HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-30, Page 2THURSDAY KirTRMnta An 1Ml
wimasMsr.a.r�1�la ::•
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Ms�+a'sha'I.a'�xeMhlnes isr'aint
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Lam. 'deur Msmsats r; =ire Aa-
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■•e ., •o Myer
▪ adelmnised
sue aaWthw. =lime ei ▪ tsereeddemabM'all �ee*a�Ace weekly record
weapsstlea lr0 M ti ass -
team the aunt mad edemas ei 15* wut.r. net
r ps ItsstMMaas ras ie. evidence
finita. of mead tleeeeameN a.Astew• ttMe rhesld reach TNS
Sretrat. sire not lour then W.dne.day oasis
of sacs weak.
tie is i'ss11-
aad tear
The brave and the Fair are ge:ling
together today.
Prize swards for Pat ience-1.t, Ptesi-
dint Wilson ; 2nd, Job.
Keir Hardie, M. P.. ere dead. He wets
quite out of touch with this world,
if the Bulgarians don't behave. they
may some day moon find their country
nothing much but a Greece spot.
Will Oeneral ian Hhmilton have
that Turkey ready for Thanksgiving;
or is he keeping it for Christmas ?
"Peg o' My Heart " is satisfactorily
concluded this week. Tbe Signal will
noon have another Story ''just as
1s this "the big drive," or is it
simply a diversion to help the Rus-
sians acd prevent the invasion of Ser-
bia ? Time will tell.
The pay of the Fiesch soldier has
been increased frau one cent to five
cents a day. the French soldier is
n ot fighting for Reif .
The town of Oohourg, with a popula-
tion of about 5,00i1, reports 778 men
recruited there mince the beginning of
the war. This isallitll ab record
for Ontario.
Abbreviations should be used spar-
paringly. When the papers speak of
"•C. T. A. territ ary," it takes a fellow
some time to figure out that it meats
"('an't Take Anything."
There ate degrees in hard luck. but
the King of Greece, married to a bitter
of the Kaiser, while his subjeetb clam-
or for wet- with the Teutons. seems to
have the prize -predicament.
There may be some douLt shout the
merits of the Ross rifle. but there is no
question that the beet soldiers in Fleet -
den are the lays that stand in the
hand-knit socks made 1,y tbeCanediao
William Jennings Bryan and Heory
Ford had a cont.b the other day.
Rumor doesn't say if it was decided
whether it is more gasoline or more
grape juice that is needed to make
this old world run aright.
The Toronto Tory papers are Riving
quite a varied pet formatters these days.
Day title, day The Mail and Empire
talk• war, with only an cce.siooal
lapse into politics : The World is try-
ing to jack up the price of wbeat ; The
New. sticks to party politics of the
petty variety, while The Telegram
lambasts Kase Hughes.
Did you notice, in looking over the
estimates of receipts and expenditures
for the town for 1815 in lot week's
tiig°al, tbet of the *UMW odd levied
in taxes the town eou.cil really con-
trols the .xpenditure of barely 1110,11110
Debentures, eehcol ezpendihtre and
Axed charges of one kid and another
axount for the remainder.
Henry Ford, the automobile mil-
lksoalre, having made • es Nava of his
own business apparently thinks he is
qualified to direct the affairs of the
nations. (Matilde of Ms awn factory,
however, fel is liable to ruin up against
people who know mon than he does
about anything else than the automo-
bile Moues, Already the newspaper,
are begicein,p to make fun of hie utter -
agrees on public •Rale* ewe le a'g'es
that be 1. a 'klieg of swelled heed.
Bet Fad be ramble" right sloug.
Outside of Major-Geeerel Sir Ram
Atsibee. whet are the Fede& ()Wee.
E Hissers for Ontario deism f Mon.
W. T. White's latest aehN►emsest wee
Sant of making Meads "ao dlusst
of the Milted States- to the time of .
Sir George Foster was when he missed
the train on the way to a ',cranio"
meetly' at )(epee's and Bir Wlltrid
Laurier, although a sick emu, had to
oouduat the meeting alone. There
must be some more Ministers from
Oaterlo in the Federal O•blaet, but
can anybody say offhand wbu they
Some queer things happeo. At the
emizee here last week J. M. McEvoy.
London, who has been lampooned
time and again by The London Free
Press, defended that paper in a libel
emit, sad woo hie case, too. R. F. B
Johnston, one of Ibe leading Grit law-
yers of Toronto, .ppo•red in court at
Winnipeg to defend the discredited
ex -Cabinet Ministers of Manitoba
Give him money enough and a lawyer
would take a brief for Beelzebub.
That's their Ludneee, of merge.
Oue irequently bears among the
business wen of Godericb uncompli.
mentary remarks upon the Inactivity
of the member for West Huron in
connection with soy movement for the
benefit of Uoderich or the constitu-
ency Mr. Lewis, it is understood,
luteods to retire from public life, but
no duu',t he will draw his sessional
indemnity as o►teu sig he can while he
reusains • member of Parliament, and
be ougb' to realize that his obligations
to his . rnstituency will continue for
the same period. At the present time
Ooderich wants eever•I things at
Ottawa; Mr. Lewis ought to come out
of his bidie-hula and help to get them.
A report from the Canadian !milt try
camp in England givesevideoee of the
temper of the men wbo.bsve gone
forth to represent ('.wads at the
trent. Col. Wi,(le. commanding the
191i Battalion, aunouneed that all
tura facing him io the "orderly room"
for breach of military discipline would
be left behind -in England when their
cotur•des proceeded to France. Men
for whom the ordinary penalties for
misdemeanor,' had no terrors swiftly
decided, when they heard this an-
nouncement, to steer clear of the
Colonel's displeasure and walk the
straight and narrow path (hat led to
France. The lett is now somewhete
across the Channel and the boys who
are so keen for fighting will probably
soon get their Ishan of it.
Oar Geed Essi pie
Ilam4s• Tiara
Wentworth county might fo*ow
the example of Heron sad Sewer
counties and subscribe w mock •
month to the patriotic fund.
A War isi.eyoe.
rarmar•s Adenoma
Never before did we hese so many
people nark that they .ars doled
certain things because it is their duty
to do them. The great war le laving
some ldlus.ee foe good,
Deal Whim,
hoodoo advertiser.
Don't whine it you god that the war
is beginning to pinch you. isa.eielly
or otherwise. Your sacrifices. volun-
tary or involuntary, are trifling com-
pared with those of the torn who is
flgbtiog fur you in Flanders.
Me Weyer.
wisher Road.
Architect Horwood stated os the
witness wand M had bees with the
M•uitoba Governmeat about a year
and • halt and admitted hie eun-
,cience had become "rather dull."
W• can readily under teed that, -
From The Meanest Ossetia.
The salt deposits of (?nada end the
industry of which they are the basis
are the subject of a recent volume
baited by the Department of Mime at
lUttowa. and prepared by Mr. L. Heber
('ole. The work is interesting scien-
I tiflrally and commercially.
Torte are various them tee as to the
• origin of the salt deposits found in
pra.ticallj' every part of the world, so
that sodium chloride, the chemical
otrue oi common salt. is among the
moat w:dely distributed minerals in
"relate. Some have asctibed the beds
to volcanic action and the operation of
gears on component socks.
Tbe weight of technical opinion,
however. ie that in a genera! way the
'sit beds are the result of evaporation
of water going on through long ages
under vary.ng cooditioo.. Beside the
ocean there are also many natural
brine flrlds, some of them actual or
possible bases of industI y.
Canada is fortunat, in the extent of
its natural deposit.. Except Quebec,
whine few springs are too weak in
saline rontents to make them valuable,
every Province has more or lees wH1-
koowo centres where only enterprise
and knowledge are required to make
valuable use of ahem. Twelve places
in New Brunswick and Nov Scotia
are on the list, while in Manitoba,
Saskatchewan. Alberta and British
Columbia there are fourteen known
salt areas.
Ontario is the most favored of the
Provinces in this regard. The couu-
PEACE . . . peace . . . the peace of dusky shores
And tremulous waters where dark shadows 11, ;
The stillness of low sounds -the ripple's urge
Along the keel, the distant thrush • call,
The drip of oars ; the calm of dew -filled air;
The peace of atter-glow ; the golden peace
Of the moon's finger laid across the flood.
Ye', ah ! bow few,Mu4.1 fiestiog moments sines
That same sail IsNer My at Lange lerek.
And touched the silent dead, and wanly moved,
Across the murky- fields and battle -lip..
Where late my country's bravest kept their faith.
0 heavenly beauty of our northern wild,
1 held it once the perfect death to die
In such • scene, in such an hour, and pus
Froin glory unto glory -Time, perhaps.
M.y yet retrieve that vision -Oh ! hut now,
To... quiet hills oppress rue : i am hedged
As in that selfish Eden of the dawn
t %Vberein mw fell to rise i ; and I have sucked
The bitter fruit of knowledge, and am robbed
Of nay rose -decked contentment, when i hear,
Tho' far. the ctaeh of arms. the shouts, the groans -
A world in torment dying to be saved.
oh (Sod ! the blood of Outram in these veins
(hues shame upon the doom that dams it here
in useless impotence, white the red torrent runs
In glorious spate for Liberty and Right!
Oh, to have died that day at La.gemarek !
In one tierce moment to have paid it all -
The debt of life to Earth. and Hell, and H
To have perished nohl% inn noble e'use !
t'ntitnished, unpolluted, undismayed,
By the d ink world's r., roptio., to have passed,
A flaming beacon -light to gods and men !
For in the years'. come it shall be told
How thew laid down their Uvea, not for TH*iR homes,
Their orchards, 11.1(1., and °*flee. They were driven
To 'laugher Ly no tyrant's lust for power.
Of their flee manhood's chcice they crossed the sea
To *ate • str icks. people from Its foe :
They died for Justice -Justice owee them tbi.:
'That what they died for be not ovetthrowo."
Peace . . - peace . . . not thus may i find peace :
Like • caged leopard chafing at its hers
1. ineffectual movement, this clogged spirit
Mint pad its life out. an unwilling drone,
in safety and in comfort : at the best,
Achieving patience In the gods' despite,
And •t the wont -somehow the debt le paid.
-Canadian Magaslne
Remarkable Remarks.
New Turk heamm.deaL
John Mitchell -Tear down • brewery
and upon lee twins will arise a factory.
Julia Marlowe --I am heegry foe to
real world- I went to live KIe-not act
Rd. Howe -People eft of the Day
of Jt. Thee ire thouesode of
meth days.
eM Nbeet Parker -The almighty
heart *,!ewesr Is the Celled States
thee the ahllghty dollar.
Y. E. OMNI erten-Ida,. ant eoejae-
ttsre whet will happen srbeu to eery
mord reany onsets the beet
��1ig.gi aN. Foes-Roail-
�►e Mwe all til• p' tom .oleo.
seam M ehemetd that the sites-
'site W. Be.1W.--Tb MN ...
We seemed through the es—aper.
00011 loan, 4104 to tact Mord of1 odes el taw who are ttmtenaN and
who have respect for and confidence
in their leaders
Cora Harvie -Thos's jun one per.
see you say fool all Me time. You can t
fool tam public rage Gntl, nor your fam-
ily. nor theMet you an fool
yourself . ouy le the week.
On Thursday. fletob , , th, tee
Doreewend Os., of Toro° n, Ltd.,
Hamad•', foremost Mir
ere end yneterw.,*111 d
and dspemetwM • simple .took of
MWks' melety Mir Roods sed nadir
SiiIw timplee end a
eederleh whit* will at the be
seared t1R r fettered� oo*i*
y to to eats,
!� Osteber 7th. It.
TM amnia Thaak•Rlving Mem
wig he glum by flee Indies of V1teeis
Meese shovels oe Mesday, Oetsbar
lies of wtltltrim. I Iddie•M: Mg* Lamb -
tee, tent aid Rem omen., la .�..
or M lint. Me Peer Mata of we' er
.die' w.oe* *Mk extend funder
Ukase eerie and W. tnleeltr mimeo
2161.8" la 11$4114 rinds. ail
fee end !.pd
c - dared wee.
ta ` le lagipaS k
ell !e• a in
Oe bee w ►ee the work
Meepeed-tautly aad y ser-
erried oe.
One bedsit Wisdom' has a depth of
solid salt reek of two hundred feet.
The discovery et the deposits was the
resat of the petroleum -bunting Graz r
of the seely 'AVs of last *meaty. Mr.
Besuel Platt. interested is an oil well
at Ooderieb, continued the Wring
atter his associates had lost beer', Gad
at 9di fest Mewek • bed of rock salt.
Tim= et opsestdons followed wise
to admM water Into the bore nod pump
it ye mato as brine. This was *v
Med in kettles. and the salt sold 1n
the legal ttttttwhee at $I.!)1 • barrel.
Dividends slap' pet' cent. were paid
b tie planner sompeny.
There wee . naWntl rush into the
business of boring wails and evapor-
ation. Tete we' a large production,
oo.e!desi.g dm size of the market,
sad • keen somp.Ution from the salt
works i. the State of 'New York, and
it is chimed that only the superior
quality of the Ontario product served
to secure it the Canadian trade. In
1878 • shipment of 21110 barrel* was
made sin Duluth. Pembina and the
Red River to Winnipeg
The industry has had a varied ex-
perience. The production wag too
large for the consumption at times.
and associatioos were formed to regu-
late the matketiog. It is declared,
however, that in the last few years
the demand and the industry have in-
creased t0 such an extent that the
associations bare ceased to operate
and the plants do thele own selling.
Improvements in the method* of
evaporation and handling have been
made, and some of the plants now
compare well with the hest on the
continent. At thedeteof the prepara-
tion of the volume there were twelve
plants in operation in Ontario. wi•h a
production in 1913 of 100,79u taros,
valued at 11191.000. 'This was practi-
cally double the figure of 1897. As the
cnneumptlon of the country is put at
Zftb,t510 tons in the year noted it will
be been that there is room for expand-
ing the industry and utilizing the
other natural sources known to exist
in toe country.
One of Olcott Excursionists Resents Story
in N. i York Paper.
The following from The Detroit
News is an echo of the visit of the
steamer Olcott w Goder-ch on Ser.
tembee..t.b with a party of ezcurebu•
rats from Detroit. In some way a
story was *[carted, and wan published
in some United States tapers, that
the excursion party had been refused
permission to Iasi here :
"A lie can jump further and faster
than one of those Australian kanga
rocs ; fora !more, I never thought
those wise Yorkers would soul-
low, hook, and sinker, • yarn that
nobody amused beret would credit for
a minute," remarked Henry %Vohroet,
The bits manor -sheriff was angry. A
few weeks ego he was a member of an
organisation composed in large part of
men of German deeceot who took a'
two day boat trip. Among other
places they stopped was Goderich,
Ont. They didn't have their clearance
papers, not knowing they were neces-
sary, and. as a consequence, were bald
up until Hector Hays, customs inspec•
tor. was routed out of bed at 2 a.m. to
Az them up.
Some village cut•op started a story
'that they were detained because the
Canadians feared tory were a band of
Germans Intent on invading the Do-
minion. It reacbed the effete East,
the places where everybody was
scared to death during the Spanish-
American wan through fear of • myth-
ical Spanish Beet, and the papers there
took it seriously. Among others, The
New Toile Globe soli Commercial Ad-
vertiser had Use following to say :
"A society composed lergely of per-
sons ct German descent left Detroit one
day last week on a boat bound for
Goderteb, Ott., a small Canadian
town near Poet Huron, to bold a plc
nic. The people of this Canadian *11 -
le .. hearing the langra•e of the in-
vader, drove the party out.
"Trivial as the incident is, it *bows
an attitude which even war cannot
justify. In the matter of courtesy to -
welds persons belaying'to the Da -
tion of *heir emend•, .botthe Cana-
dians end the English people might
take lemons from the Japanese when
the Germans who were In the land
were treated wile a tolerance and bos-
plWity which the so -celled Christian
n ations might envy."
"Can you imagine such stuff r
queried Mr. Wobroek. "That customs
officer war courtesy personified. He
treated us fins And now he is get-
ting clippings like that every day. i
should dant thegetd-brisk lien would
never leave New Telt K thaw fellows
re w easy se to believe stuff like
General Hughes Urges Cens ry Commen.
*ties tt Publrsb Lisle of Tbsir Sohl tea.
Ottawa ttapt. ilk -Oe. al=
wand be permed a Moa the grltli.F
every town, meaty mil even
toweibb prepare • list of to �.0
sssee w eve goat for aetles. Ne
says t to many ea�se����T,. ems
from the cellwfr7 Gaye !. Ay
depots sed the sills.rewire reedthews time it
uotry ar
forM lellemetlem N.Isrtsalseeeeie
would be • seem et eneladiellee esid
ppriee efeee eeNise wad* 15 !bey
The Mpal eiriuM be glad to publish
ld ▪ gush lime M the mew**or
gds Is 'nee tif+eflea.
well OM "Ante." .susL
✓ eowsmh
5*Mrd i !lieslyptTellaigiV re lle$d
may by The Sinal) SHIM nth. lir nerd
Alliis. Are Now in Front of
Enemy's Second Line.
Terri& Battle on Weeders Front
Goo. o. Without Osminte---
British and French Troops Matte
Repulsed a Number of Violent
Counter Atbeis--Msety Please et
Artillery O.penred.
LONDON. Sept. 28.—Tbe Dermas
armies which were driven back Sat-
urday and Sunday by the great at-
tendee of the French and British
forces agalest both sides of the elbow
Joliet of the Oerwae position oa the
western float caught their breath
overnight, and reinforced by belies
of trews troops, turned upon their
victors with might and main, bet
without avail. Each German coos -
tor -attack was drives back, many of
tem at the point of the bayonet.
some by tornadoes of machine gun
fire, and haat night the extensive de-
hisces wbleh were captured Sunday
were still in Preach and British
hands. and ermines had bees made
by the allies both la Champagne and
east of Loos
In Champagne the French trooas
are now drawn up solidly before the
second Iles of German defence works
over a front of 18 miles, and are ap-
parently waiting only for tie artillery
to do Its work of destruction before
making another jump forward. Ia
Artois the situation is the same.
Last night's War., Office bnilsel,
'Northwest of Hutluch we have re-
pulsed a number of counter attacks
and Inflicted heavy loss on the enemy.
East of Loos our offensive is pro-
"Our captures now amount to 52
omcen and 2,800 men, and 18 guns
and 3S machlue guns. the enemy
abandoned a considerable quantity of
material, which has not yet been
Bettie Goes Os. -
PARIS, Sept. 28.—The text of last
night's official communication fol-
"To the north of Arras the situa-
tion is without modification. The
enemy has reacted only feebly against
the new positions occupied by our
troops. Ti}e number of prisoners
taken in that region exceeds 1,500.
"In Champagne the battle contin-
ues without cease. Our troops are at
present on a trent taken before the
second portion of the German de
fence, marked by HIIINo. 185, to the
west of the Navarrin Farm, the
annals hffoct, the tree of HUI :1o.
193, and the village and hillock of
"Tbe number of cannon captured
from the enemy has not yet been
computed, but exceeds seventy olid
guns and heavy pieces, of wblet
twenty-three were captured 41,7 tbt
Brutish army. ,
"Tbe Germans undertook meter-
esterday In the Argonne an offensive
movement, which was complete(!
stopped. On four occasions they at-
tempted an infantry assault os out
positions at La Filler Morte after bay'
Mg violently bombarded them wit!
projectiles of heavy calibre and suf-
focating shells. The enemy was able
to roach only a few points of our
trench along the whole of the fire*
line. He was stopped there by the
fire from our supporting trenches
and has been repulsed elsewhere wilt
'eery heavy losses.
"There la nothing of Importance to
report on the rest of the front."
Greatest Success on Nesters, Front
Since War Began. Says AWL
LONDON. Sept. 28.—Comm•ating
on the decided results gained by the
allies in their latest offensive on the
western front, The London Deify
Mall editorially says:
"No such .ucee.ss have been gain-
ed on the western front sine the war
began. Such hours of noble joy Mia
nation has not knoiin sines the clos-
ing yens of the d2sperate struggle
with Napoleon. . . . Uoyd George
told us that if we had had the guns
and shells we ■hou14 have been 1n
Germany long before now. We must•
be In Germany if we are to dictate
the peace we want. Only a nation
In arms can defeat decisively that na-
tion in arms."
The Chronicle says: "The present
move was made feasible not only by
the entry of our new army upon the
stage, but also by the vigorous cam-
paign carried on during the summer
in the munitions factories and work-
shops of Britain and France."
Admired Vo. Holtaeadorlf le New
Head of Gerus.a Revel Std.
B*RUN, Sept. IL—Admiral von
Holtseedorf, former commander of
the German high gees Sleet now is
heed of the Naval General Stat, sue -
mediae Vico-Admiral B•ckmasa.
Rose -Admiral Bekaete. Vies-Cklef of
Me Naval Oemeral Mae, also Is out,
sad It is saMrstood 5le saeemor *111
be Admiral von Korb, leap.etor of
Marine Itt.treetson at to Naval Am-
attiy h this appotat.e.t is
11e thaws, wbleb were made
seine time ties, took place la commie -
thee with tbe modtleaties le to sub -
merles pater algealbase by Mabee-
mbersoder sem Bsfsterf'u Sententious at
WatiwMa TM dlrpt en1 Admir-
dmlral., 11 is midsretesd. were oppemd a
to stiedidiseties made •ieetivs •t
tbst theta
Besiameen Alam std OOHddd.
SEAMPTON. Sept. 18,—A mage
Meth) et the eftlism@ at the Tows
ofWitieetehlftt Wilt wWontree jr
luteus/ t e/01'millpi be fsrthw1Rh
11011114101 te rate et least 1110.t1N
ter Bed areas eineee.a. A strong
Meal eommttls• wee appelntod„ with
ler. C. S. MD email pal peerilleet.
Seamless, Wilton and Velvet
Greatly Reduced Iii Price
These are fine heavy wool -backed Rdg, good quality
aadcolirinp, greens, fawns, browns, greys, reds. Size 8x9 ft.,
regular $18.00. for 1112.00. Size 9z9 ft., regular 118.00, for
$14 00. Size 9x104 ft., pular 1120.00, for $15.00. Sias lSx
16 ft., regular $38.00, for 1130.00.
Tapestry Carpets Reduced to 50c, 60c
Originally many of these Were nearly twice as much.
Mostly ends now of 8 to 20 yards at these prices.
Navy Dress and Suiting Serges
Probably the best choice in Dress Serge* we have ever
sl.owa is uow in. Nothing else so fashionable and nothing
ever more serviceable than a good British Serge. Black and
navys, pure wool goods, at per yard 50c, 61k, 7.k, $1.00,
11.3.5 and $2.00.
The choice is large
and styles are very
pleasing, materials
`of good Scotch and
English \ Tweeds,
Kerseys, Beavers,
Velvets and Plushes,
many with large
belts, convertible col-
lars, fancy patch poc-
kets, flare skirts, and
beautifully lined.
4AQ M�rPriceesrange //��(�
$8.00. a to . - $22,00
Teems Drive on taastera Front is
Perceptibly Weaker.
PETROGRAD. Sept. 28.—The Ger-
man aggressive on the easter& front
has become noticeably weaker entr-
ies the past few days. With the in-
creasin,^, extent of tbelr penetration
of Russian territory, the impetuous
strides with whicb the Germans for
a ulnas made fast headway against
the Rusetans, carrying everything be-
fore tbem, have been gradually short-
ening op.
General lvanol appareptly i• dr
termined to bold back the Anstro-
Germans, and his *forts ars meet-
ing with a considerable measure of
success. The fortress trlaagle, which
Includes Dubao,,Rovno, and l.ntak, 1s
almost entirely in the possession of
the R.s tans Reports .bow that the
prisoners captured In the Lutsk dis-
trict number'.: 128 officers and about
8,000 men, not eighty cancers and
1,000 men as stated In the prelimin-
ary estimates. -
Fighting le R1P District.
Tbe Russian official war statement
given out on Saturday night says:
"Tbe cannonade in the Riga region
has become much more ('tense 1n
places, the Germans using asphyxiat-
ing shells -sew amiellepinmeipa
'A fierce battle bas bees taught
along the whole front of the Driest
positioas between the Dein& and
Lake IMsvlaty, where the Germane,
supported by the hurricane ere of
their artillery, delivered repeated
desperate attacks, all of wbleb were
repulsed. ('.ertaln trenches cbaaged
heeds frequently.
"Durlsg one counter-tteek a RIM -
slam detachment le the heat of the
fight was surrounded by Gories's.
D t cut its way out and joined the
ofter troopa
Fronk Infantry Oesybted Yktaey
In Mort Order.
PARiS, Soot, !S.—Reports tam
the front may that en17 twenty Wa-
stes was required tor the 'Primed in-
fantry to complete the victory
pared for by may )nets t
aheillag aad overrun to leaf 11N of
the O..mea trenehee Mirth of Perth'.
la Cbsmps'pe. WMB* awaiting the
t+t..utat for the sheet to i►remeh
sollMra rested Weisel their Uass, 'ek-
ing sad patting their arms to Pedal
The bright glow free the aNw-
Ud�kym(nnedieg ittlM5.t. aid the
up Mau silitd mew of Mien dress
lire �1%b
"Acer • Mw home ser (!Mems into,
ear hopes that ear be1•rlee were
Me`stlag the alta'".- they trim.
Iseweit 1. News e_eiellim." saps •
iilur- "Tn-156meat ror tbe"-i
tack was set for dawn, when tl
charge was sounded. Whole batt'
lona, reinforced by reserves, bouade
forward. The rusk was se Impetuot
that to Germans et111 alive and ni
wounded la the battered works seem
ed dosed and unable to resist. The
were disarmed aad pushed back ft
our reserves to pkk up, while tl
attacking line went on.
"There was Mlle or no muaketr
The bayonets did most of the wore.
The proportion of dead to wounds
and prisoners was large. What wt
left of entire c, meanies threw u
ik!(r.cads at the sight of the dead,
ewer Con by the Zouaves"
Tbeq Seem (Pushed and Weamste
Says British Onkel%
LONDON. Sept. 28.—The first
the wounded from to victory !
Flanders reached London Sends
night. One of their number, ea of
cer with shrapnel wounds 1n h1s hes
and shoulder, talking of the seek
to The London Daily Mall represent
tive, said: "Things are beginning
huts at last. On ihiday it folly b
gas. Ws had the usual dose of hes'
artilleryall Alai, Qs mon
lag eary under a hurrtc e 'of 'heal
Gel the move started with shoe
sharp rashes. The Gansu treacle
were at a distance of about 41
yards. Our fellows went at It_v1
rare sptrtt.
'.There was some pretty 5.01.5
with the bayonet, and the •pr.oasr
plenty of they with their 'Kaltzsr&
eries, were very ready to throw doe
tbelr rides aad all their equipment 1
their eagerness to be captured. Thi
was the meet surprising Meg et t1
whole business. Many of them wet
old mea of the Leathers sal Lam
webs', bat then was plenty of roes
blood among tem es we11. The
seemed crushed and exhausted, no
la tem, and seemed to woken, 111
thanes of sarr.nder. They wet
practically deed beat. with meads
aMt 'Laterad' or some such phrase 1
t"I was winged shortly after mewl
lag to fust line. Lverytklag 1s IP
Mg top hole; the boys are splendid -
Mine es bantam cocks."
Outlast! Wegegode iat*itM
A K le tail of the Older Dams
whW EhlbMyn hie remerkahl
drasr�iW An miner
Irlbe eat beside him a /nIf pwtlsniii.* settled UMseemed abehredied.
servel h taeial.r," N
"its." rodlike Duman vie M
here/, bet I'm w..ewbere dee Matt
here. se tee epeeal. 1 sir Meh1it 1
dint Mt. mid Oen MI
M�III b war pen M•the ewi, t 111111S
15. 114tF t-t•tilrlia'ef _IR" .... y