HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-30, Page 1t 1 .4ICTlaKv 1orlist :D.. -w. ,1.n GODZRICH. ONTARIO. TH AY SEPI EMBER 30 1115 25c to .Tae. 1, a The Signal will be snit 10 tbe address of any sew Nib - scriber in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of this year for 25c. T. U. S. Mitassss, Mc Tun MONAL.711NTINO 00.. LZMf'ZD, Pvsttsuafr STERLINGBANK 0 17 CANADA SAVE, Because - A reserve fund in the bank meets pressing needs should emergency arise. National 'Portland or Canada CEMENT to We are offering Cement at a very close figure and have a fresh stock on hand. GODERICH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMES BUCHANAN, PansuriuIT AND MANAGER. Those 47 A. P.U. Box l& --REPAIR WORK -- Bring in your MACHIIIIIIP1111411111, theft over- hauled by na. We are Well equipped and have experienced men to do. yeller work , GIVR i! A TRIAL OUR PRICES ARE REASONAIILE ADMINISTRATOR'S SALT 1ADmINIIIITRATORN NAL*. w iaow et eagle, et is Oneense the^vele iota l IR 'verta Grin!' the Is+lew4r..as..�ti�p.a�, tsw..hlp em tela Hs sores Heenan{ Jellison/LT. easslaevremit tysMea ow w air J`.s.s. iA Y. testae Mtae Ir weclM . etdas Mand � far�a.d uses... be.. ems In - +ll w MU pars Asa sow se spm reset tire ps,esa.e. Tha tam mobs e . t..s vad by. t br ss a. .101. e•yNur■a rtw Ma per amt. of Dao mestim acme w shell pee the IemaMdrr alba eareareae.qwith la thin/ dareltter. VvAther lam mill ss0kO.. win be .a. Memo at ead ..hilaf rale dail..*dr 1 r eet t teme map w minium `M lama teas will be sold the FARM t; AITILd belesakg to vas setsts of the Mei Jams. bey, deemed. nond.U.rt et hem.dold is. 'emir impionsat., rattle ■d other .tonna. Mord 1 hre fete My of 4.ptemb.r. NM Mel/ IN NON It HO W ITT. of the city of umiak. elakite t. far the Ngtbena4 I,*.t camas,.LJ..Jtrd. Admltn0.r.- tor.. t Me ...tate et J.(M ail .aA 1, de eos,.d. AUCTION SALES. CLEARING AUCTION SALT: OF l.' •ARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. MR. JAMES HOItTOV Mil well Ly public aectloa at by faro 5a the Reynold rod. b. I a mile south sf Wderieh. on Tuesday. Uttober 1$1.. crash•, tans 4.8 1 u clock .harp : erne goad general mom*aver, s scan old l driving acre, a year. W ; I �.a now, d me lu Damolea. t yarn .4; 1 se tow. da. to March. a mai* old; 1 fresh -calved cow ; t Ma. Mad *0U1. 1 my rate, 1 .t'effee 1 ~vrn�eg000n tine ale w two karsa.L 1 Mils .getag wee~. 1 Mir .leWs trot ass break 1 p000dd tatter. 1 oersted bump • sate .vele hareem 1 aft d.sb a beano e. doubleands, glow.' mew mpg plow. 1 wt harrows, mall mall aaw .ream ,presto•. a smote/ .1 am.*.He, ear. sad My; fen a (moo. and Lvse7thiians. must los NM. M ether or has nal I thea . res. 1. rod. -Alt .vee of ii81 .ad wedge. sod • over that Amon.,. twelve aoeth-' creak wl'l be alma es for.,! M•i.pnmr.& NMI Volas. A dleasaat of S per er at. elbowed qtr ca -k es weatt ammo to JAMES HORTON, 1'. OUNDRY, Preeriet,.r. s Asemesee. CLEARING AUCTION MALE OF FARM STUCK AND 1MPLEMENT5. MN. ISAAC FISHER MS ..n be panic menet at let e seseisn it M'. 1*.�t.a(tsr... aur Termer. tact r rmmsaamg at I ciao* Mristeneerol aAda limps VPissn.rel fry p ;IMd : 1 5 peas • : nes& A RfCORDllitEAKFR WAl{ Tisaf INDUSTRIAL M EX/RN 10� TI aux. Held Under favorable dMt1itisns, the F. Scores Orealeet ~cotss in la Nisiory-Viest e,f Troop from Lon- don e. Thursday • Papular Evanii The Goderich Iedu.t tel Exhlbitlos, hold this week, wee !tented with ideal weather •.d other l.vittllag eooditio.a, sod the fair was probably the Amsted, success fa the batory of the institu- tion. The eabibtts were good, there was •Iwsdanee of smuwment mod entertainment, and the atowni.R fea- ture of the Exhibition Des the visit on Tbur.dsy oda eompooite company of the:11,d Battalion from 1M training camp . t 1.010dee, is commend of Capt. Jew.tt. The .oldlers nave an interest- ing nte rst•ing exhibition of military movements, physical drill, etc., on he *rounds in the.fternoos before a large g itbering. The Signal '•cla.ed up shop" on Thundery to allow the staff to see the Mailing soldier., and is consequence we have been tumble to get in type for ibis issue any extended report of the Exhibition. This will be given in next week's Ltcue, along with the list of m me -winner.. RED CROSS NOTES. At the annual meeting of the Britannia breach of lbs Cana- dian Red Cross Society of Godes ich, held September 17th, lbs following omen. were elected : president, Edith WIIIi•m.,; first vice. preeident, Muriel Galt ; second rias -ort, Mary A. Baker ; secretory, Doris Hays; tre.r- urer, Edna Pdham. Mrs. Jones - Bateman hes consented to direct the bench until another is found to fill her per. ALLIES ARS ADVANOMN.' On Sunday lame the Ie.SMp ecteld news of an &demise by IM Allen on the wester. battlefront. The Stet an- ..mbcum•nt was that the British ander Oeeerl French bad taken enemy positions along a front of nee m M* mad the Frwoeh troops bad cap- tured Stemma miler of trenches. the Herman fiw being penetrated two and .-half mil... Succeeding bulletins indicate that the movement is being kept up in the Um of Soros opposition by the Ger- Mane. Over '0,(101 Germane have been taken prisoners, sod the Allied troops have captured hundreds oft machine guns, and over • hundred field guns .sd heavy cannon, besides great quaintities of war material and supplies. The Freocb advance ie mainly in the Champagne district. while the British offensive is in the Arra-1n. Berme region. The pressure upon the Russians has been lessened by the activity In France, and the German offensive in the east has been cbecked. It is announced thou the entire sec- ond Canadian division is now oo the Krieg line. THE ROLL OF HONOR Recruiting in Goderich for the 71.1 Battalion has been fairly active the Post week. A recruiting tent at the Exhibition this week. in charge of Lieut. A. G. Nisbet, helped in the good work, with the assistance of Mr. A. F. Collins, who from time to time addressed Ariel talks to the crowds on the ground.. Siooe the last report the following have enlisted here fur the 71st Bat- talion : Edgar Sparties IB e v field 4 Ftanh, Pbatt (cotbocua! . Walter J. Bucbanse. Patrick Kennedy. Jame" Boeeesee Mayfield 1. -.Pattieon (Brucefieldl. Walter Gram. Wm. Baeriman. Wm. Lumby. Wm. Hrnekett. Inbreed Y ELECTION CARDS. E`• Dn;, RL; TWIRINA L Miami TO TER ELECT tfts OF 'SIR TOWN or 4.40DERI 311. ASO •8 he sae i* ' 1p as teen MwlMesSw.ey .f tar eat. Mesa, Mr. tlbe b*emorist a to gaga Rte £ s s. It ImpsnotZit Time this �M limb •, nth. u .Lmc3i :riiS' . peer eee For Soldiers' Wives amsrteRe.tab 1p Eiee- CLARE AND IARM ties o. Mesdtq. A good number of minim yses wore present et the t.sU.R b.ii Mk Mon. stay evasion for He � of... atloE a Reeve fur tan term of 1he late mimes were placed Is the bads of the clerk. They were : Dr. W. F. Clark, Mr. B. C. Mun.inne. Mr. O. A. Nairn and Mr. Frank Rlllott. After the Domination* had been de- clared closed the clerk informed the nominees of the statutory Usseallowed to file the declaration of quell/catkin and then asked that s chairman be appointed. Alt tomb protesting, the cl, Mr. L Kox,es w..af. *0041.erk1) •01.01 L. cbafrn•san. wH. 11sre- npon called upon Dr. Clark, who brief. ly reviewed his put work both as town councillor and at the Bounty council board. 0.'pomned that he would Rive all the time be could to the town's business should he be elected. This is the outgrowth of a meeting of Mr. B. l,. Monolog* was the next men held In the Temperance Hall, on of forcingsso election,er. He Dbut ifiannelac Monday the 20th lnmt., at which the lion hecsr.e neee..ary they might find claims of the Canadian Patriotic Fund him "nosing In." He was not ashamed were outlined by Mr, W. C. Sean, Or- of his put record at the council board and some time in the future he might ganixing i<ecretary of the movement, come back. following ., hlch 1t was decided to Mang- Mr. ('. A. Nairn was not pressor. grate a whirlwind campaign to Mr Fronk B11;Mt said he rho b he least 41.1.000 for the above-named per- had a primary right to 1.h While r nremhmr of the town council pone. It was also decided W send a dep. he bad stlended every meeting and utation to wait upon the towa council to was well acquainted with the work. The Ieeveah.p should he between him and Dr. Clark. The Doctor held a Government position which might call him away at any time, therefore he (the speaker► ought to he elected. The people had elected an Elliott and it was an Elliott who should here the position. Anyone who opposed him would be responsible -tor the cost of an election. and Children. A Wlirlwtaj Campaign Next Week ler the Patristic Fund. For the Ortel time in the history of Goderich, • whirlwind campaign to raise a specified sum of money within • given time Is to be undertalten next Wednes- day and Thursday, when • group of rep- resentstive business and professional mea of the town will watt upon the cit.. 1•e.. In behalf of support to the Canad- ian Patriotic Fund, which cares fur the won>en and children of the Canadian soldiers who have eollited for active service. t m go raise at uict e rveveabip, ilk that a grant of 14000 be made by hem to this end, and that a balance then be rained by voluntary contribu- tion. An outline of the organizing necessary to make a success or the campaign was given by Mr. Rean, and • committee was appointed to nominate the mem• hers of the various committees. This has been accompll.hed and the cam- paign Is well under way, as regents the details of ortlanlzatlos. Headquarters have been established in the vacant store next the Union Bek of Canada, winch war' be • bee- hive of activtty, until the demo of seat week. The following are the agleam sad ex - motive 00mmittee of the Goderich Pat- riotic Fund, the p.e aaeat orgenis.tlen created toe 1.M of the sob. �osodte E.A. if.• fester QHRasle (Mgr- of Darrel Cossow.wl, 1redesrer; Georg. ltlrW', Rev. J. B. Potberisgbam, That Onsly, C, A. hairs, Judge Holt. Alex. aYnadme mad Dr. Hayden. This organisation does not in any 'v.y conflict with the Heron branch of the Canadian Patriotic Food. the Huron brand% being the organisation for the distributing of relief to.oldien' families throughout the county. one being the collecting and the other the distribut- ing organization. To prosecute the 0110n&*'. the follow. Ing committees were appointed: List committee -G. L. Parsons, chair man: J. W. Craigie, W.n. Campbell, Chas. K. Saunders, H. J. A. MCHwan and C. A. Nairn. Publicity committee- J. Kidd, chair- man: .1,5 W. Vanatter, W. II. Robertson, H. E. Hodgen.. George Porter and C. L. Moore. Finance committee -R. G. Reynolds, cbalrma.: W. L. Elia, W. L. Morton, Jas. T. Doyle, Wm. Proodfoot, M. P. P., Dr. Comm, W. E. Kelly, II. J. A. Nro- Ewan, Dr. Hayden. F. R. Hudgens, Get. Porter, Rev. J. R. Fotberingham, Thos, Gundry and ('. A. Nairn. Chas. Garrow, D. McDonald. Team captains -Rev. J. 11. Pother- Ingbam, George Porter. J. L. Killoran, C. A. Nairn. Tho~. Gundry and Dr. Hay. den. These committee.' have been working haul and everything i+ lining up to good shape, an • consequence. A prominent feature of the campaign will be a tuon- titer patriotic rally nn Monday evening, at It o'clock sharp in Knox church, the largest auditorium In town. At this gathering Major J. C. Totemic, M. P. P., of Windsor, and Judge Barron. of Strat- ford. will be the out -of town speakers, and the program will be supplemented by short speeches from local gentlemen and patriotic intone. Roth Malor Tol. min •n1 Judge. Barron lie excellent speakers and a rare treat Is In store for Gocle�ich eltteens. No lelmisalon will he toad*. nor will env +ab- be colloeeed at this Peeling. so 1.t • 1 Protect times dap sstlent on .your by tailing a policy in Th. Actual Life Aaan.sce Co. of Canada -"Canada's onb, Alutsr.I" : : ' { A. C. NISBET : : REPRESENTATIVE tet.. ••r GeJsaciaPlanelSO. 'P. O. Aa 364 is ----�� t 1• L_. r • DISPERSION SALE OF MOH CLAMS .^ PVI:dBED SHORTHORNS AND ABERDEEN ANGUS CATTLE. AJwgwd.Catts. Herr I*la ioplrsesess. gar_ at •'RamvNw" *0.ek Farm. luta eon- eo.O. t, R co Mamma tumor DrtlaRan.ssk as THURSDAY. OCTOHKt 14 emrees&lm at ONE P. mL tta.rp. 710 MyIM�� bre rwty Iii. area ler a tea et sad _ sr Map he ..M • Shea ee.ev�. HM rd of wsearod BOOM woe sever toter M Ywdl.f imam and will be .asn.tif ►n ■s.& ons4i11sm Seine p. amt natosb Mod u •'nhelw-st.tt nem kava won =t Oe.Ipa .01 Ise.. tu .ter k .M+w.. inionnnonna Mgm� ileuses.- Na Mus, dos MFer " . 1 rear el& Ntt1 t7M1 dse M •u01,ss *0.p arse.{... m year eN Ma 1�et. RMM&M�. hese mV., " 1e.. es $ lir No. ^moi e.M. "lAcoa `net.' a saestb. eM em7rier eeew.. ""�treeem Roby 1 sears M i. N. "Ooteee Jl..' 1 nestle W Na m aneelw. m /nom W. Na. /11/41. alliwall k!w Qoeo.-e meette shit N. eww. "Jessts� $ years el& Na naliK leaean, W re . a nand M MM. Me, d M-Weider." �e&Ferber" e years ole, No Osu. A at,0toe ..o" -s/w. W. No, Mt11. Hees kez ,171 lro.r Md. Na tune AHitlIDI*N ANGUS. e -G . D ter 11 yeWye rs .o. 1.g, I nim 'Dee 11R.�- g years ole. 1M Cur5 yer. NKa 4f. ('aWlas duet. 4*. is e..3,, *0.y 110. calf. "venom never: 5 seer he old. Na ,=are '" ri.e.e - S swaths. Na >K �f�s�. 1&s.- I p..e..Y. dm to calve Y.la►. ' 1r..bre.." 1 ~Md. GRADS o♦TTLL Tw.eow. 0.. 1earthes 1 4. 8 1.. Mot calf ROS, mTG 010 11wt.Mre is. 1 year els, wits sorsa at Sm. su• �d esasWsmoothe eWerra ws, hou nod Mem tarela. (.01111114 Om draft brew.IO• aless d1( t draft henna 4 14.1..4;salK )One drift mare./ years aid 1 draft geeing. 1 its, t ~GOY ; agrfeallarwl grWeg. I •repo-• I11►.1 rears ale : driving T e reale am Drillm•rrfby sa. Beam owlet fit loess M dri ve t thew- AO. JapOe..m., M..oh.M FrraItare,d.. ��e mesR MUMS AND CONOMoNR. las co e1� M treat ems we ewrwbineg.eOdamMr, awes t blir ;; t /.,• fast. par amens Betedzi• w�tbal�M•rem.. t�sttmsaM. se ee Ma nR s im M.MUS.�lll� reg fie. 1111411011. MR A. MAiti.000111, Pry..Oer. ISM .usr*Y. Asweneer. lest ICAPT. 1'. A. 1110MOehs sapaeteLI la a room leaveto • 615.1 to Aatlmle i Mw M. 1. Rob, NW*dnh N..1.. abs "rite bee Sobbed nod *i Ra. hie e. was 1.Mrov ews Robor Olapt. St, Pr. �wIllsorlio (lowtas probe 1da. w1• =.reel to ras�Qshbasnll:0 try Os trip, fwd elseerefy tenet tbat pe1vi- aw Ira be e1bttMd Wore w y •seg hart p...01 Tolo mop , Oar lien . elbsOWe psi lam so Io b.. meir Ismks elm Oro d prior ra. serwer, - la baba% end drib.Om.* fttearlj IN.eenwLsxtra�e..1°eawe.1 L r, taxa Pas ijrwee. est t=ea. island hes. t hay rep b} boggy. 1 ta.r,.. 1a ., 1 .14T, cs}ga .ee.t =.1UMW eb4Aar '$ae. (M be ape answer (to he 044 b few►, bras. seems, name sad smawwa ores• 5185{.8. .. •+ +wa" n"1."..� TAR Eflii!!M RMA[, this nus Onsry*MZ. -1 am• the 1.� la death male . 1.Y ti* 1.f. t 1 Nva. that a I yea, N1. 1 m vele. 01 Wls me .ssazbaOar , trlegwdsapertts M 1.N •xp0ionos v 4 I ham baa tai years' Ow Rave mid feel that 1 ma •w.• yes to adoestage rd at Me town seamen mese w roams hoard Tears truly, F. bLARK. /Olt SALE OR TO SOT rarltaWe l.g will be Cooed d, r mfr. )Liar GvOR BALE OR TO RINT.y T HB I. INV::: free farming. P Iso run. -All ..m. or PIO sad smear esab • t • all mo boarding,..5T hailer . Iet. .-meet over that amount. 1 we've moab.' ovdlt .811 1. 5 all sera tort 0M.oei. C.i'. ap51 ha ghee oil rural -Wag • to CM insure per fL,. ovr p Sherman apply A ioou g DDro•N sd11 mob". at MRs. Mc?e1. U. over aaareo,,. „hoe 00rreditn/ mo,.,, per Deet. allowed I.r cob .use., to+l street. 7ftlm ISAAC F1?lek.K. Moyne, orvortio. TH044. O UNDRY, Auctioneer. PUBLIC NOTICE. NoTI(lK TO CREDITORS AND OTHKRS. -_- la tar OrATS or JAWM HAT. D.caaaan. Tbe ermdkoru of Jame Hy, MM eg the township N Oodericb• la Me misty of Hamm farmer, who died • n er shoat the Mb day of Dsmember, Me, and all ethers mom dodo* .eget er molded to +hare la tbe said gelato, tors bombe .oldad to mid ►1 pert )raga{* .r etherwk. deliver to the Nat 'h.K posy. Limited. administrator of the mid eetY-, et to the • .lkiMm, ea or laMre the 4th hs of Octoker, INS, tbetr Cbetdtan eases sad .nrwaarer, addie•.'t w da.elp• tiem ale fell potholer, .1 their emahas,.1 moat. or Istet.ita aha the mat ore et the ore.r- b+h awlM . flea 1.said•Ilh day a ed to smu,tet 8,e told a`►MttaAr wm premed a tlma/low tea wager of 1.M aid west. maws= b ItM& .bent., bane.. 1.m , err t �.t,,,Ma.stt�oef wh1A a shv thea h.,..= et aal,4MtIon,will Mrd themildcludedhmmthe tmerr will sat rot for the maid ammo er aq part memo is art pelisse Or peens■ oboe* ele,sy bare aft bon received at the Um of said AO- trtb.L.. Dated tble Mb day of Await, lMa. [INNON at HOWITT.0m1pb, Oat. ore for Nisleaal Trost Oamaaa0. NI miss LASOA ELLIurr, TKAOIIRR_ "ra if t"' k.. s1. • e 14.r N. e.. aa& M b 5701 1 mse+ts ►•111. 1. the Set, manes. ae71� t (Ira veto.. Dolytrv� LAIC* gt.iO�IT, limps ~Deet EDUCATIONAL. wee/ a blelb5s N'CemaeoraW aa/ ~� as Trap Mewl.aThe" :.a.b.low� • rNaS Par' kid"' g KNIGHCT, DUI lUR OF CaHwItRO'at w nae :ime a eel i4 .. yl Cambria real mea ins: : e b Har. m. 1 M `" aayf. r» I p s .Oaaw11 4. boa left LOST AND POUND. - O5 T.-* 411WHERE BITWRE5 ere .1 mthe 11tss . es �r era.. mss"Ir..t ft 5NN• ice...-'�---.•. _ - - _ CARD 01 TUNS. 1 ro manes MT APPRZ- QUM! etM lapiematipMitt 1100 L'OR MALE. -A OOM FOKTA BLS a` ' terse. 1m good regi-, with b.rbroom and hoard b venae Floe.: *term window" .11 sru.M. Oood Memo e.a oeU.r with cement floor. ('on.Mlerl to tarterte.. 1pf.ly to 10O11ERT F:LDIR. oat end et. Uavid'..treot. mien 1'170 RRNT.-PRACTICALLY NEW 11 trans hones oa Mewpte .lard. with all [ander. (oevm.imes.; rho frame e..etarr on Victoria a rest '. It1 1st14 std came Metalled. Apply N. W. NOTT. Newsom street. ;6-11 HOU*I>; TO RKNT.-ON GLOUCES- TER TKRRA^.F• with modem moves - Imam bot ester heaunirobrseb.dresas and bathl spetahn, parlor. dleter-meea, Mater and eam.mr kltehen.. h...a..t 5.d.t whole hem*. with Isometry tube. Pemer..en can bs W at .,.y [Sear. Comfortable etaN• If re Oohed. PRAWN 4' GRIFFIN. Oaolw. 741-,4 FOR SALE 11005 FOR SALIE-T'RAINRD 1.1 HOUNDS tamale eudneural peAp- ply to RIRT or II H. TU mid - p. S[N0. It �10R SAL14.-A 23 -HORSEPOWER ibwyet-Maenybeetbn endow and a No. 3 p�I.oan' Mower. ereentellon trust .nd with Barth. Ce.Opel. apes to CY.1.M�. LAE.boar- Uoi Ira � R SALIL-OXFORD LAUREL HEATER, 1. ped esad4l.s. Amply to MRS P. R MX. .teab three. Tad [IORSEB AND 0ARRiMo1Fl FOR II S.ALL -- -Seasy," by .50 .R ate. ski.Oa Olean. and PROM eb♦.t6eamYrttelol.sNabme..tM aur .yM.n ',Of ♦wee.s ma drive him. eight ole MAN hems en • farm. Mk. mingle or MoMn "0011117 Mr mew mare. gigot roes. GM. QM 1.f 1.M w.staa 4dve• M mi the (nty. as.s* lead rises . a lobes pets (Lm ♦.w mow rraL sl. ertor Bread LIDO me the le. to Tao "Mai lamb* mese. reMI;�Orle1 tm.wileet.,ra 7141 H ARIL Y R I \ BR, tiMerr•t. MMUS TRANSPORTATION. , Mae �aeetwwayear�~*camel, T%mem Jen..h1•Tar m.IwtC mels../• -no% . WUANTED TO RRK r. -A SMALL be gem e�w�s•sme4 ts1Wi wO.nR�(!.ssast�ale%=eyea yeahaslS OOD a� *14110 . .Mem Nitwleu. ,11111D.- FOR 61INTLIIMAN. acrd w amm r Apt aw=e `10iade.lilr' w '& Collo fin �Ys.asosb. wm. Harold Alda • ORarIM. **poises J. Fowler. liraest Simms (Dungeononi. Ia. Nekton. Recruiting laeetings have been bold at many outlying points in the dis- trict. These taking part in this work ioclu8e Major Dunlop, Mr. W. Proud - foot, M. P. P., Rev. J. B. Pothering - ham. Mr. W. Proudfoot, jr., lir. A. F. Collins, Lieut. H. C. Sootneran, Lieut. A.10. Nisbet and others. A number of recruits have been secured at each place. Lieut. H. C. Hootheran left last week for London, where he is on the roll of D Company, 71,1 Battalion. 'The Mayor Hada Little Lamb. IA lamb donated eo the Red Cross Rcdely by Mrs. Kelleher was sold at auction on Wednesday, Mayor Redd. being lbs buyer. He gave it back to the Society and it was sold again o0 Thursday afternoon 1 The Mayor hill • little Iamb. IN fleece war white a. +now. He bought It at on acct ion •ale9 And parted with mine dough "Whet will he do with the Wanted thing I" The neighbor. ell did txy Re'lt make • eoun,ll:or .,f it The people dM reply. Rut Mayor Reid 14.d other Ih..ogbt. "'Twould never do. .ale he. "To bring an Innocent white lash Into ..,ch toeaMI.y. "111 give It beck to the Rod Crovw"- Thel beall el l did And told. 'We II tell the iamb again. And add auto our pile -' NOTES OF SPORT. • Fall Trophy Says at Strafford. Mtratford, Sept. 2.'i. -The Faill trophy seems destined to .I.y in Mtratford. 81. Marys, Mitchell and Goderich howler. bay. all tried to wrest the •ilverw•re, bot without any success. 1-eeterdey afternoon the God.rich bowler. -thew rink. of them -came down and lost nit by r shots in some in. friendly games. The result.: atria feta. liaNr.c h. `T Prot H =mot o t ser -IS Ili. A. C. limiter ..t.- * f• p0 *eDll A. •0. 801ree RI. *red- le. Hos{ II Metras ..,,.k. IIC. H Rembee .kip- It W. IMO 4.1 .sal.-1.ttaw B. 'kip- TN.t .. a Total. ■ is the evening the Godetich rinks, playing friendly games with loe.l bowlers, were several .bots to tbegnod. Use Road Orderlies toe climate s000ttpria.; they 1.w pentle I. toffee. eLiad osrool. Sabi °sly by II. 0. IM Roma Otere, 46*, Me sad A pleasant time was spent ■t the Baptist church on Friday evening. the occasion being • reesptios tendered to Hew. G. M.. Holmes and Mrs. Mohnen by the asembsre of tae rhumb &1.a 14s54 110114 1h. •nnataf birthday tan in 014 of the mestriage rune. Simper was served in the Randy esbool room from H to 5 e'eloek, to w►ieb about seventy eat dog's. After- wards as ad joursmen' was made to the a.diteelum, where a program of addresses of weieome to the 0.w gas- tor arter and hie wife, whit r.adialle Sri redt•tbse and mwteal nominee, urss carried oat. Mr J. H. Marshall was the presiding n*lew. The proceed. freta the birthday offering eineonted be 1124. 1. TLs demand for Blackstone.'. delic- ious ice creast in hulk or fancy bricks cont Mum to Inc....,, Phone 210 for your next order. Mr. C. A. Nairn and Dr. W. F. Clark, V. 8., have qualified for the election, and a poll will therefore be bold oo Monday next, with the name. of mem two candidates on the ballet. ONtl*CW NOTES. Rev. W. G. H. McAllister, B. A.. of Exeter, will preach .t both service. at North street Methodist church next Sunday. The Ministerial Association will mesa i. North street Methodist church umape'+.t` ani eeLt,.a11Y .rtRno°n, Ata*'.' Rae. G. M. Belem will preach i. the Baptist eliniteb mat Seedy. In the tlaertelnn the sidles' will he, "Our Betrothal to Christ ; in the evening, The Fact of Christ." Rev. Colin O. Young, superintendent of Presbyterian minions fa Northern Seakatcbewao, occupied the pulpit of Knox church on timidity evening and gave an inisr..ting address on his work In the West, hie topic being "Our Great Homs Task." The rever- end'soil-mem is a member of a well- known Colborne township family, a t,ro•her of Messrs. Alex and R. M. Young. In view of the canvass of the town of Uodericb for subscriptions to the patriotic fund next Wed- nesday and Thursday, the isterirl Association of the town hes unanimously agreed that 'Tbe Duty of Goderich to the Empire" shall be 1 he subject of discourse in every pulpit next Sunday evening, October 3rd. A full aaendance of the citizens at their respective places of worship that even - ion i 'Lasso allarregtablor ashimste "Christ in she (WNORY'S AUCTION SALE LIST. Tta.n,v. Oet. &-♦oetion .ate of arm ■tnrb cud Impls...t.. property of Lava rimer, l'Nboru. tewnsblp Trssn.v, Ort. 12.- Sootier' nab of farm tore. uupkrmema, err.. property of Jame. Morton. Itaylleld road. as Mit .troth 01 (kid.- ' *oh. WitoNice0.1 Oct. 11- Atari inn +ale of arm +•..eh, imppkkmens.. stn. tteS.54. d J.a. Car b•.1., balktt towa►tp. Tnt-esn, V. Oct 11. -Auction •ale .,f pure. bred eat W, ars lock 01 imple ,01.. urs potty of Joseph A. Malleogb, ..Venom 1. ret N • • ••••h. Farms. l)rt. ti \dmisi.tratoe. sale of are. arm .tank. implements, etar, to the ...Isle of the late Jam«. Hap, the Freshen. 'o1. N. Maitland comeolar ("edert h tewn.ble Trim* r.Out . 19. clearfag amus. .ale of Arm Aem sad Impl.mte. /".V.r'y m1. Mr. Jackman. Nlk. W..,,r".la,. 001. i, 4 leeriest .attain .0l, DAfarm dirk sod 4mp�.a� I5•of red Itentegt.S., tete El red 11k-ee.e ties• Huhne1. 011111. 1ORAHAIblja bleat sale a the ward Graham • bar gbh, Manuel Sissumm. Me rich NEW A SmiLSOth Peas Meow ere nen er Md -Mew .40 McDonald I ba sior sad Newer M flab -c c tee 1 Deet.,.. t'sd--4; A, limbs . t Om New R -Roma a mewl Co. ...,, Grain W.1104 ed A. Atha ................ I Saar Wasted- W, 0 l 1.N peer and concert -Nora topes Mstadbs chair . , e C.M wt Th.ab Ono 11.44.0 O.p ler ask tot wit IL T.wa..y . swet.er. les-talgerl Olio I OM Wasted bet 0401 1.•00&,1.. 1 lbmei ad Ream Waled -Rs. R Taal 1 To ties Kremere- W. r Chas t .a