranges find
HSpecial Nate prices.
One only
No. 3 Daisy Oak Bar-
rel Churn
Hoopndle, also foot tread;
steel frame. Regular $8.26,
special $639.
One only
"Summit" Range
New 4 -piece sectional grates,
also wood grates, reservoir
and oven thermometer. Reg-
ular $40.00, special $33-16.
:to only
Imperial Gray Enamel
Tea Pots
Regular 45c, specie; 25c.
One only
"Ideal" Ra age
Fonrf -inch lids,re.e rvoir,high
shelf .04 oven thei snorneter,
burns coal or woof. Regular
$32.00, special $27. ;?t.
If you intend pat ating this
fall this is Tone c hence. G0
gals. high-grade
Ready Mixed. Paint
Register $2.06 val.. special
*2 .
Ira cat Yy a asemplia lbs al Heriww, oar Obis aro Oak
Holwell Hardware Co.' S'