HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-23, Page 5•
Tereasetaw, $. ratleas SI MI
$i Those
MA``N��Y a tiro ha became
�o�n tate soap
`a' �7 became maw little
cut era neglected which Tater f all.d
up with snivel enol moisture era
eventlaali; eased a blowout.
The res urine caused Irk sump rocks,
Irolten glow, etc, ere real) serious
ratters. You ought to examine your
tires occesio *119 and fill up l4tose
Ltd, holes.
We have just tate tiling for the jots --
Plastic. les s s preparation
for tete purpose and it does the pyo
effectual), and psrmsnentl)1.
It'll psyi you to add a can to your tool kit.
It will also pay you to buy your tows and
accessories of t:..
East Street Garage
The Canadian Club executive is pre-
paring for n rseuwptiou of the ('Iut, s
acti.'ties for the earning winter eea-
While vi -hint[ the Goderich indus-
trial Ex 'bi i cell at i he Blackstone
tefrewh rut b oohs, where you .rr
sure to t theirFou le and delicious ice
Death of Mn. Wm. Rereads.
*way readers of The Signal will
learn with "1!et ot the death of Mare.
Wm. Ra7ooida (formerly Miss !torah
[Irkhside, of lioderiehl, which oc-
curred at Leeds, Nardi Dakota. on
September 11th. The dirceeteed was
eighty esteemed by her friends In
Uoderieb .
Nominations for Reeves/de.
the nomisetlons to all the vacant
pcaition of reeve will be received at
the town ball on Monday overalls*
next, ooada$ at 7.1) o'clock. The
names lawn prominently meotloeed
lo oon.eedes with the nomination
we those of Dr W. F. Clark and
lir. Robert McLean.
At the Watsrfrent
The only arrival at the harbor leis
week wee Lb. steamer Grabens. which
came In on neturdey with 9b,.I00 bush-
els of wheat for the Goderich elevator
end 51 Oil, bushels of wheat for the
Bi Mill.
Th. Birmingham Co. is Will et work
building pootooes for the breakwater.
One more has been completed and an-
other b under way. They will not be
placed is position at the ttreekwater
until spring.
A Big Liquor Case.
An interesting liquor ase will he
heard at Clinton tomorrow (Friday).
arising ono of the recent ewe against
George Bender, of Hensall. it is ex•
pected that euiue six defendants will
appear in the caw, including the Hue.
User Brewing Co • of Berlin, the fatm-
ers at whose homer the liquor was
found. the owners of tbe autMmc biles
which took it there and the express
company. High Constable Whiteside
laid the iafortuatione.
A Bertin Wedding.
A tluiet wedding was solemnized at
the Evangelical parsonage, Berlin, on
Wednesday, b. Rev. J. Y. Hauch.
when Miss Helena Mathis, formerly
of Auburn, became the pride of Mr. H.
Whitney. of Betio% The ceremony
was performed at noun and shortly
afterwards the young couple lett on
the hnreymnoo, which is being spent
at (:oderich. Auburn and tl,eltingville.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney are the guests
e( Mr. and Ira Albert Wilkins acid
cre•tu. Mr. and Mr.. Alex. Oshaldeet tu• Won
Ernest Lae bad his right trim ce'terTrruce.
broken on.Seindsy morning. He uas New Player -Piano at Btackstones'.
cranking up bis (.ober', motor car
when it hit hack. making a fracture at The Mess's. Blackstone instated a
the wrist. splendid new eleetiic, player -piano at
their restaurant on Wedneada^. The
inatrttnient• which wax huiit by the
Sherlock -Manning ('o., of London.
aeseneweenewaseresneriesonewneweetesiswes )hint , is of the very latest design. It
is euclnsed in a solid quartered -oak
case with glass front. so that the
mechanism tuev be seen in operation
rt is operated` by a eionceadrd electric
motor, or if desired to iy be operated
rt- foot pedals. By a very simple .d -
awl for a.-i-irnt .tade•,ts to clo.csros. uton.• ju+tutees: the piano may he used in the
tomruc,r•.: dew. oatiit.,go•i tree•, to J. i:L-ordin. ty way by striking the key-
LIG7•r. Prim -lad 131 7'ur„i. -t.. Tonin. end
Charles era hoard. It is very neat in design and
has a full, rich tone.
O. C. 1. Field Day.
The annual field day of the Goderich
Collegiate Institute will be held at
Agricultural Park on Friday. October
1st. The osu.l program of sports foe
the boys and girls will commeocs at A
a. M. An insitatioo is extended to the
public to be prevent. in the afternoon
three epeeist events will be put on,
wt:¢b shnuld prove particularly inter-
esting to eptctature: captain ball. club
tousle and toiling olta,e ball The
studente ate diligently practising and
some keen contests are likely to he
witnes.ed. It is the intention of the
nlfi.'iale to reduce the prizes and all
expenses this eeaaon and to donate
any put plus tasty to note of the pet rio-
I ie funds.
Wedded at Port Huron.
The following is from The Port
Huron Times-Hersl9 nf Septem-
ber I$th and will iltt,i�rest the many
friends of the hride• who is a former
ret ident of tb slerich : The borne of
. Mts. Alfred Nicholson. Zeit Erie street,
'sure.,,, tint.. has a er, :, .r,, .1 rep,: ,liotn
foe superior boson, sand -h Al: n..nd sa.awt leu
The *ight Place
I intend to open the
stand un Montreal street
next to Swans' livery on
Monday. A ugust 23rd
as a Dry Cleaning, Press-
ing and Repairing Estab-
Hirst -class work at moderate
Give me a call when you need
anything in my line.
L. de PIEUDRY, Tailor.
IDteer:a-and i'rewfnrd I'rache. are t'erfec'
sow -a good crop sal rttra fine (lull for
Maw e.nistna Th' Government E. begging
eaople 1.' do more home holt careal.g-this
e C Jet steer[ iyu e `tion, and every h000wtfe
aC•t-. Grown Pesch'''.
on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 28 and 29
When that great screen favorite
will appear in
"The Man Who Found Himself”
The story is by Geo. Broadhurst, and with Robert \Varwick in
the title role it is aattfrance enough of a fine picture.
Next Friday Night. that funny man
In 3 reels of spasms
The two big Serial Stories on Mondays and Thurviavv are very
Olydffying and exciting. Do'not miss them. I.
In next week's issue of this paper we have another big thing to
tat the patrons of this theatre. Watch for it.
Well-known .tars in big "Quality" on—Auction every night.
Saturday -Night —Murdoch MacQuarrie in
Ales Everyday Lnxuryt-
1So Drat, Dirt or *Seams.
s 7s
Your Grocer has h—
oe will get it toe you. }"�'1SAAr' w
was the scene of • pretty wedding at
8 o'clock this moaning, when her
youngest daughter, Jess, was united
in marriage to Fred E. White. .00 of
Mrs. W. A. White. of this city, in the
presence of only the Immediate rela-
tives of the families. Rev. E. D. Dur
mood, of the First Methodist church.
performed the ceremony. The bridal
couple were unattended. The bride
Wile becomingly attired in a traveltiog
suit of navy blue poplin with hat to
match and wore • corsage of Mies of
the valley and pink bridal roses. The
color scheme throughout the home
was pink and white, asters being
used. After congratulations and the
wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. White
left on their honeymoon trip, after
which they will he at home to astir
many friends at '2118 Connor street.
Mr. White is with the William 0.
Lee Company, this city.
Night -blooming Cereus.
A number of people had the privi.
lege of seeing • very beautiful sight at
Smith's Art Store on Thursday night
last, when a night -blooming cereus
was in full bloom. The lovely form
and texture of the Hower. its delight-
ful fragrance, but above ail the pure
white radiance of the long petals
elicited expressions ofadmit ation from
all beholders.
Mr. Sharps's Recital.
A small but appreciative audience
gathered at Knox church last Satur-
day afternoon to erjoy the recital
given hy Mr. W. T. Sharpe on the
new organ recently installed. Mr.
Sharpe. mho proved himeelL a master
band at the keyboard. wee assisted in
the program by Mise Little ots vocal
soloist'. The numbers rendered were
well received and the efforts of the
musicians were warmly applauded.
A -Sad Bareavement.
Mt. and Mrs. Richard Misner. of
Detroit. who ere well known Asere.
Mts. Menet- bring a sister ot Ur. W.P.
Crozier.•of Arbfleld. and Mn. N. W.
Howell.• of town, will hare the s}•m-
pathy of tbeir fti-n,ls here in the loss
of their only sun. Bruce. aged seven
years. Tbe hid runt with an accident
in tailing or being pushed from an
automobile after leaving school et
noon. He was picked up and carried
home, tet did not ,appear to be seri-
ously injured. About 1 o'clock the
+tame afternoon it was .ren tbat.tbe
boy was suffering eevertly and despite
all that could be done he passed away
et 8 o'clock the sante evening. A clot
of Wood forming on tbs brain is pre-
sumed to be the immediate cause of
death. The funeral was told on•:Moa-
day ret the new )fount L nig cemetery,
Detroit. the remains being interred in
the new mausoleum. The tiara)
tributes were exceptionally nnmerolre
for nae so young. showing the high
esteem in which the family is held.
The pallbearers we're four of deceas.d)
playmates from Windsor std the of-
ficiating minister was Rev. Dr. PAS -
CO., also of Windsor Mr. and Mrs.
M. W. Howell, of town. were present
at the funeral. The bereaved parents
feel keenly the loss of their only son.
Police Court Cases.
As the result of • drunken row
which occurred near the North Amer-
ican Chemical Co.'s salt plant on Sun-
day, Michael Kennedy and Michael
Stapleton were each tined 8:I) and
costs in the Police Court of Monday
On information laid by Coun• y
Constable fellow a ease was heard by
Mayor Reid today- in which Crit
Murray was charged with baying
brought liquor into C T. A. territory,
It appears that too kegs o! Ager beer
were ordered from Stratford and ar-
rived by Canadian Expr•ees. When tbe
express wessenaer went to deliver the
kegs they were refuse,!, but afterwards
they were called for at the express
office A party of about a dosser men
were invited to the home ot the de-
fendant for the evening ani ibe beer
was consumed A lunch also wits
served and card games were played.
The whole rase, which wa. tried under
section 11Z of the Canada Temperance
Act. seemed to hinge around the mean-
ing ascribed tit the word "personal."
Crown Attorney leeager argued that
the liquor had leen purchased for the
sole purpose of treating the party,
which was a violation of the law. Mr.
J. L. Killoran. for the defence, argued
that if a man !ought • pound of beef
It became his personal property, tint
it did not necessarily follow that the
man mu.t t at it himself, therefore the
liquor purchased was the personal
property of the purchaser and he was
tree to give it to his friends. Mayor
Reid reserved hit decision for nese
week, as) i -g he wrutd submit the
evideoee taken to woe higher author-
ity and get advice
Some people would rather blame •
man for what he doesn't do than aloe
him etedtt for w het he does. '
rarer Ms crow newt nr erresel•t.rl•tra.
Tan b en enema. year be bub. Uwe
eaae(ne are pessweeme Ib.. oasest•Medi
teem.. Pewees and pious* eon of mob •
eple rtie repair, that tbsy Amid be seed
lmieeesr. Mare belt ease bee meet beW-
MosMb, ben eree's eel fewer lases e's
toles R s•a Sad Crawford p.SNen are
melba dew. Rse% Pomba deem Lear
hewn tsM� be • week. Nana base
a iMadaelde. fid
wq tele' _ wOmen
q the Mr• be tbe
Piano and organ ionise, regulating
and repairing byJ. C. Blackstone.
Orders left et te Blacksutne Rest-
aurant, West street, tioderich, will be
promptly attended to.
The exhibit of Misuse Mfg. Co.
products at the Goderieh Kxhibitioo
will be one of the attractions of the
main hall. The goods are to be rod
for the benefit of the Red Cross.
Mrs. D. Reid retleived a ween light -
ling shock during the storm of Friday
evening. Sbe was walking uptown et
the time She has not yet recovered
from the effects of the shock.
Miss Haynes, a blind inmate of the
county house of refuge, in whom
several aodetieh people are ki1dlv in-
terested, has been commit .ed to the
are of friends at Bayfield, upon their
request. in the condition th.t the, vil-
lage guarantee that she will not again
become a eaarge mill the county.
Preparations are being nude by the
members of the Goderieh branch of
the %Vornett'e lost:trate to ser ve meals
in the dining hall at the Goderich in-
dustrial Fair during fair day-. Septem-
ber 'Oh, 7.urh and 30th. V: - ,tnrstpom
a distance will he able to se: .ire •good
meal Cr a light hooch. at reasonable
prier., without leaving the grounds,.
Don't forget the plae. /'.nese early
and vo:r will get the beat of attention.
An Open Letter
From a Well known Methodist Clergy-
man of 'Interest to -All Win Are Sidi,
One of the best•known ministers in
the Hawiauo Conference le ltev.Cha..
E. ?tatt,rd; of Elute, (Int., who freely
dmits that he owes his pr. rent good
health Gi 1)r. .Williatua' Pink Pills.
Mr. S:atferd wi iter as follow.: "dome
. wr
years ag, t was severely •THs-to-ol ins
a periu3 of neatly four mouths. The
leading pbysieiah. in the town in which
1 we, then stat „Med diagnosed my
case as One of complete nervous pros-
tration, brought on hy overwork, and
which superinduced intercostal neu-
ralgia and muse•tlar rheumatism, from
which I sulIered the most excruciating
pain night and day for weeks. So
weak and helpless did I bennnte that
my attendants bad to hancis use like
an infant, tnising rue up and laying
tae down with the greatest ',nave, so
intense were my suffvricgs. Acting
nn tbe.advi.'e of mt- d'et, t, and taking
his medicire, 1 did nor 'pew to im-
prove. One afternoon, while suffering
great pan, the editor of the paper
published in the town. an.i who was a
member of the church of whieh 1 wan
then pastor, urged me to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. I errs sceptical at
to the medicinal qualities of all pmt_
priers' y medicines, but on the strong
recommendation of the editor. who
bad &treat faith in the medicine. 1 de-
cided to try them To n.,- great sur-
prise and supreme delight L soon found
that this pills were giving me relief.
and after i had taken seven boxes I
was fully restored to health;•Dr. W il-
Ilanm'' fink Pills. under God, having
made me • new man Ever sine.' i
have heen better and it..-. tiger physic-
ally than I had been tor a number of
"Three years eel, after an active
ministry of forty-stx years, I asked
the Hamilton l'onferenne of Lbe Meth-
odist church to grant me sit perename,
two relation, which it. did, but for
mote than two veers i have been sup-
plying a charge which neceeeitatee •
drive of twenty miles every S•t,bath
Today i em strong end hearty. with-
outan ache nr pair. and for my pres-
ent physical condir i 'n I am indebted
to Dr. Williams link P111., and can
recommend them t:r the afflicted "
Extra Special
Meaday, Sept. nth
The Br.'a,la':St ir Feature
"Lifting the Bain
of Coventry"
Written by Col. Japer iswing
Brady. In 3 acts. With
an all atria cast.
&g Production for
nes. and Wed.
AFM MON Comedy
the great detective Serial
Starting anon, the Biggest of
Serials. Watch closely
for .latei.
Aimieeita always ik and Sc.
alma IMO et the Weat.sw. lair —Pt.
Arthar friction Wrfea
The fellowiaa biter is frees Priest.
Arthur Kenna.d the Serd Britches
Meer le training at Loudon—e former
Meeenbsr of Th. Signal stat!
Tei—the 20th Inst—is a tiertitin
morn. The sun le slowly
t Or MOATS a grew
ureea@ is blowing, and all
point to an ideal day. Quieted= sow
nigts, save for the ate.,dy tramp of a
asa-iryas he walks to and fru ors kis
best. A sudden roar is bard, wkk►
groundow are 1 w
shakes the y
oo, a flame of Ilt..sool. upward., amid
the stannous at Gerling". Hsigbss bas
stent forth its 'warning note. Sweet
strains of mat tial music as b.
heard flowing micros,' the mom"( our.
for the band play. 111medlaW7 `h"
reveille every morning, se • se 1s
the evening. 'there le red.ece of
great hustle and bustle In $*.'P eosr—
everyone is preparing for a••leal
parade ak (LIR a. w. Deepbr a&bi ' j.
muscular exercises and signalling
—for every soldier must know
how to . stgoal—are the different
practices taker.. We. are diamiae.d
at seven a or. for breakfast. Every-
one now rushes for his kuif., fork sod
spoon and u ins to arrive at the mese-.Aroom before the other fellow. Break
fast over. we retire to our tents t0
shave, ware, polish our shoes, shine
the buttons On our tunics and get our
rifles cleaned and oiled for next parade.
At 9 a m. we fall in in platoons. two
deep. After the roll is called and each
section has been properly numbered
off• we form up in battalion -order,
each captain reports the number of
men absent in hie company. and
further order for the day ate then
given. As a general rule there is an
hour's battalion drill ettery morning.
alter which each commander tales
charge of his r•eepeetive platoon and
giver the men under him whatever
drill be thinks they need most. Bowe
are at baronet d• ill. some at extended
order work. while others are at the
mini•trtn ranges learning how W
shoot straight. The work in the eller-
noon Is somewhat similar to that car
ried on in the horning. Ws bare also
had grveral night operations and long
[nnte marches tbrongh .the country.
Then is inure talk of the 33rd going to
tiode.rich at same future date. If this
is the carie there writ likely -he a train
picked nut to give n few rifle exereises,
which are always suet withEappioval
■red enthusiasm by the public.
Tuendav of levo week was military
day at i.otnd.'n Fair. The 'tied and
34th Battalions marched to this
grounds in the afternoon in route
column for a starch past. As each
platoon approes-hod the grnn•t•t ird in
perfect onler nothing but luud elopers
ing and whistling could be heard
wisteria disc wit di• away weed
the tact plat.rm had marched
pa.t. Aho ,t. two ..'elm. -t. heavy
tiring rnnld Iw heard. in. there
was a Herre h.itile tee'., re<,Ml. The
enemy stubbornly defended his posi-
tion for a considerable time, but in
the menntinie:the •Jhh Battery bird
hreight up two cannon end placed
them in acorse pics,'»i. position. which
awn relieved the •tt-tati.•n• for the
enemy was roan s neo noir few. Our
bays then- Made a brilliant ',street
charge, which left the enemy's dead
oeattered here end these all Deer the
hattleflekl. Two trenehea hail been
prey irately preparsol for thie eogagr-
ntent. and although t hen we. no one
hurt it served tr, give eine a (sir ;dee
of the cruel warfare that ia now being
carried on in R,rmpe.
There were throe or four hundred
men inoculated today. Lest appar-
ently there were Ino serious cases of
Sorrow and lone'o»nen, may over-
take you herr sometimes, but what
drat one need to care as long as he
walks upright, and runs the straight
sourer through life? sheat comfort is
Liao found in the fohowine two verses
whieh are found in Prove, h. ll, !it) :
"Trust in the. Lord with ell thine
heart : and lean not unto thine own
"in all thy wage acknowledge flirt',
aux( He shall direct thy path
London, Rept. 20, 1913.
Mr C. I.. C.u:Ui war st Tareate la -t week On
Wad filar. Field 1• etteritine the erllteria
Ladies " otnere at mob!.
SM. Jennie Sell left h.- (brc.,tnon Mond ay
aft -re visit of soma wee", In town.
Mr. Lee 'A. Mort -ewe. of Savannah. W . is
the greet of Indite as.! air ix t ie.
Mr. Will Hi --et left On „stmet.o for Guelph
t. revenuer M- .1-d l.. a *be ehd.ulo.tg'ieul-
taral Orgies,
Ur. ales. Grigg of Waterloo. •pont the
week end with Mt stmt Mn. G. L 1 :•mh. Cei
borne towa.hlp.
(total, hrt Cre tab e a course atthe (.I1.toe
Seyed of Commerce.
Mee A•trryy CIne
. Menti+ s Helen Isar lei, of
[fault Ste Marfe, Oat .1. •[.,stir.fir two week•
with ter patent•. Jude ...d Mr. De le.
Yr.. H. %Y n..11 .pant rh. pest Inn e
.1 (tine her d•nthter. Mr-. hx•k (•arnpbell, et
Pert ('elberne. returning home on nal enema,
W,rl. 1'o+t• M.. Arthur ,'ert.r rho.,
ft- h. who w.. w fetraser r•e•tdcet of 'hi. lee."
ny. was a tlitor with ales. Y. Carter last
Mr. end Mr,.. Thome- Finn her, r*tnrned res
Detroit after •t'••di,Ht two week. vacilion
11.iring peered p.rinanent engage.
men* wit'[ he 1)til Advertiser of
Landon, Gamin, and finding thst in
order 1, do lustieei both to Tbe Ads -to
titter and and unreelvehe we mu't devote
Dili time o the sante, which we could
not do di we continue in the eels. of
Breed. II n., Calces, etc , we have
derided to drop t latter I ne after
Ratrtrday neat. We with be Viand,
however, in the old stand on Nnrth
Pt reetcomhl -Ling •' mai mess awe Manch
office of Tao Advertiser.
In addili•in we will kernel. a sedelins
known as '•Mcgk' Crystal," .mid in hers
nely, and only )-y our nom la this
leesilty. This , l'►yettP we gyanntes
to be an artlele whieh a,..a awayen-
tirely with the Old way of ersAiric
sell whieh et lice rare time is fere
Re's sny acid or anythiew h Oriente
to:Aids[ or clothes. A.k to see u
aaweple-- yowr money refunded If it
titlel set de ell we Maim of It.
O'Neill tic Co.
wtiti Calf la fbe ink
Tea Ca,
TeaCa Byits
You know how everything
cods more when you have lo
buy on credit. Why not
practice ser-dldd for a while II sae— .y. open a Savup Account
b the UnicawE CitWa. amid with the moss to head.
buy at Cali lime dneendr we bele to awed your bank
belaand pal atie made a rod_ start towards Ita•nc d '
laaepeedeo iA
s+ s. ..4C.*. • v :.[lana. , s.. - ...
Goderich Branch—FWJJLLCO Bel', Manager.
lotus N. terser', reread, air and Ur*. Pattrleft
Ilea, Inesk street.
Mier Marjorie Andrews len last. week for
\mirth Ray. where else will attend Noreeal
b,•beol. Mrs *odes.. eonotupaoted he:
day-ellee aa far as Toronto.
Mr. George Green retuned I.at Thursday
froma'� e�xtended vial with relative. at Pick
bmap ap He looks well and le bring warmly
greeted by x..., old Wade about tows.
Marr. M. T. McLsen, of The as.ferth 6t-
padtcr, and H. U. Alliott, of The %Anglan'
were in attrn.laore at the .penial
std thcounty .•onoril 011Monday.
Mir gram sal Miss liwendoil. ('shover,
attar 1U.e .umsner MOW M In town.
left. tern e. theirrotusetoMar dutie.'
--the former to Wa.hiugtoo. D.C., and
the letter to there. Ad.
Mt. Harry Telford len on Hoods) to take a
rltaatMr at Detroir. Hairy has horn on the
staffed The Signal for -ome year. sad 1. n art -
else. printer and h: nil ba able t i now up air
end ia any printing odic, int be eta-
Mr. C. A. Nairn returned last week hers
N•alkerrllki, where be hat tarn for several
wa.ks ard.•ting hl. brother Tota le hie bean..
bete. He war Ace en p(mod by lots ...., . •
New Thugs kr the Baby
Everything' Dainty ani Comfortable
for B.Sy at the Singer Store.
Sweaters and Bonnets. hand knit
of fine wool, trimnsel to rosebuds,
stripes and dainty edgings or plriu
Silk Wadded Kimonos an 1 Boozy
hath Robes, 'lath Blankets, 11.tth
Towels and Wash Cloths.
Vine Linen Towels anti Linen te
ihllowslipe. Fine C..•tslt.a_re '....).- •
pm and Nightingale. Dresses,
Bibs, Bootees and stockings.
Blanketf h hfor •
C est t the yard e
Coats, Buggy Spreads, etc. p
Maury Newt whe le mallow • visit hen.
ReC. R. of ItkIi.ewe, tern.erly
/refer .f i*sv M/tlw
unwell here. waled
Rev G. If He issie at the prayer a►.et ag at
the Irapa,[ church on Wedeeedar eveefeae(.
Mr Jones ease ea Irons Clinton *Rev .t'.nd-
Mg the funeral of hl. untie, Rev- Judas
this 11.1. Lyne. w DasMrr, low*• and Me.
and tin l) 8. nest .n1 their two elNdreei
Jame seem lk.uge, spent a few day• with Mw.
Lxan, d tM Convent. Mrs. Lyon and Miss
Jennie acrempsaisd them as tae e.t.a. ea
their return hems end all enjoyed • [err pleas-
ant trip b y auto through a beautiful part of
H.** reentry, seine by Deyeed. Rrn.eaeld and
X 3 L•eautifui
ri dccor.:�1GF_'S
aa-tmcz.%. car:c
:is a •. -'�••d:co :ed
v: i'.t be the er.:q
cfyour res:, irsifyen tztttic
.mil 11/ 1 Lai "Lot
— r cn :. v: o.:•± C. roc:
ret to . �C
-�1 r •. sec's t-` , in.a
►# v. sire Mire, :e t._.t .:dr
:d ut t
1. scrY ' .» en
i .. swam.; i_:. •r the )Sone::
SINGER ST 012EConte in and pee them
4 COMaf
The Boyer -Vincent NY
PRICES : l:tc, 23c, Reserved Seats 35e
Plan now open at Edwards' Cafe
EXTRA Mlle. Palfryman EXTRA
The celebrated Palmist will give a free reading to anyone
holding reserved .eat tickets, at Edwards' Cafe, Monday after-
noon, from 2 to 1 pm.
Emu i quality "azure" blue and white
Three Coat Enamelled Ware
New assorts 5n. just in, will be on sale at excep-
tional values. See our window.
New and sccof:o! hand
Ranges and
S)teCt. i
.; s:.Ic prices.
One ()lily
No. 3 Daisy 0:.:4 tar-
_ - t
}iotrtp ltat:t::e, al: o foot t rt.tel.
rtcd t.tmc, Regular S'.'-'.
special •4.::1.
O' a nt,ly
"Summit" Range
Ncw -t ; ifs se tIoual grates,
oleo w.axi grates. reserve ir
and oven thcrntotrtter Reg-
ular $40.00, t.pecial
Imperial Gray Enamel
Tea Pots
Reattlaf 1 w , 'Mir* Vs:
(tine only '
"Ideal" Range
Fonra-inch 1ids,reservoir,high
shelf and oven thermometer,
burns Coal or worst. Regular
1$:I1(111, special $27.;.1.
If von multi! painting this
fall this i. your chance. 1.0
gala. high-grade'
Ready Mixed Paint
Regular t2.40 pl., special
We cwry a csweete Iia- of i..ardwaf,e. Oar prices are rigN-