HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-16, Page 8THE SIGN s -r- ^.ow .. CH ...,,sees 0 .BRIO • • f Wedding Gifts For Fal Wahiawa We have s.auy dainty and pretty gift. to select from, for the bride's now home WEBH'S iSNGLISH ROCK CRYSTAL, aaei the new floral designs in Cut Glass. ranging it. price from a A1.76 Comport to Reck Crystal Goblets at 218.00 per down. EXCLUSIVE R N G I. I S H CHINA. Royal Crown Derby, Minton, Coalport and Wedgwood. SII,VEFWARK. A kw very choice piece. in Pier- ced Silver Plate and Ster- ling Silver. PRICES REASONABLE The Colonial Book Store G RO. PORTER Pickling! We have everytt'og necessary for use in Preserving .ad Pick- ling. Jar Rubbers of twat quality. Parawax High-grade white verawAx fur sealing purposes. Corks A11 sizes and shapes to fit any bottle. Bottles Special large Pickle Bottle for l0C C. L. COULTIS, 'RE DRUGGIST PHotem 19 Menesetung Craw?ord PEACHES Liam a gibed lime of the best Vonebea ibis eamd era v VW aVgbeissii holders with good Town fruit. Flavor bet- ter then southern fruit Will be ready in about • week. Leave your order with your grocer or 'PHONB Mil. D. F. t1AMLiNK Godericb,'Ontario 1to APPLE SS � WANTI;� he undersigned is prepared pay- the highest market rice for all grades of Fall d Winter Apples. Ib not ll before seeing me. PHONE 17 R R. R. ELLIOTT Goderlcb mumi At Bedtime Take a Tablet of REGULAX Next day you feel fine -Irk and 25c a box, Tastes like milk chocolates. Jas. A. Campbell PHM B. CENTRAL DRVG STORE Corer North Mt. and 9goars lioderich Bu.. fin 'PHUNRB Res. MO Bread -Buns -Cakes t meet us to give a word of •d - vies to the Rood housewives of fiedwtob -If you would gain the true ennfdenne, the goodwill teed true affection of him who is the head of the boars. feed him tally es the Breed, Runs sad Oak*. the ,lean le the land. as mkt by O'NEILL & CO. • Nene at. - Nem Pren.at the theirs. It Is hsgfeatag tg dawn epos the Illagnsbapeaetag world. including a goodly amber e1 Americus, that the 4.te+L•eteal seasides of the Gema peo5ds dove lima rally overruled for esus tt.Srntleas past...ad that they keno been made the oblect of • medal of adeletk a muses acleettet. .ad philosophers whisk may have helped to produce their present attack of "swelled head." T1. ggianigniga o.s.k1 i tathe wholly la W ae0elsition. �... ► thiel artematlslag of la aiI Mambos of kaowtedge; and the reason why ()eremite bevy been more suoeesefttl In this species of effort than other races has been 'imply that they have possessed a vastly larger, more centralized and more despotically governed educe Ural system Una tbeir neighbor.. It L discipline. mot brains, that kr brought the Germans to the front as makers of knowledge; and wbile we punt certainly admire their discipline for this achievement we can tercel, 'envy them for it, sines 1t Is their die ctpllne, and their utter lack of indi- vidual Judgment upon mattsirs of the profoundest importance. which het broagbt them to their present poss.- Beck's Weekly, Mobtreal. *OMB -PROOF WINDOWS IN -e BANKING HOUSE A close view of one of the windows of the J. P. Morgan once at Broad and Wall Streets, New York, show In how thcy are made bomb-: roti since Mr. Morgan became an agent of the British Government for war supplies. Heavy wire screens ro Enforce the window glass and behind are draped curtains of heavy ma tectal. Canada Through twilit forests and o'er fert.i:t plains. Hy teeming towns and orchard) blossoming In all the friary splendor of the spring. The word of pride goes for'h and glory reigns. )'or through the distant rutn,r of the guns, Heard from afar l::ro.gbout th• peaceful laud. . There speaks a voice that bids t..e. understand The awful, fiery ordeal of thy sons Swift at tho call the y gathered tc our aid. The Sower of all t:.y nunhood, vowed to fight For Britain and for freedom ao•l the right Valli the last great sacriece was made. 'And in that darkest hour. when very hell Seemed loosed ■gain.t thein. steed fast yet they stood. Aa liar -worn veterans for hank hood. Arad cried thy name trlumupbast u they t.A! Llvlag and dead. their brave hands garland thee With love aad honc., an unbolt/1g crows. A goodly heirloom to be bloke dews To ebOdree's eblldren that are yet tt he; Awe we, wbo share thy glory and thy tears, Tb.lr .pie.dld service tomer aha, forget. Htt< 40 thy Debts heart draws edam yet. gWl 5400/ as sae wttb thee throes% sat Me years - t eefasMetese, la Leaden deny Matt l town A WOND[Rrui. DUOOVIRY, As .siaeat .cMstlst, the other day, gave his opinion that the mow wow - ireful discovery of /scent years was the discovery of Z...-Buk. Jus think ! As soots as a dingle this layer of Zam-Buk is •ppried to • wowed or a sore, such Injure is iseured agates* Wood poison ! Not oee species of mt- globe has been found that Zem-Osie does out kill 1 TMs io. As aeon s ?alma* is aphid to a .ops, or a out, ar to skim d1..... it stops the smarting. That N wb d ds chlldten are caMawof Zees -ll uk. They ears aothleg fee the science of the Wog. All they know L that Zam -Buk .tope their l assn Mothers should mese forget this. AisLn As.00n s. Zam-Buk is ap- plied to s wound or to • d2.s..ed part, the cella bea.ath the skin's sertaue are so stimulated that as, healthy tissue is quickly formed. This tam- ing/ of fresh healthy tissue from brow is ?am- Ruk's secret of healing. The thous thus formed is worked up to lbs surface and l.terally oasts off the dis- eased assns above it This is wny 7.am-Buk cures are permaaeot. Only the otber day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Lelorimier AveMontreal. calked upon the Zama -Bel Co.Osad told them that for over twenty-five Jeers he had been • martyr to eczema. His hands were at orfs time as covered with pores that be bad .to sleep in gloves. Four year. ago 7..m-Buk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. Today --over three revs atter his cure of,,a disease his had fill twenty-five yd(kre--be is still cured, `and bee had no trace of soyreturn of the eczema ! All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 50c. box, or we will rnd free trial box if you send this advertisement and a lc. stamp Ito ppaa return postage). Ad- dress Zaze-Buk Co., Toronto. GOLD DISCOVERIES. Capt. T. H. Trethewey Makes a .Rich Find Above Port Arthur. Capt. T H. Tretbewev. of Godericb, one of the beet-koowm mining engin- eers of Canada, whose calling has taken bit, all over the world, has just returned from an investigation trip north of Port Arthur. and reports dis- coveries. that may prove to be • boom for that part of Or.t.ario. In the Seine River district, six miles from Mites (Centre station, 00 the Canadian Northern Railway, on the property of Col. o. W. Ray, wbo owns fourteen claims of forty acres rib, be inspected three claims and made dis- coveries of large deports of gold and silver. Assays Are Good. Or. the first vein. which was 10 feet deep and 7 feet ?vide, assays show ' $18.21 to the ton of gold and M) cents of silver; the second, (1 feet wide, shows *21.20 in gold and $1.30 silver : the third, :: feet wide, assayed $14.00 gold and $1 10 in silver These veins show well defined walls of lead, copper and iron. Geld abowiogs sive expoe.d on the surface The mines will be easy of access. a good reed -rens from the railway, and the Captain declares valuable ore oould lay: mined and milled for lees than $5 a ton A. C. lawdon, Government geolo- gist. who made • recent study of this section, reports that the vein forma- tion is of gisoit.e sod of a laterp.riod thea the surrounding elements, whit It may account for the psniatsot evi- dence of high grade gild values. As- says were made in the Government assacfflcee at Toronto, and Mr Tretbewey said he was more than surprised when be got the report which bespoke high-grade muff, eery to mins Has Rich Spetim es. He also brought out 3.10 lbs. of rich rock, Which be left at Port 'Arthur, which shows iron, oopper and sulphur in quantity. H. brought a large specimen home, which he is giving to the high school as an exhibit. The report on mines north of Port Arthur, made by Capt T. H. Tretbe- wey, for the Seine Riser district, coo - tains notes like this : Situated six miles from Mine Centre station on Canadian Northern Rail- way. A good roadway runs from station. Tbe formation worsts of granite, which according to • recent study by A. C. Lawson, Government 'geologist ile of a later period than the surroundings, which may account for the persistent display of high-grade gold endues. Surveyed three pits and according to assay the following.re- ports were made : *21.1) in gold, $1.30 .itver. These veins are expoeed on the surface. Another pit showed well defined walls of lead. copper and iron, and show gold to 114.012 and silver to $1.10 Another pit shows $18.21 gold and 80 cents in silver. These ciwims cover forty acres, and there are four- teen claims, which are owned by Cul. ft. W. Ray, of Port Arthur. Started to inspect this property in July and got assay report late in August He says that the ore can be mined and milled for $6 a ton. One of the expired veins is well defined, six feet wide and sixteen inches deep, and gives every evidence on the sur- face of persistency. Another vein is seven and . half feet and another three feet wide, the walla are clean-cut and would he ear to work. LIQUOR LAWS CONFLICT. reheard Preeeceue.s for Demitasses. He Ceder Teem Bylaw er C. T. Act i A well -knows denizen of the water - frost append before Police Magis- trate agictrate Kellon Moaday .tad pleaded 'guilty to Kelly drunk and disorderly on the public streets of Godes-kb. The ieformactoa was laid under the town bylaw which make+ it an offence/ to be drnok or dieorderl, on the street. A Bair of $6 and 16.501 oats wee Imposed or tem days it gaol. Time was .pewee for payment Adan`` out of the car Pollee Mari. trate Kellyezpeseeed bisdiss.11.f.tiom with the liquor laws of the eosin y sugge.tin that there was oompeeltioJ between the town bylaw aad motion 141 of the Canada Temperas., Aet. Grown Attorney his opinion pretty strongly aadaad mid that while the tows promeetor, Mr. Chas. Carrow. was whitish his tights in ming the previsMws .1 the tows bylaw, he (!Mr Seager) NM that it wee thwarting the ear r or took*, e* ase teen, who bad be. n anesed hg the official., might be breathe lib *seri .ad r.esd.w-d to pap $1 and *oft while another was arrested by the ....._.,,/ - yw Mow shwa inoal tbow hew M �llallrt gayla tams tr♦ day �.i to pay SMY�ljps . T • AI . .Or . . M peosettatMi wa- der 141 of the 0. T. A. ad be I b. taw should be adhwwd to tsmifl some sem ease had proved thatIhe lg ah) oP la the o' Mee l.v-. where Sera were swatted trona • preset miss named seder the w. tie tewa bouslitted sad It taRwM late a ttaeo.y-teki,tg Mammalian i la fit Mbar, where the peeeseaMes was laid Wag tehe ell the O. T. A.. ertr of sellae edthe fund w were le the eta eat elf the law. Mr. Gamow said while he reco1aised the weight e1 the Crowe Attorm.7's e ontentiams W pereoaal opiaias was that the eastioa of the Act edseeed to did sot supersede the town bylaw, and de- feastas be appeared s.setimer sometimes the pfor re e he Ikea be wished to be sumiseeat, se he would oertaialy ask to have a ewe tried under the bylaw if he appeared for the detente. AomLa gelaid rmher ofewadjournedto -11t. "'ROUGH ON RAT'S" dears out M ios, etc. Don't DM lath. H l6c and Sic at Drag sad Country Stores. THE PATRIOTIC FUND. W. C. Rase Addresses Warders Cem- ateittee-Gamy Ceeocii Win Meat A meeting of the Wardell. mitten of Ihlron county council w Irides the court house on Wedner& Deputations were present from N.. orth, (iudericb and Wingbam requested the committee to call special meeting of the council at early date to decide on the advisabil of having the 33rd Battalion, now hoodoo visit Huron county. Ree tewart, of Seaforth, bad been communication with Limit -Col Wilso that officer slated that should t arrangement be oompleted the as zpense devolving upon the pla kited would be the transporter d this would be by twain, as to ate mar:bes had been cancell ayor Ament. of Seafortb, May aid, Deputy Reeve' Laithwaite an r. Clark, of Goderieb, Mayor ltwl . H. Musgrove, M. P. P., and M eo. Spotton, of W inghanr, -bio apo o favor of the proposition. Another matter which occupied t tteotion of the committee was tb f an increased grant from the count the Canadian Patriotic Fund. M . C. Roan, Western Ontario reps n tative of that fund, addressed tb committee at some length and al plied to the questions of some lore ted citizens. During the course remarks he stated that while tb •eraRe contribution per a•atlabi rsoo throughout the Dominion w per bead to the rued, Huron ha vett only about fifteen Dents per In amour to a question h id that of every dollar oontribut e full dollar was used for the pur- poses the fond, es the Fannin fro e reser•. fund. paid running ex noes. After but a brief deliberatio e Warden's committee decided t 11 • special westing of the count uocil on Mooday. September deal with the foregoing pro 1005. In addition toile gentlemen ahead entioned the following also were resent at th. sorties: Maws. roves, Isbester, Curry Clegg an mall. of Wingham,and the Warden' manatee. consisting of Mews. J or treed, of Walton, F. H. Modem Heneell, L,Demmerling, of Lakele .land. of Witmer, J. Leckie, and Warden Go•enlock, o In lbrup. Lim Might's ftfbating. A meeting was held at Knox cbure Wednesday evening at the call o Mayor for the purpose of givin formation abut and creating as terest in the ( .nadiao patriotic fund ere were sot u many present uld have been wished, but those wb attend were well repaid for the) ffort Bach of the following were .d upon by Mayor Reid, who pri- ed, to gin a five-minute address, d. it might be remarked, eacb kept thin the allotted time: Rev. W. K. weer, Rev. J. IL Ford. Nev. O. M. Imes, Rev. Jas, Hamlltoo, Rev. J. Fotheriogbam, Mr. J.H. McClinton Rev Geo. B. Roes. After the ging of a hymn the chief speaker of riveting, Mr. W. C. Rego, was called upon and went ittto detail of the tbod', aim. and ....agement of fund he repreenoted. it was shown t while Oodericb was receiving ■ ridership Kraut each month from fund nothing bad hien given by town to that fund. The weaker e statistics to prove that neither town of Godes ick nor the county Huron had given either men or ney in anything like the proportion L come other places had Riven. said he could not blame the young for not enlisting if the older men as yet made no 1 personal ✓ ifle.. He invited all the men to themselves 11 their work in their sent sphere counted mor. for King country thea going to the front ild do. At the ekes of the address evolution of thanks was tendered speaker sad a nominating eons tee, consisting of Messrs. Lim. ter. A. M. Robertson and Dr. H. I. ang, was torsed, this eommittee arrange a working organisation to e up t be matter of aecurisg coati - ion. to the fund. The committee swards met and decided to bold a ow•up westlmg for men In the permute Rai es No.day evening as 0044- y. t a and e • u fro M K D A 0 • 0 to w se re es his . s$1 heed ea Lb tphcesr th u a, to sit oo fib of J on the in in Tb on did r call sid an wi Ho B. and do the 0lae the the coo the the fr•v the of mo the, He riser bad sae ask pre and wui a r the Por St. to tak but aft. MII Tem vex and a Acs at VO in 0 he ly ccs 00 RR ed. or 1 0, r. ke be at 7 e - e so r - of 0 e a. d e ed m n 0 30th. Do- y d . • t, cit t b g • e PEACHES 3 Baskets for Pries of I. Crawford@ aad latertse, DIRECT FROM ORCHARD to you Fancy No. 1 (largest peaked). .lx large 11-gssart baskets for $1'111; Na f (Mu M wrtaDer. (reit, came as euM►, Wit Mtg. 11 -quart Isaias for 11R111..bent seem Pelee Me three ite_ree jwild ethers fee use. Alt' shake FRAME piekd mid sewed. BatMsetloi g.ar.steed. Tble faPeeaychbbyyear t order quietly. Send A. W. 1111/11 V,, Drawer = Wood - Mask. Frisk°rimer sed Whele.lgs. a. Ism boos . hall dlasyi 11�i • a .1OebebertThaib,gP . IMT. as tau waw seen ..anew .. -.. - MIL 'helm wee • dar`l$ was of .s- tdImar .boot w ISR feller. • Rs RaoLtldlf+l s einem l► NB me IMillinery Opening Our Millinery Opening will be ,continued Satur- day and next week. You are cordially invited to visit the show -room at your convenience, when our milliners will be pleased to show -you the season's newest and most approved styles in Mil- linery for Fall. i i 0 a 1 Best Coat Buy ingwi1I be Done Now NEVER was there a season when early buying of Coats and Suits was as advisable as it is today. Stocks of cloths are larger now than there is any possibility of their being later on. Already we find it very 'difficult to fill repeat orders. Our stock of Coats res resents the cream of several of the leading manufac- turers. There are more Coats and better values here to- day than there can be later in the season; the great scar- city of materials caused by the war is accountable for this. The prominent feature of our stock is the famous "Northway- garments, of which we show a splendid as- sortment in black and colored materials. These Coats are famed for their perfect fitting, shgpe retaining qual- ities, and if you wear it Northway Coat you have the satisfaction of knowing that you have the best. Ladies' Coats $8.50 to $30.00 • Girls' Coats $5.00 to $10.00 Two Special Bargains m Miskrat Gats. Last spring when the price of Muskrat Skins had touched the lowest point in years, we con- tracted with the furriers to make us thaw costa. They are unquestionably the best fur coat value, we have ever been able to offer. They are made from prime selected skins of high quality and Dot an interior skin is allowed to find • place in one of them. The lining is of high -Fred. furriers satin, wily guaranteed. The style t. one of the best pro- duced for many seasons, being full and roomy with high shawlpollar. They are garments that will wear and give perfect satisfaction in every way I1 you are thinking of buying a fur coat at alt this season we strongly advise selection from thew choice germeets, ea they are made from skins selec- ted specially for their Rood appearance and wear- ing qualiti... Each coat fully guaranteed. Prime Southern Sat Cents, an aims, very Special 345.00 Prime No. t Cuadra Rat. i very spacial .. 355.00 The Lad of the Lam' Drosses. Here is the biggest tied of a bargain. Wier Wash Dresses, voiles. muslin' sod marquisettes. Garments worth up to 110.00. Just eight or ten left to sell. We never carry them from or sea - .on to another and Saturday morning you can take your choice for only 32.75 Sale .t Gk' Drones. Gearing sale of Girls' Cotton Dresses, print., ebambrays, eta Assorted sizes. Regular up to 11.75. Clearing now at 79e Very Handsome .Suits Very attractive styles and very at- tractive values in. Tailored Suits for ladies. Materials are Berges, gaber- dines and fancy weaves, in all the pop- ular colors, greens, browns, navies and black. Full range of sizes, perfe:t fit- ting, man -tailored garments. No two. alike. $15.00 to $t5.00 Dainty New Cellan. Just received • shipment of dainty Neckwear. Collars in all the newest and popular shapes for fell. Only two or three of may ooe kind. At e ach • . • . eN, Sao to sue Ilys' ScLssl Hese 15c. Boys heavy school Boer, fast black. stroog SogWh cotton. Double heel, all size., per pair.. lie Black PdilW Silk Heavy weight, rich, lustrous black, M inch.. wide. Special per yard ......... . Direct - Importers HODGENS BROS. HURON PRESBYTERIAL. Phar Annual Sleeting of United Women's Missionary Societies. First Presbyterian cburch,Soaforth, was well filled at each of the three ses- sion' of the annual gathering of the Woman's Missionary Society of Huron Presbytery on Tuesday of this week. The president, Mrs. Fletcher, Thames Road, ably filled tbecbair. The morning session was devoted entirely to the bearing of the reports of the different secretaries and of the treasurer, and the election of officers. Thee* were preceded, however, M an ezeelieot Bible reading by )tin. Carswell, of Mc- Killop. Her theme was, "The living and abiding word bf Him who is the King of Kions." Mies Graham, of Seaforth, makes an excellent seeretary, but she strongly urged • uniform date for the closing of the books, so that her work might be simplified. It was therefore resolved that henceforth the data for the roo- ks' of the books and the seeding in of the ye.rty stateereot be sot later than the third week Is Almost She re- ported as follow, "Our hearts are filled with deep grat- ited. to God se we present title Ant re- port as as society, for the guidance which have m- ermaid our awls this �i .ears we tof ' sus l �wi i SW" sad Wahl alsolom Mak eotYkI atiat $21I. Elam. MIS msobeee awe .ddwl, of these M. Ian la this Mottos the ese- retary nod the Nth haves( bore a odic* for twenty -11m ysara" The elegies of oeeme recmked lm Rom ohmage of the taut hayerMmt The aftorsoon .sssion was rethings. The plete with dregs referred to she 1 *Mei eels d t e seers et telle two eseiesiu of -)�gsc amd � .leo spoke tw0aksiiM r onome tothe all dose dm the pstetelio wart and of bow the fools .-t er�Mama ins anew- fwd - gifss bawl to the 1aptessi m : 'ilia of rI* _ sass pees es omsw * Masao/ ems pesMsd alma* fa M area *tic is u. 2..., �•... _ to hle Yletotla Cross .taco the "ijter Y�-salt 40.40.4 .. 31.00 Coderich Ontario J le ought to have done and not to have eft the other undone." Mir Jamieson, at ooe time a valued missionary in India, spoke earne.ty aad el. guesUy on cbildren and mis- sions. Her chief argusoest was the necessity there is for training is the boom and church, so that every 'boy and girl will enlist and put on the uni- form of the King of Kings and fight In the war between goad and evil that is ever being waged. The evening session was presided over byRey. F. H. Larkin, who cnn- duthe opening exercises, assisted h Rev. Jammu Hamiltoo, clerk of Prreebytery, who read a' resolutloo passed by the Presbytery In the after- noon coogratolauog the Woman's Missionary Society on its splendid year's work and expressing the baps that better things are yet to be. Tbs eboir under the leadership of Mr. George added materially by Its choke rendering of chorus, quartette and scan to the erring's eo jo t. Two speakers kept the undivided attention of the lenge audieaee, Miss MacOtvg- or. ssperiatendent.d the Deaeoeess Terisi0s Bowie in Toronto, we an l.le.e.tlmg dswrlpticm of lbs 11to and work et t las 5MMola who train in the Home and sheered bow valuable as mid the graduate' are to the toes of Mae congr,gatioas Rev. Mr. Broad - floor of [ Moos, South Chin h • stints, address no the 'beag- conditions Is that geese 8.pire, showed the part a mdadosary Arms se far bask as ane days of Men ieoa, whose was Mt Median esn. fie alai M In - g essoes mowe of at MIho cam mist Ids own Need try Maas sass Outdo w sad Vanommr• whore tas 4 treetllved other h ChM. latastosa of � � - sl r.tasa.d Ar. sen who had lemesed only evil fa align Ormaiiam Also .4 showed whoa s w� et the eels ens i IS den to that of the baleen. day wee Tito tamer 101.r � mid Me . et She ~ m eleN 1 . 11111p . nit aro* sed Imre se es evertme Is Have yott tried our new Bread ?- Cre-0-Malt -the tastiest in town. Nice soft crust - close -grained - made from Fleischmann '5 ''east. Everybody gays it is the best yet. Try a loaf. There is thorough satisfaction for those who buy our Cakes and Pastry. It you do not know bow good they are, we should like you to try them. Smith Bros. ib. OY UMW Peet St. $mkery Phone 184, "Do you think s mea ought over to roes to,lsekshah "1 'know pimple whoa Mgt mat M se bed last ib, less they try Wus m1 "e Star. heeler off they aadV--" Ir Bat that bell in )set ibis uhora'g, sir -got It floss a small Md, Golfer -"tired 1 tin load pow sea yon isms lin i e k," malt Is Oaidis-"N*, thumb • l gen. b1. *pa- Ttl.i$► 5.