HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-23, Page 1Iona, r2Sc to Jas. 1, NM The Sigma will be sent to the attdreell Wly new sub- scriber in 011.1bia or Great Britain for Ibe testaiiiiier of this me IMe 111e. To U. S. hiboomos, lee TIBAS-41a. ass lift STERLING BANK - - OFCANADA SAVE, Because - To teach your children to save, be thrifty yourself.' National Portland or Canada - CEMENT # We are offering Cement at a very close figure and have a fresh stock ou hand. GODERICH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMRS BUCHANAN, P11111111DENT AND MANANZIL 'Mem 47 A. P.O. Box IS. L ------REPAIR WORK Bring in your MACHINES and have them over- hauled by ns. We are well equipped and have experienced men to do your work ; GIVE US A TR/AL-- OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE Tan DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY CO., Ltd. EAST STREET - GODERIC11, oNt. El `Mr ei N ON MOM Protect those dependent Oft yo.', by taking a policy in The Mutual Life Aseanznee Co. of Canada -"Canada's only Mutual" A. G. NISBET : : REPRESENTATIVE Godards P4.1 50. 'P. 0. Bom 364 S OS 110111 • 01 DISPERSION SALE 0? MOH CLAIM PUREBRED SHORTHORNS AND AHBRDSHN ANOUS CATTLE Also Grade Cattle. Ho 'es. Phial Ipplemests sht.. at fait rIew- Stock Farm, lot13. con- chae A.1% Wswenosb moor Dsagannoni. as TBURSD4T. OCTOBER 14. orerrocror at ONIC 1'. 11. sharp Mr. Mallorigb tra rested 11. girm for. 110.1 11 yams. and everything mar be sold a 'Grout reaseye.RIobird of pindrod mark was erne belt: r o brerr0.4 walks •nd tent te closs:ted 11 awed centers. Saw 0 sag aithals brad at "Ifoltylow" rock fare Irmo won 1 14 timitib sod Toronto fat reik ertnrs. eltoRTBoRNe. Wan ogre, "Weaver Illossoso." No. SIM. doe Width Oshiber 16. r."111•Iva 1 rear old. No. flan. maPlrie." 3 year. ad No. 111111162. dm tdobjec. tk.,..mitidi roar dd. No. ball omit "Roes esseet.' it theths dd. MIK sow. 'iron Ruby.- 3 mono dd. No. tabs Deferrer NI -Nader Jim - 7 meentbi dd. No. we, 111606e," 3 mars sild. Ne. 111131M. 4alv• Match & ewe •• Wit.. Quase.-6 maths old, No. oper,Zrair.' 3 years dd. N. woo. gore A : mat - Cblef, I .lb,opel& No. oww. Worbera.- 8 years ad. ?Ie. Mei dias:Wire Mare 23 row. "Lady •nee," 6 raw. sad. 3130 130. due le salve Demmer 11 Rasa broffre. -lb. 3,,.: sad. Lars. DM* ASIBRIMIIIN AMOCO sad, 31. Mk to Woe Jew M1, Oath `flratesfeewdrep the 310.0.4," 11 years Vow, -110 0 yaws old. No. IL761. dee Jews II. flew, "ICavIronmeat." years old Imported No. NC. tresdbis No. NAM deo to ow, e m Ban oalf. "Collage Rover." 0woe ha old. NO. DWI e.lt -Thaw: 5 maths No. 3304. Helfer. "PrIdo." 2 pes. obi, doe to calve or. tiosberm, I mar old. 90DERICE ONTLRIO, URSDAY SEP] EMBER 23 1915 assenutrarits's RAUL A DM INISTRATOIFII SALA. the basis AT and is giumarre the Y tlis meet wiriest alp Me arisaif Barter .1 erre erre rear le aopmettirifil ss bemles • the 114 we be be Mt. arta the penal vie en Prides. tart di flay thernse, MU 54 55. beer et *sea Ara rotate afeernetie, the follag rads art brew tow, via. bewedite tra Uodsriel• 2. 15. seeety et Let be. 0 le dr Maitiend esitemelevgia! lidatorAre sorry Flom mese se killess JAB:Ma . the balm learlierisilidese Woken. hew a a wisalZr ipm elves Mr- sarelatey fo pea sem will be sive= omelettes el the pessiesse lir lane wit sett** te • nom vital bit 15. ohall at the thee at sate ear Mins areerlig_ tee pee amt. WM* perAtos ware own la (New therest.w. further psy tag remidetre itif proltior meet with - err esediallsra et ask wet be mode inerre the I Ins et bat sea in 159 wane re ere be had ham ;he rad rim art/are fee beet lie guarder. AL Or same Our will be mid the ATI NIA be loos ix g ths odor of the ard Jame. nay, dor:mond. corr-laskia Of bsersitota is tape, Imp. weat.. oaths sad Wigs area. Dat...d ibis MI .1.1 ol repteress, 11143. McKINNON Ilt HDWITT. .1 15. erg st Dudek. WS:dim for Int N•therd 40.1 Com; ear.. Admlegirra- ior.14 Lir...tat. JAbionniA . oar . SAL.13. CILBARINO AUCTION SALE OK 1.) VAtIll stock mhb 1111,1JUIL.ST111. Ilk ISAAC !SHIER Wit s 11 by pub.re emigre st enoirades .1. ta.tkare. )Iioray, lAtub r 301. Siaredirmli g •1 3 (idea Aare . Uwe agrkeitaral Sally.d.atai pear. air 1 ambitious.' gby. roma rewrites. 1 carriage meire. dreg 6 years di: rood mom. mire yaws old ; pretsbe. 4 35. 15.,. ss calf . I mm.9 year0 old, due Urearnbas ird ; I sew, a /don 0Id. did *web 2wd : 2 mu% II yawn sod. des frfay Lab: it cows $ yerme,ota. owared te bolo calf I tbiek. fat mew. fig Smarm old yew pliers. tiros 3 year oh; firs g 3 year:road 3 atamen -HOW yewso oad refer.. rider 1 yews old_ : good siring voltam: I brood aow. las kr Orate : bases :rim duo at November: ram leseprram littrurriorra-tdassem Harr radar. It Wood sweet% biros mut. hise wiser. bat rider. seer drab aearty rarer. Poe rakr mohly tiewk cultivator, dam barrow. plow, 35a,r plows. I ao•iti Loss mew, 2 dela loos,Ilana.vfo. 000 repo twat oat. hales Mir Ir.). Moors ma. t.n..tir Parr, sattilid. bee err orrteproor.- twerhe rag n art ben set truck.. 1 por rag 040. I pair bderitlar. I wave' Lox. 2 try rock., 1 cord easd mot .1 too raw. 1 reed can. i deserarr. i miter. Promo ..p.. w. Dray err s.lba re. corset no odd brkwrow 1, mrea meemer ee mid be arm. tor. Motor Muir oussissees mbar ar tiers/ gverythand MD be dread of. air Ne raw I. reitit from &..1u, -A11 tiormiTilf sot 034 0.40?. seta twelve siseado smolt war og apherrad hint wah.. 30. stmt. IdIrdiet got Ord or bigatee A 03 11101111111116 dessiamerr. PUBLIC 11011C11. NoTIVE TO CRBIDITORS AND omen& le rue ewers or Jarmo Ably .Drasrmr. The seediltees ef James Usg, labs sg towerlde el Orilawich. le the mots 14 humor. who deed as se about, the Ith •a= Desessesr. Um. sad all ethers her 1.* muter se witted to hors to dr mat erre. oe hereby nerteri tie seed bur =dal sr otherwise aletiew_ Nat One pray. Lath& adiormWatror of Dr sold erote. et to time eadarigwed sodirtmere ea or WIN. the ttli day of October. HS& mar Clarloare rum sad otweress. siddseres asd draw* Uses awl fah parthriers if their dorm, oe 050.1. 0. latereeto ad the eaters of the reme- Ity day held by them Afro nse lam Kb day se Orme,, nits. trip •airl adertobittmer trig promed Ur driebstio trio 0.0• of Ms rid irate area tro peri kr got hied thee. to. bowleg errant ima'y I.-355,. re interiet. of 'bleb It doll .bes bays moths, and all other. will Mr excluded 1-.. ba bonsai 01 .014 dim ribotion. and dor mad adortil-trator will rot be I are for Me •rd a...eta or airy tar tarred 10 337 pure 0 errata. arms an. NM bare rot been received et Ur tor otsird on - !drat re. Dated this UM dor ed Aurrt, tets. Mcit IN NON & HOW IT T, glesipb, Hort. Solbutse• ter Nattseal Thrt Crisollesf. Limited. tt 1'188 i.AsuA ELLIOTT. TEACHER Jil of piano. hoo reearned bor ria.e• rah will ha glad is receive purl. In Lb* arr. r cued and third grad.. of (o.. r.'.* ermine.. For tern.. rte. a poly tit mad LASCA ALLIOTT. Props ever, EDUCA7 IONAL we offer • Moth -grads eesionerstai sad short- hand Herne lady COW.. al • row mat to .11 Ca nod Ion young pose le. Per. rear datorf y furnished on roamer. Tho Mow Canrippir d sem ecbaoa. Teem start, reaseta fan 111 RN H T, DOCTOR OF C11110 - As. PRACTIC. bas sewed • eannanset et • •t rardemet mem et Num sweet sad Carrie Med twos hew : is 1 te 3 gp. es. awl 7 10 II Osseehaties bee Lady at trident. 761 aa Norieter 23 Hid '• • GRADE CATTLE. Tweet.. no. yowled err. Orr yt aerie brier. deer °alt. PIGS. ICTC. Beekaldre sew. 1 moat ed. will re, es 35. 14 test Two dries Tssewertli mem 3niesthe *id. the purebred umbers berea-good 'arias straia. dIORISZA Uwe draft bores, 6 yr. *IC I draft berm, years see real of 3141 ow dealt stare, 6 ran old ; draft geldisit. =r id. idly, 2 71301 114; 37155.54. pargeso gay. 5 pion sad : dillies prigiscsibm.• she goopo. quid Ise kaki to drive; Al..hse- iimiteser RO 155---1-,Renuere. e TERUO AND CO NDITI01.'et Twelve essetheemelt gives en funtitheagestbrestere serneite; 4rer ere. per saver *45.14 10. Irak =restwarp. time thappri. Moslems' di 7100roddior lerehned. Or mat ea User. whit ester. st feet are peeves breettees es mem sa animal lo eaddasemes the 11350 301011.1?. bet gees rue will be Wow of them rid thee win be as oars reeteno .roa A. NALLouen, Renewer. Wit 7111041. GUNDET, Aostiower ICAPT. T. A R01111061 alms orpneseLj • -WANTED. TRANSPORTATION. 'VP Lash far Om Odd Lasar NMI= ai Mae Oslo= Isis IrOlt 11Al2 02 TO RUT •pos BALE. -A couvotrrasus 3: beta. 35 5114 regale wee by brow eed booted by reams dem : Ohm sriverres" sa areeed Geed drainmmesett soli e...10 wt. li deer. C000151031 14 Ar ds sa 110111gEtT M.Mus. ear . bath • Wed. *1st Toram berm se Weitreer rime. wiM ell RILNT.-PRACTICALLT NSW noir% M oarom__ Flo hir 5 ad dear esetroadowee.. on Pomo e=zo APO! N. W. rw. Newsom emit. ntst 1!. OUSE TO RENT -ALL MODERN .cm.... a 1100 esweerekreetw rewrap, Isesteduarety OUSE TO RINT. -404 0 IN- TiftilLare rift esievew weer . thew sad pswletri........eir-essaa. 1,6% ...."-reismooteur me be 23W7130. 0.3045. Id' woramaamagrroa~4,, PIM SALE RAL11.-011PORD LAVIIIRL • • aroa nem maglalm. Algt HOW ANla CAMILLO= PIM LOST OR PORN& .2=...., cier -op AUNDAT IFIIIIINi. rig" ....1 ImilimmiresUllW eft sassivAigers isamagersadhasend eel Nr am, ...iii ir „,„. . • own. air sisivii This asimmal =6 Pla. Nissalg: Val he =perentlaaar = Witrirearrel=p,* ."..86.6".• WA, Amur 2. mei Pr Me es 114S. Sot WIRT IL WAR oworoo. WON A 110fffil. COUNTY COUNCIL INCREASES GRANT TO PATRIOTIC FUND. Merlin Will Dro ips Doty Towards Seidler.' Degabients-At Special lieeting lager* Ossincil Also Decides 5.3155. Ow 33r4 Overseas IlleSalkes M VIM the Counts. A vegetal meeting of Huron county soused was hold co Monday. Two peopositioas were baba before tee coun- cil, tb. fires WW1 that the cousity guseterten the erpsorarr ot • proposed visit of tbe Wad itattalicn, now at London, to thetestallity for tbe purpose uf siJ5. labersiiing, and the swami that ol=sing the county spent to !be Ca patriotic tuna. Deputations waste preset) t in force frogs %%rhythms eed Seatorth and representatives boas Hensall and Herter, all untied the claims of their respective oeunkipalitie• for • 'left fr.u. the soldiers. It is intended that the norms ehall give exhibitions oi niiitary movements at each of the places visited. and It was claimed that the receipts from admis-ion would mote Olen c.orer Lb. expenses of the 11 ir. Conoiderable diecuision took place as to whether a company of 291 we would nut scconsplbdi as much as a bettalion of 1,19.10. It was pointed out that the military authorities had .ug - ▪ what they would be willing to do and it would not tie well to attempt to run counter to tau' plans. It was Really decided to vita 141. 3301 Hirt - Letitia to the county and the following committee was appointed to nurke t he N ecessary erre mire nen t : Warden tiovenlock, Mckiikm. and Reeves J. W. Taylor. Exeter; 3. C. Laithwaiie, God/rich; J. A. Stestait, 8ea1ort41, sad 5. Mitehell, Wirorbom. Tbe am tor of faeresaina 1136 grant 'Id t5. afriimnall woitriutic fund was Om taken up. Kr. W. c. Mean was present aud sweet into the. matter at ereigge lens, th and slap answered a num• her of qu.stion• put by the couneitur,.. Other epeakers in favor of an increased genet iepremeeted tioderich, Wing - bane, Exeter. Seaforth and Hawaii. Dr. Hoiase., commit y treasurer. said Hansa should tint b • 000 tent 10103106 41=216.24.thiej:kitir A motion to grant** sena of 113,1109 • month to the Canadian patriotic fund was tient to the executive committee. Alter deliberatiog the executive e onsarittee brought in. recommenda- tion that the aunt of *SAW per bomb be paid, beginning with tbe month of October, until Merck of 1016, being six menthe, covering the winter season whoa the needa are greatest, and from that date on, so long as the county 000.135 oonsiden it necessary. the n um of "NOM per month, commencing with April, 1916, the present grant of $1,000 • month being included in the sums mectioned. The committee further recominended that the council MOO SIIIIIIAIORWITINS OM. LEMITIO. pow a bylaw for 11160,019), debentures a. be ksTHETOwN coCOUNCIL.ued, oo•-balt for five years and one -hall for ten years, bearing intereet • . at the nets of Eve per cent.. and that such debentures be bold within the county if possible. A LITTLE SREEZt °VIER • LAST The council et an evening session adopted the committer's report and the necessary bylaw was paessod. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR 000E31ICH. The disposition of the troops in training for the coming winter months la at present, it is understood, engag- ing the •ttention of the Militia. De- partment. The plan which appeers to he in favor is that of "billeting" the troops among • number of towns in- stead of keeping them in camp through the winter. Ooderich woul& be p!eitsed to be included in this scheme itod could easily previde suitable secomtno- dation for n thousand soldiers. A number of citizens who have taken a quiet. interest in the matter 41,.. plans whereby the necerssiy housirg eould be seemed with very little trouble,. It ie to lie hoped the town council mill sot let the opportunity slip, bet will act promptly in getting into touch with Itis Minister of Militia and tusk- ing the proper ri piesentatione to him. The fact th•t liuderich is in "dry" lei- ritory will go a long way with the Minister. There are also advantages of lication •nd other considers, ions which need not be mentioned heie but which should be ef weight with the militia authorities. 0. C. I. NOTES. • The attendance at the Collegiate In- stitute has now reached '&5. The trustee board is prepariug an addi- tional room and to. eng•giug another teacher this week The O. C. I. LA. -fury Society will commence its activities for the term , swaths& peuwanade in the gy urrimium oinorrow (Friday r evening Onkels of the tiociety for the fell term have hom elected as follows: Hon. presi- dent, Dr. Strang; president, George MacRwan ; let vice-president, Robert His*.(; 204 vice -preside fit, Muriel Johnston: recta:toy, Mabel Oilkin- son ; treasurer. Sam B. imicombe pianist. Edna P. idhant ; editor., Graham Rom, olosoph Garvey, kLarry Heehowssin eriuseilbors, Doris Has, Jam ilacilsran. lee Kelljt. CHURCH NOTES. Next Suoday, at 3 o'clock. the Bap- tist Sunday school will conduct ira acinual rally. All interested in the school are urged to be present. Hew. W. K. Hager will pewee at both services at North street Metho- dist church on Sunday. Morning sub- ject : "Life's Initiative." Eveniug subject : "Work and Waffles." Rev. Gordon M. Holmes, no/tor tha Baptist church, will preach next Sunday to tbe following subjects : Morning, "The Church Secure ;" even- ing, "The Love and the Hate of God." • 01 • or • a a GREATEST DISTRICT F A 1 14- C---- trioderich Industrial Exhibition Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday 28_29-30 to Entirely New Grand Stand Attraction LEFFEI, TRIO, 3 Performers 3 TWO SEPARATE AND DISTINCT ACTS Very funny and exceedingly clever trampolene act,, funny falls, and slip -slap comedy. A very entertain- ing feature -Something that will more than give great satisfaction. OTHER ATTRACTIONS AND MIDWAY. Skeleton of Mammoth about 150,000 years old, a predecessor of the Elephant -the largest bones in the world of this epeciee. - JOHNS GLASS BLOWERS will reXppear after a good many seasons' absence They have a new troupe and ontfit and in Oa were a great attraction. Hundred% of young people havs never wen them. Give the children a chance. SPEED TESTS. The best in the district. Any horse that ix classy will be found on our good track. Admission 25c Children 10c Membership ticket $Loo, six admissions. Carriages and autos 23C. kaoc Salkeid, Dr. W. P. afirk,‘ J. Ades Fowler, Proideat Tromparer Secretary • or 01 AN01000014 Illt WEEK'S SPECIAL MELTING Councillor McClinton's Resignation Not Accepted, and in Consequence Ho Cannot Run for Reeve -Estim- ated Receipts and Expenditures fee the Year . The regular meeting of the tows codncil was held on friday evenieg Councillor Proudfoot Was absent. Tbe minutes of the previous rsunlar awn Ing and of the le; t -)f 1 coi' 111voing llelitreo• Turdy es eDin t"iw reed. A motion to adopt them was offered in tbe usual way. Councillor Mari wo•ed in sunendinent that the clatter in the special meeting/ report relatii g to the tee rata De not permed. nib it u tis few epirited remot to liy vas Mutt u.embers of the couecil. Celts, calor MO. -e1 Mild he woe oat t & totem anti did not get • noticve of the meet lug, arid he thought obi many people res. behind with thteir taxes tha inetead ot adding an extra n ill the rate ehould have toren riot eel than thirty- p.te ..1h.winit for lite was tax. t mot r dee° ado° bed received nu notice a the meeting although he was 3.1 town, the brims being placed on the potieoffice people. Only four members were present be- sides the Mayor at the special meeting. and Councillor Wilson thought it • peel ty no1.01.7- meeting for se import- ant a matter. Mayor Reid said they were nOt engaged tn any ''hok-in-the- cos ner business," proper or twee had been rent out and the chick was not responsible if tbe councillors did not receive them. Councillor Wigi. mid the extra thresefourthe of 351.35which had been added to the 'general taxa - t iota was neceseary to meet the ovet. draft of tbe previous year . As Cows:stk. Moses- could get no secosider to his amendment the mile Ines were &pp owed. CouncIllor Morn asking to have his vote recorded "Nay." Two communications from the pro- prietor of tbe Ewa stem t garage were rand. This firn asked to have a tree removed frimi *51 0001 cf his propert y and was referee' to the parka commit- tee to repoet, arid the other was for ruination to trogarge his bailable:my. the addition ref fro !emu we the This was referred to the public works coniniittar. A communieatioo Irene Mr. John Young ',tiering to advance mootoy to have sew or constructed on Light- house ntrest also wee referred to Use public works sosabittee. A continasMatioa from Councillor McClinton tendering his resignation was read. Conncilke Wilson wasted to know siby Councillor Mt -Clinton wished to resign. Councillor McClin- ton said be did not know if be should answer the questium, but he would be frankit was that be might accept • nomination for the reteembip. Some et the councillors were of the opinion thith if Councilkir McClinton did nct run for the reevethip n cooteet might be avoided It was moved by Councillor W151, weonded hy Deputy Reeve Laithwaite„ that Int resienation be aecepted. The motion wee 4...t (41 di•rior, only Ore wp.ver and rremuier voting ilk fevor of It. Councillor Mc- Clinton. who wee evidently disap- pointed, commenced te express his epinion of certain cot:local/ors end was ruled oot of order by the Mayor. Deputy Reeve Laitharaite thought • abed 030155141111 ehould be built on the town property for the accommoda- tion 01 441. town vehicles and tools. He tbought the probable wet would be • bou t trite. Coot cider W151. maid tbe coueril iihould have • (thesis 01 55. propooed building and • definite este mate of the cost. The matter was referred hack to the public works C0121- O *111ts to repot, Councillor Wigle wanted to knew if • nything further bed teen done in the neater of securiag expert. independ- ent legal advice with regard to the suits in the tatter of the O. W. 04. H. t ra nee et inns. The Ms y or se icl that an adviser had been ret•tried but no te- poi t had yet Wen mad• Bylaw Sc. 3, to lee v for municipal and othie purpooes. with read and peered 55,115 113551154 MUM Towa water arerment 4.11796 Overdraft frown 1914 1.111111.59 Total 11081.81168 asciarrni. Balonest of 1014 taxes mewl- Casitectbsedlasos from 19-14.11 • 13'340.64211) . Ceenwthey . 600 be"lise- 1101 rhase Dag tax 126 Legal imerovement sesame - Mesita 2.060 tisoar rats. 450 Reata DosyirlIfine Works t incited- ..... 35 nag Paget $1,01.1U pay- ment) ... ..... 13,078 R2 Goderich Org.. Ote Ilensiegton Furnitnes Oe • • • 15.13°W1.35 Midway Mercantile Co.. 1.100 Railway tax 109 Taxes Total St02,31168 62.7198.77 A GRAPHIC STORY. - - Lt -Col. Sutherland Gives the Stirring Tale 01 15, Firm Comedies Cestingeat. One of he lorgset csowds seen in Godetich for soars time gathered on the 4.34 tare on Thursday evening to listen to the appeal of Lieut. -Col Sutherland and other maskers for I neratots for the 71st Battalion now I being formed. The bend of the Mird • Regiment played a nuin her ot patriotic aud. inertial airs mind Mayor Reid, as chill/omen, called upon Captain Dunlop as the tint speaker. Capt. Dunlop very briefly elided that be needed more youog turn and should •ny enlist he wriukl do _jets trot for their comfort while in bib chat ge. Lieut. -Col. Sutherland, *410 is to command the ilat Battalion, was then salted upon. He had just started hie address when a thunderstorm came on and rain began to fall. The meeting was toritinued in Victoria Opera Hour., which was not nearly large enough to acconantodate all who would have liked to hear the speakeie. Lieut. Col. Suthealand described 10 graphic manner the movements of the fleet cootineent, in which he was an officer, ft OM the tintthat the earioue waits went to Valcartier up to the tam ous tattle of Lougee' rck, in which the first contiogent, including the boys I om Huron county, were en- gaged •nd by which Gene. al French amid the Canadiaos bad blocked the t955maaa in their attempted capture 14 0.5.,. Ho also deacribed the care taloa .1 15. wounded 'and the atten- tion paid to thew by the ,Britlith civil- ian per:Latinos who considered noth- ing too good for the wounded soldiers. In closing his address he appealed to the young men to enflamed to perorate MA 10 MOO abbacies in the way ot ealietasina. The speaker was given rapt atten- tion and when be sat down he wee greeted with • tremendou. burst of 11P1PWlauseo Other speakers. Mr. M. G. Casneroo and Bev. J. B. Pothering - Wm, were scheduled to speak, but paid • compliment to the previous speaker by refusing to spoil the effect of his address and merely moved and seconded is motion ad thanks% which wee respocded th by hearty cheering ar.i.1 the singing of 'Ale National a. tql) The Ithaoce committee's re port recommended that a large number of accounts be paid: that the tax este for 191541. !bitty -two mills on the dol- lar : that *41.' sur** of $3,'21315 be placed on the collector's roll agaimit the Ooderich Elevator Co. The report was adopted The fol low ins are the mated receipt. And expeodi . ?ort4 you.: eg PIENDITCRita. . II 3.400 N4PritAnriti; and adeartioieg . 450 1, titPlAini.rusr1urf. ImnIalitetriorteef w.tayourku:..1 . . Parks tiertions Bank interest. •5,594) Public sr hones Separate school Coileglate lastitete Board of health. ... Ineursine• 30.1 5.5 Debeainterrettere iisespil .. . . de - and henttero e O. W. S. R. • ,I. °8611War ttazyrseik ...! . •:•••• .. MaressOraosos. Ilsalt Immo from IDIsossos se alasm. 4 1 715.22 3,3en 300 MOO LOW IUD 300 10) 13,1314.701 09) 4,0110 3111) 75 65 Fatality This 1Fridayi Morning. FRIDAY MORNIRO, Sept. 24. This 'morning Mies Maud Grabens, who has been living with ber mother, Mrs. Edward GI reheni. on East street, threw herself front the second -story window of ber home and striking the eament sidewalk below Was instantly killed. She had been suffering for poems time from nervous Meakdown. Mbe was about forty years cf age. Much eywpethy is telt with the mother and aber. relar ives in the dis- tressing circumstances. MONDRY'S AUCTION SALE LIST. 3ri Peet. 1.3 -Auction role of boom, hold furniture. ete., property of J. Walkoto. tin °gonna. Mo,no. Arntloo sale of farm. farm mock. Improment• turd crap, property of I hors. Poonlairtoo. Mr.land 000.0•0100. Col- borne towo.dip. PrIVIY. Rept. M k.lorlon ...le .4 turn .3,5 sal implement i.piiipertY 131..4 Clark. ice 7. ',throw rood. Hulkti. TI xoti.v. Get. 3 -Ascii= rte or farm .took and implement property of Irmo neater. l'olbor,io 10003*P Tt Oct. 12. Auction aolo of farm *teoltimplerneutpi, et.. property of arose Ireton. Davit:old road, one mile *math of (Iodic W so ..i sitt.• T. Oet. 11- Arun letri rd. of rime *tort, implemostrete.. 30.00157 .1 Joan car torrr meet t easel. T111111111.17. Ort 14.-Anot3.n solo or pure- bred emir, farm idoelt ser looploomoata. 3I411 fif fowl* A• Neter. aterearoa W tit awaited. 7ein4Y. 151, 1.3 .tdmIrretrator •gy faro, farm desk, implernente. etr, bernidollt to two mato 0C_Ibe tato Jahri Harold premod.e.. 'ot OIL Naltbaird 11011.15.,11011.15.,hods& to Trwiertv, ort. 23. CIIMRSee amuse .$5. 01 faros rock sed howismosts. 30030.17 11 Jahr:a. .4 74411 Wassaneav, Ost. 0 -eberiter swifts so:letieui=r4 Pliteselesties"" ffl It0i= 55.11414. Mr:0.-Te rsM. gaeisr. . 1,14r.,e., e s4b5. • memister. NEW ADVE14TISEMENTS-So/A.23rd. Nee Aphorist enitorb gale -*3.EI1 fliteres... Pune Jabs Ileases, Torah Illearts to meet- N. w ---------------1 lade oissos•-reo narearend Tames- 4 011sersiste far se Cour ste -dowel AA u16p1*1116ara. 7,4 140.5.. weh - 1seeoP waO .srsro e 3.0:Aresi-104 n 17 1"" amlee T . . 1 k.P 11 HO Ilegeronleirst C -Vterste apse Sisese. g