HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-23, Page 81 T•••aa►T, al...... tis IRO THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO SCHOOLS UPPLIE PAINTS and WATER COLORS 110e. 1 tis, !N s.d ale CAMEL HAIR BRUSHES 0• sod 7s CRAYONS Os and 10• DRAWING PENCILS So wad lee BOOK BAGS lura- $Ss each to "1.00 EXERCISE BOOKS SCRIBBLERS ERASERS, etc. Large asscattnent,clo a prices, Full stock of all the Astboe. i.ed Teat Books, including the sew "Golden Hul. Books. The (AIWA Ink Store ORO. PORTER Flags! All sires and kinds at lowest prices Also a splendid assortment of Patriotic Buttons Nearly everybody is wearing a Patri- otic Button. Why not you ? C. L. COULTIS, Pkto.B. THE DRUGGIST PHON4 19 Menesetung Crawford PEACHES VOWS Rae mf the best litHi year end eon saw Ect•11 householders with good rswn fruit. Flavor bet, ter than southern fruit Will he ready in about a week. Leave your order with your itrocer or 'PHONE ME. D. F. 11AMLINK Goderich, Ontario WANTED [AP he undersgned is prepared o pay the highest market rice for all grades of Fall nd Winter Apples. Do not ell before seeing me. 'PHONE 17S R. R. ELLIOTT Goderieb Corn Remedy will remove the corn that is so trouble- some. Three or four - applications all that is necessary. Penslar Agency Only Jas. A. Campbell PHM B CENTRAL DRUG STORE Corner North St. and Square Goderich Roe m 'PH(►NRV Ree. ?'v The Very Nat Plate to Take a Commercial Training le THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN oNT. Ilse "ter Olentae wheel ease thins as 6.1.. f tfser w.e. sweep mensal •(efeaysnsslrsa(faYlsssvlsfs (sesef eeeeMa.4wM.larnt ilaeMe .aw Ntnetfwgaeesnl eea iat e r..asar ma Ewe itk i1.gMl slO: r'r , A.. 41.4446441. +tN. es Freese Kw9ssmoas. T "semen. Raft. 111. News Nene-W "hisses w thshIlnet I Wee Case O egner left Se kntt.rclaf e Mimtithe es pealtben le /De.' Menge I leek sad Margasst Oakes spent a dei at ths l.osdos Fair last west Piss iVeerepka et Gederlsb, le wink- Kr. l t - W Kr and W O'friends and A - Iaghes, of Wbiteebiereh. spent 8ue- P y with BartrrlsU.es y Seymour. of the SSW Battalion. Lesion. was is this lam week farewell • tb.ttreep. big frees the Fwest City The Mane Hre.ei.ve Menem anal Medellin Sul - Urea, of the U. O. I, spent the week - sad at their nspeetive bosses here. Joseph Smith and Stephen Mar- Us artis seeded the London Exhibition last week. In the absence of Mr. Mar- tie. our postmaster and general mer- shoat enshoat, his place was taken by hie brother -is -law. Mr. William Hoga., of LswsvUle James McAdam spat Sunday with his family in Oode- rsd Miss Patella O'Reilly has re- tarn.d after • visit he Tsrewster Mr. Beringer and family are visiting in Rfvsndale. A DUTAI'raoos Fiii _During the electric, ram mad wind storm of last Thursday bight a barn oo the lake shore between Kingsbridge and Rio - tail was struck by lightning and to- tally destroyed, through which three different parties sustained heavy losses. The baro, wbicb wet • sub- stantial structure. was the property of John T. Griffin. KintaU, and was situated on the farad which has been rented for the past few years by Pat- rick and Bernard Murphy, the owners of the destroyed co.teots, In addition to the barn full of grain was a large stack of wls near the baro, oleo some seven hundred bushels of oats in the graoary which bad been threshed In another barn and drawn to the i11- isted building the previous day. As the cot:flagration had made co:Alder- able headway before any persou was aware of the tact, it was with great difficulty and risk that the bones and' one harness were saved. Two good pigs, • number of bens, expensive har- new and many stable accessories were' consumed by the flames. In the barn was a practically new Geo. White' threshing machine with all the mod•' ern conveniences, strew -cutting tacit.' Mee, etc., the property of Kenneth' McLean, of Kintall, who also lost an expensive set of harness. About forty' spectators gathered around the scene of the catastrophe and until far into the morning fought the es, which' times, threatened to reach a barn belonging' to Jerry Sullivan, directly to wind- ward of the burning mss.. They were ' successful and also managed to save a small quantity of grain. The Mc and Griffin properties were uninsured, ' we understand, but fortunately Sur-' pby Broscarried insurance wbicb' pertly cover ther tare of tae con-. MRS. A. SAICH. sl Canningtos Manor, Sask.. Writes: -"My brother suf- fered severely from eczeau The sora were very exten- sive, and burned like coal into his flesh. Zam-Buk took out all the ire, and quickly gave hits east. Within tires weeks of cotataencing with Zaa-Buk treatment, every sore had been cured." 'TVs is bet Me el the mast' letters we a. -e cosstady receive( from people wbo.base preyed the healing powers of Zaibuk. For eczema, ptln, sores, barns, ren and all skin poebies there is boiling like tkii wwdsful beim. ,No skis disease should be oes- sidered incurable maul Zam-Bair has beam tried. Ai Drmgpdti ?ds. per gra. Items Ssiellek s. lissom FROM GODERICH. Committee Will Make Canvass for Patri- otic Fuad. Arising out of a meeting held in Knox church on Wednesday evening of last week, a meeting for men was held at the Temperance Hall on Mon- de) evening to consider what should be done in Goderich with reference to the Canadian patriotic fund. About sixty men were present at the meet- ing, representing all trades and professions. Mayor Reid presided. Dr. Strang .aid he was one of • com- mittee appointed to lcok Into the matter under discussion and felt it was impossible to proceed until an ex- pression of the opinion of business men had been obtained : hence the meeting had beeri•talled. ltev. J. B, Fotheringbam outlined the object, needs and methods of the fund and urged that Goderich had not yet done its mbar., even taking into account the recene grant of the nounty council. Mr. W. C. Ream was present and gave a table of amounts that bad been raised in other counties for the fund. Other speakers. all in favor of a con- tribution from Onderlch direct, were Rev. W. K. Hager, Memel. M. G. Dinneroe, Sheriff! Reynolds, F. R. Hodges, Geo. Porter. Wm. Proud - toot; joss J. H. McClinton and Alex. THE ASSIZES' Sao.oers. A letter was also read from W. Proudfoot, M. P. P., regret. A Sleet Docket Disposed of by Chief jou nce R. M . Meredith. The sitting of the Supreme Court of Ontario for the trial of Huron county eases 000meneed here oo Tuesday before(bk/Js tieeli$f.Mereditb. The obly jury case tried was an action for libel brought by Wm. Govenlock, of Beafotth, against The London Free Press. After the jury had been em- panelled the judge ib dismissing the other jurymen present expressed his satisfaction that no criminal cares were on the docket and also drew their attention to the importance of the office of a juryman. lie said each should fulfil the duties of his office without fear or favor, as he would expect the highest judge in the lard to do. He knew they were anxious to get back to their farms and said that in these troubloua times the man who could grow two bushels of grain where one mew before was doing his duty. The case was then called. The article complained of appeared in The London Free Press in its issue of May 25th and was to the effect that the plaintiff, Wm. Govenlock, and Wm. Cudaion had been fined 01(1) each, and their horses suspended, for baring assaulted the starter at Mitchell races the previous day. For the plaintiff it was stated that the article had spoiled the hie d hie born and Injured his reputation and lie claimed 01,000 damages. It was shown that Coven - lock bad Rotbing whatever to do with the a.ssult. 1be defence claimed till the article was substantially true, 1 bat the plaintiff had been fined, al- though the tine was afterwards with- drawn. The jodge's address to the jury was favorable to the defence and after abort chitty minutes' delibera- tion the jury h ht in a verdict in favor of tile defendant and the judge accordingly dismissed the action with costs, allowing fifteen days' stay. Mr. H. 8. Robertson (Stratford) appeared for the plaintiff and Mr J J. k1. Ms- Kvoy (London) for the defendant. The nerved case was heard without • jury and was an action by Joseph Vbeatly. of BI tb to recover dam- ages from T. G. Johnston, of Dela- ware, for having been debarred from , cutting wood on Johnston'. premier, after an ag ,foment bad been signed whereby Wheatly was to receive the weed in exchange foes three horses and $iii. It appears there wag a heavyoortgaes meal the /arm ma whicthe wood was and the Loan Company which Mid the mortgage r♦ Rimed to let WbeaUy have the wood. Wbeatly claimed a total foes M over 11.(0X) A counter -claim for lose sustained h Wbeatly's neglect to prune an by wbleb be agreed to do, was wet end. The Judge awarded W peat) y $'Ull, and eons un the County Court erode. cad on the muster -claim allowed Johnston mai. and coats on the same scale. N r. L R. Dsnesy ape reipesrvd fur the plaintiff and Mr. J. M. levoy for the defradaat. Two older rases were se tub. docket. Ow. MoOlen.sghea.vs. Galbraith, was settled out ,d court The other. 10.11 A Co. (Reaferth) es. Taerlea et al., was an action over some promissory notes. A. noose app..r.d for the de- fendant 13k [atdablp directed that Indgn.eet be entered Inc the plaintiff for the proper amount due. The see- 1000 ar "ton wee over by .see o Wednesday. Our See txw.fe1 tms mash se 1a pet.. eoedltioe. W pass them es to you M Nus eoadltfn.. Oise the- • trial. T. J. t11sReM, pMae OV. ting bb absence from the meeting and stating that he would fall into line with anything 16e meeting might de- cide to do in the matter of r•isiog a 1 fund. He was in favor of an amount being raised by direct taxation. Mr. F. R. Hodgene was appointed secre- taryof the meeting. Te following motion was put and carried : Moved by Rev. J. B. Foth- erilgham. seconded by Sheriff Reyn- oides that the town endeavor to raise 815,000 for the Canadian patriotic fund ; that the town council be asked to contribute 05,000 cif this amount; sad that • committee he formed to solicit and gather contributions from the citiaeps for the fund. . The following were appoioted a del- egation to wait on the town council to ask that a grant of 05,001 be made to the patriotic fund : tiberItt Reyn- olds, Otto. Porter, Wm. Sharman, J. H. Colborne, Wm. Proudfoot, sr., Alex. Sap.ders, C. A. Nairn, Capt. Mc- Carthy, Dr. Strang, John Story, (1. M. Elliott and the resident ministers. The following committee were ap- pointed to organize forces and to select other committees to attend to The London Advertiser' THREE EDITIONS Mersin, Ness, Evening Western Ontario's Greatest Daily Al! the News all the Time Rate by mail, any edition, 02 per year Circulation Dept.. London Advertiser Have you tried our new Bread ?- Cre-O-Malt --the tastiest in town. Nice soft crest - clone -grained - made from 11eischmann's Yeast. Everybody says it is the best yet. Try a loaf. There le thorough satisfaction for thou who buy our Oakes and Poetry. 1f you do not knew hew good they are, we should like you to try them. Smith Bross. Tis fed MEMOS fleet k. 'Mere Pana int. ai , rte., la emmeemies with tN M rale :142. bF vox- • u. subscription : A. elao.Godench F. H Hed te.s, LlberUl nolds, Uoo. and AleSd It is intended to Imes tiger., p anise N. amount they are willing t" giv" bare 1t. payable In I.tls.t*U. It Is expected tb•t so ase ve wW be nude to canvass the town smell the town eou.dl has hese =Trone speaker said he ot tae tame. of 190 Hearse end of whose was well .bletoomen- Me 51s. Another saki 6. thought there were 100 wee in tow. who "meld e.eb give 1101 REO CROSS NOTES. On behalf of the Red Oros Society, Mrs. D. MaeDo.ald, Mn W. L. Horton and Mn. Jae. Clark thank heartily the following for dons - Noss to the jam and fruit ..bower" held Iasi west. The "shower" was • ggwse.a sessees, mer .ix hundred jars b 4.g collected : Mssdarane Jordan, Caspar. It. .1. Atheists. J. Matt, Nike, Tigers, Stan- eombe, Jas. Mitrbell, Humber, loose - Reisman, Lawrence, It Clark, D. Mac- Dosald, Jas. Clark, W. L Horton, Rix. Horace Horton. W. T. Haw C. utile, Mathew., Morrison. Ta lar, John B.ia, .1. H. Colborne, Geo. Por- ter. D. Millar, Jock Campbell (Port Colborne). MaeKim, A. Colborne, W. L Eliot, W. E. Kelly, R. C. Hays, Joe Gibson, Ooultburst, E.'N. Lewis, Jae. Wilson, Hern, W. Pridham, W. Moults, A. Porter, Nairn. Tape, Mc- Kenai, o-Kenos, 0. C. Whitely, Kidd, R. G. Reynolds, W. Proudfoot, Craig, Dins- more, 0. W. Black, W. F. Clark, Adams, Swameld, Garrow, Haaolink, Strachan, A. C. Hunter, Carrie, Ink- ster, Phalen, Shannon, Campion, J. B. Wbitely, Geo. Williams, W. Mur- ney, Watton, Ben Allen, Coats, Strang, Holt. E. H. Watson. A. D. McLean, R. Vegaw, Sale, T. Gundry, Reid, Gallcw, Oram. Munni.gs, O Sturdy, Tye, H. Halstead, Oliver Clark, J. M. Roberts. S. Hick, Somer. vine, Paltridge, Anderson, W. Web- ster, Wm, `tharman, J. P. Brown, Marshall, Ford, Blackstone, Tom, Field, Bermingham, J. L. McDonald, Knuckle, Steep, Jsa. Stewart, Young, N. Cameron, Burt, Wallis, Geo. Mac- Vinr, Woollcombe, Lane, Jas. Yates, A. Halliday. Galt, Griffin, Seager, B. L. Doyle. Heger, J. (Storey, J. T Goldthorpe, Tretbewa , Quigley, Lati- mer, Gavin Green, G. L. Parsons, Char, Young, Brough, Mcllacberty,H. J. MacEwan, Harry Monis, Williams, Hairy Martin, 8. Andrews, B.J. Sault" and Boyce. Misses Washington, M. Watson, M. J. Robertson, Il. Robertson (Wind- sor), Vanstone, Curry, Murne , Mac- ara. Le Touzel, W. Ball, Dar, Gun- dry, Iiutebison, Ausebrook, Far,ow, Leckie, Boyd, E. Buehanan, Borons. Mary Graham, Gibbs, Harrison and' the Misses Fraser. Dr. Holmes and Mr. 8. Edwards. The following afro are heartily thanked for donations of onney : Mr. and Mn. J. J. Doyle, Miss Coutts, Mr. W. B. Kelly and Mor. Thompson. The Society much appreciates Mr. W. L Hort.00'• kindness in allowing the use of the store lately occupied by Mr. F. J. Pridbam. The Society also feels much indebted to Messrs. Hol- land, H. Hays, McIver, A. Mesa , Chas. Griffith and W. Tait for help, in connection with the packing of the fruit and to Mr John Marriott for cartage. t • s The Society acknowledges with many thanks the following contribu- tions : Mrs. James Clark. i pain socks: Mrs. Howie, Mrs. Norman McDonald, 3 pairs socks each ; Miss M. 8. Shep- herd, 6.pbard, Mies Lehy, 2 pairs socks each: Mrs. Angus MeNevin. Me.. McPhail, Mrs. Hopper. Mrs. John Longmire, Mre. Morrish. Miss Cooper. Miss Geri - rude Porter, Mrs. Aitken, sr., Miss Mu jory Aitken. Mrs, 8 Andrews, Mrs. Robt. (lark, Mrs. J. Shaw. Mrs. W. E. Kelly, 1 pair socks each. Our soldiers are continually asking for heavy socks. Will not soave of our good knitters who have been tak- ing • little rest again resume their sock -making? With cold weather coming the handmade socks are dout- ly needed. • s • The Goderich branch of the Red Cross Society wishes to acknowledge with tbanks the following subecr[p- tiuns : Mrs. Wallace, Si cents ; Mies Mersey, $1 00 (third payment): Mho SwaMebd, $1.00 (tbird payment), and donation from Mie, Bruce (Washing- ton' of ;:B bandages. A bale of surgical supplies was sept to Toronto this week ; value VI At the regular sleeting of the Soci- ety, held on Tuesday evening in the Red Cross rooms. a further cheque for 01(1).00 was ordered to be sent to head- quarters. A special minting of the Red Cross Society will be held in the rooms .ext Mondayevrrotoweling Incfor all those • the ed Cross booth at the Exhibi- tion. The Society most heartily thanks all tholes who la any way helped at the jam "shower." Fair Week at Opera Hous The Boyer -Vim -eat Stock t'omppsny with Clifford W. Boyer and ldsbel Frost will open a foarnight engags- anent at Vistorla Opera Hoeee nett Monday evening with the Sig New York success "The Westerner.'- This company hes ensured the only entities - tic vrtslnn of this great producible* and the -sole rights to produce It le Canada for tbe.roma gea.00, and local theatre -goers are ensued of see- ing first-day attractions only during tbie engagement, Thio company car- ries special ew.ery end electrical e ffects to prodaoe.eebend everydplay, which is r0.aplete la a stall. The specie/ties carried and inireduesd Mtwara the asta are without death the best ever presented by say esus- may keen Ontario and name the celebrated Pslfr ysran, the woman who sass all and koews all. Miss (introit, R{ggs the peope• favorite, will slag her funny snags. Miss Dawn "root. the dainty little soubrette. knows how to please and capture any sadness. Hs1. Skeet with Ms Sagleg amd dewiest le • weeder. Rimy Meyasw the eels - berated song writer, will sancta's pm with Isle ovigf.el semis, all of width have tura pabliehed. This somp.11p Ism mews feature. th.n all ethers emu - bleed and will stay bore fbeker alobts easy Reserved ."ate bow ea sale at Rdward& Oaf*. Prime. 10s. Mr sad Fall Fair Next Week Wffl Be a Hammer 444.4.104.104 An effort is being made to secure the attendance of a company of soldiers from the camp at London for one of the Fair days. A definite announcement as to this cannot at present be made, but in any case everybody who attends the Goderich Fairgnest week will be well entertained. COATSIn Almost Endless Variety i L AN important feature of our Coat stock is the almost endless variety. Every garment is a new model C fashioned in the season's most popular and ap. proved:style, and there is variety enough in material, in price and in'style to suit the most exacting taste. Our Coats are the product of Canada's best makers, and the stock we have gathered for this season is one of the best we have ever shown. We strongly advise early selection of your winter Coat, for already materials are getting scarce, and later in the season it will be almost impos- sible:to get those that are desirable. - ; We:show some pretty styles for missesat $zo.00, MO i - $12.50 and $15.00. There are some very attractive ladies' garments at ;Iosco, ;15.00, $16.5o and up to $25.00. And some very handsome, high-class garments, in plush, velvet and high-grade tweeds, at $zo.00, $25.00, $30-oo and $35.00. Of most of these Coats we show but one garment of a kind. A Most Attractive Showing of Millinery Our showing of Autumn Miilibery is one of the most attractive that has ever been displayed in our .bow -ronin. We are showing Hata cunt are exact reproductiosa of the latest New York styles. The stock le always_ ti .b and up-to-date, for we have arranged for a constant inflow of new styles and tea tartish as they appear. Wet cordially Insite you to visit sue 'bow -room at any lime, and will be pleased to have yon l.- speet the new style, that appear from time to time, whether you wish to purchase or sot, men 3S -:cd Pailette Salt Extra quality and superior finish. Spe_ial pr yard 51.00 OUR SHOWINO OF Fall Dress Fabrics Contains the Newest Weaves and Best Colorings All authorities predict • famine In Drees Goode before another mason comes around. Then to already in the European aesthete a dearth of materials of almost any kind. due to 16e great manufacturing centres in Frans being in the hands of the Germans, and practically all the Moms is Great Britain ban been taken over by the British Government to make cloths for the army. Our stock for this fall was bought months ago, or we would not be able to show anything like the assortment that is ben for you today. Serges in black, navy and colors, per yard hoc, 75c, $t.00 up to $3.00. Venetians and Broadcloths at $l.00 to $2.75 per yard. Fancy Tweeds suitable for children's wear, separate skirts, etc., per yard qc*c, 5oc and 6oc. Fancy Dress Goods of many weaves, in all the season's best colorings, at hoc, 75c and $t.00 per yard. A beautiful range of black Fabrics, suitable for suits or skirts, at per yard 6oc to $3.00. Make the Store your Headquarters on Fair Days We place the store and its conveniences at your disposal when attending Goderich's Great Fair on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Make it your beadquarttrs when in town. Leave your wraps and parcels. We will be pleased to take cart of them. Come and rut whenever you feel like it and make yourself comfortable. You will be welcome. HODGENS BROS. Gode r e ch • Ontario 1r1s Pars.asm, a npssa.tative ei lPssv-.Ms easwgve et Ube W.O.T.Uas acaboiss M Pima ., shthpdM$ a Tfwsdastlteet mesa b. wM wrynaatq -vow at este meta* 9a WI Mas' Vas Pa wmitIsma Ilmarliadom .t wsrk la WsA a•aia awing the asle teksttadbee ag theme h dress was vary letsss01f ami use Ose6 Si' Mop+ Tare. Maar were la se< lt awT►titw s". . arms of the ..nta1Aese peauset tae w.. wtllttsa Time nuke N O.isrVsh aatrlfa. Oa. • t. Stradsri to -stores $s tisk" part 15. 7'hm.i a ikite the MR I.Mtasit ► 1. a rats 11 sM abs yei erdd-i wa y1.1 M tlaa 0.1..1 i ftall tskt ttr