HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-30, Page 5eta
MS -
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P ork
A Patch in the Hand
Is Worth Two at the
DeRkI s
Monday Flaming,
Judge Barron, of 8tr•tfard, sad
Major Toilets, hof Wisdom, will eel
dram • public asestiag to [sea shame
t he CManadian
�vednogg rn use interest of
patriotic hued.
A Former Resident of tioderkh.
Apatch is a littleThat death oeatrred at Detroit on
Monday of Mr. Root Waoson of
thing but lack
of it may compel
you to take to
"wk's hones."hones."Its a pod idea to
hews sotto along.
Something de-
pends on the qual-
ity of tine patch,
goo. To repair a puncture in a new
tube with a poor patch is like plug -
the tate E. C. Waimea of (iodeticb,
and brother of Mr. E. R. Wataoe of
town. The deceased, who spent hit
early dare here, was Afty-flow years
old &ad is survived by his wits Gad •
trierof grown children. Mr. W
K• atson attended the funeral at
What Mr. Mitchell Is Doing.
Guelph Mercury : Mr. James Mlt-
chell, Ontario representative of the
Dominion Areblves, is epeoding • few
days in the city looking up Canadian
history. He is here in search of in-
formiuoo of historical value pertain-
iog to Guelph and district, Mr. Mitchell
ging a tat hole with cheese, isae old newspaper publisher, hewing
for • number ofears ewbed and ed.
ited The Ouderich Star. and his journ-
Put some of our patches in your tool abasic experience stands him in good
.toad is his present work. Mr. Mit-
chell is calling a meeting of the older
residents with • view to hearing flow
them such stories of outstanding local
incidents as they have beard about,
pamphlets, newspaper extracts and
other material.
Presentation to Rev. Father West.
Rev. Felber West, formerly parish
priest in tioderich, now of Holy Angels'
church. St. Thomas, is now the posses-
sor of • rix -cylinder automobile, the
gift of his parishioner.. The present-
ation took place last Friday evening
in the auditorium- of Holy Angels'
.burcb, air address being read express-
at Ing esteem of the perish priest and
thanks for his efforts on behalf of the
North Street Methodist parishioners during his pastorate.
Fattier West mad. • fitting reply.
Church Bishop Fallon of London was present
and eulogized Father West, who. said
auspices of the Bishop. was a sample of priesthood
which should 1, found in every dio-
t'adies' Aid and the Choir cess. Father West, he said, was an
example whom young priests should
aspire to emulate.
box. are new live rubber -
as good asf the tube. And we have
them -
theright cement to p with them -
YR "> " cement you ever saw.
East Street Garage
Supper.aoa Concert
Thursday, Oct. 7
supper at #;. I5 Concert at
The following from The Macklin
mask.) Times will he of interest to the
PATRIOTIC PROGRAM bride's ft iends in this county :
A very pretty wedding was Polem-
` nixed at the home of Mrs. !George
ADMISSION -Brander no Wednesday, September
25c .th, et ' o'clock, when her eldest
daughter, Margaret Jean. was united
in marriage to Mervin S. Flatb.
e _ 1 The Aside was given away by 'her
brother, Mr. Nelson Malloy. Little
The regular meeting of the ()ode- Mies Rhoda Malloy, niece of the bride,
rich branch o1 the W°men's iwtitite looked very pretty as flower -girl,
will be held at the home of Mrs. Amus carrying a basket of sweet peas. At
Stewart on rhur.day, 0.•roher 7th. et the appointed time the bride entered
3 Rs,o0.' ei /AU wttssA4sre' - t6 iasield eAl raker* which rrkYereleitfti iik2' eater
A supper, to he followed by a mitre- with pink and white asters and
otic prograw, u to be given at North "baby's breath," to the strains of the
street Methodist ebureb on Thursday, Bridal ('torts played by Mrs. IRsv.)
Octolwr 7th, under the joint auspices (, Marshall. Rev. Geo. Marshall
of the Ladies Aid and the choir. perfor0)ed the marriage ceremony.
Admission, 23e.
Only immeiiate relatives of the bride
The management has made a master stroke in securing some
fine feature production.. for this theatre. which, in addition to
our big stuff already running. w-ili give the people of this vicin-
ity the hest pictures p.) .iF.le to obtain. or be seen anywhere.
We are adding a CHARLIE CHAPLIN FEA-
TURE, every Friday and Saturday,
beginning Oct. 1st and 2nd.
- These Chaplin Comedies will be shown in addition to our
new idea of a',4, 5 and 6 -part feature on these days.
Take a glance at the following program :
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 1 and 2
In 4 part.. Featuring Paul Clemens.
Featuring Charlie Chaplin.
Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 5 and 6
C. Audrey Smith in
In .5 parts. An extra fine production.
-Followed by --
Five parts. Featuring (ktavia Handwortb.
Featuring Charlie Chaplin and Mabel Normand.
Janet Beecher in
In 5 parts.
--1 6 parts. Featarirg Herbert'Kelsey and Effie Shannon,
Featuring Charlie Chaplin an.1 Mabel Normand.
Mary Miles Winter, in "FAIRY AND THE WAIF." 5 parts
1 Girlie Chaplin, Mabel Normand alai "Fatty" Arbuckle
in the 4 -part Comedy
"The Mix Up"
The Model 'Theatre night to be packed 3 time. eaeh eight os reed
twat ot these pt'edeettoaa He one to appreciate good photons and ease.
P.S. -Mabel Niemand is considered to he tbe leading Comed-
ienne in moving pictures, and Charlie Chaplin -well, you knew.
Fresh from the Gardens
of to
the wol7a. Tea -producing country In
Sealed�PPac is Only. AIL s 71
Try It --It's delicious. BLACK GREEN or MIXED.
were present, including from • dis-
tance Mr. sed Mrs. W. L Perris, of
Ponoka, sod Mise Evelyn Malloy, of
Edmonton. After tbe usual coograt-
ulatJons the peaty sat down to •
dainty waddles supper. Mr. and Mrs.
Math left on the evening train for
Edmonton. and atter a short honey-
moon trip will return and make their
home in this district -
The Times also has reports of some
social events, prior to the wedding, at
which the bred. -to -be was lissomly
"showered" by her friends.
Making a Correction.
Deputy Reeve Laithwafu ask. Th.
Signal to contradict •etatemeat when
be states was made hy ex -Reeve Mun-
ising. at the nomination meeting on
Monday evening to the effect that at
the recent special meeting of the
county co:aocll (at which the questions
of further contributing to'the Cana-
dian patriotic fund and inviting the
:iird Situation to the.coutttty were dis-
cussed Goderrich had no representative.
on hand. Mr. Laitbwaire points out
that be was there throughout the ses-
sion and carefully watched the pro.
ceedings and Major Dunlop, Dr.
Holmes and other Gndericb citizens
were present and did all the talking
that was necessary. Certainly the
Interest. of Goderieh were not over.
looked in the action of the county
O. C. I. Promenade.
The students, members of the stag,
and a tew ex-srudenyyss a the G. C I.
attended the pruminade on Friday
evening last under the auspices of the
Literary Society of the school. The
gymnasium, in which the affair was
held, was tastefully decorated in
patriotic effect with pennant+. ever-
greens and maple leaves. During the
evening for • variation • moonlight
promenade was held. those present
tsling a walk around the grounds.
Atuut 10 o'clock lunch was served and
was fully appreciated. A guessing
hene•se•.v m . which 'mesa. -were to
gums the number of beans in a jar.
was woo by Mr. Heber Powell end
Mies Alice McL •an, who guessed
the correct number, .b2 The pro-
ceedings were brought to a close, by
the siusing of the Aatiocal Anthem
Former Goderith Man Doing Well.
Mr. Walter Sharpe, who moved
from Oodericb about • year ago to go
into farming near Brussels, is doing
well, ae the following from The Brits.'
eels Post indicate-,:
James Shurrie and Walter Sharpe,
who last year purchased the eighty -
acre farm from Jno. Grainger, Sth
Hoe, adjoining Brussel,. have met
with splendid success in 'hie season's
crop. Wm. Brewer did one and a ball
day's threshing and the proiuct regis-
tered se follows :--Seventeen and a
kali acre. fall wheat, over 50n bushel.,
or nearly thirty bushels to the acre;
twelve and a half acres barley return-
ing over OJU bushels or nearly fifty
bushels to the acre ; and twenty-four
acres of oats, giving 1500 bushels, over
sixty bushels per acre. lo all there
MIA over 2,000 bushels of floe grade.
it was a wonderful crop and shows
what extra cultivation will do. They
have put in twenty acres of fall wheat
this season. About :31)0 rods of new
aod fixed -over fence have been a small
part of the improvements made. hood
luck to them, they deserve it.
The Late Miss Maud Graham.
Mies Apnie Maud Graham, whose
dotal was a000u.csd in them columns
last week, was a native of Godeeicb,
being the second daughter of the late
Edward Graham and of Mrs. Graham.
Mbe had spent practically all her life
in this vicinity and was much es-
teemed by all who knew her. She is
survived byher mother. one brother,
Mr. T. ('. rabam of Niagara Falls,
and Ave sisters : '-MMrs. Lindsenfeldt, of
Parkhill; Mrs. J. J. Keener, of Zurich;
Mrs Geo. Minkie and Mies Ida B. Gra-
ham, of Cleveland, and Mn. C. F.
Preston, of Douglas, Arizona; all art
whn,n were present at the funeral
which took place on Sunday. Mr.
Liodeofeldt, of Parkhill, and Mr. J. J.
Mercer, of Zurich, also were pres-
ent. Rev. J. B. Fotberingbam, rector
of St. George's church, of which de-
ceased was a member, conducted the
funeral services. The casket was
enshrouded in a beautiful array of
choice 'flowery and many residents of
tic. town attended the service at the
bouve. The pallbearers were Mews.
O. L. Fuson.. Ham Sturdy, Dr. L.
M. Mahe*, Dr. W. Y . Hayden, J, 8.
Platt and P. L. Welton. The hater -
meet was made in Maitland oemetery.
A Hero o1 Langemarck.
Pte. Eree.t Stevens, who i. vi.ttlsg
►t. aunt, Miss 1 Veneto.e, and hie
geawgesot .r, M '. Vanatooe, of tows,
Is a young soldier who nould tell of
some interesting experiences if be
were not .n modest H. enlisted with
the ant rontiagent at Edmonton and
after unending so4►e time •t Valcartier
ailed for goatiage where the whiter
wa. spent. He landed In Prase. one
Msreh I Stb and took part In the battle
et Lasgem•rrk onApril 23rd, whop be
wee twice wonnd.d lie l.g
hy • ballet and his right he
Iojor+d by sbnpeel. Me refereed to
England and •ter beteg dbesarg.d
from hospital was granted sit .oath.'
fwrloagb and with forty ether soldiers
enee(ee Asa rre wrier Free. are at
mese a.w.-• die rMvwemles Wrenn M
=We bur �•ss
=eel N.nb't bww` w*iitkr....(irewetos
rte.• se
e ' ter ;w. M' year.
soiled tram Liverpool 011 M. p:emt.r
Srd byths'teatime Heeperian, which
wan torpedoed off Qu-en,towb the
following day. io thi. way be toot all
his personal bisloneings. He returned
to Liverrpp0000l and sailed for Canada on
Mice ()ordioan, which arrived et Quebec
on September 20th. He is spending a
couple of weeks here before visiting
his parents et Kitecoty, Alberta. The
Stevens family formerly resided to
Colborne township and in this town,
Police (court Proceedings, ,•�
On Monday morning. before Mayor
Reid, one of the perticipantalin the
di oaken row of the ttlth Inst., who
paid a floe of CM for being mixed
up to that fracas, was tined e
further gum of 921 and costs for being
drunk on the public streets on the lith
inc.. The defendant pleaded that it
was all "ooe drunk," but his plea
availed him nothing. Imp answer to
Crown Attorney Seager, who wanted
to know where he obtained his liquor,
be said he purchased it in Toronto req
months ago, but as there was a pretty
good wan at the house where be
[warded, who did not want the board-
ers drinling, 12e had kept it in his
Another citizen, who had fallen in
with a party of convivial spirits on the
train on returning from Toronto and
bad become intoxicated• pleaded guilty
and was assessed the usual 920 and
Two other residents who bad run
foul of County Coostatls Fellow asked
to have the charge against tbem ad-
journed until Saturday. The request
was granted.
In the afternoon of ,the same day a
r•epident of Ashfield township paid •
fine of SW and costs for being drunk
in town on the previous Friday. Crown
Attorney Seeger endeavored to f:nd
-nut where the liquor came from, but
the defendant, woo is an Irishman fu'l
of wit, managed to evade the questioos
by giving very indefinite answers. He
j said be did net make tt but thought he
1111 euuly,if Imbed the rip e.t .*i,ibw
close of n lengthy examibation he
wished the Crown attorney "all the
happiness in the world," and as he left
the court room he wished the specta-
are the only
tttedi*'irte - that
will cure Dia-
betes Like
Bright's Ds.
ease this dis-
ease was in -
c ura ble until
Todds KidneDolt
y Pills
cured it.
themselves confess
that without Dodd's
K-dney Pills they are
powerless a,fainst 1)v_
hetes. Dodd s Kidney
Pits are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes.
i mita t ices -s -box name and
ppol, are advertised to .b so,
bw,t the medicines that does
is Dodd'. Kidney Pills.
Dodd'. Kidney Pills are
We cents a boa at all
Great Special
Feature Bill
Tuesday, October Sth
Wedaesiay, October 6th
"Tice World of tne War"
The finest and thus far only
actual motion picture record
of the big war. Co 'plete in
tour parts, showing just ex-
actly' what happened from the
assassination of Crown Prinqe
Ferdinand to the recent bat-
tles in Belgium and France.
Don't miss the only chance
von will get to see this won-
derful prtaluction , Showing
two days only, Oct. 5 and 6.
tea greatest of all striate
"Th. New Expleib of Elam"
with an aided et +r in the eat.
RDW1X ARDRN a. Wee ir•a.eg�..
More mysterious than tbecleteh-
iag hated.
;Nary Aatbedsy night 11M este*
fent... deters, 'T A T H E
NEWS," ens seiIone all the !st-
em sew. from the .me. of war
and ether Intervenes 'totem's.
Admim.sn es all thew tyrod.ctis.s
ere be es easel ter and sr
IMonnnaT, Sorrtnessa BO, MIS
tore "a very happy New Tear," alter
delivering as oration on , robWg a
bard -working moo of bit wager.` 11e
magistrate remarked that be thought
an admission fee might be charmed foe
web as eotertMnmeat and the pro-
ceeds given to the Red (hose fund.
Thoma -Tye Wadding.
An later.sMng event which took
phew at 8t. (leorgiss church today
(Thursday) was the weddin of Mies
sines Tye, elder daughter of the late
W. D Tye rod of Mrs. Tye, of (lode -
rich, to Mr. Albeit Thome, of Ottawa.
The ceremony was performed as 12.8)
clock by Rey. Mark Turnbull, of Port
Wonky. formerly rector of 8t.
George's. misted b Rev. J. B. Fotb-
eriogbam. The church was sisply
decorated with white flowers. ! Ise
Alma Sturdy was et the organ. The
bride, wbo war gives away by her
brother, Dr. Percy L Tye, of Milver-
ton, was very pretty id white char-
meuse trimmed with lace and seed
paarle with bridal tell and orange
loesoms. 8be carried s shower
bouquet of bride's roses, U) -of -the -
valley and maldenbelr fern. the was
attended by her sister, Mies Edrie Tye,
who was gowned in pale pink crepe de
chase with black hat and carried pale
pink rows. The "beet man" was Mr.
W. McCallum, of Ottawa. Mr.
Tyr, brother ot the bride, and Mr.
Clinton Walker, oh Maysville, the
bride's cousin, were the uabers. After
the ceremony, during the signing of
the register, Miss Erma Whitely sang
"Love's Coronation." The wedding
breaktast was afterwards served at
the home of the bride's mother, Misses
Marjory end Mary Walker, eouaine o
the bride, assisting. The floral decora-
tions at the bougie were iu pink and
white. Mr. and Mrs. Those left o0
the 2.33 G. T. R. train for a trip to
Toronto, Buffalo and New York, after
which they will go to their home at
Ottawa. 'the moan's gift to the bride
was a turquoise and diamond ring. to
the bridesmaid a pearl ring, to the
groomsman a pearl pin, to the ushers
sterling silver matchboxes, to the
soloiat a cameo pendant and chain, to
the organist a cameo brooch. The
bride's gift to the groom was • sero
Ohre and diamond pin. The br i.1e
was the recipient of many handsome
gifta from a wide circle of friends, in-
cluding • beautifully bound book of
music from her class of 1615 in the
Canadian Conservatory of Music,
Ottawa, of which institution she had
been for Several years one of the teach-
ing staff Those present at the wed-
ding included Dr. and Mrs. Tye and
Mastets Jack ata Billy Tve, of Milver-
ton ; Jnr. and Mrs. Edward Tye,
Misses F B. and A. B. Puddk•ombe,
Mrs. A. W. L. Graham, Miss Tye, Misr
L. Tye, Miss Marjory Walker, Megan.
Clinton and Fred Walker, all of H•v.-
vllle : Miss Mary Waller, of Zurich :
Mrs Futheringham, Mr. and Miss
Ausebttook and Albs Wititelucf town.,
BA !Ili
Wks ea Ten sW 1
yes deal Sara lift/
Though your tango/ Income
will no doubt Increase, so will
your wand many find
that the latter more than keep
pep with the former. Now la the time to start a Reserve Fta4
an place e�keep Savings spartgtsot of the Union Bank at Cana
is ib
Deposit the extra you have os hand now -you can open as
account with any stn. down to one dollar -and draw interest on 8.
Go derich B t anch-WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
Mrs. Walter Maffei will receive with
Miss Nate' at the latter's home, Brit-
annia road, the flat and third Thur. -
days of the month.
Alex. Hume, son of Principal Hume
of the Collegiate institute, tell in the
school gymnasium on Tuesday morning
and broke his left arm.
It is expected that the whole 93rd
Battalion will visit severe! places 10
the county in about two weeks, unless
in the meantime it has been ordered
to proceed to England.
f 1 tVednesday wee Salvation Army
tag day in Godericb, and the indus-
trious workers gathered in the sum
of $119, which is to he devoted to the
held ambulance work of the Salvation
Army at the front
John E. Swart+, of Wingharn, one
of the beet known botelkeepers in the
county, died on $atundsy after an ill-
ness . f some months. He was a
brother of Thomas Swart■ and of the
late E. R. Swart', of this town.
Mr. A. W. Kurschenski left at this
office ou Saturday a bunch of wild
raspberry twigs which were well
horded with fruit.. The wood was this
season's growth and the fruit was
perfectly formed and sound in every
Mr. J. E. Mulch is still at Clinton at-
tending upon his father, Mr. R. Mulch,
who is seriously ill. He ham put a
gond ratan in charge of his barber shop
and trusts all hi. patrons will call at
the old stand during his temporary
Mr. and Mr's. P. Courtney, Amher-
ley, announce the engagement of their
daughter. AnniellMay, lo Mr. Williaw
Henry McEwen, B. A., of. Regina,
Seek., son of Rev. W. M. MCISwen. of
Charlottetown, P. E. 1. The wedding
will take p1*i e,aji Hq�oslRq Men.w9te.
toter 2rrd,
A number of friends and neigb-
bors of Mr. and Mrs. (leo. McNeil, of
Colborne township. met at their home
on Tuesday evening and presented
tbeitlson,pJ..orge, wbo has recently
enlisted, with a purse of stoney. A
social evening was "pent and a dainty
lunch partaken of.
The Boyer -Vincent stock company
hEee been bolding the boards at the
Victoria Opera House this week.
The attendance has not been large,
owing to tae attractions of the Gode-
rieh industrial Fzhibition, but the
plays presented have been of an at-
tractive nature end well acted.
Mr. Harr)- witness. of Chicago. i. vi 10 x a t
[Meal bate hero,
Mr. Thomas I.umby I. upending •couple of
week, with her daughter a1 Berlin.
Mia Jean Lemon has returned to Dir mit
•het eventing .ht weeke at her home here.
Mrs. Littlejohn. of Detroit Ifnrmerly Mier
That. of Dodertcbt. I. elating friend+ in town.
Mn. Wm. 'lilt and laughter. Miss Edna or
un. ytlae. aro emote g.te of Mr.. H. T. Ed -
Rev. W W. 51.41... of Pi.. hooter. N Y.. le
visiting hi- parent-, Mr. and Mr+. Li etoddart,
twat street.
Rev Jame. Hamilton I. at Toronto this
week, attending the opening of the new Knox
college Melding
Ml.. Roes )IeNevin leave- tomorrow for
Tomato to enter upon naming •.4 a our,. at
t be General Heepltat.
Mn. A. 11. McDonald and MI-. )babel have
remand from • visit of eereral week. at
w -Ingham and Teeswater.
Little Mks Lenore Crate. who met with a
very severe aecMest some time ago. is neer
alike to take a walk up town every day.
Mr. Fred t+h.n.on. len on hie return to
Gnaws on Saturday alter a pent 1,1.8 with
h1. mother. Mu. w D. Shannon of town.
Mrs. .D, 1 Harold Shephard, at Sher
brown queues.. M the guest of her eater -
in -law. M.s. CAA.. Sbr,,b* d. St l'.tllok's
Mr wiken Wylie. who has had charge lar
the druughting room at tee Dominion Road
M acbl ne r y Co.'e plant, Me gone to d: noised to
wcrk for the Alli --(►.laser. Co.
Kincardine Review : Ooalbrn.t I)svey. of
Galer:rh. ams t v town Monday nits to visit
hie pare,. seal sole hit wife. who ha. hoes •
guar .i ber father to -law's for the past week.
Mr Hugh CHL, son of Alderman 1511,, ge-
trott. Mlcb.. recently paid a vl.lt to Mr. sal
Mr.. ". R. >•anhr. at *attract. Mr D111. who is
a n. hew of Mrr. Shultz_ was t.ktne a trip up
the t'anadien lakes on the yacht limbed.
Mr John Strilton, who haa been In peer
eealth 10,.eser.l week., 1. am on the .wend,
bat wit! take • good long rrd io order to re-
ater•te. His eon, Mr eras -on duat'oo. le
taking ha place In the Sero of thr Dederick
Elr.ator Co.
Kippers onrtrupondenee 4,1 1h. Seam lh Es-
mdtor:. Mr. Henry Tarter, of Ooderiob, was
rhi• week visiting with 51. nephew. Mr. Robert
broeslee, of time village. and called on mea
of 51. oldfr:end, in uckenalth. '1r. mod
Mn. Cuter are very foal of Ih iris[ in the
county town.
Mn. A. 8. C►, )etas returned home on Bats
du) from n "kit of three month. at We.rere
points She sidled her deughte,. Mu. Archer,
t Fort WI111am, and her .ons, Clarion and
Lorre. •1 Mon lack Sask. and .leo relative. at
Holland. Man.. atnl Avealss, Mask. KM was
one or :, party who enjoyed an automobile trip
of W. mile. from W1snlp.to .t emits wits
Yes aepb.w, Mr Tbeesae Farris, .f the letter
The Br.e.el. I'o.t of lest week said : -Dost
Pucday as' the shirt) fourth roniver.ary of
tar marrtane of t ('. as. Mr. RiMard.. of
Tallahers. tieu..ei, when they erry tM re-
rlpfent• of congest slat tun• ever the anspicl..e
event. An intonation feature of the annivers-
ary erg. the premised of Mr. Pilchard. Mldea
maki. now Mn. Naeglp. of (ledrrh h5 wile
circle of oh! trailed. hope Dia 1 Mr. and Mr.
Rt. herd. easy be • pots d t , net ,brat. their
noMen w .dellen. •Int.•. year•. Mwru, e.r-
d by the embeof their family.'
Guy Brits. Minstrels will make their
annual visit to (lodericb on November
Do you want your silo filled ? if an,
call and sew Mae. C Ise. He has •
good outflt that will start out at once.
Keep in mind the dinner to be given
the', lades of Victoria ,trees
Inch on Thanksgiving Day, October
D°/ tree ram be ehiste d. 719 .M
Mvisaed A ase saed sr:as,4 rallkieet
to l far • yen .1
abe set neereetty. l
.• n /trawl teas law bay es bliss.. w
•aped ,*pelf .hest M M the intros
err me mash's whewwhewr anti* 1t Peen...
IM 111est •el ass of ties Inn fee .memis..
lab week. If stet ...in sp( • A.
k.5., .► Mb nems newt posse.
n• MI5 swain lie aro heroes rawInt.a w M w
55,Reef • hethen me
wale t (-•.11•a (1.5 sr Om
rm. � ell he e ant d .
ra.-,, se,w -5., lar ,wars.. it as.
('anal•[ a•d s.*.u',l,e hells an at
sitest leer., sab'h awe reel ,.se 1...
Itexall Orderlies are free from harsh
drugs and are the nicest lazaitiv for
children. Sold only by H. C. Dunlop,
the Resell Store, IOc, ,.sic and 50c
Prominent in B. C. Politics,
The Vancouver Sun In a recent
issue publishes aportrait of Mr. M. A.
Macdonaki, president of the Provincial
Liberal Association of British Colum-
bia (a well-known Ashfield "old boy"),
and makes tbe,folowing reference :
Mr. Macdonald was admitted to
the bar in Ontario in Me, after taking
Use usual three-year course, graduat-
ing with honors at Osgnode Hall.
Toronto. He received the degree of
LL. B. from the University of Toronto
and commenced the prarrtee of la. as
a member of the firm of Fraser, Moore
and Macdonald in London, Ontario,
coming West, however, in 11187, 10
Cranbrook, East Kootenay, where be
successfully practised his profession
and for five years closely identified
himself with the indnatriel develop-
ment and political activities of the
Kootenay.. In W12 be moved to Van-
couver as a member of the law firm
of Russell, Macdonald, Mowat, Hancox
and Winner, with whom he i. still
aaociated. Mr. Macdonald bas ap-
peared in many important caeca in
the nourte of the Province and in the
Supreme Court of Canada at Ottawa.
in I613 at the Revelstoke Provincial
convention of the Littoral party he
was elected president, being subse-
quently re-elected at Victoria in 1LI4 ;
also made chairman of the Provincial
organization committee, and in the in-
terval has devoted much of his ener-
gies to perfecting the organisation of
the party. A fluent, foreefnl speeker,
New Theta Der the Baby
Everything Dainty and Condonable
for Baby et the Sieger Store.
Swrmtern nil Bonnets, hand-knit
of fine se 1, trimmest in rosrhnris,
stripee am dries r edgings or plain.
Silk Wadded Ktmortw an.l Baggy
Rath Rohn, Rath Blankets, Seth
Towel.' and Wash Cloths.
Pine Linen Towels an.I Linen
fillrrwshpe, Fin Cashsncrr Wrap.
((•.r. .nl Nighttognies, Ihrs.ee,
Ribs, Bootees and Slam kings,
Blanket Cloth he the yard for
costs. Reggy Spreads, etc
Have beautiful
window decorations
Nothing gives so much plc mitre
as a well decorated window.
Ycn: r windows wi!1 be the env/
cf your ncizhbon if you use
coTicsck Flat Rog!
-+f:r curd.:sa cr.-1.•rcperic:
ire.'-z--anzeccl not to cy::
or tarnish
iTN,-t ! a Kirsch Flat lend i a a
r. IJ:: h veru* wtsp.lwnrk
-.•t'i. F-sr:+y read t'O.•al;.. s
•;'.tr.Y'K titan 1 wall ia.. -
'l'- ►o e;a'yrei,w)e ens ribrrefar 1
Cone in and see them
Carrying through 'linkmen' en' to
leaves Termite trepan. 44117
Consorting train leasee Is u cheek t.a
Each Tnewl.) nail October Pit. teasels*
Canadian Parlac all time way
No ck.nee of rare or depots
Pacific ('oast Toon. at Low Farre t• ted*,.
•'t .SLIFOKNI♦ EXWItitrluNii"
Full partkular+ from Jo. Eli/, C. P. R.
Ticket assent, or wr kat M. G. Marpby, lH►
trkt Pas-enger Agent, Toronto.
Double track as the way
blare Toroatemam..tMp..,., aid 11.4.5 Ra
Ler.. Toronto ta cern . s Y. p. m., and it ne ped
Equipment the lima on all train.
Ite.h,ce.l fares to
8u Fr. -5.-0, tea Aerates and Sea Diego.
nil p.rHrelam and berth rs.rsMleas se
appiiostati t.. Agents
Brantford Roofing
SIP' 'qr.'
Suitable for all kinds of build-
ings ; house., barns or
Crystal (in red or green),! t Lt 1
per square.
No, :l Asphalt Roofing. LI '*
per square. I
No. 'l Asphalt Roofing, $3.t
per vitiate.
No. 1 Asphalt Roofing, $2 1
per square.
Mohawk')lRoofing, =1. ie; ps
m► "ogll
Phone 1.x6 Hamtltrle %reef
be ►aw been heard on manyplatforms
throughout the Province, is vigorona
attacks on the McBri/e tiovernmee$
and forceful espreit.ie.M of the Literal
platform doing muck to armee the
growing sent invest for • change in**
politiesd eitn•ti0♦ in the Prnvinew
When y nu ane Kot ward.' ire entire
yogi ran Nei aasurel that it is amigo
from pure torero. Order. deft sial
o a It parts of tee nose. Please Gist r