HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-30, Page 3►- t. a e • THE OMEEN& LND ONLY URINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS Of I NilYS gsgMOT BOOKBINDING' MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. SOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS £a atTilly dION AL, abia ttee4sd is ea ave bens Oodst1s . A. E. TAYLOR, B►luTiono, MEDICAL tdEt). Hh1LEMANN. Otrl'8- PATY. •peeiali.t h worme'e sad ehll ital.e•.er. acute, Amato amid aerreasdlr meow Wit esa. use .ad tareat. ps,ttal deat- sars. lumbago sad rbstrearlo condba.s•. Ade Mos tenet• 1 wMltr •t the traits. odes et senisecs, rima Nei"es amid on Airtime's misers& LI bears sales Metrd.rs. WMee.4ar. toad aatarrge : uy errata" by ypslat aaat. . Y. J, URaTER-EY)3. BAR. vats. DOW t Iea A sr eldg.a NsrmMlkmatWui •a.m..Ito4aa. rtell p. as. TelsMsea AUCTION/EEL THOMAS UUNDRY as ACCTIub tX&t; A, G.derkh. Ali IestratMlpe stat aite Olttmi,J so• t VW se • te. nor Wrpe.ae ..... LEGAL JELL DAIS SARRI*TIR. 8. ,LUCITOR, NOTARY gt..nut, kit. QM ,I Tatar ag Beak knock Readies alwt. !eel Ina lea, . sed heareec.. PJJ;UUl)FUOI, YiLLOltAN k 'PROUDF0ot BABBllrltita, *OUCITURS. MOTA&Is. PtiMU(., eft:. Odes se lbs Beau •..seed dear tram Masa Mrs Aunt, Yw.r,ca. envoi. teres to ,Its at Wawa ndes W. Peovos0or, lt.t'. J. L ituaosuus W. Paovoroor. It LiU, OAIL 11UN. IL O.. BAR/4I8 int aaeassr. aetesy pada Wiser oartisse oast, teesselsa rated deer tr. •At Mame TImm day et encs week la ea *dem cues see plea by air. . yambeanana tad p.m tkLAKLIgi .J kI& T attereay, astlsMe r, eta,Md e nen. Massy be .ora u lowest maga 1 SEAGER, BaitsusTER, 801- • islt•,r. Notary i'wltilo W to.v aevr tass sort Mems. Wod..i .Delft IMIaU1tAMCY, LOAJ611, ETC. /a ( ( (, PRIVATM FUNDS TO VV 000 Wo. Apply to M. (1. CAM - YAWN. iien AM- YAWNiien ester ilaaut.e suet. iledesIsk. W ' R ROBERTSON. LYSVRANCI A0C(T. Iters atm laswrxtn• :Minsk (7asarlaa W aosumaryere t 1'Swam 1e Athena Len, umwsizeil= MIL a,asa%I aimsassuenenurets sass. s•rub.ast sneer at yr Nola sed a. lravldb stswut Awa ill McMLLOP MUTUAL FiRM ik- 8 U 111 • M c e C 0.-M mad halaied t torr0111=%4las L P0....Sssemfaaartb P,0.: • I Jahn Jmaee( seitaame kV y sorb, Diellak ; MmWta Letrname aria AbsIL. saw 1ar ps M ( wseer iLrr,"es a wt e t MAaalAOg L1GU$EI TVALTMiteta/1 tcil. =oifT'. P lOV= Or 111•2111A916 1.901911111111. _P.t.ete s•Ilssbar 1 vi. S. BABCOCK gs' rwrMIUi1 tabll s to ,i ie•a+sL 9 patent salla wlbises In patent swift. Pot. aide Mt all ~Weise. is•. p St Aimee Mon s.L Write ate eseent mise Brophej Bros. f9ODERiOH las lsaiig Pas nal Widens rad Bullas ars oudar• festally alas -a-• to at as blare. el. idea air def. OUR OTTAWA LEITER e w H. F. 0.AoOiiv•••••••g 0 t►wa, Sept. CJI - As the Cone veNv press seems io, lewd to with the subject it may be as well gio. • straight story of what the wrestles party said for naval deft wb,o it war out of oMee and whit did when Rime in. Broadly almaki Sir Robert eden, Sir George F..s and their following In Parllaaleot stinted and anemia heartily to principle laid den at every Colon Uoafeseoce siaree It#17, namely. t while Canada la daughter is m otbee's house .be is wtatress in own. and that any system of Insect Jefenoe in whine Canada hard • • should keep that fart is tiled. 7 be qurstiou of 'level defers which had received considerable tenllo0 at tin Colonial Confers was introduced to Canadian polis by Sir Gorge Fo.ier iu Much, 1 when he moved a ress,lutiou W t effect that Canada should no Luo delay to assume her Moue of the ispoo0idlity and financial burden •' cadent to the suitable protection of h exposed coast line and gtewt seaport Bir Oeoep's resolution was • 1.1 vague, an die LV ilia id Laurier with George. consent, and also with Lead Borden's, Introduced one that wa the meaning clearer. This moti went on to saythat dub cootrlbutio to the Imp•tial treasury were not acoordatece with the ►pmt of ho role and that the lest solution of t questiou was the speedy °egetizati of • Canadian naval seavies veld wculd be built nn Imperial nav Dudek and would at into the b g Hall icg machine iu caro the integrny honor of the Empire was awathtd. To this tesolulion. whizb was pass unanimously by the House of U.., mons, Sir George Peeler said Awe He particularly said Amen to S Wllh;d's moat Its on tach contritit Hoar. Sir George may be a s'aunt Impel ialitt but he is .Iso • good Cats di•n and any prol.osal to pay tax and Int somebody she con t,ol th money naturally made him but undo the collar. Hee ot.jection to a fix. moony contribution was tbat it look, iks hiring somebody else to do ou own job. Wbat be wanted was sum hiog into which Canada would pu her body, bootee, blood, mental posse red national pride. In short, al 4rorge was all for • Canadian navy 111 on British line,, and capable working together with Great Britain' $vy in the defence of the Empire. Bir Molest Borden translated $ eorge's opinions into words of four yllablee and over, but substantial' is views wet. the same -a more ,rce of our own. He was, so be said ppoeed to cash contribution. for con titutioual and political reasona, no to nor whet the •trice Oaf (Abed couldn't keep it op, and that it won be the source of friction in the rtupir and • bone of eoOteutiou in Csuaoi ttic• and one way and another thing all mound. He pointed ou that cash contributions had not been •pproved by the people of Australia, who were setting us an example 1, going in toe • local nav . For ail o wbisb wad orf oil* r.aaone too ssmerors to sneetioo ilir Robert was strong for a local envy cm the Amstra- iao plan; with the 'looney and the ships under 000trol of our own Ilaa..nt. Snob • system, co-ordin- ating with the Imperial bevy, would soder "a real service to the defemoe the Empire sod would do our du;y only to (Janda but to the Empire a wbok." Incidentally Leader Bor- en rzpe•essed a hope teat his friends hind him would 'rise superior to ly motives." They didn't, but at may not have been 'bis fault. ireumst•nees have f uenuy obliged r Robert to drive with • slack rein. Al all events, Sir Robert was en - anemic for a Comedian navy in arch, 1000, and for some months ter. He saw in it "tbe use of our wn material, the empiot moot of our o people, the develupnxat and util- ation of our own skill and resoutce- Ineee, and above all the impressing Poo the people • sense of responai- lite for their share in international airs.- That last phrase looks well print but u • practical states. an Mir Robert dwelt chiefly on the boom • lue.1 navy would give to our boom Iodustries. That idea was still Dearing fruit In hie mind six months ter when be took it as a text to his o constituency of Halifax and • their mouths water at tne pros - of • revival of tie shipbuilding wiry In Nov Scotia. A month ter he told a Toronto audience that was absurd to frank that Canada uldn't build her own navy It is ire true that Mir Robert recanted all use statetzeots four years onw- ards, but In tb• year ISUM be was ire d tbodox. La fact, he remained u long as his friend, would let him. (ding only when the Natiolialbte d others yosatim n {nauseates reti- red it n.-lsngtte passible to "tier perior to part m•tivee." There be so doubt t Mfr Robert Roe - bad the right views la 1i09 and wrong owes la 161x1 lime bag • The eoaW be (Nag li RIn Hobert Borden o0Y, rad then couldn't be doss in 1913. Is befog this very minute at Montreal, here a gee named Charles web is banding eaboarlow for British navy The lsspsrial fsrsnee of August, 10, ■atiog on the barnnmlone oon- ons of the Canadian Parliament., s sugg•sti•mo es to what form a sdlan fleet omit should take. The ttreaty's idea of Meet %mit for • was nese a erniwr of p lloddoorgs ltable sleek which to a arNsNre e7 10. Istat alar 4 r• dirt to Con - 00111 t it n g, ler ea - the 1.1 bat bee her lel hare Cr, at- eee, ire UV. be ger tr- io• er . the Sir er de On os in we he on cb t- or er ..t' u- n. it b r- es r d t r r of • it 1 11 e as a 0 a lou • 0 G b G1 1'ar 03 not 00 d be Par Lb C 81 t V 0 OW iz fu u lot • R in m le ow mad {od o f It co qn lb w qu .o Yin an de sn can dee the told Mad said dose W Sub the 19 Waal l)tsead the •blwydss, three tt•btm elw sad the assmeary assitlaries. seeks se store ship..too. Thome aaelasstaewe weer In part soapprad by tb•0Oamrdl.w 6N• e eamseut aoil it Woo 4$0Mea to maks a plata *kb ambers a tea Bekaa1 yp•, Mss ~ of Me Illialloso awl disaboyare et Ito ie wreeai Mew disk total woe WOOLtypo Is • pew. .OD sad amsoul .mNt.ma.« tooted maim 4 4aNtun with a speed at feast -cava kooks au - tlm.vlas a sy I raAsi sis Moo of Mthe bra lien b ri ibe m If mdse. aged Nw ya..rl.e lbe• hrsa a sea hew Is ` qfadig '" win THE SIGNAL : GflDERTCH : ONTARIO AILING WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs.DsoeatteTepi of Ilex Dis- tressing Symptoms During Change of 14. and How She Found Relief. Belleville, Nova Scotia. Can. -"Three yearn ago 1 was suffering badly with what the deters called C h aeg • of Life. 1 was so bad that I had to stay in bat Some friends told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and it helped me from the first It is the only medieln• I took that did help mewed I recommend it You don't know bow thankful and grateful I am. I give you permission to publish what your good medicine has done for me. "- Mrs. Slsox Dovcrrra, Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Such warning symptoms u sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches. back- atbis,dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu- larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak- ened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through this crisis. • It yen want special advice write t• Lydia E. Ptnkbam Irdieloe Co. (rosl- deattal) Ly.., lass. Veer ratter wilt be opened,. read sad answered by • Woman. rad bald In strict e•sldeaee. of cruiser Minded to as "tin pot" by the Conservative pew. A vety handy kind of tin pot. of which, if Canada had had n auffhieot supply, as the Laurier (4uvernment intended, there would bate been no need to detach a British *winds on t0 p.toul Ile Allan - Ile, pratett trade rouges and Rua,., Canadian transport ships on thole journey across the octan. T., make a lung story .hors, Sir Wil- frid Loftier int•rt ,ddueeJ the ,.v,l Sar. *kb MIT en ,fanTtaiy 1'_'h. 19111. it fu:luw.d the lines suggested by use Ad mir,lty. 1t alto pIovidet{ iu C4•e o emergency the Gower nmen t of eaned& might place Lb. Canadion fl•.t unit or any part thereof,• including( .hi and men, at the dhow,' of His M.j-s- ty for general service iu the R y.. Navy. Emergency was droned as "war, invadcu, iwurrecUcn real or apprehended." Asked what war the 1•ila referred to, Sir Wilfrid replied, "War anywhere. When treat Bei *in is a1 war, Canad• is at war. 1 (:real Britain, to which we re out Jett, is at war with any nation, Canada be- comes liable to invasion, 60 ('anetla is at war." During the debate, is Web was a loo one, Leader Borden showed signs of a dotage of les rt. He had a sort of platonic affection for the abstract ides, but the nearer the navy cave to being a fact the les. be seemed to like it. So far from "rising superior to party mo- tives," he didn't last beyond the art reading. When the fight on the se. ond reading came on it was .ppare that his opinions bad underguo• chill. His enthusiasm for our native industries was not as street as it was ten month. before. He was doubtfu whether the rhipt could' be!stilt in Canada. In fact, douht coveted him all over liken cloak. Which was only n atural, because the doubts were nee- resaty to influence the bye -eduction i Drummond and Arthabiska and the general thee! tun in 1911. The L.urier navy was • floe chance to tell Qu. that Lsiti irr was too 13, ,tish while tell- ing Ontath, that he was tow French. However end notwithstanding, the Naval Service Act became law, the Niobe and Rainbow were purchased as • starter, and when the Laurier Gov- ernment went out of office there were tenders on the table for the construc- tion of the remainder of the Canadian navy, whieb tenders the incoming powers threw in the waste basket. n They also proceeded to dish the Laur- ier avy u she swam at that moment, first plaelog the Niol,e on pelitleal pic- nicsrrvioe and tben taking the ma- chinery out of ler and putting it in a shed. After that they prioduced their Dreadnought policy -out because it was the best policy. but 'macaw' they m wanted enelhlog different, woe/- thing of their own, something showy and spectacular -%bat would affect the rresew, of notorious National . Pelletier, Named and Blondie 1 Premier Border's Cabinet. For that policy and the great fight it eau space lacks her•. but It is sufleiwt to say that it was • polity of putting alk the eitgs in one basket, said basket tying i 1. Worth rtes. At any rate it would have left Canada quite asked,he even more naked than rwoo with tete Mole out of sommission and the Rainbow, so to speak, on btE1 rations. Moeda naked •eda felt when bel loom looin Europe may he Fitt front what Sir Rlcbard Melts iJ- di off his owa but. He psrebased • 6760,- 000 pair al m enbariees for $1,130,00 he 1 and sent thill to Ottawa by the west mail. bat's howRb Sir /beamed felt abest It, 11's an ill wind the Wire t s nobody geed. H. F. 0. Ps t• st a TeMparaM .sd labor arts the two real pbytddes• sf moa.-Roasawn. 1 MARKET QUOTATIONS SEPTEMBER 27 Toronto Cattle Market Mara choice ateerr 17.25 to $7.60 Botcher steers, good7.16 7.36 do. medium 6 M T.06 do. common 5.76 026 Heifers, good to choice7.00 7.36 do. medium 6 50 11.75 Butcher cows, choke6.00 0.60 da good 650 6.00 do. common 4.60 1.66 Botcher bulls, choice6.36 4.76 do. good bulls 5.60 6.00 do. medium. 5.00 6.60 do. rough bologna4 60 4.60 Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs6.75 7.00 do. bulls 4.60 1.60 Stockers, 700 to 000 Rm6.50 CM do. med., 650 to 750 6 In 11.60 do, light, 600 to 660 6.00 6.60 Canners ... Z.76 4.66 Cutters 4.60 6.00 Milker:, choice, eaolt60.00 90.00 Springers 60.00 90.00 Calves, real, choice9.00 10.544 do. medium 7.00 8.00 du common .. 5.50 a 1100 Lambs. yearllnls 7.00 7.25 Spring lambs 8.25 3.70 Culled lambs 7.00 7.76 Buck Iambs 5.00 6.50 Ewes. light 6.60 6.00 Sheep, heavy and bucks 3.50 4.50 Hoge, off cars 9.65 9.90 dd. fed and watered9.50 do. f.o.b 9.15 Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the trade: Etta -- Special (cartons) .27 to .29 Extras tselects) .27 No. 1 straight .net. -laid) .:4 .26 ::o. 2 .17 .19 Butter -- Creamery prints, fresh Creamery solids Dairy printf Bakers' .29 .30 .27 .29 .25 .29 .23 .23 Cheese -Large, 14%c to 15c; twins, 14%c to 1614c. Hoffey-Buckwheat, barre;s, 64%e to 7e; do. tins, 7c; strained clover honey,, 60 -Ib. tins, 101,4c; do. 10 -ib. tins, 11e; do. 5-16. tins, 11 tic; comb honey, No. 1, per dozen, 52.40; do. No. 2 per dozen, 52. Poultry Livo Dressed Old fowl. lb. .. Ile 15c 13e Spring broilers 15c 16c Old turkeys .. 13e 17c 17c 23c Ducklings .... 11c 12c 17c 18c Turkeys 21c 22c Toronto Grain Markets o Manitoba wheat -NO- 1 ],prfSesy, new crop. $1, lake ports; Ni.,2 nor• tbern, 98c, immediate shlpmtt;t. American corn -No. 2 yel'ow, Ile. track, lake porta Canadian corn -No. 2 yellow, 79c. Toronto. Ontario cats -No. 2 white, ne-7 crop. 38c to 39c; No. 3 white, 37c to 31c. Ontario wheat -No. 2, winter, sew,,,; Dec to Ole; sprouted or enmity, 700 to 80c; wheat slightly tough, 110c t•. Barley -Good 'malting barley, 52c tee 64c; feed I.arley, 430 to 46c. Rye -No. 2, 85c. Manitoba dour -First patens, to lute. $6.75; second Latents, $5.25; strong bakers', $5.15. Odtarlo I:aur-sew, winter, 90 per cent. rater.! $3.80. M111feed-''car lots. delivered Mon- treal frpig, Is; 'Tran, yet tun, 125; shorts, per ton, .827; middlings, per ton, 530; good Led doff:. per bag, 11.80. East Suffato Cattle Cattle -Receipts, 4,500 head; fairly act1 c; prl:;:e cteers, 19 to $9.26; ship• tS.25 to 56.90; butchers, $11.75 to 45.5u; heifers. $6 to 59; cow., $3.25 -0 37; bulls. 54.60 to 57.25; stockers d realer•, $5.60 to 27; stock heifers, ' _, to 15.75; fresh cows and springers, t're and !toady, 1(0 to 885. Veale-Recetpts, 900 head; active and steady' 94 to $12.:0. Ko s -Re: :Ants, 14.500 head; ao ice; heavy. strong; heavy, 88.60 to •.74; mise.:, $6.30 to 58.85; Yorkers,. °.1.) to $t'.:'0; pies, $8.75 to 98.90; ru;:ghs, $0.&3 to 87; stage, $6 to $6.25. -Sheep and lamb• -Receipts, 10,600' "ecd; act(!•.•: lambs, $5 to 99.60; yer.r- Ilogs, 54.50 to $7.60; wethers, 84.25 to :vi,60; ewes, $3 to $6.7;; sheep, mixed. $6,75 to St Chicago Gaeta Market Cattle - Receipts, 17.000; market firm; native beef, $4 to $10.40; Wes - :PM Otters, 56 60 to $6.15; en., and t•.;fers. 6:.55 to $3.26; calves. $7.25 t0 011. Hoge --Receipts, 31.000; market flr:n; light. $7.60 to 58.60; mixed. 66 90 to $e.4(; heavy, $4.60 to 98.25; rough. 34 to 96.86; pigs, $4 to $8.10; bulk of 3. 7 13 to $8.36. St cep -Receipts. 14,000; market rem; Iambs, $5.75 to $9.10; wether•, i..-60 to $6.50. Dressed Meats Toronto w holism*" houses a.e gnat. Ing to the retail tAtde u follows: Beef, htb limners ....$15.'o to 81. W do. forequarter..... 0.60 10.14 doch,h•:o side.... 12.26 13.60 do. medium 9.75 19.24 do eommo-, ' 6.36 0.>K Mutton. 11e -ht. cwt 12.50 14.66 rests, prima cwt. 13.60 16.66 Shop Mid 12.00 12.76 Heavy 9.21 10.66 Lambs. cwt.., 14.60 16.1 Toronto Wholesale Rost Plums, COL. 11 -et. boleti .40 to $ Se do. Gersfame . . .36 .86 PTI:41114U119. NI .14 11g1. b.kt .15 ,661 each . . N N 1 bh•b•rrtes. 11 -qt. hitt. 1.26 1 10 Tatabieberrlee .N .N ('astaloep•s, caw .31 .46 Pearn. 11 -et bskt . .26 .0 O S-ot batt, .20 .1111 Apples, 11gt lskst. .15 .90 Baled May ausd Nero MIeebaata are raw btyirg an tr.0k. Terence. at the feNsin g pride: Sated Nth Nor, $0n 1.91LN to $10.06 di. 14a 9 IS . N 14.66 Wed Oran 1.191 6.16 i Taverner, 8•rrsars.0 d. NMI a More New Coats JUST TO HAND We have just received another shipment of ladies' and misses' Coat.. After the busy selling of the last few days, our sttt;k i, aurin most complete. Special values in ladies' !:oats. $io, $12.50, $15, $16.5o and $z8.00 Infants' white Bearskin Coats These Coats are the best for iuiants, they are so comfortable and are a'. good as new after repeated washings, all styles irons 6 mouths upwards, from $2.25 each. Infants' and Children's Headwear, , Our stock of infants' and children's Bonnets, Hats and Cap is complete, in Bearskin, Velvet, Felt and Plash, at keenest priceS Blanket Cloths and Novelty Coatings Our special Blanket Cloth for 9adits' and children's Coats, in all plain colors and fancy checks, .6 inches wide, $1.50 yard. Cream Polo Coating, 56 inches wide, $1.75 yard. Novelty Coatings from $1.50 to $3.50 yard. New Suiting: New Dress Gauls Its Mks Wool Blankets, Canadian and Scotch makes Pand pinkst borders,quality allc attch and old prices. - 6OxSO Wool Blankets, ian Wool "Blankets, in $3.75. 63xS1 Wool Blankets, 15.00. l;lxs4 \Vool Blankets, 116.50. 66x86 Wool Blankets, $7.75, Sial_ don celebrated Scotch Blankets. "made in Ayrshire on the "Banks of the Bonnie Doon," per pair $7.50. Hudson Bay Blankets Grey Wool Blankets Turnbull's Underwear, for men, women and children McCall' I'atterns McCall 's (htarter!s eft Call's Magazine -Make our store your store -- Phone 56 i lla r • s Scotc/z' Store* eeeeeiem. Have you tried our new Bread ?- Cre -O-Malt -the tastiest in town. Nice soft Clint - doge -grained - made from Meisel, man n's Yeast., Everybody says it is the best yet. Try b loaf. There is thorough satisfaction for thole who buy our Cakes and Putty. If you do not know bow good they are, we should like you to try them. Smith Bros. DATES OF FALL FAIRS -- Kis ktoo-Sept 10-Ocrt. I. Brussels -Sept. 3 r-Oet. 1. Lucknow_alept. Sir Oct. I. Blyth -Oct 6-6. Bayfield -Oct. 3 0. Duorannon-Oct . 7-8 Homeseekers' Special Train Leaves Toronto 10.46 p. m. Each Tuesday. For' the accommodation of home - meters and general toutiet traffic to Western Canada, through train carry - bog tourist sleepers and colonist ears leaves Toronto 10.43 p. m. each Tues- day until further notice, running through to Winnipeg. Attention is directed to the remark ably low round-trip fares in c000ection with hoseeeeeker, exc.rsions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacific Railway. Tickets ere on sale each Tuesday until October 21;b. inclusive, and ate good to rrturn within Iwo month,. from date of sale. Apply to any C. P. R ` 3gent for full particulate or write H. (4. Murphy. District Paseebger Agent, Toronto. The surest way to he imposed upon L to think oneself cleverer than other people. --Ls R0.•befoucauld Nothing brings people together more closely than • common grief ; it is the TOe 014 Reliable East St. Bakery great t-ond of sympathy. -(dobe. Hold faitbfuloers and sincerity a.. that principles. Sincerity i• the way of Heaven. -Contuciu• The authors of a nut ion are like an advanre guard, pt,metit of friend.bip' and intimacy, who accustom other lands to ideas and peoples otherwise emote. -Arthur L. Maluuin, Phone 184. NEWGAT;E STREET LIVERY Having • purebaeed the livery business of Wm. Enos, 1 am improving the equipment and in- tend to provide Good Horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigo A11 orders w111 neeive . prompt and careful at. 10.1(00. T=t.artto,ta No. 173 for • good turnout. tI. R. STOWE Tired mother ( r.a lese'.8ad)- "New yrs a% MIL rue you tee amiss be wjjsdyf lilt. end yaw slag w- /ey k It I Rhee to coley babe out .1 your bead r McLaughlin Buggies Call and inspect our new stock of' the above high- grade Buggies. We have the latest 1915 designs to suit all re- quirements. McLaughlin Carriage Store HAMILTON STREET School Shoes The time is here again to get your boys and girls pre- pared for school. They will need'good strong, serviceable/ Shoes, the kind that -rill stand the test in any weather. In this. line we have ex- celled all past efforts and you will find at your command the most complete stock of neat. reliable School Shoes at the Lowest Possible Prices Our stock of Shoes for working- men has been selected with the great eat rare front the best manufacturers and does not in- clude anything that will not give satisfaction. RFI';tIi INO Geo. MacVicar North side of Square Goderich MacEwan Fatale Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich allld District. Best Coal Mined. Any gtaaatlty beat all Maple globs, Mixed Wood, Memleek and >tlatilea IOsdar .e MC) TEL*PHUNtla, Mks 11$ wti/.sw ors sr M